jftfrtnr t zfzx 6m w 7iwbr edhon ft uwajcle in your -tawn- ofiticd con- tluwcst protest lodged cwndtlof kern to rather confuted icu dont ndly iwcl that i mm in any position to ovtentdiw at this vihm if that is any bull for jj achars however i woold j to comment on the tele phone poll taken involving- me v htt cuoadl i imd the rnsjority of th replies quite meaningless tome amusing and tnoac very ev asive personally the problem cleared with queens rrk- a i take for d then must have been aonw lagalilybf one of the councillor test year ir hovever this doesnt teem to to betohrfethlng that last years iiauidlnimbhuit hi tw- protest against mr led as woods beinf seak conflict 3at pretatjon of the municipal act under sec j510 covering tils- qualification which reads as fol lows a person having himself or by or withjor through another an in terest in any contract with the corporation- r therefore it is felt that repre sentation and telling of insur ance to the town and being a councihnarr at the same time comes under this meaning the municipal hoard has not given a ruling orithlsvta opinion perhaps but then they gave me onf too thatlt why i tiahmn protest disclaiming this protest moms that the court will havelo decide hat is right i with the 193 council much success however we must not cornet tha a clo mind and telfbllnded eyes can always he tr pitfall e mncdonald j au o h rath a m tarfor ihe i9m council councillor duby stales he is notpersbnally interested in such a chirge i would think that this councillor should be reminded that any issue concerning the ad ministration or welfare of the town of acton should not come under personal interests but ra ther- in the interest of the people he represents thiovocgotcasti in school brtkikin gaining enlry io the m z ben nett school by smashing an nut- side classroom window on the east side thieves saturday night left a trail of broken glass in the hallway as they went from room lo room breaking plate glass windows in classroom doors j b woods statement the following isjba text otlhe i i quote excerpts ran afetter statemeft pies cou from the counsel of the depart lor j bert wood at the inuagural meeting of acton council on jan uary 7 the statement- was read signed by e macdonald mr mayor the letter you have just heard read from mr macdonald pro testing my holding office on council for imj and n my opin ion is an issue between mr mac- donald and myself in this light i would like to inform the council as a whole and the people of ac ton who voted for me the situ ation as ii now stands in 1941 prior lo running for council mayor goy cleared with the department rmitnlclpal af fairs the details which are as jfolllmksl j i billings were to be direct from company lo the town 2 cheques were to be made ible-tornhe-crirmnanyrdirectt- 3 when a question regarding insurance came up at council a declaration of interest was to be made and refrain from discussing or voting on the question all of thesec have teem by the statement made by the mayor that ratepayers of ac ton do not have the right to question any of councils actions without first going through n court for proper clarification would think that the mayor i would ba the first one to want i lo have a charge of this nature investigated immediately and clear the waiter up as soon or possible councillor johnson stales that vcohmltslona enjoyed by selling tnthjfance to ihe towh of acton are shared by recognised agents but falls o elaborate on which agents enjoy this or how the said cummist shared this 1 think should be done councillor wood states if any councillor sells his product dir ectly to council there is a basis of conflict of interest it would seem to me if any councillor re- ietvendlrectly or indirectly em- ralttltont for a product or any other service rendered then there most certainly could be a conflict of interest srlx however as i have tiatcov i am not acquainted with alt the factsehlnlngro this charge but i feci in the best interests of the people of acton a statement should be published stating which agents hold the insurance and how the commissions arc shared and a municipal inquiry board consulted on this matter full report be given on their findings bob drinkwalter 160 cjjyrchlllroad iheirssarclt4oreashjbcoreiilv4j4ljijl9 left an estimated t7s in cash hud been taken after entering the roomof tea cher miss heather jackson and ransacking her desk drawer the thieves grabbed a shoe last from the caretakers room and used this to break plate glass windows in other clours along the hallway jjinculoor windows were smash- been compiled with during 1962 amendments wore made lo the municipal act which changed some of the regulations considerably section swa states that disqualification docs not ap ply to a contractbetween a- munl- clpality and a corporation of which a member of council is a shareholder director manager secretary secretary treasurer or agent entered into before april the present cuntracfs wtltr western assurance company were entered ihlo on july 15th i960 and are still in force section ima 7 requires that a member of council or a local board who has any pecuniary interest in any contract or prif- posed contract with the munici pality or local board to dis close his interest and refrain from voting or discussing anv questions regarding the con tracts this again has been done hv myself to further clarify the is sue i went to toronto lo the de- sartment ol municipal affairs iscusscd the whole malterwllli them and received the follow- inginformatiivn s ir was their opinion tlj ed during the destructive ram page the door jam lo the tea chers room was jimmied as ihe door was sprung open and the roam ransacked hit high school on the same side of the street the acton district high school was entered by breaking a win dow and the principals office and front office looted a total of til in petty cash was taken an alert m z- bennett school i tonii as the regulations v fnipll jlmmie mckcown who i piled with as slated ives on churchill road north see no reason why was takln jthortcuthomc sun- 1 serve on- council day morning when he saw un broken window and phoned the caretaker colin maccoll who called corporal ray mason yf the opp immediately principal b a hansen of the high school oilced the breakin there around noon sunday he notified corporal mason when he saw ihe officer at the m z ben nett school men of municipal affaire to an agent in another township re garding this same question while this department does not purport to give binding legal opinions ii does trylo be of as sistance to miuucjpalrrleshend thelf- duly elected officers as much at possible to thai what follows is a reference lo the ex isting- legislation and the judicial ly decided case rather than a le gal opinion in the strict sense you will observe thatlit section 34 i q of the municipal act a councillor is disqualified by hav ing an interest in a contract with the municipality question there fore is whether or not writing policies of insurance does- con stitute such a contract as would disqualify as a councillor in ihe case rex v ketchcson reported at s3 ontario law reports at pnyt was held that after the policy had been delivered there wus no contract between the agent and the municipality hut unly a contract between the insurer and the municipality jowcyvrjnt the end of this case t i n i milh u hlrh fully agree that until the policy has been delivered there would be a contract between the muni cipality and the- agent if my int erpretation of this is correct then this would be a matter upon which any councillor mighfbe disqualified at the instance of a ratepayer your question was whether or hot this would be proper it seejrj sjlo me that th is a matter ould ould not chief librarian mrs r p watson- reported this week the library had been broken into and a small sum of monev taken pa lice constable bruce mc arthur is investigating ii ol morality rather than legality in which the decisiun must be made by you yourself however i would suggest very strongly that this would certainly be a mailer in which you had an interest and that when the matter came be- fore the council you would be obliged to disclose your interest and to refrain from discussion or voting jjiu the matter under lite provisions of section 198a of the municipal act which may be found in the amendments made luring th 196061 session these are the facts of the case as it stands at the moment it the ratepayers had not been satisfied with my conduct of the towns affairs over the past year vouul not have returned me oflv should mr macdonald ntinue the issue and courfsaclion to prove his point thisis his pcnigalivc rcias3fc w tam fnzea k fr prats thursday january oth 1963 the executive of ihe- m z betmetthofne and school assoc iation met on thursday evening mhehome of the vicepresident mrs george hargrave y mrs hargrave read the lcter pi r tendered by cyril shone and dated december 4 the office of president now stands vacant the position of mrs har grave will come underreference al the next meeting the minute of thv november meeting were read by mrs w jeffery and accepted program drafted program convener c i u t r c lynch was called upon and shel staled that a program covering the nest three months was alrea dy drafted suggestions were call- cdfor arid a general discussion followed an existing problem is the totir totses when dr harry horley mp was in town tuesday he was t ohi louf by libera a sociatlon president roy goodwin at mason knitting company he was taken through by george mason and al the a p firebrick plant ihe new mavur george bar- beau wa host he greeted the tuesday afternoon lady curlers and even tossed a few stones with them ji was his first try and he did pretty well he- dropped in at the free press and was guest speaker at rotary later there was a rash of car shefir in georgetown lasl weekend- them suggestions for fund rais ing will be brought to notice during the meeting of iurenlsf and teachers on the third thurs day of this month aanttev vta jtheow charier of the acibp home- and school appear to have been mislaid and it is nec essary lo produce it in order u release badly needed funds at present frozen in a local bank account refreshmenlsf were terved- by ihe hostess surkshead or rangers royal blue turks heads to hold their black neckerchicls were made monday- evening by mukxyrt gkaat insew just what acteat i jttut wa o as that lacs thai hais just at nc 7 higis- b la highways thsrs doesnt mm lo have bacn any niore tourisli around tlsast usual but lets give it time i once ihe christmas tree is out of the house li teems pot- sib4 inrhu4aln perhaps ii was the symbol of the feverish pace of tr- holiday teasoaj- shortage of drinkin ui the scout hall leader mrs ted franklin instructed them- in weaving the turks heads und- ihcn ihe girls worked on their enrolment they yvlll soon he visiting the sea cadets in tiuclph lo learn their ceremonial- ithey iso have an invilalioii to join other ran ger and rover groups toboggan ing in ihe caledon hills janutrv 7- the ueuonie mat is st ill iit for more memlers 12 tables of eucbre at party in school there werrplayers for 12 tables of euchre inbannockhnrn school on saturday evening december 20 first prize for mertvent to clare wilson second lo wes wr- g burt and second mrs m stark- durmg4962 oqly umarrlage ikcnseswere issued at the own office last- year there were 6 this does not necessarily mean all jhe people wsre married in town tlshouen optomitiist eyesexaaainid giasscs fihed m caat tt las qui p4ssm tays vtvb go sah mnndabu isjo puhnacf oil call l john wdldon 8532580 notice esquesjng township progressive conservative annual meeting stewarttown hail monday january 14th 815 pm registration of protest this sundays church calendar test of ihe letter sent to coun cil by edwufd maecunald and read by clerk jack mcgcachio during the inaugural meeting of council munday evening follows 39 mowbray place acton ontario december 24th i9 town clerk mr j mcgcachic town administration municipal office 40 mill e acum gentlemen i please consider this a regis ra- tion of prutcst against accepacc 1 mr j b wood to the acton council tor i96j this protest is made- under ihe municipal act regarding conflict of interest which is indicated und er sect imoof municipal act and allied sections the writer reels mr wood could not represent both the insurance company the toun does business uith and the- town itself with out conflict i make this protest as a home owner and las paver and resi- tcrrt nf-the- said tawnt aciun residing al the letter head ad dress yours irulv e macdonald nmawimun cmuftcm wcana0a knox cutwfsc acton us andrew h mckeiuia bju i ulaltter mr b a hansen ba organist and choir master sunday january ijlh 1963 amchurch scfcool lood ajti ministers t ten- age i biblt ctaas 1100 am publn worship and baptisms sermon theme from the bawsmv to thv witness stand 70q pt youth fellowship j wurshifi discussion and rx- realion i evrryone moat wcicobm tha uagsasl ctank at ctatja acton ontario i muusur the tav dwtght i engel abd organist mr gcurgc euiollma phd a sunday january 11th issjt jond 1100 dtstnesrrs tees sunday scikhil 9j0 am seniors grades s and up sjo am tcsnvag biblical in una tion grade and up i loi am juniors preschoul to grade 4 1 all vnttoonw acton bamitt cmukm caawatttlaai at oavtatto obs4ss pastor rev slanlev gammon 144 ttdtjt av fhoat i5ji41s i sunday january 13th in3 ms am sunday school aad adull bible class 1140 am morning wurship the kindness of god 708 pm laymen incurporat- westacgday 7j0 pm psaxr omhttan hiotmio chotch rev j nutma ba bd minister 301 oueen st box 4s pho su j sunday january- 13th i9ft3 1000 am english service 230 pm dutch service j 45 pm sunday school i you are cordially invited jo worship with us acton nmtkottal tgmkitlcu 33 churchill road p aoc mr s m thunun pastor slnday january 13th 13 1000 am sunday school mod am morning service 700 pm evening service tursuav i pm bible study and praser thursdav i p m christ amhiv sadors you arc cordially invited ittgtchuarcm of st auan tmt mabtti amoucan cver willosst and bower rector tse rev d it west ba l s t iis jeltrev ave phone 1sv2bs4 sunday january ijlh isyct 30 am holy ecnhansi 4 10 am hlv eucharist ii 00 am matins all are watcotnel- iva44wnaainm cmaklv cordially invites you tov attend their j sunday servtcfn january 13ux i9m hear after death what for the christian al 11 am for the cqristhrvs at 7 pm 9 45 am the family bible school i all sunday services in acton j ymca 7 jack ridley cartage conctlti whck clay buck stoni lfim concmti uocks clnott biocks sand uvtsjock and hrtiuzir 4 farm mrvtclftnd ftlphiw dumr tbucks for hike bowl bawl far hmun maki it a ituway might dat go bowling actoo bowlffi wmhm umltomumthw omwjl 10 hot water bottles assorted colors reg 9c special 88c hbadwfair j and mitt ensemble 1004 orion fits 6 24 months reo- 28 speci air 197 baby bliss waterproof baby pants 4 pr in pkg reg 100 pkg special 89c pk sure tred ice kontrol makes icy steps and walks safe reg 69c bag special 47c bog boy coordinate sets sue 3 6s reg j398 kerfs y kuintx 3 ply tissue reg 10c pk special 266 special 5c pk prestonifdeicer spray for car windows rg 1 95 special 97c special buys boxed christmas cards w off rog pc hintons ue to 100 store puhv pcv cuts m acton ph4c44i usjq7w always bo at your bost at homi at a parrt or just vttltlho always kp m thirtssrkutg beat with ao custom cleaners satna day sarvtr faecpt safurday la by 10 ara out by s seas cash and c4rbyir mam st n phonf bsslim pastor j h wilson phone- sh137 4aw10s shortill sheet metal mumbino ano htatmro contractors zmm baauafcaauaf avauv amul cjbatav iuattbaaaaaawamav slvxtttuvartrwalinii ot all kirwli all the rcvttaiv ptio ami luting tor uw rwat- iiitf itshw cu bunwr srvice shop 59 willow st n phone 8534270 acton ont pmip prrture uun- itr anj sunvp hot water rvjicrv water sttftciwrv c4itkto thk at phi amuhtinitx septic tank anu bd supermarket acton and districts leader in food discount prices plus free gifts top choice selected red brand beep only mttftcom ulead cheese miint 29c ni ketchup 21 smirwooo pears ls 25c redbrand boni rimovia blade roast 59 short rib 63 canada racurs mvon rindless bacon 59i winter special for cars rubber floor mats 9 9 to fit any model car v p cctof chc4ci a tomatoes 2291 apple j u ice 25 44vox canada grade a butter 49 no dcaurspuasi lb kontki cm0tcr aevot i iauntamiita crush pineapple 2 j 39c maraaaude 19 quo i predict at lowest possible prices k l lt jfi