iimilimuht wilkmiwiimi6i i l ldt in 1943 back- th 1913 ntaaatoawaaftlvm wen roans ttw waa f use pre sfiflfttsijjeft hk j mrtienves ultolm i band law been erkcdalnf under direction of mr charles w mason net wednesday they mil rnafca half first etpeetraiee m th ttoim flail at the annual meeting of the malta union farmer mutual tire insurance company 500 was votea td the canadian aid to iinda- puhd in the victory loan ill low was purchased in victory bond and- a donation of- f 1000 was made to tliswbrltlth aid fund mr a t moore was -g- sin chosen to csrry on the work of secretarytreasurer or allan buchanan has been promoted to the rank of major he served in the last war in the imth battalion and enlisted in the present war in january 1941 a host of acton friends join in congratulating him on his steady advancement mr and mr david dryde have received a cable from- their son tf e john tjrysdale telling of his safe arrival overseas an inspector was in town on tuesday checking up on radio llrrnsrt hsuwit heard 4wmu m m nmksoitk btttk lk the north vanus the south takat on beck to the american civil war days but to voting ppvyrfiuhiei5a1flls in th counfy- izjbsirit is mrlt injrjj easifor more vet- tag power to the southern municipalities and were iure most municipal liadirt recog- nltsj ifc fstett tjf th norjrt can be undar- itnaa thy vaw th pottlbiltty of being snowed under on any northsouth division similarly there mutt be coniiderabk frustra tion on the pert ef southern leaders wfven they realize meajsura they propose can be handily defeated by the north despite the burns payment of 80 par cant of the cost the matter of county votlrto power it not one on which alsermlghtad thinking should be allowed hatrlotvv7wt6retnbst waer underlying factors should be to retain n county a a strong municipal forte met can withstand tws lrjosmt p rem th direction of toronto arid hamilton rf that pressure era allowed to cen- flnua th county will be dissected pleoemesl and smiwra to positions of leu and lett municipal authority in a complex of tprewt 4ng metre within the county structure there la strength that can withstand soma of these jkraaturaa oakvllle and burlington ere applying for a private bill in the provincial legislature to incfsmi tkamr voting power at present the munktillltlia ty acton mjhon forgetown esoiaashc anel naaaagawaya are lumped to- gethar ae the north whue oakvllle end bur- ilngstas gt efinaloanej th aouthw- th north now has 14 votat the south igh vote the private bill sponeorad by thasouth would give the north i votes to the south 17 kutnaaahabaaa aaalaaaabaaabaaalak fca asafjtaaai sasss a laafc piawinbivt maywvemnvvvirvb nvsivfi id point o h that eonsidarable growth in tho aasnh could soon ovarwhaim the north tn cow for tho outh can however be seen afkar o ermf gmanea w tortta fairly cur- ranthh iw7 the sawh had ib votes mmmgm aasr aaassssbjsb sfwvv ot iravsfaafwi a a a 1 cannot foraeaat to you the action of ctwrthw aald in a radio to outoaaa of world war two it at a rwsha wrappad in a my- mry iwaitji an awlajra stnaa ourohlll de that famous luflsntont to tha rldebe the purpose of communut pelfey or tho un it it a vital question and it la mack leu of a mystery by a ancl tha north had 14 than burlington took ovetnelton township and those county vote ware lost thelrand eonllnoed with trafsicjar tajtlngrovetrthsrvlllao of breme and oak- villa arnalgamered with trafalgar each was a ion in southern county voting power thus we now have the south with eloht votes and the north with lor tha result jt that burling ton representative have four votes and a population of 48000 and milton repreienta- tivet have four vote and a population of under 6000 tha only time this vary lectional line ever really gets drawn it on a matter of this kind vary rarely doet the north ever go out to beat the south county action jutt doesnt lend itself this kintfrefiviitorr many were able to supply the neceniary paper that coils 1250 a year tetty- officer ceorjeswitbrr has graduated with high stand ing in a course in electrical engi neering at the university of al berto edihontori and ha been appointed to the niival staff there as an instructor tho duke uf devonshire io de held a very enoyafile i ra velling bridge and euchre wed nesclay at various homes assemb ling at the fior ormrs w g boalty for refreshments at the duke of devonshire meeting it was decided to pre sent miss daisy buchanan of he cwac with a pen and pencil set as she hi tne first lady lo leave acton for overseas service a- presentation was held at bannockburn school for miss vera neares prior to her leaving for active service in the rcat itiiiiwi bjs has named- inspector to fill the vac ancy created by nt retirement or mr j s deacon the honor rol for public anh high school includes the names of top students d nelson n kenney i anderson clark 7 henderson hljsfown r hejson h wttrren- v scott a- ftbhen gwray w jdhnsteae v ma- sales g mcleod c kenney j smith w douglas jean wilson margaret whson harold mowat vera harvey george agnsw olhe mowat marguerite stewart joe swuckhamer george anderson stella mclam fithel siarkman kenneth henderson 4tay agnew charlie mann- edwin lands- borough sabra nelson willie stewart margaret mcnabb haxel mcdonald laura scott jtlmmle ross james matthews prances hurst uird mcdonaldjesui bar ber willie uollaway earl coop er miss m z bennett naught the- senior public school class a plethora of entertainments in the town hall the pasttnomh vtilinlly lntt4ra mlh th t tendance at the tait alexander concert last friday evening an an understudy fo harry lauder mr alexander is a farcry be- hind his chief acton old boys home from the north west will give an as sembly in the lown hall next mon- day evening work on the electric railway is being rapidly pushed forward both east and west of the dolly kllnsconslderable grading- has botn done already unproductive expenditure of labor and material in preparation for war is given as a reason for the high cost of living in canada lorno school report shows top students orwelt johnston berf davidson herbert dron norman mceachern wllmcr watklnj alex mcdonald pearl mcdonaldngus mceachern gordon johnstone joe mcdonald look i take it all back i didnt word of iu im sorry i iti never say ii again a long a i live truly i mean thai part about loving snow ever since that column i wrote about us skiers revelling inreal winter things nave gone haywire around hare it has snowed about 24 hours a day and about one inch per hour and blowod gale ores and the temperature has plummeted like a hawk going down for a fat hen all j can deduce is that either somebody up there has no sense of humor lor that the lord is on my side im not quite sure which but it will be a long time before i try getting flippant about the weather again one uds in bed wllh the flu the other is outside some where wielding a snow shovel and well be lucky if we ever see him again the old battle- tuse has those midwinter blue and the dog and cat have to he literally kicked out of doors the only cheerlne note we have instead of kilning the officer tover their scotch and steak or one of those nuts who ac- lually drew a white glove along that window sill looking for dust or one of those fiends who actually believed that sol dier or airmen or ratings ware human beings and asked them que to ins complete stood on the wing wa rhitnlnrcj and utter detriment of ry discipline unit morale and the divine rlghl of officers you never knew what you were go ing to get worst offender of this tort ive ever experienced was winston churchill one time in france we were warned that a very im portant rvrson would visit our wing which was flying dlve-and- rocket tighterbombers from a dem in normandy we sneered figured it wouldbe some crum my air commodore who would try to convince us that our youpg juicy fresh lives were fair ea- change for some vague crap la beled freedom or democracy or honteandtheloveanones nonetheless we spitted and dished and cursed on the the jut ling cigar to te he was he grinned ill eyes twiauedt mi he to tell na sims prom around distri sometime county joadt sre epolntof controversy but a recent check ihowi al most equal number of mills- in each of the municipalities ilka qskvilleu burlington fit- quaaing and natsagaweye tha private bill sponsored by the south would give an additional vote for every 3- 000 electors or part thereof such e formula would raise burlingtons strength to 9 votes oakvilles to 8 a maximum of 13 votes to any one mu nicipality is proposed and this allows room for an allpowerful southern voting bloc if this could be reduced to say 10 and pro vision written into he legislation for a review every five or 10 years we could tea nothing wrong with the act it would team to be a realistic way to deal with a unique situation if tha matter of county voting power can not be settled en e realistic basis tha first green saeds of discontent will have been town to ripen into a disquieting harvest of secessions this would rob tha cdunty bloc of its bower of financing welfere service and a number of tha features that would not be available to a split county soma statesmanlike leadership is essen tial so that an acceptable solution can be found and agreed on in the matter of tha county voting power georgetown the garbage dump according to a picture- feature in one of the towns newspapers has scenes reminiscent of dantes inferno or the smoldering ruins after a nuclear blast a fire begun eaung its way around the fringes of the dump gradually creep ing inward beneath the fill nstftti i b th niir flgiij to tighten restriction on delinquent hydro and water customers who dont pay up on time but they tried disconnecting the service of one man who indignantly took his family to the police station and demanded accommodation there the commission decided to disconnect on accounts 15 days after the discount date brampton a supreme court grand jury has condemned the 96yearold peel county jail terming it overcrowdedsubstandard and unsatisfactory the jury said that before a new jail is built the for mer jail governors residence could be used for women prisoners to give the male inmates more space burlington a proposed new hand hall and attached band shell a needed new ihometor burlingtons bands will eost an estimated 160000 ttie recuation arid parks committee was told the proposed centre could also be- used for- thiitrical presentations waterdown ft was stan hill night recently when east flamboro township officials and friends gathered to honor retiring clerktreasurer stanley h hill he served three years as deputyreeve then the past 17 years as clerk treasurer milton the hospital is bursting at the seams under a rash of illnesses that has filled all available beds plus a few in the hall ways the hospital has tjeen operating at 97 per ccnl capacity but last week every bed was occupied and hcrc was a waitinglut of pa tients seeking admission for less serious treatment choose brock harris holstein club prexy had this week was a letter from our slsterlntaw who is winter ing in balmy old taasty old sweatyold puerto- rico in the caribbean suiting that she had just recovered from the worst cold she had ever hail in her- life hah to top it all the inspector i coming to the school this week this event cause roughly the tame panic among school teach ers at an anjtoimceihcfit ihsl prince margaret would be around for tea on friday would causa among a gaggle of house wives it reminds me of the starm and despondency that usee to tnke over at any camp during the war when itvas learned that a senior officer wouictbe making an inspection of the camp every- body knew perfectly well that the old trout would merely totter around the camp inspect a guard or honor and head for the offi cers me to maintain that pur plish- complexion he had taken unaayyearsto acquire but there wa always the chance thai hed be one of those maniacs who actually wanted to taste the slop about to be served to the other ranks ruts phf bhd i by bu coats before i give a solution to last weekdouble dummy problem i would like to say a few words about the value of cards the average player thinks of cards only as winners or losers the belter players know that cards often have more value than just being a winner high cards can be entries from one hand to another they can also be stoppers 19 keep the op ponent from running their suit both high and low cards can be uses toraueeze the opponents out of their winners low cards can be useful forplacing tht lead in end play situations what value has the ace of spades in the double dummy problem south lo make 6 spades against the lead of the king of hearts by west big d w w d u a hollow square on thv field pilots silk scarves were ex changed for shirt and lies fly ing boots for polished shoes bare head for cap at the right angle beard for cleanshaven faces officers in front other rankt in the rear where they jolly well should be in a democracy a tittle plane hopped the near- ml mto the middle of th square the mr lor was cut a massive figure ra ther ukan old sealion strug gled out of the rear cockpit and his over then he lifted hi right arm a though to make the femou vsign instead hemade a rude gesture then beckoned the other ranks safely lathe rear where nobodv would be offend- ed by their cheap uniform and low pay could take a hint they gave one wild cheer and fan toward the plane so help me several officer in the front rank of the hollow squats were trampled so deep into the mud of normandy that they wten4 found for day the old man with the great heart who should have been safe- ly at home in england not dodgv ing about the airfields of prance in a tiny unarmed aircraft gave in wm siisiiim nl ilia f churchllllan prow not tha kind youll find in th history book im afraid more like tha kind thar julliucoesar usetltbtgfve his legions ruur of dclrghj an swered him now how in the world did i get from the white wtuarnes outside to a mutated baited octsnmllnklng converted pas ture in normandy frankly ive no idea i k telling thy slodent tw stick to one hu to write h logical ssqtmtos i hope tha inspector doesnt had this eases professional directory and travelers guide aaamtttnastatatasastaaaataaaatsassaa t w o c k8nncy physician and surgeon office in sytmoa mock a mill st it acton office phone iu11ii taaldenca 115 cnitrck at b phone ksjlem or 0 a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river sts entrance river st acton ont phone mmtmt drrctrndjucknbl phytic ian and surgeon 39 wellington st- acton oat phone ms- 1 248 phattemmtm bruce e optical and hbuumo abpav e u ftuchntt od optometrist contact lent hearing aide e john st 3 aetna in acton wednesdays only 200 pm 600 pm for appointment phone isjmml if no answer phone waterloo r 7424s7 tmvauash ouam i ii u t i i tha soviet says mr oallin hat nothing but contempt for the concept of international law a evidence ha quotes a welcoming tpaech made by premier khrushchev to ghanas president nkrumalv evan if all tha countries of the world adopted a decision which did not accord with the interests of far north halls i015e project the imperial order daughters of the empire iode observes founder day on february ii which will mark its bird anniver sary vttt mn book by alexander dellin the soviet union at th united nations in brief rustic in- lands to keep tha un ellvaee that it may ba uead as a propaganda vehicle and polm- cal tool but weak to that it cannot interfere the soviet union would not recognize tuch e decision and would uphold its rights rely ing on force it is not only tha soviet that has refused to rely on the un as a main instrument of national policy of course but submits mr dellin only tha cammunltts regard th un solely at an area of comber not at all at an inaanamatst for project the building of community halls in the far north one has been com pleted in fnihtsher bav in the eatem arvlic a second one in the western arctic at tuktovak- luk wa opened by the national presidedt mrs peter i robinson in december of last year and a third hall is under construction the central arctic at baker the acton free press cj the audit tha fjntaiioksabc as bgaksaa ajgaj ftsasrksmeaottalu countries ixo in tba onitad stastaand 6 single eagasa as aasahattsed as olflce tsspartaaaal ottawa and oghsr poreigh countriaa hi tv bsba bdttorlssoief tawts dstsi ajaassguag editor vsmt anb iditoiial o pp i ctfhoni is j 0 1 0 the order was organised in 10u by mrs clark murray of montreal and now has esecnntv trrs msching from the yukon 10 newfoundland it cooprtatrs witlvthr national chapters of tn d b hsnvas it is associated with the vvtoria uasgu in bssjtand and the daughters of the british em pire in the united states of am- r at the annual meeting of the halton holstein breeders club held on january 15 brock harris was cievted president- the days program wjsunder the direction or j cameron marshall the 1h2 president of the club speaker for the program was dr l ii ferns of the health of animals branch canada de partment of agriculture dr fer ris commented on herd health programs f tuberculosis and brucellosis other speakers included d s dunton president of the holstein- fricsian avwkijhon of canada e b segvorth vicepresident j a francis agricultural repre sentative and joe snsder hol stein fieldmah awards vaerc presented to win ners at the county slack and wait shuwand for herd produc tion recemog eertificalc for production vith herds under 20 cow was fred nurse george town in the class for 6ser 20 coar herds the award was made l undnn br ceo s k o 10 h void drq 7 4 c a k 10 9 6 4 3 west east s j 7 sg h a k 10 7 ii 9 g 5 4 j 2 bk 2 d j 10 5 c j 5 c o s 7 dr t b aaoore physician and surgeon 2 main street north corner main and mill street acton ontario than office g5 32 iso dental v the loosvls one of the larg est voluntary patriotic women t aiaaisiiiu in fmeda it tnmtt- patrkttasi t j officers elected vsrre president brack harris tirst viteprrsident jas carnev second vvce-presi- deat ralph ford dirtctors ftqi swing tossn- shlp 3k brovraridpe vacksan jtsuikl jas carney c mcfjooau s all 32 ilo j 6 d a e 3 first ruff 4he opening lead in dummy with the spade ten now lead the ace of clubs followed hs the king of clubs on the king of clubs throw the jack of hearts nest lead a third club and ruff with the ace of spades vote the value uf this card it b naora lav portent as a sale card to ruff with than it is to lake out trunap mow esurr d a at m v ssttfc a trump lead another club and throw your lastheart keen lead ing clubs till went ruffs mn any return in sooths hand take east the last trump attd nam the rest of the cluhs this way you will iunt onkonc trump trick to west you can laaprossc your ptay by treating all pi u lama that vou see in any paper as double dgm- i p b t t 10m- nans until you have tried to saake the hand next week iti return to show ing hands that accsar at she acton bridge chib if you would like to try duplicate bridge come 10 the club any ussirttty at mo gvaa it meets at is fussefead terrace acton d h leib dental 9urgro j offtee corner mill and frederick streets office hour by appointment tatanttsae tsmeia do a jiuchanan dtafal astrgron office sa mill street office hoars am la pm closed wednesday aftaraoon tslephom 1531754 lecal c itathrland oc turrlaaar tad saltcttor hotary sastc office hours 10 ant 12 pjn i pas 5 avm iassay by aatsceasttssai enly phone off s55- wm k gray coach lines twacstas uavb at7ojf standartl time bastboudd u sjb daily esoeat sun and hoi si am iij1 am 20f pm 5 pm ajj am ij3 pm long pm sun and isiojji hoi westbound asaass i0j7 ajn 12j7 pm 2sf pm si7 pm 27 ptn tll pm i1j2 pjn 1h2 am sat only canadian natlofwu railways standard time easrbound 6jw m- to tprooto dally a cept sat and sun 7jfca la toronto daily esceptsun tt pas to tasonto dally except stas till pj m toraaao sun only j5 pjn to toronto daily board at georgetown only westbound roi am te stratford dally et cept sua ajs pm to stratford dailv rsceat sat and sun 1jj s m to stracfuruv daily escape sat for further tnformstlob cast your local agent 1532450 aeptulsung amd dssstwamcb a ntaida tva barrister solicitor notary public oftic hours in acton f ljrvtloht 30 wiaburstt actoa oatarto phone ttjg and ovaf 5 tnara la ttases ssi sasstsaaea east sassnsa for the betterment of canada and jas carney c mcfjooa alaaaagawa tm kls untirtvast naiiii ina sturiington pved bet brock bridge is a partnership came monday priday i guts- tpjst sherwood don suhvh font johruton waahnini asuarsed goatlt pmtpvsaident laarttuoj j c this weeks winners tea far first mr and mr jack cooperr second bui coaies and dick an- derson third mr and mrs car- palakqr st ouelph ontario tssesta tw 42 ottlce hours la fjtatlph saturday t ajn 12 ajn asm jomrt dc w jl yet corner of artasaretti offkoa tsaajfg ajr thi s