Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 14, 1963, p. 3

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rtmimbrancf day pjnjbrved in acton sunday morning with lrje crowd attending the cenotaph tecvice th color party legion memberi legion auxiliary iremen membarj of town council iode chapter browniei sout cubt and wi memberi were joined by holt of citlzem thais inthe parade attended ihe tervice at the united church while other went lo their retpecllve church jervicoc after ii n m i ii ii m mm it wn ir partnership program answer to changes of modern life teachers hear doug latimer iislivlirian tliiiivli iininvyalliinal din- aprwronllv no pniprum in tht history ol three liical churchi linn mirttil up mure interest nntl tllh4llhsiiin ihnt ihe one ihev are presenllv intfayid in in the anyll- ciin united mid preshyteiian tluirehes the partnership pro- liram ismeelinii with must en coiirnunu respunsc r st albans aiiuliiui ililiivll k j havinp anulhei ciinyrhaliiuial meelinu tuniuhl thursday tuesdiv weilnesdav a n d thursday evenings ihe elders cil eiimmnnicalintl ihe iospel the ihe hulled churelr are hiiltllnu role ul the pal islvjiiiesi and mini i and ncxl sunday is dedication sunday al knox i lien- is a mi tonight thursday f hy dediialiun sunday about oil adults and children are expected changing world the laymen on the cummillees in each church leel that in a clianiiintt world ihcy eannol ex- peel the church lo remain un changed especially wilh reuanl in tlie means and methods ol tho halloo no i teacher convention held their annual convention on friday november i in georgetown ontario in the morning the teacher bmembled al the- howard wrlg- glexworth school auditorium rev nt a young conducted the devotional eicrcliex and mr stan rimllav brought greeilnga from the georgetown public school board at this time mr eric bulklnd introduced the gitait speaker mr d a clee ba m sc axxutanl superintendent of curriculum and textbook jvllh the department of education mr clee gave u most lntere- ing and inlurmutive talk sparked with plenty of wit ills tonic wax new trends in social stuihcx and through this talk many pri mary teachers received new itleas on how lo enrich xmlal slndies lor their children the intermediate and senior grades also gained new insight into uld lopics and how to present them and make them interesting and living to the students miss jean ruddell expressed the teachers ippreciallnn alter a cuflee- break mrs v oarcie with fourteen il her pu pils iriim harrison school pill on an excellent demonstration lesson which included a film on the vikings providing lurlhcr interest i mrv llarclc was thanked bv strs r mfkwnvn the moluirv idourned to knox presbyterian church lur the noon banquet put on hy the knox ladies group change lo meet the demands and following the dinner mr kin challenges ol modern society the j i tdc introduced ax guest speak church must compete il it is uocr lawyer duuglaxy lalimermr iug to survive it must do ruich latinu-i- provided many hearlv more lluin compele il il i lo lauilhs lor the leichers and also bring lo bear upon suculv ihelytve ihein a revealing piclure truths ol ihe gospel ol ihe child ihe teacher and ihe the churih must go on the j law oltensive in a new and dvnuuu mr latinier was tlianketl and wav the committees explain the presetted wilh a gilt mrs g nomans land lulween itu- cromar provided entertainment church anil society is gtaduilx j uiih luu amusinp and extremely willeuing anil the gap nuisl lie welldone reading- the liscov- grade four live and lx touch- er went to mr p rcynuldittn- rector of auxiliary education who talked about the slow learner in the classroom finally grades seven and eight teachers assembled to hear mr ii knappcr mr t beer und mr r mckeown un science grade seven to- ten the 1963 convcnltun adjoin tied t 14th 1963 3 association mow includes adults oilyuarv cottaue fllawl mectinu l ihclr homes stcr and ol the lait must oed it can he closed in liw ordinal v piople in seculai lik with ihe leadership and suppoi i of the clergy debate county planning plan another meeting uipivsriil lives ol i lid tons eiyhl planninir boards will he ntielinit in ihe near inline let debate counlvuide plannintf n imvtmn til planning hten anil count v cihincil tepresenlallves tkiideil liidav kornoun tminiv councils plannlny com- mi i lee hosled a meelinu ol i councillors planning buard imin jwi and planning mails ni qtltuaky mrs mary johnson buried at churchill mat m si jon m iimh illness ul was the i sell john simial katt phs llospiid linelph nuetidhrm altei in ilnml a nitiiuh mi uliiw l llu- late kii- n u it 2 who died is ilti stic is silla l sd iuim court house millon lo lav ihe yroundwuik lor what could k an active county plan- ninu hod the met i i ny d iscu ssed i wo alternatives either the hiring ol a county planner who could lend ptolessitinal advice to ihe nowexislenl planntny boards set up by each municipality or the he formarlun ot a countywide plan- p nlna board to meet and dicus iriutuii rtrtihlem as they alfect each other i union chulnnan reeve m ii llinton ul acton halt man ul maltuns planning cointiultee was m eharye ul the hrotheis ittendin in civ ol north america and cuddle dimii mis m ann stnitiji then sani two selecitons swiny low and i- teel pret- tv mrs hubert comfort dies in 91st year mrv htihett a comlott kr i st anns who wan in hei msi yeat passeil awav saluulav 1101 nlntf october 2 al si josephs hospital i la im i ton at lei in ill ness of a tew weeks horn on ihe snvdet houusuad lot 6 lain township she was the votiitliesi daughter ol isaac snydei and liliahelh lislies la inilv o eiyht children who had jail predeceased her in hei eailv j vars she was a member o si loam methodist i lunch knoun as i the brick chinch allei ihe death ol her parents slu siirriied lur a deaconess and spent some lime al that wot k in uintieal ami to run in sho is sin i veil b hei tins hand llubetl a cumlm i and a mtpjuilkeilh comloil ul meatus llle ind tved 4ju lhrh i aim neat st anns loi 2 eatssh was a mcmhci ul the siheidale 1iiiteil lunxh and nxik an aitive pai i in tin womans auxilin nndthrwomensmtssinnansn i ietv she was also a lile nnin ei ol itoscdcih- wopiens lush tule seivur was held on tuesdiv aliernooi lober 2 i mm ihe lallman luneial- chapel amp ivn rev a cleland itiudiuted the senke kohl mi iluisun vv soloist aiiompinied h mis w younii luleiuieni was i nu- s cemeleis si anns ciskel ivu crs were donald ness nhui credit valley choir has one acton singer its veldmn tmwadavt thut 11 ewioive liulil shmv lunev tholi or tonrinu company comes i nun cuiousel 5vouth pacific to aclon and mv fair 1ndv somelhtny but ilie jjnns club is sponsoi wilniis in jesus joy ol iny the apihaiance tomniiow eve mans desiiiny the lords pia ninu trldavl ol ihe ciedil val- vns anuellciih vtth a lev choial ytoupallhe robeil senltmi pinup heather on the t iltle school auditmiiim u yimht opportunity to e awav horn the television set and eujov 1 hvelv euteilainlup evenlnu acton has a sole memlver in ihe choi t mts svdnev k i a nth who has liven wilh the ui hip sinie it heyau mil vears ipo ileloie that she sanu with the avtooienda uioial tlioiip ilnlh have ihe same leader not huh uml hturtliy xv ciedil valley choral tttonp spuusoieil hy toiunto kecreulioii ilepat imenl is now in ils toiirth season and has developed inam iv ihrouuli newspaper articles i writlen hv their coordluatot mike dore who created mikii j inleiesl thai irrlweln 40 and ml persons linn out each week lo sinu loyelher thiv is not a stilt sianhv htai k inmned ixtok in hantt jiroiip mts lamb explains ihiv aim lo pive a liilhi meitv en teitainhin evening wilhout loi niiilily and nsuau miu eid in jildjhjihejiuilieiue cnov ihe sintfinu as mui li lis thr tli the diiecloi mis c1nd1wnd hue hner is an u eoinplrshed tmisieiartwhu ihtd hfiliisthmi at the ane o nine she has main rd mmv choiis sinu llun and in adthlion leaihes sinyiity piaito and violin herlmni and hcottuh the vjioup is sutieiiit a pro imiin yvilh siimelhiuu lo please hill and an arranuetneni ol hoad lo the -isle- and many moie ctmtmlltm in clwrg i iiuspoi tation tomes under the dliei hon o the lions clubs health and wellare omnuittlee alei johnson uw arliic and ham inscm- thev llimiiilir pro bablv iiiinv ithlcr prisons vmiuiii like to he u ihe clnm j mi not i have iides and ihev will pin v ule ti aispoi titiop- i in anyoni j who vvuiild like itt lukeis an- heinn mui in ad i vanav acton lailloxi auxiliary of the i north hullon avwvclulutn for re larded childien met at ihe hume ul mrs jim cashurn insi thnis t with six member h present doe- io a i hanpe in lite ion- siituiion iheuiotip will now in i hide atlullwiiiv juii as child i en ind he known as the nurlh halion assoliation lot the mentalu retaided repot ts vseie niven bv mrs i hesiei antleisun on the edu iillon uieeltnu and mis nuim li ict- on ihe exetutic meluiii al lloiub sixteen books weie colinled hum ihe ha i ash leyister tapes and loui tiljhese wele osei in buv a siep laridei needed hv the i ate taker two menduis iie lo lni hi 1st mas pi esen is loi ihe siudenis- ihe next meet inn is itiembei al mis noi m prices tioiue i mull voiuluded ihe meet in ness ul mint i t 1 11 s il nil k mil iih 1 uh- iii tlll elu i- iaiu- fall special solf storing aluminum doors hen uih installed 3150 doityourself 2800 aluminum selfstoring windows hc 11949 tnstaltets doityourself aviruirromi- on uii 1750 1495 his pittsburoh riatltolast mirrors all slis h ii nil llllnlllli ill canopies awnings glenlea smoke shop acton plaza out o town culu wmnr collrel vm 0wiv dully iiin to 10 pm numuiy inclndgd liuk wat den c a millon uni hoai d x ban nun i melkuiald hi mai tin kecve ol millon planning m s kemnihan i t tun planning ikpulx reeve w i lliuu honor waidin w anion bv suns russell nelson i tunc and lieoipv- and a daulihici ki hei mis loin llonus eiylu landchildien a sisin kithe me t mis lluiii cole i and bio iheis ivuv and ronald she was piedeeeased b son claiciue ihe dniihtei ol ihe lite mi and mis ivluc mtiuhetn she was bo i n in inn township she had loed in hie millon disti iu and tanned m i i in ami imus me low nships slu- hul hi n in sou 1 the past w veats iil seivue was held moil vemtvi ii al lite rumk ike iviiui d lioiiu w ith in in chuiehill em io ihs dl itme dav n sllkul mlil me the u duvkd weu l lei lii attpus and ivi tlowei m i ll wlm sh- us n siii the s bu i l ilk lie mv i 1 ul si ivaiei nk ii i dec v rdlheoei william ho ivhie ken i neicbboi s tieorelovvn reeve j robeilsou lvpulreee william coulter cleik don mcmillan and platmei cnanl campbell ot nas- saavvvvt hui linlon and subui ban ana pkiriitiiiy tntard chau man tieot ne st iniltkinder aiul the bmii ds i hiel planner hcb ssitna hiulinton planning d let loi r l robeils vue thai- man hat rv han el i ol die dak i lie planmn boaul ami oak 1 1 iv iliinimi ihret toi lit cum mu planner i- lliimp aiul reeve icoie i eshe ol lstiucs mil reee i a phillips oak- idle ivpulcreeve tioidiiu al lilui ot hoi inikmun aiul tountv t k i k cu liiu htwn cover welfare th reeve llinion explained ihe imvii it lei lit kthllili planning hrthorvi wardon itt c fir martni reeve of milton will be quest of honor- when coun ty and municipal ollioals and friends gather tomorrow niqiit friday for the annua war dens dinner al the clubgal- any oakville mis a paul who is teihny was pi esen led wilh a liilt hv mrs i iudlav mi o ci mcdtkuell inspec lur ul public schools eipressed his appi eeialioii to the teachers and exeeiii ivc lor helping to make ibis eai tonvenlion a success the sec re i a rvs i ep tt w as moved tor adoption as published bv mrs armstrong seconded bv mrs v macdondd the surers report was moved bj mr f halknul seconded hv mr jack rued the new executive was inlro- ducid bvmr iehr us ttdlows president mr i macdonutd vicepresident mrs ascadden setretatv mrs m armsirony tieasuier mr v halkind fxquc- si up representative mr hassin- netl nassatmwea leptesenta- live mrs zehr geoiltctown rep- lesenlalive mrs tavlor this was seconded in m i dutlteld at tins tune life teatheis utl louined lo hovsard wi jytfles worth svhool aiul div uleit into three groups the primal teaehei s wen i to miss i ilhutt piunaiv consul i ml hum st cathannes who discussed mihiciii ti eiuls in ai nhmetic imaaintio cao i n i i i 1111 1 i 1llv 1 1 i vliouli ii i i ul 1 ililin ntu i s itl- llllv 11 lltt plitinmi ihl llkil m smtke n fire al ii llu- un i 1 li 1 k hnilk- lo ivkt i p 111 111 llhiil ni iti il ii ii iii llmll utit imiiii un miill llun ii u t ill vim- miiii si s kh ltn n ullll lll 1 till hui ii 1 iii ill ii 11jii ill iv low ii iiwv lil-ni- il ii- v 1i1 upi plan noil lo hll oull uiil hol ol kliv l h k- lilplul ill llip- i guoii ill- no lilimu nun ll imi i is miu- ii- 1 1 in i niin- i lot a j- 0l i llo 111 at ii-i- in 1vm nit i i lln makt it a i saturday nioht drftt gobowung acton bowling bum itss470 kummratctjc 10 mate distlistcxive cards imprlnlfid with your nam our albums ar now on display m maka your talxtian now r tarly dtivry an attiactive silection of cftshiers areready with sunny- morn vuo swrtt milk iir lliltlcniillli pillsbury rolls 2 23c hilimi lllucuulcr mivcnimrnl lnlcl 40 fathom fillets 29c i lb bag ri up ilm to ac quire fr gift fatter racaiva an ialra to in tap wilh iga inttant coffa 10ox jar crett toothpait giant ixa racaiva an i 11 mi l ra 6 in tap wil iga coffee 55 all flavours jell0 powders 659 loin roast o pork 39f 2 45 rib portion lib avg chiquita brand powdered milk 3lb box coffee mate 6oz jar a lyorrt tea bags pbg of 100 ilk oil surf detergent king size racaiva an ltra 14 in tap witfi i in aylmer prune plumj choice li lllii cut green beans 2 tin 1 aylmer peat choice solo margarine 2 i lb pkgt boxed cards just arrived choose now extra special ida boxed christmas cards attractive y pllcfo coopers drug store 3 mill si acton miwt tssoul r bananas 225 tlrtwii oranges inurlo s i rlt carrots 59c lh hjb 2 for 29c iwtktml i 4ih bc apples o i frok- cucumbers 5 for 29c 2 for 19c niblet corn v i i i i i potatoes 2 lb bag pi i 10lb bag cooking onion 3lb baq i i i i r i chopt or roattt any pltg racaiva- an ltra s3 in tap wili v i d beett 2 5oi tint 20oz tint slic i s choice corn 2 catsup iga aylmers red arrow sale i t in i ii ii 3 for 65c 2 for 39c peaches ayimir bing chirriis 31c v 1 in seasonio wax mans 13c ayimer tomatots 31c ayuur raurr cocktail i i ayimir asparagus tim kitnii i anct cut wax mans 17c isc llospililil apple pie viiiiim thin 39e ii french mustard 229c h if- i ml muffin mix i ill vjiiiiv tomato soup 2 10oz tint v l peat t carrots 2 15oitint i- liquid bleach 32oz bottle iv- i f- m m r sautage 1lb pkg k i s it side bacon i lb plcg iiiiiiiiiii 33c frys cocoa 59c

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