Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 5, 1964, p. 7

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hm at the battalia s hfi p- 4p l cfetnut the that hut the mm urlnt ajmone wants to j do chwaa is la kmwbf way of a door rlvta opm r thrauh the wbsdahud cuakino auction salf in the twf of erin the lusdorsafiwd has received inaiructlona from umlne a mown to sail by suction at the arm lol 21 eul con v tsvp of cr in situated on the llh litis ofl tsarsltop rout hlwrt erin uui hllwwrjh atuumy march tth commencing ut 12 30 uimi the following itegistekbo autiiw- mounl maple payne stone i srs old no im2i4i dur april 6 iii line leader payne daisy yrs old no iwjiao dur march 7 ii line tug apple leader pern j y re old no ml 123 due may ii huune joy payne hope john thou 2 yn old nu i67d444 fresh on jan 4 la4 hl-um- rvnnv co met laader 2 yr old nu 1749157 born peb u 192 open hi 1 llu bohrtle payne unfer no i7ss04j born may la is2 open hliliu ranger laader brenda no 17721 m born aug 12 im2 open hi line palsy payne capers no 1 mum turn may 25 lj open oraoe cattlr holaluln cow 7 yra old freh jan 2 iwln calve al tide holslcln cow 6 yeara old due fc4i 24 holslcln cow i year old due may 16 holaiuln cow 5 veum old due march 12 hulaleln cow 4 years old due may 12 houteln cow 3 year old fresh in jan hell r can at nule 4 hulaleln heifer 2 yean old toe mure bred hulsteln jeraey cross 3 years old dm march 10 houteln heller in montha old jerwv cow i vrs old due march 1 jersey cow 2 yrt old due may jo rs heuer 10 mo old open gturn aey cow a yrt old dui marwlt 1u guernsey cow 3 yn old heller calf at tide due ou 9 gu rnscv heifer i yr old open the above cattle all raited on this furm central ontario unit bulu usjl for 8 yean wos york boor york iowa carrying 3rd litter land race tow carrying 3rd litter ii mail chunkt mrlbmbnt t eourpment mill 44 tractor excellent work ing order mx 33 dletcl tractor live pto model mt iront end loader m ii jlurrou nar row bottom drag plow oliver 2 furrow narrowfootlom drag plow cate i wav aplale disc plow int threthlng machine steel on heel grain thrower 2 cylinder 100 ft endless bell int 8 ft binder tnuk rake 2 farm wag ant i rack 1 box m ii power mower 7 ft cut caikihult 4- bar tide delivery rake dump rulee cate baler fto 20 ii bale elevator and motor cast hammer mill int iracun grain and fertlllilr drill 15disc cum manure tpreadcr 95 bus cockthull manun spreader no 4 3nection spring tooth hor- rowi a tection drag harrows- cockthutt disc disc plow hand plow and i scuffler tnow blow or nearly new slush scraper 2 wheel traclur and racks horn mower and tedder old buggs portable weed tprover surge 2 unit milker piping tor 20 sows 13c laval electric cream scpara lor int electric cream separa tor cvclone seeder new 2 but terv fencers new 30 pioneer chain taw 2 evapuralon und a no of tap palls mun other art icles taws troughs etc tame baled hav and straw stevear electric clippers furniture w i n g h o n classic cook stove reservoir new fire box extension table odd tables piccc dining room tulle bookcase desk combma lion 2 double beds springs and mattresses single bed anil springs dresser and stand odd dresser 2 chests ol drawers kit chen linoleum 12 x 14 never un rolled kitchen linoleum x is never unrolled linoleum rugs 0 x 12 almost new jars add dishes and mam articles too numerous to mention tbitms cash with clerk on day of tale 4o reserve as farm is sold ttew owner gets possession march 14 owner or manager not responsible for accidents or in juries day of sale wm a gibson auctioneer phone guelph ta 4147 henry wheeler clerk njo jamesway barn equipment i sales service irittauatton i hh rtpqct prom g queens w park wm- by hbf george a kerr h halton ml a decently the city of hamil ton prevented a private bill whit included a provision whereby the clly could exempt old age pensioners from paying that portion of their real proper ly tuxe impoad for school pur po4 the maximum exemption would be 10000 in any one year und would apply to the people who 1iave been assessed a own- era of real property for at want 10 veam and be qualified for such exemption by way of a meant test in preunung this section of the hill ihr mayor of hernlliott tubmliied that a these people for the moat part have paid school taxes lor a number ol vean and because they do not have children attending school they should be relieved of thu responsibility during their twi light yean the idea of this type of leglslallog it commendable and illustrates the necettlty ol generally relieving home own- en of some part of thai purilon ol municipal taxes used lor edu cation purnoaea those who opposed this tec tlon did so on three grounds i there is existing general leu islullon whereby a municipality may puy supplementary aid to old age penslonen to meet the cost of their shelter which includes taxes ontario pays m per cent or this aid which could amount to a maximum of 12000 per month t2 ilderlv people rent ing homes or apurtments would nut beneht irom tho hamilton bill 3 it would mean that voting married couples with children oi pre school age having largi mortgage payments to meet and acquiring the necessities of if would have to bear an addition a tax burden to support such u subsidv the existing legislation known as the general wellurc assistance act would in lact provide np to 124000 per year to assist old people to pay really taxes where the ihaniillon bui provided a maximum of 110000 further os city taxpayers will only pas 20 per cent or this the cost is less to hamiltons taxpayer tor rtuse reasons the private bills committee of the leglsla lure turned down this particu lar section of the cllv of ham lllon bill it was apparent that the hamilton cllv fathers and the cltv solicitor were not aware of these provisions in the wel- lure act a great deal has been said the inst week or so about the can ada pension plan premier rob- arts has been accused of trying tu scuttle the federal plan und block its implementation these charges were made during the last provincial election campaign since september a dominion- provincial conference hna been held and mr robarts along with one or two cither provincial pis- mlers was able to convince ol tawa that certain omendments were necessorv to make the plan work the most important question raised hv the ontario premier is what effect will the federal pro- iposul have an such existing plans in ontario as the public seivice superannuation act of ontario or the teachers superannuation fund of ontario or certain plans now in effect in many industries and busincues in the province the premier emnhosiied that the canada plan will be in effect lor a ipng time and it is impor tant that it is a good one the ontario government also pointed john mdgeway tftaws 1 out lha th plan mi it now u ropod give bijufcr berufilw tu ttvmtf who n5d ll icxtkkrid kftl11 er bmifju lo the xmjpl who will qualify lor old tm fttiiwiani dur ihtf ike nl five or tth visr after the nun yoes into efficl end contributions arc miuk imkii moiuh a urge rthtv fund will br huiu up mr juojaii twltw i hul 90 per ccrnl of llu- nuiiuv collected nun onlurlo uihuiu en khould iw livtklid inprovtn itil umuritufh vu lhat llu in com fruit ihu lnvcilnuiii cum be umhj lr live devilupirunl o our proviiui und lulp pj thi ecu i ol ewurnluil mrvk nai ti culurly where our imtuium tktd un w limlled th 10 ptr mil which ihr pideial yovtrnnunl would rvlulh uthild he nwtl to udmlnkter the plan and unu tor ilk investment pithpow the federul plun dot s not m lend benefit in turvivor und dt pettdanlt we think ihut ll whould partlculirlv where u pen doner die prior io rttuhinv tht retirement aye and qoitlilinu lor hw penlon premkr rohariu hu n lit ruled that he fovorn the federul pkin over ihe provlnclol plun puruc ulurly in view of ihe poriuhiliiv oftpeclu of the pension which would he on u canada wide huj rather hum j provuulil a he litiid in ihe kifululurc i wuni lo see p good plun and i will he oitappolnled if i um uiiah to improve llu prevent federul pt poal tlu plun must he uuintlk de- tipiwd at live ouitef or the reul drfetlt of itu- plan will not khow up for many veurn then inn many people will at firvi tu un awure of or noi alarmed h ilk wenknette i think it is important ihut v1 khould avoid a cert un am ount uf cmolunalim ami pnti kan poliucul buki rintf over un nor tan i leuklalton uch dv ihib mcmt people in canudi vjnt to iw an effective and work iblc pension plan established in can ada and we should kctp politnv out of nmot unions tu hi inn litis about bibpeil new from oneen s park last week was ihe an nouncement by the mlniitrr of education ihut in ihe future there will be onh ine tie mini ory public school bourd in each of our township then an at present nearu 3300 such hoirdk in ontario and the new pollcv will mean llu elimination of at least 1 a00 of theu ihree man boards jovrrninj for the mokt part one ond two rom sohtudk rtfthl move the only board which will be affected in halton will be s i no 6 in nakuuroweyu township councils in both esqueklnp and naisagaweya took hu initiative some veam oqo und estubhsluil consolidated units so us to bnnu about the efficiency and cconoim of operation which results from the larpcr boirds other rurul ureak o the ptovince will be more affected b mt divis announcement but i uil certain ihut this is a move in ilu i iitht direction the leymlntion also provides that townklnp sthiutl buards mav umalflumite with i ich otbet to that ou may have one bond ailmjnisirotintf llu clement ir schools in two or three town ship i predict that m m town hhips will take advanuifle ol this legislation the minister of rducaiion also told the provinci d asscmbu ikat l0vistaila will tw providml wbervbv municipalities may pu bv laws which wllr allow ticfiqql trusiees lo bm paid during ifclr lcrni of office payment fur trus tees if approved by their fcerd would range from 700 a numlb maximum in school vcni wub 60 10 100 pupils lo simm a month maximum lit vim with more than 60ioo pupils the ontario truto cvunscl ufitr poilintf membeti of achool board on thl vubec7requeted the provincial ftvernnunl to rrukt thl a possible it ik hoptd ilwl i hit wtflklallurt will eiuour age manv capable men and wo men to kcsik office on ilttir var kmis seluuil hoard in the pro vince tlu minuter of labtr uwt week rtftrrkj the operuimg fn inters ac i 1u64 to ihe siundin conunlllee on labor bills l ihis ait known u hill 37 implemtnls llu principal rccoiu rntrulations of a special commit harleytohaltofcl y ml hauv hahiv ujf sincat our last column m min ority oovmrnsnl has survived ikm volax in th house ol com moni tk fust two volvt war rocitina on appaalt bv tn cnadhiut s on rulings of tk spakar the last vote was on ifw anvrrtd mini proposed bv mr ditdnbk rr the vole here was ihi20 and lo um this vole irur government rfquirrd votes frcsm ihr opposil um mr thompson and two of h w iscliim vsrs and two mtp ranruxrs brlrl frtorlrd the goveinmnl nat tinilk ihr consirealivr mimhers vulid udh mi dufinhuker how i ivti in pilvute insight into political affairs i would like capes laity lo congial th acton fra rwts thursday march ilk 1o4 ikwto honor couple at dance brown supper auesta of mr and mrs who jamea fishrr on friday cvrnlnaj ur and mrs don marv clore of klnjmocl uerr marrkd rccrntlv veviv hon- to er nancv s birlhdav ulaie gcorsjciown lh school tan 9 prescntailon and dan bcnnuda wlnnlna ihr award ftsr th kl u hau f i mr and mrs john brown rr- lujiuils i aujjt i tmu ricn1 f m rroin an tnjqvahu winter hull wlnnfii at ihr lax two 10v comircl incivaslnfly awarr of ehrslra fcrv klrvln was partv ol ilsrlr ihoky in a de nas luicci was sjscd and ruchw wtoiwr oeratie society polltkal aetlvllv ajneir reeunvrd a giw o- se block wl sponsored hilinninii at ihr ridin level is voung ullks unurttcl ihr nljht hv arunrtrr suecrsslul euihre parly the nuihud of auiuliuiii 10ii1i al s ihr nrulswtds in llam hall last wfdnesdav esnrrienee and inlluencr in par iv polities talunu ucwsa there were la tables in plav and mrs pllntoli rrlmnrd to tor l w m imo on isundav aim p nillnu trophies ror all sparta r spui liisnlatlonj f any kind complete line plus expert engraving on ou own nkkmisa al only 4c a utter immedtate bsuvey frk catalogs on request inquilhow at tri county rthlflkttph1ffm i would n mind tw municipal emvirsjtlonii- ol halton ot th- cenirnnial the past two weeks in the me f p ed elltftluti r7on h wvr ol tnrsrtnrmhcr th s frdrral grant th applications kcn hlmi and n mark lor ihe 11 jack i nlnn all this is th i ls i the won j w i i v011 tl- draw lor ihr inaj tr revision ol this acl i9si afui yclurallv tlu new ue mr and mrs fcl davenport w think trimaloilivothtrnlik mrwr minister of municipal v zlr and diuul ler n d nrl ihr malorm ol canadians do no allalrs the rrovlner must ap- x z terrv davrnrml ujn t dironldu ah intus sslny ii tlion thitl 2 ef ihe cost will m a i i ti on of ilu mi utiris a s mil bv hc pruvlnee and lie mt m ltfi j wav h tlu thiuiii sntjih dial i del inluint u the project wikrn uul n nu tided to biiny u law yen my botler plunls eompn lon plun u und reh igi itiiin plwnis in to line vilh nuuli i n lnin itl c i praeltcc yihi miyhi av thai ulm ol inlirivl mir m aulomjlion is ullclinu th tole c an ill in i il li ns in llullon is llu ol oruialtnu tnyimlvs m oui mtcmion to nii all new lilims xmuv uil tht iilhls and primliyis 4 the opposition re ihis lpslit nainr il hnn t ainaduns nwel ion has txen intnenilous i haw mh will not he depnwd ol llulr pesonallv rum d at uasl 70 itlinnship unless chi hccimiu cauls ul i tins from inlimcis siiz ns uf in lhc r e mnin or yn c in uli in e mi nv thlny llut thusnl cost luui as imuli ihtsc tlikv thin ll ilid 2 my uyene the project must have a it asonable pioipect ol kimplilion b he limi ot llu c rnlennul t eh hiulloru pioji els musi be ff a lisllny nature and iotild ineluih in this ctutnlv uprjiny tlu i rulrtu nlv i lu in un ohu i ii tint i the uie ii nwrtiin nship c i soon ihil ihr salt opnation ol poue r hrnillon lu v i h kiruj alii i eit iinship millers ol hfcllun coon plants and boilets wiih uulomu lu luviies slill need human sup ers ision lo pre u nt e kpliivjoru in utv und loss ol lid p trlinit ii t in laryi luuleliiius ami schcujls tlu special commit tn appoint ed hv ihe ljovi itmn in till lltal lue m si ol tht aitv mu in tteh mi il ope i ilum ol tlu si plants lh il in cirlain nists m inual ut itnllon c in br inliktil unci sortu dliliim itu lonirolw c ti i quire slilled si iiiontii i nyl nu i s in mu ml um it ill llnu s estuiul weuonii an idlers on this is 1 ui old liki o kriuw h ive this is working mil a elf r iiddri sscd to me hn ins mi i ueiuiii post lyr 1 sc nil mv cunjir ilul uions lo uil ihoht liiuh school minimis in i hilton vaiio piilliipiltd in the ttiuil annu il ii ihon anil pul llnitiil n hi ms sluthnl mihki piiliiriuni i um sun ihil lh lound diu an unaluahle c xjh r ii n i ami lh i h pioviilnl um vegetables neglecled food pamphlet tells how to serve ul ills itahl till iils hi s hips iis islu s in i n hhu i s i sli until sc illopid id h kid tu tmtd p m in mum ions c isscrol thi studies ol in mi pci i il m m v my in oiilino sh vnl th it ml s nlwi i i title s an on til the most til i u l jisus t mhi cjioups nl live in il il plltnl ol ihe luelelits uiecil sltilli i tl ul two scrinijs ol mutinies llltd i he side s pol itiks e u h d i an old is iny lo mr kuthlevn coxsoin i i ileum iiomiunisi in dion i nil 1th s s mpl pnl counties ijctibles ihouuh wc sun ui ow al last 2s betott cooking diop tljitn diflerenl iiii i ihlcs tn ontario into a sm ill quaniilv ol hulling m ins imilus use ibout id ol uiin knp ihe uulw boilinu the si wye tank s it yu ul lotn kinll 1 mu i ich ffji i ihlc tare i imil will cno rpitihhs il lulli as nhiii is thej nre i rtsp- iht v are sirnl u vuiu t ol t ive i limit i di un seison nd si re nu cooked uhhlis which ue itu pimphlel 29 iyelubles in ic lis t lookmy pmpcili iook j e in hi ihtnnid al our onlatio cd and eaiilullv miisoned heix depailmenl l akmiulluu ullicc irv some ot ihe m m u is to i in milton milts i nu rnlxr points mik n i mikiiifl i en l ibli pi i 14 ttrowa s multom bppota tha arttw carolines flower garden shop say it with flowers for all occasions flowers wired anywhere phone 8532980 anytime open 1 days a week 0 am 7 pm special offer new ba farm finalfilter eliminates water dirt and dust from gasoline l and diesel fuel special price m with ydur spring booking order ol quality b a troductt introductory offer expires april m 19m order direct from thompson fuels ltd 1 aiqu sit i i hu idins restor ihon hisiot te or unhil n mil lonstnii tlon i p irks 1 aequtsiiion ol buildings t n ic or archiiii tmal mi til i building lural nun d publishing ot ol i w 1 1 1 tnt oks en mus s creation ol uorks ol url jack ridley cartage llmllj concutf uockt m eoncri micu cinou liockt cukv mick tckid y6m itvlftock hj ntlllti mim mltvici vi iorrhlii dump tttucks for hire fully insurad pcv clart h i f acttx h40ni lpr0 cash savings at red fie white federal inspected blue or red brand beef blade bone removed no fat added acton 853m70 aftt hours 85slir4 blade roast short rib prime rib 49 chef style schnikdms i lb tiav breakfast sausage ntllh minced beef 43 49 69 39 ioii tkamo 44 raspberry or strawberry j aaa dd aylmir 11u tomato catsup 19c carnation instant 11u coffee mate 85 ieo i whiti akottto jelly powders 5 s 49c reoom your coupon for a free 0akw00d tumbler produce nulriuout famous clalotilla bananas 21b 29c ontario hot llous no i cucumbers 29c ont iwiuuhu stb tly lsa apples 33c ulld ariaoua 1 tsutschaa green onions 2 25c cardan frji al tray brussel sprouts 25c coaklut iwb sj onions 39c fresh caught ocean perch fillets 65c lb rest ruyi savf 1s 7- tin clovm uap tuna fish 2 lor 79c rest ruyi save 10c krart 14b uaf velveeta cheese 57c rest buy savf u uro pa quick or instant ogilvie oats 44t rest ruyusavi rrio rose h w m tea bags 77c rtit ruyi iavi u pk duncan hinis deluxe cake mixes 43e rest ruyi savf u 54 uouid detuoent thrift 43c au rjtanos- smau rack wt cigarenes 3 99c pledge 79c sava 0 joknsms vjo open extra swopping hours eoit yomij3mvgnengl ot aitiuyjmoiigay thursday and huday tlttrmc beh4 phonejordhs taken 8534990 saaiiia5aaaaiammmmmnajaaaajaj free delivery

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