Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 31, 1963, p. 1

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jvtlim jfrit tts clohtynlnth ver7f4or2r acton ontario thuesoay october 3 1 it 1963 tan patym- savan cents ww ready hi houoween so are town district nike children eat of rfve cjslr irack wll bring their boxo of returns to biirtblhs shell ser vice itation there will be tran sportation from there to the v far those who wish a crossing guard will be on duly ul the highunv the sollittions must b in bv elgfil oclock the children went of the lucks will lake iheu botirs directly to the y there will be a cnrlmm show and judging wilh pnes for ctislumis allerwirds the proi giam will likely be over bv nine halloween tonight and people are getting prepared in different wavn today children will gulp their tupper and ul inlo cir costumes and wlerj musks as hastily an they can farents will be selling out nun- pile tvf candlen gum and apples and with experience of pant vears theyll be searching purser and pocket in hvp all the pennies available rendv lor the children i canvassing for unicef on duly i police are ready too norlh haltofl police and town officers i oclock and transportation will will be on duly and alert all be nvullablc to lake anyone school in town and lite di homc irlcl will have guards i farl masales is in charge im again a service project of the the protest the depot in ilenlea y mens club will be the pariv is an innovation this cur at the ywca inr the vminj a lew keen clowns started prac ulers who collected lor un1cef using then soap artisirv as lai united nations childrens hack as morulas nighl car and fund boxes will he given out at store windows bore advance no- tbe two public schools j tice bhanauuaafsuaitac i twfell- iiix a i- late lumber delivery setback to new plant prmhittion ol mushmonis 11 the mcnaitr mushroom plant mhith of at i n has received a ivlhli k ot il leusi thiee vn ks due in li i c delivers ol lumber the plant which is being fral ed on thi lormer flnn lum was rupee led tn he uulv lii pnnlth tion thr tirsi pur t ol nnvembei hut manager john anderson re pons this wixk htmhci ship ment hit biiii slow intl in lei hit wuik tm the mushroom beds almost hillil uxlvilor icmeni blue k umk ind 1 tit nu i ii be i icl tllt has been tinislu it roof n expert led this week wink un 1 ih vv hoim idi 1 hi manage 1 ptogussing liunihk and mi andttson ind iannis hope to miivi is soon is llu house is tomplcted r a mvviiir owmj ol llu mushiiutm plant iiad ixptiitil ptoiluitinn to begin iirl in so mmrki tie owns another pfani m ruihnglon as vsell as 1 min ha home notih ot al ion j jluff photo ys mens club memers from jerusalem sent newlyelected international prescient g w aakrnie chronicle news of the past is a qiffsckrmwiedqitq hit recent appointment the book arrived last week and some pupils found it 10 in terevtincj they qavt- up their rexes period to look it over nancy mom and fliflteth hurst arc seen readinq the book at tho ithool the chroihtles is the story of the bible from abraham lft dc thrroqli nen 444 b c duthori- tali vol y written m hf sty le of a contemporary daily with photos ltiiji intvievvs and aos i t r s w 1 u- pave way for 10room hs addition at special council meeting tuesday acton council turuluy evening 1 tlebcniutvs iniivinrd iroin 10 to mr megoathlc stated llio wm t a rio cemeteries aociatlofl at a durinu a hpecia meeting ffuvc two readings to a bylaw au- thorizins the borrow inn of 12s0- 000 for hc construction ercc- tion and equipment of a new 10- room addition at acton district high school the b law will be submit ted to the ontario municipal fttird for aptiroval before a final reading wilt be given meanwhile high school board members wilt instruct their archi tret to finahe tentative plans for the addition which wilt in elude llasvrooms one lahora lory one library uidantc room aijd jjsmnasium storage area tlic tost ir the proposed build iny will be debenttircd over a 20- car period at the rale tit six per tent and shared b at tun esqucstntz a n d na townships 20 ear and hitcreit rate ed to b per cent from 5 approval wan also given to call lenders for the installation ol a water line und necessary equip ment til supply beard more and co with water from the south spring thin action was post poned last week when sevetal members ol council were ol the opinion an agreement should he signed wilh companv officials lirst tuesday vciune clei k-admini- strator jack mcgeachie inform ed mi m be is he had written the lompsttn a leltei outlining coun c it s wishes and had received a topy ol the aejceinent bv re turn mail lie said flu was not signed a ol the piotett would not hi known until tendeis were iccctv igawea etl insiallatr the b kiw which was present d lor the first time last week was reviewed bv no 1 commit lee ot council and the lime lor ol llu sei lies will be unth 1 the supeiision ot the low n 1 ny ineers r v anderson and associate accoidlng to speci hcations panv also agreed to have the 140000 gallon underground re servoir at the main st water lowei tied into the town line bv a valving svstem which could be used in the event ol a major fire he also informed council there was u standing agreement signed with the company in l24 which gives the town the umj of everv gallon ol water owned bv the company in the event of a major fire mavor les dubv told council the company also had a chlori- tutor at the plant exclusively 01 the purpcse ol chloi mating any ycaler used bv the town be r ftr il entered the town matn th- cos t1c nunur cm hie im c poitante of using water irom jcvint l a hiik in ihf lines tiiukts au cxnclud 10 be liillcil next week wtltl replies in ik in hv lrlci november is memlhis iuieetl in jutn tlie on- cosl of 15 per var in order lo obtain inlurmallun roaartllng ihe use und onorailnn ul cemetery ijntl council i presently dev loping unproxlinaielv four acrea ol land udjoining falrview cflve- terv which will be usod for ceme tery purnow the clerk told ooumil ihe h lee is bated on huvini 100 01 lens inlermenti a eur it whs also uureed to requeit un inlerlm itm irom the de- pjinment ul hitthuavn bated on the h2rlj w expenditure from jnntuirs to september lor road lonstrtuiion unci improvement in titwn mr mcgeaihic told council he hul received a letter not hear- liny a hiynulure but merely dent making u1terallon una re- puiis without first receiving a building permit lie said be vull- ed the house in question and inuldni see any signs ol exterior icnovations t riifma blood clinic in caa you hav forgotten blood can atlll be donated at the clinic at th legion audi torium tonight thursday donora are atlll being accepted and can glv a pint of much- needed blood by visiting the legion charges accidents on the police blotter jean hart valedictorian 1 for commencement friday threi titelph yooihs friday eveniny wire chained wuh caus inn a ilisiuihsinie on m un si cunuahui ron- rupcti ol tlu acton opp delahmenl report id the thivi ycmlhs were lighting and one was haigtd wilh drink iifu while tindei age t aler in the wnint ihe am stabk vhaiiil an ajun man tor hav iny an op n visi he 1 in llu dunk i hi vhik ut also nimnhniul dim nil lo ih cmt signil ssn itul louml oct 1 ilot n i mm stuishid ttu s111h 1 u mhi conxtitk rtipei t uwexiigitid a htokin yctiulshii ut m a iir owned h jack itiiiim 1 hi 10 iis patk ed in tin iiivw iv it ihe m net enil col 1 1 un 1 n oh 1 ng t wo ti ronlo motorists polite ienoi 1 ed a tir driven h james robert lul1l turunlu hja piocecthng west on mill st and was about to make a let turn ontoeltm st when it was strut k irom ih rear h 1 uir diivin b ainw si aobin tonnto tviimagi lo llu low 11 ihtili was tslimitsil 11 1 and 12 to tin st atibiu vihitli stfl drought no mere fires sk hiiln ship- awirds and litit 1 s u ill k pti i niid f 1 1 day ccinine as liili sihtktl siudenis i l v l i l whllr i it i lulls uul pi list tunii 1 hi 11 piiu pil anil slatt 1ihmithis1i tin mnuat cim mentenuni eiercis tun si speaki r tor tin t i trn vcill bs pioltssim rdph dent ismkuii piolissot ol ps ed colks luelph miss j h lm thsi studi tit al ul k tnv tiniu stl jiil aikhiss i 1 itu s 1 uua ik us st s siuti nt ssooikii c ul unr w mar moffat s25 legion scholarship will be pre nad 12 jojn cciok 100 garv senicd to fred dawkins bv tiskssn grade h karl gattv branch l7 president r m 1 soo jem han 100 and uni- store veisuv entrance award ol 200 mlss mamie mainprit rejienl 1 ot the duke ot dcvunxhue chap 3 be eucn out iei 10 d h will prxernl a scholjr ledger rga1hjp to jeon hart and the forte in jean hail othir awards w ill in hide the 1 1 dt r 1 1 ikdls shi ul il and sintlarship tor ctade 10 hume lonomiis to be prcsented to v u kt sew ton ac ion distnct htah xi hoil prwes ill be preseni 1 si b liiiher william coats to uti nine students gale with i 1 ml iliius isbtun and trade ti stmiitus ttki tfton istiijl oiln 1 v miiisn uis 1 om menial v a ships vs ill tn pi 1 senicd bv w h im siiuiih to linda 1 rii iiade 10 and garv s ot jiiadt i tht lndtr liph pusi nlcd bv pat n vull tx icttived bv jen liakrbv field day awards 1l1 ivw nils presented bv u ulmmi and r ut vii tx ksuwd bs ban up on mar lris ss risk vfcbvte jun c i h nix nl hi roy n j n u 1i1 uni v t n i bonnie mc 1 rannrv tlr shtur svntivl h mis i 1 tik mjiv k 1 i latrol 1 s w 1 it uakt rouls pt ntd h n rvrwlli ra i t ii 1 mi si cjrriftlian electric pnulucts ltd awards will be prcsenled hv h r forte to jtan hart and jiann forte and the at ton fne prts awanl lot tirade 13 lnifhsh tomposition w ill be given to jean hart by ptintipal f a llanstn ur lorti- will ano present ruli 9 ihuiu ltjtn s m tftis nt i iin1 mac pher s in ahdan nipi c r plint managit j h ri id will pnstnt the muio plastks tm ston award lo hul dmkirrs rid gineral nianii v j biatts ol beard more and to will present un award to lied dawkins lot raili ii thimisirv anil gats masiks for grade j thtmisirv the if k pirtir co itanadn lid us a il will tx prisinltd bs mi pindlelsti to i red dawkins stur lali ntstr jhmt ierti tittus ass irdid hs likisidi lhaptir i o d i will ht htndtd hit hv mrs spr ustun and mrs gvoigt stimi 1 dlt i nli rmidiat urtilkjlis will tx- uitivid h studtnts trom miss kan barn t ml mrs grni rigtis siond arv s hool graduation itiplotnjs will rx hallutll imll ts osslstattl prvxipal mitfia i bvjn and mi niiarv vrmml hororurs liipuntu pri r ud rs pi iriss pil l a h n commission members deadlocked on purchase of aerial device at ton hvdio linemen will have to don spins ir use the ohsoltte ladder liuik tot awhile vei thin sdav t t ning ov tuber 24 tommisston rnertiheis igam lulled to itath a iletision on a nec pieil of atrial eqfitpnitnv the ladder t tew memlxis igietahle lo huing a 1 1 lit k yvillt mounted laddn t uiautivd argu ments ycith llu- bifi ket hngatle thosi tuoiing a mini expensive ruikitl and attei litirtv two hours ot lalk two si til ions wen ditiatid ixtoti ihe itiu ing vsii ailioiiititd with no tie l ism ml tl ii hid molkmt dcrealed commissioners rav aibit and gordon ileal i sponsored 1 reso- lututu opposing the purchase ol an 11 lu ulated aerial di ite fa p wlikh illxiwsi 11 tshtnatid iosis tangini imm mum h 20 ix to nnl it 1 oinnii iitlnl tlu 10111 111 ss ion pin sin 1 he pin 1 has f f iltitnitm ditis ihis nio- htn w is 1 t 1 1 in 1 in mil 1 wilt wilh may 01 i 1 ltihv 1 hair in ii i ti ktn imt- mil ok lu me 1 inn a i th rtmms lippis rk 1 in initios i 1 it k i bv chairman tyler to take the ichait while he the ihuirnuin sec hided the resolution the mo- lion wus lost ip a three to two tounl as the first one had ttecn nut prtcuyf mr aihtc started the discii- sion wlnn he stated he had read a sah tv hrochuil and found out the buckcr is nointtrtpe1hernn piixil as tar as salvtv is con cerned mr llcativ said in was til ihe turn opinion the loinmlssinn ysould he foolish to spt ml anv where imm 12 000 ki 29000 lor but ket type equipment when the only rtimiii prmntcd bv ihu hv1 dni superintendent hud been safetv ontario llvdm is lutlv const mmi s ul the safetv f ai tor vet ii pllrihasts txth hiu kit and lid tier iv px iguipineni mr ittalty ilaimitl iht 1 otntmssiiin should not 1 onsidi 1 th ar ik 11 la it d 1 towiiig tx tint 11 know it tlgtd soim tvpt ol iijuipriunt lo git 11 ni iii in tht an s is nit 1 ssics 11 h as a luhli 1 waste ot money he o other arlm was 1 qiiipim tit p nori l han gt il tlllisl ol 1 ih opinion houll man in tin 1 k in 1 m h inn till lu phasttil is hi suggtsltd idling mi looping pulling pitis and olht 1 iinvl usis ii w spnt invwtiiii imm h jwbm 10 ftlhml mofi ihm tin 1 he- prit ol luhur tguipitunl on iki d s mi thing- w hi h dull i wn k vi i al sj banquet permit for bonspiels sought by acton curling club t m ii t nnprr sr isire titj t t fmiii wr s in 1 t o vslsm n i im hjl iv r kfcd hs m u i sslirs r k t ursaiav i 1 j 1 s j i v t l u s tlsvjkl in insj rt in v rji ih s f s t rssu w 0 vf shh is kias in r it spttfi fj -i- v ri j t rrjus s 1 1 ckti nfvi iij y s 11 k xya a n js rws s s r s i j v in u 1 s tnmw f i sr ir s 4 hrfv s n r t m i i i h- ss s r m w j o- u 1 fr x t uni i ir v 1 rex h m to w ifkwrf c irnfivsvair t w s ta ttis tt itmhrtv j stafs i ttj 1 aj si sd ljtel j e 1 ss imnmu- tv rnirr as ianj jt u iiu i kplu xod vr sanqtar perf t p hard t k rnr lurkn stui ratb tsbfrwust r tj ntl ut im n rs vol jsxrxl jj nmr than ihrrc ww mtt l tjs t aaslviny 1 n rr sfitvrruji iv vciur mswted lc tlien it s mated ihe commission should con sulci one ol thtev fhlnu mr ar- bu cihilinuid i iaihv for mime- thing adequate to replace thtf pre sen i obsolete laildei t2 imik luither lot a piece ol equipment wilh a dt sign to tire satisfaction ul the commission j wilhuul tea sun uthci than the lommiv sum wants it to go uhead und buy a pieie o woiklng iqulp- likilt mr aihit sid it nuinluis had a sound rnommendailon imm the suh rmtindenl ihev wmild have no nliernallvv hfil to give it srnrors convtdrnittnn 1j far im still on the lime he totv cludctl not mint ripmuto mi met uu ltcn said ii w van lustily 1 laddti we can so a sup lurilur and gil a more mod un pin t ol i qoiprm ul in ihe niiiiisr ol ihiih working con ditions im iht employees i think a txtwin should n ionlrirrcd rlltdujil 1 lju0liaw44javt ykp sivi iv pi ol tqtiipmeni whtih was quipptd lor doing tviiv joh hv i imling digging lamping idling and many oltti i u ifiui s staihlid ih t onsidi it l mavoi duhs vsondtiitl if tlve t iiinrnishin was tomtit i ing th sli tv of llu hvdio t mplovce i fioiigh hid said linn l m or in i tvpt o town work where salt i y is mm it p rlliit nl mc told ih olhi i rniinrnrs llictr waviil i gnat dd ut different t iw n ih ui at rial lad ii nil hot k nd was of itw opimoii tin hut kt i wmiuf nr a i in iim i vi nt rf iy f avfin d hov mg a rr- t d mi il thm krt iitd l mr h4lijr t itmuidrrtd reamfti mivoi s tte f i txtwitcn i iiumo n 1 l r tioittt ijw ion- rniiofi hatt potihwtl vnv lltlltf ioiptnm rtt pt lew stars and sul i wrtiiil hki to u tiuv i ih irrvm t iuniii pku of louipni ii in j i wt liavtli i ihr strolk tor ftnv typ 4 rtnptrirnl to ilo ritif ioi va ii- in huif j mrftu th on luipu ttpt tfhmrir t ijiopffai ni ii tir r i an i put a ptw tm kativ ritirr than hm jmuu i i w 11 k itmal- j i t pin it ink k f i tti iimkk lauit a tm k i tp ipt it a t ptiprrxm iui1 nr a grrl vst lo llw if tjutw kw f i i fr imimi fra a ttirrl u in ihr orlil iaf ma it fi- jov h rnwrgwtks i orrttusmmwr ivtiv t4ndarrasd 1 ih iam w u mfrfistasd tn lh j wjuiltw r1 fiu kjuftall ttw a finals il ilu rsi tn trv futp- tft tit i lv wath r m ii ihl pr mlni jo m llhl t thlt ll mi ihll f hutrt lmmn t nf i4 ii ut thl- tr j it in iraitil ff s in j ciutp toaasvtfttiakflnal y mtdro tuprrinuthtwuf droaj humm rmfahtard lu lurr htt maiton conukvatiw mw tk annval tmg s s4w a oa- foav vi rkand gord i acda o n r ca o is xord isrm tna tv w sw aarv cav ladv and av mm trenf wi t hova ot m ivti nxbrih mrfipr aii trr im pi apo j00 swaasdd vix s vrviltauss a irtc sd sjsr- raoo ssaataaauianb ux srfnc mtmam left i ts uae baat r- is s i sv p- hhkuia4j tv oiscrv tell wa nakurt prmt prrilrj vtr a ttv ccasutuvavfeuab drutl est il a motam tabrsl aad past ed kpottsuemt s dr f oavlu ai mvuoocm bs c cejui thai icmtimml om pa that htmo unbmam tu hodgae v a mot rcke macarylff set- wa riousjp w o psjrpani ma s nrvi vaato wisow s tn wrw ftodt toronto avdi wa4kd a p re yjl accctaa9 tmam th arwcfc c aaa brtaogm nar km hytfts c aaa tur rvawd r t wmr au waw raw hula i ihttwrl m pcmp 4av i 4r mll- a a u yaaaaaf- thr- 1artirr mmid rraifi llha tufxii nrkftki ki liar www kmi to trnah inrmfci lib irr hi otsavr io 4p nbam jnfaa tn- kurwi urn n atnyp uar mr avatty 1 art aomapiarmvaa a farlaaj am a mrk kariv tntrn a laatcn rmomw coaau jp apmalfaig

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