Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 22, 1963, p. 2

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u th ac fi 2nd1963 mamartt davison and john reginald hoars ware merr- rlad it st albant church august 10 after a trip to tho mari time they are maklnq their home in acton margaret davison weds john hoare on aug 10 wttk ind while gltulsirlvoniied ihe church of si albnn the mar tyr saturday ulrernuon august 10 for ihe mnrriuge ol muryaiet davlftoyl nnd juhn kcatiiuihl hotr conducicd b the rev o h weal wilh mis lmnk oakes playing the organ the brick is t hi ilmiiliii ul mrs olive oavison uo wvnlord place aciun and 111- in i r mr i davison the urnurn a meehann at mnon motors aclon is the son of mr und mis k m hone 291 arthur st acton bride in white the bride given in marriaie bv eric puvlsun of oakvillc wuiv long white miun tl nrumuu ovr llk tnflem the skin fn- thlonvd with invened pleat forming n chapel train tin banded wnlhtlthe had a small bow in front and n rose bow at ihe back chunlill laee appliques on the bodice cascaded down ihe front of ihe skirt her french silk illusion veil with a chantillv lace border was held bv a wed ding rinn pillbox edited yith pearl and rhineslonov she cai ried un heirloom irem h silk handketvhtel hot bohouel was nntvd-rnse- j white pom rtm mmns md fern j inlerluccd with while siiin rib fton the maid of honor wis miss living in aclon norma iiwul ol slrvelsvillt- who wore blue pean tie soie and car rivd pink and while carnations the bridesivtaid was miss pat tuck ol ieovtielown who wore pink pean de soic and carried pink and white carnations ihe maid ol honor is i cousin ol ihe bride and the bridesmaid is a cousin ot the pronm ian smith or brampton a cou sin ul the bride acleil as rini hearer arnold ptuv was groomsman and the ushers were r good a emisin ol ihe bride and o tuck cousin ol die innnm alter ihe ceremony lmiesls urtir rucuived ai u reception in tbvld memorial hall there were iriends and tela lives from ieoryelovvn brampton street s- villc oakville oshawa toroiuo milton kitchener acton and inland the brides mother chose a dress ol blue primed silk orana wilh while accessories and a pink carnation corsajie the ji rooms mother won a pink sheath with pink accessories and pink and white blooms mrs m gould ol counlv dur ham enlthmdjmriniot her ol the bride was a special yuesl p mth ttrttbr personal mote of actonlana vtatttnfl mftom point and of vtomrsbi mlmi i tmm far hu colunari arc uni corn phon 8svmi0 miss jane wiilson in visiting in mm h g mattttsnn anil miss dtll piintflo ol kinitsinn visited their brother mr alex pyingle nnd mrs rrintile lor o lew dnvs vi u nnd mrs rnniile lor o lew ilnvs toronto his week with i mr and i wi mf j pri mr puul slippec family pjr ar chrinillt nd his wile and three etiildien hav come lor hnlldav visit with his parents mr ami mis prinjlr mr donald w prinele rnana prfnrbrhilrhcmhi bc hew home wilh loiitettntl rrr- mnchurlesllvnls visited wiihiie v kennv hnlur and mrs murinierite tavlrr over the- mart rlnmlrll thrre- whinrt- weekend at ihe united church camp near port elin are heitther mc- keachle unit terrv dowdlnp mrs gordon johnston rr i ac spen a fc -u-kttke- couohlchlnu last week mrv arthur hill of kinpston ronnerlv of iimehoiisv is visit- fnu mr and mrs fred niuhiin- nare and lamllv roekwood friends of mr ruber warner will be pluntccl to know that she has returned home inim the fiuelph ceneral hospital mr and mrs orville brown rvutrnid home stmdav after a holidav al camp tononui near jcmuunml mr und mrs frank jones and bonnie are back after a holidav al pickerel lake neil hurkes palls mrs w bertium ol cedar sprinps has returneil home utter it nionihsvisit will her parents in icrmanv mi and mrs vince kusvnski of detroit are holidavinp villi mrs hooker and mr kohhius ul cedar spritiis five press dean ol correspond enls mr- richard harris ol rock wood has some eicrllent photo eraphs taken on his holidav trip to mallicsim i a c walsonrff who is slalioiletl on an air jaase in france is visiting wilti his pat filsmian4mij cu cwal son rr aclon mr and mrs allan ciordon rrinda and clieip ol kinesliin visited ricenllv with mi william jcioiclou and mr and mrs ilovd i thompson in roekwood i mr anil mrs robert armstrong of new mexico arc visiting lor several weeks wilh llieir son mr robert antislione mrs arm istrone anil children rr 4 ihe bc soap box derbv al mis sion bc for 1011 years ami went- on lo see the chatrlpion soap iwix races al akron ohio wheiv a bc bov was a wimei thev then returned lo lio on lo bc from mallon miss brenda mckeown lelt mallon bv viscount for ottawa and relumed by vanguard al let- two weeks holidavs mr and mrs gordon mckeown and three bovs camped at martins outlet piclon and visited old fnrt hrnrv kinivint louli sanlt cornwall and ottawa where thev visited bnmtr tmd upper canada village mr and mrs jack stewart sharon steven ami shrllcv tor- merlv dl aclon now ot saint john new brunswick mr rmd mrs banv slewall and scott are holidaying wilh their par nils mi and mrs j j stewart sunnvlei farilells guelph barrjj has iusl relumed from tutirnu wars service with the lniied states navv and plans to leave earlv in scplemher wilh tits wife ami klibx son to make ibcii new liomi in san francisco calil miss anc riiil iviiii ncilsun ia- 1 it ii i a seven week si wart ireni h conducted lour ol fur- opc f he group travelled ihiuugh eiglil coiiiitries icrmanv fran macphersonmurray vdding in a doublering ceremony in knott prcibyierian chutxh acl on saturday afternoon attgunl 10 sherrill marie murray and lames brucv macphcrnon wero titaitied by iht- rev a ii me- keiulr th brides- paronts are mr and mrx ilativ xi mfurray hk acton and the ntxuim ix ihe son ot mi aiid mvs i i macphetson wakelield rimd millin ilaskels of vi nk and white gladioli decoiaieil ihe church for the occasion i a hansen play ed the organ mul george mils- selle ang ihe loids prayer and wheivvt you walk- ihe hi me 7i- inytty in n minn length gown ol white or gana oyer silk talleia ihe hod- ice i cam red a v shaied neck line and long lilvnnlnt suwes delicate appliques til chamillv ace dusted with ilidexeenf se quins enhancvtl ihe ivkllcvand ihe iront pattel ol ihe lull skill which tell into a chapel train a peaked coronet ol seed pcmls anil crystal held her fnurticivd scalloped veil ol tulle illusion she carried a ltouquct ol deep pink carnations and slephanolis with while lace and a deep pink t ihhon stivamcrs the attendants dressed alike in hhu weu- llu- maid ol hon or miss shuleen matshill act on and hi idesniiids min kilhv soiiish guelph miss lorraine richard ton aulph and mhu lorwh macptwrnun ihe urnofai ultiler mlflon ellrectleugth of lorgel menot blue miwr over they wore ilrectuuglh gowna lallela with filled bodice and iwiitllant skirts the uvfrtlurl edued with a lurked ntlfle wax ciiighi at the hark wild a how til ihe walxlllne cliclelx of liny malchln- nisex wilh tulle yelling formed their headpiece they carried bou- iliiit s of while carnations mingl ed wilh white liice and rlhbon the bride wax given in mar riage bv her father giooimmnn wax contable loin nightingale ul guelph and ihe tixherx vee russell miirruv bhilher of ihe hliile aclon loug illuck ul mil ion and ray tuck uf palermo the receplluiv follow inu the ceivmony wax held in the church the hi iiles mother received weat ing an antique white xhealh with matching threequarter length coal chocolate brown accvxsoiiis and a col sage ol pink carnations 1 the grooms mother wxire a shealh ol iwiwdcr blue hrikade with matching coal navy blue ac- cessories and while earnnllonx i the couple lelt on a trip lo noilhein onlario and ihe btide wine i chricnlale brown linen diess wilhbiown iindwhil a cessories and a while orchid loisslgc jliin will lic at 1 mill 1 si ac loll fiimteu suiilio photo mafttelsb auoust 10 in knox church aclon wfr sherrill murray and james bruce aaacihtrson rev a h mckeniu officiated at the doublerinq ceremony miss jennie tovell pals seel on monday friends were sorrv lo bear ol the sudden passing ul miss jen nie tovell early monday morn- inu svmpathv is extended lo her sister mrs john alton and j might continue with art class since ibere is tin night school t program here this vear mrs lama diltiich is inletesled in bearing irani people who would loin an oil paiulin 1 1 i belgium holland luxcnilnil utllerjelaliyes accommodation is ai ranged ami itak swiiarlani ami fngland mr and mrs albert shay of insiruciion could he available it there were ml siudenis im luilin aclon lorincik ol hunlsvillcl enough atv inieivsted s girls ill iroui onlarin illlhave pnrchasell ihe home ol ihe anv wouldbe pninlets iua iall ni lite was a special guesi the cniple left on a trip mjn ilii t float for fall fair discussed at dublin institute meeting ihe exception iwn iii is 1 r jtube the hew over lordlier while in stit- lhe itletul ed school im thive weeks w hen iinlv frenrh wastinken the also attended school im ii davs in pa i is staving ai a timers icsuleikc tbe triclled tv bus stacil 1 oulh hosuls iitnver- sit resiliences ami hotels sime- rxjvkcrk the hilihliehts wete the folies hcreeies iheatre in furttrnn ciossinp the alps through the s late mrs george jesiin mrs ditlrich al 8sl8ds or jim jimmv ware ol acton is visit cashum at 8sao020 inj- wilh bis urandparents mr j anil mis albert ware i main from the distncl have ronnie dalmer ol fondon is spending a months holidav wilh his parenls mr and mrs harxev dolmcr fivelvn wavne and lohn several i mm the village at tended the tun lair al fden mills on sarurdav evening farrv hve ol burlington and rickv morrell ol guelph have been down lo the fxhihition in toronto and quite a lew from the district are exhibiting espec ially in ihe agricultural classes barmans select rindless side bacon lb 59c tender wing steak or roast lb 89c daily delivery lovell bros modern meat market 77 mill e acton hn mm140 mr hank bosch ol i holland visited al the home ol j mr anil mrs j van per brink j lasl weekend mr bosch will be i hcrniril p and the siuiplon been holidaying with their graml relurtiing to hnllaiiil al ihe end pass anil iriler skiing on lake parents mr and mrs j p ben- ol ihe month al lei he has visited ceneva nanci did no ret 1119 ham i with iriends here ill canada wall the siudenis but stayed in miss donna milne roekwood 1 rnglaml a lew davs to visit wilh is visiting with her cousins patsvj laniilv iriends land nancv jestin miss angela fvansliimbe ar rived at mallon troin scolland on moiulav in sixill 1 months vacation in canada and the inil ed slates she is a guest ul hi and mrs roherl hiickner anil limilv two btisluads of acloiualis are at the cnf mdav ithursda 1 the womens inslilule lelt eat is this inornilig and ihe hand lelt abiinl noon both travelling in tylers challeivd buses nyiers arc going bv car 10 applaud the hand return cn from the cne additional fast cn train service l6 acton guelph kitchener and stratford the home ot mrs v mclntvre wax the mtcitog placi ol ihe dublin v i on august is attei ihe nrciistomeil menine ode iol lct nnd liyils rvaci there was a iliscussion on llu ui ticks tti n- brouybt tor exhibition at the acton fall fair a meetuu ol irxtral membeis was planned to decide what toim wvtuul ih ksi for the tlostt ami llu ditleivnl itrmx it woulil ivqiniv un the oarnde mis c thomson and mrs v mclnlviv ugivel to lake carr ot exhibit lot the lau lderhlp for he 4 11 irainlng was uml dougla and mrs mclanon ii wax agiveil lhai ihe next mfetlng bxuld n- adxaiked one k bevuuxe ot llu extra atii tie takinii place at llu usual timi of meeting mrs irene moltat was mmi inalnl a deleniie at ihe ova cunxxmltion un the w and 0th a onelax htetan course has ir ihe 411 uu is ilei taken b trs tnii ottered bv the government and as a change i mm the usual classes dublin ladies have select 1 ed u as a wttiiei mteivm ihe o che nurse is oct 4 a minimum attendance o is is tv htni id and it is hopeil that others outside ihe wi will intend ami be net it trom the insi ruction a ixport o ihe olticetv con- teivnce was given bv mis nor man douglas who attended ihis j cr inleixsting function on june 120 the same member outlined ihe duties ot see ret a rv- treasurer j a gav time was held afterwards at a dutch auction manaued h mrs mansell nellis and- mrs mc tu mn this was n novel tv lot tmbhu v i and brxidc causing some lun hi ought in some csh ihe usual mkiii cup ol tea was iik- tiiiale to a pleasanlevciung mr and mrs f perrvnian hail as recent visitors mr uu mrs madil si ol claivmont mr and mrs madil jr til oshawa mis farlex o ajax mrs doih iv i rvman and lamih ol ranic- mr and mrs lack brce ami lainik ol port cledit two aclon couples arrive i back m canada satuulax on the same plane al lei three weeks vacation in great britain thi iv hours laic at mallon veiv mi ami mrs price ijendeison cob hlehill st and mi and mrs charles iough rr 4 who wciv on llu- same oremli chart ei light quality ba products save you money 1 gasolines motor oils i oiml fust leave union station toronto i 1 30 p m daylight saving timf leave parkdale cn station 1135 pm daylight saving timf for comfort and economy go full infof motion rll your lortl cn iigfmt aiel oils- stove oils oil burner financa pun s ycart to pay small carrying thompson fuels ltd acton phone 8532370 after hours s3jji74 fewftnrs l asphalt shingus vi 210 lbs 695 ea all colors tenpro distributors iimrrto 12 main st acton uvmm awiitilit painting show this weekend gvwlph civutiw ails ptiutrrs group will hr hklitt its fourth annual ouldiwr show auiitist t l h at ih- ivihi si iiviikh cenlrt in tiuolpk auioni tin- hlbltors will tv- mrs luui 1h trie ami iwunir bviiiiiu ot al ton- other irultfs hiw issc tx- cslvm hni miluii nikilk kit chatwr- h ix i 1 1 o iv tistwi bramptuii strtitttvil port civitil praaion ami ilmii i ftsitohyr utlsts wno wilt hr itmit cxhiriitoi- utmltw rvwr vrl jkv ivilosk soril nui- riamau jullii- strctt juhu schlas- tar and peter kietr manx mom- ban are amutfurv but the aruuf include- yasfl tivnlvis l kuck acton district high school the principal and staff members will be at the school on thursday august 29 and friday 1 1 august 90 from 1 to 4 pm to assist parents and students whb1ave problems in connection with i i the coming school term students of grades 1 3 and 1 2 and those of grade 1 1 who intend to proceed to grade 13 are urged to attend e a hansen principal i w special take out orders orders carefully prepared in a jiffy come in and take out these specials i iwii im italian pizza regular peppmoni mushrooms combination smill i it- 70 1 00 so i 35 so 135 i 00 i 75 lik- i lii hni oeltctous tempting fish and chips 35c introauging tre latest andbest inailk shakes neikons golden aword milk shake all flavors mmu waia scoo i nlluon ktl tmam watsons restaurant 1smlnsiv dont cook now try our mouthwatering pizza fish chips

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