Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 25, 1963, p. 2

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nv w 7 x the good old days 5 20 years ago twn from th fcutie of iiw free thunulay july 21 141 mtt pmiio mafm6un6 laumt don fflo mapt out the court for the llom evert durincj the- play s round bf6gm- bteytt madeo t ma irk monday wafertlng closely are recreationdirector nw cmfiwnv matte bartow tom catttum and bill frtelcawr the event wai postponed due lb ihe heavy rain friday jngtjaiaaattittlitiaittatst u filial twn ir iaffow tm rvew thwadey juf 3h 1963 mmnm nrnwo imo mfowmmuow r to mdrtedefel that acton ceunelllort were hacked of frfw tueedey evening meeting fa learn of the hlah scho oartti playm for 3ms0o buildtn w4rwi wi too are hoetmrf but poetlbly for a mfftwerrt mmen wt eennoi underttand how the board could present a fcuwlng program of itim dm to only inereate the capacity ft me eeadetvilc curriculum wlhs the robert plan announced mart ago and with building of technical and vocational wings fe ather aehsotf in ma immediate area we cannot understand why there ha been no auggaatlort forthcoming from the i for inch facilities in acton why the board hat not con- jmete eourtat rather than thacontinued expansion of aeadernlf fachmat in an attempt to pour every child m flm eftmrwt mrough the tame motev mmrh ut tw tmmt i9ivtnuekorhii tttrtitruetlen of voce- ftmmf and fachn facllltlet it underwritten by the federal and provincial gov imentt operational cottt tubact to fverm ere ma ratpentlbltlty of the municipality ettlbly the cent of the new addition did not shock us bajeeum it hat been included in reports of hicjh school board rweatlngt we feel the cent it high it may be possible to have it whether its needed or not is something we are not qualified to lay all detailed discussion on the addition hat been held at board committee meetings and in committee of the whole ditcuttlon which cannot be reported now it the time for the board to bnnq forward to council and to the taxpayers of the district all the facts which have influ enced end guided the board in its decision to embark on this building program until every aspect of secondary school education hat been studied and evaluated until every avenue for economies n tchool costs hat been explored until it hat been deter mined whether the district can hand the additional tax bur dsjh created by any addition to the facilities and until these factt have been presented to the taxpayer we feel the board fid council must delay any building program aa bkihki pmty lust stiiurtltiv immn in a ton scout hall loc tl aa group im in bcrn fmm acton incl milton uu inliwd bvibout 44 uni invvn guest lifri tlth ii iintniniitu- suhrumv r tour nnmhus smi iv p rcltucd his itrst war me dallion marv r intt wilt v ecf hinted thru t ir niul tiin d lour vurs trust unloloms uit an important inii in thus who drank in ilcohulu i shiui fur munv viar bert l o toronto w is iitst speaker 01 llu ining mil tti i oficrtny ningi itut ilmns to llu clcbrants toul his sior ot is year of luavv dunking rnk and sitknrss as complied lo tlu past ij j liis ol oittiniiouv sohrteiv with mklisstui h ipp living the group ifnttls inti u sitd citlwrm to join them at unv nmi to ii trn miiri about try si prohltm and oik ol tin most sunt sf ul answt is to tin prohkm the it n ii uni tour ho for scot it louder n btlii laid litis wt at blue hprlhgj rd nerve with hklf n doen putrow tnlun j ihj courn- provision for addition hi fetetf- irlc power im being mnde ihlu week ut the plr of tht wool tombing crporjitloik work on the cotihtrirtiort of n wtrum or addition i moor ipiiie u ulso nn- tterwtiv acton fin rrltfade lu making preparntioni for wcknmlnj the 42nd annual convention ot the volunteer firemen aktotation yhi convention will be held july 31 and august i a hi midway will he conducted in he purk for everone on snlurdav nlghl on sunday there will he a ig parade and open air service m the park dublin womens institute met lor thtii july meeting in blooms bnrv sihool mrs vin gthyrcn wtsmchatni mrs somvn nie ivt tlu origin of the war mr uu lt tiu ut mrs robertson sanu solo mrs stortv demons rati d i ntu tde i quilt and ipron in tht lounty town tin liutk or hit t i hon co i hi with its i ilpmst daily lo id of farm torn tnundos is a familiar sight thtse divs upwirds of 10 commandos h it bttn placed with 2 hihion tl irmi rs in most eases thtv n turn to toioniu t u iwnini wirninji is luitbv ijiun 10 p in ius iiul thiltln n wh i in j httoiik i i in tibiiiiy ih ur it uiu th il unit ss tlu s pih isnms m iih i it uill lu muii h n lo ismil smnnions ml pio u i tl lit loom ullll tilt t ist k vi ston ol alioii jii uluit tl on s iltntl i innii tli hiii vis ti lining touim u hiotk trttr 50 years ago tatjess front the- leett of the ptw ryeea ttutraday july 24 hs rev mr iloworlh lite new pailoe- of the baplltl church will arrive ihlt week with hl foirtlty he will prcifth hit inaugural tr men next sunday the hmtes on bower ave at the heed of fred crick st hat been secured for a nurtonage new siding to both the tele end hurnem leather t have jutt been put in by which the cart of coal are conveyed to the furnueei and dumped into hoppers there ttila will reduce the handling and will greatly fa cilitate the firing the hvdm men who are string ing the new trantmittlon llnet to georgetown have made tome unmerciful slashing of the maple shnde treet on church st if thev had trimmed the reet evenly all round they would not look in hud hut in cm out the centie mil leuvr the outer hranchen givii 11 ilii likillv unlldv and un wllldvjppcarance the post office deportment hu iirringed iinolher rural dt iivirv route from acton it nor vo the second line up thrihiuh osprlngc and in lot 18 fhn then gum west to the flril line and down in lot 27 thence to acton thin involvch u drive at ih miles and will give a daily ser lce what ahroil n public reremonv for the lisinu or the corner slime cil tlu mw post offici mil cusiums house alton citirtns bund hih hid t buss piociraiu llus month thev h ivi ilu ul v i mini sit cngagl incurs fin iimlui panics unci ullu r fiiritlicms oiksillt ins incrinsid ihi sil ar nl tht town clerk from ivw in mm i vi ii the iiinuil npoit on tin sfd suee bvuaimuy going bock to the old home town or the old honu farn for a vll hs e fuvorlle nurtrmf pat- lime m thfrt eottntrv kech yean after ir fattfaalle notlumc mslvl up tlhhiiuindt of fumlllet arc dragged many hng hof mile trt tee the ploctr where dad grew up il u otoselty fordedepolg- nant mlxure of biller chian- poinfment and an ntistimlkahle arwereneiii hat he ie groulng old for mom il u great hlg rln in the arm for the ktdt it aneterclte in aheer bore dom and a realhmtlon ther the old man hat been kidding hhnv telf and them for yearn you look up boyt vott went to tchool with had wild adventures with hole applet with dated iris with you find them fut fortvlth and full of futility much like the follows you curl and pluy golf with where vott llvenow you look up girl you wi fe once feverishly in love with girls vou kissed in ihe purk urrer lhehand concert girls who once gave vou infinite heurtache unci ineffable nv svlph like creatures ihev wi re slim as goddesses smooth as hul icr thev huvc four kids false leclh and a nosly habit of tell farm shows tha nu to onout hot wi uhcr slmnpei i sonic line liaretains in ihi spcci il sales on in ttmn this imk all elotis are in lu kepi lull up until scplimhei i tillens m lettle steel in eouhrili in this ill liter orincmtik is putt inc i pir h ili enlle i lltill pi in into elltll tiliens ill i inn u re inn ng llu lust ol llu sm tlti i eiijniuun hu s tu e ni this einncnu i l it ills oh i weil lull till hmi lll i irs tlu ii nil ir mn liiilt uf llu ij i pi wis in lil tut stl i cminn in llu ttiuiili with llu picsiil in in l ii iri1 tht 111111111 it ssu 1 mis n ul hv mrs mcmulirn mrs c 1 indshomtiljh led in primi pt li rlts i ilitoln gave the litp loi thi tmiunu ih m uli mi n a liirnn mil pi it r b the pris lilt nt mnilutleit tht uittlin hi n t ire m u kill u llll i ml ii i i iiuil t in si nl in in mis willi i ii ilul n ol oil hi ii h s h i n mi i u u in llu tin pi v inn lum continued fmm pagl one marv camplxll mull it all vh iurd mrs s lluulilim ikill copilot die shoi nil tuiniii pule bcnilint 17 i iiltu smel sin ka joius ithill little joe minns h inultun mi mlllon i hul luh wskim inl osh nva illu i limp i ump ii m mcktnnun hisptlir tiiren jumper i i nlri s div v1it i nil pinni mull i se homrtt ret co pilot dili sinn till toronto m islt i il vim sue thomson tuititilu m ik iwu don di nninji st rimmi second lililttin sunns bumk kill i int club rithminut hill s open jumpir i- mil mil our i nil us i ipil t dim sh i till tiirunto j ick r iblul m u i st mlis toiimllil ii i ipil ill i aivin mvsilt altiui duki i jeorge muoruv ml i nisi appalmisa liuiii ii bin didu don lavsrenee oikxill junior working himti r n of champion district annual tkleetlng and gave tires bluk air pun m h attracts riders to tricky course style acres ranch horse show cilltlptl i s in tht population lor i he vcir wj x nml mitwithminthnu thtin tniu tlistipliiil w is jnuirttuin id thrminhoiit with ltn trouble thin n tti prison tlu pmole lominission h is bun in tiptri tion tor tun vt irs and has dom most sitisltictorv work 341 cases h im bttn considered ticket of it im hiintz bicn granted in 201 t ims ol this number unlv four i olid lo nuke gotkl llu mission irv md fdiuation il bonds ot lit mithodist chiuh look wis- tid hi iplul it tion ulun the jrrangtd to snd out tht nu minis ol tht student volunteer band of viciorij uni rsiiv to visit thioiiglioul tin n ions iontttlnns to gte in lorm ihon illustritton and in spirition uth relation to he v iiiuiis mismtin tit ids aclon wus roiiuniat in lninu the services of lour of tin most able mem btis ol he btpd dining tht wuk rtalton manot happy birthday ffafton county lucking fanfare or comment i ildton counlv quicllv ended llll uars this month il was 110 vciirs ng on jnlv 2 iihj the first halton county council met at thompson s inn in milton members ol the group ford were messrs 1 john mcnaughlon roliert miller w i komain and g gncnl headed hv tlucountvs lirst wui den james young of esqtirsing i before w malum and went iwuith counties made up the ill trict of gore which wis formed in 1819 and adminismed from i halton in 1912 wellington was also im liictcel allhutigh il became i separate disliict liter right townahlpe then malum at this tinu- li id eight townships fronting on lake ontario were east and wem riamhtiro nelsop anil trafalgar the four back townships wire fsqueslng massigaweyi bcvcrlv and dumfries in im9 the division into dis triets was formally established and tile umtld counties til llal ton and wentworth were separ ated in 1iis3 halton then nssuin cd its preseedav division into limir townships 0 jan ing vou that youre axthtf pretty kin on top or etprtmtingf shock ed disbelief lharf von are actually the- lean luitoitteewd thick itmirmf shce of voerth who fook hem lo their first dunce 6 you revisit the old swim ming hole with your kid unci find that the green and gold oatlt of clear cool water youve sw often mentioned it a dlrtv iii lie- mudhole full of green slime and tiiiucv small bovt you i like vour youngsters down to the bridge lo show them where vou used to make those vmoot dives theyve either low ercd the dang bridge or raited ihe water something fierce he cause it s nnlv a three foot dive now yihi take vour children around lo tee iho old family home you look for the huge hrlck mansion with the vutt porch and the big while picket fence you finally find it voui kids take u long look at ihe dlngv unit house wilhthe sng ging verandah and thr ragged unpointed fence and then take a long look at vou and so it goes it can he a soul- destroying nrdeul one vou won i want turcpeutjor about 90 years but this only happens when vou ve been awuv a long lime and have lust all sense ol ol pionortlon about ihe oldjtome town which if ihe truth were loll was a dump when vou lived there and still is mv familys luckv this does- n t happen to ihem in ihe first place the old home town is their mom s nol their dads and moms ore notoriously less sentimental about this sort of thlrtg women hvd a puiltln tense of reality they can fool themselves tllly about abstract thing like love and honor but thev have no lllcitlon about concrete thing like old houses and old swimming holes in the tecond place we all lived there until three years ago we havent been away long enough- to get mrttveyed about ii the old house look exactly as ii did the old trout t creams still have trout in them the old golf course still hafflet me at a result our annual wan mer vlsli lo ihe old home town is not an ordeal but u evhght its a leisurely pmfreta down main street shaking hands asking after each others child ren helng urged to drop in at ihe house or the collage our kids love the visits to the town where ihev spent iheir childhood years and know ever dangerous iliich and perilous pre cipice thev meet ihe youngsters thev went to tchool with sw each other un like friendly dogs ami happifv start comparing not no theyre never thtappnint ed when we visit ihe old horn- town but thev re going to get a great shock one of these days when iheir father drags ihem hack lo his old home town and ihev discover what a big fat liar he it about his old gir trie wis and his old feals of dnring and his old family man slon prpfessional directory and travellers guide ufdical fun17jul mmctom mi v in alton ii irk tins kn m n i implhll moll il blinl rui h mints sii wis i 11 ipill iii hlilllhitit l h i i ii i wixhiv ml oli m i will i limp i iinip hill mihinn in hi h in i illli lo mini is ii mill l n ii mill iii 11 m n vtoisini hum i i i i n in i in p ill i ml in ink in ihiill ml nmiii mi s ii ulillll ik ii ill t him stimuli r i iih hi uk an r llll m k it mlllon puk i p k in m minus hul hod vtkhe inl osh m i oldest blows out candles at july birthday party or w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in symon block 4u mill si f acton office open lam 12 noon dally or d a garrftt physician and surgeok on s nation june 29 august inclusive office open mon wed fri mornings phone hmwi or c ill mi9 or robfrt d buckner physician and surgeon j9 wellington st acton ont phone hvi240 phaa muss ttlgltf tw tuy bruce b shoemaker ugr m aa af tl eat ufitmiipiiii e i hjchnh od ofttcemetrul contact lenaet heariag aids 6 john si s acton in aclon wednesday oagy jato pjn g00 pjn for appointment pkone mvi041 if no answer phone waterloo 74mm7 by mitt muriel thompeon i in 1 1 bouquets ol heaullful ter on the honor of blowing mil ihe candles was given to mrs t elder the oldest gin si of losis i him the manors osn rust i litinur presenl i h iu iitoiiiitt tin lit id l ihlc at ilu juu hni inl ii pans lie lil in refrcshnunls hi it uirt likil llu niililoi nun on tliiustliv for a warm snmmir teenini infill jul m uheii llu cimphill wire serstil thev wetc cookies ulti v iiiini inslittili tontluct a sold eli ink hirlhtlav ukt and nl i puts im lliosi residtius ni cream liiiinti hiiihiliss in jul thi rt miii itisiv ilso on tin small li nassagaweya wi group sees films oil paintings je gmtawa of l i p ri mi pi i i i ntu m mil i hi ilil hunt it sum iih irti r ii s shipixt an lis mi it i i f oiv ii hi i m k i i i in 11 li tjgi gtiit in oi fmatji ei us fiatjmig tar h matt and her home lo ihe nattagaweva hallun women s their julv meriing il mrs frasrr was the usual reports la mutton pasted ttoaattun to the halton tw roil call was an- tr ember telling tnrv had learned canadian tmie interesting report mlltnn leopitti allan in mrs f edwardt read a poem i son nashull piipnn km i we shall not pet this wav again alter the meeting closed with ihe marv stewart collect the group adiuumed to the rec laattateeott met freeee mra mortal ante m the real ion room lor ihe thowine ol moving pictures bv mr eka miller this was a trip to british columbia through the united states and back through canada it was thoroughl v enoved by m a veil artttt some of iter known of itrr orlgtnid ml at mr khrd- sin lisinv nsiin tlu v i grcatls admired deacloua ltsnch a delkhhiv iuihii wis mh 1 hv the iiinsiiiers mi iv il i m mrs fraer anil mn imo mr h p hint ihiiikul mi mllkr lur sharing her tup silh the grthip mri riehiiiuin t r her honpitalits and ill iiho h p ed to make it i un nnt i itlt evening liimtv imins hi 111 l lllatk an iiiii i i i ipil in alt llll i s llllstl 1 aid diiiul is ii i k is i nil is lull mssuli iii nil i 1 n k s 1 willi i on i un p n ii i nu it s ru diintus milum s it as i milvn sliml vint i k litiiiii p nll m km skipihi ann m r hi 1 1 ii i is s hill is it 1 ks tlojll l n l i inn h v i il iii suppll s in hil ifuis bar i n niiilnl n i hu i 1 i in i in is s i u l the acton free press flcmtatag stffovmfslej mwv j cn ltst i every thursday at se bar of the audit bureau af ctrssjlajlassa jg cwju tatd tke antarttvcjuebec dremsa ttf tte cw jul atw request te gi attatj at canada k00 i b i tti countriaa t500 msj shma aw eebjar fnrilaja cottnirwt fc aggjajelagtl m imamt aim mall fuel tstf3f a a dtkk maaletraicmef dgtju k tusimms anp tpitetiat oprtce moni i q i o nt it ti mi ii in fv in l u lump ih ni t nut t j is l malsii plih i ir a bt4 t vifii h n i inn hitandrun milt n to h i lil i jp pi tuiui tt m 1 h until m ih ii i iim n it th n i ii i i 1 nl t i t i i ii lie i h i t run s llthn nth s v ml i uk 1 t4jlhmntf irlvlt t h ar itinvii h tfunll hilt t aiwilhtrr anj ihtr mmuhi lru cr ilul imi tvinun px t tk ptwtrtl dunu ttalltnt sv t jnttki lust n ul f tmu hcitthv ifaritri paitv i rx- hriui uifk alunta liks fur thi ottur nsidinin thtr pnvuknt ol iht inititutt ttv r austin a prcrnt and ikn mis 1 vaian jml mrn w ihh uitd ts iiiinrnfri ur ihi i iiio pjrt mit auv u n ht mitt hi irjiou- yrrciinyi li un tlu intiituir u the rri lin nut thin pi k til iht pnv ifi un in th hiiniv ol mis i raw lunl snh mis 1 rimtiiut jl ihr ptimt tht ptiryi im begin uiih t miigtsonn tinning along j i tllr i itc i hun mr t wi4in guf tu i ti cnijhlr rrt hatton 1 ik iiu nun with ing and jn iknti a itumrtxr rotcful vttttih i uuv fimf nitt sna agntrw minuii mvl stian martin till h in u iiismtai in jiirattvc v i tish e isttunit iljnved a ii fhl nu slaiht js t gimtp su s in uul mjtihn mailin then lui tit mtlt ssotiih ilarufs stan i ttaihivt a itilu tap djnc fur vhuh nisc vtrnic u prrliv pink llllu tl klk 1 h histihght of trut pmtfrm hiu vsfhii the simr thrtf tin i vlaiurd ih- oukk jig vthkhj pt ivl ot paipular that it i ix a led hv rrtqtrt fif iht 1 un s ck h gut orr the white bl k k ami grrcn ktiiuiw l thr lush tjkrn bio out rin at th t kj tit thi cntc taming pniitam thr 12 gutmli nt honor mht wenr efthlc lu tttrtvifj wcrv cjllrd t i th had lahi bv ur aincn and mn wcbaaandjfcl eav h one am fon ard h or ihr lwrlc giirws of honour wcrr mr t maikinlmh mrs m mcc ul lough mis fldrt mrs a tolhrr mr a hill mr t mrcoff mrs t hrarv mrs t wright mitir d drvlin it rkhardhon j bnrd and mr- j knjik off t b mooee physician and surgron 2 main strwt north- corner main and mill si reel actnn ontario phone usui ho oflkr will h- lotd i ikus lulv h list stmwdmgs forestry onh the halton 411 forrsinr club vtqs completed vvben memhtis were marked un all pnases of llu club protect anmnncrmeiil of si indings was made at tbe jn nml ljml judging competition im wrelnesdas lulv 17 the tlub rganird in january iel held rrjulr meetings eacb month urv dir the direction of jactrflriissn nl the department of lendt and lu l hcspeler the standings in ihe club were as 11ems verna thuthesun 917 harold tbampton 44 ijrrv gardhekix j7 ellubeth nor rtngion e1 kiarfiyn sherviimid bob feddie 3 bob uerrv rt diuglas cstrtlhoutsr gm john meore kl duugus stokes 47 irffrey nurse m0 rotemarv ffcsrtr lis don frathrrsion gje bill alexander uo neil roberi jwi lltxsirgr hume m jansr- dulrs 7gl murtav harris 747 sr ihur lassum 7i wilnrrdlcn van orunswn aeg denis joite eat fvter sssssriman m0 chris rk-h- srdson sjs stuart nunc ut she ssas presented svllh a harth- ilav tard and a gift of n when thes ttere seated ihe can- llfs on a rrv pretty birthday take were lighted and ihe has ps blrtkdas tong win sung la- chib leader for the forestry club proecr vat oartv murrey conaa rt elton fsettt oflmes of use twelve and sulssro mile creek coo serrat toe authosity during the year members re ceived instruction in farm wuod lot dent at on h icib dental surgeon office comer mill and frederick streets offle hours by appointment telephone gsvoalo dtt a j ucmanafsj dental surgeon offne w church st r off ur hihirs v a m lulpm closed wrtlnesttay tflernestm trephone sh7so itjoal c f leathfrland qc bamsier and solietior notary public offwe h nils 10 m ij in i pus pit saturctist by aatansatateni oely fvate offltr atvitw ret tv743 actaa a uaioa ia barrister solkluar notavy fubftc avrictf hourt a ac tost monday friday rttnasgl e jp m p ji vatctrdai 1 p m i axa 21 panjev st ouelpk oatarto tbotm lazm ofllce hottrt la c stela t saturday tm i ajav deiljr to s flja vtuabwotmm isctbbsbsjebsjbb gray coach lines coacmbb uai acton dayllghl saving time batrbountt jj am dally eicepl sua and hoi m am ii j am im pjn sm pjn jj pjn jl pm 10jjr pm sua and hul vvetlhouod 10 j7 a nt i2j7 pjn tv pm jj7 am 777 pjsa 4 12 pm iij pjn i ol am sat only canaoian fmtional 1 rarwayj daytleju seviaa tmte j ajtv to toroajia tuety e cept sa and stta tjr ajn to toronto dally etcept sua 7 am daily etcept stcmlay and monday ttncl mltstsuim for owen laund etc im pt lo torsnlo dairy tt sunday 01 pm to toronto bueuwy ot iv int pm to turunto dally board at gauraatovm astir wetttaotrnd 101 eat to sirairortt daily irpt sun all pm to stratford daily turpi sa aaj sun 7b4 pm dally eacecm stmdey lie am to stratford datrv eaceat sal for further litfunntikta cal tsa ti s s s k1 itrrri wvjrlux

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