mm vt stewa j the bood old days 5f4k ita 1 js un hn oubt waw u the will pond stewart town tellect ihe snwal of spnng the tny consmonny on in svhm line tooih ol geofoown it one of hilton mull lural com munltles and h kapt ill rut imutv indicated in a scene lite ihn one ikakn bffts btcoijport on aiwtimnt in halton coonty utly hav cnwd around whether h would be wit lof h county to establnh courtly aiitmnt comrrmiiorer who would op 41 over the entire county progrm as outlined to menbr of k north halton urban board 4nd repre- aervtaliuea from other muntcipalitet last week wvlodet tppotnrmm of ion of tuperaueuor the title would be assess ment commissioner end he would be re- tpomlbw for the astestmeni throughout ihe oounty with ll the attestors worluno under him no lonoer would the local councils ap point an attestor this would be done at the county level yt assessment commit- t loner would through hit office process all th record nd this tt wat intimated would teed to alt the necessary lm or other elec tron processing equipment all of ihn it compared with ihe pre tent tyitem under which the county en 90t a county attattor it it hit task to co ordinate m work of the assessors tn ihe war tout muntcipalitiet to achievt tome form of equal ned attestment on which the levy of county expenditures can be bated why it there thought of change from h present tyttem perhapt it it that the provincial government through it grantt it encouraging tuch a change the province will pay 2500 toward the talary of an mteitment commissioner they will alto con tribute to com of tatting up the office equip ment and rental of necettary machinery underlying the contiderationt too mutt be the possible efficiency of tuch an operation at a more centratiied level and perhaps a more equitable attettmeni throughout the county under the direction of one assess ment commit tone r rather than through the mary up ami wart one of the mott frustrating tituationt to confront council for many yean hat amen in acton with the conttcuction of new bridoi on brock avenue and church street bogged down in interdepartment red tape it appear the two bridges will not be com pleted until late tummer two years ago the dec it ton to go ahead with conttruction of the bridge t wat given the green light latt year council budgeted for acton portion of h coit of hbrtdqp through detayirrtke detigrv and the acceptance of the detign by the department approval wat not received until late in the year council at that time varied interpretation possible at ihr local attetior level there it an increasing trend toward the centralization of more and moie services at tte county level it it impottible to weigh the advaniaget and disadvantages of such a trend and com up with a clear cut answer on the detirabiliiy of such a course just at there are efficiencies possible m increas ed tiie of e department whether it be as tettmeni fire protection or policing so there is room for inefficiencies m the very bignett of the resulting structure the province n obvioutly trying to ob tain more equitable assessment throughout the province to t may form a bans for its grant structure to achieve thit the begin ning it made at the county level once the counties are equalized the province will also be on a more common hase franuy we dont think hal ton assess ment i far off the desirable provincial base being aimed at and the adoption of an atsettment commissioner m the county would not teem to have any immediate benefit here it would remove from the local area of responsibility the hiring of at settment ttaff it would however add to the cost of county administration by a like or larger amount after having listened to a provincial re presentative recite pastaqes from the act governing the appointment and operation of the ettettment committ toner system of assessment we developed a distaste for some of the power that go with the position for instance n attettment commissioner once appointed by the county council and ap proved by the minister can only be removed by the council with the mini tier t approval thit provincial power at a local level merely because of ijandoutt from the province leaves ut dubious about the plan decided it would be advantageous not to have the bridges constructed during the win ter montht and felt a start on construction could be made early thit year council received approval of the detign called tender and tentatively accepted the lowett bidder now the contractor it ready willing and able to start conttruction the town it ready to proceed but bogged down in a typical bureaucratic maze of red -tape-nr- de n te app o pr 20 years ago tkm iron taw leease f the pre me ytourady april u 1944 thirl yt wo hundred new reluct books were ukuedrtint the ac- lun atut dutrwt local ration buurd i hi end of urch and llifcl ol april they uppreuute iht work uf ihe vulunur help er nd ttw i mil l ru fur iuuri buluty the boia at the nivijituwi uf icnuv colkte the deve of bachelor uf olvlrtilv va conferred on rev furbe thumumi ba mi ulcr uf knox chutih acton the liiuimi viklt ur ddgu buwii to walker uxliu on unn- day evening va an uuutarwllnk uccakiurt a feature wan ihe pre- henlullun aiul teeostnltlun 10 three memherii uf tlw ludge v war uru jnhn kennev wan pre vented bv ddgm uuwll with hlk q veiir jcuel emblemalu uf v veart u tnehiher uf walker untite w uiu a t uiouii uw nuiuv u lilt- hutnher l wulker lutyi- utul ihe pivmhtutum vah ntude hv wor uru 0 kl uctavuli tlw putt mufclci itwel wuw pre wenlihl l w htu w g mlddlr- tun h ww mm i a ixiibv w llio w u ntji uuuir of ilu- uidyt vu tit ilwryi uf ihe tlmkl fvyt biui urv k plutl aiul imiv uf in iph hiuiil iiiktii vnh mi iiiul me j chapman lu- uiiut itiikld u tvumc un luiumyh lim viiiuc uuxii ik t lu luhiviny vhntiuue in aiimi yits pinjiikviv iv imiiw ttu m1 l wi uhiiiv ut tu lo own u hntiu snow on tiuttlav xmpned ihr limn dikk iluilny ihe ulteimum 1 lu sit mi moilut aunlllatn ttiii mil tiiulnl ti nuke mou limtlit toi tlu lumiluil mitiius ol 1 njlaiul o the ntuuiuiu ithiltl lu piomteil turn conuliltililuuh lo pelty oil il er i tui i damti and luw bndr of hit vcik vho p4nt a hmut mtmirv in uukituht hivinu tvcn on ii hiiuloiis inp lo india ol inu iliioiijli uhiiiii iru inlfxtitl uateis and ttehvetiny curijik- in the tun- ol a nnal uru i ait force tik kntix ihurih choir took pait in iasht veimns oiuanisl i a llanven ui awlvktl b vin luirlon c smiih a mann c kitkncvn w benson c coles a rohinon i lamheri atii f colc 50 years ago tmkati traaaj the ftataue vt uw rw rraa nmntf afril u ih4 the monthly m0nf of the board of education waa held monday the principal wfc aihh- ortard to secure apparuih aiui book tu brinf ihe ujsuol ur lu minimum windrtu rvgulicd bv ihe deprlmtl uoved bv w- loiu kocoiukd by c c skighl thjl no puplu be admit ted u ihe kchuul who are under win year uf e and llul uln net should be received ojtly ul ihr cutnnwrwetneni ur u lerm tlw addlllon tu ihe uruuil ynhind retentlv purtlwwed frmn w ii sloiey und swhi will oe opened i lw uluilurr a wwn a ihe lajut l kiiivevid und fenced hir uimmii kvkltni u u niand une uiut imk uf which wi muv feel jiully prkid tlu vjlue of education cattiuil ik cstlitialrd arul appjieni ivcyucl uf vitne uf out i-upu- lu avail thrinwlvn of ihe 4ipporiunltuk uvullaliu lui ilu- udvuncrinetil of tluii child tin u a nuivel lu ilk pairnlt uiwl yuarduiib ue thai your children ullend m4hju tlu elyhlh unnuul wale ol u j ketri herd ol pure hitd ytirkvhlie und u ik-diirt- imhi und callle liwik placr on april a tlw dttendurue uui laryv uiul itvi hlddiny bi uk cnuui nrlt i uciv teallcd 2 wiui btlnylny tl 171 oiu- tmny uiw voul lor 170 the road ate in vuv pnkahk londllicmi uualu jidininu njvtailonk havi- oiuinriurd pen up our tn am chicken tlw mulflerle titolorsvcle in ayatn huklltny ulwmi ilu ktieeu tki- lw mul lleik please ml til tthcl lo lhoe echo an 111 oi ihivook htruurun uiut co chlldrtn- lolorrd vcah diuwv larllny at 2 irnl each ml uek s i in it up l u our intention tu kivp fullv abreaki of the season tlu- woman who has no time or vetting wilt find sal ulac lion in our wparimeni mr iiomi ctaik left last ceek lu atvumr a position on tlu staff of the mctthunis flank in ckoryeloun mi- mary arc t unniil u lutnic runt toronto loi tly tuili cta miss dai tolsiir is home frttm scoiih block ik it ha broun and ruth nelson are home fmm i lam ii ion y ul mfljy if rver you decide to do aome research un the lower form vt wit i can icu you how lo gu a bou i ll juki sjel viurwir a black rye i had a doojer recently my wife ujive u lo me all tifhl not thai way hhe wk klllwif in ihe car waiun for trw lu ii ry the kroceriefc into the iuhjw ihrxih tlw tain jukt u- i henl and reailwd for ihe car doiw lu open fl utui aik her if llul wi all the ihfted ii vinarlly from he irtitde lo wkk tm wltv i hadnt hnniytil oul an unthiclu wlten ilu door nalud nu in the eve i tlw high i i wm a uoner mv wile- hhrleked und ran klfiilultl info i tie iwmlie in ut wfwllui i ti v to itl lirnl orevi uitliutil kllii v wab paid up wllhln u fiw mlnulek ttu eye- uak ilu ttv und color of u hailituurk heeer uul by ttu- i line wed llnlslud urnulny utuhit ulioic laull h had htin it uas idivumi lhal td live wi dltln halt u pu ce id slijk ami ll ui d lead i doubt news around district rzvfiwtt by fcuj coada in lhl ureklv hrldye oilumn 1 have nwoiuhud frequently i lie ruid lo make a plan he ore vtui plav lo live hrt iruk i m lotted in vthir plan wtuwild he uav lo make etru irhck one of the mokl liruviilunl vcas to pio mole nhks ik lo uad up to our hlyh cards ii vht tiae to lead up to them mou than oiuv i lien cnur plan inusi at chille iwtv lo tin this mere is an example which ot c ur red lasl vseek a i llw ac ion hrldyr c lull the dealer u stniih and ixih sides in vulnerahle morih s a k 7 ft ilk qji nk weal eaal s void si0 4 j 2 ll a 5 if 10 a 4 j f j q9s 2 rs 4 cofts 2 c k 10 that it wuuld have been ucrlric- d bui ihe old girl bw- her dug opt aome haroburg thai w ftobtg a bit blue and made me ik down with bly hamhury poulllce on ihe iniutfd uplk rlyhl off llwue ll fell pre i y good al llul und i dropped utt to deep moaning ikii brave during ttu nlylu ilw bandaye worked looke and when i woke tn the dark i i hough i i hi eye had fallen imii but it wat iwdv lumlkny all over ilu- pillow nthl nutrnkiy the orb tkrd like a furple yoll hall wr palth ed ll up ah ue toiilil uiul i ul oil lo late ilu ulu tlu toniuu ntk wt n hilar l uuik tluv rangid liom ttu umple drv ihillijiwt id ifoo lilullj and forgil lo dm k lh lo ilu cov insiruiating i kruw lu d tali i up willi yj utflu day flu v ran th kc l nil hating gainiil horn ilu liuvllitu i mipposi j tan into a door lo lu- iiullahlv lluiiuimhjk sally mttl ilu im nur wilurvctighl ttiarnp 4 ilu siiiiuv lumttlmitd i aiiir ha k vsilh sjhiu it al funrtiik rnyulf m i i u piled i oplwork un l utial ll uscd to tu- i udrmlwd yollj see tlu ollur yuv 1 umpud i can atonal svllh a ikr as vsrll as llie tutl bird oak vii it a former stable lhat housed thoiihiyhhrcds anil s is iikm iianslormeil into a stvlish apartment hoilitiny is being ilesiioed m otkxille situated on the northwest turner of the sc uhh line and oueen i liaheih hivhca u is beiny lorn down altei stuntliny on ihe site fm vi eois a solid strsu lutv ottomrete blok u cas eievtctl as a hnrv stable by ihorunghbred iiaimr hugh witstn almost eight can later it was coneiied into an apaiimeni building at an appmximute cosi ol ibs 000 nrampton tweuv ntiiiis cheques valued al 76s 4r were passed in town revcnik brampton pol ill annthinced the phone iheques all loi jm 7- were siailerxd thimighout ihe downtown area and in the mall polite distoceivd the cheques when a mttimicd merchant became suspicious while talking in a it tend who received an identic it cheque burlington former worlds heawweiyhl biinn champion jack dempse spukv to high school students this week on the dropout problem the lamed manassa mauler is crusading thnuighoul the continent spvaking m siuclents and advisnig them to lift a yotul etlucalutn crorgritown a spirited cumplaini bv a king st fast resident has piompted countd lu seek immediate acinn from ihe canadian national railways lo overcome a situation whith the resident saw is dnvlng residents up ihe wall etulcniallv diesel engines are parked and lett idling on nights and weekends to avoid engine freezing the residents complain thit ihe engines constant lattle windows and keep king st residents awake councillurc agreed to act immediate on the complaint waterdown a plan h the wolerdown branch of the roval canadian legion to provide apartments for senior cilnefts at a low rental cost came before council recently the plans call loi a 12 suite apartment which would be rented lo sarnior citirens tor j40jno per month couruil advised the legion lo oblain the land option the required list of names and the actual plans for the build ing lor cmi1a opptvsal and ihen council will fulfill i heir part uf the plan mil ton milton council dropped the towns mill rate one- mill lor 1964 despite a finance committee recommendation that the i ate be cut b two mills at a marathon budgctcelting session total estimated expenditures for the vcar will be w008w 72 this will be otkct bv revenue of 192409 66 leaving a deficit to be picked up b he taxpavers of jm748s06 the rates of 67 mill for residential pro- peities and 74 mills for commercial propertiei will be applied on total assessment of r60joo sou lb s o i 1 11 1 7 d a o 1 c a j 7 siimtcvlril bidding smilh wl north emi i s pav ii pa j nt pa 4 s p s all pa bui aher a while in fact if i remember rightly ll we i us i idler the lourteenlh hoo hitciw i beyun aetllng a tip tie sore i mean fun- fun you know but ufler all vi wlken the tvexl ioker made lu nuive i i old him dolefully lliat a maiden iojjv uho dldnl like my column had ihrosvn mid in my face und lhat id never luvi ihe klght ol it again if luiiud yriin uv rirm iisloimr wat a w man ulo lllrij timmi uiuh yot lo willi ihmyt at ooi vmtt uttt iii dial tolumrt ol villi i gvt tuf a yrtll tn lotk irotii ny good v imll stljjslii ilu tw twrl u1 iii itivoii jluiute lu r frrt rny wilt i u fl lr wllh hr rikmitti oji- n i 11111 kls tlirut j an u illy ljd sliofig id mm leiftrr nut i iniivrriwril lv imormifty lu r ilu mipirv luj htn rctv ul from my yiming doghur ulu n im t uftilu ird ut nn llw- er unit a hall unpiv twhllr lit good pjrt kil ititu ihr rtd uimitiu arul sinfe tuny one m mi jai k you ii krvis what lo ilu ii ktitwiimmmemmm professional direaory and travellers guide iiniamaawiiwii- ubicat wuvmat dihixyott the latett word it that approval may be given for th construction when supplemen tary road bylaws are considered by the de- conhriued tn vcrl colmtin bannockburn wi hosts for annual the acton free press by thsouu matin ud pumuhbic ca lid founded in 1s7s and published everv thursday at 5 willow st acton ontario member at the audit bureau ol circulations he cwna and the ontarioouebec diiuion of the cwna advertwnj ral on request subscriptions nayable in advance gm in canada m 00 in england and blhcy tomtnonw ctt g in the united states and other foreign countries tlnnle copies 7c authortad second class mail post office department ottawa the only paper 4v publuhtd in aelon g a- di1k edltorbvchlef ibavld r dills maiuglns editor lu5lh wsn de0 ltobla lofjll cekh o ne8ji2 04 0- mrs c sinclair was hostess for the april mectina of bannikl- bum womens institute this was ihe annual mevuna and after the secrclars treasurer and the lommitlee conveners had mven their annual reports mrs s mat- thews relinnff president tailed on mrs m mccullouuh to pre- side fonhceieclum or otrcers t the baling contest was held amunu the members with mrs mccullouth as tudiie- mrs w j hfsurnsxtm hmrrlhjmwmt partment about the middle or june construction should take fiw weeks it wilt be interesting to watch progress to see how much more hurr up and wall run tw thwaup- titprdgrest path linham was awarded first prur for her chcrr pre and mrs c coles received first for bran muf- tins these winners will compete at the district annual mectinu in mas rannocltbum institute wt act as hostess sshen ihe district annua1 convenes in knot church acton in mav so plans were made for this event th officers elertid for iw4 ore honorars president mrs c s matthews president mrs w mcdonald 1st vicepres mrs t cordon ticnnri virepiesulenl mrs a damm secretarv-treasur- cr mrs w unham district dir ector mrs s matthews alter nate mrs w slorev press re porter mrs c coles auditors mrs w storey and mrs a damm flower convener mrs s -matthews- it is vcrv dlflicult to reach sis spades on his hjnd in facl iv crvone at the acton bridge club reached only luur spades norths hand is xalued at 18 points tn support of spades thus ll rates a jump bid only hv this jump can south begin to sec a slam a club lead would make things difficult but not impossible for declarer however west is more likcjv lo lead a diamond from the solid sequence a diamond lead is not likels to give awas a trick t even if declarer reaches onlv four spades tt is necessary at duplicate lu make as mam tricks as possible in order to gel a good result suppose west leads the diamond jack and vou win in dummv your best plan is tu sot up dummys hearts if trumps break you will hae no trouble say ssiu take the spade ace ami find east uilti four trump now vou must proceed carefully a low spade from dummv to your nine nou lead a heart towards dummys high hearts if weat plays low then lead another spade from dummy lo sour jack now your last heart west must win with the ace and lead a minor sun you win and take out easts last trump with the king in dum mv your hearts are good and vuu mak i nic learn to lead towards vour high cards so that at least one opponent must plav his cards be- lore vou decide what to plav in the suit canadian industries mrs m ben- tall home economics and health mrs s morrison- resolutions mrs j fox historical research and current events mrs a brooks citizenship and educa tion mrs h collet lunch mrs griese mrs upshall mrs coles mrs collett program mrs o- rourke mrs morrison mrs ben- tall urs slnrlslr or d a garrett htyslclan and 5vurgeon cimer of willow and river sl entrance river st acton ont phone uoui or robert d buckner physician and surgeon 19 wellington st acton out phone 1 10 dr t b moore physician and suryi 2 main street north comer main and mill street acton ontario phone 15j2im dental dr h leib dental surgeon ofrice corner mill and frederick streets office hours by appointment telephone i5kv4i0 dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office m church st e office hours v a m to 6 p m closed wednesday afternoon telephone i5vi750 dr cedric dey dental surgeon suite no j illnton bldg i7a mill st e acton ont for appointments telephone i5vi jflo legal c f ieatherland q c barrister and solicitor notary public office hours 10 am i j pm i p m 3 pm saturdays by appointment only phone office livijv res mj1745 acton a braida b barrister solicitor notary public office hours in acton monday friday evenings phone umu night or day fliue r shoemaker mgr optombtblrrt e 1 buchner od optometrist contact lenses hearing ald 6 john su 9j acton in at ion wednesdays only 2 00 pm 600 pm for appointment phone 1sv1041 ii no answer phone waterloo 742417 i pm v pjn saturday 1 pm s pm it paisley st guelph ontario phone ta 42242 office hours in guelph saturday 9 am 12 am daily am s pm kaplan ord barristers and solicitors sidney kaplan and john d ord oc ik uountalnvlew road s carrels building georgetown 774456 arthur a johnson 114 mam st milton lloyd davis jewellcry phone tr 0972 res tr 8971 tuesday afternoons thursday evenlngi i riday mornings apptuibing and inubajc f i wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone mw720 appraiser and insurant over so years la acto abciiltect donald e skinner uarch mra1c 17a mill street suite 2 acton telephone hv2740 office hours by appointment or 20 stavehank rd port credit 274j42 ttavttjmm ouatx gray coach lines coackk uuv acfoh standard time eastbound j am f dally eutttri sun and llul m am dally sep sat sun i hoi express tilt am ii j am 2of ptu im pm u pm lu pan 10 4 pm sun and hoi westbound omo from 1956 to imi the number or canadians 1a the ho0oji0o0o income bracket increased by jm- 0q0 to 1jj53jo0 in tbe same per iod the number of persons in the uademjtbraekilcllned by committees agriculture and 23000 to 2405000 david w gohn dc ii young street comer of arthur a young su qfuce hour by xppolntmenl sat phone isjujl 7j7 mm uilly eufpt sun a hoi 1027 aan i2st pan 2j7 p m i37 pan 137 pm ii pm iij2 pm iso am sat only canadian national railways standard time easlhound tst am to toronto dally repi sal and sun 7jj am to toronto dally escept sun f12 a m dallv except sunday and mondav direct connection from owen sound etc 742 pns ts toronto dallv except sunday 747 pm to toronto sunday board at georgetown only westbound loi am to stratford dally ess cepl sun 623 tun to stratford dally except sat assd ajsv past dally exoepc suaday x4f am to stratford dsdhr hi ml sat