1 -t- 2m1963 auh wtsu acton junior fahmus held lhair annual dmnar and dance friday evening when ihe new ovecuiive wat intialled shown above are both boyt and girls executives during the dinner held in ebenexer church left lo right are vicepresident jean brmon boys patr president ron haward girls srendanl diane sanderson president alan hayward secretary june davidson and vice president don swackhamer missing when picture was taken was bob kerr secre taryof the boys section personal notfis of attonlerw vfcttlng ouvoftown mnts mdof tag a n mi stjaimmkasjal viuvof n noon noma -oitruatv- a workibop tor poll chairmen for ihc five northern hal ion mutv lclpulle was held held saturday rnornlhg in slewarttown hall over 5p heard con eetva live plan of attack chairmen ntrcw organ ballon al ihe poll level kit and manual were distributed some knox churxh men attend ed a meetlny of the en tern group of presbyterian men al eden mills chutxh monday two rinks from aeion were among the 33 at the mount for est farmers bonipiel monday rhcbutlhctv eiiff-bradlcv- vic pjiiriek lcn loud i and john love 11 t- lame fifth with two wins in three name the rink of rev a h mtkcnic john gov gord cimper and duvl manes had one win duke of devonshire chapter to p tu id a lea wednesday alierntnin al ihc home of mrs w j deal iv mr h bunk holme is a patient m guelph general hospi til and friends will be jlad lo luiin his condition is improving frteruu will be surrv to learn mk maureen courtnev k a pat 4 lent in st josephs hospital in i guelph -i- psi halton enrolment lwaiiacmathes most successful yet on tlu mosl suetessful wci in georgetown ufhee sijll was iver undertaken ay officials mt 11 ieo oriumjlly and its up about thtir ps i eommumtv lo five health tilan in llin i nrol a uas unal llu plan pie ment hejfan kwuv 4 ami ihe f nu now m tn h eountv bv tile plan i population is 117000 enrolment eontimus to the end of miirch bill their ibeelie uill ihe rue he it in an ill her uetk the lhiei till ices in giorie is widely mourned a well known and hitfhlv ix spelleel eitien ol tnn township walt it w malheson passed auav un fehruarv i in guelph geneial hospilal itiltouiny a mr and mr frank tern of owen sounti were ijulsk of mr jnnclmrs cam lethman over the wee lee ml mi anil mis l i ulkca alletul id the funeral of mr lidkea s brother willard in noi ih bay i saluiiliv mi jiek me cule he oil is hull mr joseph jhy it a patient in guelph general hospital friend are torry mr w a n hoey kit i moffat u iii in hot pital n kitchener acton high nchool cloed ip doom to students lust friday while central peel composite school opened its doors to all district 12 school teachers nd principals who ynlhered to hear yucut speakers diseuws profession at development port wni4ce send thank for gifts sent by church the afternoon unit of ihe ucw met on tuatday afternoon at trw home ot mr cam mcencry mr turn glbion ai leader 12 mem ber present and mltsb hilt in charge of the scripture studv topic on tlony kony ua tflven bv mrs f j shnrtill mrs ma iw mrs f j shortill mrs ma dill was in charge of the program and hud luo contests ktfkwood tent home from north cm rhodesia which will he fhown fh the church sundav eve ning march 10 kt the clone of the meeting a suclul time was spent uiih mrs plans wen made for the smorgasbord supper which k eommg up soon mrs t gibson and mrs hamilton served lunch the evening unit of he rullimi fad ucw met at the manse tues dnv evening lebruarv 19 ullh mrs dunean rieming as hositss mis mormih sincvair presiding opened theneettnitwtth adverse and singling hvmn 284 the pentxi ol devotion was takin hv mrs satulv kicr liotn the lid chapter ot iln siudvbimrk the woid mil the wi lolluwid bv an interesting thsiussion mis 1 j shortill jmsenlcd tlu topic rm hong kony desenbmg vi rv entvvited hv iity conditions thi i oil iitl was inswi ted hv tnembeis mis i eo jimieson ivi i reading on lite fellowship ol j praver dunnii tin business pail ol the i tiuximi i thank von liiln w i lead lor poil woikii gilts thai mis ldwm smith of lung had been rcetivtd the ladies bnineh wiih vimtor wtth her mvitnl lo help quilt it friend mrs mnrv meauldv last mis f i snow s whenever llnu week and attended the women s peimitud 4ntitrtc c on t friends are sorrv to hear that tvfrthme tesseman is a patient in guelph general hospital lot surgcrv this morning thursdav since selling his farm in nijynga wen he has lived with mr and mrs john sprowl the lallcr his flece the fiinuk nl miss kiuii-iine- rosell weie pleased to hcai thai she was able to rvtutn from tlu guelph genetsd hospital on sun dav following eve surgcrv mi dean ieslu is a patient in guelph general huspital the osjan getouiplai byanglicanaaon vkhrulpnt jim gntem chaired ihe fcbruury meeting of ihe bac in ihe parish hsttloa wcilneday of last week there uas aome disappoint- mrnl reuarcllng tienned tourt iku cundiiclinajiin himimmii utimc iuikii viis lrvil h mi re rrvnth and mrs llkk slim till and mrs ncikun in lloapllal mrs diivc buiioii4iki uil fins lot tunc lo full hrvalunu tar inn and n in cfcurutioxsn llospitil mr sam snou iihs ixtn in cmiriitliiun mosnlal hut sis ahk lo rilurn homt on sunil i mr anil mis jot mmtuvis al hndld llu tumial ol linn sisk t inliu mis kamsn iw ot li ii nto on 1 ulsli ihl cus 1111 soiils munikj c iiiii l h in a rxtdv on soiul i 1110111111 vkilll tlu it iimiiis mis vvihmi mis c i snow mil mi kodi n tins a these were either m iinlinued or were for technical tmutps unl john lsnt wait alk thoritd 10 confirm the booking ol afnl 17 for ihe electronic pi mi 4 c inulian generul bleo tric at rexdale ki dotald wlsi plaved a tape il a sptevli juen on unity by bishop bun m ti svnod meet ing in kingston peering over m lull s 2 iayr twr t 11 vunwvck tiwhiuv afterwvim m dun iisb i 2 i de jonii vs 1 llolmis 1 1 i cook l i 11 kiantk w i tler w t0 country calendar cbctv sinulny maifh i li0 f w evening j lliuilnllloli lilis also wul 11141 i a hi in is avaikible that kev jis nu mu nviin i un us ivi kiisinc pmn u n un ill h i ris ih hllhllu j m l pl iv 1 of h l a i somcttrt town rurhngion and oakvilleare so huv the original stall il six has betp increased to ib eonipanv repreiecntalivi s and four mon pirln lo do eleiiealwork all ol hee aie tnulai ps i employees led ihhoii ihe lountv l tued who predeeeased him tn aptil 2b so far 2 commumtte- hive iw and was the son of che-htle- betn tiltercd this coverage in david and nancv anne smiih eluding three counties ol whteh mat he son bom in cnn town halton is llu largest response ship in 1878 he lived on the home in hillon has been the most farm sth line lot n with ihe e suecesslul to date fccplion of 2i veais at george heloie the plan opened hun i umn u he retired to ijills were alieelv ii per cent b i eountvaixsidenls lovcrcd bv ps i malheson w is iiuum uul with rqups utilsidc the eouniv ihlul me mix 1 ot the iiilkhut eth ijfi hapiist chuieh and hiitliirid lie aeon ofltuary funeral on saturday for j mcelhinney an mipleioi millon liuk iiuiil his itiitenunl tn isst john mel ihipiuv ol r k milhiir passed iiuiv in suitmhiook llos piliil on vvediiesi lehtiiirv ii mitmil lliinno had hvnl in this disllicl siiu 1 ettiniiilj lo mail 1 intro seoilind 4i os ik hi wis a numb 1 ot llu milton hiineh ol llu in uli in i ivuton he t tistee and is in honor visitors illness death are reported mi anil mrs hobs i micut 1 thoti anil lluniu ul kllululti wsititl mis llirviv jtslin tml llohtn mil mi ami mis i d mscuuh si l lit 1 1 lion mt mht 1 h iliaton siiriinp him nt llu 1 i ti ul knkl mil i ikt w ol hillshuruh ki ul s ol cnitlph mil 0111 iliiihtu mis wtsln ulatl m itanl rtitlpl iso niiu n inilih pink mi mansell ntllis and mi mor nun ttitnerhoth local etmtrmt- ors it it hv plant tuesday morn mil in annul the world mathin tr show al chuaiio tht nt exptitiil to return sonic timi on salurdav tht show is onl heltl ihout unix tti 10 iais sintt lis so ixptusim to ilispl i tin hta niiipmiilt c harks culls has rtlunud n tavtiwreek vrsl h mi ll hiothti al oakmlit anil is nou lliinjt at his hoult i iksmtre 1 sons yl 1 loht h it k with donald k alttr a lit inontli ahstnte lisi riuiisilas tmiunit ys mi nt tits and vfcihltcs auxiharv 4 11 uma totfcthir al mtki and til innittl sii it llu shot ntaki 1 luni 1 tl houti on siluiil i i 1 ttin 11 totuliil it il h llu k will ol mill i anipn mull ls mu l kallu ul k 1 ii in i ik 1 ii 111 ihh1 rtinil aiion ii is 1 pi s iii iiu1111nl m 11 it iv iiihh 11 mini i mull hill i ul 1 i tin win saturday with mi and tialuii him wtri hmlhiis anil i homt ol mrs w sisttrs adam ol montu il mrs t thtv playtd iuds lostph thomson liililt tid p ton lint inn township mis maini stinpalln in imindnl to mis mall i kali 1 ol lllllshui vli and and mis norman small ol liny llduoik mil otlui uli john pud ol kt in ilk miuilohi i ni h11 i i alls t it- rt nnt usitors lions 111 tin p issinu ol mi ii in 1 unt 1 il stitins tun lu lil fk liln s molhti mis r ink ho illnl on siliiidit it i nun llu lltllsbiiih ilipnsi m mndoiiikl llu nit ipli i iinit ho spit d inn inn h mi ihmsiln ithiiiut 1 1 il 11 is h ul inisilo tlonihiim 1 hi hiir nu 11111 1 ik iiumiili i shk 111 ikt 1 tun ill tloliii t lutiitlautt tli itiiknn ol th lllll willi bill lll 111 ixiiioii t t 111 tit t si iisl ll lls tils p issiil iii bioiihl 10 iluiiih uul 1 milium mis iomiii k1ln1lm11 ituti littis pastti rt t kniitniniill iitiiin 1 1 jiulpli iiiiiat ii spi 1111 iiiliittiil ih inn id s it il s ilunl o i 11 tin 1j1 1 lit it u 111111 silling is pilllh nits mill sinuli tisiiois ttilh mi id 1 hun h111 mult mis m i hi 1 un i m ilnl ikmhi h i111 pi il hmi sin 1 1 un in s 11 luihlis i u m i i m lit lit i mi s i nt s m ion pi ul mis vii 1 ul winds i h ill m w11 lain s mo 1 i i 1 i m 1 1111 sisl s mis i 11 i iii iiii mis mn i m lk lltl us i 11 s ii llllh i l it i i k i 1111 mis vi urn 1 s l l lam w 1 s 1 i ii 11 n 1 i v i 1 mil 1 i ii ii 1 1 h 111 1 wi mis ml 1 w 11 tin mi ml mi k nil ii million ml t 11111k k kitil mi s i iii ill mi ml ms inn i ht iilje ml did mis lsh iuduiiiiiliiii luilph mi uul mis iiu llitk in i mi ml mis i ul i 1 ink ul 1 m ipli sit 1 1 nils itiih mi uul mis pun p 11 distfitmf 360 hr brifdis 4jpm lollll i i til lllll im i p i ii i 1 luo x i 11 lolm vmliilin r l tut vi n h llllsl m armthollers man recovering im i hi 11 1 1 i hi i si 1 i i 1 iki 1 ii ik isjji 1 1 1 11 iii ii ui s il ii ls 1 1 i f lis pi i 1 1 ul 1 lll 1 tlu ns s 1 1 1 ii it 1 ii 11 ii 1 il 1 ii 1 tun is 1 1 k sin m 111 mill p 11 v 11 11 ii ii 11 i i un i 1 it i l k kt v 1 i i t ii uli- i till it 1 i ii i i it l s s i 1 it s 1 us hold i uuiiisliiix a lu 1 puil is 1 li i im iii l lilt mil 111 mils n r hl i hilt r mt k mil 11 11 s n 1 1 ill r i its i ih it 1 ru oiikm john il diaj miii mil ross hull kniix 1 u ut iiiihnitiii itas ui iniiitli m 11 lu 11 inn 1 11 111 it ill ih 111 miiiij sb 1 nu i t rabies warning rabiaa warning were given to school children ihla week tht primed sheets came from the halton county health tnlt thlldrtn are ealvlied not to loucs nv dnd animal not- to cxmlaet ut animals to star away from pels if they st strangel eaul to have nruutpt mseutcal llenlkiw- for any bltea or ecraltne recelv nl from animals ramtly pet partkulaiiy iat ami dogs should b tmmunaed aays dr arcwa sull halton uedkal omrar of health rablea tuee hay bee mure preyalenl this w 1 ii 1 i minibus ol lot il at i pw a uul insis nt nil 1 nt tht b pw a out 1110 count it ttiixtmil al thi kiiil 1 dtl lid llolil in tololllii 1 1 2i m hull d ml aiul mis links kinsinih mi uul mis lluli ok 111k mi mil mis i lu 1 1 1 lain in mi u mrs id t umiiiih 1111 mi uul mrs l inns hmks itkcnpps httli viuuison i 1 m is johnston uul kill m mull n thin tiat a han u 1 uul daiui hi it in iht shtri 1 in k inn ith mr r ilph lit i sltin post km t itu illilid p itkmhoust i hki mild alllul woiktis as utst sptaktr lout it i p lis 11111 until otuinht tot pioki un on sum it mi ivnall w piiiillt iiunito i htlhlthtiii copxr mint ik tisiiitl ills putiils mi uul mis it x piiiilk bin spi iiils road 1m lui 1 its itttnlh i ink si iiilii it 1 liiii ittimp imiil him robert r hamhton orromirtiit two 2 locations arvssavbvvvrvrrl vaf anjsnwsjl l li appl tr 7 w7i otmlttli 70 si 0ia near liehev street ror apposnlsnasu ta 44iw h p h l llu 1 mill i ss k turns s tit it tstikt 1 ttlt hltiiu s lu ilts lit it it ul ltd lit plslsstl ttllh pin skin li us stl 1 b ultl ii t ilotls i i s hl t lu hit i t i v111 ill 1 this h xiulil i iinsn itj t hi is i hs t il it m 1 hsii ho hut si h u 1 1 1 ih ht jn i i11s 111 it still bs ttt t h mltvl lu hi isultl is 11 tl 1 smi ii ibi hank a s t ss 1 1 grow cucumbers for bicks in 63 contiact im1ahs avavuui now caurerfstoer pauton 87863 tut pickup suvki ford 300 sedan big car low price 4 door sedan only 28400 deld try this car e 1 comfort economy and satisfaction oni op thi iiviiy ortts tjt thompson motors acton ltd phom usuzo pjiijmmw ish han pork shoulder hush lian pork butt roast 39 49c lb royal tucl hiked rlndlaaa 1 i pg salmon w paper 2 i tissue 7 maf r r tasty and hell tfimnied rreah ih i i u pkg pork butt chops 59c side bacon 69c extra a 34 in totax 90f iontjs o tapis rrtlivr um in wim 4ai with s lilt 1 s surf detergent willi 1 pmk ik scotties hankie pak 1 1 iii ol 44 bayer aspirins rltllvi mm in wims mrisiin si fleecy laundry rinse yi3 r k lianilt butter hiii in mm s twn with i i s 1lll i mixed vegetables l i t k i kail i i kraft mild cheese fahl mt k sliced cooked ham s it it i hi p e i potatoes oiiict from sunny isiall tattx oranges 1t rsimlutc trf i s v i rede irinkl laall new cabbage 15c p lost nlll no fresh broccoli ii l t ant red djxlcou5- apples lilt italglival llumfc 29c te iwa cvf0il30jc bonus tape gift of the month free for ony operator vusii lollo 3 w h- 11 11 il fowsm r i uk t extra if1u cushion special 111 4 i i i fl i i siiriiji it 1 1 j i t l rnstsliwalfl sswli