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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 8, 1963, p. 1

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ft i i buy post off ice new business offices sfi5i f lswwwjm- fiaasrffara iwkfifrf v tfviakolo formatpoiiffic on mill st wat told thtrwaak to b d rachlin and gaortja robertson word wat racaivad wadnatday morning from crown attatt ditpotal corporation that thalr bid hat baan accaptad although no purchate prica wat ditcloiecj acton council turned down an offar from crown attatt to match a bid for the building of 16125 tha building will be renovated into imall officat jeweller b d rachlin purchus oil his largest and mott expen sive clock ihis week when tic and business associate george robertson received word from crown assets disposal cornora- tlon that their bid for the- form or pout office on mill st had been refuted tu d incline the purchase price for the soyearom building thev didnt denv a previously re ported figure of j16125 according to the two new own ers the building will be rcnovut cd to accommodate professional und small business offices and thev claim to have mime tenants lined up already both men hope to ptwtfie he outside appear ance of the building an much an possible no obleetloname stuamass mr rachlin uld thev dun i in tend to rent to any tvpc of busi nest which might interfere with other tenant with regunl to noise objcctiomihlc odors etc i m final paper have not been iiigned but the two businessmen anticipate starting the remodell ing program at- noon at the tran sactions ore completed no con tractor for the renovation has been conaldcrcd do dole hlggatl of career the familinr town cluck will be maintained by a caretaker and if repaint ore necessary mr rach- lln himself a jeweller will have the opportunity of repairing the largehi clock of his career bench es now stationed outside the building for citizens to rest will he kept there us far us the two are concerned at pretent cam leishnian care taker for the new federal build ing i till maintaining the clock und building as the two men have not received their kevs the pre sent heuting system is in good condition and thev dont antlci pule unv muior chunge in the coal fired hot water system the former post of i ice which was erected in 1913 replaced the previous building which was mo cd to the adjoining lot and is now occupied by hotchens oak cry before the former post office wat built- the previous store on the site was occupied bv james matthews who had a post oiflce and telegraph office in the rear and a grocery and crockery store- in front it wat in the original building that the free press vvus lound cd in ib75 hv joseph hacking formerly of guclph here over 3 year mr rachlin has been a rei dent and businessman in acton for the past 32 years and served on municipal government three years one a muvor and two as councillor mi robertson has been an acton areu resident for the post 34 veurs and is a well known lurmer residing with his wife at rr i acton firefighters tops in parade at convention in teeswater elgfitynfnm yaartslo o acton ontario thursoay august 8th 1963 t ffi bight pagaa savan cama complete hew 71450 municipal building esquesina staff moves files in thursdtx operation shuffle look place thurtday morning of lost week for etquetlng township clerltuc c lindsay and itaff when jbfey moved from their outdated quay- ten in stewarttown to the- mod em 171450 municipal building on the seventh line of etquetlng the only materials to move were old records everything else in the building is new within an hour and a half of beginning the move two miles north of the old location mr lindsay was in busineur and had hit first customer a woman dropped in to pick up her relief cheque the township has operated since 1925 in the former munici pal building esquesing cqiatch tgrcsrfothirchbbefle land owned by charlie gregg r i georgetown for the purpose or erecting a new municipal building and in september 1942 an agreement was signed with general contractor j b- macken zie and son ground was broken early in october 192 in spite of councils efforts to include the new building within stewarttown village boundaries adequate space could not be found modern design the brightly illuminated quar tcrs are of brick and steel exter ior with stained mahogany wood panelling throughout the inter ior this combined with battle ship linoleum on the floors re cessed fluorescent fighting wal nut desks and chain and expan sive windows blends favorably with the modern design of the building the 2800 square foot building accommodates council chambers main administration office as sessors office reeves office vault extra office space cloak- munktfal tuiummo wat occupied thurtday of last weak whan clerk k c lindsay and staff movad into thalr naw quarters construction began latt fall on the modem building the old municipal building located in stewart- town had bean in uta tinea j 925 at headquarters for council the exterior it of brick and ileal and tha intarlor hat stained mahogany panelling tile ceilings walnut detkt and battleship linoleum on the floor rooms and washrooms on the main floor on the lower level there are the furnace room ttor age vault utility room spare meeting room and spare murage room rabullt in imt the former municipal office was erected in 185 and pnur to being purchased by the township from the h i lawson estate in 1925 was three storeys high or iginally the building accommo dated a store showroom and lit ing quarters on the main floor public hall on the second door and banquet room on the third floor in 1948 the municipal building wus rebuilt thetwo top staicy removed and a garage lor tuwn ship equipment addeil at the rear started as treasurer clerk lindsay recalls when he- first worked fur the township in 1943 as treasurer there were 915 assessments on the roll with a total population of near 2j00 people ythc township is gradually growing and the administration i accommodation must grow with it declared the clerk this week not much business then mr lindsay also recalls back in 1943 when council met once a month and the minute book dis closed only a few parogvupnt in dicating u small amount of work finalized by council this sum mer council has been meeting a minimum of once a veek and sometimes jas munyy us three limes a wee the old boudfng will be main mined by the township and used as a wurks department with headquarters bud snow lor superintendent other employees enjoying the modern ruellilies in the new quarters are office employee mrs cuthenne bnuskill assessor a w benton and assistant assessor geoffrey denny when on busi ness reeve george leslie will en joy his new surroundings public meetings will still be held in the old hall no date has been set for an official opening of the new build ing h cjgev w ifmuii ajnxazmjmit i mm i g w mckenzie elected international president ac inn i irefighters cuptuied members also competed in the first place honors monday in the i 100 and 50 vurd dushes parade und nurrowlv missed two tiihcr flrstswhcn thev were with in seconds ot winners dining hosi ami ladder luinpciiiiuits at the annual firemen s convention held at tefcswulcr drrsscct in their blue and gold unitoitns thi ailjin ixpivseitta lives wen picked lot then ap- pcuiunct ami matching ahltilv n a class tit 20 tucimit oi mulei duiing the mondus putuek in the laildei i si ire luet at i tvn cuiiu thud when ilu vveiv chicked al 27 seconds lilt win net tccswuict timshed in 2s seceinds in the hose uiev aiiihi finished sixth in m wttintk tails ii sevtmds hehind tile winning learn luun txinmllle ml phillip mecrislall who re glsicrcd fridas along with 200 other delegates and attended lectures and bur sessions thee will make a full repoil at the nest tegular meeting moiidas others attending for part ul the time were ehiel mick holmes grant withers herb dodds jack pink john krapck don vun fleet bein vun fleet eddie me glllowav bill knight and berl with a gold bund mi lite cuvci fowler toi the golden annivcrsurs acton t the tout ttav eonvcntion at tair honk is out this week undltraelcd ncurls 2000 lirclighlcrs avuilable toi entrants to peruse t met their wives titun various lis u vvluippei ot a catalogue tit parts til oniano the two aet pnes and events with tw pages utkgates received their life theiv utv snceiul annivcisaiv memberships lor attending live pnes as well us cvvnts in the consecutive conventions and eeiitu on gold paper is a special was ne kell who was ah cnt belt seetion which cumulus a history had regisleistf ulsu ivccivcd his ol the agricultural society i hie membership delegates irom the acton de- pal tnicnt were haloid tovvnslcv banded in gold fair books out uuuwuaw tl itaffk fut ii was pat mckeiune day monday at the intaraadeaal va mens convention al the settler hilton hotel buffalo and malay thursday the acton man takes over the reins of ton oftsci aa international president of the ys mens clubs of the world hundreds of riflfgatri from the us canada europe and the west indies honored the pro minent acton ys man vrho this past year has travelled widely as international presidentelect root for pat the president of his home club walter dubois attended the inline convention those wlio went down monday were mr and mrs mantell nellut mr and mrs fvfcsomerville mr and mrs harrv arbic and mr and mrs clarence rognvaldson mite nan cy rognvaldson stayed at the convention with mix kathryn mckenzie and there were special programs for the children of delegates each dav on thursday today district governor bui wilson plans i to at- lend the convention the acton group were there or meals speakers forums and finally monday evening 1he eat going presidents banquet and hull the president j a son mc- cov spoke and his oddreu wus shown live on television the new president addressed the convention yesterday wed ncsduv ul noon there was a large ontario group ul the convention which tilled i he hotel s i popular president mckenzie i has travelled widely on l ff irasafcavaeassaas the peat year in his office as int ernational presidentelect he is kal of the robert utile rs achool a keen yt man hit quiet capa bilities have been recognized in this club since he joined years ago acton ia the smallest town in the world to have a ym ca building the murray memorial building and as such is known to clubs in many countries mr kerajc has attended 10 in ternational conventions and hat not missed an ontario regioral convention since he entered ys dom the regional convention will be in sudbury in september mr mckenzie heads 700 clubs four new countries added to the roster this year hell have organ ixational duties during hi year as president and will likely travel overseas as past president this weeks electiun of olfieers brings ihe number ot canadian presidents up to five all the others have come from ihe usa since ihe club was orgametl in 1922 representatives of ihe 29 regions ol the world also attend cd last veurs cunvention was aj banff and the next one is al lstes park colorado next june the conventions are ulwave fa mllv affairs with some special sessions und luncheons tor the women at buffalo there was a tsplcat nurscrv anangenunt tot toddlers and ihe older children went to parks swimming at crystal beach a on a y on tour and had m igie shows and movies acton wives heard a la salon commentator frenn paris jean hart karl gathof head eight high school graduates ktirl gut hot and jean hurt top ped u class of eight iinuluulc from grudc 13 t acton high school other tfimduatci arc rulh coilv fred duwkins kv dcnnu and jo- anne forte who had taken urddc h subject lor the first vcar und kattiehnc gurrett and randv lujkca who had taken grade 13 subjects for two years results issued late lat tek imlicatt- ol 184 gradi 13 papers written here tw wlic passed an avcraye ot iis over 70 per tent tlilrcweiv 20 lusts lor act on 10 9 per tent of the pap ers seconds h 17 per cent thirds 27 14 7 per rent crrdits w 27 2 pel cent and lailuus s4 2v per cent percentage lip pi icinlacs ol firsts and sec cinds is up irom last eai iikicj wiiv just six kiaduaus last year j principal tedhanscn eapresv ed puasurc at the results ul the successful students who had done er wvll he said despite the lad valuable minutes were lost each dav due to teachers com muting from the hih avhool i to ihe stone school i a ltitil ol 44 stodt nls cv tnlr pap is iik hiding thusr liking pin ale studs and quid a fewt grade 12 students ttkmjj ml line iitdi oubiitl in adtantt most dul not wild a full near s subjects karl gathof who utulrwd tfw hlghcut total marks wmtc 1 1 papers for four firsts four wc- grade 13 results lolloeving arc ihe results of grade 13 examinations written hy 44 acton students in the spring thev were rcceived bv principal e a hansen ul tlie end ol last week m uirruinc bennett rnu comp 63 eng lit 70 botany 51 zoolugv french auth 52 a patricia a blii fng lump v fng tht 59 lloiany 5a zimihigv 51 rulh j loles bug comp 61 lng lll 66 algchra m trig ii sialics 53 latin auth 64 latin comp 71 french auth 61 trench comp 75 vivian b collelt bolanv 75 joan m cook botany 76 frederick c dawktns fng comp 52 eng ul 64 algebra m geometry 17 trig ti statics 5 physics 76 chemist rv 92 french auth 6s trench lump 62 catherine l dennis eng lump 54 lng tat 71 history 51 bolanv 67 chemtstrv 66 latin auth 71 latin comp 74 french auth 50 french amp 50 mary tihabeth llliolllkitany m continued on pac ftva nnds one third and two crwdju he plans to atlcntl university jean hart had the high aver age she wrote nine papers for six firsts one second and two thirds sliu pluns to go univer sity too contlnua education fred duwkins with five firsts one sccund two thirds and a credit hopes to go to university kuy dennis has nine subjects anil plans to go lo university jo- anne force also has nine and will go io university kuth coles with eight subjects will enter lakcshurc teachers inllegc kaihctiitt- larrrtt wtlj ao lo tcaehers college und randy lidkra hopes to go iclunlverslty although the- students have ap plied to universities in soma eases our student lias upplksd to two thev have not yet had time lo it am that thev have been accepted final decision on cours es will he made later hassrlal c mrs vivian b collelt was studying bolanv privately the grade 12 students who just wrote one grade 13 subject and were successful were juan cejolt mary beth ellloll grrtrud kuhn heather levland arv masaln janet rognvulelsun and norman sin nli willi sis sohircts david rouah- ky may go lo ryersan insututa of technolofy iv 2 811 k2 mu m uwqsiarssrtvsa s i w tssr assess kmmr t c unamav kn1 tsavs tlma k cool oh afsw moving mas foam tha eld municipal bcjildino at saassarti to tha now bumtng lso mmx north of ma wluaoa within an itouc jmr tha rfvova ijarejan h had hi ftru jmuomafr italy anqsnrino amutlvisr raliaf cjsaqsak fa aruriou first m in mate naw council room tfsty can and rolax in comfort and hava planry of room to tnair formar masting placa m tha old municipal xrosvdad and dark all now fumlrura ha largo tsjst lavtajln wmtlowa 1 ono ond will aaow plajtp of llgnf a i ttk a s atin i tltmt akmi k aaka ak s stapassnga as msf oki rsmiasrsi ssassri ivmtupao svy irrsi iraaasf or jrucfc and can travail on ma satvonth una mow nsombas c wmi ba abia tanduct b a i qffn49sfia 4f wtk9 thbfofwtf offwal w4aft carvsvoam ww awsf tsmlmlycf lasovatwy s

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