Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 27, 1963, p. 5

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ads give a little money a big chance to go a long way lwva mhao- re rent etc setnto dig lor 15 word 5c par am tnareaftar fawnrtkm no copy rnjiliw sc mintfhg for 15 word 5c pef word there after mc dboount allowed for rash jpnytnant cttimd events iymr op tiankf 1 for mrt five lln- 10c for each additional line inwbjttortam l plus 10c per un olvenn classified display real estateflm per col inch matm number to thl office- additional deadlines clauifiad adviiirluinu 12 noon wednesday f daaalfled dltplay real estate 8 pm tuesday phone 8532010 the acton frea prtt fhufteuyjufmj-sotki-ios- uov6e suddenly at the oihmi ocneral hospital on on thursday june 20 i0aj ed ward andrew movm of acton la hi 52nd year beloved hus band of delia van wyck and dear father of edward of inn donv patricia and thelnui at home and brother of thelmii gertrude ethel dorothy and eva funeral service wa held at st albons church on monday at 2 pm inte fiilrvflw ce metery jz att canmnvarf for sale boat 1 ft 7-paa- enger fiberglass 23 hp evln- rude motor and trailer abo typewriter underwood stan ifard acton 533l5f b7l for salpwarge glossy print of any staff photo appearing in the free frew 57 tue 7sc gio site- f i cah lo accompany order enquire now at the acton free prc willow street in memoriair andersonin memory or ncl- lle who len me june 25 iw he glvelh hw beloved sleep jftw isabel cards of thanks births merrieoas deaths etc born general hospital uim thinks 4 orrgarriltanujulmsojitanil earlmr and mm henry earl 125 orvllle road are pleased to announce the birth of a son june 19 im3 ot si josephs hospital peterborough scott gregory 7 lbs j ozs muthcr and huby doing fine wagner warren and florence wagner are pleased to an nounce the arrival of their son jay christopher 7 lbs 14 ou at the qoeensway hospital to ronto pint grandchild fur mr and mr gord wagner a8abbaimlamm8mfee i i i v engagements i would like lo thnnk mv rein- lives friends and jicighbors lor their kind remembrance of cards and gifts while i was a ratlent in oakvillc memorial lospiml h5v9974 phil landry r i would like tn lhank my friends and neighbors lur cards and good wishes sent in mc while 1 was u patient in cuelph fiencr ul hospital thanks inn id dr t b muire nnd dr ilohson of guclph uvw9s2 mrs maddux t would like to thank my friends and neighbors itir their cards and the lovelv basket ul imll sent in inr while in gucjuh for sale holsteih cow 4 years old fresh six weeks a few holstcln heifers also threeton farm stake i nick in good repair phone georgetown tr 72022 a5jlw7i por sattetj j wvnford place acton out jiojoo por further information contact central mortgage and housing corpora tion 71 emerald st south ham ilton ont as29639tr stmrn pipeline and bucket milkers stainless steel dairy pails milk strainers and wash lunks rihstone silos and donne pole hams call horace tomlln- son surge dealer brampton gl 11275 a41myau mr charles withers wishes to announce the engagement of her granddaughter patricia jean mcthurst acton lo mr james harold wahlman m sprlngdalc blvd toronto the marriage to take place july 12 i5 at 7pni t the preshvtrrina mane at ion mr and mrs charles w larids- borough wish lo unnounce ihe ngagement of their daughter melon joyce to mr stanley ruv macniven mac sinclair son or mr and mrs stanlev sinclair or cualph the marriage will take cucc an saturday julv 27 im i the acton baptist church at 3 10 oclock mr and mrs albert green of campbellville are pleased to an tmhince the engagement of then daughter kathleen margaret mr donald gordon currie son of mr and mrs gordon currie of campbellville the weddhm will take place un julv w 0 at st juhns angiicun oiuuli campbellville the nurses and stalf ot the en cral hospiiul third floor u5v9ji clarence e gamble we would like to take this lime lo thank all the neighbors and friends doctors rev and mrs gammon mr ruv mason forte electric pioducts and cinplutcc f tr the help cards and linnets given lo gold while he is hos pitalised thanking the whole town of acton lillian janice a warren wagner a5i1wi i wish to express my sincere thanks to all my friends relativ es und neighbors who sent mc cards flowers and gifts and vis itcd mc during my stay in guclph general hospital and since coming home a special thanks in dr gurrrlt and rev a h mckcnlie their klntlness will always be remembered u5v09m fred cole for saif by tanhardf kennels reg silvercreek i 4 male german shepherd pup pies ready lo go august 4 re serve now father has points on canadian championship mother never shown has 2 champion brothers we also sell canned dog food attficcr r z reservations now being taken for your dogs slimmer vacation rcasonabje rates individual at tention r r i georgetown tk72ua5 ivw mv wants berry pickers wanted irrigated patch good crop 4 mile north of milton on highway 25 8784867 stanley j brown plnebrook famr 1 b7 mamrode ciailamo baynei deadstock service hlghasl price bald for- fresh dead or disabled cow horse old lieallhy hortm bought phone guelph ta 28041 or fergus plant i4sj79i licensed dealer i59c62 atf employment wanted wanted wantfd single girl requires room in respectable humrvihone h5v2im alter sw p 111 a 5jws wanted llalton poultry piotluils tlilcrs in live and dressed poulirv and fresh eggs cusioin killing phone milton tr 8m0i wantfd flikks to supply large halchery with all breeds of batching eggs eggs from some breeds taken every week in the vear large premium paid apply box number lw acton free employment wanted crude ij student desire baby silling iob experienced and re- ftable phone 85jom8 osjwdl employmb 0 wanted 5ycarold boy would like a oh lor july and august having i mil picking etc near 22 side road phone 85vi2i uuw67 for rent cottages forrenttdh beautiful lake of bays at dorset for information phone 85jo80s o5095m for rent 2 storey ho ft rtuims and uuth hot water oil heat a july i b 1 tress 053854 ffe press a474cow w57 for rent in acton j-bed- room semidetached jiouse ull moderh- conveniences available julv i phone georgetown tr 7- 764 a5jl9 for rent why pav rent purchase jhis well kept home foi jmlloo down and 15544 per inoiilh thats right build volir oun tulure by buying instead of renting 2 good sized bedrooms huge living room modern kit chen and 3piecc bathroom plus the pride in owning your own home e a mitchell limited re altor ih ouecn st e bramp ton n52v965 paconi dead stock removal limited highest cash price for dead or ulisabled cow and horses old hone 5c u licence no 227c6j i42rpa3 phone zenith 97950 cam roc gibson dead slock service highest price paid for dead and disabled cows und horses 5c a lb for old healthy lioncs at our fergus plant we can let you know the cause of death call fergus collect 8412240 lie no 26ic6j 1mkj6v c accommodation accommodation room and hoard available gentleman precrrcd phone 85j29j5 or ap ply j4 mill st w one block i mm main aiulmilisuwactoa a5jrw2 xaxsjqrj5ale 1 carfor sale 1w- rambl er american 2door economical car milton tr 82u0 b71567 for sale 1958 buick hard top automatic radio small mile age milton tr 8 2120 bm5m car for sale 1957 buick 4 dfkirhardlop 4 new tires jhu0 or best oiler phone 8552824 al ter 5 asj2 9975 coming events wanted damaged vehicles in need of repair complete niio nhjv rthuililinu uul rt tmishinir 2 hour lowing siiui anv plki anytime miscellaneous moffat ball club dunce ftnsik v i he hall june 2ll curries or chestta atlm 5k bsi418 euchre lo ih- held al ililliiialutl coniuiunitv cenlre juu 2 ul s hi p m admission 50c alwss the churchill ilc w will bju- a salt- ot home matle huknv on novcmhei 22 i9l isl7si ii o i id a v duitc eldlinalitl coniitiunit ttntie saturoiv night june 29 lltiwies oitlus i la atlinissioii 75t siutltm ul l mission stv kelieshtneol hmlh i ii n specialists for pfopi f who carf for till 1r cars franks auto collision crfw sons corners 2 miles west ul acton for frfk estimate or snccijlicd service phone 85uwi0 ibl lowing seivite i el 85 j44 go ivciv wftlllo pin li nictil it mill in v i in il issi in pnes each night ft idmismfm intlutics ii tuitls tovcnii all gauus sponsored tw milton km i sllull untt legion u v 1t0 ii help wanted died for sale ill 1 p vatfi lll ttiiiltl hints km i 87s254v i restauranl skies v b7 i5v8 small appliance repairs for estimate pickup and delivery call 8551026 a4596ltf get your driveway parking lot etc paved this summer for free estimate call andv pidone at 85v2u1 u49597j9 home car pcntrv cement and block work odd jobs jim gibson 120 mill si w phone 85vi526 a477l4tf wocld vou like urr alicrnoon off responsible girl will take vour children to the park from i to 5 pm fee 100 phtine 85v 2n4 a 5j mm made to measure venetian hinds awnings porch canopies railings aluminum storm win dows and doors free estimates dial 85v2i70 a455963 for sale 1959 dodge re gent 2door 8cvl automatic see this one milton tr 82520 b-7- 1 565 kitchener upholstery ex pert reupholstering refinishing und repairing of all kinds of fur ntlurc for free estimates call wubhos grucctcria 85v28w ac lon atf cordifr suddenly at st joseph s hospital guelph on thursday june 20 1961 jesse luui gordter til rockwood beuixd hushand ot fliratniti mas tvknr and ueur luhi t mrs george duv coi aiu kindfalber of jaiui mk kun v all ot rockwishl funeral servke wu- held at the runakry shutmaker fuiwiil home on salurdavul 2 pin in ail m i rockwsxi cemetcrs harley passed awav sudtkn iv at her home monti mills i or sai i hits ptimie 85 1 tksold lll u 55 i or sai i ii l iihv lc gthhl ttllltlllltlll illoik x41 j 51177 i heip wanted young lattv wiltt ul least gratu 10 tttucatuni lot catitiul ollu- tork und lo us cashlel sulurv lo he lie ktitiulttl wtiu- to utis s ih- tlou i ice pies jl car for sale 1959 meieor rideau 4door automatic radio whitewall tires a 1 car milton tr 82520 b71566 for yoijr next new or used car call gord howard rffdrfdffrn ltd at milton collect tr 82w5 or at acton 1531150 or drop in and see me at 39 frederick st acton awll a1 used cars for safe driving 1459 ford convertible automa tic i owner a1 1959 dodge vl alundard a1 1951 ford cylinder 4 door 1957 buick 2duor hardtop 1956 ford 2door coach 1956 meteor 2door hardtop weekend special 1956 ford vi 2 door hardtop for the best buy in town see and drive our new 1963 chrysler plymouth dodge valiant now for ken- ice ami satisfaction queensway agree to sixdam flan motors sales peter broekhoven prop- 341 ouecn si p acton 8530041 a 53 realestau guelph area j2900ifull price for three room home on large lul halt mile irom guelph suit retired cou ple tir bachelor price includes i new gas heater and range low taxes contact john l king- shotl broker rockwiiod 86 4361 a53 3 acres willi small house and good barn stabling lur horses paved road lo hespeler and gait close to guclph und highway 401 acton 17 miles true value ut 17500 lull price with 11500 down must be sold as owner hus purchased a larm i with the approval of all 16 1 the plan because municipalities concerned tlie4vriiit i credit valley conservation auth ority will proceed with requests lo the federal and provincial governments lo pay 75 per cent ol lite cost for the proposed six dams and three channel improve it was the cvca first attempt ut coma- vullon theyve spent too much tlmo and money in lite past on recrea tion he said esquesing township hud ques tioned the word teek in lh ments in its llotid control pro onirsatlon of the gram all last thursday meet p councillor wilfred ulle ipg chairman rov mcmillan if said he pledged his township strcelsvllle and robert parker of j ssent after chairman riv mc acton were named lo make lhe milton- ustired him lhal f we application dont get the 75 per cent grant chlngtiacotisy township gave reluctant assent last momlav june 17 to hie 55500000 plan after charging thai the authority spent nnire on recreation than on conservation conservation before park clilnguacoiisv reeve c v r 1 1 clark sold the authority should go ahead with conservation be fore developing parks he fell ihe parks penalized the people who lived in ihe municipality because lliev hud lo provide roads through their taxes i have no obieclitui to the parks theyre very necessary for people who cant aflord lo go larther he said hut lite auth ority should take care of the loads tuiotc putting the park there just trail as an example he saitl mk road to the terra collu park was we cant go uheail recover stolen car found on hwy 400 a 19 funl car niolun frotjtt pen mison motum ltd lute sutttrtlay niht wot recovered monday uf let it wni ahundunvd n lliiihwuv 400 near burkie two ikw tire pretumihly taken at ihe utme time- from ouecnuway motors sales ore still miiting al masvnnv entrv wut uined in smishintf un oiriie window al qtiefiihwuv motors hack window wis smashed lo allow iru- thief unvs toihr hiiikuntf corporal rav mamin of ihr ac- lon orf ivtachnunt is invrsl- imilnn i itisl a rail c fin ini tii r fratk vons township lepresentitive ti aulhoriu saxl he would siippiir llcw sponsors saflurday picnic the congregational picnic last rial tstatt canhnuad saiur alicrnoon sponsiired liv mrs tom shields unit of ihe united church women was held ul the shields farm and attend ed bv ahout 75 the children atcre delig b po rides a glenleasfloqg liuv rides behind a tractor driven by dan van fleet then- were lace and contests directe by j doug covland and ihij rev 5to down to one ft mori insight engel a hull game and gage sroim brick hungalow lugstf war lor the children and then the adults lull basement oil heat cum- s h hrmlght picnics hul inr 186 monthly pit no ad others houuhl sandwiches tlmi- vance taxes teijiliietl hedged ghniils anil told drinks i rum the lawn treed terraced terntl icw bcmilb turd this home is in vcrv tute condition thioughout for aptminlincnt to insivtl call 8532494 a goot place- to start ivo bi invicu 4dr hnl itip tvtmr stivrinii pimtr brakes radio uhiteall toes dtws clean one hxmht v l floor rifinishinc we lm hiick 4 dnr hardhp ntw havr a miklern lander and jl edcr we will ivfinish vour moors or rent vou the equipment to ilt the job yourself j b frank phone hvxma 47 frej idi st s acton alt ol kss ac i n deluv svl clirv impala 4door si ll i mc paoel ion 1 vs 100 acres prcvioudy advcrls- 500 down to onf mortagf id at 20k s room house 127 poplar ave aeton with new balhroom ood barn j 500 00 asking puce lor neat 2 and pitf pens mile lo paved load now priced at 16500 tin i ant oil will reduce lur cash this is a hriat rate larmersii tarm hedtthiin tioine huye liviny loom modern kitchen and 1 i piece bathroom balame on i one mortuaye 55 4t monthlv intludlny principal and tnlciesl treed lot and quiet street twnoo down to oni mortcacf 175 poplar ave acton 5 room bungalow with huge kitchen and 24 living room 5 bedrooms and bath ure on a i second level aluminum sltirms and screens paved drivj into j large carport attractive land scaped lot 5 mortgage car juanovsell kept three bcdioom m htime with large kitthen chssi sied living room automalit gas lurnate lot 9 tl lionl age wilh illotool depth willi lols ol tret moiilhk pav meuls htte tent ol 7s 57 im mediate possession u gtssl old ph i oni monday june 24 lbt highw it margaret tsrlovesl wife of har- for s5i f pigs 7 weeks 4 for sai i i lilt liute r k for sai f to uttullu hu chas i t mis hire ss si rust ben its i iktugvtow n iii ip wantfivopentngs m sussuguwtst tstiiesmg rts u ttthitl ocas faro that extra mn 1 1 ovis ius showing btatititul ttinietits is advtttiscd in leading niitu iiks und on tv bv avon cm mugs lull or wille mrs m ritmer ipiioistfry kit hentr sneciuhsts in reiiphulxterinfc best gouliiv nialerials tine work j niuaship pionip scrvkt form lure telimstuug and lug cleaning photic 8 vot 10 marks ciotciv i a50t s plluk ssi tnll slkk i esl 5 ton rs uthess ave kilhe 4 sl4 w jtt ry harks formerly of weston slrar mother ol agues tmrs for sai f w fiml in gssxl- john ward george and dr i fiuiditum also hih enh aiul hanrv llartev mf and alisvibigh than phone 8slot ldceied tali mwv raakml at fhmns funeral rev c tavnce mount dcmus ssrvisv l e t side tulivvtx tnumlav lodavl 150 pm in- bar on ixibber and rsil lament sans tttarv park cemet- i p v u j uvj a- jsisft kelly at st juaephi hospi mle town maps and tal guelph on tnurwtay june ty p mk ju hua p s kuy of acton uthls aaihl aasmh tawfc lk 1 11- i 8 val aajbj thai luty and daar brother of bui wet mr andrew fomrtv uuthlata boik of ns yttrk rvutk ot ariattaa un tom lurtkaaa manjaret of torun- tas mr hafty rwher prar m north bay wv uatful gift tor nx ixo tson a complvt assortment at ditlt shtioor 56 mill st ac- ton 4v4v65ltf assistant accountant young nun rrguired lor ac vihiiitnn depsn inkih of manu i ts un tit voinium in acton as s5tiuim iltimng is nwar i with a l kint 2 seat- aclminttng xvi kiwo j appl m writiny to i works accountant h k porter co tcjsvaoaxlxa ttlrphntie 15v2i20 b5 i a s ikiitnim conj pi l tors guaranteed umg lasting inslallalmins wfathfrvanfs 5 inches j high over 50 different dcstgis j ik i st milkers and separa tors puxishm matte stainkss i 5 steel i 15 lvsl pom i at stuiion wagon ii lit k k i 1i1 aiilomilit tl 41s llss klmtat 4lr h4js 0sgpotla 4tiir lurrnnai aulonvjit 155 wk vftior 4tlsir w specials lnt ancl ia dw 15 lwi al stin cambridge door steel john vandermeer r r i umfiiol sf tr 7 w2i rvwtf dead slock walnut ranch ltd crippled and disabled cose and for salechrst of drawers dmwi beds china cabinets chrome sets desk many other item macleods furniture 5jl mill st acton bsuttst 24 hour serrica l nov 13jrp tucu wabsfdonyn mu 1044j mfl fs stl nfbaker 2dir sta- hui wagon 45 i5 stvdfbaker xduor un5 lt nooge wagon 75 15 potiac 4dnor lavaa nv ymolth 4ttair automa ik 1v5 w5 pontiac asloor 5150 p motors limited your franchlsrd goodwill pontiac buick acadian gmc dealer in acton phone tsmmss nes about 51 monthly asking 112300 make us an ollct wm j mcleod 1irokfr 122 mill street fust alton 85v2atll rtpresentetl itv roy goodwin 1 51 offers wanted 1000 down fxcellent lertns otfttd un one morlgajje evei t x hi u k j10 0ij lull piue trilevel siaci txtiii 1 miui it thin isvs iskllf pillf surmmhklid h its 1 hi is k homes only 10500 leu hruk rumr olleretl this pi kc 5500 full price 7 rooms in need ul wmr mud ernuinif ouj trim oltrred walking detainer to iorr ukd ta lories law dfmtrn pjaittrnt iurplrsl from appruwd pur i 3 other homes fimn to tjod nd troea lo ii out down vse have others john ft rhotmes real estate rrokkr phone 8531650 the new y m a in george town is holding a duv camp this miinmt tbev have no y build ing jusl all oilier rcal istati c444nuaf must be sold 1300 full down payment no second mortgage l bedroom hilt k -bungalow- slorms untl screens dining ar ea 4piett- liutli full tiasenicnt oil liiinace make an opper older home near centre of town i hedntomhunualow dining loom kitchen 1 pfcv haiti hasement with furnace owner uill take sivm itmn aldlitf farms etc 5 acres ahm stream lull puee 1710 do5an m7q0 three bedroom home plus attached garage mortrafr turnout ikwn to nr j 4 pitplar ave aetini tv v0 raleptional value lor ihi tur room amtl htiiik mod em kitchen and laiye living ttntrn one er old oried an fmnjte pjnwntil 74 t ut hiding piiiikiv4l ainl iiteiel with open ntoitgage pin tie if- e a mitchell ltd realtor im ticn si 1 j iliumplon 4516232 5v2 home bum mil loll im 40 acres tttum aking 10 with u5lfl tkiwn ill y r snl throi 11 milk ml s rfai ior sydney k lamb 9 rallo- and lntiirmr mill si b a n oo phonr km iiiui ol fall alec johnson iu2na a5l u acton m church street cad su weekend specials mum mam steakettes 59 round steak er oct round steak roasts o j vamity of rtsh nsn w ofjkmr dy ptumb ut ts3ls40 bradley s meat itehjl r ttt

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