Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 9, 1964, p. 12

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medical officer of health gives annual report to county council the fooowtnf is the annual report to halton county council from dr a p bull medical o flotr of ilia i m happy lo report that we ted no scrtaa outbreaks of drs mc owio ims and thai the hemkh of the people f hal ton county is eaoellcnl hwxvr there a one tttaease which has ahosvn a mod iwniin increase in 4 ht tatt few years ami i will dwtmat ihk in greater ddl in a moment- aay i hiu a few minute lo outline the change which have ocotrmi in the public health aeld over a period of 60 veur in imd infection were the lead ing cue f dettth in ontario tnd coounlcd for more than jo ol oil deaths during a period of a uitic more than 40 year in- foctionfi have been so well con- l rolled hun ku than ih of dentn recoil from infection at the preser lime a good mim her of factors have bceti reaon- jble for this control hut irwd pubik health programs have mae irvhlch k aawinitnat cpaarmic proportion w lung cancer the death rate from thk dloaae u now rifht limes a great a il was 30 yewr ago slot 1st leal iiaformaaion now clearly indi cates a very clow relationship between cigarette smoing and limy cancer a good numhw of uell ctmlrollod studies have been irrted out m this continent and in tlurope and the evidence t now overwhelnung the figures re a follows i the uinj cancer rate am uttf men ulw smote csnamtes moderately is uhool 10 times as frreiat as hie rate anion- non smoker 2 the winy cancer rote am ong mon utw smoke one pat it or more a dav is 15 limes as grvsal as the rale umong non- smokers j the lung ennoor rale am ong men who smoke two or more pack a duv is 2 timet as great as thr rote among non smokers for several war 1 have been telling prenatal patients home and school association and oih hat a large contribution at the present time if we conwd r all age groups hcari diseases er ynmip the leading cause of ileal h and hayajdous lo ilrtve a motor tat accountt tor 7j of all deaths than it to havi a hahv but il in second place cancer causes not anear that inns cancer is i6h of ail deaths these two uking prtxedemv over auionxv diaea are most important of le accidents us a uuv 4 course in the age yntaups over i dtajh in lvi in the umiid u in all o the afrr group he t frween i year and s year at cldont 4s the leading cause ol death and in some of the age group causes more deaths than all other condh ion comhlned lit the nasi health people have not had a great deal lo offer so far an prevention of heart dis ewe and cancer wre concerned state at rnanv people died from king earner at from auto accidents in fact 2 per cent of all the ma4e cancer deaki were from lung cancer there tatlucal evidence at thi stage to incriminate cigar ctlet only ciyar and pipe kmok ing may have deleterious el fee is on ote health but the is no valid ttalufctial evidence ad the present tiine that ihev produce lung cancer theie is one urun hit w inforirtaiion whkh should ik corrected 1 1 is popularly be lieved that itgimshe smoking ov er a perod of ears itulutes permaikitl hi effects and that live re is no ivenelii in stupplny however thtw is consldertiok evldencv to indicate that if cljj arile moking is ntipped before cancer is produced the injury lo i he lung wdl lend lo heal the continuing interest and stipnurt bv lit nwinher of the hoord of health and coorttv council for the work of the health unit u mtwrh appreculed pressed lo our staff member for the many hours of ddlgent anil effective vsork carefd out is much mure dunivg w ymirs respcctfuhv anhie t ttull md dph medtcal ofuter of health l director walton county health unit new slafe of officers named for adon womens institute the rebruar meeting tf the acton women s institute held at lite home of mis chailes cutis at thk fcloge however it is quite uy nresidtnl taml- to order with i t u- r- lu ojo a du marv slcuait colle i uilh the presi deni in the thair the mil call was arrsxn ivd h pavtnp of dues the nnmiles of the last meeting uere tiad h the sesrelarv mrs maddux din my live business sctsmn an mmintion ua senl fnim liiuon institute lo celebrate their 40th anniversary in milton seveial members npiesscd then i desire to yo i the in in be is were asked l i bnng iheri pies and btan mul ins to 1h- ml fid at the next meet i tin the u inner has to luike lor the distrul annual and he indeed ftr the districts best took on ma 21 thes president mr cults was asked to leave the chair and mrs rred anderson vsas asked to chair the rwtion of officer for i9m mrs vsilham maddo acled as secrelarx past president mrs charles cutis president mrs lindsav f irt isep resident mrs ceorpc clear that the important factor lit hear dttease are five her dily diet exercise stress and cigarette smoking it 1 not po- albie to oswign relative import ance to ihcce different factors and the order in which i have given them does not indncate their importance herediin ic oartalnlv imporianl but ue have tno control over this factor tor aeveral veart it has been well known thai over uxight inireas e the hazardi of 1km rt disease jutd more recently li ha been auggthted that certain spectlic thingt in our diets may he harmful the evidence is mm d together clear on this point and 1 am convinced that quanlitv ol diet l of much greater import ance than quality as a factor in heart ditto no doubt ihrne i aome advantage in reducing live amount of saturated fats in the dial if it is known that the pat tent ha a high blood cholesterol mental slrest t a factor which la alto difficult to but it it apparent that long continued mental anuejv ha a greater ad veante effect than the more actiie feart which continue lor bnel periodi heart specialists now generalrv agree that a moderate amount of healthful exercise hax a projective influence on the heart if thi exercise can be ob tained in the form of recreation it should a so have a beneficial effect on mental stress there la now statistical evidence to in dicate thai cigarette smoker are twice a likely to die of corona rv heart dlwwe as nonsmoker ao that advice against smoking it well justified many tvpe of cancer can now he treated with complete ik or and the number of malig easter service continued from page hi mr and mr jack resnolds and girls spent taster weekend in marne mr jas lamb is visiting her daughter and son in law mr and mrs m mcglaughlin kitchener rev j schnel has received word thai 4ns lather in holland is senimsu ill he is ra eats old but a speeds recovers is wished fur him the flu is going its rounds in the village and district the ladies ol the nassapaweva pnshucnan church and the dis trie have been invited lo attend laxenhy second vicepresident mr llod macules sec re lay i re a surer miss mai jury hall assis lan i mr john hard v disliicl director mrs mary mccaulcv alternate mrs culls branch dir ector mrs kinpsmill mrs liar tis mrs dodds public relations mrs george irver lovetie mrs wilds gifts and cards miss halt convener of standing commit lees hume economics and health mrs h lambert ag ikiilluie and canadian indus tries mrs j hnrdv ciluensliip and 1 dikalion mrs c winn histoiiial resiarxh and current i vents mis ikrt davidson pro gram planning mrs winn mr harris mrs anderson mrs i 1 indsav and miss hall mrs i rvcr gracefully lhanked the hostess and lunch committee for a lovclv lunch and the meet ing closed wuh llie singing of the institute grace and god save the ooccn arts y9 m the monthly meeting was held at thr home of mrs jim casburn on april 2 ror the north ha won association for the mentally re tarded with sla member prrs enl the minutes were read bv the secretary and the treasurers report given the business les slon included final arrangernenls for the future rummage sale and further dlcutofi on the cam paign the acton auxiliary decided lo remember a little hoy attending the ontario hotoltal at ortllla un special occasions mrs ander son reported on the education meeting held in march after the meeting adjourned lunch was served attending the special meeting held at the sunshine school huriahv lor live unnuart cam- lalgn were uk president mrs j turttosf and mrs c ander son other fepeciut meetings at the school will he attended dor- lug this month by ac i on repres entatives and there will be an open house there in may oavmjajty william r norton was garage owner a ttarage operator in aclon ami litler an insurance inspcc lot lor the hullon union i at met s mutual tire insurance companv william robert norton died at hu home um i geuryetown un rldav march 27 afier a mnnlh s ulness he had live lord ayeiuy in a ion where the canadian tire store is now selling ii b mars ayo and moving to r r i acoitrciown mr norton was 76 rune rat service was held at the rumlev shoemaker i u n c r a 1 home tuesday march ii con dueled by the rev owighl hnguj of trinity united church acton interment was in tfuirvtcw tern clary pallbearers were iriends calvin aitken rav ttvompson unlkit miller and nephews alvin and llovd norton and harrs yeadell he was horn in walters tails in 1ra and hvrd out welt and in toronto hefote tommy to aclon in lll he married nellie mac johnson wlvo passed away in aclon in 191 in 1m8 he tnarrud anne riirabelh ahbotl who stir vives him also reanaining are a dauuhier mr robert louiett mario tie acton a son harrv w norton benohaxi libya a stepson bnice moklnncy streets ville brother john meaford clif lord oakvillc carmen toronto and sisters mrs alma yeadell meaford mr charlie tox owen sound lie had three grandchild ren a ton howard died in 1947 and a brother stanley in 1959 jack ridley cartage umltad conchrrc wticic clavtwck ttont conctitt ilocks cindik uocki sand hvtsyock and rattiuxet m fma sivict and tumik dump truck for hire fully trtaurad rv cuw kt act6n htone tssotm nnt dlceawk lur uhtch uc can i the 40lh annivcrur ul the mmtn ortor a hhih nrrccniimo of cum tain untun womcni institute in la inoreaing rwrv dav the dt j mihim on april 12 i canadian cancer society cancer week in acton rrlt3jlrztoa1 apply now for your social insurance number your govarnmant it ittulng social inturane numbar card in pue of tha unamploymant inturanca num bers that moat amployad pao4 hava had until now tha naw numbars will hap govammant to uaa modarn offle mathod for graatar ahletancy in handuruj un- mployfnant inturanca and alto othar tocial banal iii tuch at propotad pantlon plant for that raatont you ara invltad to apply for social inturanca numbar avan if you ara not a contributor to tha unarnploymant inturanca plan ir vou are an cmmavce your amployar will ftlua you an application form fill it out and ratum to your amployar p ir vou am unkmihjdvcd and drawlne unambloy- mant inturanca banaflt you will complata an applica tion form whan you raport to tha uic in parson or by mall if vou amc an emaotm rltard with tha com- mtulon you will raoakm appucauon formt automat ically if not vagiatarad with tha commlttlon plwta bt in touch with your local uic offlca so that formt may b unt to you distribute application forms to your amployaas ham mom complatad and ratum tham promptly togathtr not individually to tha commission vou out ntt bv comketina vour ibrhjcattot ouicwlv ano accurattlv hnthrlavmeut insmkiki commission fh arton free ptkj thuradav april 9ti 194 fjj handicraft from halton goes to ns convention tlte nastagaweva branch of i lie womens institute held a scrv ertjovuhle pot luck luncheon pkuetding l heir march iiieelm at lite luime of mrs muriav ma hon after the wars sleuarl col leci and ihe inslilule ode the roll call wa anvuunl hv live mit pay or plav motlu mrs ix hlauw enleriamed willi a son suhy in duuh aiul luts a tanks uith your laiuj is mv uind accoinpaiwd lv mrx mahon on k piano yowl to hjr it was decided to si nd oiu of mrs hotv lowik with llu hiu ter mold unpnnl to ihe nova scotia convenlion tins is to up tcseni canadun handitratt fiom halton couniv mrs j heruv reporltl on ihe wodavs sknt in milton liarnmy lo c oik ocl tpfuiliny dtssftls land ihe hnportance of fruit with dair product in the diet at ihe fvpartimnt of a y r i c ti 1 1 u r e touise it was decided to hld sell iuiiioikiialuutil j later a te riandleapfmd with courmg the nusuny was ihcn turned our to uts lolfjt who with mrs norush discussd llw cour aye il ihe handicapped m over iinnin tluir ilislnlilies and in pun oihets mis j rtturlson rt ul hi tt la mi live wires ulio hai a ilil and know haw 10 achieve il mis moliit toiv- diklul iwo nit 1 1 lining irish niili is flu mi 111 limit oil with fotl cottull llniirsiiv ofhud a ifrtiljt ale in oui iiiiimii in llu- vear 17 79 ht ion ihe davs of journalism sihoou stakir ttuao acyom juniot fa1mkr who wop hilton jumors drama champions usl v lost out in to annual drama festival m miiicmi recently notval junori won h w i dick trophy for bait play and aho the awards lor best actor and actress tha acton cjst shown hfr included dons rofjinson jonn jarvn duncan curria and paul mcnabb i eon outfield diteit- ed ttveir play daft donny waste cost high ol the fetktal yovi rnnu nl s 7 billion i yiai skiuliny tin ion tiollable expendituris on yoods and scrices as distinct liom spcndliif on uilfitv the puhlu tlrhl and so on imoiiui lo jl billion and ihe h id ol in das sco roal omiuission csliniatis a polenlial sivintl ol 10 to is per cent in this mi if wast nut uicllickiii v win ilimiiiil ed h s holden oriomettlst j cork st ijiii ruijpii prion ta 17150 record par wa hava a ceijma talac- lin af up to data rmartjlnfe far chlldnin taatteart and dulti tiraat arlult in da tical folk mul band jaxx ate hintont se to 1 store meatspkims uan mciai pork butts kahalal back bacon mahl uaf saaokc0 conage roll iv thi fltci 49 65 79 ouarteis of biif foi vou homi fliz18 cut and wrafmo at no ixta chatoi vabiety of fresh fish bradleys meat market wa dlivr daily phena u b531340 go with the great highway performer a ulnekau motors value si ckfvrotft mjmitlspofl stttan and hariground i mini la j t tj 64 jetsmooth luxury chevrolet a hill in itut annwthinft to admire ttv iw from whm youre driving a 64 chrvmlrt with rncinra upto a 42vhp v8 jjltini from one auu to the other wouldnt he much taaier if somebody hud put a tunnel there and if chevrolet can go over a whole rliountnin no you hardly feel it you can imniine how it oea over plain old bumpa jetsmooth of course ve put a bit coll sprint our wheels to sank up the bumps just fts fast as they come as youd expect chevrolet matches per- formrvrelthtwhitolwlintlmurylnu tha big beautiful itndy by fisher all kinds of stretchout room wwfrthick cushiotted seats yards of deeptwist carpeting and elegsnt fabric and vinyl upholstery all make you feel good just being there with all its looks arulluury you can see how anyone might get the idea that this great highway performer is a high priced car unless of course v they hapbened to kiok first at its reasonable chevrolet price srt viwr local clierolri dealer cmc be sure to tee bonann on tha cbctv network aaeh sunday check your local luting far channel and lima andrew murray motors limited oloswwpww t ouaph strkt ttin v

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