i mm the good old days s4x d sju 0 9p vsfcc4 jhfcgfc i wt by eauwritayioi mb faufe urw jy40 it li i unf fu ca ilngla issue nuclear arms ha thus far dominated thn lo3 election campa this the- f is understandable the quetlion whether canada should or should not accept atomic weapons from the united slates it a highly dramatic one capable of arousing great emotlom on fcxjih ildet we re now in the rldlculoui position of holding a great national debate over issuei which are not clear public ditcumon on prevent the u s from ever iwing same position they wtaro m in 1941 to make sur such a situation does not techni ma on w mos o us am nu informed and a political campaign over is sues which should be decided not on the basis of a popular referendum but by re sponsible persons elected to act in tho nation- el interest last week lwenlysix editors- represent ing canadian weekly newspapers from the atlantic to the pacific visited norad head- querters at colorado springs colorado we feel very fortunate to have been one of those attending the royal canadian air force flew the group from ottawa where the edi tors were attending the directors meeting of the canadian weekly newspapers associa tion we will no doubt be accused of having been brainwashed by the united states norad and ho rcaf pulilc iplations dopiirtiitniit in that ordct at norad headquarter tin- uoup in siwcud the combat operations centre tins can only lie described as the nerve cenlie ol tho wlmlo north amentim air drlence sys tern wt were allowed is minutes to walih the aiiiviius here the tmlatice ot ttip day fvu mo inn half hours was lo lie spent in a hrioiiitu room with senior omuetsejt norad howpvii tieiause ot the questions asked by tin tililors the briefing rktendnd anolh til lout hunts five iiltoitnl hut rrlatril stititt is iioie tinder tint usskiii ii thttiaj inj develop again ihey are prepared to expend vast amounlt of time energy resources and money in north american defense each briefing wat followed by a question period during which every question by the editors was answered without evasion or equivocation air marshal slemon answered the questions which had peculiarly onddijjji- nokap otgtnishon hi i miwion aciaijjili- dctciiiwarttrtiii fli spekc 5 kilmr ai-rospht- i trns plit- tti tnul h in i uimion rvi rp liy au m liil ssletnom w ar deputy i oinmin ttv l i- 1 nokah a v if mirtil inkm wing i kjnmiimiui kitlltt rv ar intel lgeu e otturt mi c- bkv stukp analyst inj ton inly wild thp vi i ar knr the ln i ar tout to rar i- l ttio ri ap four ot ikvt it 1s a i foncj ionplcrd i hf litm tirtiri ar mfrshil s mt i t ft n t tt niikjtaii ui vi tvi j uj iu like tmt tun- u- ins ihmm ii sjvi w norad two iirk of tlv i mh i usc o ni po imptic tne nuclear arming of the canadian omt- engaged in norad operations drew tho most spirited questioning of the day we have armed ourselves at great cost with modern defensive weapons against a poiitbtemanoclbornbet attack fromthe norfh but have not provided the ammum tion our bomarcs and our voodoos are ex cedent defensive weapons but they are in efficient the bomarc practically useless without nuclear warheads canada contributes well to ciileme against surprise with its far north warning lines by its no nuclear weapons policy we are fading to make a proper contnhut on to keep an a mac ft from bemq decisive a nirtiincd bomber dttaik from ru 1 mitl iiui wim in all likehhtxhl contmivr to l a dangerous posstbilily tor omi tirs it mili hi attack were to lc ju tnd it yt mainr importance that a nimv bortib 1 possible be intercepted ihot jovn 111 i t r bombs cooked norad is set to do tins in 1 s it requires that sm h ti rid t klt te i 1 u stnd the tttaikmy qte testfi ed w th ttil n us leaf oerensivr jrmjnipni n ttip t sir m nli jew seem to rrl t the pos b i t t t mterirpi tiq nfiic tirn ninr r trrtorths purine rrlr bomirvli sin v o due havebeii ucquicd- a voodcki niilinq 1 1 t t 1 tn initny boiler until in nij r t at hi h ir umb w u lit rpllle amf w 1 lr low m tin t r n f m 1 i mifniih s ltr h h- s 1 vvn vi with a ikiim- r k t v 20 years ago tkltan from ibe issue of ibe frse frmm ot thurtdsy march 4 143 it tukej 11 minstrel show to pack ihciii in and re munev thi wsis the finest iijcj pivvento tion wc hive ewr wen xbhow pi a veil three niphu in the town hhi to pickcd hinises i oli rviiilcis int is 1 1 it uhorn saw the sihuw will beir with us if wc live tic li 1 is urthc bos in ser vice the iiixhcsiri hul a misim as ifukt ircd sail at the ktvlmiard charlie lindshornuyh sinil a ma mn mirnet rudolph spielvoyel and wcllinytun hall tolins chat mason telln ri auncw tium biint aiul saxtphune djid olhe sltipleton dnnns thev were in black 1jlc- and wins with white i must is cutawav coals uml bin ixtl itt s 1h- oik ail pliv was tnlilkd jeiloiisv plavs a part tlirecletl in mis j c mai ihcu s in ibe cast utit- anne iioiiuls miii kukikss lois daw kins darnel mtkmk beat nee vn noiman rnbet sk and mabel harnt lor the minstrel parl uf the shmv he tntitv thoiits appeared 11 blatklace theri wire 23 in i he iinlc thi ciubnen wvte chulis wilson chailcs kiikncss juk iijel uul jik vmilham anil thr mil 1 likiitoi 111 whtii diniui i tvu 1 d p ph tl llu cniiicshok was r r paikci i ik flialoiu is tliuyhl with ii- cal 1 haiaclcis aikcit in t ihhiin ipiai ifiie and ikiu iii- under ihr tlimiinn ol mi i ted sail willi mi ii o boes as his sissislanl ticompaiusl the uathrtatr close hnimonv mil in llutmulst ibe endmen in tctiupled with a lillle burlesque on i he numbei jack greers sunn hihi sbiiltlc was ihe old livuiiie cauiptown raies uul i i tic ties us lt itw a oidpie tuti jii k had hisjiwn milccs tul iinli uhiihu in htk ke he hasn t lost am ol it in thusonu- jaik puis ecr tiling he has into it i in muo and juk holmes made i he 1 1 tnsi appeal am c as ait aiiortlion and tlaimel u1111 the aiuiu iuc was octb mus in iv plausi t ett w 50 years ago taken from ibe issue el ihe free tvws ol thursday mkxh iis very sudden was the denlh if dunutd mypn uf the third hue hit futherlnnu in canuda fnmi scotlund hack in the forilw and sellled unl the farm where ins son has uv died in politics he was a slrorttfsjjbcrn he was a cousin ol sir dotrrbfmann j e mcgirxin one of oui local hivs his wtitten to the tive press imm mexico jjicplice o a tjuhlarv uprising vthe ujoi is a populir one it will tike cars lo uet the count r hack in peucelul cntulition i have bad cnouyh fileworks to ilij the rxsl ol rn life these rapid firing puns ire si terrur and keep up i sted laltlc the frc ilaini on sundav een hih pist as the niinisins n the inoiis cluiii hi s wete ii tuny b through then first lies raihttdi nioiahid i he rcxeuni iiliiuiv lislciilny ihe euist was 1 bum m chnnne it the housi ihoi pied h imici boskcn on hunli st thefirc- hailysuhsidetf beuite ihe hell ceasedrinmnu r mr heiulerstin ol the siu nillls sas there is no eiayveiali in in the statement ihiic ale 28 teams hauling inys it is is ius this wi 1 k siiu i ihe ilellh nt w ii sioim i ttr- it rrr w mi winching television is all right i dares a v u fltstrate movie makes u plcaiunt night uul and lor txyj pleasure its hard to leat a good book but fur sheer eniutional uallop of an evening ikeres nuthlng lo touch cleaning ofit a divssei druwer almut eei thiee veiitb we hae tine jl these orgies al our hiiuse ll usiiallv begins when inv mfe is lihikin cut some- ihinu impoilatil tike the hall of wool lo finish tin curling suiuiki ehtch shj- ihgun knil ling three winters ago oi the hen shed e lipping whtih stales lhat she once came at the heud ot the class in giudc 6 slir slat ts tikiling aiotiud in mil doeiunenls drawer a big ilressei ihaet ci amine d with old line lellcis leeeipts lor nt nl hills lapsed insurant vij t u s itu mhi 1 ship tat its lot 111 l ninjjle cuiingsol tn- shipi and inn new spapi 1 clip piugs jbntii the kitls lust iiiiku i i stivil wins odd shoe ian s 1 omhs with missing ttelh and phutugisiphs hundieds ot ihem ircilv simin i heat elps ot disniav snot is ot null age and 1 hoi lies ot amuse mm i gnun bytluimulbr tiling i join her in make sure she doesnt throw out anything valuable like ray german com- pjss that doesnt work r z tmr lo do wilb the uicoi potaiting o this luuuieipaliiv he gai em pltment tolargc numbers so william meredilh s upoil tcspceting the muses which ted lo the veieeking ot the liiniti s bank was tabled in ihe house ol e lets phy bridge b bill coals 5 fur u couple or mi miles wc work systematically wrting the unk into piles tu be thrown out or suied tben i catch her try ing to chuck out n perfectly good picture of u waaf orporu1 nam etl wendy whum i knew well oiue upon u time site retaliates by pointing out tho undktinguish cd erk lrrtlhociau plctmv wh was cray about iter from there on ft s every man fur himself and within a lew mi nulcs we have about 12 dif- terent piles of stuff around us you- dont want that silly thing do you she sniffs holding up 11 dance pmgtam vintage i9v wth ihe name of a girt culled sylvia wiilten in- everv spaee oh dont i though r i rvtoit salvaging ll hough i isiul even 1 1 men ibe 1 m syuhi looked like then wc get fkiking al pit hues ot ihe kids when thev were little and ale lorn between 1cinr and laughter we linger over one ol them in swimming in theii bate bottoms tul dimplid and delight lul uul oui thoughts go with ate to the gteal wd loping tehve ht i hey e beeonu somehow this doesnt bit the light imlr and iberev 1 slight fixist in ihe air as we go wi soit jjr ing but soon were nbsorbed igain slrt is residing with in tense admiration an old fngluh essav on which site received an a plus muk 1 am ctmlemplating vvistfnllv ui iftvetirold jsnnp of myself in uhleh had a vast fighter pilots handlebar mom lathe and in etl glint tn mv eve wh dun t ou lhpw those tnouldv old let lets out 1 sug- gesi as she slu there a big bundle ot ihem in her hand gaiug divatuily d ihe wail wnithlu i mhi nisi liive me to slu tmint i isiin to tins and sin leads me 1 puiple passage limn one ol ihe 101 most most nauseating love letieis i e ever hisii from some old i lame tin lis mil his n ime wis bill i ut us out i wtoie it i yet a told 1 hill down ntv spine si red tan uul snail sumethtng about grlfiiiii llu- mo i ve got woi k to do uu i i up commons h has nottlukrt ninr fort for the sharehoklers aiul di positors ol hal ion counlv who inst hundreds ol thousands ol dotlais bv the smash gmvs it travsigsiuce ivcklessness nu 0111 nrtcnr rithtmeitv tttitt fiiuiu -wiv-iih- ted a hill befuie the ligislaluu would give marncd coithii who own pnipeily thv right to ou 111 municipil etee turns mr td rvdii has leliuiud tioin his tup to ihe n01 thmsi municipal cleik mi kmnoii uul division com l cluk mitsidh have been cunlincd tu i tic lumsi eo i ins woks hand illiisiiati a i if in 1 1 an uim ol i tie unili 1 toad ol liigh eaids il a suit innhaei ii is oik ol tlu lew top ixiilils dial inv vv i i go al the aclou budge luh ik ali 1 wist hand no 14 ne hilt i siill v lillle i able north s o and we fi a s u oni 1 luge iu w d sdve on out honevmnon we aidablt items we look al ill look al il al eath olhei and ihe htlle piles m e soiled so shake oui heads in disheher eaielullv we look toi stung to and soirow nevet mind deal in hum into ipaiale bundles mrr vot b w rmwh n 44y w j ur pap moiv mtetleituat with a higher hays to bag ihem sepaiatelv no news district loplvrown tuliujlioii minister foronlji if llw llon-wil- liuni c dii wus niscnt u weekl offnuhv open the towns inv million doll 11 mk1l10n1l ulihtion tu tin inilli iiimii clsct 2 kjll v jmu ll lilt hoi tkllllkn lllllllli iii oixii tlous4 ll i 1 1 ol lit s julllull iitotnottm- ttittmi mil wthnlwtiitiliii iisncs nt rililll in itu wio hkampios liiislitiliii ol tin ixiiki lupiililknt hi- kin ikiihsuli b 1 iikii iwulttit hitlnnis ik wis irvilnl liki 1 pii h puliii vilii tu visiuil llu smmon lo liv 1 tlutt iliiri iihii ioihiiki tis iiiitiiimin 1 polu lorn lit snj srri i ts ii i i liikiililion it llu puhlu hbiin his icntn 111111 ill 111 ll iiilumo 111 llu pisl m11 to in liiuh ot if 41 iluliiik hlo tin i list 11 v 11 iiiu nl i ixxt iri books iluini llu 111 iiikiaih lowsmiip km holsiil spul lilkul himsil oui ol 1 1 ikl 1 nsi liuni ininottviiiliii ol pnl soiinl ih pious 11i ih 11 hi mini s iiiit 1 onintiltii sisuni iuiilil ksiii his tlnliis mill 111 i lis 11 is llll illstll 11 it 111 kl ini i cis willi urn 1111 minis ot tnn iimiuil olhuilk 110m1111 itnl is iiiiiliilils 1 11 tlu nixt p101ni11il iliitiin llu hum isiiiruill suu l lisin iiiu ol llu tu ttoni niiinli ip il ilttlit s t i i 1111 miillin 1 il 1 il 111 lul il li ii illoti 01111u whil 111111 iuit loi kill 1 ilinmin 11 ik t isi i vitim tls ki i llnliiiis lii 1 lit 11 its i tli h t til iii 1 lilt iii l iv ll tills mil ids ii111 ui 4sk 1 os 111 1 i 4s ipli msiiiii ill k i l iis 11 111 i 11 1 mil ln i tli ti ski luh on 1 1 111 in k il 1 sin i tin his r ill 111 villi iiiii iilltitik i- tin il i tl 1 ill llll 1 is i is 111 ll 111 mill iii lklllll 1111 i i mil 1 s inn km itu titi ii until 11 mil mtlph 1 minis ii mil 1 hh i li i- has canada failed norad oik vhthiltl to imiiii luilcil it ih iisot isskfl o llfmol o i lo itir i iciiil7iiiiit ti 0111 rtttorum m 11 11 s in ml i 1 11 1 1- 1 i 111 ll is t si iii 111 1lllll i iii pi 1 i hi n iii i i i pill ill i 1 lt 1 1 1 1 ill ho 1 olitm mlil i 1 i 11 k ii li i m iii ll pi lllt lilts i i i 11 11 hs 11 sk11 i i i 1 imur ot ti c so tilei clurt in li 1 oswiri iroiark r lmol 011 bl lie iiaii tlivioviiij ub lliokioj on nouad was in basiiily a vvxxkxi w li v1 i 1s nit li destoy th 1 sljl slloitocot t 101 f ik lv u u isj aineru axji in o kcv lxmtic tittefc rv mmst poevi cmjilvcs g t tejil blt slu iisulc slfli e imtcitmtii in iii 1 11 i 1 s i j 1 hi is si 1 1 v iii it 111 1 1 ll 1 11 1 ill 1 11 hr nt iisirrttt bnrlmirsokm h ilii ut 1 ann 1 1 in 1 imi 1 i isl il its uul 1111 1 st 1 it lll 11 iiutli 1 s n lint it llu 1 il v 1 11 situ 1 ill i 1 t ik i iii l ills ll 1 1 ll i ii ik ll hsil i li s m 1 1 lli 1 1111 i mi tst u i 1 1 1 in li p 11 it 01 n 111 in ti 1 1 1 1 lnii1uo i 1 i 1 t 111 1 j ill i islt hi it l n ihl k i 1 1 i 111 ii iv llll 1 lils s its i 1 poll nil n t i 1 sup i s vpcllil 1 is is ii ai 1 i on 1 1 li tis tlu psiimistktt otip ltrt-v- i k tj 8 7 1 4 ls 1 weal i ul s a iii 1 s i 7 ii h 4 11 8 7 i a 111 j l i j c 0 ii 8 1 7 1 south s k 4 ii k j j 111 1 i 1 i a k 4 wrsl north i us i smith piss piss piss w piss i piss n piss ml plss t pass 411 all piss notlli 1 1 nihl i1111 ohiiiii ttii hiihhnij hilt i ti not illv xitlh ihi piss tint mortli his hnnlnl lift it nul bv 1 piss thin tli tump iispoiui ot 1111 hi 111 milts sllolls ulmiisl 111 1ijh pllllj in i wi si li ill llii 1i111 1 ol spnh s tin ll i lit mli lo llii kiny i tini iiniiiils ol ittinip inn li nl it 11 111 v nil li mill 1 nil v 0111 illoti hump i 11 is ill ml lliit ihi 111 1 sp nit s mis mil tllllllllli s iu 11 s i i kul 11 nut i t ii it not losing 1 okiioi i it mini lo li nlop hit tlnti suit inn liu lo 0 ilwsul it mas ih puihl 111 i in nl in ilnniini miiii tin il iniimi i ami limshiil 1 lobs 1 111 11 tut 11 t oui i in i it il l im illi hit 11 tin uli 1 1 i ti t luh 1 il a in ills this i i i 1 1111 li tti 01111111 ml 1 vai si iii 11 ilu k tilth tin noil n llimk m p t tin 1 his tin 11 1 01 knit lit tin lulls 111 11 in split i 1 1 111 il 111 ink ins 1 1 1 ii i mnli h hi to ho 1 ii mli i u in s it niikil 11 m i h- k iii lh i 11 ol lllh ih i ml 1 11 iii i i llh i iii 11 iii lu mini 111 iii liimmi i km wi sli i t ill li 11 ii ink si ul i up m ku in i 1 i hi nil pin 111 hi ill 1 11 it 1 u litis o ul i ii l is i ml lllt iii 111 it i hi l llll v it i i i iii llllll m i luivhcutl aiul gttllinlh i rc- p and vou sweetheart ter liinlv hiiit 11 lot mnrc chirmtcr in oui tnc now his so ue hinm eerthlnb hai it into itn thimti ln ulllhlv thrrrs miirr thin ut started ullh aiul mt tan stit till pit it tlused professional directory and travellers guide mpnicai fvnerai orafxtom dr w g c kenney plivshridn and surbii otfue m symtin block 4u mill st p attnn otfue phone wwii i rrtirfnictl hchurchst e phone j 1664 db d a garqett rhvucun und surueot comer of willow und river mi i illume river st acton ont phone suii4l dr robert d buckner phvklan and snisron w wrllinglon st ai inn lint phone sl20 dr i b moorr ph nun und sus 2 main street north i 01 nrr ml 111 und mill sliret at ion ontuiifi phone llllie ssiiiui res imoii phonso nlfhi orttay brine v shoemaker mjr opticat and hearing aids e i buchneb oo optometrist conlait lenses hearing aids ft john st s attnn in ai ion vvednesdi only 2 00 p 111 610 p ni for uppoinuncnt phone wviwi ii no insist t phone waterloo 74r7 hpntai- 1 lh lu i ll 1 i ih i m i 1 i k is i k i 1 i t i m il 1 1 m 1 m t- t m hi 1 itjtu ii ot h 11 ib orntui suigrn dill r oilier mll ami i it iteiu s slirets iii r- lloiiisliy app iiluii nl leleplione ssklnlil l a j buchanan isrnlal snigeon bt 1 hurt h st i ullclllloj ji firm 1 tsr1 weitnesila afternoon tttaviujuf quid gray coach lines i flachrsi ltavk acton standard time i airvitinil a in mlailv esirpl sun and ii il i ml a 111 ii u a m u pnv ml pm h2 pm s h n in 11 01 p in i sun and lhl i westtviiiiid iii 7 a m ls7 pm t p iu- 22 nun 7 j7 i q ij p ni 1 1 i p m i a tn i sat canadian naiional baii ways stan laid i ii i attlvioti i a m i 1 uoiiii daily es rpi sat au i so 7 is a in lo i i to 1 oil evrpi sui 7 p in ti im int itah e i pt sun s 111 p m t i m it sun ll 0 tun i iii ilaili ihat i 1 aiirlom iu vas i 1 llepl ur sl 1 vi 0 the acton free press sslft ositarla us cwxx md tfea osstsuioomhac imm oo nqsstat lya cotmttte tsm a a dak bmatfcut utlnttl amd iditoaial officf phone 8 5 33010 67 more phones added in acton llll it i up tlst tl ih ts i p ih ill l al its i 1 llllll ii thi uh v i s n j wt ih till i slpl ik t illipitv o ttl i lining v u a u tt i sm p mv s rl huiuui is s h i im thi e i k i mvusi r iln in1 in- t i hlin i hask xm ts r riun rd mrvrntimnri of mvtw m tn icvrtini itrntir il liebci rpu iwi m nimmii1i lutini m vcar in the vimptn s htli llut wis1 ilr rpnun w jkn ptrrnt in tmi uih in mpu t i k r- 1 i t 1 i th s- iup i sdk uim f iiu1 t l i i i tlx l u iii ll w h i hii ktc in jilt fit t it or no i r ii pt i h is1rn ui i kit v li n lh hivi rpt l v ttm nutisjii u tv tv im hifik ll tlliu isnum i n imhtl h iiii in fn th or il hj dt m i fjk hi p 1 il ul im vlftw uin pl llll i- rrimn i til in ipriiuml ih lj ltlp thr l s fs rtl ti rh nisa prjir h sri ti i nil pfttjitij i rrmt ihr i i rusvi1 itnlkatnl t mirl tnnjici- m nn trn r iiniilcmnh rnf bniain ip1 luthf list hintf umrrpari usttbwhtypickmp ihai lhat i i si is sal iv ml i tj j f 1 j 1 h ll u nil i li ut i f 1 1 h v it i xuppl in l 1 1 1 1 nr 1 1 to 1 r t v it i usl iii 1 1 ft slllll allotahsl p til mi ifwrrt ttir thnril rt ihlur jiii rrttin tn j dm uidttnt v r sow vfcitrn vr htir an attl hi i irepsrrd and i thriin voritt dofti i nation ut argur with them jruul thro awiuun siu wraik miiiir i snmilirir liu b mn ii hr s r al li ain 1 m k l pits ptainl mid njorninti an iniiiintrnt df lf t rr hprikv a irrj ituluno iwll nunagit iift thi thrin and hamper ihem in ihcir rruion said toialting 1 7ft m icr- effons to defend us what icnc kc ben o of december 31 ii there id our attitude lint i ties is nutmie the tirrak nas found in the oil sis inch line sipposnr mavilen ilairs sftcr uiirwinji jp suherti vra ther anil digjritig thnmish nier u l i irmts i iiaimiriand qc hatt uler ant vli it 1 soari puhli iftnr llwls in am 1- pm i p m s p m saiintias- tiv apeiintment iwtiy rhone jttisat ho br lhi aaion a bsaida a j hamter rajsatn nofarv tuhln fsfflcc heajrs hi arton unssdav fnway eveatni i in 1 sua i i talv rs- 1 sun il p ill to sir j i 1 d tali rspt sal and sun i js a i 1 sljair11 daily rierjt sal i r to tin lilt una iin lal l 11 ai aenr m lsl f p m 4 pm saturday i pm 3 pm i paidry si guelph oiljrio ftione ta 11241 ptalmlm and immstamch i i wivht x vsolrair st ai urn trnimnn ptvme irllfftai arpraiar mntt lajaurassstss te7 10 years i actass chironucrna david w gohn dc ii yoiinf sireri uji unuictl and newivpe stain less steel c curop used to re- ftur ibe bruk mfice hours la ouelph salnrdajr 9 ajn 12 ajsv dally am s pjsv curnrr nr arthur vuung m- offic hours by appointnxnt phoosi bj117i