vj jnfti slil hto a voice qrnluiy 4 ptjbllii an adhorsel qumhonino thai niftwfty nd dimnfalm q thansw tataihona company- mar lor fha preraion f ejrlendd area farvloa to gvatpt rms a corratponding fnereese in monthly rata in mat ft- forlal wa auooaamd it would not bo in ma bait interest of bad subscribers m acton to peoosed whfi this plan we i at mat ttm a survey of subscribers would lndlcate wet this typa ol carvlea w vol desired by a makxlty of acton subeoibart sine tha publication of tha editorial w hava visited with e j catalano pall manager of tha guelph area and william salmon of ball public relation tteff tha two ball reprsteetifetlve fael that acton tubicrihtt oo want tha prdpoaad extended area service and pom to tha fact there hava oeenirto call to the guelph off lea in which opposition to tha plan has bean expressed they alio fay there hava bean no call in support of tha plan either bate ere regulated by ma board of tranipoi cornivihv slorvar and a general rata increase cannot be made on tha bail of present service tha rata can be irtcreetad if ball provide tollfree calling to a graatar number of phone tha addition of guelph to acton fraa calling zona would lump actons fate structure two clasies and guelph ona dais both acton and guelph would than be in tha tame clats and pay tha unw ralat it is our opinion acton tubtcribars will not benefit in relation to the proposed increases we ara not awar of anygreat surge of public demand for the proposed emended service bell will not be conducting a poll of acton sub scribers to determine subscribers wishes so wa recommend that acton subscribers make their desire either for or arttwtan7nowvrt6belritiephonenum t ca is zenith 26voq tha ball representatives have assured us the proposed plarrand corresponding increase ih rates can be stopped until the time the service goes into effect if there is strong opposition to tha plan there is every likelihood bell will not proceed to institute the proposed plan in guelph the city council has opposed the bell plan on the grounds of free calling to neighboring areas mr catalano explained the bell application is on me basis of guelphs growth and not on tha free calling angle at pres ent guelph in the under 20000 telephone rata group but byaugust 1 964 there it every indicaatlon thai 31000 phones will be served this would automatically move guelph into a new rale classification at present acton enjoys extended f service to hock wood and georgetown subscribers instituted in 1 961 the extended area service to georgetown has not reached its maximum potential benefit because acton subscribers are not yet provided with a directory listing numbers for georgetown subscribers start 300000 foot mushroom plant here lit jvjtfjtftt jfttt fjtfcs eightyninth year no 3 acton ontario thursday jixy 18th 1963 ten pages sevan cent slept in tree hut overnight boy found wednesday night dragging operations were call ed off and a search party- dis banded wednesday evening as soon as 12 yearold carl diet eden mills was found after being misting for 33 hours he was located at the home of mrs i diffls guelph he wa last wen in the village around 9am tueiday morning and theiame evening jiisjtlother mrs harms dlctz notified guelph o p p wednesday rooming north halloa op j detachment was put in charge of the search and constable bill bennett began tracking down every due as constable bennett was get ting ready to organize a search party to beat the hush in the eden mills area after a thorough search of all the swimming areas jtejeceivctl wor the boy had been spotted in guelph week to decide on po purchase acton council is expected to decide within one week wheth er the town wilt meat the high bid on tha old pott office and acquire the building for public p officials of crown assets corporation reached thursday morning in ottawa by the free press reported the bids on the building had been received and the town was be ing offered the usual municipal priority to meet the high bid t p otjotiehue of crown as sets corporation declined to reveal bow many bids had been received or what the highest bid ought be ha mdlealed ha had hoped for a de from the iowa uds weak but a ware front the dark administrator asked for a one week extension this extension had been ajnutt- ed mr o13onahua said 1 do hope the town will give an early periston ona way or another on the matter the of ficial said if tha town agrees to meet the high bid it must be tastier- stood the building wtu be util ized for public purposes under rrwulrlpal tha assets offers ipal priority crown sleuth goes to vineland theatre to brin old glass slides home pir3iio results piano pupils of mrs charles i have been sothfessful ii passing exams of the turunto conservatory of musk sandra binnie received first class hon ors in grade two theory heather mccutchcon received honors in the gentleman who phoned the free preu had we suspect never even heard of acton is that j hi newspaper in acton ont urio he asked vaguely yes he was told positively well i m at i he garden centre theatre ut vineland and we vc tuund a lot or old pictures o acton do you want them what kind of pictures we asked him vuguely will thev re made of gloss he replied positively fetch them home that was enough for us the trip tu vineland was arranged pivtlv quicklv and the pile of old pictures uas handed over promptly aetuallv they wercn t glass negatnes as had been ex peeled but glass positives which were suiiubk for showing in a pmlcclor included were intnns and bible illustrations which must have heen used in siindas sehoo some where somi lime bui lo track down the pictures tlie neopk at vuuland had nn ulca white thc cauu iitoti look tor clues when were tlfev taken wlx took irum in txvt iriilmion we looked fur cllus viis lew tii labelled bin one inloniutl us 1910 a shut ot a tine old building thai looks irv much like the jam home on m un n is lahell our home with the initials mab a shut ot i man and iwu child mi is labelled chutes gertrude and i but ihi ollur gtoup shots are- kss rkisonil one shows a picnic another i group that were sure invludis ihc ri acisihi the rev diapii both loiuuik ol thi met ehiiieh md mlvs m hennctt mi a lull length dark ilriss with long sleeves ending in lace fulls and ruffle down i the tmnl ttu re ate i owipli ol shots ol llu town streets two of the radial ear with modest rrc tad arms waving out the windows 1 the old publk sehiovl storrv ctlmi works th when he learned the boy had been seen walking toward guelph const bennett began querying residents along no 7 highway he learned the boy had been seen in the neighborhood of the charcoal pit restaurant opposite the ontario reforms tory as he drove up a slderoad in thepolkecriilsrir the conalubl spotted a young girl slopping he asked if she knew carl dietz and was told the boy was at her home she was one of the dlffis children the youngster told police he hod slept in a tree hut back of the diffls property tuesdav night and informed mrs dlffis he was in guelph staying with relatives the dlffis property is near coxc construction company where the tather works and the family formerly lived in a trailer the boy played with the diffls children when his family lived in guelph grade two piuuo and carol me cuichcon received hunors in grade one piano 69 inchis tau delphiniums at the home of mr and mrs e perryman rr i georgetown teem to be a record for the year mr perryman is shown standing beside some of the flower he claim dry weather hampered their growth their home i opposite cedar spring motel on highway 7 first phase november 1 a 300am square foot mush room growing complex will be developed south of acton on the former flynn farm construc tion of the initial phase of the program started wednesday when nellis construction moved in earthmoving jecfulpment to prepare the site the first phase of the program expected to be readv for occupancy and produc tion by november 1st include a 5000 square foot growing house and a soil preparation building john anderson representing mcnalr products co ltd to ronto food processor told the free press thursday morning- cost of construction this year would exceed 1100 000 for the 50000 foot plant the building program will continue until 300- 000 feet ore in use the mcnalr firm now has a 50000 foot plant in operation in burlington the architect designed plant will be one of the most modern plants in canada with features designed to minimize the handl ing of soil and firoducts in pro duction the plant will employ about 12 women for picking and 10 men during growing season from september to june local labor will he utilired wherever possible in construction end op eration a well wilt he drilled nn the property and indication show it will supply 50 gals per minute land purchase negot were conducted bv john r holme real estate the land was purchased from lloyd bui- mer who has operated acton auto wrecking from the property mcnalr has purcltased im arret und the barn bulmcr has retain ed 10 acres of bush property iaxr as3cii real fire interrupts drill fire practice in village is successful three brigades answer mock fire alarm dcpte the fact a real fire in- cumpbcllvillc for he test drill ipnnd water were pouring lerrupted it a mutual aid test they arrived at the villaue pond through the noxxle and hcadina excrciic conducted by three 13 minutes inter hjck into the pond the wuter north halton fire departments at 6 17 pm acton lire dtpart uas being pumped from pumper on thursday night was termed a ment uas tlrrted and j sited to pumper through 1950 feet of real success respond thtv arrived at 612 hose just as the mock fire exercise ocorucmn was alcrud at 6 21 6 in campbcllville was almost over and lly truck anivid in tin vil the liltan fire department was lage at 6 47 pm tailed to a real fire ut ontario find flaw steel products where a paint toitun itj ttu ixtrii point booth exploded into flumes tux id mt a dtttiktuv m hi mu lighters made the trip i rum ttid ant usiun in lilt fmiryi campbellvitlc to milton in u town i in if til the ill wis u cord lime to answer the alarm luillv sent in ai 6 i ft p tn but the exercise was a surprise to thnmyh tuisundeist mdm everyone except chief doupt is chiet rob bon i aid wis mil no- wilson of oukville and chiet a tilnil tnttil iim mimiio littr f clement of milton thev arc the problem sill be ikirtd up the coordinator and deputy ci- and tlist a i iv lumuu tnm ordinator of the halton mutual stmn t intuit imuitino i itk aid fire services association winn llu milton tnak nttved a network of nine fire depart the nun ihriu mil 4s lui l ments in the five halton tuuns him and st irtid pumpinn u it i that arc trained to work together out oh the v ill nt pstnd aunn in cases of cmergene so each truck hooked ntn itu ims aiul can help another department laid mil umllur mx ku ol hiu with larger fires requiring more thin mu gi ttun anitd and ud than one fire brigade thev had ded n hhk ku hit tlu planned the exercise a week ear two isolnu 2 iikii immisii i tier line thurxdav at 6 16 pm live mil iihm mmmnk 1 hhih ton bngade was called tmit to tosns until lun stu mis ul pump t jnd van wtn at the ex tadpoles worms inhabit arena nature classes have surprises ercise when the alarm at on tario steel sounded this truck rushed to the hre and was join ed minutes later by the contin gent ul trucks from campbell- vllle sprinklers at the industrial plant hud the fire partly out i mem m pw mi a prti st joaaavt heman catholic church ml birds aw vtasti of tfej nerarasmt of tha toyvn parhapt taken from a window or tha real l the jeny hcjrnt torn war taken in 1s98 in tha top pcrorahse buck church ttill had hs wooden s which altar being raoaatadfy struck by lighting we removed in fevor of thai peasant b tower tha homa en thw n t bltettn o tha far tja cr thaw owned by wlluemt toft mccnttellt end whkh was wrecked to wlvt way for tha ball ajtchanoa naat fanca tapereted lawns from tha dirt treei those small traas hav growr up and bean cut down in the 60 years brow tha view includes hendersons sawmill located at tha peasant entrance to ukevtew subdfvtsiajn bayond is tha pioneer ceme tery tha rbymrian matho and baptist churcha can ba datactad thar s a bush where part of raiiy uka tt now and traj couraa of tha school craaa shant bopottad txiii ut manv neurs ago and j simple ut biimte shfisvina sail mc fishing ship and the hght hihisc shki srn il ut the pif hires are- ot methodists nd the i rre rress jlrrads hs an ecltent sollrvtion ol ciils glass nega- tles il pktiirrs taken tw uv tate sliiiitvtsi hfii k t brown we assrmhled mir flurs to eon slude rsssjhlv itw picture xssrrr finjimalk his but sox did ihis rxer gel to the vint und theatre an estimated 170 xriuiifistris tnrr stiiilv i t ts tl ml mii n are takins part in the tul plav nun roniiil mt ih prorim toi schonl and plasground probram ihr rnpir mnstcr this in at the park this suitumr anil tlav hos inl uu will hi i nited church v sctins to atld inolhci a hiojt iikimi in uvl tliii i il contant i am quite content with this tscrcin said chief clement when the brigade arrived and his words were echoed hv chkt the fireliuhters cleaned it up he- wilsfin us thev went around lo fore it cuuld spread through the the three pumpers checking the i building u iter pressure an operittor noticed the flames thr brigades pumped water first as he loaded car springs lor half an hour then cleared up nlo a conveyer that runs the hose and reloaded the trucks through a paint hath paints and t1hw were cveing a tew drorn of thinners used in live paint booth rain that had started to tall and caused the lire to flare up quick- wondering whether the rain iv filling the entire plant with would hold off long enough for smoke no estimate of the dam- some ladder practice when the age was avaliuhlc at press tlsse t ill lor the milton fire- arrived not needed the ridio alarm eneled all hopes acton and jeorgetuwn pump- ol inv ladder practice and the ers were hooked up to nearby outs pumpers and milton s van hsdrants in case- the milton bri headed for the fire i hade needed help but their aid truck an hand w nt ceded chlcl clement milton s no i pumper hui imcii kit at llu- lire hall with a i poller toured live town asking fompins ol men ready lor nv residents using lawn and garden mcriirncv calls ishlle ihc no 2 hrs and sprinklers to shut them nil shortly alter the tire was reported it was thought rxcrv available drop of water would he needed fur the fire bri- gade s hose line llowevrt chief clement said ihrre was plenty of water avail able it the fire had spread we might have needed the water he said he- praised the prompt act ton nt the police nevertheless for in a bigger fire their action might have been necessary lew to boost the tot il games races handicraft ing ihilit the eourse lor itu hustu nil farm safety neat week la fa weak frees seasaay ears m ss sararstay mr it si bethel reformed church holds closing excercises tollowing their twrvuvek um is prrn4ntr h rti- i iw ft mer bible sehotvl pnnsrtirvtl in mr ikntema mi h iimnifi tbc christian reornud hureh iiui hi i mu aatkc x ixurhol mhingxter entertained parrnt ftmoumj thr ribtc itfavbin tht nd fhcfku fnuv evrning dunng hal lcaned thrlr elotjng rteniv in ihv fu lor thrtr ehureh barmen t hums hin losins rrmark 4t jritv hntrnu churxh mim the end v ihr pngtm vwxuv acton council i holdmf rotni- sttr ofened thr progrm unh hnr trtr il vrrwma prr nl rnartin4p tu month hul prer fter uhieh harry brcn wntcd thr irhjrr nd brlp rav u chuird far oml wrk laaurmein for thr rvemna uti jets with rifts for ihrir iurdtrr th n racctt county conied wtryooe and introduced uiuixr j icammingj rvpr which would hare met the var m jntin the en o the fr th rimflkd thm july rr uill br uiil nil in i sritrs i iiivlr lilinis nltipt ind llllir ittsueukc jicalss naivre mudy utt irti n linpk tor jim i j hum rrprrrtr ihi rck thr mriinipktf r arc takntg a krrn intr- rrst in thr natuir tulv usr altmtt rrrv dav plagnund itnlrrx lake ibrir indnidiul khhip i n a tnrk throsjahout the park nd rrvlhinj frtm tad p irs tit hxh wiirrps trr gathrrrd up mt abtirn t nrtrr iritain abrn br rntrr tr l ilw drst- stairx ntnv ai thr cmmunitv ctitn uhal ttc of mall brt i ittin torrrrt him tbtii i ntill ttnw fr inv nrw- ii tni in inn jqs strr mr cat- xini mmtuuwsmk youngsteh in each greufpreih55gawnitniamsiritr jnwellng last 71wflotrar scnted their numbers following were rrl ice cream the theme of the program taken he conclusion during tha bible school songs i classes were held in the robert were sung by the entire group as little school with an ea ml ment well as individual groups- a skit of m0 commlssiari and pfenning board met in town but not a tingle one of the regular potties which ad- varlatt affairs mimtter actoai net this bdjpsisttmlt