Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 30, 1964, p. 12

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tka adonfra ffmt thoraday aptfl bo h harley tohalton br ml mamtt haruy klf k the past week has been m- one in the political ttfc of canada events in and out rf the house of commons will rifecc the hfe of every canadian there an three matter i would lite to mention this week of par ticular interest the ftrat mul of court be the canada ivmion mart here of coure the dipiomalk haad of the rvime mimstef is very evi dent this u the tvpe of poihic- aj activity in which ur rvr- mmi exocu the compromise plan between the quebec and the federal plan u apparently well reodved by the rvemier of ontario and ckpccufcj to he wh corned by the other provincial premier we are nut diucpoin4ed thai hir uriiiiufc plan luben chang ed three time if we can im prove the canada rvntion han even further we whoujd be tu-x- tbw and runtfe it again if it will benefit ihe people c tuu it it kurcly better to bring in a plan analyse it and change it to uih ak many a pokible titan lo brintf in n inferior plan or none at nil thw neniion plan wlh now be porlable act canada includ ing ouehec and each province if they wkh can u4mnieer the plan ihemvelvefc the new plan will till be tvlcrmi to a joint cummiufc of ihe llouke of cummunk urul it will he fcomt tltnr hefnrv tike log u la ion he- cuiiie law fivhale transfer trw mwond matter of import ancc and interest to all the vet eran in the riding was the two- dav dchuu during a supply motion on the guction of the rtmvihlc transfer of dva honi- faw to other authorities it ha a been recognized its far back a 1w that a kcriouk problem was tkvcloping in the dva hotpitah tin conservative answer then piul their attitude now is harulk oil our veterans howpttau wc do not believe thi is the bctt mj kit ion for our vctcruns wel fare the prohlcm are there ctk rvcognlie them and do komclhing about them before they reach serious proportions the problem has been deveaop log because of the increasing number at long term chronic lhneas type of veteran patient these hospitals al the present time 75 to m per cent of pat ients in dva thoaphafa do not re- ojuire active treatment cenares for care such as is given in nor mal general hotpitak thu invariably restricts the kind of medics services which are available proeuiunal people baluralry move to hospitals wraw ihey have the broadetf op- portunlaws this is reflected in the downgrading of the dva hovpitau by the college of miyt- icisns and surgeons in the leach ing programs because of thlk reduction in training it wiu be difficult to attract medical er- kooiw4 1 1 4 ft well known fct that patient care w best where the leaching facililles are great ekt we mukt envure not only that the veteran tuve a hotpltal when they reouire it but that the best medical care u avail able to them therefore the de partment u investigating the pokfcibitiile of integrating in some manner veteran patient and general hospital pallenu to enkure that the bevt of care avalubte and that the veteran who need hokpltalixatlon will find it available without qucs tion tlu well are of the vetcruru muwl be ufeguarded and well we must be able to pro vide the best 0 medical care the third mailer is that the procedural committee of the houwe of common ha made some trial suggest lorn for speed ing up the routine of the house of commons these recommen dations concern the question period al the prekcnl lime they are working the question period has been reduced to onethird of ilk previous average wc hope this improvement wih continue ahd that further changes will continue to speed up the busi ness of parliament report from queens park by george a kerr halton mla the honourable william davis minister ol education made a long awaited announcement in live provincial legislature last week he intruduccd legislation providing further assistance for retarded childrens education since tfic inception of grant in 1953 to local ussociii lions more than 40 new schools have been constructed with the aid of caniil grunt irom the denart- mcntol education and more tlutn 400 teachers have received miminor course taiining at pre sent m associations arc operat ing k7 sxluiolk with an cmxill- menl of atumit 2800 ciiiklren in uulario liducatloh authority tik new kgislailon will mean that local associations will re tain title lo buildings and prop erly the school coiulucled tluiv- on wmi he uiuler the contiol ol un edikation authority on which will scivc ivprewentutiw of liuvse hodus concerned tliis education autltority will operate lite kchool uiuler rvgu- latlom and will he paid a grunt by tlk denaitmcnt of educa tion which will be a lixed per cent aye ol tlu appnmed cost of curtvut operatkuis including transportation it is anticipated that this porccnlage will uni on nt tu between 70 and 80 per vnt tlu rctiuinder of the funds necessary will be raised through tmmtcinaj luxes in the municip ality in which the pupils reside effective january ims the plan heooes effective on januarv i iq45 aiul it will her- aid achievement of the objective of making it unnecessary for uv eal assiwiations to raise money thtough charity diives for the current operation of the school and at the same time retain cer tain desirable features of the present arrangement this is a lone ifp towards placing re tarded children schools on the same basis us our elementary wanted needed and can make a contribution to society water shortage we have heard a great deal about water or the possible ock of it in the rural areas of ont ario the government is worried that ihe drought situation which existed in many parts of the pro vince last summer will be even worse this year and that our farmers will suffer a serious shortage to offset tlvis the department of energy and resources man agement has announced a pro ject pioviding for the construc tion of water supply reservoir and i arm ponds further a pro gram of emergency rural water supply lor drought stricken ar eas the government plans lo uv crease the grant i mm 50 o 75 per cent ol the cost incurred in the construction of water re servoir this policy iw availahle to conservation authorities such us the hal ton region conserva tion authority and the credit vallcv conservation authority and also the government will en ter into agreement to haw these reservoirs constructed through municipally responsible bodies also in order to encourage lanners lo construct farm ponds the government will ap- jlvvj subsidy of so per cent of the cost of construction up to a maximum of 500 for each pond this policy bow extends direct i v to each farmer in ontario toe plan will be backdated to nov- ember i i96v to assist thoc aimers who constructed ponds during the fall and winter months at the urging of the pr vincial government the program wim be adminis tered by the department of afi- ri culture where information can be obtained and the financing through the department of en ergy and resources manage ment ou conservatiw as has been pointed out vol- utiteer will still be needed to assist local association in the conduct of classes to chauffeur children and to assist not only in rounding out a program of education and care but in the neverending duty of showing biwreruatetkuttd ctm viocins thtm that they am in halton among the most pro- cressive in the province are do me everything possible to con- sere water supply and for ex ample to make sure that the kelso dam near milton h used to its utmost capacity to assure that th 100000 dr so people 1 aerves will not be denied suffk icjilsupply because- ol low wur stou houftsi in oeoftottown muau twas wad an am tbwrsfrl 9 mjm to f aaa tatw wr 0 jm to j6 pm am jattlton rqrjyjy frjgrj hmmt twes wael am 4 pasi thurs and m am to pas i satovday 150 am to a pm mtrcis in this advertiacmkht iitlctivt aht 2 j0 may 2 special assolfctto rlavoufcs jeu4 jellt powdebs 3 31 new name in spkiau solo coloured 2e orv riegulak crici mutgarine4 89 sncuu hornis tiscuirs deluxe creams 29 skcul stttaihid w junior keg 3 for me variity heihz baby foods 10 99 skoal ui1vs fancy frail cocktail z 5b skoau krichrs fancy applesauce 2 29 skcuu tmry crocker all variri les hnffin hues 3 100 tenderness guaranteed tenderness in every cut- every time thk finest meat anywhere loblaws proten beeft special boneless niagara broil steaks or oven roasts special boneless boston broil steaks or oven roasts special 4 a key club steaks 82 speciau m boneless canadian hu 49 65 69 iuuu lhcft or tu ipicial1 twlftt riluium hiadless side bacon ttciatl til coupon i baddig smoked beef lcd 2 imcialt tpobttman baud lake smelts 65c 59c 27c also a fine selection op other lorlaw proten reef cuts jul oiiiciouilv tihoii aub riavouarui comltilv sohilit ahd laftv to cahvt denver manhattan penthouse ielm0nt tcnd usm or t m from california honey sweet easy to peell seedless navel oranges mx v artw box 55 cabbage 2 35 cardm ftilh fttm calllsrnia tiidr mild broccoli 29 cardm frth miu awl swmi far fldvsurlul solodi green onions 3 25 i i extra 75 i i wd iwi mm tsm i i uvea u u fc wu4 ihalaukl imrkrrvdlth i i ipm r t v w cuum m6hu ermlim imm i laifle jelly1 vi cmk uw r i h t caw atj r m rf i t u ki ivetetabiemtx beaitysm1l pbly batl leaffeematel i vt c- l4n uw 1 awhuyb ttaifotb all irie fillimii it ik ca mi klhhm w ml hiujlurt cuauhni iii fiid atjfemjamtl ma tv wirf tvufcij f i e id aotuirpc ismirtehihij wmk tv cu mumimm twwri ifiueiwiiusi mmltfim urbl llwtahtbbuiel lama oaaw bklebebslieel c om ii hu1um uahiautua cu hmm mmm i vii cmmim it ieitbil i vi mmlwhutrll i irrry caocktf mirakr k tv cuw antf pv4m c- uvj tu hj mtiiaimt one v4 uhivwumii k 1 t caw tw wnj tw um tu vtatr w imvr pea stmf cla1h1 wachfttl meaysamte uin aisottt eahamels ivu c- u i wi ti cwum 4 psl 61 vv ha hiacnceu utu mm wwaim llnstait petl j bbetk smampm vi c i- i uatuu iuiu1 yea bais 1 vl mm irt- an uulllr iwtriv iheriiis f w tw t hi ii 1 1 1 h 11 n mow u th tima t pumtt fiail ovalmy 1 ymi ou tl vatlmlu rose bushes assorted shrubs wide selection of popular varieties b tan cai- 4j haiafcati od 14 ihii umt ftmaaaumv tbi m 14u hd im6wv bleach iji h iucoaiucm1 fib bars cmeeribs vm caum l h f whaa i t lau jm utlauatt icbbb beiisr i vii um w i mitamr ifabiymbubvel v ctmrlfcwl jhaybbbaise wav campa aaaa uaw i cake rixes v l bhbcaumi urm wiav iw al hmc tbbutb jm rwfhiail tmav tyatcm bebmiyarmi i vii cavaaw lam 4aa t uufh rnjna ani j cael hackwia mmysaiec cham4 hamnal riaiit en aw t ij t i ciafcrt nut ibbvubmubcc mearys bababas vs e- iamm iw i psyaybes i lawaw i

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