Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 19, 1963, p. 6

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it 1 t ifit f bw reputed fewwrinur stmday wayne hep- mint pmamtir in car driven by jn edward ron actotv niffvrcd inlurlm in a twocnf craah in erin townihlp another pimngrr and owner of the car ulhaitold rmxejjdled tuesday in 3 jonephs hospital guelph and r rot died from injuries sun day driver of the second vehicle jyhrt drltcoll of elora wan un injured according to the latent report from honpltal waynes condition in satisfactory rally day rally day wo observed sun day at presbyterian church with a good attendance following usual opening of service two member of sunday school took part in connection with rcspon ing a selection by school scholar with sunday sunday school staff won enjoyed during the service rev dr altken offl elated in the act of commission- ing of leather and leader along with rtllv dav theme fol- uectrlcnl engineering suhcus un lowing the tidflress fixir mem hern of the sunday school con irlhiited a quartette selection waireher in connection with well drilling in the village at the townjiall and mr ray wisemans place of living the two well depth are clone together town half in i feel and mr r wisemans 91 feet sunday eveplng during the er- ylce at emmanuel bible church mr sidney durote contributed two selections on hl accordion mr ray wiseman u mill con i inning hi discourses in the book of revelation the ioit annlvcrsarv serv ice of rmkwood presnvterlnn church will be held next sunday september 22 at ii am and 7j0 pm wllh rev t r maxwell ma m th a guest preacher mr allan powrie of guelph and mr harrv bonner of rockwood wniura-read- will be the milojsu the choir under direction of mrs j a prccimn will render special an them fur the occasion mr george altken m sc on of rev dr and mrs geo allkcn ha been appointed lecturer in ihe tncultv of oueens univer stlv kingston he will continitt his similes for the doctors de gree und ualcutsume hi pusitiun towards the end of the month wmamlrtxwlmmvirim32rir a w rktm t1 return stiffness with greenock mr george wallace win hos let lat wednesday evening for ihc september mecllng or green ack w i ten member were pre en i mr t hemslcv prcldcm opened ihe meeting by reading a poem take time and mrt g lellc read the a7th psalm roll call was answered bv something 1 have learned concerning lnii tute work it was decided lo re new membership wllh c a c a budget committee was appoint ed and will bring this vears bud gel lo october meeting for ap proval area convention mr fiiuill patterson and miss clvu pearen will attend ihe are i convention in guelph ihis week a delegates and other members slan in join ihim at ihe annual anqtiet thursday cwning nl tin rovul hotel guelph mrs patterson read ihe reso lutlon for ihc arei convlntlon these were iliscussiil and oud upon new lift for curtain home economics com cm r plan bus tour for residents mrs hnlhcrlov preildeil nl the seplrmhrr nicclinjj of ihc hallon munorai t slcmbrr 4 in he amltonum the member im plunniny 4 hullo vc en pnrlv for the r dent nnd this wj left ovet for the oilober mrilinji loi luf- iher dit4iiihon a bu unit fur the rvmdem to ice the rll tulor around the lhintihide uiin dktukjtrd thin left lor i lew cckt till iht tutor til the iriht und the weathei t luvoiahu aim uur mt mn i would k und inn work meeting in september in iimnuliun ilh tht hindu ii aft depart nun i learning ihu tttlia to rnibli litem in he in ih resident when the wcckll hndkrti im tiiii lain plan with on at i iv il ol th i til nnd the vulunmi umk ol ihe au h 1du il i ik imiiih ttreiintlid to om in this work met liny m lu id tn month tht firt wulms da tit o i link in hi a udt loilum h ip in altau iutvud km nhtmjj unit plainjji v ml with ihe ruuni am uka iin he nadi uh ol in tlu mundurali deat titvni and iu w uu as jit aiav ut ktme mis ihtui- and mi v mull m v tea and tak at ilu low i 7he meeting to curtains institute recipe mm c wallace gave a helpful hint for laundering nvlon uix tains which have lott their ortjr innl stiff ns to wash delkaie curtains lirm fold itnyihuivt in half then from top to bottom to nboui 12 square wash genttv do noi unfold rint ihonuiphu then rinse in i solution of i lb cptom lults mid 2 gaf uarm water hang up mill foldtd an alleitiatc rinsi which will also gil mw hte to tin tains iv j i tip powdind vktm milk dissnlv id in nnne witei plans xvere lompkltd for ai ion rur exhibit mi chesltr allan itad a poem fiom an old shtnl hook vntilkd ktndk things an amusing tjui siionn nrc was londiktui h miss pi inn whin lomputid this t tiul rtfushnn nts art rtulv ah inomd i mhiii hdf jioui miss 1 fc and mrs mc cullough assisied mis w iltan with lunch mrs c allan was iouiiis tonentr councillor wood urges action to wipe out water subsidy action that would put the towns water department on a elfupportlng basis and wipe oul a twomill ubsidy to the de parlment was urged by couniil lor j bert wood 11 1 iouniil meeting tuesday in requesting rurlhcr intorma lion from the clerk lu 1nullcd the audllor had suggestid some lime ago the water tosls should be borne bv iiil usirs after a brief discussion mr wood was asked 10 discuss liu suggestion further at a couimil tee meeting wllh the hope of bringing back a recommendation to council mr wood also complained about ihe dense smoke from the lown dump and said when he returned home from ihe north re tenllv he thought half the town was on fire bv the amount of smoke coming from the dump mnvor les dubv informed ihe councillor ihe problem uis on the agenda for no 2 nimmiiiu lo discuss 11 ihe loniluslon ol iiil tlgular session ladies formed six years boost fall fair projects far many years the ladies of the at ion agricultural society have served on the committees ol homecraft domestic science canned and prtktrvcd pnidittts plants and lowers women s in titutcandjiuioolworj over tliu year tinder the superintendent of the hall thev fissistid in ilu hall bv placing and at ranging ix hibils prcxiolls to the lair in februnrv ol 1 the i idles ol tht agiiculltiral smiuv nut it ihc honu ol mis william thompson ind ikiidid to orga ni7c a si pa rail ladies section thereby gning ihem a special ulencit tlu it ui 20 lidks prtncnj nnd chaholl- mcuu louuh secixtjlq of tht ont irm ladies agruullural soeietv pre i sided at the cheiion ol ollic is flnt president the first president was mis r l mt fnen tst vlci preside nl mrs william thompson 2nd met prtsnknl mis ml kinlmr sr and stctet n- is v1is ralph denm in 19w and i9m1 mis willi im thuinpson snnl is pusult nl in isvi and n62 mis uillud waldu lu ulcil tlu i uim dim sion and litis ct on th mlti annicrsai m it mis dim m ii iheus is president mi h nph dnnv has sn t il hum i seei elan tit isuu i the lulus hiu eaiikel mil muihtniis pmiieis dm inc ihi p isi six m u s the ir lis in di iwhit vis to 1 1 mm ilu pi li llsls of the six sieliuns ol uhuh the lulus ii niats hut he i n in charge in iwi the ludies in ton lime linn with the cameo shop sponsored a fashion show in i9w tlu ladies sent two dcligalis lo tlu ontario agiuultnral so- eul annual muting and tunc dune thu awiuallv man uiai- itnu in lsv2 tlu liidies had mem- in uk mil pi util in ilu hall uk n illmllg ilu vinous sttlt mis spontutred parade in lvi2 ladies board ponsoi ed iht lust fair parade ihu con t mud moats all primou pit advs had httn tlu sihoeil chilililii ptrides last uir tlu lulus pinch isid itiitpioisc sinoeks showing ulenniv in he hall he loit ai on ian da this t u the lulus div ision h ts don 1u1i 111 attractive stiee banners on ihc thiee highwavs it it tntei ac ton adeitisjng tht soth fair tlu pasi tun iats a liu k draw has ixiii sponsoietl wiih iht win iu i s m i mg hi aiiliful and uoi ihuhili pnes tins i ii tlu i ulu s h ie m ult ilu hill mori ittraelnt ind mii loi i xhihiis h installing si n n of e xhihiis 1 lu i i is spoils i 111 ll i iuiiivl i s l i lllllpl tl set iii m ind in idili lompi hits iniunn hslus hi ins chlhichiu the acton frae pru thuriday sptnbf 19 1963 community shocked by deaths accidents at winnipeg here dig dlis tii i lion ho ii d i will mtiqui lion i non ilispl i m c lollnu kt ill s uul i mips in iiuliisinn tlu tontiition uf ilu lulus division his hi ii slip in tlu ijlii dilution tn io i opt iuing with tlu iiu iv ml sonmil in o r i n sponsihiliti mil in gt iu i il mipiomg tlu si uutaid nl thi h ill council approved u 50 remu neration to usesnoi william krs kine for outof town bluinesw trips and agreed tit pa him at the regulur rate of it cents per mile for trip during the remain ing part of the tar councillor albert irwin in recommending the pavmenl told council he tomnutue had met with mi ti skine and ualied iht asvxssoi had misuiulirsiihul ihe oiiginal agivcitunt icgaidiug pameiit lot mileage approve payment mi liw in miggisud the s0 p ivment in uw of tlu extra mitetgc entaileil taking tlu celt jdlsmdjliulrluvjil r t p uijneel ii gs council igiecd on the p t nun l lot trivil expanses lor the h il nue ol the ear but suggest td the assessor be informed be fore rttxl war to submit his mile apt on i icgulai basis count illor hamiltorfpcal ip pit st n ting no 2 nnmnllet u poi i mill d lltt lit sh w he l slip pl il 1 lik dispos il pi ml uis nol loo lo7ht mtltuirnitn7tm i stt gi sltil making eluik foi i iu w supph iu irln hi iko npoited sivnil stlitilles ot suliwilk wuiiltl in upaii d btlott ilu end ot ilu tar appiov il w is nun lo hive guhsigi pukil nfi oiu t i wit k he ginning st pit mbi i 10 unld apul i an ul n tnun ipptns on inoilui pie ol this wnks ftti puss oi limine lull iii ills a kilt i was rttii d i mm or v t kiniuv lb mkiiil louu nl un its leitu of ippiccialion lor his st rut s to ilu town ol tion whili lu prututil in di i iiu 1 refute payment a uupust liom rnvi hinton i im ptrvnunf ol tlu thud jiiulii nl his honm iriuni m ut un w is tiiiiuil tlowu in other im m hits nl totituil ivpuiv rnvi willi un dtnnv toltl nitmlnis lu didti i ihiiik lomn il should si il i i piittdtnl in ith iiu iiil orti s it it mil nol ih u si mint il lis appi m i pi n i limine ilu wtt t ol y ioihi f i i i h i i as fire puvt nlion wi i k in i lull itistrtu lid tlu i li ik hi i fund tonstitn is ilipomis i ih mieiunl or ji appiovi d in nuts lo tin imouni p 10 867 f4 sincerv ttvmpalhv of ihe com uuinilv i4 extended lo mlx4 mild red watson and mm ken robin son nee bertha wat ion in the sudden death of their brother trland witt sop late of winnipeg who was killed in ti car accident near winnipeg last wednexdav the remains were brought home to shethurne lor servite ant burial on snturdav september 14 at sand hill eemeterv the ditpckl sympathy of the tommiinit is extended lo mr and mr thomas rot7 and tamdv in the tragit death pf their son james r r 2 attpn ajso to mrs w rosoll in the death of her miu matold both in a car ac eident oui smpathv to mrs harold ros7ell and his bmlhir imrr-nlr-trr-mts- thtimas rdl who is a sisttr mr wavne hep burn of rikkwood was also a p issengei in tlu i n and is huspitahed a number of member are buiv cleaning hie church thu ueek wddlnj snluhlay a preltv wedding wok xolem nled in churchill church satur day september 14 when mi diane cow lev and mr gorrv fleming were untied in bonds of holy matrimony rev hill of hormsv officiated with mr flem ing of rulluukfad assisting friends are corn to hear mri tom datum is n pahent in georgetown hospital all hope for a speedv return ttiheullh cvervone is pleuned ti h e a r mrs hnrold griffin was able to retufn home after being in guelph general hospital mrs c pallett and family ol georgetown were sunday visit or at the home of mr and mr charlie blnnie mr and mrs charles flinnle isited with friends at hmisburgh icw meeting the li c w fuld their juh uuitiug ai iht home of mis i f mm m mis 1 swaikhinur uivi dtvoiiotis mi ron s mud ticnetd tht titlh crnpter nf the stud bopk the word and the wa blest be ilu tit th il rinds was sung mrs r denn l- iv i tlu liniiieial slatiitunl anil mt- h 1 1 itch ti ul lu mmtiics ol tlu last iiuetinn phi met i iiil tlnsiil with upealtng tlu i oid s praur in unison amuve i sarv se i ices vt ill lu in id st pit mhi r 2 ri hill wh be pnrtitnktr ar hnrh cv clt h ft f siivuts tin uul 7 10 mhlhilhmhmh briffs the midway with 10 hdt and 12 game hm come here from the london fair with all their ride and utaff some of tin- men are staving in the trail ors ami oriiert are at the hotel flection retult for llalton will be phoned up from oakvllle lo the free pre next wedne clnv cenlnu call v10 for lat est fiuures ufler nine three mwlcni storen toppad hv seven office suites will he hull it the corner of charle and muln sissn milton purchaser nf the sile lire mr und mm wu- ham ollen rk 4 alton last week miss janet mclean of georas- lown visited with a few of her ouineighhors tm the hfth une- on sundiv mr hddlc wnrven of london rniihind un a guest last week of mr and mrs norman turn er mr warren is pending a months holiday in canada jack ridley cartage tiwhsfrtl concritc hocks cin0ir blocks sand uvistock and nkyhtur eamm sluvtcl ami somjiri dump trucks for hire concmtillkk clav uick syoni ullv inaurad hhtomi uww i labor council donates 500 to party funds tlu ouktlu ami 1ii i iv i i ihiu i ihiii vlskyaus haw sttlevl ui ikiate a10 li ihs litasurs ol the halum sss ivmhiatk m itw the ivilarhi pttitiiklal i kx isih esrws the lahui hods iiwiju- lur ther donates aiuilhei ll lo ths siriaing usivtola hamilton hani glutei s ihis liioaiuui is itu lotilth so tai aiut nl nvuil submit uxt lo this giviup frxmi u sals attiluisst vsirh ihs chu i latighai cluk the i ahsu lusnuil vshlsthait vslllt enthused the plans i1 ihe rlujton lbot hub u bm a haaqurl un sepirmbrr 10 u gather with slergs laiiv and oih r nmsnaanutlvv al si pauls oiursh hall in oaks ill the cafcpr auembls soiesl 10 participate again in the ontario fadaraltun uf labour cunseniiun to ht held at niagara rails on kjwl spicialty siucted vaiue chickfj brand blade or short rib roasts 49 ib chip styii backboni rimovto standing rib roast 69 ib s wlnnw al laal wkt pra draw mr j cole r r 3 aeton iavi isc vacuum packid por puu flavot hoppmans wieners 45 presh lean minced beef 39 clatks fancy 1loz tins kraft dinners 443 savi 4 monarch pouch i al niagara r tsudi cakemixtes 235 uvf isc rfld and wmttb b v instant coffee 99 discount ptatum savt lie jooi tins libbys beans 487 ssjs agon red offttvt mtmitjayb ouftn st i on no 7 hwy tomato oc soup otin ixtra laroi tin produce no 1 celery stalks 2 for 25c oooo lui htaot no 1 cabbage 2 for 25c n t ont wax turnips pr ib 7c 11 brt op thi many ib reasons why good government deserves your support 1 2 3 4 5 inrptbthmirt hi year tlttaf ttanlirtt more and better goods ami terv- fce for you because your govern ment gvaranters aid to enterprises contributing to ontario growth 300000 bw jobi k 197 yonr conservative liovcrnment1 trado crusade buy canadian aims to create new mnnufncturing and job opportunities in the province imarottt aftteolttrral rtaeartb co ordination of all research hy tho ontario agricultural research in- alitute maket new techniques ami opportunities available adrance raid tobauy pit 6 7 fana niiuisniaf m for farmer a program that help im prove your busmen god marketing- procedures will be expanded amrwtnraartawarhm trad jng group are formed and a coor dinated effort promote buiinet means more prosperity for ontario brighter fatar tar year euwraa 8brigwer fstar tar year efclhiwi partnenliip of your ooverninant and industry in the ontario re- 9 industry search fouadouon is ensuring solid future ytpmdam f twillaaal at in i962 217 vocational school pro jects were completed or under cotv tt ruction l5 m4eaj oaal rvatal siaataai alav- and village receive advance pay ment to assist roadbuilding provide employment your government gives bursaries of v j 1 000 a year to students wbo agraa to serve in areas in the provinog where theyre needed most fair irate for cnwraanat start jour cocrnmcni set widespread t vt ira good fovtra- minimum vsaac standards hvinclud- i i ment leadership grt thing done tor ingawagecuuiciuallpublicttoiki j3tl john robarts ailminia contracts trstion is for you vote progressive conservative in ontario iimys rtozin gieen ean10j 7 for 45c punch ftlls9oi 2 for 37c stiavvssctllls- lot 3c white market rhkmstf tss0990 vote george kerr in halt0n 0 urrv j hikli rn srr xrii tun k a ul mt ujnjfi nr nl at hi hurt 11 tjvcr mrmrvr ijw mrtv u pfcc njul i hattuti c sminty law ajcwtottl pruraalrj vgrisujlural pehjhilili imtfi rxsekipmrnt asssxulilm lraulkn member gkirllngsaa tartardast h ulrrn s asfusiattun memtsrr mur ungual tixtn cinaafll 4 ytf duinwi fuuara commitlm aad busiimth tvi ri inae former vioaprvwdmi aad olrae- lui tlssmhet uf cutsunem youl ptootf ivi consettvattvi rma m acton mau st mom mmtls s

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