Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 7, 1964, p. 14

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u the aoo n mu tkundey mey m ift4 harley tohalton f wujmmmm9nmw h regard to the cmmu rionflan e might weu a why the lrouncia g had to be oomidmd in tbl matur ud itk amwer to rhu of courwr thai ihe nature of our conuiiu- lion i mm ihl section 44 of the british worth america ail make tfcu a field of joint jurisdiction and any provincial tpovemmrtil had the riht 10 occupy ihu field to the ekciuuon of the federal government which u euctly what the province of ooehec pro- occded to do and what the rvov- fnce of ontario threalenexl to do in addition oonwnl of all prov ince wa required to nrovfje dlkahtlily and kurrivor benefit whkh arc entirely in tfusr juiik dlc4kmt kaaaant fcaata eta fu i would lite lo proceed now with an outline of ihc nenkuui un that will now he nrefcented lo parliament for oonkwjerkon fint let me ckl with the prv tint old fttfe kecritv nciuton ul ps per inohth available lo everv one al the ajfe of 70 the propov d plan dor not in nv wav n doc bcnefllk available under thtt plan it dock provide that at the option of the beneficiary he or bhtf may elect 10 late a penwlon whteh w provide rooshh equivalent benwits al any time bet ww ae a5 and 6 the amount received at aye 70 if the election u iett until thai lime will ftflll be 17 per munlh 11 one decide lo tau the pention before ae 0 the amount re celved wttl be uuwu hat lew he- cute the period of exnocled pay- meol will he longer rtr cx umple a perwon lakrn the uw ae wectirilv pension al aje 65 he or khe will twelve m per month during hit or her remaining lile u khe election u mode at 67 i the penkion for life will be aj per monih benefit under the contributors plan will he additional to thow reccived a a right under ihe present old ae security rvnvion coverwe under iht canada knwion plan wih be compulr for employee uttr ulanek ex ceeding 100 per annum and tor rl employed person with earn ing over f 1000 per war between sm0 and 1 1000 per annum the hf employed ma participate on a voluntary hatw the maximum income on winch contribulkmi mav be rruule will iniiiallv he 15000 thik ceiling wih in lulurr be niikcd ok the average earning of canadian rjke tfe ounlrihution rate will he delljned u that the average rate ik ht each for employer and employee at tbe average level of earnlhgk the contribution rale for fccllcmplovod pcrui will be twice i hat of the rntploteek fc the irllernptuved muki pay both the empknec and ihe emn4oxt conlributonk the contributor period after the plan comet into force will be from age ii tu the age of 65 which contribution vvr actual ly paid will be adjusted upward a the level of wagwk rite in the country ftrftetit which are bring pw wm alto be adjusted upwaruk a the conkunaerv rioe index in ihe country rie mi that they are more in line with the current cw of living the trnwilbon period or the plan will be 10 i thu hwaiu lhat fun benefitk ak provided un der the plan wiu be pasble to thoe reining ten yek after it liru ootne in hi operation the minimum ivlitvmwnt ik under the caivada knkum ru iv w t as the uaci of benetilk are calculated on tlte utme bavik whether oru rxtirv al age a5 oi age 70 one muu actuhv ivtiiv in order t rwociw the betu4ilk undei the beloae age 70 1 1 k tjkrivlore necckkatv that kouvc lutn of rctiiemcnt lewi w uwi tii out and the one lo be uul u ak fohovkk a a pervon mav haw up lo vi00 of earrwvl income uithoul hoiing benetilk ivixived under the man h for c rted i ncutuk h- 1 uven 400 aivd h360 bonelitk will be reduced by si lor every w ol eanvingk c thmt ramingk ovrr 11500 hmeliik wih be redocxl l lor cwry dollar earned at s at ihe oiwet the tk al uhith benelmk mav begin will be lou- errd from age 70 lo age 63 in ktagcv u thai alter live year they uill be available fiom igc 65 i nwn i korud earlier ttul due to the agreinunl announced by lite prime minister on monday uvt tl utll now be pokkible lo provide kurvivor and dikabitity beneftik under the canada rvmlon nan thik meant that ihe provinces will vujpport a coiklituliorul am rndmdhi enabling the federal plan lo provkde benefilk to wid- ouk irrespective cf age to or- phank and to disabled conlribu- fork when the canada penvion han hecomev legivlaikm tturv will he two allerruhivck available to the provincial government fir ol all ihey mav have the plan ad- minivtenrd 4cderajly in which cave ihe government of canada will mave funds accumulate be- vonu those needed to pay bene- i it v available tu the province at i a rale of intervki al leavt equal i to the rale on long icrm federal kccurilicv alternatively a prov ince mav chouve lo administer the plan ittelf within that prov ince if ii ko wmkhek such a prov ince uould then pkk ilk own leg- iklation to enable ilk govem- nusni lo administer the plan in every was collecting ihc con- tributionv unckting ihe fund and paing rhe benefit k i hope that thi outline juf the praposed canada penuon man hak been kunicierri to indicate general nature of the plan ak pro of when the penkton ik claimed posed i believe that this plan but not beyond ifw ape ot 70 u uliimalelv be looked upon as the retirement benrfilk utll one of the most valuable pieces amount to 2m of the average of social legislation in our adjusted wage 1 use the term counirx and and i will he proud adjukted wage besause in cal to tw a member of parliament collating beoefitk the wagek un khich enact k it iaavhnla need a carpenter nw moor nw ctling kuwkhckn cupboard or any otkar ajtarltan k ntti brtmatls kuu cau usutt hnpr0 distributors ltd kximrt 0lmmwwm ah wwd omimuhij acton public school kindergarten enrolment actorroobtieichoolnwill l bl16 tccommodita iphjpili o kiidrorln toe hiit vr to nrol ihev moil be fiva vn old by dmb 31 i0o4 birth certificate reauired to tvoid condition pleie complete the lorm below before mey 71 end tend or mil it lo vour dittrict tchool in cere of oakntf w mckinzh rvwlju um umb kked 0 r w d tuuut imitr tmdl m z gtmiw juj child nmo chhhtiaii name dilc ol birth djv perentt or gujrdiant name in full t v surname month vcai iouaw tfoftl houm i- oeemewk m yut h4 twurt em t 0m m em t pmi tktur- 4mf 0 em te pm u mlben v mwuuy twg satutay uai tuet wj m le pmi tkun d im tm te pm bluhliy so em w all irblcij im this abvwtkimiht wctiv may scotties face tissdes kgs 11 shciali choice new season milkd veal smciau choice veal shoulder roasts or chops spiciau choice 69 aylher catsup 2 9 veal leg roasts 75 sjiciatl b wffb lk la ycile seute 1 am choice ldbts beans 3 49- veal romp roasts r 79 special kuchpak special choice tff monarch cake mixes 2 35 veal sirloin roasts 79 52 spiciau choice ayluer corn cream style spkiali im0 a rine selection or loilawj photen beef cuts ail fmliciaoilv ttueei ue vlavouhcul comtltvlv omilati antf ia1v to cf tlml meiiltaheii denver pttktut mleeere teltea rki t fclb or t u sfeciali loilaws small link 3 41 3 little pig ot 4r pou sausage shcialt see stamp coupon am penntw15e cc hacoroni or spaghetti aj beef bvbgebs jj jmiffdifrmcauflal6tcritml sweet c new cree leruitke voriely utcleui luck teeujut j bunch carrots 2 d fresh grapes 39 c r r cufarijl new sptitm crel 5we teodet 1 q greek peas 2 jv gerjem rreek rrem fletile ne 1 cwje crlip cruhchy celery stalks 2 29 the planting season is now at its peak cooo mtictwm still avaicalltl hyb1id tfaj cuuslts patimts to ouauty assoctto rose bushes shbubs hwi now roe a mautiiul iiwwi k address tfo street phone no v km nmthfk homation cau robert uttle school 8532540 rrzr bennett school b534s30

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