et marts heads new modbsy exec legionnaires take series lead in hotly contested ball finals eglmts hi null mini lenw trtoklriuh other on ihc hack in a post j viflv ni rirxl n a riililtrsl thi inote inlri unl ilnim in hnlim humid tuunih-y- nul tin- liiil wiiim i ll iniin liuiyue uume- eflchiutkin the lorn enl choiuv wtlv in he lefi inruii in ihe millh juhu ki iwk i u h ulltil uiu micllghlin homemvlnu lhcv the mp nl ihe iiuliih snu ihc i faiw is isiui rs homclii en ihe htjiiir aclon minor hotkev annncla- llort executive held ll firm iiuvl- ittf mat nfcjrw wodimmtlav with tth hiim nwmbuht nttciullnti ptt kme ollhe imvurtir wai in ciu offlciim l tatvo ri lvm v jilextwl 10 huud ihv nrwli snlthiill llnnl hum lust nar formed xtullv- wis f t uhimplin rirrieihtrs h in i mark vlcuprrilileni ih nlek i hiilln ynikr i hghtsil filen boc harklev tetrimrv buirv mills liuiduv night 1 pljiyilhii k in eden mills tues- inuoe and lrtuiuiir will diivul i p umiunniirih into 11 i0du tim cimimlllce wen- iilsuuiiil in ihe hist if in- srilis kay blow rantied rnmi the mmiilmlfi illili neiiiius sumliv illiinunn k hliiie in iheinntisl whteh the executive- bsrn vim ht i llu p- l mimiikfil the ivivllilnv irnm outturn to hand he unonsors eummlltee- iune tin uintlm elissu in j phoiohnislus it ih pliie wits jlnt cimhuni is in chiuue of sp 1 u i111 s shaping up is tin lust r 1uii micnstill s wriinti lielit cltil vont trlcuunlv rupreen sst it mr 1 hiime run in the nullum ut the talivc in bill knlitlll eqiupmeni ul ihe inusl mnipe-lltlii- u the- thrmv in tram lull chulrmiin oil miltilm and cim 1 iwrms plivid this siasnh tucs lt ui wns lose hut mccnslill sllllllliin und hi inus lh111n11n is iln s tuniisi saw luis in 1 1 11 itemed whit eientimllv pnmd 10 keith murlln i hi lure lhn silrriun legions lu winner topic dlhiusneil ucre spun nnu h impniml huilir funeiti umpiii gmd james had in he- win wuvs nntl means ul rilslny llu hnil i niliyhtei in ermind i yf wus tailed on in money trlcniinli hoekit imittu- out siinilliiii a ililiiri ii sent make three ilosc ikeisiuns 11 the reglmnillun r plums this 5j- p euinnnninsi inlo an eistnsi u plat- 11s well at hivlnntuenuuie ilirdny idehuhl tlu v huimed and clapped ln tauntn of hnth sides in ihc m i heat or ihe cnntcst uuj i rirefmhlern looked like thc h m h i might win ihc tontest eailv uheji hound i ho the thev ihdked up a 20 lead in ihe thud uime jnhnnv krapek s vi i siniilt sluted it nil hul salmon i mhuhliis rwtj ihhi lllll- i lulull ihm ihi lilt k ii t sports beat hi the litlh whin lilt itfiion liuk i til twill hhi no 1 r- r hockey ngklrallnn till all hns inunilillk lu pailiiiplls idanait il linn iks ami 1 kev hen this siasnn in mwn i aeu liiluimiv u 1 n is ii mini up in ft ink rik in idllled fin this siliudiv in tin unimiiniiv unit linm 1 in ilalt lines urns and lakt a 1 j samlwit hetl strikeouts arnuntl him and tun wtit mil uhtn phil i suit tv mtcnsiall siijipetl in i iht plait j stnllv suilttl mil mlik i llolnus mxi h illijinidt n jsatth in liisl un an titui llu memv mawhatx the acton hm uhn starred in the ntsjtrl fhihawn orecn cutis had ih hum itine pitktl hit uuisiiindinn tin ur the miniti up strts with viimia lit sh11nrmks cnn threerun i inn unituhilions men oshawa von tin tup in in wat lakine iht tlitu iwiiiok stuiins un hesiofwven serus 42 mtit invn hid a hul inu iimiiili tin set hutk sthedllltt 12 nnnn look lot tlu uhertist uitni mi ihis paut allhtiiiuli ihe itaii enetilllvt ul alton rinntis his nul si n until 1 mull im t lie i a hnhhli il third his siulttl eumin 1cvor1l nw luts haw lnn ma td m ti nut im the n nil lolm salmon sinuled the team milton chat lis hit nniinil turn s iisizi is ill 11 math n l mi halleis mtcnsiall ami thoae legion kllln pullnl 1 11 il upst 1 111 111 limn it iuii suit c m misilts walked vane hall riiinls hi ctluini i 11 held 1 s in ju lusl u 1111 ul tin in si nl miislnll satiiluitl in unli flw serlis i 1111k im 1 11 il h ill sunil i iihm llu suns iisumts nili llun naif up hwt limn the lln1 uimi was plavtd uiuliliht hehis 11 i tic 11 mills m spil lukis 11 dannv aihn anil al ihe sune up and u s pussihli llu lliml 1 mi in i in shtilulil hiiwud hul bnri tlutn in u i then cemphellvllle mcrehnnm mi it i 111 in hi i it 1 u inu itnt waiirhoiisc on sinkts antl nl ihe oba si a stiiuhnals itilh ill saiuidii hul un link mil tin inninii nn ih sahhalh in miilisi ih it 1 1 11 is im m uh mis lost ill loss rum mtlnsiall husi ihe sn iht hnal nam is s 1 im li ilns sum in milton bed sin stwiith muiiil frink dalevuilh wen uliniuiaittl limn ihi llll im it pliwll tnil in aii iliitt his sm ish m ih link in ilnp yames i urn i ojilniz 10 ihe miriilnti i titm 1111 s t is sm ill mn k 1 1 mil lus 1 un siuuhtil it snlallon to lllwa linnis 1 ih hum miiiiim it lent r 11 wsl hi hi s innein in two inns and jaek hull mull haw llu uijiiin luh umkint ilk 1 iw ii mini vtl hittn dm misiks il mathlne and thev a 1 iii in ink llu i leiu ml tui 1 hi 11 msi ninsi lupin m i biians i 11 in fergua thllle cu t huiinaltl limn iht lumsst pi tin hi prnunnt 1 lnpl mm uehl ih 11 amherkihury hani insiu sits in is hmiiiii up his sink im wis lust 111 llu liehts ii wis loud congraliilatlnna lu 1 lie in t ulluns mil iiuuliu nl llu liappnl hitvaim ihiril mil hunu alton minor motkti assm 1 iimn iniiniiinn ul tin ti liinez suiiihi tu 1 il in iht i itt it nl a 111 would even ihe sjties op sun ruvhghicri attempt to pull the both winnins pitihi r iplin sal dav third gume will likelv negiime nut nl the tin when set mon and lost 1 f tank ddev pllih d baseman mlek llolmis laid fdline names salmon raeketl up down a perleet hum thi mxi h sfiikiouts in subduing the bane 1 wlnflid hut tianl ivnlev hinl hilling tunnii allowed sn i liihgltieis mttilsiall it got a hie when his ilm w hits and walkid two dikl vie id m llulinis 2h llluwnsl t i hooted at shun pulling two fin 1 il sewn silttns slunk mil iglil i aitluhaltl ss in mil i ah men un ihe suks duial s gmund and issiinl siv passes p w lliuil h w spnlwigtl it bill wis gnhhkd up 11 siinnd onli winning hatter tu ian h i limlsit ii i ktnmk 1 ii hi bilan mtcnsiall ulm ig un in mint than out nl i iln s k ln h1i1 i spuliogfl ih dalev ojl his wav to seeonti and 1 oil rings was muunil uppuutnl r ined to make it a twin killing salmon lit tmmvued iluv v h d hul his throw in hrsi was in nines bfian micristall huniinil meanwhile miek holmes was 1 0 in masales nipkd dunn ai on his wav home and ihe thtow hie antl al ll11u11d singled lo eatth him unit uamlning in i sunn mtcnsiall pitnl llu he oultleld miek stmid hul the inseis il hit with 1110 singlt llmpiies durtl linns plait 11ii1 was nippjlnasmktiiul liank spielwigi i tlnuhkil mnk i slamp 1 llirns liases tlt f 1 jhl7tri wr 11 t s i i legion marches over tanners 113 to capture berth in softball finals ih fq f pun thumdg spbmbt j4hs 1963 masales s w marshall il i aililt ih a llaiwiuil 1 1 1 wa iilimise ii i prne ih i riuunti smi t j salninn p 1907 intthnational truck wi driven by john gov sotur dny afternoon mr gov piopnetor of goy carlegt limited had rartonl from hii many various induitrial rultomeri piled hiqii on lht back he n shown in hn quaint coitunie iteerinq ihe ancient vehtelo li ithng iht siv it im sulihill spin ih lust two mil lud llu mil l pan ol tlouhlts the la k e ii e nil ill siasun wis a hitii ihutl eanu i tin htsiulilun hulltiuuh rae vislnathnl it i ii llu itntt husiin i imitis siniilinils llu iteuuis gien giuntrew giahlxtl i llirtt iuii tht lusl uiivilhka im s ul is i ul viai i un spiutnl iluu pu lust inning kail thi i siniilutl ind innkiil likt ihe i iiul tins t inus ikiuihs wnt nu llukt il in 70 hiluii ihe i mm is plat stintsliis sulihill ink 111 iluu tint miiiluil nghi nwi llu is til i pan in llu nullum nl llu r s hip putktl inmslnil runitis in llu t line it situnil u linn iluig t mn llu wuiili ii 1 nul liminiiiil llu in in ih ihitt mutt inns in tin lilih uaarlnin llililai m iii mmi hum llu itgtut hiln id uoihi in llu sxth snl p hints hat ilm and hens tilth ninth nisi mam i lu llu mm ilsn smi itgionnuiis it up loi llu winntis whili ml h mutin s us single stain i imping n s s i esslnl nud lllp sum i a into i pi twill spt in ml i lit linils teainst i 1st w us tits intuitu i minis mil i mil hl m p ml tilging the tininis in t in h inipiins luthghins s t ipt iipuiu snlitni nmi l sk ks lioni i stiinit mnis ij iv sihtliilttl nun si thai lust sni daunt dunille htn pan in iht siilh p v d liks ih k atti iht ian nil satin hints iloun iht illteln sptnts ii wis i ppul u in mn ltd luhn s dniun hiiilnl iht ills tiipk wis a neat ellnl nul n ugj sundai aluiimun lllel mniullt nut siiinl n ttie mi l il 111 tannin hums iimm in llu hiiiinung h il ul ihu 1 s nun lul ih iigiun stilliiing s t lolhing loiith nauts looked hkt llut tool i n k i lliimt ihn ttlm tniuhil i hilt sinking mil luui mil j his hul hill peal then neilorniinn inn hunu urns one in llu lusl wdkingsix ii was in nilnili ind- l siindn ill i h luhs hul nul un se1 i hi sl ill iht w ii ml d in inu lulil i v ivlv il tln cl t l i s liiilihil pills llu i iiung spiffing five pins at tlir acton bowling lanes by ken hul lord high school stpl 16 smlthos imj iloti liotti his m irts who i iiluinl in itu i iniu is lint- 11 ists llki i fi m i hiikt i i issi w ix it phillips w h h ul sunn help in in huuh huh nioiut tn llu i itu i pat 1 ut tlu l uiu ht ih piiiln is mclhil i hits sltll v olll loill uul issiul iuii p inm s i inti i hit s i jiii lnis in m i li ips pui him in u i spot mm ih lit i p ii itlt mth iii u sll 11 mil l illu mu illullp suit i iilli 1 1 ii i p iii ipu i hi i in in i i vltll c i ill i still i his uia iktlh s ni u in ml llu ku k oil it i l i hi mt in h i s is it will s whikli iih huk s iht liuinl tuh i his s ituul iv inii n ii ip i i in k so ut w ii in llu siniili nun niii lllpll viul our ulv in in huu k i rhi wok is win ii on i tint hie h howlnil ilihoii h oii u noi tii t hhiki c iiiui i simu uihovv i h il s it unipi idios 1eif inth 611 mil al rnuh 22tt 202 hill unwell 21ft boh smdii 221 ihr mil dtnius ks 221 m tin i xl hnod i i b l- t it ns jills un ilium aihii s lap mil it is llu high stlmul k inn un singles p el mil in u h infofcolinfy bowling liggeel while alhu peilltel upliltlitit null i i ii k nl n inu s loi m slimline- while hones phllll d inipui i in llu opening mllol ih 111 iluu it uns sn lifts inuuill will s shnis l div un i s e i l nil his hid b uiul inn llld i i inl i oiulll s im iv wiappid up nn militidud el j s rn s w 1 11 m11 in inr in sm il lim mn mti hulls hk lie iwii hul his ins si in il u ih hi ni ipl hi llumliis ii i is ii h hun ulm 11 1 i ih m uh nils t in le leiu slamtuvg uhili llupts 12 ilm shuts 1 div un is r i in pus t ruling koilm s rtl lie tents st inning thi liiple ellurls x c r wi i mil llanei tallin with neal tiiplt nl s7 lu lakt tup hunnis in ihis tultl in the smgli on il wis ion huns 22ft 227 gtrild duk 217 ham oihlrnh 221 and m in dm imw ttuh i 211 luh in l blue springs nunery s pi 17 p lum is inu te i i win i g mn nul on h 1 ii i lllsl pi it soli i shlllllll u lops tiimis aiiilui luiiihuls l- 2iw2i2 ind silt mes 2- d pind oithuls inpli win stttl hearamore p s imj i stpi lis white llopts look win iiiii liimipm ill lii i i oiii inp spnl in tupping i up lilies s ln smil s m liiplts pe rs hit ill ginns ut i emtiin m lilts hi weeping vtdluws put nig i ishuin ht ti buliss ftv pulsus n ih pin im l it lust hlth ntlitws i tunkn hum iwn thukkis hm pittsis iw i t tin llifli sihnil i uiu ftl i i ikt nl i shin ml hi sn irmg tin i ist linit snglis rm hill pittl mil ul ih in g inu t nul lk hiileh riehmuiil nul ih mi ik uuh i il i hi ll urn tiih win nul iw i mils i i iii h ii i llus i is ih a s ll i l isll ihi ikk iip si ttl m i li 11 ii i ipu imi nun i in i i u b m nst ill t m i hi in iii th in inu i ist i u sil ss 11 aihn llv w miishdl it tn i nil 11 nul li k ih 1 it th lis i v ii li ni ii tip i 1 ii ii ill ih ih mips n s il unipii lit i llu s i m n p i ti hi uiiplun dm n i ill 1 inn is l i mwn i ik h r i k i v i pill i iw ii lli l slik i nil m i slw t l k i i i iw ss 11 bnl s v im i ts ii i niil i i u lauoh clown lauohi ihown dbovt hic vti voni ih utct ol tvtry i iovmm 4im liss ifurdiv aftttrioo iioih i p hrtli nu i mt p tr us it thr p hold m hie it 1 b b l lot tt with lmighr lttt to nohr ut h ii tnloi fr vs hi ne in 1 legion notes j for branch 197 by re vkarv h i thi tiilth svths rlmmhiu ilim uu i si nuhl tnuutl ill h uuh s i ih k n il ih mm s l t i itniilhtii uyitiit in tlu louiiii si i ikioint 4 ti ul pci haliun tiul 0u its- in i n v v 1m aiiiiul ihcti piwtni hum ol ii w nn ki i mi minis vvunnm- llu ml t m k n u bv piwtiutl hv i upumiiii n lmu u j hc lli i mtsi thi thin ii iii u it al 2 w p in ikioih i 1 i hi luvm ol 1 i iil i ii snimlu 1ivuvm ihninj thi wo lt mw mn mitih th ufciuin tniiimtftnt utll k kiriltcil mp hlii htakhivt on i heir mrkvih u th h t ni irn rrirwm mmtl m ihia v om pimtvt rvpivtniuui i is h ol ih ihivc i mint us kuh numt will hi- hixikm up niio pi t sn i etivh buukh all ih ivirtiviilars an piil in a ictui on ihs hulu i ii n tul aiul aiisvuu shini t i in n puc ilteii ivaim ihi iik iii all clwb 1 un mills ih un inn in s uiu lliuuigh with i 1 ml w i i i hi lust k mi i th lui lis le uns llu 1 ut 1 letlli rs hmki tvtiih tvm s ink is n ih tn t s i i e m t it mil 1 iht it w iii 1 1 iiuinlu 1 lilt 111 s it 1 in 1 in n 1 ii 1 it 1 1 lit lilt 1 ii sn ii 1 t il 11 i 111 111 lllltlt ikotii 2ih2iw llnl i t tpps int h s pms rlnli md 240 run 1 iwsuu 2lls mi h win 2f im wis willows h i whili 2242111 iriplnl mil sui willi ii 1 n r is i i i im willi llnpis i i i 1 bin ii i a l hk trs 674 tinnn l n s 222 i p n s and artliu fipillui 2 i iluu i i 1e11 s iiiilm on in i 14 in tun itu topptis r linn swil i- is u i it i w n k111111 mil i i ln 11 ii si wil ws i- i- dii mnis in tin lust hm ih un ts uiu mi m win th mn iw industrialcommorcia inu l hi roli is big gun 1 ml i s u is i n iii l i vnm 1 1 up mill i s w i 1 i tin i mks s phil i su in i i i i l li hn he runs ii hi i i ik ii in i in li i w il i milt tl t 111 i m r lime k ni ii i li i len it su in mm i i nn l k ii i i inn i ft4 j iiisil s rm w an itu i i nul twill tin inimg i i lli m ih oinn w l s rtl ilmls w l ins i k nn in in ii l slims diipptd hi i ii i l sui nut i si i il iid n if- tiipl s l i tt i u i nne tn 1 puis lint grihlvt 1 iln sm i r s i s ill i ii ll i 1 l n p s n huiiiiiiii u i lllll llitlino hi pl plil u im hut shu t nth rssll nut w no p nl mi pull ii ilm r mini nl llu shi nlft won iii lust iw li in il rngtis siind 2lls l l r idln 1 itilf hul in j ml hull ugh liiplid in rid ik nl ii i i lf s i hm i h h hi l k pip ii n ii ii i ih pin i i i i ii lit willi m u badenoch wins h 1 n h in hindi 1 s mn ii lusl un l llu ii or s a il 1 ul i ii i llll s willi muml ilili 11 nul it iw nine il rl n mills h huld ih ti il ut lul pit inn nl ii n iilim khli n i i liihui hnul 1 11 uiu i i i i i ll i i iii s il in ul i 1 mill is ll i i t t i t lllll it lii w dn 1 n i i n g h l i h un i ih i ju i ilill lid ht usl ii ii t il lit hi s 1 h i k w ih ii i ii iln n l 1 nlh iii i uln tl n i i i i h ik it i t hi tt it stt i i lilt ii ll 1 lull will u kill sum in i h mil intliiidu 1 li im mm i v 1 n tt ill ih i hi i- in i ii i i t i k ii il i il lusj 1 at l woodbine sptembr 7 to october 19th express buses dimct to thi tiack leave acton 11 55 am cach racing day i h il return i art 255 v 9 turn after lt lac itrlmlr dinutlmt rbt r hamilton fred a hoffman rptomrrrimi ii h 1 ill 1 p llr il phont ouiiph ta 4307 51 si oer0l sqon i 1 i i i 1 1 1 ll wiles confectionery tlphoo sssimm ll i i s tiuh tt ihlh il iii i h itll in ml n 11 si slll 1 i it s ill 111 ll t pw i ii tilth 1 lilt ih i nil iii 11 hi ss h t i 111 is s ttintil i ih ill r 1 notice k vhuvsi 4 then- will br mcetm nuuiihi tthundy loi all theuc inu n si d n uimftuy lauitu in the nib- hae mugue tor ihc imhiiiivii war tbrif arc 13 sure itarlmi m itr and alter onighi nwviiiw ll it fcm u ttmt la trunu will toutw amrthaj line particiating hi hs l4j 4 cammimuty catmra bratra ara ra a at najmaali far ica ma aaal bkaaaj a cbbmu1mmv canttaa ftajajajlam baatflaakavab aajabk t caabum prwr m ma4av o 7th lfu acton mcmatton committh hockey registration saturday september 28th j0 a m 1 2 00 noon community centre all hotkey puyart from acton and dulrxt toinr or legion house league teams tricounty teams hockey school registration fee 2 00 1 ecistration k3cm see 1964 fairlane at thompson motors acton ltd friday september 27th 1963 a- i g- b rh r iv imki ln ptvd fjr arma mlnar mataay aaaacwaia laaan mum spam of wakmumattom cau usooo i w5ts ford i iuii rlii for your qoa you wll fid lt 19a4 ford fwlan firif if ri 9e4 frlni ctvmbrn proven parlormanca will familn marl rfv irs 1 thr us roo tyl ng prtan a widar iowar ppaaranc at dapicmd m in oi coutw rnodn xteiiad hara tha highlycuipurad iidat provida ihm fatrlana with i cs tcvnk ot tyc nd tautnat fnoinat inctuda rha aconomical i cvhmdar and r exitornknca v8i ih 1964 fawlane modl will ba taan in ford daalanna uiar rri moniri itl tjpjj