Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 4, 1964, p. 3

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afternoon of cards for senior citizens the wwty farmed senior gti bern frau of acton held their flrt orflnbed mrr an thurv day mary nu2 pjn in the y batldtaf the president jim rmv ian eonducicd bbort butlne wewtiag opened by rev re brpoidf who read the flrtt rvulm md offered anon prayer the pcl of the officer wtw in iroduced vfcpraiidrt bob o harm aecretary mr donald iwj and tnmaurer aflu annie akin the bsinulee of ihe organization wetinf were ed and adocjxl it was decided to hold oiw bol ch meeting each month lo whkji all ihoaw over 60 var j ape are cordially invited a chairmui fur each j variouv conunlitee wm appointed pro gram chart mwui vuumy jim lotuu recepllon and main lenance george slmpum the meeting was adhmimed urul a ttotial hour wan enlowd with alt iotnlnji in gmrru ilul choice friaes were donated b gordon hardware and lllnfon lore wtniwrv werv chims checkers mn reir hrmtk cm hre udki mr wild nun mi wiltaotlrr trounok ladir mr htaavuft men kev brook refredimcnls wen wrvtd iu approfdmalelv li iiwmbr bv a commulee of mr jim rukio and air- wlukrvpin and awl i ant all agrved if had been u mol on lovable afternoon ami an verv enlhuftwkik lhal trtcv irw t lng be continued lo nteel a uixai ned fur friendship and ftllou uiip anwmg the uldcr folkv who are often kuvrlv or in iuvt ol eomjminlonidiip and lor uvvimn er lo the community who uk an opporiunllv lo hecomr at quajnlad with thoc of tlulr own age watch the local nun r lot awnou ftcemenl of meeting honor roll a former aclon hluh uhiuil alodent euaabelh font now al lending michigan stuic unlnrv lly waa named lo ihr aha hon or roll for ihr third lime in m ognlllon ol the high allain mhi 0 scholarship site uot ttonored during u dinner muv 1 1 by pmidenl john a hamuli ot stale unlvcrklt will air township hall project council to call open meeting soon an open hcrtng will be held in naaagaweya township hall in the near future o that opin ion can be expreicd on the towrttjiipi coot roverlaj canad tan centennial project following nearly an hour and onehalf of dicutvbion in packed council chamber on monday evening councilor voted lo at tend at open hearing when ihev have obtained fatjs and fig urn on the cot of converting iht old number j sciaoolhuuw into municipal office nd when thev have received delajled e- timjtlk on the co i of torn true ling new municipal office coun lillorb evpreed ihe hone ilial the neeimg could be held ukmi but were unable to u1 a uutc until ihev have received iht nee cwry cklitnaha mn iva neu ion ipoki wmjjn or llu kjiivwoiyjut vj wwtun c nu nrtil prok cofnmilui ithjo ald llial txilhlloi 4ltow litfurei and t vlimuut iful ihcy liud prumiutt 41 month ajj ictevt w coiilur fluted the tig uns win ivol uvuilabk at the llirtr and mri hlewlon awked why it vhould take to long lo acquire u tiw tiyuroi it would icem lhal where we nvel with speed and uhh ration voti meet with a titnrral lack of clticicncy all the vuy tlirouyh reivt ctkilltr lrekvrd i hi i coutvlillorai have other dtiliet of of lux lo prtform and buuntk lo run ui will mrk newton iharytd in point o act you an ituiily wlurt vou ucec a nuinlh uyo you uvi done ru ihinu llu information is i or i he mi iny llu sptuluallont urc being drawn up reeve coulter re- plkd m11 ntwton rentrlcd that lur coimniitee hu iiyuitk aiul pee fflcatun on the col of renovui iny llu old hchool houm you pruniiud to obtuin luet on llu propourd neu butlelinu but you havi nothing ii council wunt 1 new build ing wlul purpose i served by ij bjj ktringing us along councillor ahould ktate their preference you gentlemen have a definite opin ion why not let ut know were for our project and we publicly ktate it early in ihe meeting reeve coulter took objection to an art icle which appeared in a letter lo ihe editor of the canadian champion lavt week the letter from mr newton inferred mr coulter believed lhal he wa tn tfevor of a e leveed meeting he buggeklrd that he thought it would be bekt for representative t ol the ladiei committee to meet vkith council but did not wiui lhal the nucling be ctotrd all opm i thought llu pooplr ol nukva guweva knew lhal nil meeting are open how in the name ol luavin could llu council influ enee 12 peopk i don i know how could wi potiblv be kcerctive wilh 12 women tltrie ik bull closing yoinu on around here our only aim iv lo yivi good yovenv- nuni and htrong lutnckt policy in llu- very near future plant u ill k available and we will pie vent llum ywo uu iniliallv eoeincil nvulfid in lormuilon only on llu eortvlrue lion of a new building but coun eillor rov grdon xtalcd i d like to e- two opinion on how much ii would col to tr novate mcmastercrod the won of the rev wuhe van dijk and mrv van dik til acton wvlc van dijk rec ived hu ba die lor ol science degree in ap plied muthcmaticr and thoon llurity taiylar mttthno vcachk aai aaaroaret plaskatt centre wei oiven tiltf tpoon and bouquet of white carnations by miss mai- tjamt smith left the meeting of federated women teach rs of south wellington in st johns parish hall rockwood on lb rioh is miss eloanor marshall fwtao president for south wellington harvey laverty heating humuno aw eavcsyiouomino sales an service te ui malim fcl uumi cuttom aka mmal wtv ou a qua fumaea utlaltokeht cwvwlw lurun main ntht n 34 hour service tm34 rockwooo jem wytse van dijk lual phvvics at mcmaur vn vetit at convocation on may 2s he iraduatihl with tirst class honors hi his won a 12 000 scholar ship irom the national research couiuil iind will continue su dies jit mimastir or the sum mir in is wuikml in oiurwe cn with the dclencc research council treat piles the mecca y lla mmttv hi i taa hutwuah bubiw4 uw mf kuu aa uua tmhm aius ju al hi ajntatith aaaeta um taeaarmeli no 1 lv imvvmnal f ilku bkyithnal tllju the old school hotue we have perhjnal opinions on thi ajb- ject maybe wed hke to see the old fccboolhouie tued but as counollora we canl vo4e for a thing unlcks we have both fclde of the ktory we have lo havd de finite figures as the meeting neared cooclu- sion councillor passed a motion to ask proctor and redfern to estimate the coet of renovation of number lbee veboolhexie in to municipal ofluch in other buwiruik covered at the monday night meeting coun- eillorv agreed to reoue4 that proctor aiul rixllem etlimate the eovt ol building a wsrvice road north of the 401 highway from llu third line to the fourth line dr hmtchmsoa starts monday or craig huuhison will begin hit praelue in acton monday anj s pnvenilv conpleling moving ntti llu sanu lunleling oexupuif l r riun mmr on llu lonui ol m ut urul mill slivel b4lh doe loit will work toy tlui in a clinu anangenuil aiul hope iovinili a full tlnu miut 10 the people ol acton and ana li is their inlmlion to have one iloetor on ilulv in town wlun ihe oilut u awav on ealls 01 at llu hopilte llu new doctor giaihialeel in lmi will dr moiix antl tuilh in wrrud at toronto luist gemini hospital oi iluuhis4in prat us id til tookwille ror to moving lute with his wile and family he lives on jelliw avenue in lake view sulullv isietn willi his wile mmlvn two sons htaelliv iiuxh iiul a h ill ami tlnan 16 inonlhs anel iwikwtxks old laugh tn hiii or hiitthlvitn is intcr- islol m living anel has his pilot lleelixe seven girls enroll in third brownies lasi vftluitluv u in 1 veiy spe- 1 1 il el is lor sven little gills in uniform lena jensn heitlur scott kaicn timheit nancv hep hum maiv wat won muriel holmes and ikika bolui wtio wiri entitlled into the thml alton lliownu pae k sonu wen very loi lunate aiul wele able lir elis pla ihe new unlfiiiins couee awtd cooklei were eerved lo tin visiting inotluo bv two husv hrownus getting lhawigh lists ikatlkr ami tirol mecul e hetin gums anil now wow look the litur nn i ol ihe nutting e losing with chimes lomjpapmskhm for jmw cmsbmrn jim caftburna resignation as iecreation director is in the hand ol recreation commiltce although that group has not since had a meeting mr casburn has atx opted a pev ii ion as iupevuor ol afhuriie for the london reenalion de parhnent and whiu live date be leave here is not firm he m flet to begin there august i here are man aspeels ol ien fction in the eiiy all under one tneetor his in hi wiu iru luek mierseluiul lanus eoorilination 4 tennis baseball tloiir huekev nel luukev and oiginijtion of some 40 to v nuns ball tiaim tluit wen sm luu hun atx lui meloi iixius aiul uiul outeliaor an nas rawon eonnng lo ai ton iu was with llu seaiumikigti hex i lnni uepailnunl mi casluirn was at arena floor last week expert from to ronto surveyed the arena floor lo give a price on flooring they met with ihe building commit ice of the recrcalkoft committee feetajlded caafpaicn the fund dme for the north llalton awsociation for reiarded children is still ori and donations rv being aexvpted qi po box 140 acton or through mrv clus ter anderson nharc ufftcuu vjud the eampalgn was going well iu date ions lust nxnation dirwtor eoming wo eais ago he savs he seimnver plav ground progmm will be kmnplelilv oiganied ik lore iu leaves he rxpexlsgoud 1 xp i utlie el voung leaite is eail eauy on spoilt txlilor hartley coles will ik nvuwing mi caslvuin s 11 1 onplishnunts tn a tutors sports column the anon fre prei thurmovy jim 4th 10 bflc it stmw otr arrested at gunpoint seplem ber 14 two toronto bum receiv ed ail sriitences monday li mil ton coun by judge george elliott for biwking into tlw ac ion red l while food stuie a tip fnim a tuiglilmr led exin stable llnue knssur lo tlu seeiu vuuiv iu amsted larry i oiv 24 of paellu avenue und txtirgt kash lb ol t leai v u u avenue both of toronto us ihev attempted lo uux llu shin tlu toinur rveeivtd a 10munih definite and fourmonth lodefuv tie sentciice in guelph iwurma lory and the latter three- months in county jail sgs sunday june 21 drive in theater twujijut junf es6 au yschnicoior show lover come back adult don dv rock hudson posse from hell audio murphy john saxon montukw60 jui t010 ka eamehalmen noone under it au69mi the chapman report tfoc tlrm zimbalisl jr srielly winlors y two women lo jeea-peof- bormcnrjo the jem i2j milei mien of at ton na 7 hlahwav halluav betwcen rockwood and cuelph 1 doyouukeytw kat wettr walry hot and plenty of it tar yot uimdry for your hath for your diaheav for your children for dozens of other thine about the home c m fathers day cards per new father hoibee son bremter und grand terrier ae eur onfcplele eeieellrtli dills stationery u-mulst- if so youll hv hydro new hot water service which provide you with new modern automatic elec tric water heater and all the hot water you need for on attractive low monthly payment our staff will be plmierl to tell you all about this allindueive hot water service now wsyaui aflaytayf water heater in eaay inmalmenh el 12 mo m ujs iter memh 34 mea m 426 per menlh including tev acton hydro electric commission bain st m kkwio 99 decoration day committee announces parade with mru bands sunday june 7th parabf syatfs at 2 so m hrom nuow it decoration service altvltw cimktmy at j 00 m followed by decorating of qevet at firview pioneer nd dobhn cemelenet milton kinsmen legion bingo every wednesday at 8 pm sharp in milton arena 26 games 33 at 25 3 specials 100 1 adrrtlttlorl for ort card or 3 admitilon tor 13eard package dl ali 9p bemi4if tjditfo iir ihea tlra im tinr i ytkiiwii llul vou aiiaavh frr a ijm r mcm4e tllan vou tx llct at iua plalk curad bandages mlcrin oral antiseptic md vam 33e 7oz mia 6ac bayer aspirin ban deodorant schick blades adult toothbrush toothpaste vvv mm effective juue 1 4 s t ut reterve tka utah lo limit ouanllllo ijioi regular ilia fruit salts 52e lor dry skin ponds cream special 4 1 c in baby oiltmall size 51c hair drctftlng top brasstwin pack 71e lady patricia soil or i irni l-oi- wa hair spray 67e helena curtll j or sin miss spray net 37e drrck dry or normal toi slie shampoo 77e frozen new zealand lamb sale shoct cut whouf or half k leg olamb 45 whole hank on loin olamb lamb tn a basket raaalcluipsstcw front olamb royal corn rlntlleu sliced side bacon alpine or primrote chopped beef steakettes ireeh cut chicken legs or breasts lb 29c lb 23c i lb pki 55e lb 55e lb 49c so good so many ways california 1 oq strawberries j pints 07 produce ol usa can no i grade california celery 29c juicy valenlcai mie us sunkist oranges 3doz 1 fancy grade granny smith apples 5 for 39c iuncheon meat save 10c 13ei tin york kam 39c ica pure save 10c 14ai ar marmalade 43c chase and sanbokn- save i oe ub baej coffee 79c ctlspv ctitteks sucaicrisp or alpha bits family site post cereals 47c kraft 6i ar cheez whiz 59c frozen turkey chickenbeef tex pb morton pies 5 for 1 in bonus tapes extra ov 36oo receive an extra fli bonus tape with york peanut butter 16oz jar mother packere instant coffee 6oz jar receive an bxlra tm bonue tape with thmcan lllnea deluxe cake mix 19or pkg sani flush regular 20ox tix receive an lilni sim bonus tjpe with royal gold large eggs doun graan giant nibut corn frozan 2lb bag tablerile suced cooked meats 6ox pkg can no i grade pei potatoescan no 1 grade l congratulations to those who made the acton open golf tournament a hujjh success to the trophy winners and everyone who participated

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