Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 7, 1963, p. 6

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jrv trnr- atkkpmiw tiwotx mayor slfovmcbseaf v 5 nu lrvhsa csxtkm for mil tha ar nrjrngior ervlc the owen p muihri uyarid mayor of the town of burrlngtm for the put 13 month nnoimt- m monday he would aeefc the liberal provincial election no- wtnlhtrtfe lor halton county rldtl mayor mullln wax a candidate in the hurt provincial election in 9 and lout to incumbent pro- krenlve conservative stanley l hall by 714 volet it was the clot- at any candidate- had conte to uiseolfrw the 19year mp in hla lx election campaigns mr muhhi wu elrfted to burl- liwton council in i9fl and terv- edh chairman of the building and planning committee a mem ber of the industrial comlmmlt- tee the work cortflttee and burlington and suburban kra planning board he defeated four other contest ant lo become mayor in january 1m0 the youngest mayor in burlington history mr muhin received hit bsc in chemistry al st dunstans uni versity charlottetown fei in 199 for tde past 10 yean he has worked at ford motor company of qanada eight years in engine ering and two years in sales he is presently a sales executive truck sales promotion in c of c directors he and ms wife dorothy two children kathy 9 and dan ny s itve ai 220 pern drive burl ington they attend st raphaels roman csrthollc church burling ton i the candidate for the nomina tion is to date alone in his bid although there have been rum ors no other candidate has yet announced he will oppose mr mullln for the candid bystander are predicting a good race if the mayor wins the liberals nomination hla chief opponent will be burlington law yer george kerr a member of the council now under mayor mullmt jurisdiction in announcing he would con tent the nomination mr mullln said hill platform would be rapid ly expanding ecottoul ptovtdlng 71 j up quale finance and wlae selling from the province he charged that alneerrhe basic structure of government was rirat laid down in the- role and the- complexities of the gov ernment administration has drastically changed piecemeal changes have led to a multiplicity of bodies overjapping functions and units of government which canncproperty administer their affalrt1 t the candidate said somo pro perty owner farmers in urban 11 mul nwi i prntlilar paying for services they do not need the- farmer in the uibanixed rural area is being tax ed aaan urban dweller and the reaumlng burden- 1 forcing him to sell hut property for- urban development as result mun icipal services hate suffered tax tor ttvmf ctedltlen espandiiag aconomy i dealt ass iiunmt g being a positive force leading guiding and directing the affair of if chint and the overall development of the community and todo this the local govern- ment must have the power adedrates have soared and much of 6ur finest and most productive agricultural land has been lost he unyes redeflnlrig of the rol es and functions of municipal county and reglamt governmentv reduction of the number of an- polmedmxurd and commlssluns through amalganuiillons estab lishment of regional- planning- areas reallocation of the respon sibility or payment of services and the sources of taxation anil unitiative hy the provincial got ernment to work cooperatively with munlclpalhles and usslst the with th problems saaaat asani ibmmnrwuuovusstlassu ttai6t mj hlfh hcms harley supports both health plans i iii intinlial medical i ng a saturday morning with directors of the name chairmen the members of the boanl of directors of the acton chamber uf commerce last night met in the knox presbyterian church for their first meeting of the year at inst nights meeting the tlliwin under the chulrmnnship uf president paul ncllscn appoint- cl chairmen of committees as follows membership orvnleirapman civic rev a mckcnie retail ireil gordon industrial j b wood agricultural w camoc- han public relulions and publici ty ii j devcau plans were discussed for the celcbriillon of chamber or com merce week which is scheduled to taltcplncc april 2127 a lento- tlvc date for the annual com munity dinner was set for wed nesday april 24 possible projects for the com ing year were pluced before the dlteclorn hot n definite achonjnftnn the was token al this mcetlnii the first general meeting fur this year was approved for wed nesday march 13 unit will be con cerned with sarelv a speaker from the department of trans port will be present and a short film on safety will be shown five of the directors present signified their intention of attend ipg un area conference of the ontario chamber of commerce at burlington rtn february 25 six teen of these arci conferences aic being oryanied throughout the province of ontario which arc designed to discuss spetilic pn cct membership smd financv program oliork officer develop ment chamber roll in public affair president nrilsen fomnunuil after iik- meeting this is the ifollowin meeting with directors of hat ton cooperative medical ser vices organization halton mp dr harry harley hos issued a xiatemcrtt supporting the medical coops camprehemsive medical care program tost week the group charged the m w d against the local nonprofit health insurance agency after he endorsed the competing physic ians services incorporated plan for hnltonwlde enrolment both companies are presently trying to recruit new members tor their health plans across the cuunty supported psi the trouble began wednesday of last week when halton resld- crrts received letters from dr harley announcing th psi plao and lending his support psi is sponsored by the ontario med ical association and the physic- tans of the province and hs si i- nature on the advertising litera ture fas a doctor was quite le gal and ethical however his nanne was signed as h c har ley md mp for hahon this raised the ire of medical coop directors who called an emergency meeting on wednesday evening following the meeting thev fired oft a night letter charg ing- he hod- ag ai th consumersponsored prugnsm by supporting aprlvate interest group a letter follow ed enlarging on the hcjms ex ecutives feeling halton county federation of agriculture which sponsored and helped organise the coop in 147 immediately supported the pro test contacted iiv ottawa dr llar- lev admitted he knew very little about hcms he claimed he uts not discriminating against the firm but he knew the work i til psi as a doclor am lent his mipport ro the community en- j roiment program fndorae hcjm saturdav afternikn he willinp- i iv met the directors of hcm s i and immediately uf tcrward issu- d a statement supporting the our readers write vious health he said he added his hopes thai such a plan would soon become available on a na tional basis halton gop services secret arytreasurer mrs a- r coulter of omvphellvllle has since issued a message from the directors urg- iia subscribers to remain fjpoyat to the group tfiut over the years hos done much on their- behalf the organization she said has olways depended on satisfied members as a means of cnruujng new mempers she noledthc coops competi tors liavc refused to give overall health coverage to county rcsid witil theprosenttlmi entjr is felt in some quarters that the pl move 4s on attempt to thwart the founding of a govern mentsponsored medicare pro gram halton is the third coun ty in ontario where psi has be gun communitywide enrolment step up program the hahon coop plan has pro vided protection against crippl ing medical expense over a per iod of 16 year when it was nut available from any uthcr source a director noted the group also stepped up its program to in- u oihtinued from page on which has no sidewalk and i rather narrow this it going to create a irernertdous hazard for lude inhospital medical care and to provide doctors home und office call tcees lo please modern familius a major medical helieflt in the coop plan helps pay for spec ialists fees nursing aire when required prescribed drugs am- bulance charges and other medi cal expenses- not ustntllv covred under comprehensive medical care plans the directors arc ex- peeling all doctors will viiliiy approve the steppedup plan they are providing as payment is made to the doctors on lihvbasis of 100 per cofll of the bnlario medcial association schedule fees llyopraiil x coulter added one distinct ndvanfage of the local plan it is locally administered claims are paid within the month memben miiy meet witiifjrc directors al the monthly meeting to discuss any problems and any profits arc tsirned back to the members in added services or lower prem iums the medical gop is moxing iti office frtjin rhe home of tnc secretary to an otlice in milton for the convenience of its mem bers of our children for their sake alone we should not allow this excep tion of the bylaw to be granted further it- is a well known fact that the cost of educating one child in tills our town is cost ing approximately t4000 minimi iv which cost is borne partially hy the ratepayers through proper ty taxes which are already high also the schools iii mirtown are filled t6 their capacity an apurl inent house filled wllli tenants iind their schoulgolng chlldiun is certainly not going lo improve this situation but will iiniloubt edty lead to the building of ex pensive additions- in our school and llie cost for which will press upon the ratepayers unnecessar- hy gentlemen nil that iuv fellow jutepuycrijinluyselliirejoiin lor is that after you have ibade ypiir fair decision after consider ing ull nur arguments and the facts of this matter we as clir- kens ol acton may conclude till incident with saving acton still remains a good place to live thank you also addressing the committee were p plllutl 52 mcudvaie hd who asked if every other vacant lot in the subdivision could he the subject of a hearing 41c said someone slipied up un the by law in the pasl mr wilton or j7b lontitieubv his calculations tell thai vari ances were not ol a minor uaturc antl should le turned down the is ii going to help the citizens of ac ton the i4s who signed the peti tion do not feel it is in their in terest and gelling around the in tention of the bytaw r ii drinkwaller c there a driveway oil either side chair man m smith ye it was not on the original submission mr ford sullcllor or mr glt- lo the area is zonedtt2 i svinpufhlie with these people if they didnt know about ii the oiling bylaw i they should have been advised the committee iniis decide whether it is u minor varluncc and what i the best use for the lami- f mckenle c o in in 1 1 i ec what is llie appioximale cost of llie building g gltlo t7s0uu plus land mckenlc lyshould be assessed for how nuich j mcgeachle secretary i wouldnt- haaril a guess mckenle what would the rent he clllo the- units contain boo sofrabout wbuldbe 1600 sq- ft for ih jac llltles furnace laundry and play room smith thered be no need for the children to go out and play on th road then j blundell 35 mowbraypl if we won i to create a slum the best wayls to build an apartment on this property already there are children and rubbish on the street where arc the 1 100 a month coming from house un available fur s7s per month where are the people going to come from mrs i almond i4a longfleld rcl there is a place for child- ren to play in the basement there is no place outside the back of the lots drop off very quickly and are dangerou sev eral limes i have had lo take children off the railroad track after the departure of jhe ap plicant and delegation the com mittee discussed the application and passed the resolution reject ing ll the used ice shaver front guclph under consideration for the arena her will definitely be bought it was triedout and de- dared satisfactory j thyjt per month ickenjle would the basement units be cheaper gitlo possibly could he flu ofl ill the basement there intent is very important robert r hamilton orromittthrr two 2 locations b 60 main n forappc tr 7197t loualph 76 l ow u near oucbccstreet for appouitint ta 44im halton hog producers amociation annum meeting taesdayfeb12n963 jjo pm dp of agrlcudur board room mlkon nominations for county committee men close at 3 pm ouijt spiakit mr ben steers president of ontario hag producer association dom pfljzi km thoti on timi on reglmared verli ollt 10 waaktoutkop tttk ydjaav president i urvtcf saeratary gnmp sc hope the an ur mp wittiipptsn hcjhh plan in liv cuunt ulikh nnnprt1 it ami asiimi in ill rivtrtlun uf age and pre- lu ik h in j i a wjs ervotl mxial tinu in uimr tinu- and i hope cmiunt inutcu xvuv cnihuiain w ol the picwtit dipt utrs will tinuc thismjihiiui t vcir elections report highlight annual meeting at ospringe mcurtvin ul the cimyrviiaticii kicl iri kmii lnriltiian chuixh udie oupunyr held i hen animal meet c tnt ientl at mt and mr ward hruiv hvvny he 1 maxwell a apfkunled viiainnait tin the eennu uh wilun ilken a t tuj an sixietaiv the mcvluv4apctud with svnp turv readmit ainl priwi h ke maxwell luwiratwvpm in were jluen h the tivumiiei uu at iimjn vneneiv the rotn ny manaer weiv ie elcvleu noinvan mv kenie sian hiihet liaii tlaikeaml iiiyej in the enjoy lait pale tfivv ttiniile ar itvet the evpane u the laiye kip my unh i the chrtiian ke- fvmned ounvh conttav ihn t vlielteievl niirjonehal b wind hteakv ot platk haweytsyflcatihg humbino and iavistrouomino repairs to all makes of furnaces custom sheet aetal work oil and gas furnace installations conversion burners sales and service main street n r rockwood bhoni tsams rockwood 34 hour sarvica fjc v ssspl iii steak prices the bone mb pkg atahf wete a hi tie pveina- 1 line wtih rtiin ivguvet hi it x niin to ptithie m vm that wd- t varuc t ii vi rvihm thursday m 14th e4i4unpan in um hum uj ap rnatntcil trvaimttvt mu rditii n ken a enekiv nxrein ward uruvi wan e lev ted sntulas nvheml mlfviuttenuen1 nvv lawelt ekwm the me t tny with praer mter whuh a kt atan comfoatabu riua1u oil mat call john wkldon umsm l organization esouesino township w stewarttown hal 1- timsday nbruai 12 1963 83x pm aujnttmsnd partus wtlcomi take a tip from cupid chaws tha oift that alway apairaciatad cosmetics by arden yardley shulton rtvlon tosca4711 tweep 7- aaaaas shell love candy too r cmoose fbom cadbutys black maokt smiles n chuckles in heart shape b awaisailaam v etxim our valentine cards sptmk the language of love a lamu asortmht awaits your ituctmn drug store a wmit smm- tabltrile sliced rlndle side bacon i sliced iconnmlcal ii nulrllloiis pork liver all meal no waste lb pork tenderloin 99c extra 29c a total of 28oo in onus tans instant milko iga jam iga coffee quaker oats receive umo in bonus tapes with popular brand cigarettesctn of 200 halo shampoo rag or dry special six receive t4a in bonus tapes with omo detergentgunl site york peanut butter- 16ox jar receive 1m in bonis tapiut with hitrdrinlc48oi tin chipsteak pkg i run jiape otanuc imrn puiit klnn pnuapple cirapftiuit carrots3lb bag v i til iili- of 4 cooked meat tallitlli- slued ti pl krall cheez whiz tvlden dew margarine farmhouse irons with free book of the calwt lacu jar 55c lib pkgs 2 for 45c in search j4u pkg florida indian river grapefruit 6 for 39 nil i apple pie i jly blh chocolates 45c w b i ih- bo 87cs bradc crisp tender firm lettuce 19c delklou osilariu uims mushrooms 59c aselubl iiosritautv apple pie thurs rt each 39c i s no i mnot green beans luornu no itele top carrots 23c 2 for 29c we reeem she right to limit olumtttt e5ttr a sp e cia l loaves for jfjsirt

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