Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 31, 1963, p. 2

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c vt j- jfcv -r- r- vvff the btrildmg rondwmch lad ted the debt by over s2j00 in j tenner ameers wen reelect edt t dt church and budget w ben tcf stewards diek artyarovmcilbfai total ritchie bert benton ted lorn and lloyd mcenery audi- oi at citodmw and mr 8 kirkpatrickl manager joe rots ft v i rthf j daetffe car acckfoo euchre disfrict nws this weak card uonei walaort and wilfred and h price foe three yean a c patterson and s kirkpat- rick fur two war and ted brown ndubyd mcenery rbr one year building fund treaiurer la mr j roqghley trustee ted bpown the minister cloeed with the benediction and lunch wan enjoy ed afterwards tastweestof nto of mlsa weu- t kkaj j by a aerate at when the faatfly lived m it howard and rou mcbwan attended the seed fair t atcmit ground in toronto sherlock aflketi student at wealtri university london fc hoawwitn tovjtanma mr and tmanmool tiatj- tftrtwiit rate tsasatey and bbb ilm14tlbw9mntto tataa let the ouelnh nttkm ii mavtabbd shat j sseedj old aott mr ctm cutaal o qsefcek hospital nw eaawul- tsasesated to rtr tmh ml nim- in ka i wen a play at tcsktolcat bhday night at the hi- amstthltr eskre aptmored by the lkjje illiiriil tomtt j htonter wm jkcmkba playing on a ladle mrj gordon allken tor the weak- end sjharon culp wn the lucky winner of a doll in the current weston bakeries untiled con ical in the kitehenostdlvltlon law week f bridal shower mr paul spluer waa hostess lot- a bridal shower for ml elea nor spitter on behalf of the uitimiousa community on thurs- day evening willie budoch accompanied by ma parent mr and mr j a bulloch attended the daughters of scotland annual burnt nipper at the orange hall in guelph on priday evening willie entertain ed with scottish dance mr w h mcewan who it redding in orangeville was a visitor ott monday at the vme of t his son and daughterlnuwr rtwrj and mr mcbwan and family the w ax held a tt luck sup per in the church on monday eve ning gafts were exchanged re vealing last years unknown fri end and new names were chosen for imj officer elected for thlt year included president mr lloyd mcenerv vicepresident mr dick appley and secretary mrs j crkhton treasurer mrs a c patterson plans were discussed for thlt years activities lensubkortbsvaiay with the robert little school pupils pre senting the annual eventr mujc supervisor glenn banks an a sti ottchera are busy this week selecting it duracten fo play and practice sessions are expected to begin immediately- cities st 3vke you are assured of free healing when you buy our premium heating ojl qttitst mrbtfj stiawmlsal for the pinest heating youve ever known call m4441 don timminos puftt on taus nt 7 hwy laat acton provlkkte of offtario chxktbtep gpttporation since i 47 worn tha de vriea brothers helda suceesaful clearing tale on satur- dy- mr and mrs mann of toronto who have ptwebued the farm get possession early in february mr and mrs sy be vriet and family have purchased a home in rockwaod and mr and mrs frits de haan and family have a home in acton george de vries will be board at the home of mr and mrs martin vander heide mrs norman mckentie receiv ed word on monday of the pass ing of her father william class- ford of hlllsburah report ott ckurck repairs tf aninuair meeting oadna- ti osjd wasmhjr laat tstaynlsfa ttojuuwal meeting of halt chunh waa not to utt mtapdad as nflght have bst btufi or c ajsiian eonduet atl ssrtast dtwobon perlotl than tba kvbalaxwjt jaattlesitowb to dlacuu results of past yer actl- vmia dmw fit quay waa appolnt- djmswtaty forth mealing cqn- llswsaslawonsiwat dosw list year l hbnawblbbsbbbnbbbvaabigastaaabibjwabbjajaxinsbr on outside worts such as painting ne e ii at himnwit vloutly alto new sign on the church lawn some interior clean ing waa attended to at well at re novating of sunday school room new flooring and name work nnaatjat rapolta- ahow a haalthy ammhtkw- la ail daaart wfcilt wjma twilight auxiliary and suuay sehml at the con- ckuban t meeting relreakment were served and a social time to ml lilt janet day an the occasion of her birth day last week when a family party was held at home of her pa rents mr and mrs george day those present were her grand mother mrs frank bay mr and mr fred day and family art- caster mr and mrr milton greer alderskot mr roy day ana mrs glenn greer toronto the occasion was miu janet days 21st birthday sympslliy is mended to mr frank keljoln the pass of his natain ptlkfu motner mrs josedhkcjso who passed away sunday at her home manitoba st guelph surviviiware four sons wm c of st thomas frank rock- wood lubn at home fred of detroit mrs kelsa was predeceoa ed by her husband five years ago piva grandchildren alto survive funeral wat tuesday with ser vice at tovell funeral home yarmouth st and interment in woodlawn cemetery despite cold weather sunday church services were fairly welt mnlntnlnrd areawjde service tatukk wulhd yun m a k tswa aad h tellm4 el but e saey i reel he bttt twrfce ttfvlei mows no bomftci tlfttf i manning electric s4mth b phmm us3m0 naiton hog producers ahoctatton annual meeting tuesday feb 12 1963 fso pm dr of agrlcuihiiwtaasrcr roam milton nominations for county committee men close at 3 pm oumsptakbt mr ben steers praeldent of ontaria hf prwlueara aataelatian door hhz1 for thom on timi on regltmnd york 01k 10 waakt om rop stoek ta jpi halton county for by the doctor ofyotirdioiot surgical benefits include surotcal optrations m and bwiocatioftt burns and lachations smvrces op anaisthfttits ttonchoscohctxamlhajiom diagnostic xravs cc4incmtnts li medical benefits include hospital visits uo vp may fld4w a r snvkt secretary home and office visits injections health examinations examination op eyes for correction op vision the above paid from the first dollar extra major medkal benefits 10 of ffcoaih is used to create a major medical fund aid subject fo a 100 the boovng beneftts are paid according to how nedi is semlpbivatt hoom car in excess of ward ratk as paid by thtc4tajtto hospital services commission ambulance charges when needed in umelfeiwftls nursing care ordered by doctor laboratory services prescribed drugs and medicine aphiances and therapy limited amount op chiropractic osteopathic and psychiatric treatments payments are made in accordana to the schedule of fees of the ofario mhmcal association j96 iu comotsit afjuuftaala mslbbssbaava acaaaaaiiai a m krvwasssv arsffwwnbjtaf ijrwwmrt lmtfb and flo ww shop wwst af aden on highway 7 south ski member op urc wibf sbrvicf sptcjai attention to rjnbral dfswns ilowi havft mo suststltutir opt andut 49t twvhonjl bss4m0 anytime pawyaa mawta por wing round stb a if fi ho f sp tion oodsubfect to the absolute muumum of coaditf ohs and rtstridleas effective date of plan march 1 rates only 1050 pr month for fomilis 500 pr month for singl parsons tt quu onnu poymiit ciiibwirbt aaonthly ratm for mployo group on roquost reasons why hattott cooperative medical sekvkis can offer such generous benefits at such low cost 1 ownership and conlltol ly fa people t 2 0pbkati0n solely for benefit of nonibers and ucotfy ojnrfnisterod for their convonienco 3sblvke at cost services of directors ore on a vwno- mry basis and in the host interests of all nh not for profit not for charity but for sttvke act now for a limitod timo you moy oin ragardloss of ago and without a mrckttd oxoxninotlon foaj this rmipon to haiton cooperative mbmcai services mrs roy coustfb rjl t camltthvrli omtario plan desired- eamiiy odress t sinol x check which jkml memrcfof the cd43hrativc medical shmcb wpwat10w o ontara ivfitoiat

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