ads are santas busiest christmas helpers phone 600 i classified advertising rates ho ehtrfe fur announcement f births marriages deaths and encementi in memor- lanu 76c plus 10c per line i for verses articles for sale rent ftc word mlnl- murn cash 50c billed t5o box no to thli offloe 95c additional coming event 75c minimum tint five lines each additional line 10c card of thanks be for for flrat 5 llnea each additional line 10c accounts are rendered monday following insertion latest insertion time infk wednesday phone 600 assm births marriages deaths etc born hassard mildred and martin howard arc happy to announce the birth of their wn frldiv november 25 i960 nt onkvllk trafalgar memorial hnspltnl a brolhor for mark dabby mr nnd mm orvnl dar tocrt ill the guekph genual ii- pltnl on december 7 7 lbs i h allhn mr ond mrs ron alun inic dorothy wnrne ore happy to nttnounci the birth of twin iboys at women s colleme street hospital toronto deccmbn 11 1980 mofhir unci bvn doing well mann suddenly on snlurdnv december 3 1660 nt the home of hla daughter betty mrt don grant barrle john mi win mann huaband of the inte louise irooher and dear father of don did of fort francis betty of barrle and marilyn f bagtrt vllle clue and brothri of mr edison smith and mr george mnnn of acton funrrnl service was held last wednesday december 7 nt 2 pm in listowel patterson a i the home of her on aldon in llmhimwf on thursday december h i960 mary evaretto carhsle widow of he late robert pattemon form ely of acton and dear mother or awon pan of limehihisc rou of guelph arthur of houston texas elliott and russell of acton and wiibur of rockwuod resting nt the ruml v shoetna ker funt rol hpme act m whnc funeral service will be held on saturdnj nt 2 00 pm interment falrvlew cemetery cards of thanks mr and mr wrn rokcii with to thnnfc the acton fire fighti rs for anawerinjt the call so promt n on monda afternoon v wb mm john black isjws to thank the neighbors and friends em sloyees at mason knitting co and rv a m mckenne for the mn klndnemis during her sun in the hospital a 235433 we wish tn thank the acton firemen for their efficient service and also murray howard for his timclv nrrt nl and help al the fire at our home on tuesdaj lnt willnrd and mnn brltton i 21 5714 we would like to expreew our sincere thanks to all our friends and m mlhbor for thur k nd thoughts nrtd messages irf wm pathy during the recent bonm menl of a dear brothtr chilli stephen beth and tom damm mrt tam nktls 10ft sali cmtlniwd for sale scotch pine iroca apply 132 bower ave a25 3449 for sale oil burnei used only 3 months priced ronsonable phone 380 n211722 for salf used hockey skates sire 7 almost new phone 1062 w 2 a 21 1717 for sale boys inrgi i7i fawn nylnn gabardine car coat and cap llki now 270 m a 21 1706 for sale 2 pair shin pads al so boys skaten lire b ond 4 girl white skates slrc 8 blcycln parts including 1 frame phone 172 a 21 1721 for sale all types aluminum storm windows doors ond awn ings sanhlcss prime windows for free estimates phone 385 n17 sill tf for sale give n biko for chrlstmiui choice of 2 2 wheel bikes ractr with reurs both new ly reconditioned t al 121 nnd 20 phone 30b a 21 2 1727 for sale used wattling rmt chim heavy duty 22 rnne lee trie flrt place neater aulomiitic wiishjrb machine apply 201 mill si n 21 1700 for saif i95d miieor ridiou sedan with radio low milenge applv t2fl oi villi rd olenfen mubdivimini tvemngi asking si r71 full prbee m 42l down nni mrnngi own finance o 21 1723 for salf rubber stamps made to order stamp pnda and stump inks fust ditivory dills stationery ifl mill st aelon or1 phohe oofi a 4 7 if 4099 for salf i arge glossy prints of any staff photo appealing in thi acton free press 1x7 sire 73c s x 10 lire 00 fnqulrc now at the free pass offici 10 willow st or phone 600 a tf for sai f smilh curom por table typewriters tarlnry new for as low ns 79 95 also tvptwrllir for salf beef div lot ftd steers h nd quaitr hie lb front 11c lb sldis 43c lb niltina i in phom frln 113 r 4 n 21 1412 for salesinrer sewing mn chine n w condition 10 box irnilei slul body 61 ompltle amateur tndio tmnsm ttor leetiver ntfil 71 1 pair pmumntic trail r wheels nnd tirrs needle bmi for sale surge pipeline ond bucket milkers and vacuum niunps new ond lued machines pipe and fittings for milkers nnd water bowls cul ond instilled coll horace tomllnsi n 9 mclnu ghlln brampton ol 1 1271 a if for salf genuine hnrti mountain cannries all male birds minrnnteed to sing imported from europe the finest we con buy will iar trrtimfm christmas girt thai will he remembered through out the vrar in bentitv of song u our ohrnlmt lav nin plnn si 1 vt vour rnnnr we w ii keep il fir v n ill christmas hint n r to 1 00 st re a t s 1076 for rent for rfnt 6 ioon hum nvil able jiimiiiry g appl 10 m i st w t back dot 6 1 11 ni 21 1711 for rfnt 1 bedrum b ick bungalow 71 m nthu sdrm k lamb renltoi it mill si act n phone 124 i 1 1ij for rfnt self conta mil 1 room hintid apartment bull in cupboards hnrdu i id fli or- n jip aitmtnl bmldirvfi ih up jl lt for rent 1 rom pirtm nt all convctutnees 1 m ntli f rt nt foi decorating alt 1 i m apnrrmcnt 2 m inth frte run f r decorating avnijabk immi ri it h j e momutlen ph ine 66 i 21 2f for rfnt 1 bed r mm lp ment heated h t and cold wiln loundr ficilities and wk r m mviern building phone 305 bt teen 12 and 1 pm ir after 1 pm nj13 1710 wanfid cwrlnutd waited- hilton poultry pro ducts dealers in live and dressed poultry and frmh effti custr killing phone milton tr 84401 wanted oood home wanted pedigiecd scotch collie papers champion stock good pot for ad ults only may be had for price of help wanted help wantbdmen or worn en interesting light work full or 8 art time age no handicap write awleighs dept llllff 4005 hichelleu montreal o 11 help wanted opportunity available for yung man to learn service station business apply in nirson only to bill toths shell service station 31b quern st e a 211 9710 help wanted opportunity for rlht man with car ior direct silcs work earnings 4800 6ft00 yearly give particulars full unit woik only write box 614 canad lost and found found holstcln heifer yeoi old strayed to farm of canuinn hitching nassngaweyo twp own er mny claim by idtntifylnu and sittling owl involved a 21 3 1440 miscellaneous k1tchenfr upholstery havi your chtstcrficld auiu re uphomeied by us and save mm ishing one week act vice call wjtlions mulc store tl 1nsurancf re tsllmiitis on inmirunli of all kinds if ym ait limsidi rltir a change fi m your imiunl pulty ui looking fm n uhhi contact oiniii ii 1ii pfc ul 0 4401 a 40 1h7tf h oor hffinlshfnc wc now havi a tiiodt i ti sjndir and idrtr we will nfininh y ur fhors or rent you thi- tyuiummt in do tin iib youisdf j u frank phom 77 47 fudirick st s aeliri a j rf1mfr upholteryspec ialiing in reuihtitstf ring ill types of furnitim bst quality inakrial tine woikmanihip prompt i nlri- also furnitiiu n finishing ind rug rltaning plume 8 marks gi cton repairs to nil makes rental mieh inei by the week portables used from 29 50 sec the latest slngcn sewing machines free home demonstrations dyson sewing centrr georgetown tr 7 4331 acton gordon hardware xto stf tr fi 0201 gocery all paconi deadstock removal ptt 1 m pir 100 lbs for dead w intl horsi m in for i ripples trend ng in sit jnd t nd t in id ii lvts c lb muail nnimnls re vi d fiti f chnrat 24 h mr set nee 7 days a wuli tor prompt in zfnilh 9 7910 dm tf highest cash prices paid rv gforcf gibson i icenctr dead stock removal in memoriam la7fjbjn lming rmmr oi a dear w rfe and muhir anuif laienb who pawed i dic ember 11 1057 we mourned for her in lim no eves can see is wifti but man a silent teir is shed wtlle otiiers are asleep sodh mived b htinnd r ib ert sons thomas and r bert daughter in ln irene a id grandchildren a 21 v2fl i corning events for rfnt apartment with t bedrooms er ctmfirtibh heat ed with hit wntir rl ithes rlost n in each bedrikim ample kitcht n and linen cupboard tv a nil 1 iri mtside spice mind lit iar for eir ph ne 141 171f give travel slippers folt c hrs1hs 2 99 3 99 4 99 bensons shoe store i m ir p r s moved f re i rg km cill rilled ipt n gl 1 1907 li ta 4 2h7h i pi nit w3 rt 231 w u tf philcobendix equipped coin operated launderette i ijpe doub pr fit phiixx1 bendix i nintitri te eq mfrt 1ai wa frs i t dtl eririr full time pr f w mi mi i timt managimen lonikip information nn tip ctt ns vihiable ht ip n all ohisv f plinn ng fnanrnr nd im iii i btndix equippid li i 1 rel r ii libit n m th i id ai ndn ubit euehrr and dance broki le i hall fridav decemtoer ib spun i aored by the acton junior farm era proceeds for the retarded i children b35 1724 come to ballinacad women s in twtute h liday partr in stearl town hall december 2ft cards at tvso harp hull s orrhtra sp ui pnaes admission 50c a 352 5450 wanted for sale for sale life auto fire theft accident mortgage insur nee for dependable service ssith reputable companies conteot syd- ner k lamb insurance afettcy t mill st r acton or phone 524 a314811 u wantfd r w com o liable hum f hdv phone ttl m ind ixvid m m dd e agd a 21 1720 if its commercial its philcobendix writf wirf or phosf koin laundry sales ltd 20 c im st toromrt onlir t i ph n va 1 4111 new bake shop mill slrctt buslmss uuion cunllnucs to i loutish iiml int wttk mnnnil mrs p turn tipui d up the country mnkl btiki shop nn mill strut funncily oc cuplctl by lions baktrv tht new pntprklois optrnli muin biiknv in gcotuitowti mul ull baking fs supplinl liutil i ms touui mrs muv i ttlntt at inn is lklklllv in tilt siik si1vewwood wl turkey dinner followed by euchre tht sllvlrwtkxl wl htltl ihth chrlstmih ptiilv in silwiiiiiowii dtvimbli 8 with tin si johns guild vjkrinit to i lurkiv tlinnu and till tht liimniitigs twenty mtinbtrs sit down to ihnnir ol ont otluik tlitrt wis h uukv n urn bii whitti wis won by mis but joms a slioii mtiting lollowttl intl i unci was mid hum i lot intl mtmbti mts gtoiut siil who kttiitli movlii lo i n t li i ul i tit hit followtd vvllh ptits goiny to mis iidiu1 him t ntiitliit fust mis r cm ik 1 1 ititivmg siioiul mil mrs dniiy iv tk it tt i inn ik kinok pi ii wutt lo mis a mtl tin linnils ntul miolihnis ol mis i r milki itx sum to in ii sin is hi bill with ik flit churchill pranksters joke blocks cars path prankstus hive httn busv ug nn in tin coiiimunilv on silui diiv tvtnlng the v it illid unit oil thompsons uire tttitt in hind ihtit vchitlt intl in idt n hinltr tteross he lliinl line nn nn a dutth rimllv mi inlo tin wttt on linn vv iv ihouli simdav mi mil mts muold ndiii isilttl wilh ml mil mis gmitii dnilgt in pilmtrsloti on sun il iv wt dd i tiy he us in t intiiiil in tin lomimnolv loi this vuik mr wisltv johnston ol smilli iv snsk is msitin ii tin hinm ol mi mul mis h ii in hiiuiii conurilulilions lo mi mil mis kuiitilh mini nit doiolln wiiiit on tht till ol twin bos f1rf can jancit bti ls i nt i in uijli uii iinilt bills it hiistmis tk t ii in obsim i ttv snnpk pm tut ions sotli is ihimisiii i lush kictn ini sttiint n in wjtir jnd mnkniji suit vour tru lilht tonts irt uxl fiom ii ns md shoits anil don i no to bid unl it ni thost lights nn rt i nihil md hiu i hipp tin sid linstin is santa arrives yule program tht pol tin k supper tint chiistiiifis iiiiiliil in id in iht i inn ill on ttlduv niplit utie well aliuiikd ind tnotd bv ill who wt it nbli to ilttml i uh tukll ir iiu mi iwuid to tht most wind iv pupil in lai i liiss al llu i lose suit is lit ms vvete he lid m id hnitllv in unived whkh pk isnl tin iloldiiu mil udolls us will thru i mas w i meeting llu bnllinihitl w 1 lie iii i inn dtiuiihii milling it llu burnt ol mis j snow the pitsiikiit mis i nut mt i nu pusukil tin niillintt opuud wilh llu shilnin nl i u ols unl ill itpinl iny tin m iiv sku nt colktl stxii il iltms ol inishiihs win disiiismil a il trillion u is m iik tow ml exchange yule gifts at lakeside meeting a dtliuoiis limihol siiidwiiliis in isim is u ikn s md i iki ind 111 ll 11 hilit i i sin ill ejlls bioiieln 1 1 iiinsi t upis il li fi i tons tl hit st ison in hit will h undid t inisini is nudmn ol i ikisuk ilmpui iodi in llu lillinti ii ill imsiliv miini mis j kr ipik ind mis j jntuiji inn did nut nils horn iiiulti i stint allllllll lloilllkims win distils sid ind it w is diiidtd llus i mi mil l ii mill in liu lo i ii il ol tt mi itions wlinli iii iki i sip it hi ippt il in i nun ist he sum alloi ilnl loi loisim is himpiis w is nun isi d 1 1 insult i ibl s n d imosiiil l inns vi li ltd in mis hi ihk mis jmlllt md mis h inn mis vv 1 sptosiim h iw i liiisimis u id i iii 111 iillltlllls will lit pol link siippns to conclude pot luck supper tin new horm for retarded thlld nn plans wtrt made lor u cluisimiis pnrlv to be hihd in sltwiiiiiown hull roll tail wus tinswtud bv tm cxthangc ol gilts ciirreni cvenis wore bv mis aulik mtentrv mrs tom dilisoii w is in ihtirnt of ihl pto gi un ind ymt u nailing mis j unk son had a tontest tht mti linn ilosttl wilh the jin i n ifui whkh u salt of liointnuidi t indy wns held whkh lielpnl swell iht wilfan fund soi lil lommiltlc mrs ir nk mtrntiv mts h hills mfl mis hulk smilh served a love l innth nssisled by the hostess- bazaar nnd tea llu wa htld a vtiy siittes hil b iaai ind ita in iht thiuih inst mi nt llu it nk is ol tht boy stntil md ub uroup weie quilt pltus il whin 12 lointtl iht stouts md iilthl lit mils ins is ii wondtr lul tnitninti ind ull boys nyhl t ns inel up in wik dint mi hi ilou look i hi siiviii in alloo sinif i iv in an ixi linnet ol pul pi is wllh d morion pat li i son i hi v ut st ik ktl malts it i inmaniiil colkut toronto contiriltilalions lo mr and mis km alkn nit dorolhy wntit on tht salt arrlvut ol ihih 1kis ifi tmtmlti ftoipfinl tht hullon rtaduih countil a mi lot nl brant h ol the international reading assotiallon is rttcivlnu lonsidt ruble stippoit from tht tkmtnlnrv uathns of iht tountv i ht cnimi ii is piovint lo ht a suttesslol iiiniuiut in iht field of cnulmi mis ra copt i intl is oiu of llu iikui it at tit is who is inking tin lead in bringing on islanding speakers lo litis iota in tht hi si uitilln tl the vear htld al tht b j j in tits seliool in trafalgar township iht spuikt i was fr marv auslin prtskknt ol llu intel lilional rending ahsoeialntn tor ii it v nd unlvtrsilv and i co a dunk of tht sihool o iduiallon five actonians now citizens six iv ipplitallons for cannd i in litinisliip tertlfkaks wtu lit ml hou judgt w coiy this iltutio n iht mlllon cmni ii him i ivt iisidtnts irom alton ip plud loi iltt ir ttitificntes iluv in mini i hi it 91 hllknm si kill muting of 120 mill st i is a pi nun hh ojutph st ini tiitl sihnpp md albeit siliupp nl rr f ailmi halton reading council getting teacher support tl llh o f 11 ii 1 ii ii i christmas vesper services for c g i t sund ly al 8 otloik m knox chntth nnd iht dmitd t lunch ihl gitls of at tons two c i t gntups will pitstot iluii mnii il nilioiiil ii chrisimus vts ptr sttvuis this snvki 11 is in lotnt a symbol of tht nation il slienglh md mill of iht cnnidim ftitls in training movirmnl irntips lvirywlurt in all llu kn piovlntis will i ike pirl in this ruled unl inn lo llu ideals md pin poses of tin movement ditssuf in l fit white middus md o ivy skills ol tht com urn f urn tht gnls will sing tlu i mi ilhi 111 istin is hymns ind nun in llu it tilings mil pi ivtts in most itiiiiilus ib of the sunn limns with tlu lighting of hint t milks to syin boht iht mi mitig tl llu 11 pin pint tlu pion ssicm il is list in i nielli light all ol iht in lollow hit sum onki ol sirnn win li t piipmd hv llu n ilion d i i comniiltti l gim ihio souls of tnimbirs ilns iippiiiinn it ol woisliippiui i ii hiu din nig hit muslims si son hit piibln is mvikd i i illind ipii w is kt ailing and hlnking use dlsciiaalnn a ftw of tht points ntiuk bv dr it austin art hi llu ihssrtmitn he inn hi i should inakt gond osi ol llsiussion c in pupils siipkiit idt is wilh tuikiut ii tluv ml kit litis an tluv ttkt ml ik v iliould k on to ikktmmt in nit hoi s pin post in willing what a is his moiivt ihtv should dis iiiinsh ful i nun opinion thiy should kain to tk let i hi is iluv houkl nott piop ig md i anolhir muting will hi in id in f i bru nv tit ioli in i lu ri st ust of the ri idu in tlu oadis riu kt id nig coiiiit h is living j ud in disioieliilg llu belt mithotls of k itloiil ol ibis mi porl ml subul tin lotiiiiil un krluiis llu lollnwing ixlom melt r iht uioisi nl studiis htr gi ides i h ii rnosl hi linim in mind tint llu st hool s hisitnu llinilioit is to piovidt ini i fit lit ti itvol llu pttpulitioti hit glow ing toniplixllv of sot it iv his in en isnl i illiti hun dimmislud tlu rut tl loi ill us mi mints in bi abk lo nid cflinnillv md irlluillv mellboudv mine lo c in id j 122 10 mm ins brotlit i john m slilroie disliui f omn unl i pipi kiiignoo iskid whin is iht biln m mi i kmkiitoi lespontlmi m toodniss in intl nn pot ktl piiknl tiif pionfir way a gniip ol cub stouts i ilkul otti phns for i hike llu kid ti suggi stid milting il 10 in llu morning bti iuse it wis ibotit i i wo hour htki lo the tltsim ltiun ont or tht hms i nuuiimu pnlid isiblv on nn in u n going to walk lu isknl real estate 7900 full pricf 2 bedroom bunsilomi n tm rttiri el c tt scbnols full it i mini fnrmtt w iki in f ft r 350 fu1 i down paymfvt 3 bod room brick bunaalttu ihim mum storms and screen i p eci ceramic ule bith jni si7 kt chen d re trilled full liufnimit jil furnnre vha i m igage full dsk iw pr ct si 1500 lakeview heights 495 fll l iiown pamfst 3 bed hhti or ht bi i i a in l mi n t mis md x- v dc at d 4 p nr cc w r bith 1 ii k in t il funt t nl it in ricim farms etc district farmer near 40 years a distill i i ii nui lot iliuosl 41 vi us mrgt viiloi ikllhoddv s7 dud in millon disliki hos pil il on nomtnbn m a n itiu nl nottolk i ntlmd iu w o hit miungtsl sttii tf llu i ht willi un lohn killboddv md i uis ann r ivuinls uul wis inn n m iv 24 1901 mt in 1922 m asiil1 in 1 924 lu st iitttl lo uork wlb ihomis biownmlge ik liki woiktd with btrnittl milkt or billmil id hun niintitd lo llu uiowmidgi i it m wlu 1 1 lu hut hud iht pisl 2s y irs it wis liottii to him md lu w is one ol tlu i mills seven in ramify bi suks ins hi hiu john il asli it lu it ins iw bnith tis md lot sistns m but nn mis u i limit inli south wil is i hcl mis w kotld rtip h mi rosinn mrs a an hi id multilist louisi mrs t diwttii uul flsu mis john biownstll ol c iwslon hnhim billbotkh i ou mum uul i dg n b lib kltls c iwstoti rtt jihn mill londottid llu fumril sitnti riul iv ilurnooti it tlu it hold t mtclure fun j it il home miigurmn pillbt n ns wni hiidmg prut robtil milk john minihh allan binuimdit ti ink wikn mil sidiuv cumin miimin hit in in i sib to thorn in iht old i uul mowns mn nmtilbvar thin riitkkll ilnwsm riukkll j nk riukkll ind niiisl ind wild rtimniidn bon il wis in luiou i mud tluuili tinui winter brings troubles a new kind op womy free protection for your home vour personal effects and you wi unite veil to visit mir offin or iu us i i ill find out about this plan now iii miliums ut wliium nn mv insui uul prulikm williuut ohlitfalion dennys insurance agency bill and iiaroi d 3v brock st yule lighting uli ink nn iu1ls hi pissing mm nsis mtl at t n iilimv in hi m w t t uh inenl is hit i i i in liunrki ol com mi ret j inn th it sir et illume t imp i m un li nni owiuk in 1 1 ilnl i wuli ilu clinsimis spun is will is h m s md tins n liwis hiu b tti illiimmiit i with ml i limits loi iht lisim si is in llu nl st ison k i tl ij is in t m r nth i n iht 1 md tlu kiwn otlitt md in in hiisiiussnun line tkt i ii td him sr m wmdttws al iht p si uftki i 1 rturiiil hi slit is tt t don unl h mm 11 h s km tk i hid hv s now and get the cleanest burning fuel oil you can buy texaco fuel chief dependable delivery anywhere our trucks r n your area daily our bulk tank is located about five miles east of acton on no 7 hiohway budget terms arranged bill bailey georgetown call colled tr 7403 1 no t uh i itf oih 1 sydney k lamb tormtr nflnnssfd wamtads kadaiuse real tt tr and instrani f 8 mill st f auction sales auction sale svttrdai dfcfmbfr 17lh i j t 30 pm 0 1 n o tt deep frfre m d a on hs h f tv ev ncil ipfli nce and other household fun an pxceptiona 1 well cirrd f r m of fumiuire snip w1 1 be held mide tfjims cash frank petch anchoneet b 25 tr 2364 caroline garden centre 2 miles west of actor on hwy 7 south side for christmas giving fresh cut flowers oasis for arranging your christmas flowers and tablecentres potted poineula azaleai cycla men mum chrlflrmu peppen mixed pans tropicals and cactus in china planters memorial and christ mas wreaths and centrepieces christmas ideas for the gardening enthusiast ornamfnial swans deer bird baths gardening accessories piastic ptanters amaryllis bulbs are in plant now cone out and have a look around freshly cut christmas trees for sale 1 00 up open next week 9 9 free delivery in acton phone 7s0wi3 say m e h m a s every week in the year with a u i o n to the acton free press