Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 9, 1964, p. 9

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nerval dam un htela watm mmmb ova an old dam on the credit river iutt north of highway 7 at norval tha vellay of tha cradtt u a beautiful place in springtime and a tcemc spot for a sunday afternoon drive tbnjk urgent canada u or of rhe leedina nations in th totality of it effort against cancer thl dlteeee raniti second a cause of death in oua namort perhep nowhere in rh world u aw effort in rn fot eoelntt this disease balng duplicated thu year thare will ba an eitimated 45 500 haw cee of cancer in canada last year 24400 canadians dtad of cancer 36s of whom war under ten years of age the canadian cancer society volunteers am keenly ewera of these sober statistics they lead the world in their consciousness of the necessity for regular haali chedhnv thu ttte only method that will permit early ttietjhoeu and save lives this society it in army of man and women working tc- gerher tl volunteers under a common ban- nar founded in lm8 as a lay organization with the blasting of the canadian medical association it helps to educate the public but who cares there it currently a good deal of official concern at all levels of government about the amount of money that canadians as in dlvlduals are borrowing to finance consumer purchases and there n just et much concern on the related question of whether canadi ans as individuals era fully aware of what it cost them to borrow money it would be a fine thing if all our politi clint ware as concerned with the extent and cost of public borrowing some are of court an example is a toronto alderman a mr david fiotenberg who recently at tempted without success it should be noted to have his city save the sizable turn ft costs to borrow the money to pay for repair of sidewalks about half a dozen years ago toronto jtar columnist ron haggart writes on the ease whan the city began a massive pro- 1rm of rebutldlngitt sidewalks it wet de cided to pay for the program with money borrowed on fiveyear notes this was a turioul decision since the extent of the re building ob a quartarofe million dollars a year at first now up to a million dollars a yaar was wall within the ability of the city to pay from currant taxes but there- war advantaoa4nthe furil few years in the first yaar of this program ihe city got lit sidewalks rebuilt for nothing linee lha instalments on he borrowed money dldnt start until tha year following the work the good old days sf d sju regarding ilie nature of ihe diseaie it claim today the full tupport of the canadian pof1e in itt broad three pronged program of edu cation welfare and the support of cancer research the facl that the cancer soomy has con intently met its rising campaign objective for 15 years is evidence of the concern felt by the people of canada in this d tease and the faith they have in the society 1o fight it supported directly by funds from the cancer society are 200 scientists and techm cians at work on 117 separate proecls m 31 laborortaa and universal across the courrtry f this april 2 000 000 must be raised m ontario to tutpport the rapidly growing nects of this research plus the broad education and welfare service programs without which there would bo needless death and suffer mg the need for this money is as real and as urgent at ny need on earth today the second year the city got a great mass of sidewalk work done for almost noth ng since alt that had to be handled in the second year was a small amount of repayment ancl in terest on the first year s work the advantages are illusory of course jijause a million dollar proct paicmor with money borrowed on five year notes still costs a million dollars plus 216 000 m interest there must eventually come a time when the taxpayers of toronto will be paying more each year for the rebuilding of their side walks than rhey are getting done each year in work in 1969 for example the city will do 625 000 worth of sidewalk work but the taxpayers in that same year will cough up 1700 000 who are we kidding alder man rotenberg asked the story is unusual really only in that the alderman made a point of tryinq to im prxi onrhevutershecosrof pubhr borrow ing 20 years ago tkm from it laataf of ih fr tom tburcuy umrch m iu4 ail on and community um in drtxl vhockro lo warn uf tha hodden pausing away of j c mdrtthwt at hi- hoitw on bowtr av uric tikulay evnlitf for ruurlv 25 vtar tie hs bsn th utilising and rftlckni potmj 1 r tn acton poi office hor wvtrul pixvuxifc to in appoint ment he w assistant postmas ter uiwivr liu lathr the- lite jufikc matllmhvk a yloom wu cuwl ovtr ilu cointiuinitv oiiu tlk uoixl uai pjud ubtmil he was horn of a ploruvr fumllv in at tun ttn scan ago hi muimd mrs ada osli uiu i i dauuhur of ilur lute mr and mrv ftt j kur acton thtlr homi on bowti attnuc im lxen a mwi happv and hrtyht onr und tlu wllh chair djughtrr mr j w wollr iiuiii il ih cat ih rujut ipota uf the community tu matt hows fatmlv had u im iqur and unpj rail led auriatjii uilh acton ixtt ollui th in t povt ittti v otuiud in ailon in ih44 ind kith 1 1 suan mi muk uf jinun mitthinw wi tin posiiiusu r hi hi id on l tic i tiiiiil ihx iimuuis micxtidid h jaimv who b i- vtmiur until 9 he dud ul th v ut 00 no oilur ynmtmlir in anuruu fu id ihi pvin m hi i itmu iu 2 vcarn 1u is mtcrttdid h j ctmmir mih 1ruui vho has hid live somiioii fr 9 cur the mitihru family f which chester was the ai mimhr utji pioneers in the commun ilv it was in ims htal tin mil ilu us moons nkklint and ius hvs isinu lure from pilkinyton liunshtp of ilu disccndank of lluvr lamtlks one minnhcr tf tlu luisyhv family t ill resides in alton the dim i id was one of ihe liicst tut ivcld hen the audit orium and yatltnfs or ihe un ind cmirth were filled riv a w poshurv uas assisted by a former pastor rev c i poole monoriua palhwarcrs ucrr messrs r r arnold a t lliuvli thomus watson di w g cullen c uishman d n mctmsh r maddock of t on l postnnslcr r cknun l of milton postmaster cousins and mior clcne of oeorvritoun atlne pilllv inrs uetc masonu hrtthrcn and tssi neplieus c a g milthcas ind r g muldock ul tronin c ii harrison tt- mnitt a m son win middle ton ind g a dilk ad on interment i in i nmeu cemetery the acton free press published by tha utile printing ettdpuhllihln co ltd founded in i its and publlshin eterv thursday at 9 wlllowsuaclon ontario mernher of the audctsnrenu orclrculahons ihecwnjs a xht on division of the cwka advertulns rate on wiuet subscriptions pavabl in advance 3xhn canada woo in england and other commortvcallh countries isoo lntheunltclsiteiandother jorelgn countries single copies 7c authorixed as second ckissma1irpoit office department ottawa tha only paper aver published in actou g a dlllsf edltortrvchlet djvta rrmilatmahaglnltedtlof 50 years ago ykkrjp jftia b u of h k tlwnxly xpru 2 wa a mt oolconw of tht rttro- ductlon of the pct pot iyt- lem thf pot 0ice defurlmcnl uill sooi have u ivupjily ol larger ikj or rural mail dvlivrry tlw prwiu bojn it too mll for ny thing but letlar a cotilriict ha hen let for lhf munuffcclurtr f 100000 or ihcsi hones tlu ulebt ktyui uere exhibit eel hv wir lot j i nulllrurr at their oxnink tluf work i hnuilful iir mtturul mh the tolorinns pie ilv und iprirm like hut ihe style lrullv evwm l dale ihii my hoosenkaniit linu and uilh it ioiiuv moviny sluvis and tt id t mpc rs yeiurullv lr s cordlmr is putllntf ihe linishmu tchkhes n a mrv tuo more etiiu nt immisi un mill si ik mieiuls moving into n him sill mt john cairn ion unchiuet i iiist eompleliivy i hi plan utut tkcit kuimiis fur a tuu new hnek lesidmee of 10 toom for mi jumt sinon th new tuiildnitf is to he erected on mr suiwn s pkndid prope riy on ilu eoitu r of willow si and llouir ave ii will vohahly ik built his siimme r tlu pie shw l ian women s missionary sock ly nut in ihe ehtirch parlor and had an old fashioned quilimu alxxit so tad us witt piescnt six uann und tu ititlful quills were finished u ady for their annual hale in scplciivlicr mr david hendei son mp and mrs henderson uho were up from ottawa and re j c wilwm wore uuesls o ihe luetics ut the km hour seindiv eenintj mis william sejineivillc park avenue notked through i he window a horse t sampling ove r ihe luwn she r in our to drive the unimal off und raised her upron to scare it iu i the horse wheeled in un instant ind let drive his hind del with a vicious kick she w is struck u wicked hlow und rendered urxemseious mi some rvi lie went to the door to sec what ws keeping her und w is horrified to observe her iv inn moaning on the lawn dr iiki reached the liomc in a few minutei und administered to her injuries she is progressing iv orahlv hut the shock un n very trving one to her ssitrfla trmiamafr news mom abound tki distria drampton a brimplon resident cdu ird flult of bristol rd has strong feelings tow ml the lued for a imlv can uli in fhg mr butt fhes i disimetive red white ind green flag on his roof lop ind explains the tan n jaek is a british dig and ihe red crutign is ihe fl ig ol the british merchant mmnr if m children s school nisisiiel on flying the red lnsign i would feel obliged lo send them to mhool m sulor oulfiis crorgrtown a prrdieied iwn mill dmp in the i0m nx rate j chief pi ink in mavor jik gihhons election pliiform will not ikiiir bil l txptver uiniul there will he no incrcise in residential lixes whkh reimin ks list veir tl 76 milu there will he n slight drop to 827 rmlls lot industri il ind commerciil properties fnm the i9m rite or fl 4s mills ihjri ington mrs donm i nne iskr or mt torest br uw n until queen of the supernnrkil cashieis in ill of cuiidi mrs i in eisler wis chosen by a hoiiel of judge s mecling in chie igei to re- view candid ites from 4 000 stipe rnnrke is in the united sntes and c in uli foi the intern ttumd checker of the yenr aw tuts sponsored h supermirket institute mil ihe nihonil cish register compinv i m vlnf to jiunch rifbl en i lie none lh nrkl pron b it man womin child or nloe old bdv whoa bone are a britne at uuim eraeker who ak me tid you have a nice eatter ivoliduv som fcehooj teacher twvei nice pafcler holiday and ood luck lu i hem but enfltah tea- ilurt ure hot among them rnylwh trveher have the tame tort of holklay a bu dhv ei wouvj have if he wert glvr u week off arid fold he was id drive a but from halkfah 16 vatv louver in the hext tevrrt day wlwn the holldav baan i had ettamlnallofi tfr to mark whkh rtireterued a tot ul or houi 440 ttudent whhrvg hmirm they could haw tro- doeed ttte work ft of shake ivare in tltr tame lime thu in turn mean thai i have tv out 100 floors of murking llllu nt complalnx it part of live job liul hlnui were a utile more complicated twt year tik women of the houie cftme down wilh flu just at the holt d i hegan my btil coaba it s not too often hat a grand slam u bid and made in rubber bridge the tame l true at dtxv licale last week on hoard no a grand alton wat bid and made by two declarers and a smalt slum 4kl wa made wllh tuo other declarers a discmun arose as to whe ther t he hand could he made with a helpful lead i ii show you the north south hands and see how vou plan your play ktih so io 11 a o 7 6 3 os 8 cq 10 6 4 south s a j 9 ii void 0 k o j 9 6 3 c- k 7 2 1a t s assume hot the lead hv west is trnmp you count your tneks glades one hearts one dhmonds six clubs four tht s t total of 12 where is the 13lh one to come from any one can make ihe hand if the spndc finesse works her is where a good dcclircr kxks for in extra chtnee there arc three cnirics lo dum m one in trump and two in c i it he lets mntwhal can be done in the heart suit take the trump icid in dummy and lead the heart three and riff toke out trump plav the oce and king of chb ami if they apllt they do lent to the queen of clubs nou rufr the heart si now over lo ihe club 10 pluy the ace of hearts and throw a spade if ihjr king of heart falls vou throw another spade on the he irt queen if the king of ive trts does n l fall you are still in dummy and can try the spade finesse editorial briefs if you don t think things are as bad as ihsy are painted visit a modem art exhibit gait evening reporter one trouble with portable tv is that you can take it with you pocomoke city md worcester democrat oakvili t ruling lite wirm summer months otkvillc s swimming pool wis t very popular spot with more thin 11000 paid ulmissions in 1961 the pool under the direction of i he oakvillc re- cie hon committee is an important part of the summer programs plumed h the committee during tin summer more thin 3000 local ehildten wnll participite in playground programs each div mb ton a new aw irel for kc tl ciunns who do gooel lor the town was iniuguuhcd nxently by tlu milton chimber ir com nuni chambet president boiden wlvcekrexpl nned the monthly iw tut is a merit of the month for one who docs somvthing worth while lor the heiielil or the ciliens town works toiemin brut m kerr rreeivett the first mini in rectum lion of his work in kee-n- nu the si ret is fric troin snowilunng ihe winter the nwnrdsvas l itc mil soeks set ballinafad womens institute continued from pige bl out this very enjoyable program given at the manor bv a band the resident would anticipate connected wilh masonic order with pleasure another prtvgram w crockett was the tenia 1 and bvthn finehand competent master of ceremonies ind w waters was the verv cap able conductor the band con cert was made possible through the facilities of the music per formances trust fund ol the tec- cording industry and was spon sored h the hamilton music tans guild the program opened and clos ed with two well known marches through night to light and old comrades several medleys of tuneful and familiar songs were plaved one from the wizard of here ire all the hands sexr if it worked let s o io iia 0h d a 8 c 0 10 6 4 waal eaal s k 1761 s 4 j 2 h k- 10 ij j 9 8 4 j rt 7 4 r 10 2 c j 8 5 c 0 3 south s a j 9 h void d k ojh1 c a k 7 2 costs big utile grass and bush fires can mean brg cwt to the tat pavers points out hallon county ire prevention bureau over 300 suth fire in halton lst year ac coupled for nearly onequarter of all fire calk and cost the tait payers over 50000 people who burn trash in open incinerators cartlckrilv loss cigarettes and nntches into do fields or bush or trv burning off dead grafts on a winds dav should co their th reault wi that imiead l alhtnf tpuletly in my tudy and hamtif eoublw cup if tea and coffee and inoumer bw undwlcne brought me to keep me jaolng i fount j roymtf ironing up and onwfi stair about u hour of each day waring up tempting little thing on tray bearing down dirty dlhc while mv pillar of paper and gathered dutl ktitt of turning the old man toow whh the grub for few dav wa irttervallng my w fe ha hi mo i decided lo become a prmnnt in valid my kldt re- ilae thai thru lather h another brilhart unuhfieclrd dim n- skkrt tlte old tadv wa feeling horrible w it h the flu hut ttwe dldnt seem much wrmg wilh her apfetite svr gained tjbctut eight pound of course wlu h nut used lu my kirulus instead of tlve woeipandkjnd wleh rihitme she s uce upturned i o t ite v i on s i v rd of wimr thing like this grilled iaujk with butler frnd muhnoni atyd chese omelet le totsed ulad hlueherrv pie and ce cream coffee cherry centred ehrtclatrs the kld were a bit shaken by tooye ol my casserole perhap ihe mo i tuccessful wat the las- agrta bail a can of lasagna egg noodle in tomato and meat the jpade finesse tleies not kork whereas the heart king ran be cipiured alwavx look lor in extra plav that wilt give better than a v v chance on i finesse this weeks winners flrtt earl cmond mike loruwso se cond mr and mr juc hooper third kav campbell duk wil son toce simmer in oven for 10 mlnule add layer of rmulv room layer of ttrong cheese byer of thlntltcrd uuml layer of oniimi rlrtg layer of mild cheew bkke tn oven sprinkle wilh paprika parsley chive cinnamon nulmg wild mi or anything rite that wlh tphnkte vrve wilh hl i rusty roll am sulk imik the reason there are no grrai wwnen chef they v im imaginailon mv wife hack op tome lettuce urtaio and celery and call it a caud if shr v feeling pjrttcularlv exo u she might throw in tome sliced green pepper mv xalad hcodes these hjvlc contained grejt chunk ol cheese ah co lors ultole green onwm peel rel g rupee shredded lemon raw carrot quartered dill pickle rllv hejn left behind bv lite i jter bunnv the wlude doustd in a dressing mode of four raw egg mixed with tartar sjoce ketchup muyonnjise mnmard and vine 1 jt nlv two thing lo ty ahit the grand culinary adven tore a i the foiid budget t thot for the rvrit i week fb where can i heiv a good second hand automatic dishwasher professional dirfcctory and travellers guide medical tfjmkhal dmttctok d 0 a cabuftt miyilelan and ursod center of willow and ttlwr enirasvca lvr si aclaa ortt nxmwtsjomi or iomht 0 wjcttnh miytlclaa and suraaoa walllnttott su ac i on oat fhuaul1340 m t b mooh fhysldaa and suiaad 2 mata stiaat north corner mala and mill strut acton ontario phone u321m phoim wjjjs50 bight or dt bruce e shoantakar ugf orromarnutm l dfemfal m h ieis dental surgeon office comer mill and prederlck siraeu office hour by appointment telephone kiiilo do a j buchanan dental surgeon office 90 church st e office hours 9am toapm closed wednesday afternoon telephone iu1730 dr cedbic dey dental surgeon suite no j hlnton bldg 17a mill st e acton onl for apolntinents telephone ssjijoo legal c it athmond q c barrlalar and solldlor notary public office hours 10 am 1j pm lpm- 5 pm saturdays by appolntmenlpnlji phone oirice i5j1j30 res s3h745 ac ton a bbaida a barrister solicitor notary public office hours in acton monday friday evenings a pm 9pm saturday 1 pm j pm a paisley st guelnh oataha phoaa ta 44ju dltlca hour in guelph saturday 9 am i aiu- dally 9 am s pm e l buchncr o d optorsatrlm contact lenses haartng aide john st s acton in acton wednesday only 200 pm 6jw pm for appointment phone hviftst if no answer phone waterloo 7424147 arthur a johnson im main st milton lloyd davis jewellery phone tr 44972 res tr iklt tuesday afternoons thursday evening friday morning 1 aftfuisinc and insukancb l1lr f i wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone hm720 appraiser and insurance over 50 yaar in acto abchrracr 1 donald e skinner banh mraic i7a mill street suite 2 acton telephone iu2740 ofrice hour by appointment or 20 siavehank rd port credit 274- u2i ttavhunts ounm 1tttii gray coach tlnes coackm eav acml star jandardtune eaitbound 6jj am dally aacapt sub and hoi im a m dairy ttcept sat sun a hot express 153 am iiju sm 204 pm 50 p m 1 33 p m i j pjn 10 os p m sun and hoi westbound 7j7 am dally except sun a hoi 1027 pm 257 pju 57 pjn pm 912 pm 11 j2 pjst a m sal only saty i2jjt ti7 recent proposal by haltoi iaypj unc imn ire mi i a wlnrtt uav huuiu consm ineir harrv harlev would haw n one from the broadway mir tax bills ncxnimgn ww pension- ra carousel and one featuring bureau sugg e lign viyflmouth relllcnpwn irish tunes in honor it uuj jli busj rce-ss- andeduqriau office prkn 8 5 3- 2 0 0 ical wellknown of st patricks day the lysis- tratauwahl anilgounods mirelln overture represented types of music a very fine trumpet duet the polka brunette and blond was plaved by 3 huddleatoae jiiw1dpih w irad military tattoo and the hymn faith kaplan 1 ord barrister and solicitor sidney kaplan and john d ord oc im uountainview road s carrels building georgetown athwtt gaunt month molorui lis tha north hal- toss araa a by muton o had ss aaparate aeeld ante during march which in volved is persons injured and sztwvnrtil of iwoperty dayrt- age the ojj releaaed the que lo humanitarian organhav tlon dr harley proposal h incor porated in his draft private mem bers bill if his idea is carried though cheques would be mark ed o shat the wemtcvtlov could canadian national railways standard time easrbound 6j ajn to toronto datty a cept sat and sun 731 ajri to toronto dally except sun 953 am dally except sunday and monday direct connection front owen sound ate 742 pus to orobf07aalrtcp buialal 7 47 pm to toronto sunday on- aumorvactoat of our father rounded- tlguraa wadnaaday david w- gohn d c 31 young street comer of arthur young st office hour by appointment venrtnsftrrreti roarwortliy sat j fund warn ismin ly 925 pm to toronto dally board at georgetown only westbound sai am to stratford dauy cept sun2j pjn to stratford daily except sat and sung tjot pin dally except sunday 1149 sua to stretfaalmr

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