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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 7, 1963, p. 1

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n eightymlnth yxrno 19 acton ontario thursday november 7th 1963 w im mmm twlv tfltsavn otnhi mam 13 okaduaytno clatreceivad diplomat and con- grtulllons during commencement exercises at the hioh school friday evening sealed left to riaht re jo ann force taking general art at the univernty of waterloo jean hart in honor arti at york university kay dennis in pre theology at the uni versity of waterloo standing loft to rlqht are mary kay gib bons whos at teachers college fred dawkins studying en- lukh hm glneering at the university of toronto kathenne garrett at teachers college karl gathof in engineering science at the university of toronto ruth coles at teachers college and randy lidkea who has ust received word he has been accepted by the niagara school of horticulture for their next class beginning aprif 1 in the meantime he is worki ig for brampton nurseries oracle 13 hs graduates receive certificates principal speaker congratulate students sturchinu pmleimir rulnh dent ma av auolnli prolvimir vl psvcluilutiv fodcnilcd cullcjics guclnh pre islinlciiis to contuiui tllctutl future vlmlcnth will hnve 01 success to recilucntc ihcmwlves three i priiuirvul t a ilinsin con lliiw ovur irr their lllelimes wul uriluliiiil the urudc h mduat people would hiivv to go on cdu mtt liusn durlny commi ncemc nt calitm thcmnclve continuously land told the hirm this loreuml was mode fri parents mid students soclutv day ewnlnu ut the annuul high j is hitomirty loo eusllv satisfied xchool commencement ckctckcs with roedlociity if thin trend m the hluh chool uym lor tbc conrinwu we will all find our lireilei vtrldis toward learning to he present due to a previous in conclusion he urvied the etimmitmenl mr hansen also reviewed the historv ol the school ml told the audience the school papillattkmt has increased hv over 200 tti- tlenls sinie i tic present school audience of has hutlt and the third addition is cxpccicd to start sometime in sortgsters kathv mckcnae 1964 the stone school had been j c reiiv wundy junk nut into use and had been an l lrula ruiaon herrdiru besscm imeroatlnu experiment but use ol ttuu aon lrhhefiand gail breen hips jiivtecl lasl wiik in the tree presx valctlk torsin jean hurl gave an inspjnny address uhich appears in us entirety ilewhcriandya tfianked on bclvilt ol tmrcuuleru council bv john whxi veho preserited her uiih a medal duby and hinton seek top posts denny watson out of the race benefit of the yrudv 13 yraduat selve hwlmmtnu arouml in the this huildiny hud orvatcd several ant j gordon sang several barrel tittf otasi and til her wtudcnls hoi turn trf during hi lulk as auct sneak mi utruluiaud ci he turned kick the nutfes or wmikrs and told ihe runiuisiip lime lu mithtu the progress nl civilization irtim curlv turn- up hor vou won hul how vou plav it modern tu tlt h to tu gridmitts prmetpol pointed u hi noted it was awk students and ua hits csipeeiame win n malt rials thtimpiiivani llntc is not whc- iquipnunl weic peimaiunl problems he prophesied the invt crop ut graduate onuiiiu i would n quire rcrcducatiou it kasi thtee times within ttn next 20 vtais ut the kilt mniii1 hail tuvtuipid ixhxnlk in tutki tti mix wrth modem tends and ihantjits vu cited automation as oih ol ttu chlet reasons lot a iimdiicuhon pnjrum aiul quipped i dunh know hxv ui put into this iikvs mil wen in ii ik pndiiliil ifu intuit would ik nth ixliimii and stiimikiiun ii pithltins wiu nut wrth an open uimtl and ariuuiu tit curlimil hi uiyid mudenls ihii to dtmaut llnu pttsiitt hluts anil ii ned itieiu to h inj tin li ii thwhiu alius intl tiuihs altltttuh miiikiniks m was luird ui disvinniuati tlu lhllnml llmi si iuxl tlu moilnitts ol u uhnil wtiukl h it ho ik aluiitl tiistii uk in utdei to iok with modi i n ilvln nunls h pi i du 1 1 il in tut tin xchihils otild iui ih dituiini stiuunts wtniui pitvtiss u ilk n oyn tatv ol ket ami wmk s tnthvmttu il hid would m ikv thr woilti is tlwis lull it unsolvd ii ohti ins inil si ilttt i luipc vou will not ut tlu chalk ny unlui ik tl srleciionh led by glenn bank al tht punt i thi scats in the gm were fill ul wirti an oveillow crowd in the hit u he is pan n t s and v raduat iny mu ttitr home economic room at tbc yti thanked lony standuil anil iuw tnd ot tht projjcani and rvd donors who doiuklk awards and lunth bv mrs a oir and tfiris the political pot began to im mer thii week as incumbents in municipal oil ice and unsucxvss fid candidates kisl ear indicated uheir intentions foi the com ing election nominations will he accepted nm ember 21 t the robert little school audftonuin mawr le oubv and reeve ii h hirrton will seek the iwo top pom s i nuvur ant rei e tx putvrccvl wilhnn dtnnv mil lebool iwiard chairman tom wai un hie inilirtititl then inlcn tion ol dro0pmu out ol in tun niny ihis car uutipatrs will ik asked to fill a tola ol 14 ptrsls on eoiuu it hdro and school boatd to din 1i imrjfu irv plan more rooms m ana schools tic more elissmoms nul i playroom will ik nee did in lown ship sthools within tlu irxi iwo car me mix is ot isgiksiny sehtxil area boanl k mud tuts dav at a unulu ikhui iiutiin a protnletl innitineiit showid ij87 siuiknlv itiutd ik i ki u d lor the lall turn til iwis botiid pieseiilu ins 2 looms m ope rain m in sein schools the plavitmim niaid uu hiih i s i ell should ik oiu that tould he livid itn i ilasiimm is will no decision has wi ihoi in uk about whtre the roouin will 1h odded metnheis ilt tl lo 1 1 low tlu noral wtmun s liisiitnti ju moi i it mi rs ami i inn i oium u uvi the old piiujrmit sehtnil as i eommunit unlh 1 r itn next mii c ui uli t ions hi i in jyiexnunl au thit tlu oiiimi lions pj foi in it iiniiio tint it pairs u id i in pi opt ri 1 1 in tins the possession ol tlu school btxird a iijxiit on llu w ill i atul v u ille ssum ii itn iuw riruihw sehnll imm llalion tount he illh unit showed lh swlun was saiistai ttrs llu kurd aglet d ui atheltise loi i iiplui omnt lor a teacher kainu gkn wttflams kchimil at chnsimas only six incumbenn have ajied tti toss iheir hats in ihe potiheal tiny wldle sren an undeulid i and one member ol council nyj available lor comment maor les thihv will ileftnitilv eohtest the ohiee ol maor loi tin inst hint ihls iar nuu months ao lu was nam tl tti llu position inlltiwinii ill u sipnition u then maxor eirpe ilirbemii mr dohv his he m i lesuknt ol aelon lor th past 24 eais anil his oiu son nul i tl utuhtet kitvt ii ii hinton h is i ii know k dli il his iniintion ol eonltsiiiil hi siii tyain this imi lb his sititl two itirs on louiktl time is tkpiilv him mil this eai as it w iu h is hull t umlkfvl ol altott tot v is s ml it mill wilh two hoes md i ilil i deputy nim running lxpul rni willi mi ikim vi h not ptui his nanu jm llu noniiu itiou list this imi ilit lo hiishuss teisoiis hi his siivnl oiu i it is i louiuillor mil two i us is ik put ini hi his oiu sun who tssiis him in llu insin mu husuii ss omit dim lluh i owi is pu i ml si i itins lonsidt i hum lo it i i itil his imnu st md ay i n this i iu ik has siiid i total ot liti i us on louiiiil is nn ru it with thin hos md iwo pi is allntl irwin who is etiiiiii i i lie his htth ti tin on ionium i i tlihihiyh mil etitiseititive ts iindiinktl it piisml wlutlurhisi n mu will slant iain oi not mi iiwin taiin lo lown in l4l j is m it i u tl wiih two hos and om jm i i t omii illoi ii million pi it h is mil prill m uk up his mind win thi t hi hinds i st i on i tiuii il te un this m ii iot ik his miiut tlitti mti s s i on in illi md has two bovs it i home imd one y married douuh ter oximil lor brie johnston who is comfiletintt his firut time on etmntil will losy his hat in ihe nnji aiiain and tte available nv mirtaimn nijfhl to luit his name put on the slate tor council lie luis hun in acton three nnd a hall vears is mart led with two iwiys and two pirls ak i johnson who eomplel mil his seonnd vear on courtiil is w ilium to have his nume sitnnd loi iht olfui kt i on iu it uffain rhis ear ik has luen a reu dint ol lown lor the past emht ius and is married wilh tw ikjvs and two girls j ileit wood who is eimplet injt his sifotul uir as a eouneil lot w is univadahle lor an inter v ii w u tin lum t pointf to puss itulax tthursihn as he i iwa on a hunting trip jatk haitian ho ionttsud in lutin ol rnvi last eir i s iititkx uk d at the mihiient win tin i lo slant lor uriinkipal otlin this t u oi not ik has sttwd in eoinmiiuilx ii i irs n iopihil thin as councillor old as tkpiiu leuvcvmd iceil s itiii hi h is thin ihiul iiii all tnai utl will slml aithut i ii id lornu r toiiiuir loi loi om mir is anxuhis to v t buk in tin rncc again this i it anil is willing lo stand lor uominition he has three girls ami thue bov bob dnnkuxilttr a candidate loi eoiuu i last iar intends lo diop ins h it in tin nng nguin this iir he has licd in lown stvin iars atul has three girls and om ho twi seaia hi hydro ihis iar iwti aeiikie will he ok ii on llu at ttm hsdro uhtrc cimimnssmni tstord mccutcheoit and ka arbic s lerms are up mr mccutcbeon u undecided at the moment wjbther to allow ins name lo itand again thit eur or not he haii lived in town niikt 1924 h married whit htrw girls ami one boy commissioner rv arblc who will hnl4i hu third vear on the lommlssion this ver la undecided as well at the moment he hat lived in ad on since 190 is married and ho two glrh and a bov achtut bowsj tlirei atniuiesvwill he open lor takers on hie public school km id this ear and rcktcpayerii will ik asktd to fill thefe posl lions tuthei inimlrlatiun night or ekelion iki lltiiiitl chauman tom watum aftei 14 vetir on ihe board u himtlmu li retuement tbu year lb has mtn in arioos caparl tns as i numiilur and i of the opinion in has fulfilled hit nhll laiions in tatpavers he i mar- ikii and liua three giru and three bovs liusiii william benson it lossmn his hat th tbe ring again this tu and has served four cns on iht hoard he hai uv id m town 24 ycur and i mor md with a ion imd daughler vk hnwtiri wbu i juit cum pletiny his sctond year n a i sehool tnisiie is ready to terv again d nominnted lie ha tlv- 1 txl in town lor 20 year it mar tied am has two girl lnsi years candidate ayd limb iv willing to ntnnd for tfllfiie uguin thii yenr mr lamb has been a resident here since 17 and lw and hi wife have twn in th girls another candidate nomed wa vear for school board john laal wiiends to let his name it and lor council he has lived in ac- omcjl lw7 and ha two child ten a son and a daughter the hi old hutldinl praised tlu adoption ol pcjlaj iouuiielyi ituirs and iht mnoation ol tlu ayn itiliuial iiiurse u iuk ii hi an iu ii id i likiam itom di seholu ships ii u i luli ml lor halton at the loinlusion ol tlu pre staling icgiets at ml being able sentittitui ol iwuids ami seiholai ot home iionojnus rhmcing was iiiiiixt lo rhe miiaic ol re toids fire escape route ups cost of h s addition 5800 toinpulsoiv tin istapi louk mi loi tin piopted kkdooo 10 ithiin flieitt sihikil addition is e lux u d u boost thi cost ol con stntvlion hs in ukkd sskoo hih sihtkil imm i it mnuhi i s kauutl this diiniil i uniting mond i iviiini dnii dintmin ink ki lit 1 1 oi u ti on mi u spoil tkutt liom tin omai io tin mai sh il s ollni i it titling sittkil sam itl utl ki ul lokl iinmbiis tliit on pi ik 1 1 tlpis mt reid viid an tin i iu st addition was tnitsuu niimil tire escape had n lkfl the liu maislrals bun ruled out harchttect don hatl ii n ionditionat ax- llalttoitl as impractuable and ihr aiituiiel tiiomnu nded a sec oiiil si tl stalls lnm rtie lo ii lo i in upstiits t ostms this would omipu wrih liti in nshal s it lu itions itn i halt mm said onl lriti munnipul himid ipvmie il must icoiitmutd on pie three w in u hmli oltiet pi ox il hull tin m is 1 i 11 l l si i vlthit nil tin piopel ills in hmli itn ttu sl lltmi quarry change frederick g gardiner 0c prealdcnt of acton llmeaittne qujkrriea ltd announced thi week that fa i con bridge nlcikcl inea ltd has ucqulrecl con- trolllng tnlereal of acton lime stone ouanies ltd he will continue us preal dent of the companv and john reagan will continue ai vice president and general manager bond holders and original stock holders will continue lo he represented on ihe board and l g mcgowin will con tinue as director with four members of ihe board being nominee of talconhrldgc mckel mines lid mr gardl ncr aald no change in working per tonne i u anticipated by com pany official mr gardlnei told the free trees irluii esml youngster encased in casts struck by car halloween llillo ttstivitus list his diuvrlittr lcslev anne and ihuisdiv win iniiiistt h a sir khis 1 1 tllu it i uli nl md a i l llollst lilt whieh iii up tin sk tot mik s mr alkn i in irniiinitl al iht hospn rl until nt nl tnidnth whin t is iiilnl out possible loiuusmon vitiuiip inn tl h his two bn etuis tnd lun msttis six m n n o old ilirs aikh i mrs i ud alkn chun lull k i wis m ikni his shtlltiui mumls on t huit hill kil win n hj vtis 1 si ut k down h i in lohn llttimoi in u his own hiniu i tin tluvt r ol tin i it i m in 1 tin in obs ihmih l m ir ias 1 lubv md mis lub lo sik in lp itn ihiul w is i am b mr 1 ihitn i ih i llu ol di 1 a fiititl nut tlu il iiistntl lo to i i nil i si k hilduns hospital in 1k n u soltitiil i hi nken si ml lomhi iitjii k u unl kit nut md in nl i ti ii r u s condition cmmh i 111 111 lll cstl lto s leg s l i totll rtlk i- thtp d u n is st in i iisi tiimi wist shonjdt r his eondition is h unl in i mu honn sum iv fliuensiiis put ills will ih tivin him i at ion huk lo the timiiiiii hosnilal otni i wtik tot ooservalmn mi ihiln i ok hh ihild hi i onlo nul w is itiiimvmiiil t i in puenls hx in yt t a te inflation tmspital lx d ih kl ihe v t m 1 1 ink up loi io mike tin tr iiipiud bii mint ctxnlmlihh his i tilt om it ii hi i mrs ka alu i is stiulm honn his school ksstmis md lu is kit pint in am tih velithilwtii k voting lloiv isnrfkxting itrt- graphs on his iists i l u ills sitiittin nut ilriul has tut lid nil i l ik is ih pmkl spit us but tmnot recall having ftaen tin ear tomriig or what section ot i in ut slnuk him the duiir trf rhe car i old mvtsti0jimg otlker hon rupert in was proceeding mmith on liurehitl kt and witen he notlc- ed soiiu tiling wliite swerved mt taf io avoid t u h e tti iht right rear finder of rhe xehiek slnuk the child tin in i wi re the sexident omiitid was dark and ihe road rtmshekrtt at tlu time light a lip sky about k teluek the wren alert nl in lightt is w4k raced to a tiinn limit upnd ihmisc fire on rtu litst line will ul acton as ii hik s ue iixl as i beacon for tiolis tttpund the kovcarold hinldiiil on iht lortncr hterrtt pnifhtu is niw owntxl by james ihtixiv in ih toronto h ih i mu lintighiing eviiip- otilmiii d in pagr tthre ot tin st urwill in i upfv i i loot ix louit i his was uiiik i st online i v ih loutt would uijihi i addiiion in nibi t s up dtti rememhraace services sunday to honor dead mace wreaths ktmemhi unt l will ru ih siinl siunl i it aiitmi kikk wmnl mtt llillomilk mnk i iht ailsputs ol in kotil laiiuhau liioii ih nwi w mil uspve 1 1 v t v ou n ils ih s ion i p ut w ii it im in i i r h im it 10 u im unl lid h ttn sloii ilitji- tl w p k v 1 i mn i iml iph in b t tx ukoftv ii proud of the trophy tha rcivd at the roofh- school commenctrntw last friday endhet ecitment is shared by gary mile t both aovmr the award aaiss baq- by recaivad the underwood trophy for hae high standing in th oommarclal cours in id thr t rintichnipravh tn es- u b pi t s d nt rms tti ui itimiatk jtum mihuh tt i u id the nmn sot those k hul nis wnartis will tx paetd b ir tikis oiyaouiluuis aint hmj man itank sinmint will sanind tin t ist isosi md ttiiilu l t pidn ui h mikmn will fcii hi n in diet ion to eon eitltk the otlldtmil h l1ti this will tk tolkweei bv l ml icv at ttii i tilted chuieh or nu nibv r ot txhe r iohitiisj tiemts will hae ttnu o tx ith then n sfketwe ihunhin ik i mi sikcs bevm ruckwood service in rex k wood a parade wiu lonn at the public sebool at 10 0 a m with p o robert lestie parade murvhal he wil kaj marchers to the cenouph fur a t brwal scrvtce at h a-m- kte allan c ink will oltuialc it lln ouulooi mivneano cum iuk j inn s milin will gi he legion ehiiv tom dkatl will it nt tin uums ol those wlo dud m i in mini md w d i lun i sup i w 1 mhiml tin lasl post unl tiili t u i he pkn ni ot it alhs l i in o lum m i ih im liph si i n w i ihufvh v i u will in in id i s j h i s a ihkaii tmthjl a 11 li xiu alton lum nnuibeis ui be inie it seitnki atui ih s aw lull ttn st us m aettm and ritikwihul tins win elrui to hal ion ilk l i amiihcr- remcm- h mi ivie ntviii jl ihe cc1k- i ipi llltlt il n pm d i motlal veillnad the iwtin s ol itn fallen dead and it 1 1 ttn ptasins ot wreaths ta ids iuui hlnier smith will soemel ihe last posi and rewilk ihuivh sirvnc will follow al 4 p m in vassaawwa presbs iitan ihutih with res j scjftrtel ris u a lectnan and rev r p e eft are taking part in aetun the puppv day and rcmcmbnukc duv se were planned bv chairman w h read in ruckwuud bv jamc kldac aad m nauiaguweva by or d f young liaulownn party highlighted thursday morning of last week beck gemet snd guassmg tantsti went staged and the eidett for kifargarten children at the m 2 bamnert school tney re tnioyed a lurn shown dressed in thetcquamt cosiume with ih saachae at th

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