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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 19, 1963, p. 2

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sm v 1fw tviioift ew my fwwljjbjjjjlji miiclsos bay fade saaa t a asaajoa jt ah barf taaahirty on ike tba auoiner and oh n ida in the vrlnler but during bmiaklab bl mm aaf mm- de- rraa lawrgianlin towvr htmt pasta eaa try a eanjerous trick sab a apaamltu the plat sklma the hike and kid akmg the narrow shoreline ibs aaantt 0pp dethchfnenl t 3sd lak 113 raltes tip akmt at the postmaster baa the a regular nau run bhlara ikw ibs nudiaaa bay store u aa aaaalero and wnaoulpped a mar la aouthtsndriiiirlo wllb al ktad of aood dlaplayed on atdara gts ihelve the mac- 6o borne i very lmllar lo ta in southern ontario with m aaoaptlon out of town mmda nry aeldom drop in vm parent would like to go fair a vhtt ii would involve a tight 10 winnipeg and dying birron there hit father la the tmmtar caretaker at m 7 ben- tik06t the teacher are gakaralty yh graduate who aw hay long in village like ma they are strictly on their m the inspector make a call oac a year isolation pav knili tha salary how are price well five of augar which might at s cent here i sim a sjaaad of butter i up to 75 sat madam wagon train bat cotulderina the transporta tion probleas ft a wonder the aricae arent lasher mr maccoll aapaalftt now hia ton of sup- aa arrive at a high oott per fc iaii ja aaaaaj iaji oncvviffvjvtyibi to mudaaoi bay company atada om once a year from mvarteh manitoba a powerful alter psd trans the ttw at and trailer a ha way out jsb less territory simply toppling artdergrawth in ita path the waaana behind weigh a teas aauh and all the goodi are far the poet the indiani make a good liv ing and are ahle lo anon for utah at the tor mr mac- comtiy fur from wm regular ly the men nth and hunt bring ing back caribou and moose mr the family table they eat beav er too but the maccolw dont relish that themselve the wo- ttwnrdo rtwbadwort under direction of the indian affair brunch of the dominion govern ment the department buy the nh but the paat buy the pelt stretched and drim aad fue ihem out to montreal the intuan affair agastt in the district l arranging for cook- inn lesson thl winter and ha asked mr maccoll m teach them in the school the countryside i hilly and covered with buh there i no cleared runway for plane the earth i really too aandy lor succtful vegetable garden toaib trouble biaaaated the family all had medical examination when they came burn and theyre having trip to dr buchanan while theyre here in town after the quirt living in the north the maccoll find the abrupt change mrs maccoll while he enjoy vmting and shopping here i particularly dlatreued by the number of car- accident mr maccoll a a boy in acton had been intrigued wllh the north and find hi k work very ulivfv- ing commission contmues study u hire commission manager jt unfair to juit leave it thl way pointed out commbuloner bay arbke at thuradava hydro commlulon meeting when tic in troduced again the oft dlscuxhcd aubjact of hiring a commlulon ittinfg t6 administer the local hydro utility were vcrv vulncr- abla la the office with a alngle employee the commlulon would be in a bad way if the aecrelary waa overburdened or incapacitat- d and unable to do the billing it would be the manager re- bonalblllty to ev were noi vul nerable la thi or any other uruu a manager ahoukl he qunllllod to atllat in the billing ii int- otrice amployat waa unable to mo raflmtlan thl dlculnn i not meanl to reflect on the wori of the pment employee ulthouuh it may affect them it l time the utility manager question wits brought to the fore untl ulcused raaaonably the commlloner mahaalied under the utility manager plan flrtt publicly introduced at the ratapayer meeting laat novem ber a manuger would be hired to upervle the actlvlllea or the commlulon in both the pdmnlv tratlon uf office und the works department it has been under consideration lnce that time nntl individual commlsaionirs havc made enqulrle ot other dlliict commlulonen operating under a managertype ytem a iuagrtlon to have a commit tee further investlantr the mtb- lact wa dropped in tnvur of huv- ing commlionerh muke their own lnvetlgaton and enquiries commissioner beattv contrlhul d were trying to ran a bui- ne without anyonr in charge the commission u doing things m an inadequate way a manager ahauld be doing it appear to he an approprt- alt time and situation to gtv into a managertvpc svstem but can w afford the cost ot it was mayorduhvs question the may or ahto suggested the subiect bv- lnvluded on every commission agenda until a decision is ivuch- had been replaced and the oil tillered oil from the transform ers is lo be submitted for fur ther tisllng next week the slnff will start fin nivitr reading i will be necesr to hire n lucnl groundman fur three or four davs to assist in the restringing of tlu- hydru wire on willow street the commlulon passed the re solutions deullng with commis sion policy the first resolution deals with payment of employ ees while sick the second reso union was the commissions poli cy un discounts the resolution loaffirmed the final day for al lowing discounts on accounts as llic iolh of the month dont waste your franchise pick your candidate and cast your ballot in the provincial elec tion next wednesday midway opn continued from page i travelled to minnesota once to obtain part another oldster is a 107 inter- awtfcenat chaindriven truck own- ad by latematinnatarvier comnany lwrtc coast mills is sending oveka nolet and the mnllvui cuslom club of a bringing a i0jk duran ford bill bithev is hi ing a traction slcam engine children oa wheeta moal- familiar from parade oi ohtter year will he the lively lines of youngster competing for cash awards in the claues for decorated doll buggies hikes und bikes children will iisube on someof the umisuul flouts thtt udle vear there will he sptvclul for the heal floats pumde ivnnmltlec is under pu- iwnuiislial jack marshall and includes mac snrowlmr wul- dle und mrs w thompson plftean rtddler bv wednesday there wrir entries in the old tyme fiddlers contest slated for friday evening and one of them is u ludv fill dler another competitor has nlretulv won at the exhibition in toronto and al orjingevllle snne will he cnmine from ottlle distance inn uihvrs atx- troin llw imnudiale area the cnntidion champion gra ham townsend will he here loo a piano will he on ihc platform friday and players will hrlnu their accompanists four leneejillnn especially lor tin- tinniversarv fair there will he displays ol treasured articles ol clothinu which have been preserved in rather startling- llstrtcl ittics included- is one group of unusual interest wed ding dresses worn bv inmilv brides of four generations mrs john r sprowt is showing them the first was worn hv her grandmolher beatrice dimming at her marriage lo james jesse- man at- the school house clmpcl oloarioch aberdeenshire scot land on february 27 1878 the second was worn hv her mother maggie jessemon when she married peter mi isaac in nassa uoweya lot 28 sixth concession december ii iw2 the third is her own worn march 24 1926 for her marriaue lo john r sprowl al lot 20 thirit conces- sitm esqiiesing township iist is the gown worn hv marlorle mal- lon when slu- married calvin sprowl on october 22 lm in hamilton reunite families reuniting separated families is part of the service of the can adian red cross since this sgr- vice began more than i250 per sons from eastern european countries have been reuniieil with their families as a result of intervention on their bchlal through other red cross and reil crescent societies choose frpm three continued from page iv l retarded children association er clc for two year a well in burlington he served three the past two yean a secretary year on knoa presbyterian church board of management am i interested in ufaaris he is m for several year he has been an exittctillve member of tfullon progressive onnssrivallve assik-lu- lion owen f muujn liberal candidate for the conn- n tv owen mulllii is a native of si fcicr prince edward island educated at st dunslans dnl ivcrslty nl chariot telown he gra- dualcd as a chemical engineer in i 1944 tlie youngest engineering uiadtmlt- in the schools history lie is now 4 that same year he moved to hamilton and look a position i with dominion noundries and later the steel company of can- adainiatj h o p canada at wjmlsor and in i4u was transferred o the new oak vitle ford plant he i still ft bhj ciuies und district la- of the oakvllle bor council i i he mid his wife mildred and one daughter bonnie 7 live at 77 vullev drive bionlr genbre a kerr a nntlve ol the caspe coast near the new brunswick border pc iiinillilftie ftmrgc kerr got his education at saint john nh und vnlend llnlversitv of new brunswick l lir a pre law coins- lie graduated from dalhoiisle llnlversliv llalilax as a lawyer in 111v his wile mcrrvdilh is also a lawyer uttd went through low school wllh him tluv live at mm balmoral ave burlington with their three children larry mar- george kerr got and jamie aged 9 6 he moved lo ha how was your fjiilav the itlh oh well there wont he an other ode linlil december and 1 amilon in i9m to article in law and was ndmltvf ted to the ontario har in 19 in i0s8 ire opened ins own prac lice in rlnlinsitiim in i9s6 in- ran lor a position on burlington itiuiuil uhuh he won ami was ay till muvcsfui the nesl veu both vears he uas ihiirmau il the linance com millcc he went haek into muni nil poliliis in l anil won a uiieur iouikii uim he has ilso seiveil will the reclcalion commillee kinsmen cluh iiut owen muijlin ployed nt ford now in sales rnan- agemenl entering the municipal politics field in ww he was elei led lo iuilins have ixn fcstimined with olil newspapers alivadv this season to save the mourns yes lerdavs ihii news is just riuhi lor tiulavs cold ueatlul town cmtni ii sod served as u rep- resrnlallve of wurd one injud ing i w year as chairman if ihf mulldhw ml planning commit ire in ll lie ivfralrd tout old er candidates fm the ixntilnti uf mayor mr mullln was an iiiimuii fill conlestanl in lite i14 fhiviii llal election losing hv 7 vi voles to vtnruti pc hiimkv hall of llorubv a itsldenl of ttnillnuton time lott he ind his wlh- oye uujki ienn drive llurksdule suivev willi llielr children dunuv a ami calhv 10 ttvev ore memhsrs ol til raphaels ftc uuirt h opthtilftle als wmlal gatheitng fix the members ot llw milton wiva new nentntyalk fsrtv associalton mm luntav vvonlng candidate wil liam lllllyv was optlmlsiic shout the isjitiiimr nt next wniimtxtavs vim itoti ihiring tny calnpalaii lirtvels he mini- the ryutu itavi iweti veiv etuthiiaglng arfl iiiuilveiivoiu thai i hw talk- el to seems liiliicsled in the prtllv mi illlus assuted llw over 40 piestiil that the main issue in this ill- i ion would he hoi 11 he iiullv he oollliwd w pattys polh les on iiedkair portable pensions government operated cut lusutauie ami low mist isous ing bicycle clearance sale ovsccm the federal governmenls con irlbuikun from la rvyvnues to the llnemplovfkenl insurance in tlw iribuiaan to oaaaf ihf funds de- nctw will cost liije eurtml year c towbbt uvino ctjbt among canadas principal cit ies u john nfm has the low est oat juywiiu bieyeutrg 4495 t 95 mux gair ipkiat bow kobuu juvniu bicyeutrg 399595 ajx aia tacriai iet h alton m hiard vote mullin lawn mower 4 cycle rao- tas gau fair incial 5499 uwvt twirjjjiush polishers ragj tiaaj pall pam igfcial 2895 many other fall fair specials displayed throughout the store sau continues to sat spt 28th gordon hardware ii mill st iimitid s33790 coal e tha jmm yffl and toronto acton fall pair specials i footwear bow dress shoes i bucku strap black only sir 3 uo lo 6 mil pa a 0 kvaciai lottj bow lactoi dress shoes black only 5ii i up to pail mm tcoc bjpteiat 3t3 atamdkuxg dress shoes black only siiat 7 lo 1 1 raq prica 1 1 69 5sjt 1095 bubbm poortmab bovf rubber boots rm n 5 299 mgw rubber boots peg 4 s paupair 100 many othbi uni op ihoii all 1mciauv pbicio por pair wuki toth shoes and shoe repairs ii mill it gslmm wm mcleod attended the meet ing to determine commission pol icy on the installation ol an un derground service to the home he is building on peel street mr mcleod new home will be all electric the commission will pav tha equivalent of a normal aerial installation and the homeowner is reapbnalblc for anv cost in ex ec of thl amount juggling of the work force to permit attendance at a snfrjv cttnlc proved ahnost insurmount- ihkt ft was found that due to tha aupcrimrndenta hulidavs and i aa accident- onk- one man might i poaalbly be abh- to attend on thursday the day of the meeting haaman oorson frinell siiftered fractured amt when his spurs out and he frl down a i pott he will he off work for i alaht weeks it was felt mr prli- aab would be the only man who gajaht be able to attend the course amd ninieave an adaquata atanav by g to town fva jqtmrina9tiasnt vaftortad buahtaaa at tha mo utjbauitaa notice re garbage collection this is to ajvm that council hava dacitiad to carry on tha pro- gram of on co only of garbaoa commancing on and aftar mon day sobamlatar 30th 1963 v ona waa tkah ba maintainad for tha pariod through to april 1st 194 without axcaption tha daily cohattion shall ba mada on aach monday and tuasday as at pr unlass a holiday fahs en tha monday in whichcata tha col- uctian shall bo mada on tha narxt ragular working days no comac shall ba mada on thursdays or fridays for your information cortain sactions of tha garbaga by4aw no vu9 ojioptaa taabwan section 4 bb4f baaaabbsbbabl bpbbol bbbbt bbbb fpabjtlbrabj f4ajt bjbbjf favmpbvvbajst sbjpbajambsiaaa nri4vanb nv jaw aamblh baw prmb vbb 9bbv bbvtfbsbb bbbas bjavrltajbjn m9 mvvsm fttbb a3a9ba4mf by tueayar a by taa at tbo pmpar so i daaa aat w a tar aat alaaa taa sealajli pa aaaaaaaal praaslaaa at taaalty ad piaa fwthas- skat it ar aaaaatip maal bar l am taw ka alpaa aat aacoasj fawr tamtaar ttsai ab aaaawr aarlaaa ar be a hwsi mm tw4y baa ifwatv rbv vsambbmh wbp ww b9 mihcif fjbwwj mj in cmb i tiaa e srw aat ba pidtatt up ba left at th pramiiai iavahntd j mciseachie v aamutamtae total af ia m everyones switching to canadian products wise shoppers know that every dollar spent on canadian goods keeps canadians working this is one big reason why every one is twitching to ca goodi at second reason is that most imported products have a canadian equivalent- equal in price design and quality canada now produces almost everything if each of us in ontario diverted an additional 2 a week from imported to domestic goods the result could total 600000000 in new canadian maruifac- turing and that should create 60000 new jobs buy a hippo if you must but before you do consider the canadian alternatives if the- price design and quality are right buy the product that is marked made in canada9you help yourself your neighbour and the whole province byiwitchiag to ihc product piade here at x v

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