vh j 1 x mc god old 20 years ago taken from lb bssue of the free pi of thursday june at a special meeting on satur day afternoon of acton school bonrd mr k smllh miw of rockwood wan ehdiestto be principal of aclon public school mr smith ha ten years teach ing esperlericc nnil one year nt rockwood n principal of ttock wood nnd alton schools ilk sal ary for the next ycnr will he jl- -am- then- were eight applicants liilcrvfuwcd and the school felt foi itiiuiti- indeed that thev were able to fill the vacancy so sutlv fiutnrllv enhance examination are he 50 years ago taken from the laaste of tb- free tvsjsa utrairsdey june m tij the proprietor of the rebuilt slatlon hotel evidently deemed the oldfashioned anglosax name barroom havirig in herited utfne yljtmn or reproach over the door of the new bar room is the somewhat tnyillc lettering buffa it in possible the proprietor meant to up- plunt the oldfashioned name with the trench term buffer which is pronounced boofuy and translated n counter for re freshments i complaints have come from various quarters of the unusual rvilwmfz auff ptioin smmmvatton dav was haldat the hloh terool monday for orade eight pupils who will trffertd hlh school rmkt term four- of the pupils ere shown in the science room with mmscheri joseph bray end william patterson left to right are ron aacknight from the m z bennett school aar bray jackie aacoonald llmehouse jake pinmiij aa z banncft lehbol and aar patterson intl written tjfijav- and tomorrow amount or noise made by ihc gtr trains during the night there seems to be a gtoal deal more whistling ringing of bells and blowing off of steam thun is ill nil necessary the summer timetable of the grand tjunk came into efrcct siiturdnv with slight changes then- an- 12 passenger trains which stop at aclon sis each wav an epidemic or measles or un- usunlv virulent nature is in pro- givss the chler health officer says the disease is more casllv preventable than curable and much ol the fnult lay with par ents who refuse- to take precau tions contractor mackcmlc has in vested in ii motor car which is now in cliillv commission jlmmie smith is doing the country on a motorcycle he recently purefuis- u jf acaamaaesmb m lwuw wsfwdf e e aaonday is canadas birthday it may be a little hard lo realize il by the absence of i and l c b it waa july i 1067 that marked the formal at c a a ti while july 1 it significant the growth in nationhood has beerf a continuing one which a review of history indicates in 1864 delegates from the maritime provinces had assembled to discuss a mari time union the union of 1841 having been frustrated by recurrent instability delegates from canada were sent to the aaaritimes conference to propose a wider union of all british north america a conference was canvenad at quebec later that year to discuss mm proposal and to make recommendations to the colonial office under the bna act f ltl7 which resulted upper end lower canada nova scotia and new brunswick were united in the dominion of canada the responsibility of the executive to the electorate achieved under lord elgin was limited to colonial affairs gradually the government of canada extended lit control to crown lands trade relations tariffs and other activity independence in foreign poli cy however was not achieved until the first world war when canada assumed member ship in the imperial war cabinet tent dele gates to the peace conference at versailles and became in its own right a member of the league of nations under the statute of westmiristor of 1931 canadian sovereignty was given final the kmtt cme justice minister chevrier has acknowl edged in the house of commons that the ftcmpi security and intelligence branch made a teriout error in informing naval au thorities that gordon harry knott of nanai- mo bc was a bad security risk on the batis of an erroneous rcaap report that he wet a nephew of ernest knott onetime com munist political candidate in the federal nan- almo riding av knott was dismissed from the navy a veer and a half ago the young man has now been tendered the govern mentt official apology and has been offered reinstatement in the navy perhaps the most reeionable comment on the case was made by the youths mother were not mad at the rcaap or the navy mi knott told a newspaper interviewer the rcaap have their job to do but they could be more care ful airing of the knott case has at least re medied he particular iniustice and it may achieve more than that the justice minu ter suggested to the house that it may be possible lo devise tome procedure to safe guard the individual against official error or afbjtrary opinion but there is me very reel that acknowledgement of the bcaafs recognition no law of canada can now bo voided because it is repugnant to british law no law of britain is effective in canada excopt with the consent of the dominion all laws enacted by canada have extra terri- toriil effect in 1947 canadian cjtizenthip was defined as distinct from british citizen ship in 1949 canada obtained authority to amend the bna act in the same year ap peals to trie privy councils judicial com mittee were established in 1952 a canadian was appointed governor general undoubtedly we still have much to ac complish as a nation our growth in nation hood mutt be topped with a maturity that enables us to determine our national flag our national anthem and our relations be tween one province and another perhaps 100 years will mark the begin- n maturity but we doubt that any specified period will automatically provide he answers we seek we have come a long way this young nation of ours but the cha t he ahead will overshadow any of the accom plishments of the past and it is important that we be in a position to handle them error will rouse such an intemperate hue and cry that it will obscure this truth- subver sive activity does exist and it must be polic ed already even thoughthe bungling in the knott case could hardly be laid to more than one or two sib men the whole membership of the branch have been labelled political ignoramuses others have assailed the rc aap in its entirety one newspaper even in vited the opinion of leslie aaorris leader of canadas communist party v this arbitrary interference by police is something thai has to be ended aar morris said unexpectedly we dont need a political police in canadi it is a fact that lome men in police work come to enjoy their positions of authority that same try to do their jobs the easy way that some show themselves incapable of particular duties the same is true of men n all spheres even in politics in the maner of policing security risks even with the best of intentions there can be errors of fict or misinterpretation of facts in the public in- terett there seems to be the need for an avenue of pfm but the answer to the problem needs to be sought soberly and re- spontibly ten pupllsaftr writing with prln clpnl m leltch presiding seven pupils are from acton school and three from iidlnlnlng lowashlps there was an entrance class of 12 pupils work will commence next week on another new addition to the wool combing corpora- lion plant to include storage and a dining room since the plant operates day and night and innnv employees come from the district surrounding this last named feature will indeed he a great convenience the duke of devonshire chap ter of the iodn held a picnic in the park with ijikeside chap ter as umxls everyone hod a wonderful time and the lollowing contests were runolf time race miss rtnma cole mrs j ailamson orange race mrs stan- lev athewlclrvsirge sotnt-r- eil 7vlignhrri ti atjills k the new school and the new hoe contest mis i harris mrst hell both already 20 years old cicnrgo somcrvillc skipping con and the coming addition this test mrs gordon currle mis vcar are all steps in the onward sianlev matthews mrs w j march the nltl bell has wltnes- ftcatlv clothespin contest m s many chon in 30 years tlv mrs stanley maithcvy- and the old teachers moore ttosst and mrs dr cnllen little mrolcv and mephcc with mrs llarvv mi i f n in has been with her husband in not possibly have imagined the british columbia ror the past changes dominion day u on tie way ut have a omabraikm it may be our last chance they y to mark it ar n nation yep according to- the jjktonv pots this may be our but op portunity to ovlebratu vttlh our customary femur that aw ihiu national holiday revered by nil canadians the first of july such eminent nyalerlant aa pierre ivrton are bounding the tocsin raising tlie ctorm alftsala and making like cassandra oue- bee they aob la gouru pull ouin the confederation all will be lost canada will become u banana re public i it is rather i paradox thol the groans ol ungulsh emerge ror the moat pan from the very people who devote a groat deaj of lime and a vast nutn lier of words lowatils convinc ing everybody that canaili is already little more than a hi nana republic thcv arc the people who have unselfishly volunteered to all os ihc conscience of this cuunirv thev are the people who blal endlessly that wi ar the people who hang with embarrassing ob sequiousness on the evcrv word or every roreigner who speaks of this coontrv its hahlu and its people thev arc the people who via dawson city or glac dav or llavlork cenlre descend upon rourclikondicihemclvc up us arbiters of our luste our upinions our morals our man ners armed with incredible gall and a racllil with words they are- happiest when ihev reasons for mv opinion thev are not just a lot of off the cuff ideas baaed on a nil of atallsllcal evidence nosslr they have a solid base of pure emotion and preudlce rlrt of nil our politicians while comparatively green com pared to those of older tuition lire internationally recognbted as masters of the compromise can ada us a nation has a reputa tion for horsmrndliitf she is not one lo let any foolish ideals hand in the wav of an honest buck and this i fear will pre sent the greait obstacle to ihc sucesslonlsls of quebec second our french canadian friends bomb planting to the contrary- xiply are not wild eved laljns foivvet cherishing cobblcxtonesto hull 11 utitlt orllv they aie a hill more volatile than- our hrllsli ele ments perhaps but dont for get that ihv r descenil from the rhiewd lotmli igi- cal phujmai folk ol north ern franct for the most part thev an- pruiieillv siilcs com pared to sane ol the exotic sfrulns in iiir population the irish lor sample third ihev already have as inucji independence as ihev can posslhlv use dont tell me that a fellow in rfvieie tin loup for example has anv less freedom than i have rsneclallv if hes married and ill never forget a caliadienne i took out ill mon irealone night liov was she in ilipeniliiil vcar returned lo acton p 0 mc ctitcheon has been transferred lo pdmonton for special trainjng on the headquarters stafl help on the farm is needed register with f i wright harvey wallers is plaslci ine the ceiling ol the auditorium in the town hall please lie vour newspaper sal- vaiie in bundles the bowling green is attract ing splendid groups a veritable mother in israel passed away ot crewsons corn ers when the spirit ol mrs john miurav took its riiuht deceased was the laughter or john swack- haincr one or the pioneers or this section she was married by the late rev hiram denny the founder or the congregational church at churchill she is sur vived bv her sorrowing husband and two sons james a and wil liam trre nrvcalmg their ineffnbie- scorn tor canadian ciistum coo a c a plague upon them all in the face of their insults and insinua tions their sneers and their snip ing i remain a cool happy re actionary i still believe that the twentieth century bclungs lo cu- nudu even with nn 1 1 pet cent sales tax on hulldintl materials and furthermore i- fearlessly predict thot ouebec will never leave the confederation- x there arc a number of good fourth the people of quebec should they pull out il con federation would have to give up one of their primary plca- sures in lite blaming every- thing from the lat txvowara lo the low pcnklona oa the sa cred anglais an for mv other opinion that the twentieth century belong- lo canada this too i baaed on a bedrock of none not n lot of all- iv fuels and figures the main reason for my hope is that the twentieth century h becoming more and mare expensive pret ty soon nobody will want it at anv price hut canadian will buy anything if the down pay ment is low enough leaving you with these com forting predictions i wflrti you ii happy first of july serene in the knowledge that vimi will spend it as usual reverently explaining to vour children this meaning of confederatiofi lis tening to fiery orations about our great canadian mvslique dancing in the streets with voui neighbors to express your ov and decking mil your house oi store with hags and if vou have lo don water- skis o catch vihir kids for the revel cut explanation dont wor- rv ii the nnlv fiery oration vou can find is farl cameron with the ciu news dont worrv if vour neiithlxirs have all hugged oil to tlie beach dont worry if ilieonlvllags vmrran find are a iuple of union tackxan old reel lnsign und a tallcicil stars and stripes tlonl worry it will he a good averugr typical cana- dian celebration of ihc birth of out gloriiais nation professional directory and travellers guide mfjmcat rvfiaua murxmm news mm rohm wi discussion di5trict on family farms reorgftown e w bliss co of canada ltd mnnorctur- rr of traffic natling ilivlccs road siyns and indumrlal timers tins iiiiiuiirueil plans 10 bu iht vtiant sykcs tk1 corptirntion munu fu tin inp plain he iv til- cvinyimixiui 16300 squum foi plant fnmis tuimijlnvi 7 uvirrdown a diwlnptt has orieral council jltooo to hiv i viut msiikmitl hall on hiyhwnv 5 vith plans lo liilhci i il 11 rcsiatirant with liquor futiliiics bui the review in a hunt pao cclilorial opposes ihc sale because it is the communitys nl puktii meeting place and is ued fur a legion sponsored youth pmtmint ii was eixxtedin 1922 iu memor of first war veterans rramptoim free parkins municipal lots ends july 15 when meters p back into operation the first time incc january lm tuuncil claims a contnici with the chamber of commercr whereby merchants paid the mwn n compensate tor lost meter reenue has nni uoiked and thi chamber is behind on paymonts cooksviiip stinu northeni peel county liberals hove piuiesutl i he ivceni aiuni ibnil nomination meeting charyiny itvnnfers aiut a mnteaisiltl bov were allowed to cail votes for the i iiuhditev oiljanieis uelenileil their action in allowing dcltfffates inuler 21 years ut ae siaiinj th were accredited members of the villus liberals their- protest was not upheld and ted ghsta was named candidate pfrl county a counivwide pilice force was proposed by a port credit councillor lasi week as more effective and tets costly than 10 scattered torce ten municipaliiics and 10 chiefs of police mean r duplication ol serxkes ixpiitv reeve jack plans told county council oakvilip the oakxille acht squadron has rncurd the towns 1s8 liyhthouvi- aiul ai a samrdav ceremonv it was rvdrdi caieil by mjmir wiliam amlerson torn down a few years ago to inak- way tor a new beacon on the pier ihe linhthouse was procured hv viulti squadron enthusiasts niued to the vacht club property and restored to its original form bauinafad four institute members hear pxesidervt of xcww speak the acton free press i saw taaaw 1 founded to 175 tsaalbkaat ca ltd its tnursday ai n wulow st acteaoitarto urrobtr oi use audit bureau of ctresiaaltaaa saw cmma and tha qbtarloqucoec dmalea of usa twju adssmuto rate on requeat snl u in adssanot s3x to canada bs aad otbtr cnstsnonswaalth countries tlse ussltad sutaa whar slnjla iislaa ti rsiillamtial ai ii 1400 sf forelssi countries claaa mail nit c a buta autadtsaaoricf dartd k sama msaaallisi pillio usintss and tpitoiial ofrct rf oni 8 53201 joni ul ballinafad onumi liiniiuiir momhers mrs leo jam uttn mrs jesse mceocrs mr- ritvii mcfnrrv and mi j snow were tortunati crwhjiri lo it tukois to atleni the greet mi in thimir ol the president ol i ik- asxtkialeil ctrinirv women i tin- world mrs giertiji van rkvlhii ol ihe neiherlaruls wfitn wmi w i vsomen assembled in a iskiv at the oac guelph on rhursdas june p tanv more were unable io get livketv which was verv disap- poiniing as everyone en loved heartnn ol her wwk and sprnd- ntg three months out of every- veir visiting other countries she said the wi is a marvel lous means of hetptitf thaae jrs1 fnminair fvervune fell it has been a vers inspirihvmeetinsand were vciv lortunate u sec and hear mrs van beckhoff tell ot the work ol the womens institutes ot the wurld saturday vuun mr and mrs robert mcfnerv viaiied wilbmr and- mra fjert asm ai belwaod on saturday mra l trysaenftarwas hostess ftr the june m c c t i n a of ihc greenock womens institute president mrs hernslev opened the meeting wilh a short prjem im going out the opening ode was sung followed by the mary stewart collect and ihc lords prayer repeated in unison the responses to the roll cull of something i am wearing and where it was manufactured were quite interesting arrangements were completed for 10 members to attend the tea for acww president mrs van beckhoff at guelph on june 20 v il was decided to have a fam ily picnic at terra col la con servation park in place of the july meeting mrs wm johnston and mrs gordon leslie conveners or ag riculture and canadian indus tries presented an interesting program on these subjects mrs a gates read a poem trinity which was timely what about the family farm was the title of the article read and discussed by mrs g leslie the feeling was expressed that there is still a place in ontario for family farms mrs c aitken told of trslv being presently made on milk contents in relation to different cows of the vame breed it has been proven that fat and pro tein content in milk varies wilh the individual cow consumer de mands for higher protein low fal content milk may leud lo breeding cows for this result mrs wm johnston read irom padre w youngs writings if you ask me a contest on vcgelibles and plants was conducted hs mrs chester allan and was won by miss e paaren following the meeting refreshments were serv ed bv the hostess- assisted bv mrs t hemsley and mrs e pat terson mrs c aitken was courtesv convener dr w g c kenney physician 1 and surgeon office in symon block 43a mill st f acton office closed until fiirrtur notice dr d a garrett physician and surgeoi on vacaiiun june 29 august 6 inclusive office open mun wed frl mornings phone umui or call ml- 1 ma dr robert d buckner physician and surgeon 39 wellington st acton ont phone msi240 a euchre was held in ballina- lad hall on tuesday night when is tables were played winners were high ladies mrs wm mc- ounakj mrs robert mceoeiy mens high mrs drenters play inn as a man mr cam sine tail people arc than ourselves we arc all worn en ol the world with the same ideals ro have peaceful homes ami happy families jmrs haggertyjreijdcmg ux the federated womens institutes of canada also gave a very tine tul- daiu the afternoon june asstrrtng of theje w was held at the otw gtbaon opened the matting with prayer also taking the devotion- al a huamcu session followed the m svlsew il was decided to cooperate with the wi in buy ing another coffee maker and in aatltsts phmiaail tar the nasi 4 weak in out two livyearold guelph re formatory escapes were senienc- id in milton court monday for an admitted nreakin at brook mile public school mav 26 thev reportedly stole ft jo and two shirts from the school the dav after breaking out of the re formatory read alias pic the mrs lloyd mclean waa in charoe at ihe artsarajn wa coniiatad of o mrs cam mcenery and mrs lloyd burt were in charge of the social dr t b moore physician and surgeon 2 main street north comer main and mill street acton ontario phone office 1512110 res 1310113 dental or h leib dental surgeon office comer mill anil frederick streets office hours by appointment thrphonr s06ll db a j buchanan dental surgeon office 90 church st e office hours 9 a m lo 6 p m closed wtdnesdav afremn telephone svv legal c f leathetlano qc barrister and solicitor notary public office hours r 10 am- t pm 1 p m 5 pm saturdass by appointment only phone office 1311130 res i3173 acton a maida b barrister solicitor notary public officii hours tn acton weekday friday tneaiafs t bjb bjb brorday i pjn 9 p m 21 palslrv si ouelph ontario msone ta 4v2m2 office hours in guelph saturday t am 12 am jm phone 13143w nlghr or day bruce e shoemaker mir otnrouetsllbts el buchnerod optometrist contact lenses hearing aida 6 john si s acton in acton wednesdays only 200 pm 600 pm for appointment phone 1311041 if mi answer phone waterloo 742ma7 ttuvaumtt ouifh gray coach lines coachm utavl actoh daylight saving tinte easlbound 611 am daily except- sun and hot 131 am ii 11 am 201 pm 3 01 pm sjj pan btl pm i0m pm sun and lloll westbound 1027 am 12 37 pm 2 37 pm 3 27 pm 7 27 pm 9 12 pm 1112 pm 102 am sat onlv canadian national railways dilifhl savinu tun- eastbound a3a ajn to toronto daily ea qepi sal and sun 7u am to toroniu dallv escept sun 9 r a m daily escept sunday and mondav direst connection for owen sifunj etc 7 42 pm to toronto dallv escept sundav r 01 p m to toronto sundav rm- iv 10 2s pm to toronto daily board al ffeorgctown only westbfhjnd i 01 am lb stralford daily e- cept sun 62 pm to slralfnrd daily rtrepi sal and sun 7 04 pm dailv escept sunday 12 49 a m to stralford daily esxepl sat for further information call your local agent 1312430 afspauminc and hstwnwicll f l vyright 20 wirsur st aclon ontario phone tu0710 appraiser aad sanaaraaam over 30 yaara sa actaas oavto w john oc jttea tt comer of arthtsr 4 yatjttf sttv office honrs by lltww