Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 7, 1964, p. 13

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rff kpckirtpj niws and shopping guide k a ps i v sfcft r j7r t fgt jr by mtttvwy yyl v intws cast for th rock wood mimical show durtrvg the wk th evn wt a huqe tuccett and each parformarwra wit attend nd it pictured on tt0 during the performance pterin for ed by a telloul crowd tf vrvln jow dbenk who n thown at the piano cmmissha improves lighting h vamge residential areas commltaion mo i in tjte- town hall on april j lb nrcavnti werv j a mhiw r c utile and thr chulrmun k uurny l mt moved that ow stc treat acknowledge idler from hif c r dukk lo iwwn light in urwufcg to the rales ait wi bv hfitc the secy uat ktu thokiwd 4u ublui price ml 175 waft and iv wutl mervury vap- all vhu ih huiminau pvrfactly adapted u living in uur water and tjull halol un bhor ihrar tnany im portant dlflvrenr between aquatic mimmiti loch ai the uhilf and flihm tr maniple baby whale ar horn altv nther than blnj hatched frwm an gg the young whale ire fad on mother milk the have rut gllu but breathe air through their lung urea of rock wood th larrle out ihr program of improving ih ughllng of the villa lircu secretary l j ayir reported rital he wai obtaining price fur the rtuxilkwi of f pole on main si lo accommndalrf ihr dcpl kl hlghwayt trt ivgurd lo i heir tunwtruchonpoin for kir i wood th1 u unly in the propo a ullage aw yel and itiiiv k uh jec to chvutyi the port haw o envt lop w no 9 wan ithjulhied by uur vii it lury tiwu uhild ik nisdttl in ujn tttlulrd uwi in ionuiniii with ihi iwv hllllngk for ihdto eitenjv uc viuh uulhoiij m puixlniu dk wuifh n wdb moved by j a mitiu and r c uuur thai koikuiwhl llvdhj iwclrk accounl lutul ling 13 0wm he naiwd lor p iv men l thg adoil frae pwm thugday may 7th 1964 js men donl dupuv vour week nckb to ilrangfcrd tftktf off your apron before atucrlng the door tir tompatl tum are conn id cruhlv vnullcr but inrhow thr i j v- v t te5dronrwtiriartvrnortl a mf l t i auav from other uulonihlu can you ou 3600 jack ridley cartage concmt uocks cimom ftlockl and livestock ira mriuzu ratm wvtci concattlmkk axivuai mj fupfuu dump trucks fob hire pwdy kvcbm mac actow johnson onomuiiiti tutuy afumeen thurtday everting frtday morning h40m t j 114 maw f mltyon may we remind you fkt u b itm ul ix clean and store tkom valuable winter gar ments k tuf summii montmt k 1am intuiis iow coit jtcwach jwvtcl custom cleaners ih by 19 aju out by 9 pj- cakii and caftmy main it n h4on iii1ih coufnbmation canoi8atvs st john t anqlican church rockwood 5undy tr pictured ouhtd th church following the apoilolic riu of the t- no on of hnd rt rev c r h wllkinlon attuunt buhop of th dioceu of nkqiii imltrd ihn rite to the 15 candi d th buhop durinc th iervice alto dedicated four new buriet and veilt for st john church which vwi donated bv the albert vvaie family m rremory of their children barbara wl barfly hamilton alberta bruce and geo roe ware minister inducted for eden roclcwood tse combined congrrgatiom of bden muu atwl muckwood prrt- bylerun churchrv urr prrvent i the tnductiun of their nnt lnlilrr rev jav e tmlur un frkla evenlnn muv i in rent wood pmbyterun chuivh kil- loavlnil thf opening hvmn and graver the scrtnlure ua rvad and ihr textnon drliwnxl h the luv j sirw ev schrw pokc on iho man lupecu of a minuter tall av it vneiv an aajrecnwnl or ctlhangr ot kromiiet briuven tu or more ftaartlea it ham ille a ornant tellh uhlisalkm to both nanus tad in the churxh reuillinc in j contract uilh irrtni in unlli ia a docuineni av in uu tlu atwaker dicloted nunv uu and covenants ihroughoul the bible itie narration of ihe lertv icul lag lo the indiktmn ua explain d bv the interim xludiiauir the rev g mutiny ne induction voki ivn in charge of the moderator of ihr virbwrv the rev r jaikion and the viening f the formula took puce the addmi iorr tavlorand the congregation waa giwn bv kev c mclean of elora to mr taylor he cautioned to v ul vo ounwhont mihoui bdng intolerant unfair and un kind but aland fur what vou know it light he kaul great courage vvu needed lo m on what wa keemingfv arid tbnet to the congregation he remind ed all thai tttclr mlnuler would be depending on their prayers cooperation anu frienuhip at ail timet- do mot burden him with petty quarrels said the speaker and keep him informed of peoples mecu remember he i eimrhided the more vou elve to your mlnbter the more vou will the benediction was pronounc ed by vev j taylor prior to go- in to lite sunday school room for rerreahmertu provided by the ladle of the- 1 wo congregations onswanstori introducecu and mra taylor iq all pre- bowl wl tor maa w h huhf maki it a dat co open bowling attea bowling lmms asmtlto mmbm 3ma 10 main flowers say it so beautifully lel your tluhighlfulneas laal by presenting her ullh her lav orile pohid hant cut howms assofttffo bououtt order early todayi uurot stuorton or tvm- twu a wurr jnttts jruit ushm madv rtml hanttmd nosts oorrto rkaov to hant- all vamcttts keoonias uadkmi oahiiaj everything f m cut rtowiacs alwavs avahaiuji h wind anyw hwnwi a oom day vthaali 100 am th datfs visit us tobayi 6arden k hertttizers seeds rcjrt elc caromes flower garden shop two mltts wtst of acton south stm of highway your ponti ac buick acadian vauxhau dealer invites you to his i h h scs s t air arx ml gf pontiac 38 rrtodl in 11 aarlaa buick 26 modala in 7 aarlaa 5 a poimue aaiaiaaa cuaiom tsan caua ftuick wuavftt 2 dov saon cwtatf beaumont acadian 10 modala in 3 sarlaa 6 modala in 2 aarlaa rfi entity g t t i t recoid newcar sales bunfi you special ceulmtiom deals 80 choices and a wide selection of models viltbje tor immediate tie- the success car sales celebration is your ponliacbuick dealers way of showing his appreciation for the wonderful sales popularity of pontiac bujck acadian and vauxhall so now is the time to take advantage of the special celebration deals ha is offering there are more than lively and because he is looking for good used cars he will offer you top dollar tradein allowance for your present car so dont delay come on along and join in the success car sales celebration today co tvjeae the choice is c1eatest1 go where the value is best co to yom local nnmcmikkacab dealers today a 3kneral motors value pete masson motors limited ul qusm strlast acton ont teti l ivjlji mmk ijjtrtysiytiaitu ahomiimmmmm s wiwjairrat4rfiayitf

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