Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 5, 1964, p. 3

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note medical coops progress process 27225 worth of claims over 100 attended the 17th rv nual meeting erf the halloo co operative medical service held saturday afternoon in st paul united church chrutun educa tion ccntr milton the merabir heard report from the president director and eretary trcatunr that wvowcd 17722 worth of claims proces sed during 1963 and a net havlnu for the year of 14019 the group earned prer lum income doubled from fl7 7m utbl year to jj590 the servki ulto paid out 144i in mufor tnedkul ilulmu to over 0 member for drug nunjny umbu lance fee and olktr tx pen mth not unuulty tovcrvd by hvulth plans speakers ultindtd ttu itutllny from the chjropruttk and optometric profeskuu to explain their service to membeni the directors are considering accept ing chiropractic or optometric claim in future other in dt tendance included schofield provincial secrdary of the coop medical service federation of ontario prof u p porvhaw vice prvjtknt of c m sfo officer ol neighboring medical coop mpp george kerr and milton mayor sydney child membership stand at 696 arid 350 of theve have ihe gronp contprthensivt coverage ilie di rector unortid the plan now cover i 667 pennon the director recommended thai x my be paid in full u an added benefit foi mernher a ol march 1 iw4 mihjcct to the itpprovul of the de part men i of liutiruntt add samihv4u peering over thehofvme with acton carters aclon curltr urc huttlintr the spring fever buy incc nil d wvalhtr tuwl u fivllnu ol juu inltittd ut curling in m inv a pluytr a mind huwivir with nn iv iwo wtwki nmalnlnu in ruu lur idujnie plov comncliltnn rt main ktxin heulls ul mil- week h play follow monday uinta 7 ii lllnlon i j mcgniilik w m blow i o wlllluim w s hrunelk l a irwin w j oiu hum t p vun wvtk t i gri- thow w c ck jonu l stundlng vun yvvik ii gin hum 1 k jong 7 blow 7 wll lluillk a brurulk 4 lllnlon 4 mcctuihk 4 grlschow 2 monday ulsud hi b vun meet w k pinky l 1 tykr jr w w coon i m holm ik l b llunlir w g mtcuiili ion l i iloniumi w 1 gov i d rowliy w slundlnu bonnclk 9 ciwin 7 van ricil 7 tvkr go t hun lor 6 mcculchion 5 enk s flolmih 4 rowlcv 4 tuaaday mao 7 9 a buchunun l c bruult w j hugwtfcl i a mckin i w c cook u w duholi w w mat kuv w b holme l stondlnj mikuulc ii buih onun b muoknv 6 brudk 6 llofnuucl 5 dubois s hipmss 4 cook 4 tuesday mued l b moon w e tvki l b tolh l e cotipir w t wu son w v putrkk l g cinr v m jorilun 1 j ridk w c an ilerson l a nolun l m tolh w slundutu m toth ii mom 9 b tolh ii g count r 7 l coojv tr 7 pulritk 7 ridk ft witsnn 6 jordun 4 atukrson 1 noi in 2 tykr i monday afternoon ladles c dc jon w d mu km i m tolh w w hiuiii l t holnks w l coopir l mundinu di jonu 8 llonus h tolh 6 courier 4 ilium 3 m n kuv 2 tueaday afternoon ladlea the acmlpnvab hospital cov wvtfc wki added to iht plan after a quektionnjirct survey of mem btr lasl juni the direclor not id another questionnaire wus cir fublid on iyi tart but no deii sion has bun naihid this hjs bit i u busv ind evtnllul year for vour midiul itv optrulivt pnsidinl sam tin nn nported mirnhtrthip hjs initeased unii tolerant hjs hem broadtned und for iht first mm in thi bislory of thi coop u yri it dill of promotional advir llsinu wjs dont w k 1 1 u itu and 1 ki ilnl win ntleikm loi lime vt ir turns r stuswojlli and miss lloixnn mtaris rt tit t it from ihe board iftn s itinu snuv 1047 icin aldiruin rk i lloniln w is uppolnttd to till oiu ul tin fiutaiiiks nut llu diidlirs ul i maki the snood ippointmi nl 1 1 hi illmtois alt liliilintt this sink to n inu llu ii prisulinl ski piisldiut and siiivtrrv iriusun i d kroptk w p holmts 1 m domarsh w g tvkr l slundlny dumursh 8 tvki 4 kraptk 4 holmik 2 slides of brope ksacaw to chapter tlu duke ol d vunsliiil eh ip ul iodi held ihe miuh meil hit til iht home o mi ii s i inline purk ave t he m w rt pi nl mis ii k ott pumthrilf mlu ms uire diuusved loi iiil u i ous pnict foi tlit tominu yt n a mkiui iijmniilkv is ip pointed to ik mis mich uhk mis ma mrs ihott mrs u hi mrs iuiiin mis nekton tuul mrs whmtuim tin thipui oled to uttend llol wiek mi vkcs on die siuhli my hi mirch miss n mi hi ul kh illt rreup ul 60 stuih nls loin unipe and great britain i vl ii shovsid slides and u ve u mints on lui i rip uhuli lmm i xiit my mil iht k lent ks those cihinlrus hit sllilis were 1 like n with smill b round iiumi i md t mlors nnd kiihjiets win rw m ful mi bennett expressed t nppreelallon til the eh iptei miss reld kissing seals marriage vows one of the most touching mo ments of the wedding ceremony i when the groom ki5 the bride and k h apecn1 ltgnrfi cance too for it seals the mar nugc vow the cusiom of vking the bnde hu aheays enjoyed great popularity and tilldoe happily this pleasiirh act is not confined to the groom alone however he i the hrt to ithrt the bnde some time ago k was cuwto- iikirv tor the menfolk to hany kissiny knot a they were callexi ijboc the bride chur or in the recejvtion room where he greeted the guet afner the cere mony ttue knots were mule h en twining vine and were much like mr mctlittw tod i a kuny the bride has ul wiv bun a pnvileye in some count ncs the male guest vere nquiiid to pay lor their kiss wihj go he money the groom ol cotre i nun this cuvium lumri the siiny voal it unit i li which as wi meitlionkl hejorc siii4khe the mm hoy of the man kiyc wjws nassaweya nympris start new project the firt and kecond mce lings for the nauggveya 4h home makers club are over the club project for this tpring is what shall i wear and each girls make a blouse member dec id ed to call ihcmtelves the nassag auuya nymph with s total of 14 member or fleers uere elected a follows president jean ann bewlej wee president heather baker weeie tart 4uan ward tuasurei mil he norjih press tirwjitci loi ne allium the leader u mrs m m i3t t and aiiant leader is mr ij nirritah the dicuion ol the first nutting wa about ilie tpe ol ciil eilher the luelv thitditor ip or the nun t dkimu ivne acton riiefiyhkis m id j winds run thi muinin thins dav to he lurni h mu ol i cnpps io eheek on i p p tire the d i wis v ion of t he us and meeting was held on lutes and what kmd different figure types boud wear at the end of each of the meet ings a delicious lunch was lerced short meeting nassagaweya councillors met briefly monday evening at the townhip hall and agreed to hire don small to do repair work on the hull at an estimated expense of 240 ask lor tenders for 10000 ltd of gravel renew the gravel pit license of b p nearv pass road accounts louling si 81wa and generul accounts of 1 wll pass u hv law for i94 road expenditures of fsoooo 1 nduise peel county couit eils tesolutlon rcgaiding jniuxu hon tk acon fre pfit thurtday march 5th 194 none injured in bus crash a school bus driven by paul wagttaffe of clm williams re ceived 100 damage on wednes day morning on highway 25 just north of milton when a car dnv en bv allen mochne or pll 2 giurlph collided with the rear of the stopped vehicle damage to the morhrle car ua ewtlmated at 1700 by milun o pi tlvere were lliree children in the bus at the time of the accident no one was injured police report hs tenders tonight a special mating of the high school botrd haa bi called to opi tfemlcri few lha building of the high school ad dltloct new pastor has studious family the new minister of the chris tain reformed church the itcv wlebe william van dijk his wife and family moved into the parsonage on ocieen st e last week from hamilton tle van dijks have scen child ten some of them now awav trom lujiiu jihhy 2 is study ing for hi ph d degree at michigan stale university hast lansing ineke 24 also ha for masters degree und ha begun studying lor hei phd at los angeles wvtwe 2 is in his last yejr ut me master working for a h sc ekgree com ad 21 is in lui vaoiul e ir itovc clielph j iki is in gi ule m in hamilton adiian is in giade seven at ilie m hrtuietl vehool und and ii is in yiuele oix lime driver injured h 401 accident a london man vuhered wvin fuciul and leg laeeralions un 401 hlghwuv jlisl w s o the i sq lies ing und nl iss igwe wi foun ink i ste rel iv we tine sd i nun nin when his 1j64 v iliant i llu d with llu te ii ol i li tetoi irulii d ilven hv olive i keniu ih h i ward ol oakville the inuneel man vletoi iai ol i und in is being tie he el tl milton distiul llospiltil llu eliiyij of tlu tin lor it nler wis not injund dtmiyi to the in vthuli wis i slim iiul hv milt m p i it thou 2 000 wink tliinili l tlu ti iiln wis esliniiletl at st garden hints i omd tulips daffodils and ill i n inns simild ih kipl eiowing iltii tluv h ive bloomid until llu hives ixyin to yellow s iv horlieiillunsis wilh the on i irln depirtment of agriculture ih plmls in i lx plutd in lli himiiunl hul in iki sure thil hive sul i hunt w itei and i hi in kn p ih h tvis ymn llu inilhs will thus he ihle to sioii looel l i he xt e il s glowlh wlu n ih i iv t s bilm l i turn i mow ill w llu bulbs io urv i ut out i n in i stole until tu xt i ill oi put llu in in the g mien this spiint d illeinpl to lone llu hulhs ig un parents interview fkwl warning high school teachers spring is on the way and aclon police ami lire ijcpart ment this week issued a warn ing to parents about the dang era of swollen creeks and dltcb cs covered with soft ice thev urge all parents in warn child rcn of ilie ltazards that come i from spring and children u i curiosity so that a drowning can he prevented parents shot i id ask children i to stay far away from creek j and ditches and he especially careful about lcecovered water i authorities said i veryone j should he alert ami watch for children endangering them selves they add ptlellls ol grille eight pupils ikiiii both aeton puhlh schools itut llll ll siiukis msltid he ae ton dlmllel hilii seholl wid n sil iv e v tung 1oi i p nil i ii ulu i inliimi vv with h l y h mik i st ill nw nine is a iiili eiowil ol piien wis pnsent to uuiim iiquunte 1 with the siimm1 ind i ilk to the i uhirs this is an innuil event whuh livis puenls et pr svnt if i uu eiyhl pupils in oppotlun hv io discuss tlu luttiii e hn i li ni ol their ehimixn three car pileup on ne 7 sunday one siiilicsui an uk nt uul i thin vehicle pileup witi invest g heel in llu aeton ehsttu i this week hv miltutuorp stnuhis on hichw i 7 ivvo miles cust ol acton it 000 lot il el im wns cuivtd whin chichs thiven in ii duili im m in n bi imnton min inel alt huwis ol r r 1 actun i ul lull it in i sinclic u u eideiit moiut iv on highw iv 2 nun tlu camphelkilli suhioul i e ir elnven h deinnld d debiu ol r r 4 actun neclved si 000 d imnge wtun it lollitktl with seven liu iiili ills there were no lupines i pot led in e llhim neeidelll imposmnli hi w is pi ond ol his l ii in i li id hiotilhl his mollu i in i iw il nu l w it h linn pi i 1 in p ii tu ul it k inxious i i iii lk i i mil il l llv m m lu mhi to his 1 1 tuul mv iiu llu i in i law is m lluu mil i l ii i ih i i m i vn ipn i llu otlui moull iuui hit lui u thit elist iiui the romans usetl isiksio wleks loi oil 1 imps save on food cost with a new chest freezer the general freezer priced from only approved b csa cmcda1nicanitnmtin adjuaubl lewpcnatiw cuntrul jjwjiiimiicilatkl 4 slut ya clv6m fm 189 lllili i niinilill uhii dm our buds gdwauy kuora hw fatlurea rkhardson tv 101 main st mhton sk it at appliances call w olh til lift s link insutiis is uh llu til it i in luinl til m is tlu tvs li ixlhnj si m i iii in still 11 l promotional special save 50 kodak film on i oi rich roll oi film lcfl at llinlon s sleirc foi elcvelop- mg eui m i purchase a new hinlont 5c to 1 stor loll ol him loi only i re pular pruc film devriopna sriv ict- youll have more leisure with this new fully automatic general electric dryer and save money tool general electric 179 look at these features daluaa hieh spaad fully automatic dryar model 78d31 altitun uk llili sivsd ill 111 ssslilll allium ills suntnil shuts till wlun liuiiiss iu diy vuttim ilu iv tmklsr csvli tissi jlitm aulu- milis di dunp drs and allium ids i lull i hs iks i limit in inkiiui lilit lull wsh luad sapaslly 1141 v 27 d jl use our budget han on easv monthly payments e we have 2 only at this low low price wsujgihyoirdrop itnorcll now 201 main st tv and appliances milton hone tu 1494 c will buy vegetables 5 for 88c mild cheese 2 for 88c taney i ga oi una lluv s- ijo tua tomato juice 7 for 88c iga peaches 4 for 88c clwl hv una lllilant 4 j iga tomatoes 4 for 88c iga coffee 88c potato chips 2 for 88c iga oat food 88c i loum l- una 4 in i aavrll pkg of im iga dog food 11 for 88c davids biscuits 88c hosmtatlty dutch awe hi aa s demmtmt hot c80k iunt ibrlts chrluut ratwrrv 1uns lav 4c 31c christies lemon kuns save 4c jlc ni whole kernel 14 fancy corn 6 for 2d choice peas thr att3 qm evaporated milk 6 for s i jsii lint 13 beans and pork 6 for we reserve the riomt to limit quantities swi ct picki fd or plamlal lhani mild cutttd whole or kali cottage rolls 39 ib srtciai u comninatio qui h ail for 1 ihls rut sh l lb pkg side bacon looi pkg wienerstablerite 1 ihlt rut hi pdo mac t cheese loaf 88- small mealy ib back spare ribs 88c primroie or alpine chopped ib beef steakettes 55c c di direct from sunny israel sam thing juit hv lo b imporlad jaffa oranges 59 florida grapefruit at tho peak of flavour 6 for 39c crisp lettuce tender no 1 grade us 2 for 35e garden fresh carrots 2 for 29c sunkist lemons only ihe frath taste belt doz for 39c fresh dates to good to many ways 39c lb extra totm 38 nonus or tafls receive an extra lam bonua tapea wllh i conomy kite irish toothpaste mnk lollon thrift deteroent244i the tiji tea raos kg ol 60 receive an ailra s4jm bonua tapea wlut pouch pack monarch cake mix white or colored delsey tissue twin pack 10oz pkf crispy critterspsu caal receive an extra 1m bonua tape wllh mb pkf margarine tulip celaraj jeof pu fvoian apple piefarmhuu any pkg chicken leos t rreasts ontario no i cratu cookino oniontj4b bsicj all canadian sale at food price effective mar 454 and t it j only 5 weeks to go and you may be the lucky winner of our exciting contest free trip for two to nassau deposit your contest entry forms with us nowl the more forms you have deposited the greater your chances of winning a free trip for two to om icmiby blan a ab in the stot for ledgers iga customers only

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