Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 25, 1963, p. 6

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jfejirmfe tl awotf fr prwi ttiunday july 86th 163 b pounding th sports beat stmmiae team in i he llallon county hilernicdiule bastball circuit during trw taller pur r i he uhedule lius been millon red so few obnerver ruled the sox much chance of inhthlng uny bailer ihart a noah above the iellir in preteawin predictions with only four gamith left lo plnv the milton tlub was u mir brtaing third and threatening lo uilurp second place from ukllle oaka who perennially occupy ihiil posillun behind icngue jeuillnu campbellvllle the countyuwnem loil live- of llieli lint six kiiinen hiu then pulled ufmhelr marlct luwc m win sl elcmcllikk one while loslnp 1 pair to the league leaden determination ooj lots i hustle hits been thcli luideiniiik- lnc they marred to jell under tin hilon ol miniiicr cliff houston meanwhile campbellvllle meiehitpts mcnllv cikisi ilonu lo their umpteenth title since they fnvnilcd the league tl veurs ago the tlub that earlier looked like it miuhl he 1 llueit 10 the illiiei s sitpio macy hamilton cardinals lino lltiiteud 111 louilh place tlicv hivi baen lipping in the lam part of ihe schedule and 1 loss lo milton dropped cardinal to the rinal plavufl bevth caorgatosvn arid dundaa bring up ihe hiagoeii rear ihe tfant a good bet for fifth rotvri ol country ro6tbxu pans aic niiisiinilv 1111111 1 11 the fact mlbaliluti arc allowed when 11 plivei it erected 01 iniuied durinbkcermalihes on this continent thcv don 1 do it mvi onu f f f ns iwim n plnvyr llimny iccidenl i iiihiiv s i heir iii luck they ploy without him the rest ol the tciun niiisi iikc up the slack some of this reasoning iniisi line tiihhvd oil on dominion hotel entrv in tin- town soltbill iciigue lisl tlrtirsdav only eiglil player nhowcil up lor a game with the league icidliiit tuiners when umpire dude llndstv hail 1 cheek and jowl disigrtcimnl with don grcln of dominions 011 the muits ol mu ol his decisions groin joined his irtisulng team male on the sutiliius his banish ment cut the learn 10 seen if a faster methixl of hreakinu up tin iihii tvigiiv is dsiiid i donl know where lj uould come honi speelilols vs 1 1 r nc it lending ihe games in inuctsing numlxts will iviul lo situations like ihe foregoing by kuddenlv losinu interest there have been rumors of dissension within the tanks of ihe hotel crew whether this had a beat inn on tliuisiviv s missing playetlf lnl known here hot lets hope ihe plaeis pin ihe welfare of the league nhead ol theli own pivjudlees league officiate should act promptly if another illiiiilliin of thb type eropa up in our hooka it warrants eipulalnn beat bits doubleheadera eieiv muiulil mulil 111 the legion tyke baseball leapue is itliictmii piienis and i ins to aee the bov plav both diamonds in the puk are in opeiation loi the four lenms nnd iheivs plenty ol action softball all stan itlale to p bftdei i o i laninsii pusliiii h iimiiiii uv tn exhibition here sunday hill it has been postponed allium the badenoch pluicrs is don aiibin a lliuuei ol some tepute anil a winger with acton tanneis in hockee si ason htimuilh flelihna thorlatop pete uiwson was one ol loin niosjuets picked oui o 75 boys ins llvel to a baseball lis out clinic 11 i ahali puk in london mnndav and tucsdiis this week flu tall aeion piaci has to report to batiicla on august ii al inn with don ctinie ol milton gary jeffries from buihnuton and ineithci hiispcei innn sauna who along with pete were auspicious tin pirisbuiyh plrile scout jim matewell spoils falls llolll aclotl wish pi te vil sllniss in thli venture mavne some elav he ii make the mtiois pete l the aaeond ol the hall rtliviny law sons to ix pi ke el as a piicniiii majorleaguer back in the iliss when u aiul i xwre 1n111j maggie harry uiwson was gixtn a weeks schooling with ncc york yankees when lhe saw htm s milipau slants with dalt junior pete has been with pieston roeisuls ilus season in the intercallng inlrreminlv juiuois iltei sinning out stih niclph enion recreational director inn cishiun wmm welcome am one inlerchleil m aquatics to iet in tnueh with him with a uw to forming a club to conipeie with nihei teams in iheau 1 ach tnatteni nut as lonti as the poicniial uieinhei is a swimuici anel preferably one with 1 lutle speed tftwt likc cathir iiki chiidmni al lead thai leerrls to bo thp pattern depicted above at john salmon pitcher for thn legion softball loam shows daughter debbie end sort john- jr how to hold a ball how the dog rex and roy dawo 901 nnto the picture is a mystery i jjus u ni jr- n m isaiiiieiii firefighters keep winning hose station hotel 104 sti1iun hotclh inlrxpul band t t miflbtillcih most nt uhiun hail irom the tlan shcphcul must uondci how nuilh lonun lhc c yol to plav i ik- part ot ilu bridlsmakl 111 ihe town league iwlore ihevre a blushing bride tticsdiiv ntpht thcv slrvlthtd their slrmu ol losses lo 10 iu ciul ii victory when pirelmhleis on ihe trust ol a four name win ktin administered n 104 dtftal the ttllar dwellers ae the hose itiluis more than a few anxious moments before they suit um bed lecttd a pan of singles lo spaijt ihe sianon mottltrs at the plau milt ball b shephtrd done shtphoid c sluphtid and i red dunn garm ring one upiete in the trior department tn lighters piotd lo have the rx r t biitti i lingi is nuikmg i ivt i tot s to tin innkttptis ihrtt station ml 220 00 000 4 7 ilithghtis 220 005 0x 10 14 s statiun hottl m ball 3b b shepherd ss m shepherd 2b d shepherd rf j dunn lb t shep herd t c shepherd if f dunn tl d vitkcrv p rirerighlers e mtgillovtav 2b m holmes 2b in imh d ar t hibald ii i towns lev s f oale p j kranek t w dm at ih w spiehogel rf j lindsav tl i spiel vogel lb bmpins j casburn plait j i rer bases mwi ijunqw ump tosses grein salad tanners thump hotel 181 rumor ol dissension in lite son ihe luineis umwccl ihem rankh of dominion hotels shv down is i ping soflball club ucie yiceo ul t u iiimiii lo iniiiiv dee ded impetus tluilsdnnnilu lasi m pliuii urthoia a eeiilie when oills eilllll plasels showed ii 11 i lh in si s iiiiiiiis up for a scheduled town leiene xv11x eclullleel elewll on lllele softhall contest with llle lop wll ii llllipill ihlcle 1 lllekae team on the totem the lmneis hanished shoitsiop ivm iem in who manaued lo must i nine ihe sceciiih lot iiiniecepiiike men despite inixutds be tw uiou iu ol ins divisions munn ins plavers noun mm le en mel in ilnul shorlhandid the iiuiliiisiv basun m on ieeecei choi i ml from main kiuw how hun hei 1 with help ti mi tin svumd brothers irom elosi m ihe hacks s must hive lell volv m tlu eclipse visible for few seconds dominions pmvtl ih no kiul tint lies i out i liowi i i hun 1 mi u v k pi ii il p ik hi i mkl lottnslon ol mint ikttutl lipiiil uul hi w is i hitl h i viuhis tiu uiihiil i hniiu inn hipu in i i mi vltuhti s iinui i ilihv imiihip v is vim did vthi see tlu paititl nhpsi u n kl om ssmllll1it it iltmhl o it niliimi ik ii not von will lnu io win m l i miliu i l 1 1 ltut wins llmt anoilui mi il u v n st4 ixhvsr is tslbli illlanada mow i m i kin evr il iu tan to 1 1 a i t uu il ln lm csvlttml will lx usaibli in uilui blh mi whvi iimi coumrics long tvlon i lun lu n iu tli tui ihpvx will ht s n hi u m ol n uls cttriniu meaiiwhik b im u uii1ius vml lim1a was ui ihspin llmlllll 1u mm ing to huiultds ot vuwiis sonu bullooh 1 1 k il mu had staitid taiu m uu mon o amhk nul ni muj ing aih sit up tlannu njn p mlm x lunom llu oij ituul mum loi uu poir t woui iun iml tna and ugiminii ihi kvlips t k llul m ph lh uiwu oftrni bail nuuu lollowed un iu vkv lluul ktlin simple iulus and piiimud nq n lmiu liw to piul then no th mdsviltiiiinn inn inn n at un mipioi turn tim loi i l icwtr in ihi n llu m butkeiml and h ivn ioikk u ted mit the min mowiii tot i fthorl tinu ook hc miii putiillv cowitu b llu ii mil win in mhortlv hetuiv tit otlmk o tlu cukhu vleuixm uumicniattl moftt ul ihr wwvis luiniid in duttrt when it stalled io iun aiul rnlrvtl to the t ixxnn u w uih the cishpac hemu ulixistd tunn cnuhlnuix qwwv but it was another tise ol lading iu tin latter part or the tonusi u ihe hrst five innings it was tveu steven both clubs stonn a pair in eath ol he hrst ami mi ond fiaiins the innkeepeis i ul ul to tount in ibt top ol tlu sixth but the litiuun broke tin ljimi wiilt open with 1 lutiiin lanfare thcv iiilded anothtr m ihi siiiith whili the st uiou mouse nanii laikd to ugislii an othii nin one biy reason ol course w is ibt presinct of fiink dakv mi the winntts mound strikeout kinit of the league dilev didn t displa his neckline last btllj 1 tm nltm as a whill weapmt but iu a mow ul the hoick is a sinnl- ol niun hits oer llu thsiuui land luvei uioii ihan om in in inn at 11 tlu hrst two jiam s j mi tiae out one piss and stituk i out scen doui vukiia k uk it 14 ins lo i ih hihu is statu 11 nil most oei tlu ttislanti but wi tkiinil jin tlu 1 plosii sixth whin m hinlis wiic limpid hum ins ol trunks k walkul lliin uul 1 slllltk out two in loiiil tin ills llnui i mil luii tot llu wintiiis w is oo u hih iki w ho iinnu d loin sinelis in tii aph 11 ai i al llu plait lollowid l i 1 ink spu loja who tolln iiil 1 sineli tloubli and ti ipk in th il mill 1 tll imi il iiipkd uul miuii i tank oiliv dotibkd and siuvkil uul jim 1 nnlsa hill spubttiil aiul ii u old ttiwnit 1 u h 1 ty- tcil i mlljll out mil llu bin mi sluplutd 101 roberts blanks dundas villagers chalk up no 17 atiiplx ll ilk won tlu ii mm n lllllltl blll lllli ot llu ululll m in ttuk whin llu diuitnl ouiut tv h iu miiuil is i iuiimi i niiilil ink roih i ts 1 isluoiud llu shutout ts in hiu kd his hhb ictor ol tin timpailmi llu vu 1 1 an l unplxlk die soul lip iw liai up six bits wluk walk iiil oiu anxl sit ikllll hit hint ju k lit don u plinl and miki n detmin all but lid lot dundas and thi allowid six tuns oil ii luiv ixtro lnrtlng dominion takes thriller it il the top of ihe eleventh in a town league oftbill marathon iwntt 1ga and dom inion hotel last night wednes day score is tied s7z its u basesloaded situation on a fielders choice and a pair of walks when dominions leo mcgllloway makes his ap pearance- lit ihe plate one is out and leo bus one hit to show fot flc previous trips he lakes a strike from ihe nfterlitfs of 10 a pitcher howie leader who up to that point has allowed six hits the next om is in there and mcgllloway damn a clothes line drive deep into left centre scoring two run ahead of him and breaking up one of the tightest contest the leaitne- has seen this season next up georue williamson slams unolhcr pitch into ihe hole between first anil secind bin kevsloner ixnls gibbons ap pears from nowhere lo bat ii down he conl hold on and iwo more runs croat the plate 16 give dominion hotel a victory a big one for ihe innkeep ers who have been slipping in their laat few appearances they collected only eight hits from leader while iga rattled 14 from the slants of freddy archibald who krpl ihem fairlv well scattered a new spirit in ihe club kepi them in there until ihcv came through with a win dominion uent ahead 20 in ihe fourth when lvo mcglllowu greeted howie with a double george williamson singled a sacrifice flv from ross morton and another bingle he an nightingale plated a pair of runs ga bl back in the not lorn of ihe fifth when harold deforest lutmmcid a horn i three eons inlici smillcs h me arthur bill dawkins antl i eadei tied it up in ihe- sixth both loams thrvatrncd after this but none could push a run across until ihe elecenlh when the winners exploded for an im portant victory ii h d holetlawioivvxjuferft ii 4 iga 000 oil 000 00 24t3c- jtuiau xyiif jmt riiituin harvest underyay dominion hotel porrv ss rhultls if in 6thi d lindsay c d grcln ss 2b j fryer cf l mc glllowav ir 2h g williamson ih r morion lb a nightingale il f archibald p i g a h deforest rr b cat gill 3b g maltbv cf j casburn ss a williams lb d gibbons h mcarlhur ii b dawkins c ii i eulir p notice omn mason on iians at cftlwsons cornirs your authorised bar safely centre give you the heal serv ice there is at a low low price boafdllxporfjquiealwhmliicjnmrfao details for marketing onlaritiv im i winter wheat crop have been whipped into shape bv ihe ontario wheat pichlnccr mar kettng board us harvest gels un dcr eav in the southern port of the province the market ing boan unnounc id thai it is prepared to handle nejv crop wheal as in the past and has instructed its agent ihe grain division united looper allves or ontario lo purchase ag gresslvelv at the floor price from count rv dealers chairman optimistic board chairman rov coulter ol campbellvllle said ihe boards policv provides for purchases to he moved into position for ex port hv the most economical means and the new slocks will nlulit l ih t n i pi en e me e ee in in ins h 1 1 i i iiln el- uli h ev i i i mi v iii figure skaters may organize v iii nis mil ti ii d in h i nv tluii iluldun i iki h nk i mi iisvuns this loinnik m i on itvtvnil iskul loionul t lonn mi i sk ilin i lull in ton knii 1 1 ion iliin loi inn i iv ininis nun isin xolnnu ol win lil uliviliis will puvui inm i loin stix imii lijimi sk itnii i i stoms ill isa m jmiil it 1 vjlu 111 l lltll l iiimoii- ill it ll sk ilitik iimnn on llu n u uion ii ml i uiuli i voitu oitu iin piii pan ills who wish to kn h un k itiufi ihvi hiu ui i kid lo vitnlli i mi casburn in mdii thit a uu i tun iin bv niinnl io llmnvs hi sihmls i iii ml v i iton it oiioiikji inu ii l is ilii i tilth wilt lx toiukil lit lull i lion il dim loi ti oi u ii ii ml h oki imi two slnylcs sturcil iwlio i ii w lltvi j thill hid sltlli k on i llu 1 1 llkl 1 1 lit nik ik ill intniktl un t i i ii hi 111 hi rllsl ll tl die die sniku il siok sainl wi nl in tlllld is mnii n is s ll on ui iimi md i iil wuiioii s w i flk tk i tu i in ill il oil llu ilnul xilu ti dn u ikul si 1 ml md svsud 1 mnmis snmk 1 in bil inmtil wis ilu filth wlun dndlii sind moon sinylid uul winiirovi- wdktd in load tlu h isi s this hniupht in miphsiil id htnl lot i ii net iu wdkid cuius luloiu in a tun hindtr son s siniili thnmyh tlu middle iiom tn too more and li i lot s stnk plilul auotlut to nuiki it nt siut i or three iliu koik i ts hitl siiiu nil thin hits toinl into tin bsottom nl llu sixth whin hi suddinb ran into iiotihli i i isit miphul mil mar tin ill siniili to oul hi biscs vilh noru out but ron its mi lit d down st i k iiil out visluau nut kothwill itul loiiini aiulir son to hoiitui iaku to i hi mound i n milh nl h id two siiilus loi dundis koihwill trtpkd uul i 1 isi 1 m 11 mi uul i 1 ilf sin likd it iiilm j imph ik ill s ikmii hits n u ill sintlis miiiv i inu 1 uiuli k n mtk11 hill i ihoi uul don loxii ill nil iiil two md al win unvi i ill i inns uul stan him 1i1 1 son hi thij oiu 1 it h i mm soi i s liultuhiil ihi hi 1 ion mils iinpru llx 1 iu h is nlimil 2 l111us this si a si m stu kiit plixnl in tlu lust iwitit uul hii siiil in tlu hrst mm win l vsnilioi his ih 1 ti in ill illl ma un j mu s l uiiplx ii s 1 1 u nut is n 01 i ton n in imp ih i is iu on smut i ink 2u it 1 ti p ni in llu 11 i ist 11 luih it lin iiik ol llu v istin k m i mpl ii c uu mu i ml diiiul is l l nt pud u u ts 2 i nplhlbilli k lx ms nut i in i c 11 t pi dunil 1- in uph ol pi nili imii s 4lik t link 1 k u fn r j w i actumulalrd mr coulter said thit theboartl h n lulled approximatelv one mil hon bushels nl lasl vears imp whuh was nearlv all cipofted and with this veurs cnp shiipi in up to an equal production situa tion ihe board will probahlv rr mvi- a snbstanlial amount or wluit auain in 19m it was pointed out at ihe meet inn mr coulter suid that dur inuthe past week bids at mont reul tor export wheat wire as low a si54 per bushel rased on this price und taking into u cmint discounts for frcinht hand wuutd rw deducted producers in iuth western ontario would b receiving about si 2 per bushel lor their new crop wheat il it were not for the boards neijoti nted flfkir price of 1 as and its export prop ram wheat has already been deliver ed to some country clevitois in essex and kent and farmers in anxiously awuitinu favourable weather lo put combines into full swinfl in man of the 5iou ihern ctninlics the crop is la pidtv maturing throughout tlu entire province and it is ex pet i ed that an average lo bctjer rhm average yield may be exponent ed oh car dynamic whiil ialanci 2 so mr whttll free check tm alignment brattee tteeiing tprtrtft and hocka at any lime franks auto collision 2i mllu weil nt aeloii ihe most mtktclll llltl rest i lllippell allld bihiv smp lie llic aicu phoni tsl0010 h s holden optomitfrit eyes examined glasses fitted 36 corb si tan guelph phonb taylor 27 1 m jem drivein theatre gmb ais tmumi sat july 131417 what ever happened to baby jane bette davis joan crawfopd recinnmcndad adult entiiialnmant tichnicchot cinimascopi the hellions technicolor richard todd ann aubray dikictions tka jam 1 ij mllm wai athw an na 7 high way had way hat rachwawl and oualass turn lafl al feshtat oaraaja m arrlva at lh drivatn joint service u m coles preavjiea on r moo sundas nktrnint thr imtii uaiwd prcibylrrmii vmie- in llx- unilwl churvh sutivlt nieeiiun the rev a ii mvki-tuu- had bmi called avsav chulenl uu ing lo the lunru and mihvjuvni datn of a brother wjnh the mnnilnn icnice at to u clock tcu ad coflme are lerved oftcrwanu in tb young peuple ruum quality ba products save you money gatolifism motor oil dteul fxfl ftmloik sltv oik ou untar ptnanca han s yar m pay small carrying ckarga thompson fuels ltd phoni is33370 acton aftfk hours rs33i74 nw i dance this saturday and every saturday in the beautiful sitting of birch hills golf ond country club follow ugn writ on campbohvilla stderoae to siittk lina of nataaojawaya music 1y birch hills music men adults only pllabe nonjwuartrs 1 75 mimbirs 1 w birch hius rubrie varbu dining room is available for banquets and weddings for groups from jo to 300 tr 89026 this car is loaded ii i ih dalvie voannam and it i ao atafyfaaig o kounoyt cor ihovjd have aicvel a fnon prlco tog thar ora oaktroy ffoa and back mil partng owd ttnoonj theald sraihanl auaaamahc cauftaty liojhh pottango onoraifi and door pockatv h hoi ei kmih vonhj fury od- obk bucket wov i and o vinyl heodlrfmg on mte catletg and anough chroma kn lo tl loo elaoonr coma nliyiim dm iwtl oa- prona your trada- nhtla yoo drlvo our wa ii ihow you how o m m osa lop of huwry without- flottontng your yso am laza motors pia2a motors maiom

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