th aoon rv personal notes j pei mr harvey hnunl of ottawa wu vltillrm w4lh hw mother mr c j hazard un the week end kdrh raruwv hurl lit an acci dent lavl week lcl hdapllal thurvday and hi baft at work wirr coy transport ohkert and hivlhrert ol walk er lodge taid tralcmal vlalt tueaday o glen rom uxlaf elmlra and nul un the utlgtvc work taaaavvt dear sir i read with great pleauiic in your it vwmlt edition ol ihe womkrful idra irf the isiacwaaj we township ofltoefc and ten leiinlal project in these dayi when lo savt the lunpavers morwv uxm in be the last thoceght til our local council ll u intplring lu w imli u ginup of pubtk spirited women com wig forward lu pro pour wuci a farsijted ccotton ku uivi enierpruing idea we f naecagawevans should give i hern our wholehearted support and encxrjragemcnl an interested taxpayer the idilor ak me mbc rw ol the il ronyer iuit we certainly should all lukc off ihir had lo the women ccn- uwnial project committee of the township lor comlna up with inch a prut ileal ytl imaginative idea tor our centennial project let u all gel behind them and inula out an event to be ninem hd red wlto sa v i hu t women don i know how to save the mo ney gordon agcw cumpbtuvliu sir hravo and evtrv vueeesk to mrs m ncwtun and thou ladies working u diligently to make i he restoration and alteration ol fco 3 school in nlassagawcva our iukiinul proitcl the use ol llu fine old building a municip- jl oc tees will undoubledtv save itu laxpavus thousands ol dol lirs i oitlv wish pettple of the cal ihu ol these entifpuviny ladle woukl run tor olliet in the next municipal elections nassagaweva badlv needs people with imagio- alton iniliattve and the power to nill i 7 gel hinge done hoth on the couiv vdpl i p- pj ul and sn he school board mr r r and mr llu aelon amateur artifcu will he exhibiting al the five counties art assoc utko show in guclph l hi weekend yesterday wcdivcdy and rew drenlers whow of fcculptuw opeawd al the kjuxk galierv in toronto me and mrs drtnlers were therv ordinary teaman wavtu how en won ol mr and mi g bowel k i acton luu won the uuu aiiktumd mn on gtatdualion jium a is wvck iutw tnirv tralnhi euww at itucs cnnulllk in live aiuvau lu vallev nova scotia ik en 4kd in the navv tn november iv j uw i hkl alun tiw alvlj dauhtei ol mi and mi beit allen kxmifidwn won two yild medau lui hlrmintf lwt wolt at peh muvk festival slu alwo wem a ktlver aiul bronie nuxlat in marh al ttvr elumh iceitval in toroivto stu- ha aliodv uon weven nudau lveln i a ytaiul dauyhur tu mr and mi we allen on tueveldv ami vttcliu vda the ko a ii mekeruk wlvo ik conviivri ol heulyet a tut wiiw- ardkhi lu iik smukj o titi onto and kinu atutkkd x eonlcrenee un kleuardkhtp lor pre wh leu utu and ailieaiu al the cantkihun ililk utieal centre of the anglican ehurvh near ancamir aimi then uii re allan took tutui ol un and ueiekuood altylkatt e imiv h c wlvo utue velltcel ilk deanoiv ol vicjiinylun on vidihmia mr aiul mi derek mtliu k and their l hi ex daughter nuncd irum aelon lo brampton where lhc ii be clover lo mr milne pi we ol cmplovnunt with the uiun wick co in toivmiio ik wa a member ol the t nticd chuixh choir and ua prvventexl with a hmnar on suikijn attei ehuieh moving into their houe m dltiili i i tu t i hit wk aiv high echeiol le le he r joeph 111 ii bi n and hih wlvo lwe hexn living in tuclph aeton lepienentativcv will be nllcndtng the annual incvling itl the ha i ton count v tubervuloi and health awoeiation in oak ille neit vjcdncsetiy evening hesfior wiffiers larry porta married in st albanv church a dooteurlng carttnony in si albutv church united in marrl- au llmi fcyiw wl djiughtflr of mr bod mr wii- bsm wither im mcoonaid blvd acton bod auati lttwrvnc carry porte u mih st w aclon md of mr ciamwe torte and the lata ur forte sutton the fcev d m wewl olticuted and the church wab iwcorated with whit earn i too divd while bow on the tw mrh fra4lt oako- played the orkjah and tha hoktikl wb muk lesley atuw duhy vho wn the wcutdiruj frayvr and i he wl dtna hvmn cwrud trmyr book the biiele glwmi in mairiage by lr lather ihnee a foor knuth nown of while vala pau klvted with filled luulke tony iflviviutll kuwvek ajwl a jewel neckline ii klr1 tailing tnlo a ehaum train mollu l tummiit laee in tuu iteklgn act t nit el the wautunc and wktrt a klnglt llimua j aw twl oigaiua ive ul her hemllanl pttal veil ol nvlon llluekiil slve earikel lu i whlli pravel lukk diul itllm pink il i hklw i huh w hieh kit phanoi ik ami ivv tralkd h i tu iijmhh ttiewx h was given lui ia i gieal ytandnmttur tive maid ol hoitoi u muv aixtl cmuhiwiii ami lu i ixuuk maidk weie muk haibaiia wan muk ik hbie alun nine ol tlu llioom ami muk uiyle wittuik wikter ol tht hiuh tluy won pink klvralhk with naiml net k j sht illu hittl kttwek aiul ikied ov ll tweet peaa aurroundina a pink carnation omrwmman wu latiyfowi charkaw aclon a couitn of tha yroom ukhcr wre carl hum- eniuk ac ton lludon le kocque acton aikl hkhaid heivdetwon acton a couin of the bride kacapuual tfte reception wab held in uu ton memoital hau altei live eeie monv the bride itvother wont a luniuolw blue bilk khautuiuj ensemble wilh lull length coat while actewwortet and a eoiwaa of pink kweetheait itwe the groom klkter mrk itohcrt al ten retlved giuktk wearing a beige linen bull with bcuje ac eekuiikb aiul a coi kogr ul bionie lalkmait tokett tlu emipk kit on a utuilliig ttll lo norituin ontaito ihe hrklt wt at ing ail auua wtud ivooek will i wilh a wtehllng i nig toltai of kofwphlie mink ituv atx making ilulr lumu at u muni st ciulph mu alltndtd horn iulph toitinio hiaiitplon at ion uoivjl luwti walt i loo sullun tioigliit uljiul wimini ivollon ami maple bhowea i lu luuk wao llu yuil til li tiux ul tiwiad gattuilngk lu lift hi wtehllng ml kolge lt oul mi j thn t iinniiigtiain wilt hifcufcmt 1 a nuuillaiit mtk ihnui i in tlu t lilt on moth 1 mi maihiia wait uul mih uol mmhiwiii lulil a luikonal eluiwti on apt ll 7 w ie pit u nit tl wilh a gill h in n ilmwhn ml legion n forbranc k very tif mitrahlr day uu vlkktllk ill iny4ll nit utul ot i lillt hum itu ujll il itu putt llama luiuiiv lu ul huh lln lilili ii ku si josfpli s honlal vtllk tlulr nikm4ja uux tl nulpli art show concludes season for 23 talented amateurs tluic vvcit iu wk kw oil pilnl iitik on tlieplav sitnuliv in tlu v n n mis 11 twin in li m un olh inch mil ll tomnumiiv etnlix vtluu itu ai i vkiii eiiip eoiuluiltd itk kiason with j i exhibit a innvtani eti m ol viewxrw thorchighlv enjoved tlu iki how md enuryttl h uk mi t ih sht i tim 1 1 i i 1 pinti uiith lit lull ol pi nsi mm mi li iii i it i the imiutiin i i i i b mii h in ti is mss hi 11 i mi h iaiiie in i mi ll his sll tl is 111 ml mollis 1 n 11 i vi ikui p mil s will ihlhi ning sill nun ls ikki is wilt s m 411 nig ol itthli rownitn ii i i i lu since rcl w a juhnvon r r rockwvod race blvth are the other local representatives reee hint on i exthxted to attend a well as the members ol parliament sc en doetiirs attending the sehtol ol hvgiene in toronto will be there in i heir native drcsv rtxrvation director jim ca- burn is fctmng to nake i tvcoid t light to vindseir tomorrow in euchre and pe nn vaie prov ided a aiv m hell be leaving pleawnt evening at the icuut ma uv ontario rccixa ham laet thursdav there wrre ilun association eonventon at 7 eiht tabks of euchre vamners am anu tk lark wu armt were ladus oori- wcnh i al 7 10am you rur vcvewid urs wilson con- slwkkc windsors still on tla un mis van lximm nun tm convention penny sale euchre helclast thursday tlu seoul and guide mothers van damm nuns lust r a u triers second mrs jiii majladies consolation v pafullon finnv sale winners carol saunekrs chothc basket doru biowne iushion irvru holmes paviu uk divh m llulmmel paae rrui elma mciallcr bav- 1 the let a ul rut dons seovne pic nu iu tais mc lac hern tow mxigs hafgett cake tin mrs loks uiabeth dr pillow cas es ldith jennings cookie jar mrs rend tiekv ave salad howl mis rrvd anderson mix my tuwls mis g w ism rut table- eloth w p williarm luweht dave mams i lower and as ts el mcgilkiwav 2 gas rita lwcr cup and saucer td mc dllowav ceil tec c a rale mis givggs hie id bux mrs clare wilson pre casseroli bill thompson nuns socks adclc kolan cnsper peg coon tea spoons m llulnayel dish cloth etc mis newton canmsitr vet s ijv ik 11 mi uiihui whs llllks kllkiuss itk lltilip ilk i iii llu i hl i luul llimr olh is i ih i it puss p int mil su on l hill ol ilk el iss insinui i m m i h j nevtman pitsenlnl to mis davul pills a liitt punung the sktlvh iloiu lo mstiiki tlu class w is or 111 ul iilltt spo neir iliatthmlgt a pi 14111 is l be pticttl tm the ti inn 1 hi piinling is now hincinl in llu business olliu t 23 regulcrrtl number ot stiulmis nm is r sills nk uul v ill 111 i n ol mis m 1 hu puntrtl i mis j m11lh un mu h i llu i it 1 k t is tl in h in 11 ilun wilh 111 iu sim siill ms is ti ii 1 ku w is 111 si in ihsli ul p mil mil 1 t ilotlul t uali in ol 1 fthip and lish bv mrs ci mdc cook sum ilk night m hool 1 lasses inn l lu kl ui moit llu re eit iti n lominiltn sx nviiul llu ul tlissts ihtv witi oilimtil bv mis i mi 1 dnhkh wh w is kiin 1 lu 11 iv round ol ippl nis i llu t nd 1 t ih shi w kpcnl in wuodbridad saturday by ihd blanch cribbae teams a ihclr tuw rut of domineering uuj kpitlk circufc wai carried tlglil lo i he oroviirial linalk alter the dy scon h weie lal lud at ion vvak tied lor llil kikoi with itf wnik with llu si maty 1 boy aw u cublomury live total point declded he tlrsl tlfcce kpol wbleh wa finally ta tn by the st marys etxw by s poiit ik bill we think lull ucond spot i great and we would like to eimgiatututt ihe 1 1 am tapialii tiude ijndsay ami hu ktalwart tttwtd ttd mhott pttt turkow huii mi cute lu in mai stole v jatb divujalc mi i joitlan and bill nkoluk vvihi iih k font ik 11 iuiikhiol luiausi ol loitikhofc nltallalion a ftw dtvk twine lie batk to wti tot itu hmvimiul ttuhtt 011 juiu m apiiumiixm sivoitk vv th iu was won h billlligin at ton aiu luting llu liniikl h spilng onvtiilloii tn wi ii in 1 otn tlu wn kt ml vet 11 i hi hi aiuh pit si mv wt also 1 mgi hiilal llu i kliowing ol ul mt ul t luii uul tt i i iti hi wh 1 topp4 il li pirn t an 1 pii 1 i 11 u tl p iu wilh nun mint i lu 11 win 1 ti mis in ih i miin v wilh sonu in in ki nit mis oh ot 1 win i mi uul m on oilu 1 m llnouyh ul onlai lo a i il i t mill mini lu piss 1 il on lo oul 1 honipson 001 vu ms llllnl ulii 11 iult wilh ilk twivs lo ill lilt st totllll iiiuills mil gitis i lii lit llu lutikil tn t ui igt 1111 nl hi i iliivt ih 1 1 kitpk llu 111 on llu vt inning li til t lu sju its i vi nls n vt 1 stt ni i 1 ml ibis linu 1 i vi 11 uul iliis siiunlav lis distiiil tinliu il wiltiilown this sums i 1 tu 1 li ibil ih 11 this lonur it is got 1111 1 this vi 11 hut w wilf ton unix 11 lv wishing llu hiaiuh it hi llu lusl il hu k uul hok llu tl 1 ruing kluik nls arc pi it using lor 1 t losing ptogt ml ifu 1 ml ol mi sun i iv dlun nii llu file mien iop i out i kthu iittis ttl lo slop lis waillill miking il sountl is llu high 1 itinbk tils istti 1 1 id kill u pork it 1 ill i ih 111 llu ivpual spung gi ss hu it luiiutl out to lu a i ithlv itliv svslcm wis tthltxtetl 1v tlu hvuio dtpailiiunl ots h 197 drrtl hut rortta an the mueilnik pnned very edit iilonl to thom allendlniand ii tluy kluwsl uu ihlrtu ll 11 thai llu uglon u moving one way mly aluod a nunpliu upon tin llu 101v umiiou uili ik yiviii i the ueiv 111i nulling umiday may 4 al i w n 111 tlu gual inlerot khowil hi dunk i level u veiy ulkfv lug and if our hraiuh tail vhow llu vanu inleivl uuc a iiiihiiii ul nor gtiuial nuvtlngi i nt fcuiv each oiu ol tu will have a yival titlliiu nf vjlkruiflmi in know ing lmv liuvr htlptil in wmu tvrfv 10 iwlp ulluiv sv you ilun i nrnny r i aitarfnvan ih riro truck sunday rtw lira- fmm ha wall a 4 lo annul 4raic pul oul the tire annual meeting halton county tuilkcuiolltlam- hialth assooation pine room oakville arena wednesday may 6th 830 pm tpeaker misstertha m reynolds chif attrndamcf olfictll and coodinaiob chiid guidance cunic ih boaiid of tducation fo tht ciiv of tobonio kltuc cotdiauv invitid to aitiwo giant savings duri dollar features si iu iii llillmu l i ii champion dog food 8 for 1 sit ht llklin nhbhiu i i v p hu upton soups 8 pbgi 1 sit iv i hinlil wt 2 i johnsons kiear 1 silt t is lint smarts fancy apple sauce 7 for 1 sit 12 u1 i vviult j ii peanut butter 3 for 1 sit 17 is init libbyt cooked spaghetti 6 for 1 i national many waak homu buy i llavt iu hlraliuil or junior hainz foods 10 for 1 llonua huyt uavr i7t naw lliuhliy 14 i or hag j klaanax tissues 7 pkgs 1 itonui hoy have lit jt hi twin fuk whlla or colored whit swan tissue 8 rolls 1 llonui lluyl sv ih i willi fork m-m- tuu clarks beans 5 for 1 stt ailm i is lint sit v bit i0i fruit ckull 4 far tl tamtl tout 10 for tl s it lit att i lint allan orlnkt 3 far 1 1 si 2 im m li i ih munit s farewell party at ballinafad on wedncsdav cvxning aprd 22 u i uwell presentation was ivcld lor mrs lu uanw and won cor don at lullmtad hall thcv are having the arm on the fihh ime and nuivuvgaio acton than mm of the evening don matluws called lil and gordon ul live iront a short uddrcs ol latveccll was read bv mrx a hixuiks mrs wn rowxisll and mi ida mai hows presented un electric colfet maker toaster and a cotloe tabic to mis evans and a leather wallet to gordon gor don rimkcd ecronc on behalf ol hmtmh aiul iti mother luc lire atvd crokinok vcre plawd luiidt was servvd otuj lrmjct1 tillwwtttrfcithli beyms thursday evening hut mr casburn ts staving to oryanuc the senior citizens club tic is being sent bv the recreation committee this is his tilth ree re a hon convention atvd he s looking totward to it verv much oimil sessions atvd the exchange of ideas m informal ehats as well coordinal ion of res rx a turn i uttiuus will be high tightud mexlirvgs ate in wind vurt prince cdwaid hotel fiank w 4uucc ol r r i ac ton has just compleltsd his tiaimn at bear manufacturing cotispanv s world lamous auto- motivt sate iv sen ke schotil in rock island illinois mr roec received intensive training m ahgnme nt balancint and i ramc siratyhtemng learning ilk latest techniques in this important saletv ser ke while ul the be tr school ik wis elected to receive the bear oscat which is a special awatd earned bv a student in recognition ol out standing el tort and ability do pjavcd during his training the bear school u the largest ol its kind anv where and attracts tu- dents from all ovxt the world mr rtuec applies his ability at frank s auto collision r r 1 crew sons corners crowd of 175 bid nearly 200 close to jx wis lllstd tl verv successful mminila md op porlunrts s ik sponsoutl s itm div bv the acton aumiiiiv til tht north hilton assoeiition lor tht mintalh retudetl a hh ciowd attended tht event in tht puish hill rxeollenl buvs in tlu op- port unit v silk included a table and ch iirs ind irotier ihtit were manv books tnd utichts ol clothing mc hiding i coupk tl lur coit s in ehiiltt vtiu piesuknt mis j tuikos mis c antkison ind mis rov kn iplun issislixi bv other numbers ami oluntters c roved vvis estimated at 17 h s holden optommilt j cork si lat guixph rtume ta j7i5 ii u villi oiurrri stainlets sthl blades a inl oiuitti lathir shavino cham all for 1 stt in rio t whiti july fowdirs 10 pkfli 1 sin k lilt kill mill ultt iii llll l lhlllll llton touk 7 pk wiikin0 1iscuit 1hciai slipt ml iii 111 i tntt attortiiitnt biscuits 120 biennis in ml c inv out pi k having a storage problem calt f s moving storage 8774106 for free estimate dust free and pauettized storage in sminkiersystem warehouses packing shipping crating sweet pickled cryovac halves cottage rolls 47 lb a boeboe loi t hui h i isi epoi t in tlu at ion anvotu bk stiiul iv 1 lu i t ree puss list week iimiikl eltlclis it turn the li clocks ilu itl hcloit gome to bed sund iv evt mug instead ol satuixtav tvt nuil the skvpv e v t d wtltel li sjuinsthk loi tht it lick was not kuikiiig oiw uel it utsin in hours skeip anel hid liken a eat nap hillw iv thrtiugh bis wiiiiiil smcctv apologies to the minis- ttis d their eongrevjttons were not large and also to those who missed attending those who re lied un the advertisement uhuh wak correct t lo church on time may we remind you thai ll it lima is lal u clean and store fhote valuable winter gar ments for the summer months for safe insured iow cost storage service phone mr 3 custom cleaners sam day swvlc ett saforjay h by n ajrt oat by s tud cash and cawtv main st n htomi issum svvmi pickltd bonaltu ttiplc leaf back bacon 59c lb mllil saasonad sklnlcu wieners 85c lb wall slrtakad llovm i arm rindless bacon 59c lb olmsltads i ully cooked breadad haddock portions 59c lb senior xtudenu who attcivd- 1 the curaen night in milton teurtvetl tt grcut dcul rouirlans rtrhd hoped tmitinacwxnejl up tile tab tor the bus t quality ba products save you money gaitolin motor oil dtamlfitm fttoloik sisvroitir oil euvaiwa hh s y v fay small carrylwa csmtjm thompson fuels ltd acton tm holmshu3ai74 carolines flower garden shop evqmhing for your garden largs se1ection of ever greens shrurs and tress morr trees rurr bushes ready for canting roses fotted readv to ftant au varieties begonias gladiom- dahuas cut howers always avajla1u ftown wired anywkart mhm ujmio anytlma ofmn 7 day a wot 00 a m tu dark i fertilizers seed garden tools etc visit us tooayi bonus buy of the year 3 with ss 00 purchase aluminum lawn chair nonua buy hav tc pacltag c4 m salada tea bags 77c ihinua huy i have 7c mb dtja rose margarine 4 for 95c bonua buy bav tic datirgcnl pkg giant size onto 81c baked fmli weaton or sunbeam re 4jc pkf coconut macaroqns pkg 39c discount mice anili k ii m un i ii 1 i in i 12 mi suave hair smlay k h s nil 1 nl suave shampoo kti vk civni ii il i miss sfhlay net 12 sit wiy klt 7t sunshine fresh fruits and vegetables oranges 3dor 1 21c 2 for 35c 5c celery stalks ju cucumbers spinach mac apples 3 lb poly bag 45c n birds eye delklou mw vtmabl dlabta cut corn in butt sauc mlxd vo- tabu duhf sauca gnmmi pt buttnr sauc your cmoic 10oz w0 3 si e d smiths pure jams or jellies 9ox jar 3 for 89c open i every monday til 6 pm cpefe thursaminigwtjilltfcm rr amke parking fauuties phone orders taken 8534990 town omjvkv onommts ss00 ot ovh