Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 22, 1963, p. 1

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roa mfmh-ttiutb- mmfop mom imiano praachad at tke cftur h of st alban the martyr sunday morning yha blflht rav h a sanlttraat it blihop of killaloa kilfanora clonfart and kilmacdaugh county clara outham iraland and wai a dalagata to the third anglican congrats held in toronto ha stands in dappled tunihine at the church door with the rev donald watt to meat paoplat warden george lea and hit daughter cindy i teauiji- candidates hit halton election trail launch five week couhty campaign street rowdyism alarms council citizen an expecting m to do something about if auminartacd councillor alec johnson when ha discussedthe lm of last weekend at tuesday council meeting a delegation of nine ratepayer would be at this meet lru jr i hndnt promised to bring up the subject and get home ac tion if there it no action they will be at the next meeting phday bight after midnight aetna pohca eha ate per- rat with ttlne affanieaa aa a kaaattt of two dtsturfeucm tfcay befota- maglatrata wara remaned till y two are out on bail and fair ou their own rec- js reeve hlnlon reported the pul lie are aware of the situation councillor johnson said the pol ice can stop loitering in front of unv establishment but they arent doing it reeve hlnlon chairman cit hie polite committee reported the poller will take extra pre- liitttmit lu we thin doesnt happen jlltln t mivor duhv explained to mem lurs lc was uilisfled the biisin i smcii were attempting to nm uikki lstuhllshrmnts and that the uisturbuncls occurred on the street where proprietor have no jurisdiction councillor johnson reported tltltent had been forced to leave the sidewalk to pass the loitering teenager he reported his own experience while walking on the sidewalk unci having a teenager helng ejected from an establish ment luiul at his feet if un older indv had been pau sing she could have been badly hurt he naid wk ttix jfrtt ft eighty ninth year no b acton ontario thursday august 22nd 1963 second section arena project complete final statement gives haltona three political candl dales george kerr of the pro r restive conservatives owen lullln of the liberals an wll ham d gillies or the new demo cratic party greeted premier john roberts election announce ment friday and rolled up their collective sleeves ready to do battle in the halton riding all three were nominated months ago and have been qulet- ampaigning for several weeks amnalgn offices are now open ing up direct mailings to con stltuents have begun candidates are visiting meetings and calling on residents the hitters to the editors are starting the cam palgn la onl cut paatar ware highlights of the halton cam putgn to date include pc candidate george kerr fired off latterto the other two candidate urging them not to place election potters on town property particularly utility poles bylaw prohibit it in oak vllle und burlington purthcr i feel the people in this county are sick and tired of half torn pos- tera cluttering up sidewalks and ditches as u result or silfy paster wan such as occurred during the last two federal campaigns he wi6le to date neither oppos ing candidate has replied liberal candidate mullin spoke to the nominating conven tion at middlesex north riding last night wednesday suggest ing the conservative government in ontario i fat lazy and yawn ing like the hippopotamus used in their trade ads trailer on the trail nop hopeful bui gillies will he using a house trailer in his campaigning to visit shop ping centres and industrial plant i to talk to voters he is starting immediately on housetohouse canvassing throughout the coun iv and parly organixcr bill cumpstv ol georgetown is organ i7lng the election network or poll worker and campaigners all three candidates have headquarter throughout the rid ing either completed or planned mr kerrs headquarters is jfll brunt st burlington with a brunch omicc in oakville mr ij wih no 25 sldcroad between the third and fourth lines in nasso nuweva is being rcarranged the rcwd skirted a hill there mullin has headquarters at 2000 jnmes si niiilinglon and branches aic being set up in oak vllle and milton plaa he cs poets to cslahlisli quartets in acton and gcnruclown hclore september i mr gillies head quarters arc in bronte stan hall veteran halton counlv was rcprcscnl ed in queen s park lor 11 yiirs hv stanley 1 hull ol llorubv until his dealli lasi i ill in the intervening 10 months halton was without a member and op position members ciilicieil the government s delay in calling a bvclccllon it is the second ontario cam paign for mr mullin he rm aguinst stan hull in 1959 and lost bv 700 soles to the nctcran mpp it is the lirst eampaiiin for the pc and ndp standard bearers the liberal cundidalc is pre sently serving his second vear ol a twoear term as masor ol burlington he is in salts in m atjement at ford oikvillc mi kerr is a bmliniiton councillot and lawser mr gillies is active in laboi circles anil is presentlv secrctarv ot the oakstllc dlslttct labor council srnfffffnhit yrjpiametoar softball tourney glenlea park ecetpts on parks board agenda petlillssion was gianlcd at inn weekend saw the iircalcst mflus soil ball league lo hotel a soil bull tout imiik til in the paik on salllldu seplellibel 14 a tlele cation 1 1 um iht it itue sought jviiks itiuiel ipniiitil at lino weelne stlas evtiinn nuitm ln- ceeels lioin the luuiiiaimiu will ik used to tinaikt the nist ill i i ion ol llejlls on lilt sol ball ell lihhiil im nisi sii peunlssioii was also clin i lis leaglle lo lellloee llle plteluts lliountl i loin til tinilhall tlii nioiitl so two tb luuitiets can ik usui loi llu lolllll illicit llle dilceialioii ikiinltil out ill il llu mound wonltl ittiiiit u billltllilt tot li ii till ill ll lilt til llliolltl wis to be itsttl till ll lltlb ill poor weather lilt iii nil itkiiletl lilt uk was unit iioiiiiil eltlelelltb atltl pointed out tint kale ueeipts al iflwel iii 111 melons t lis elite to utllumliable weiltlltl tillt le eettus so i it tins ee it line been vl vi pllls us eijmill t which baet ixeti soltl i i visitors lo the puk imr tile eeetleellil gate receipts totalled k50 installallon ol a teiltpoitiis plastic line irrtin ihe ehaiike sta ttotl lo llle cattle ties at the west etitl ot the paik seas appiosed nino tlrilcti in pivsenling the rupitst inim the fair bouuf nntetl oul ibat tilt like eaiet is no longer suitable i i consump tion he tlit animals thi lair will msl ill and remove the line glenlea plans itttti lioni llle ihainlhr ol tontlllertt olteletl llltlt issit llle e 111 llle development ol llle p n k alva iii tilt die tile a snbelive sum hie thuintxr suginsts wink it in iv not be piattitil in install i baseb ill ill inionil it tin pivsttil tllllt ii llllgbt be hlssltllc lo 111 eate swings lectel totlcls slides i bustle liaek and i toboggan sllelt u tile 1111 llle is i is i sllg gt st tl llle rcml tlttglll e ill i kets jlleetlllg ot lltleresttit tlvul itk 1 eutbs to lllltt lit till puiglalll resldellls tile jlllv hist llolltl iv tile sesltarv lhutetl tin parade pow wow friday to end first playground itcltc eviltel seitll st lips tellleil llvv night the plasgrvhiiiel lntli ins will lie taking ova i llu town tihv ir trev tng to luiaele livitu the station lo tiles uik stalling alvom r 45 pin littjav and beilel an indian pnvgram tlwis toi all then iiwikis and taillllles eiugh jill html and ivin prtsr laitn vvigein lias hexn eovextt vettli annual prlts well peil vtu sacki le be precise i anel tlletc s atl lllthelllle lexive ttn program srniuld sto t ihii king at lei scvvtl elelelck lllls is tlk tllm e 11 sf the pusgrvmuld piigiam evtv1 tin i s on llie piogiam are ltidun vwung traders haw p wtn vai- game wivsilmg tmvrise aityjiong anel a bonlitr tsva raasgaag grnuetds vsvungten are divided into obmb anssip ot ao brsrera out of the glenlea around these are un- laavdenhtp of big chief come k war- atassejalnuwi papnoaea cmlci oatgm lmadaaynjs- insenttve and enthusisstie smoke ugnals being a btile oul ol date thev dcslitcel to send their ineuage to rvitrqiie vi the fe psssu luercatkai eli rec tor jim casburn canvc wedncv dav with the mcuagc troni the tribea he said ugh everyone is friday isc sjshl ugh ugh vi town ciigiticct bail not vt t vsttttl llle site ll wis txptttetl lilt ell gllleer woulll ix in vtlnll hid iv oil 11 visit tile lie i with bo ii el llleillbcls hill clillllell lepitselltl llles nest vtttk till hi idles leetilllllltlltletl ihe ivinil pioeurv ailvtet inlll llllllolllallve sililees iv lore m king etc i mile plans lot the area ii vve e ill i iv o in plans this tall vve sail budget loi it in ilfi tbt itttti lioni the i bun be i is to be ae know ledge 1 accounts tin i line ot 1300 01 mil julv ot jisi wele ipproveil tin pavnitnt 1 lie llouil tnstxel ell tilt lllll lion pi lilt lost ill itlhl it llle w tiling ool wbitli w is ie poitill lo lh elellle 1 t set lit iii b cbl ll iii t kellll piesiltil llltl illtllllhis ml s livel u1i it ml ultl c lilt 11 ii v lltiltltl the nix ll ill lllte ling the project is finished in use and ihe bills arc paid re ported john guy to council on tuesday as he received the final rinuncial statement of the reven tics anil expenditures or the com munily centre project the prolccl was started in jon uiirv 1961 al a meeting uf a group of citizens in march planning for the lund raising plan started and the successful canvass of the town and atxa produced funds lor llu 175 i6a55 pmiccl the 1lrsl contribution was made bv eugene braida and the linul donnlinn lo clean up the pmjeet come from beurdmore v co mi gov reported the beard mine contribution was a con sidciahtc amount and very gen eiiitis it meuns we dont have to face another year of fund raising projects loan repaid the town had confidence in llie group and allowed the com mittcc lo use the towns credit to hoirow 16 400 from the hank this lias been repaid be said the financial campaign raised sm 50448 in ailon and district and a grant of 110 000 was receiv ed fnim the provincial govern ment the final financial state ment is acton and bbtrlct commisally centre building fund august 19 jvyi receipts community centre cumpnign committee im 504 411 government grunts 10 000 00 bank interest 25 provincial sales tax rebate s59 72 demand loans 6 40000 total receipts hi 566 55 less demand loans 4mmw net receipts 75 166 55 expenditures tender advertisement 2t0u municipal board tees 15 00 architectural fes 1000 00 buildings construuiiin 42 626 to refrigeration equip 18581 84 electrical equipment and wiring 7 102 51 preparation ol lee surface 2 992 el drains 574 09 demand loan inleiesi 251 50 demand loans 6 400 00 total disburse nienls 81 566 55 less demand loans a4ejm net disbursements 75 166 council tuesday to determine tannery water cost praise garbage georgetownstyle an uihuilliinn tip l ik it- 1 mini llu cust lit iimhiuuiil wiki nm tht mum shtfi smith spring im hlitliiiuit co uis lllutnnu mint hv llu vvttii nul mvir khuiuiiill nut ippmcl hv couiuil at i in stl i s miltiiiu kt pottnl iruii isls in thi msls of the pi f mi 1 1 pitminjitl i loininit tlv hhvllm llll tilllip m ulli l tlls lllll i 111 l iijiiiul i s mill kith uinl to plutui mtll llli pi his si ml k i iii iii lusl iii v hi i wis buuytlttl lui in ihe iuinn lali curbg dlftcuiwd a kinunittec ih lu mtti ihe nm tiultur killecllnii girbiitc in tiimliitwn lo invxihtfiite i he pas sihihty r huvln uurhnyl lollcct nt in acton miclt t u similar ton ti ul mivnr duhv innmcrnloil sonti ol tht ndvjtntayis whii h f ftiul uitnt undi i sui h 1 mn 1 1 hi huininir ot nnhui wonltl iiihi isktd lo hear part of ihe lcist ail vised tho kupcrlhtradcnl to loutr wiicr prtrsturt at the tttliktnu ms until pressure in m pountlh at the hiuhesi hvilrnnt ws iklvised thi lord trnt lor ws worn nut 11ml decided to unisiiutiti tht tost or a rep luce- uu nl aimtw to un 1 1 hill repre- uitilives- 11 11 loinuultrr nurl ll till l tlljiul 1 s il tti ik oppinii uajtxstlk sjtatjjai awv anhftect opens office in attn dandd l skinner barch mr aic was introduced to touiril memben at tueiulayti nuctmu bv ricl htnton mr skinner has established an office in acton for the pructim of orch itttiuit his othit is loculed 4bot hinton s it to 1 00 xtorc i hac bttn in practice in port citdit loi tut vcars and feci ac ion should prue to bo the centre ot si prnwiqn area im look in 13 luiaaul to a ttrv inltrcslin pi iiftti tn atton he said mi skimur tiiduuled from tlii liiicrsit ol toronto in 19x2 nul winked uith siral firms in luiuiuo until he isiihlished proi tin 111 inirt creiht fix vcars uo ik 15 1 ihii t tor o the rotarv club ot pint credit variety of proecta in adihtion to man pnatt res itiuts tnd ipaitnient buildings id 1 ulmh is thi paiksiilc an- utnunt in hi unpton mr skin lie 1 was tht architect tor the dut ti rin cotiniv honit lur the jycd thv it it iliiir cr4lt it countn c luh 1 hi c ikilon tacnship mun iipil iu11 uli ml and scleral 1 hixils in ptc i and dufferin iiinlk mi skiniici i1hk that the ae n uttki will ui iblt him to siji itu piiplt ixlter in north ii iltiui wi miiiltun nul dulfenn vnuntu s 1 1 1st nijit it in crimp ot hill ns m mm htsird he was iiimm 11 1 hits vt lor iht new m mot builitin play today after uet minute practices ime wmil actoa ciiiimu band act out by buj about noon to day for competition at the ca nadian national exhibition their clau isnt till 330 this afternoon too late for re sults to be phoned to the free rasa ae they have been in past yean theyre competing agulmt five bands in clama three georgetown clinton fort lrie delhi and beams vllle ui mini tl c osi si nil v is 1 xpcclt iintiu un i ht 1 oinp m ijjti 1 1 1 ihii it llu lot it pntiti t is nm mull 1 1 iki 11 lost ol thi studv woiiluil hi ip porliinilii it the disc i t mm ol iht coiiiinutee ii the profit is umli it ikeu iit ol iu simlv would tnionti p 11 1 ot itu tot il cost ol the pioin i delay hrltlgeji kn ul loiumiitii 11 1 on 1 tin tidi 1 1 iht tnnsti ui 1 ion ot luniks on hriu k and chiiuli siinis ih tli liivtd unlil lm itmliis iit been c tile 4i distiissioii mil plan uiuim foi thi hitds si 11 lit sip timlxi 10 l i m il4als wi u suhntillid h thi nium 1 1 s m august l iht llichw is it p 11 1 nit nl 1 hi k ion his no i ip pmwil iht pi ms i umild t iki tom u su mt ks i approval in nw ol this k i i whuh would nit 1 ssil 1i1 wind t unction 1 mini it tin idtd l up imiklriuiiun until ru 1 stimaliit msl h is j24 600 itu loun s pi enter now n si n t rtion 11 stop s iintjiiv land till iih thods inn distuss piopostd 1 ite und st 1 it 1 hanyi s ih ud 1 lommiittt ix port inoiiuiiind llu i onliiiuiiui or u puliiiny tontiiit with ihe p p 1 it he 1 ih in 1 si ihlvth 1 tnumcipul loux i id d a ti tli 1 11 pit stinu pn- claniitiun ul union libil wirk askid thi iluk to lotlnl in toi 111 1 1 ion 1 in pioirdurt s to di tiimin tin 1 ittparrs wishes on 1 twovt 11 loiiin il ti t rn wioli 1 it tu 1 to di kennry on his 11 1111 im nl mil lo mt k 1 11 it tm his it 1 tn in as inter n ilmn il ri sidi nl of y s men clubs pud iirrttints lotalmnu hi nd mill complaints it it lit tl ot iiintusiou 1 itlsrd lv ink ot stu 1 1 n nut siuns in wu it 11 omvi win advisul bv tht auditor in oi 1 txkndituii ol 14102 thiurred in ihe lirst six inonth ol thi vear but wire not alarmed kifuim snnu lkpeiuliiurcs are tn idt in llu lust six month whlth do mil iniir in tht latter m 11 would ih used the upprouih lo the thsptis d pliml and lowu would h inipioitd tomplamis imm iht nh ovn papei on tht nhtiitwav would lu 1 luniii itt it it would ix lit vt llu im 11 mil tun ks ol tht n fiiiliii ioh ttctinu tlum foi inunielp il tn un it nance md poslpmu tin nuts sitv ol hit my additional nun 10i li 1 lion d ivs would not iniiju it w nli snow plough my mil mm lii woik it wis pomltd on i ih it in uoityt town i hi totiii n toi pm titlis tin dump sitt ii this was tin t isi in alton tlu present dump tould n itlltd in and iltnn j 1 tt up it iniyht hi nitessuv to usi tht pustnl dump silt unlil 1 iuw loi ah 111 is lound but llu tin ol hi dump woultl ht t ov itutl with t irth 1 uli inluclion ot ptilimiit ll v other items futiin il also i 1 at nul tost of inslalhnii hold undi lyioimd wiring at the new vt tr i li tli r il huilduii un how 1 st would hi s3 000 puhht vvoiks is d p irlini nt to n notilit j maftjsuv txw jean hart wins 500 for york york university firsi cs honors scholarship in tin amount of js00 has htin aw udttl to jt in hart sik reeeied thi k m 1 with the tftxxl news oti siluidis tioinl miss draper ot 01 k stcitt u ol tht touunittte on st hotuships and othtr aw ints hie stholaislup whuh uin pleteu pas liti tuition 1 it new able each vti piuiulul iht first class honot stanitin is rn on tajned tbt ictltl uillci ilultlttl tu high school ytaituitt on hi 1 lnjli i standiuj in jtiule m sik bail mx lirsis tne second and two thirds lor tht hiyhisi atraji in 11k it the high school hen tins w n she has not e i ttit ulnl u limttlv on in i totiisi bui w ijl itktln srttiaht in luijuajts slu is woikuij m 1 hmk m inlph tor ilk mimiiui slu is iht il uijh ttr ol mi and nv kotxit hart cliff mckay will announce name of miss acton fair who 11 ih miss at um 1 i h it wh it 1 p m i j imp p1aqiic ftlft oul il iow11 w imiu ilitit s aie 1 k mj 1 onl 1 it inrrrbrrrrnrt trr- i iii 111 st 111 pit slllt nt ti it out ol town iiidjh s wilt it k u mm 1 1 will pu ut tin im ks 1 tun up mhi ihl uiljii s t u it fh witk ihiihi tht lui nl with 1 pi mini mstiihttl v1is i ntiu tl m wi iliu s s-p- iml ill j11 is t nit ml in this nttt i alton i m soth innitsir intilui ii loiilcsi will tn in llu muiimii nluldl withlut n um mown heres iftnv lair p it nit tlu ih xt u k an ilimtii will pustnl in 1 with int 1 stid hiiiji i idn s in ask m unit 1 muil tl ih w mn 1 will u in it iltn 1 i ulu s h intlb ij id t ill muiui llimti t h mult b lit t k th w tl loinui juls mium in n mt li k movlnll mil7 mai known u i 1 si n t nl 1 1 1 1 tn 1 thi i n i 1 niiim inn impitu sprow i hsl 2 t j it k holmrs in j tin i 1 nl n t t ninj sli w it in 1 squt siiij iiwiisus 11 id km i mi j l 1 ht i mil 1 otumiltee thi hint sh mill tx mnjtli lot m mitt irumlvrs dt hli d wtlh ujirrt miss at i hi tm vull bt tnmii vu w willi the judjfi s- s 1 tint i ih il tin i in 11 is iv s m uh hjiiblt nl b m ioi i t s duhv mil ht t cii is w ill simplv wt 11 jjiii 1 m it 1 is jo lji s iniitli is ihrv tl s ish will k pmuttl 11 h iwo ittsss th iitljts till lonsidtr hkt lo nu mix 1 s nt 1 hi tninii tiiu m p 1 son ihl is will is apptar nut all tin t nti mts will ai ii ibr thiiji l the coiiust jitk tlu thoitt stans a utni until ruimhc r in tin bijt ptridr thrv ii holnits and mn spiow tht lndi luyht hovv likdv bt ltitti in mnvi 1 nblts ws a t t a 1 t in wi f i w n 1 approve second manor an immediate st ui mi 1 mhv bttl honit lor tlu ijsvd m milton i svvond scpai itt hilton lui icnntal manoi huiulnij was assuixil lutstlux whin h illon cthintn council jae thi m mm ikmtd tt miiujuinm piinission to ttijjajc an iuhiin1 tiul stut jilans im ttu iuw i iiihtx kexr ale phillips tit oiwmiu than man ot tin hoard mui h il umi prest mis tws nit ot iht nusi tttitst uulinj ami most pru lai hoints loi tht ijtil m im t1110 antl as a umi wi ait jkttiuv imn ipplu mis than wi tan svipt rijhi now m ik bsuisl tus a waituij tist ol ujht to 10 appluaiiis sfxkuij uttmissum btu no taeihtirs br them karty h4rt reer phillip utei told this newspaper bx hoprtl onstryviion ootild br started this tall w0i the leeditwav red leir tirit pav itcntk an mion a possible in june the board was making plank tor a u0krd addition tot the present manor at the rrari ol the pifsarnt 225beet building thit no bonus im tbt aped ma txtittl 1 mtxti iniiinum xwhtvh toultl on is 1 mow tor an actdt lumil 7 txds on the prccni manor 1 sim thi boird has deeided build ui 1 ninth new manor 1 saul tlu jutmun se hvr ap pu il in build it on the unn sin as th pi cm 111 buildms the nt w m tpiii woukl br uminevled bx an muuipround turmrl scitb tin pitsnu boiuc vi residents toti d us the auditorium and ihaptl tatiluics thai present 1 tlst ihhse faduttes i his wikild result in a cun sitk 1 able casing tt both the 1 mints nul ihr drpertmrnt he aildeil it wxtuld savr us btnanff a srxthid stt rhere 1 ample rimm on the present manor te ttu the second home he auarrd council accommodation tn the ne manor wthim he chiehy sbecaal tare bed ha added as this t iv beds nsht awav with ivi- bed addition to lollow whin nr tessarx the im bids sihiiii srrse the manor lor ihiec or tuur ntars he estimatetl sutmidhk cuel probable cost ot the nexs m mor wikild he sftooo ti woort pei heel or a lotal nisto ij0ll0t ti mtire pnir i pt will subsidize ttw most urgenth requsrejd utirt erected in 9 howrr tbel reese phillips -wp- thv depextbycot o welfare ivi vulcd board hupes id ep head with www tor tbt uikui grants co i i tentatisc plans tails tor 1 three j mores building the present oiu is all on a single tloor plus base nxnt the trt iwnr would in clude utility whkc siivh as b iilrr nmni and kitthen xith a iwivd winf on ihr m utitl tlwr and onofher iv beds on the third floor the ftrt txw torrss wmiu he eonsinjcted in the lirkt phase o the prognim the tirkt manor opened in i2 and a 112 bed addition was mm pleted in l6l the present auditorium admin ut ration centre laundry taff residence and chapel are eipeet d lo eerre the new manor well a the old uamosa ci it handax osf saturday noht at tha etuo mik tvn fair eft thsj lati qv of five ome ene cmrej inn bad th trophy for th past two yaart but dkk dupma give it to reprewntettvav of tna rvaw witvvari aaal tolion t6 jack chamber edon muto last had the cup in 960 tlms

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