Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 18, 1963, p. 7

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tot i the goob old days w suc 0 gyuuimhitf iuii rfcom caftmtuvttu mia womkrad why flrafujhran had to pump water back into carnpbellvllt pond wham their parched brown lawnt were within hoie distance during me mutual fire aid axarciie in the vlllao thurtday for fire protection firefighters re turned ell they pumped out acton flreftahtart took part in playing streami of waier writer paued through three truck and 1950 feel of hoto linei the mock fuo had tha main llreet bf campbell villa on fire poml of fksk a pound of fkaah and then tome it what tfte federal oovernmaftlt lueeeulen dutlat demand from wldowt according to the com- plalnti of varloua womant organization ap- pa rtno before the ooyal committlon on the point that one half of an csioia thould be regarded at belonging to a widow and thut tax exempt wai alto made by the national council of women the council alto argued that pentiont and taxation several very untible reformt of the eltate tax act were recommended by tha ooup at tha federal law now tlandt there it basic tax exemption of 40000 on ell mmmt and an additional 20000 to a widow there wai a time and not too long ago whan 60000 wai a lot of money but if a widow of today were left that turn entirely in cath and invetted it at a reaton- able five per cant her jaoaweek income it net going to go very far particularly if there are children to be fed and houted it would team than that tocceuion duilet are bated on a quite unrealistic appraital bf the real value of tha current dollar that view wai echoed by the canadian deration of unlvartlry women and the en committee on the statut of they prepoutd that a widow t in heritance thould be exempt up to a value of 100000 tha two groupt alio propoted that the tax collector thould hart off by acknow ledging that a wife directly contribute to tha erection of family property and therefore onehalf of a hutbandt eitate thould be contklered et belonging to a turvivmg widow and not tubiect to tax in support the committee itated that 65 5 per cent of wording women are married and ob vlouily are contributing to the family s wealth a type of tynmt a twiitmentaryeotivttijauonrr to whom the public could turn with it gtvrvcwi galntt that oovtrnrnnt it the recommend tton mde in the ccyxludmg psrigraph oi the fintl volume of the report of the gutico roy commit ion in thctr summing up of o woytr in votiqjimn ot govefmncnt i kj im miion ih commit kioncit tjnt tht the innriinj mgmtikie of th aktivitie of dipartmenti m grikic tend to fonwvc cil net nt n fttert irom the oprrating level of govern ment in hot ctttxen wtth lompuinr reel or imagined may f nd thre is really no one to coinplain to moieovtjr add the report bexauie th minuter held polittcatty actountatbie for h action of hi tubordmetet nd it u th m party ttrlle to make nue of u naftert how ever trivial th nunnffr rjy too oftrn he lwpltd to defend ohkhi lotidial when th reel need o a remedy the ohice of the auditor general 1 a precedent of xv for h aptx tment of rm i entax i tery commtikwr the auditor qaiwrei it en ohver o erhement and r annuitwav ihould not be taxed at their cap talized value 4 widow said the council now mutt pay eitate tax on capital he has not received and ince she must then pay income tax on most of it she is- subjected to double taxation at a time when the needs the money most in the same vein the professional in stttute of the public service of canada urged that annuities that cannot be commuted to cash should be tax exempt as is now the case under ontario law the institute suggest ed too that a widow should be considered as e ha if owner of a family home up to a maximum exemption of si 0 000 and that all normal household appliances and furnish ings thould be considered as the property of the widow finally it might be noted thai uncle sam is far more realistic m tax ng a widows inheritance in the u s the basic exemption it alto 60 000 but in addition a widow hat a tax free ownership of the first half of her husbands estate and the lax iatr starts at three per cent as conpirri to 10 per cent here on a taxable estate of 10 000 a canadian widow pays at the rate of i i per cent while the american tax reaches th 1 rate at 35 000 the recommend hons of ih wi mi organiatdtioni should not be igi 01t1l skn t lr t nly to p irl ji rnt mr ihr at i tor of the t nam al oprt ins 1 t all d part men ts and agenc es r ts the r jht t examine all files and doci mens relaf n t accounts and to receive from ofttc au xh 1 trmat on a tie nitty rrqi re hi ft a dually ti pari ri nt f o j n r reh i a y rrctul r ty t rttn h t ll i j t h i not if any in ir raty li t ih r 1 w t t tyi titf th ri in t i t f r fx t f an off err if pirhiient to vr ti 1 t lou id rrjxt any mi ii it 1 1 t 11 i ii nd tference or tnutce f 1 r t a i t rtffk i 1 1 t on at rrt h t i j mv aiiara im y j ihd m t t wi nj d rv i on it h i lnrn i 11 fj h 1 i rl on day rr m t i f ii w th mwtry rt in h v ivotrit levj srn ily v t for ic l events hyr 1 v ctt the fl0 o tn i f t t 1i 1 year trar ipmrn trr i 4 rv jm i t ti t u v tags ail rcvt tm got the dea i a spled i lmh 20 years ago telua tivm the laeue of ike tnm fxeaa ttxandey jnly is itu norma eileen krartu linear- uld formvr retldant of acton tiled in a toronto honplul on friduy a u ivmjlt or iniurictt the vuuiliwd wruu an exploalon ncctiind ul the plant al cooki- 1 ilk in whllh who had been em plovetl on sjiuixijv dflirtioon a car uvviuil by mr loult atklniton wji tuilen lit it iiootl on mill st in ihe block betwwen wilbur and cuelph stvjhc theft octunvd about 5 p 111 chief hurrop l in vestliiuiinu thv cjr wai jutt fill id ilth tfunollne and irxkh oil unlrhe ihiimk would be able to tiuxel some dittance whin u reur lux- hltw out on if iir ul william lhltholin on suiiiiiiiv iliinuuiii the tnaihine wt iiiiiilii uiiiiiihi on the hiuh- ui mil tin mil ovei in ttu ditlh lh l ir iv ilnuiht n lotul wink am tin wimlnus unit windvhu lit uli hnikin hoth wlukon iiil bhrsirtirwire stii isticiniitul i hi hmlv u is h ullv ilallllitill sc 111i ot iik ihiup uiti win inui id hiluui counlv will havt thrtl iuululatis 111 thi tominn pro- mikiii ililluui slinkv rtuttol iloiuhv k thi pnitfrcaie con- sinatixi lihhlc thomuk blake- likk ot oiktillt is ilu lhxru jhiintniv anil john wilkinson ol lliiilinittnn will nintist the siut iil iu c i 1 uih vvi11u tin 1 mis ol ilu wixk li iic ixiii iilipiiii to ilu itmlms tin iim inuriuplnl ihe havintf npi 1 ilmn alton puhlii siluiol auain ul laiihil its reloul ol all pupils stiictssful it thi intraiue exams in iiilihtion halt thi ituss setur til hnnor st imliniz dniinti thi siveix illctrknl shiri v auuhioon bli 50 years ago ol uu rrae t july it il the ian iron weathervane which mimtoutited the belfry at the achool and which wan an object of inlereal lo many an ail on bov and girl during ihe lust v years waa with ihe uld hell rvmoved front ll ploce lunt week in the work of demolition pic naraiury to the erecliun ul addl lloruil school accommodation mr rolph swaikhamer who urn hlmtelf one of the old time puplli in the robert little days did ihe work of removul 7he ulumlnuni cable wire ol the mydroelectrii transmission iim irom aclun lo terra colla uird geurgetovvn hu arrived here and the linemen will probuhlv win mencc their work ol lomplttinu the line thl weik thtre iuth hem 11 deluv of seviul months in nit ling this trunsmiuion win ilu uld lountrv mills luinti oxir lux rf with otilits tui us piiuliu hun k cmip tin 1 mil 1 u toi h i- ilu mw leniint mill biulc nm thi slreiutv on thi ailon nxtss road between thi lurms ol a g clurridge and mann brolhus ubout lomplelid it is u very siitv stunliul struiluix and is louilit in tin centri ol tin road ullowunic and 70 feet wist ol hi old bridgi cuunilllors iniprovi tin up piurumi ul ihe stnits and until thi thanks of thi lommumlv hv havni t hyilii liliplioiu mil li letfi uph poles upulnliil messis biuidmon and to u iintlv punhumil tin propiriv ol mr b lamg ut ihi lornir ol iiclph and agnis sts tin foundations ure now ruinii put in tin a modirn hrlik nsidimt lor mr john clurk munatrrr ol thi husines on this properly i will hi a line uddilmn to ilu uuiritfrous 14m home ui uiuai some peiple are addicted to drug ulhera lo drlnk tome to the weed othem to women ivacheni are addicted lu tummer course why auk u leuilier ami h ii tell von to improve tnv piuleit- mlonul ixtinpeteuie ank thi ihulnnan ot ihe sihool huunl and he ii tell vou so he mn diiniind niorv moncv ask tin liuihers wife if vou wuni tin ixal tixith so lu mil gil down lo tlu illv i hi ix uml lluvi- u hig time running uround uml iking il up while i m sunk tkix ul hnim with thi kids micv ri ull iquullv light t w why- i vehefittiiklng it- ri i ix slur ctmrse in lnglish ami don t dunk it husti t licin ixfush ing it stuilitl of r lu ilpsnortlng stvli ami tin pun hasu t it i up lot i nlliiult dills dtluk huwilv iiinxi is ilion ulid wild minions with old iiimriilis i h nlii i u ill lolt mini lo li i imolwd ml iiinthlllil hi mini i till loi ltnilsuut hall i iloui nights on ilu town hi its iihi 1 pu knl out whit i iliolitilu w is u luiilv tpiul spol to slav m lllilslnns will ills pillnlimli lielotx i got tliissnl in ilu nioining thiix was a surtxptillmis tap on my door i opined ii uml w is lonfronlnl hv two voting ludiis imth sink n iknl uml gunning hnmtllv i ilk iihiiu viiiii itollllllo it till llrtfmrhittrrmrilnl uiv hints ji nnv mil snsit ignl lour mil ihnt will iii it w isn i so iimi i hi usui to huix hottoim tl lillli gills iml llusi wvu tin tuilv tints i hid unv thing lo do with whili i wis iw iv so lulp nn mom lint thi di ink wis inolhii inilltl i loiililnl sum lu si iv wllh un and go bowling with u and giv a our allowance and buy aontt watermelon and ice cream and a boat ao we can go waterakjlrtg and can i drive the car pretty tame ntulf bui ntt the lourse there were no re- ulrulnla junt a bunih of men out for a good lime and no holds barred you thould have lieard us throwing the huwilv talk around like yeah my uld womana ihe tame sortu ow ly and yup these modern klil are tpolled rotten and guess i goddu gvdilu new mi llodyi ihol and a lot ot stimulating huff like that bui i hl wui nothing cuinpar ed lu ilu- wild times ul night that s when we reallv iui luou- i ii never forget the flml night i threw cautlun to ihe winds mel u itiuple of ihe boys downtown in a hur and had a prettv nuicoiis i lint- talking about how thev hatl a luik of a lime geitlng their kids lo ptui lime the piano tun well sir ihev jusl touldnl stuv wllh tne they fiuled there i was at r10tm raring to go and by sheer ihahie 1 b into u terrlfli reunion with tome old mutes ii was ihe night of the premiere of the great escape und i wa patting ihe movie house i wandered tnlo the lobby told the doormun i wus un old prlsum rof wur whil ilu- lilm wus about ami lit lold me to go on in ii wus u thrilling show al leist thut s what the critics uiid uhout it in next day s pupert i tntui ed after the thow the old rows came nut grand in rent id while dinner jotkett and fat wlvxs with burrowed mink mulct ami tltere wat old elmer large at life in luil twice an urge i liuiln i teen old ul at i tailed him time ihe day tlu ruttlunt liberated our tump bock in mav iw1 he hadu t teen me time then either at vou cun imagine ii wui a hllariout reunion- no thing would do but that id have a drink with him we wmi ulf with nm urmt uiouml vuih other t thouldert al leatl at fur ut thev d reach mine wiuildn i gn miu it vut the nupi ol hit tvcik ik had grown mdcwuyt wi wen lutl getting nlielv inio mu ixuiilou and swearing wed txlorgi tlu strong htindt if thnsi duvs hcftlnd ttu wire and hi ing mu fuinllles lo visit ruth ut i wlteii lil uskeiljljjl gone stiulglit buik lo cutgutv when i was dlsihutged i nun ihe air lutxe at i ve ntver been in cal- garv in mv llli i wat xalher taken uhuik a few minules later ii bad been revealed that lllmrrt nume wat hlwuott middlehouie and that he thought mine waa bill wllrv whotl slept in ihe hunk ulune his in slalug i nil 1 i wut in slulug i lift i we p it led rulhri toollv trvlng in iiiilliimhli eaih oilier lor ilia ihnk there s ihithmg quite at re freshing at a relrrthcr court at leatl i tan tell my wile that i led mv tlust down to the cafe teria every day tor colfee break niiuii tin on tin lawn ol mi s pnix agms st was struck bv lighllung anil spltnliixd fliim tup to bottom tin tixi wus ubout 40 lixt in hught splinters were ihrown on iht house imt some ot ilu in vinashnl two puncs of yl iss at tlu tioul ol the house 11k i quali il lop or hilton ioimt s ismsstiiinl provis lo be itinlinlmtis mitlii this viar ix spm i hi t showci or lain whiih iimporinlv hiltid evmls tin innu il tongrxg itionul plmic ol knot pushvtiii in chuixh was milnl i hugs suiciss h all those who titi mlcil ecslitxluy cun id i altmi it turning out 10 plants pit weik and launching m ni mule vessels e itgo escort ui patrol und ms coiislrut hon will intlmli all the lutett eoimmemis a hired man fixim nassau i weyu diivtng his ownei s vuluahlt mare hud u sirious runuw iv on mill st on saturday thi m in wut thrown out the huggv sin ish id and the marc iin honu the following e intlitlulis lifn hccn suncsslut ut tht tnlninn ixuminulions pnxv ault vnu llurvev hurold mowil burh u i plunk charlet mclcod jcun wil son murguret wilson llovtl coop er orwell johnston i orn i kin nedv bert mtiwut outsitlt schools irene amlcron huel dennis lottie johnston ellis mv luughlln edith ruth vidu rani shuw laura sprowl and j iv stewart news distrioi mil ion t oinu il pilched in with the chamhr ol cninttiruc i in ill it in pmmnti ilu lthor d iv wivkind suim uul uiuiu i v in unibuliiil up to lk uotih of pnimolmn ilu iimn his l i un i ilu uik prllidini ilu show old i ivhnnttl kuk in i i iv u i t uu iiiipliiml in ilrxw up in tiki i ishioiuil ttistunun duinil uu ullk 1wi mvvn mivui i t ikk ilurm ukphniu hiln lot i 1 w pl lu s i ix nt it i iii ut iim hul umiuillor jim tin n x v in nth ixhuhitini ml ltuhkihihv tii ilhtutd i i i ii h i i i in hiviiuss tills h ilu lnun phniu iuuiiih i i1kw1pion ii hum tit impt in his anoihti ruw uidusii iik ii uisi m is wlmim livs nut pusiks i ul i 2 nmisqu m t 1 i nl iiiil ii i ih mnpu it d hv ottntxi i la 111 mul ulnit i i un lis i ik tiini sill linplm u tu siui with t i p us pi intu iu kl is ll s tli hilt tin hisniis apphhiiuhil h hni i i ill ikpntiitiil tllituil ihi hist sit pinnlhs nl ihe u i w i s k iv ts sit s i0 iilinks appuluililttl nt tlu 12 p is i il i k iiil i uvtmmms n i is wist iimh m vvtni i v- i itn ilk un tint list wivk with lti ikputitliltts up i i l ui i i it i vlii wtnsxillc ilnl 1icilttin r ulit npnpin nt i s is r i t i t i ilu till ks ill i ull hsiikt lokomil usm missis i c it in i s- t pl r l ik i i illlk iiul mill ii ii i i ut 1 vx n t i ii iii ii t h ipx i lris his r u mis nun 1 i k h c m n pd iutiil in shatii1 tlu limit uul ip h i i lt i t il 1 imitlup lkimi lommum nh7t tuimrm mii i is pd n i l i i k f i i i xi t th t11 ji i lit hilt h lutl ix john t- ii v ih m s un h uni lit hinuhntis i jninit n l i 14 i tw un j ittial atitiinmntl it un i n i l el ull 1 ifkllll present rates ok nit ii vliiiimii hi nld intuhlt ti stnk ilu tt tu luip in tvi un uu muiniiil nikitt mil inyht i wis intu ihi sltill i in so siik ill cnflit ii ii he a y lo get huiiit i inn lltin wis the vlukkinu luiht is ttlmii i mis xks1 iii al huiiit ilu ill ilulitil tints nn pit 1 1 v mini ii in ttt il lint s yuii know siui liki win n itr oii ltnnji in nil l he u tlu pl u looks hki ihi pkiiiiki nixsi oi hi hni uill mii tiki tis im i sunn uul pl i h til ip in hut m lm lwaar ii i if j i ffc atfcajatfcauja hintm gideon in charge of sunday service tin snmliv mivkc nt i htnr xtr w is in chnrpr l mr huin htini nl iiulph rtpitsttitlnn i in guli tins 1 in st i ipluu ptissayi wi psjlni 10 which like u miu ntt is limited inin two phjmv thi lirvt sit viims dcmrihe fhr iilot nl mhi s lii it mn ii ml ilu i is hlhl viist s ti ii i ills wok 1 hi st us ii u h mm1 is fimiiipn- diit httt tluv tii n i tcuh lis ilu 1vt nl hh i or ih il hi must yii tu ihi i until vt k i list thi kutlitliiin nl chmi mil ill things sh ill ih uliliil mr hum h un tlltistr lit tl his rnn irks with illiulnli s n tht iimhi uioillp ikhul imtn tin iiiunns dlsiit hiltmti nl sitiptuii tin ittlli wluii nivv list inn nt iimn i i si udi nl nm sts ilu nnv ti si tin nl uul psihns in lu uli v stutlt tils unl i in hi hit s pl m it in primins lyoiils jiul nmlrls vi t john kill hint i nm tinu piipil t mi hut nh nn vu g in iwt tils tin rl ps ilni ii lumpaninl hs mis ti lllukl nk ftcnlc ih mismim html pi nn ill m ik lil il mr in i mis muni milln s mft luc ixvilivij on jnk ii ii 2 ia new mlnulrr liuhii lion v rli s i r itir in w n u i i s i i u w ill t i i n mill t iki pl in i n auru i t h imiii thin uill ht nothnrihm sun tl i m liinl srisiitr at i in ikii tin lasl 1o siuulas in jnk cwtoba fataw bsnkt professionxl direaory amj travellers guide medical runehju dirkctoau dr vv g c kenney physician and surfton office in sytnon block 4u mill st b acton office open 9 am 12 noon daily dr d a garrett thytictan and suraan on vjcattun junr 29 august 5 inclusive ollicc open moo wed ill mdmlngt phone mvflui or call smi9m dr robert d ruckner riiyskitn and surgeon j9 wellington st acton onl phone 5ji240 phone mmmo nlgbf or tor bruce e shoaoukar may otrrourmust no nalural gas price boost ff the acton free press i m i ky um mat tstarlbg aaaf rsamatkaa ca lht foundrd tn utt t psimishrd evsnr rhotltv at w miinsv ht acksn ontrsr m tsf the aittit burtuu of orrulalmhst the l taxa and the oaunoourhs pivukan of the c w v a advertising rates cm requem surw tsavahle in ar after v 00 to canada hoo m fng and other crinunorrstssalth ceaamrtaa istu in the obmed state ana other foreign coutiirsrs otike larnarthrni ottawa tin an aatkaashad aa aataa jam tv a thiav cditor4oimf a fiek tbduias managing editor lnlaaaawaw attt t ii i 1 ttuli ilia liilll i ml l i i ol i i h tv ilit i i sill av i i i i mil lr 1st ojtu tiil i i jt s unrolls is n li i fc i i 1 o lnl ts i t 1 u i i elu ii llllllll ii una v i soil ihsii still 1st mi 11111 i ih t it k mishl rn i nip i s si ittl viist oi i ii ii s i ii bi i ul iv v mu mil oil n t i u t ul v il i 1 i x 1 dltmilot tomil h ps ttv i is ivrl j rnrrlt k ii i iv ti n ii t nitrit s rates lolnii whvn ihr t imrcins jprlied r tr ietijin n i its rjies sn a piimtnrnt kasis edurumt lltosrtst 1 1 m iit hx hrrlt ottfrtltlttgl n iimtrjun kims for a ttunv k r it itjrv 1 seasonal rate rkjustieei eltci ted in sl is m- liitil in the tpprmed tssi nunent rare schedule lb it nvaon cs dactsien tha board aaldiaat v rtr isams 1 1 he unooni tl rr t llinu on sehk h the t tmifstni m i rim j tjir rrtiiml pi tsri i snwim he itk lihlnl a i uul t historic iosi irss lupnrv uih n on this kssts i nitnl s urr tsuc hir ihe test vear ihe ij month sisslrniull ii l isjs s1 hs the bimnl j tlos ultinatait lula the rvsnl further ivlennin il thl tsr rtie nt irturn ruist i bs thr tnmrstnv on this rte hair seat 4a per ient iluring the irvi perkid rhe hoard felt this rate ot return wat reasonable mu iv ttithm the irmlts that tsould he tjtr and tusi tusd that iherr s no iseet to fit spesttisallv thr ejknhle rsf return rhr hu ui i i a year ago on mav i 19ft it sssat rcurued until january ot thtt yaau- and after a further iron tat cnrajuded ut march ihe energy board ttaff uaad the to carefully aiamtna tint rr r of tsil ir j i mil sir t t i aliit hi i at m t alrttoo 1 unshir i si t 111 11 is apprt ii i tr mill h itsf frill v iwi it t ni ilhtti tollmmlti fhr il is hrin rsimhl i r rsiiis4f iihhi laivts nil lor park- t luiroian wus u mill n sail the aulh- fits ilrraitv imlti 111 acirs in ihal iltsirxi mini pails air nr l i in c hliiu ism tiicnship cstrkil k i tfjns i nms anl isl virwias lour if llsr llratl lalu paiv sis d ht1 vn k in ihr tcrmsnii ssith 7 fttw persons mit he sam nwrki pstfttsla at part 1 curses made at the trre corn ronservattnei rea part last sear shosssrd that aftpetnt mateh 7 per cent of thute al tending i tnte jrean ihe water e m 1 1 t tayfil il ehnur it prreent the rrprsri tsas submitted by k alderdne at- tutant held officer rtahl grants of 1fm each foe crentructiun of farm panda tarre of lha ntaadv di t i moore physician and surgeon 2 main street north coiner main and mill street acton ontario phone olluc 1312110 ret 1330119 dental or h ieib dental surgeon ollue corner mill and frederlik streets ollue ii mils by appointment telephone tjmio dc a j eochafslan lienltl surgeon oftxe church si e otti e hours 9mm topm c luted wednesday afiemooa telcphona uji7v ihjl c f leatmttlafsjo oc rarnsiar and viltitor notary public htue i lotus 10 am ii pitv i pat 5 pm saiuidas by aptsuiuaenl only e i blrchncr o d optmnairltt contact lentet hearing aldj a john st s acton in arton wednesdays only 200 p m u0 p m lor appointment phone iijiml ii no answer phona waterloo 7424aa7 ttavttllla oimx gray coach iincs cotori lbav acrom la light having tmw eattbound alt am f daily etiept sua mam ii ii am sb pm jj pm loot pm sun and office iftllsta rune 1j4j acton a maifa a eamtier sohukar nealary rsibtk ork heaara nt acteal monday tks ant ta and ilnl 20 pm iu pm hull westbound 10 27 am 1217 pm 2 7 pm 27 pm 7 27 pm 12 pm iij2pml02am sal onlv canadian national railways llavttffrl saving tim- rasremund iv im lo toronto daily tnv i rpt set and sun 7 u ara ta toronto dairy rtccfsi stm 9 1 am ilailv rtierh vinda and monday direst i etsnnetllnn for owen vaiml eti 7 42 pm to toronto dally emrera vinday 01 pm to tortnio sunday on is 10 21 pm to toronto daily board al jeorgelosan only wrsihnajnd n a m m stratford daitr ea- tept sun ail pm lo stratford daily etceatt sai and ve 704 pm dektv etvreftt sunday i j a am ku miailurd dally cacavbt sal tor further informako cafl sour knaj anl e5v4a aaafitualo anft wwiffavuicat f t wvicht wrinar st acton oatano r aa oisw ttvta k i satsjrtay i pan 3 a an u paiakrv si oealmi oaiantt pana ta 4mj offtoi hraan hi fsataniay t mm 41 trmrmfci

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