i december is near get christmas cash by selling gall 8532010 viiiiitciaaus i- ii- w jaii cohuft c w mm rwati lewo1 r j cia al irtirkki cai ec oaslrld advertising rates dtths deaths marriag ej5 engagements no for sale ipor rbnt 6tlv- 9c rnln chg for is word 5c pet word thereafter subsequent insertion no copy change 7sc milt chg for is word sc per vmrd there- altar i jsc discount allowed for rash payment comino events card op thanks ii for flr five lin en 10c tor each additional line in utlmoriam ii plus 10c per una of verne classified display real estate ii jo per col inch box- number he additional lo thin office deadlines classified advertising i j noon wednesday classified display mi rent pmte s pm tiumdty phone 8532010 the acton free pren thursday nov 2 id 1963 births marriages deaths etc born currie rono and wayne are pleased lo announce the hlrth of their second son al hcn- demon general hospital ham- ikon friuav november is i06j english mr and mrs sey mour c english of simcoe arc happy to announce the hlrth of 4hir son paul seymour at the norfolk general hospital sim coe november ii 1963 b rosbnouist fl and mrs carl rotenqulst nee yvonne runeile are the proud par- anil ol a daughter born nov ember ft 1963 in mett france family nne in memorial andbrsom in loving memory of our dear father earl ami- eraon who paued away nov- tnjatr m imi ood look him home it was his will but in our heart he llveli silll ever remembered bv bud murg and families a 21ssb hlltz in loving memory of jame richmond lllhz who passed away november 23 i9ai nothing can ever lake away the love a heart holds dear pond memories linger every day remembrance keeps him near lovingly remembered bv his wife clara hill a2l545 coming events y auxiliary euchre held in yma friday november 22 at lis lunch and prizes admis sion soc a 2155 lakeside chapter i ode an nuol chrlslmas bazaar and tea saturday november 23 legion auditorium 23 pm a202521 aclon scottish dance clubs regular si andrews dance sal urday nuvemher 23 at 130 p in in vmca box lunch admis sion 50c n202530 eighth annual meeting mon day december 2 815 pjn sun shine school 7th line hornby north halton association or re tarded children b2822783 ys mencltes sale of small art iclesaiul christmas decorations and gifts plus baking aclon ymca on saturday nuvem her 30 2 5 pm lucky draw a21567 home and school meeting al m z bcnnell school wednes day november 27 at ft pm mr jim ledger will show pictures ol his recent trip to great britain a2l55l annual meeting of esquesing federation ol agriculture stew- aritown hall- thursday evening november 28 at 830 pm arthur creighlon irom the c pr will give an illustrated talk on his visits loothcr countries rclrcsh- ments everyone welcome h2827r8 ttm sa11 eanhnuee i fob sale northern spy op- plea 1100 buahel bring contain er no sunday sale j g vos 856432v a2l5eo fob sale town ttuips and hullon county map 25c plus ic lax available at dills stationery 36 mill st p a459m7lf for sale apples macintosh courllund delicious greening mid spy bring containers win bousf ield tr 84333 b24 6 2573 for salr sheaffer pens al wavs a useful gift for any occa sion a complete assortment at dills stationery 56 mill si ac ton a4s63sil for sale surge nllklng equipment dairy farm supplies pule barns sales and service horace tomllnson brampton gl 11275 al9989lf for sale girls winter coals 1 brown wool fur collar size 10 1 green wool size 12 girls while figure skates slue 4t phone 8531534 after 6 pm b21238 for sale homes tor sale or rent aclon area for particulars contact central mortgage und housing corporation 71 emerald st s hamilton telephune 527- 4415 al9332t for sale 1953 pontine good running condition 1175 or near est uwcr stales girls size 7 boys sue 2 yoiuhs size 9 girls cherry red coal 5 phone 853- 2579 a2 1554 wanted wanted passengers to guelph due lo arrive 8 am and leave bv 6 pm phone georjc- town 8774945 u202517 wanted woman requires ride from acton to toronto and bock mundav through fridiv 8530033 arter 7 pm a21556 wanted hatching eggs you can make up to 41c per doen more lor your eggs than the pricc paid lur grade a large at the grading station we take some breeds every week in the year for- lull details write twcddlc chick hatcheries iimn- cd lcrgus onlarin ilttmscuw help wanted died pulton at the guelph general huopltal on saturday nuvem i mr 16 1963 george slunlev fulton hirmcrly ol r r 2 rockwood son of the laic ro bert and annie fulton and loved brother of mr charles f norrish margnref of suf folk st guelph service in guelph tuesday af ternoon interment pden mills cemetery attention parents of retarded children applications are now being accepted for pupils lor ihc nharc sunshine school hornbv for tke january term age 518 all children whu will be 5 vears between january and april i9m can start january 2 mrs jellares the principal will be pleased to see parents al the wanted part time school between 10 am an j helpnled for store work ap- niion on anv school day iv2s7i nlv wiles bus depot a2i 518 j help wanted i mcded ro help in home- 2 hours petclarj lunch period write mrs help wanted man to work on farm experience not neces sary phone 853174 a 21 350 employment wanted employment wanted houaevtorfc by the hour o day phone w401s 4i ss ejsjploymbnt wanted reliable woman would like clean ing part or full time day write pree pre box 170 acton 4ij39 lost lost black embotaed change nurse baiunafad hall saturday november 9 sum ol money mrs g w masales 8332424 a21564 lost telephone llnemon set november 19 in area ol cnr station and church st finder please can guelph ta 2- 1170 collect reward a21565 miscellaneous home maintenance car pentrv cement and block work odd bbs jim gibson 120 mill st w phone 8531326 0479714 tf typewriter rentals under wood standard models availahlc for rent al dills stationery phone 8532030 a30 8829 reliable radio and tv service anlenna inslallalloirs used tv for sale call henry slachyru 8531057 evenings and weekends 118 4 127 kitchener upholslery ev pert reupholstering rcflnlshing and repairing of all klndsof fur niturepor free estimates call berts groceteria 8332830 acton iitf floor refinishing wr now have a modem sander and edger we will rcfinish your moors 61 rent yml ihe equipmenl to do the iob yourself j b frank phone 8532040 47 irej crick st s acton atf reimer kitchener specialists in reupholslerinj best quality materials fine work manship prompt service furni ture rcfinishing and rug cleaning phone 8534310 marks grocery abundant egg production a hy line specially get plcntv ol eggs and thrifty jecd conv-r- sion robust livcahililv anil eggs housewives like too order hv line chicks or hyline readyto lay pulleis get top egg profits oixlcr lisim acton farm supply aclon onl a192333 john r holmes real estate broker 14 church street fust aclon office 8531650 sales representative call frank simioni 8532784 a18 special apartment house yes for a arnall sum you can buy an excellent 4noom apart ment house this is not a run- dowti properly it is in good condition and is at present rented as 4 apartments the owner wishes to dispose of this property and we con assure you that it is wonth thousands more than the asking price dont hesitate cahus now for an appointment tg -see- thu prwpcuv excellent terms avail able real estotc broker 8532086 a 21 celebrate christmas in your own home 62500 down payment full no cars for sale for sale luliu locker guelph general hospital 31 s3 j for sale boys skates 6 1300 phone 8532510 j2 sic 5m for sale 2urner rangette 113 phone 85v0454- allcr h p m a21 w for saie- itarris al westminster hospi tal london on saturday nov ember 16 193 john a harris formerly of brantford dear son of mr and mrs charles mnnjnb onk iu h harris of rockwood und brother ol eiwskki arthur elmer stanley c liordon s and predeceusi by one sister agnea e harris funeral service was held at rockwuod united church on tu esday al 2 pm interment rock wsiod ccmctcrv women christmas s e i i i n f starts early with avon coxfhyl- ics nurt or lull time valuable sale- icf tilocics now available in acton and roclewood phone or wrile mrs m slock 78 duch ess ave kitchener a14eow546 for sale girls while figure i skotcs sic 2 jtoo phone 81v llp wanted lathes hoi 0318 a21 54 c season is approaching ii you need monev to buv gifts etc i oyersyhhmirtg response lo 1904 for sale bovs winter a- lor christmas sell our beautiful moods has given us- a wide ckets sire 10 and 12- phone 8sj line ol cosmetics and other pro- 2316 a2lc3 dints large pisilit write rm kighs ivpl kill 1 4110s rich elicu muntreul a21 54 second mortgacp buys a heillltiftll hrieklri levc i bed rooms huee living room nyer- sie kitchen plus a lining roorm 4piece bilh willi van ity aluminum stiliiis and screens oil heal nicely decor- aud and a baseioeri s7775 niimrlik curies i n ii a moil- gae see i his ore call dennis lawler 8532051 i wm j mcleod real esiate broker 122 mill e 8532630 a 21 reduced for quick sale rrphtllvrvl mihivis his liivtn ol iho tint sttl cars now only 1500 down s80li full prim jbetlrihim hriik home lire li tituii 4 piivr hilh iii iilini rckin wilkin bamtntmi sv-i- tlis inu- imu one n ii a mm tiiiic onh tiii rifs 7 50 mmirxhlv 1100 down one mortgage only legal notice to creditors andothru in the batata el robert laz- nbv uluu of the town hap of eramoaa in the county of weuuifiott laborer daeaa- all parties having claims ag ainst the arurementloned estate or robert laienbv sr who died on or about lhcfelevcnth dav ol may 1963 are requircil lo file proof thereof with the under signed solicitor for the executors on or before the thirtieth dav ol ijlovemher 1963 alter which dale the estate will he dlstri buted having regard only to ihe claims then filed dated al aclon ontario this eighth dav of november 9m c f leatherland oc acton ontario solicitor for the executors a203 nassagaweya twp nominations air- lljkiemif for r deputyreeve and alec johnson f three councillor for the mun icipality of naaaagaweya and three trustee lor school ar ea no i in ihe municipality of naiuujaureya mon nov 25 1963 at ihe township hall brookvllle nominations 730 830 pm in the event uf o poll being demanded the balloting will be held on mundav 2nd december 1963 at the following places polls open at ten oclock in ihe forenoon and close at s e v e n oclock in ihe ttllernoon list of polling places for polling subdivision no i lots no i to 10 inclusive in concessions 1 2 3 poling icca- lion orange hall campbclvillc out charles king duo for polling subdivision no 2 lois no i to 10 inclusive in concessions 4 5 6 7 polling loc ation orange hull campbell ville ont roy wood dro for polling subdivision no lots ii to 21 inclusive location kennedy brookvllle dro polling hall t for polling subdivision no 4 lois22 to 28 inclusive und luis 10 31 12 concessions 5 6 7 and lors 30 31 32 east hall con cession 4 polling location rei dence ol duncan motlat art dia mond dro for polling suhdi no 3 lols 10 ii 32 in concessions i 2 and 3 and the west hall ol ng li alucphcr dro dead slock walnut ranch ltd crippled and disabled ttwivs and horse lie 24 hour service no i3vrp 208c6 walsrdown mu 91044 att baynes deadstock service highest price paid lor iresh dead or disabled cows it horses old ileal i hv horses bought phone guelph ta 28061 or fergus plant 8433791 licensed dealer i59c62 atr paconi dead stock removal limited highest cash prices for diailor disahlcd cows and horses old horses 5c lb licence no 227c63 i42rp61 phone zenith 97950 gibson dead stock service highest prices paid or dead and disabled cows and horses 5c a lb tor old healthv liores al our fergus plant we cui let you know the cause ol death ca1j fergus collect 8432240 8432519 lie no 261 c 63 i6rj61 o21ll sell your articles by i advertising in the acton free pkehk auction sales clearing auction sale of older style llnuaeludtl furniture including tv toilet set 9x7 nig living dining kitchen and hedrimim suites anil etlects wi cker locking chair ami unu chairs oil coal and electric stov es qtianlitics ol odd dishes pans etc sale to in- held at the llaptisl chinch shed aclun on saturuay november 23 al 1 311 oclock no reserve as proprietor is giv ing up housekeeping terms cash with rlcik at sale time sitiurt malcolm proprietor auctioneers elliott a- holmes cleiks f slmioni i landshorough 121 auction sales continued on page 6 mecca hfals boils pimpl1s alawu tjmtfaml lutt ri la v lnltxitait 4l lw ull httlit itu il ill fu4wlm4hi antfitptic bowl bowl for plaatura bowl far haakkl makf it a saturday nioht date go rowling atton bowling lmes phan 3jj3170 mama olfa 10 main concesiii in residence- ol hugh hugh macpherson d ii mcmiujsn cletk nassagawcva xt 30 1963 the tax collector will be in the j township hall one hour prior to ihe hoin- ot nominations t is sue las certificates b2lv2 1954 plymouth in gtcr lakes phone 8532051 121557 for sale s rhim spliike with garage 1 ake lew sututitis- lon phone 8331255 a 30s4 mulhollanb suddenly on sunday november 17 93 at rhe grorashosvn and dtstrict memorial hosfsitol james mul for saleoil space heater mike sledol 138 poplar hume 853279 alter 6 pm a21 217 bed i salesmen wanted 1 nuii lhmvin ihe auis of 2 i 40 in ipivmhit uiire welli i iimislu il linuliui eoiiipanv in a i m iiul mii nninilin him see us today many late model low mileage one owner cars to choose from 1heilrimhn hricv home si limine t ikkii li ing n basemen n i iit nis i porch in lull asking medialt school jiosss liill possession price near i ni high for sale shavings dmg or litter hs truck load tn 1 iv milton 878318 b24 2sttf implele hauling program i- ptulecl s ihal sales c before you buy n0 try our 1 vi wtff w3rranty be sure ar tlar cars at vi for sale cheap if tnick wo ii- engine m excellent cvindilioo on holund ol georgetown in hi i u p 1747 11 s4 75th year belovid husband ot ethel mccjulcy and deur lath er of irene apcl kathleen i mrs for sale large glossy prills v uccumherl ol gsng town ju anv stall photo apiseanng m and doisn mrs r vlyjuv ol ih- free piess s xie 7v mesvuod and dear bixmher a i0 sirr tl cjsh to accompany irene mulhollaml of aston and oixlcr enquire now at ihe acton agnes mrs michael truuior free press willow sirec ol annan the mglo llun will iccclve gelleroos cauer establishment pivnieihs plus toll ecwntiussiuivs ropls to box lr9 mton frit priss sltluig age id wlliss ilut nonc lulli slltlls i cdlkiion iul visl evi ici rextutcm mass tiussduv morn- iraj at st josephs roman cathit- lis lurch acton intcrnveiti dubmn cemetem smith at gsielph general hm plhsl tbursswiv november 14 1 19aj mant bva beer heluved wife ui hie late norman b amlh cttur mvinvr of klmcr knitting yarns at agnes glaze for rent pete masson motors limited our truichiscd cm dealer pontiac buick vauxhall acadian gm c s ooeen si f aclon 11 sssvsl in cuelth si veoensr te 7s buy or sell through your mls realtor sydney k lamb realtor and insurance i mill si f acton ontario corner of highways 25 and phone 8s3iu10 coming soon christmas concert pretaataol hy acton citizens band sunday dec 15 admission free give her a precimon perfect wrrnsiauuk a iimiisrswirmrrn iiuum i t and shaii have a onilerful re- minder of your flection to chtnsh for ih yean -to- come wittnur witehm are flae watchet made to lb high quality handtrds of lon- ginetwitiniuer yt priced from only rachlin jewellers 3j 8aiii t i actan onl ycmr lonfineauiflnauer quality jrwrur nm rent 2 phone 8sv1s4u ngle rooms i 5 real estate for rent 5romn apurtmen iinmextkiu- rssovion prusnc jssv 2av a2lms of acton aunt of duraiul smith ol alton service al orangesille on sat- urdmv interment altsm cnw- ter wiluams al rhe toronto wwtem hopilal on thursday monritxa novrtnher 14 isvsv prank a william betovsryt husband of lenora irene holm es dear hither of tin robert robinson france and lrs nartt wlukun brother ot ir an wifiaoa ual georte c purwral aervice tn toronto saturday afternoon interment bisubfttoa cetnerery brabapmo wool centre rclckvvbpd mohan ui bulky inu 11 rcawnstbk pi wg 930 am to 530 p m friday till 9 fvm closed thursday phone 6564230 rroom ttohrentt wsth hsdr t nales trom acum i reasonable lent phono 8sjuat48 a2k5o2 lr rt t 2 room apart nlent sull lointshed soil gentleman phone 52ne at r h m h puplai st a202i flw rfnt upstairs office suitable tor protesional or com- 1 mrrcial uie appfv svraon hard ware 43 mill st a 21036 farais t acres sxt csorkahle on coun ir mac ivo ot aclon hi u k house oil turnace hath hnnk- iviin svpii ale pig ham 10 1 res rnish al sack with gosl siienn 2tlju 2ttl acrfs mile ott hardtop roacjf brick house with iiunuic lage is ink tvmi asking 124 000 ipen lor otleis j acres nroum house with bath barn 40 x 3d lew rods isft road j7vu tcrnsj bank a21 1 use free press classified ads for results roy mcconnell hraho hulsburgh phorvemsult b21 roujd tlb alvvavs fkhpiavopul hiauttmeflk lb 79c 79 prime rib roast epicure bin side bacon ffiesh pork uyat both fori ouaittfft o utkpol your hoaal pimn cut and wtapwd at no txtra chajhm variety of fresh fish bradleys meat market w d4wva- daily fhwmm u s91s4q