suh phoum married so years mrand mrs charles griese rr 2 acton celebrated the occasion sun day when friends noighbors and relatives calld the couple were married in pembroke and have lived in acton since 1955 mr and mrs charles griese celebrate 50th anniversary married 50 years ago in pem broke mr and mrs charles gricse rr 2 aelon celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary sunday at their home saturday evening saw a bij event fur the couple and ihcir family when thev enjoyed a wed ding dinner at the towne re staurant in oakville following the dinner their son donald ot oakville entertained the group during a social evening at his home on sunday the family neigh bors friends and relatives visited the couple at their home and many cards flowers and gilts were received members ol the family piesent included bdgar living a l home cranston ol acton and donald of oakville among the cards of congratula tions were those hum prime minis tcr john diefenbaker and halton mjp sandy best a tin ee tiered wedding cake formed the centrepiece lor a beautifully decorated table load ed with cakes anil cookies irom which tea was served farmed till 1948 after their marriage the couple farmed near beechburg until 1948 when thev moved to pem broke mr griese worked tor a number of years at chalk river at the atomic energy plant until his retirement thev moved to acton in 195s mr griese is employed as care taker at the ymca both bride and groom arc lond ol tmdcning ami i lowers during the reception on sun day mrs stan ma t lieu s poured tea and il was served in daught ersinlaw mrs cianston griese and mrs donald griese j wzz life history speech amuses rotary club a sellintroduced and sell- l bunked unexpected speaker jim ledger amused the rotary club and thiee oinoltovwi guests tuesday evening when he com pleted a classification talk on the lile ot jim ledger the talk was hoth amusing and interesting to the members and rofaiians chuckled during the speech in the absence ol president dave manes vice president tom shields conducted the meeting a singsong was led by gordon mekcown with e a hansen at the piano tentative plans are unilerwav for the march ot dimes can vass and a complete prog tarn will be mapped out at a la lei dale present lor the meeting were earl shu i is and chat lie wells ot the guelph club and jim dills ol the milton club if irr cacatt3 fire only call 8531212 kep vital number handy in the event of u sudden firc association will be to your home when you pick up j going doortodoor with prepar- the telephone you will find be- ed slickers for your phone neath the receiver a bright while thev will have typed your name and red card which will tell and address on them just as vou brief k antl quickly for eire lhe want them reported it only dial 8531212 beneath i theics an emergence and if this will be your name and ad dress in town or country this will be ol obvious bene fit lor a tiling li ightened bahv si iter lor instance many peop le become ver upset and ine- nien have ol ten had eosih de- lavs since thev vveie noi given sutlicient dueclitin to a quicklv spicading lire and when will vou get this valuable little card hjcm mundav uiemheis ol the population 5 115908 hullon countys populutlun has lilt u record high- county assessor ford rogers announc ed llils week thut llultons pop ulutlon is now 113908 un ln- crcusc uf 4041 over 1960s 111- 867 the populace is divided unions five municipalities unci three townships burlington 45868 georgetown 10325 oakville 10232 milton 5614 acton 4205 trufal- gur 31164 lsi nosing 6- 191 nuswigawevu 2309 iiu have an extension phoiii j thevll he happy to give you an- othei sticker i small thev have gummed hacks and are designed hi til i light between the two prongs 1 w hnli hold the icceiver on a i standard desk phone the aie hidden b the receiver when the j plume is not in iihe thev will i be on the face ot the phone base in wall phones show you where 1iiemen would like to pei- sonallv place these stickers on voiu phone thevll be wearing i their uniform hats so you can uientilv them j cei lainlv lhe wont be able to ijnish motulav night so il ou dont get ouis wait a while thev would like to be done be- toie the changeovei to dial phones decern bei 17 and w ill be win king hard at it in then spaie time the tmv siitkeis in town sun plv give the numbei in vail ami two blank hues those whu h w ill be disti ilntied in itie atea imlivate 1 ot and i me and i he name ol the township pu- 1 1 ulu l in the cnitliti ilie inenten want veiv spevitu in- loi niation 1 liev can i cv all do iis of luslauves ol msiil t ivienl mini malion wasted time and worry bcfoie a lire was pin pointed through councils ol a teas in ac ton file districts the tickets will he distributed there sepai- alclv thev aie all supplied dec o osj b altons active 1 i re- men dont dial for chat cliiel mick holmes points oui the number listed in the new phone book as the i he hall is jl luallv i he numbei in all to icpoil a tue so dont dial it just to that lo a lireman instead icier to the handv and iiil new si iv kc is on vooi new thai phones welcome them mundav its un your beneht old stone school available if building program shelved acfon public school played a major role in the towns austerity program tuesday evening when they offered the high school board use or the faculties at the stone school this was done in an effort to postpone an estimat ed 60000 addition at the high scihhji during the high school boards meeting monday evening memb ers learned verballv the olferhad been made and agreed if ollicial wonl was received from the pub lic school board and teachers agreed their building program would be shelved lor the present time a lengthv discussion took ptace tuesday evening at committee level with inspector w l mcneil present prior to the regular meet ing and the public school trustees agreed that use of the stone candle wreath during advent at st albans for the first vear an advent wreath was blessed and first candle lit- hv server barry kirk- ness timing family eucharist sunday morning at the church ot si alban the marlvr the mak ing ol advent wieaths is an old family custom irom bu rope be ing adopted in a growing num ber of churches here in christ ian svmbolism the wreath stands for etcmitv one more candle is lit each sundav during the four sundays ol advent the children brought gilts to the sanctuary these are good used toys which will be taken to fskimo children in the hamilton saiulorium mens and boys corporate com munion was i ol lowed by break- last in the parish hall fifth anniversary yesterdav wcdnesdav at st j albans there vis a celehialion ot holv communion at 10 am to iiiii k st nicholas dav as well as the tilth anniversary til the ordinaljon to the priesthood of the rev d h west this is also the fifth anniversary ol the oulinalion of the lormer rector here- the rev ii b stokieel school jay high school students would nut interrupt public school etuiiculum the stone school beside the robert little school was used ns a continuation school before the new high school was built interest great both principals g w mcken- 7ie and elmer smith informed the boa id that interest during parent- teacher interviews was great and the largest number ol parents in some time was present mr smith told the members he had conducted a sinvev din ing thislime lo find out il there was any inteiesl in lelurminij the home and school association he stiessed that out ol 50 pa rents only three vuuld see no purpose for the association and out of the balance 26 had even volunteered to serve on the ex ecutive he pointed oul however that the majority were not t in i ior til an amalgamated home and school but a septate one lor pubhc and high schools il is likelv the home and school association will live but in individual schools the princi pal stated principal smith informed the board he had six easels made at his school at n saving or 75 lie pointed out if the easels had been purchased they would have cost 15 apiece materials had amounted to sis board members learned thev would end up the year with a possible surplus over their esti mated budget during a review ol the financial statement accounts totaling 547mb4 were approved for payment work filing up both principals were instructed to picpaic a breakdown of work and approximate hours each re quired in the event a typist was engaged lo handle off ice woi k- on i pai t lime basis at eaci school this action i ollowcd a re quest i mm principal mckenie who pointed out that office work was piling up and in order to do this work he was neglecting school administration considera tion for engaging a typist will be given at the january meeting due to the retirement ol high school board trustee william coon who is an appointee bv the public school board a re quest was made bv council oi a replacement tuesday evening jack reid was named to fill lb vauancy the acton fyea prats thuriday december 7th 1961 11 past presidents pins given by scout and guide mothers alice wilkinson and lornn cwke past presidents were honored at the november meeting of the seoul and guide mothers in the scout hall tuesday nov ember 28 wllh 10 members pres ent the meeting was opened with the lords piaver the minutes vveie read and the treasurers repoi i given a donation was received from the legion ladies which was greatly appreciated letters weie read from chriw royer and winnie kerr past presidents pins were pre sented to beiyl newton and elhel daggett honoring them for the good work done bv them during their term as president flhel llaggelt and thelma vale vveie thanked lor serving cookies to ihc buyj tor serving tea to brownie mot hers marlon jerome and glmtyii davidson were serving tea tues day evening to brownie mothers explalm tel marion pope attended the meel- ing to- explain various tests for brownies plans for the christmas party a iv to be made at a meeting l the home ot marion jerome on december 12 the meeting was closed with the mipah bene diction and lunch was served expenditures on new university cousiiuction in canada in i9m totalled s million compared lo shi million in 1959 and 633 un apple bavtaiidlmihioiiinl58 many thanks your support in our recent municipal election was most appreciated best wishes for christmas and the new year i g v barbeau the name of the ba ol fundv is irom the portuguese phiase rio fondo meaning deep riverj the georgetown convalescent and nursing home ffers quiet clein accommoda tion and competent care for the sick and elderlv rates arc reasonable and isilon wel come nurse in attendance at all times please phone tr 79223 104 main street n caroline nurseries garden centre west of acton on highway 7 south side xmas trees nursery grown fine shape 100 up cut mom 49c bunch christmas wreaths door decorations centre pieces say it with flowers open dail 8m t free delivery phone 37 anytime milk for health reliesh with our delicious guernsey gold 2 milk canadas lincst lallc milk only 23c quart iur prompt courteous dellwry actondairy don timmlmis prop to the citizens of acton my sincere thanks for your assistance and support in tuesdays election seasons greetings to au jack hargrave to the voters of the township of nassagaweya we wish to thank you for your sup port and election to your township school area board for another term in mondays election compliments of the season to all horace blyth jack mcphail cal mclntyre effective dec i food prices iga ginger ale jo i bottles 2 tor 25c i deposit or buy em by the case of 12 only 149 pius deposit aylmer fancy bartlett pears rota sweet mixed pickles auttralian seedlott sultana raisins choice meaty imported lamb legs premium swifts wieners alpine brand chopped beef steakettes economical and nutritious sliced pork liver short cut whole or half turkey chicken beef b oz pies york pies 5 for 99c the childrens choice no 1 grade tangarines 2 39 size 210a garden fresh no 1 grade size 30 lettuce 2 29 vcw o i crude cat umpcror no 1 cabbage 2 for 29c grapes 2 lbs 29c snappy fresh o i oil xtucnip no 1 i j lb green beans lb 19c dates pkg 59c extra 32 in bonus tapes receive 1600 in bonus tapes with instant numilk skim 1 lb box ballet tissue oiltneil 2 in in lilk rice krispies kellnees 2 9 mi pks biscuits receive 200 in donui tvpe vqlth margarine jlxnl i lick 3t tomatoes u i iule i ill i ii pkj liiiii pku partitime chubs libknic 8w thiili- cod fillets 10 i allium kaiuliiin weight order your christmas turkey n ow shop here for your free living coupons win 60 it