x year landmark the good old days imt tti s04t mwiaw t k old mill m bocfcwood whjch hai wood to mc for somi ytv 61 1 tootb rtniv4v il doovd for cwtlruclton m tka ntar future a partio lot my rrnfatm i pttnt buildiao whtch hv bn todfrvk or 10 lonq th oll tavvtn0 room tat lrdv kd roof rmovd prior lo bulldozer irvfllnh tw wall uhsflmflv m actou htnnlno for th fcoqnlion of cndt loorh birthday to b calbratd m 1967 by th citiitnt of acton got oh lo i blaid trt oh tudy vning wkan group of cituwu wm tppotnttd lo aunt hv tdminit- trh counc m ri a ut propotu by various mirrrileff groups anil from fh pf cental ioni make a ieliiiion which in the committee opinion will tie a fitting mark of the centennial and a projert worthy of the support and participation of 20 years ago takes tiros the ml of thi tree iymi thuruy may is im4 anuulg llw giadilates fitin no 10 a ob chalham n ii as njv igator in the k ac i was aniv llui ailon voung man hownd a soi ion ml also iscivtd his commission as a pilot olticti llu sanlc tin h t has had tapul advaiks limit since loaning llu k a i ii cui to enlistment ik wcs willi llu lull illation il l t limlll oltiptnv i gilidol sonic llung iiiiiisii il in llu liti ut seoul inn lints was lulil 1luiisiliv i iiilil v ills uui in visinl and welcomed lo llu hoop lis schiiiiijsi i hiv v i llioiiwil hill hull huv knknss oulon i ivssi ii i i mcvsiimoii mont kannev slu i ilian koiuphl llaiold smilli nl llaiold tounslcv mi t joins ihuiman ol iii yioup ctinmilli pusinlil hulg s lo km vln lolui ii ii i 1111 i hi n all in in lion davidson inn lleniiis jon v dills uv knkli v lack m on p andivv snol sin i ida i umilil jiiiino sp ki 1 iul dim ii ms llu 41i llislnil aiinn il ol tlu haltoii vioinuis insulin was luld in llu t ml i iioiii alton mis al s s h n s i tin lid pn sul ill v i i ii i i iliv n in soil ol in i lis mil in v ion soul- nidus in s mil slot s in i i losl hi s lixils h id i luillil n lun mo ol llu lolws 11 i il noils is iisii ll llosi s li nr ai loll niiiininu inl iiimiii lot 11 i jill mil i i in lo tiki isoiki is lo anil limit ai loll nlio in tin 111 to si mi llvmllf tpillllls iii i l at iii piihhi sliool luinil mis linn ii sijiialioiis i ii u iillid lioill miss ji ill mi ic miss limiis dills oul miss suia killi a ii hi i i is ih n i ill hin tin iiiiiiiiiiii ii lull is in siii siiims i j it oul 51 mvi ih i in i iiliisul 5o i 1111 l no in 11 all ih 1 11111 pup out to otlii sun 1 sultssbw tsrofact with th daadlina for application for ftvowaj and provincial grants l at augint 1 t4tl yr tfcnft it no tim for culhtrtc on th pft ol ih commit bor 4m aug- ult ddlirv hh commitm will hv to kr jbhk t0 u sea yfc following arttct apcard originally in is manifold it n timely mora and mor young ptopl ilka lo rka opn road fftr tuimr driving m hai a mttag for all dcaft som in tk 35 yaart i nave bn driving auto- mobil i kav rvavai- mt anyone who had n eldfit thru hit own fault it wii the cy tit road or th other fellow mottly th 0hr fellow i have teen the other fellow and cer tainly h doeint look like a killer some- lime he it a young mcelooking kid like you sometime he it a mildlooking mtddle- agd fellow tike me some time he it a genrie tweet little woman like your mother but that only goet to how that you cant udge by appearancet het killer and no mittake and tome- thing it going to be done about it or it it if you cut out of line on e twolane road dont xpct him to let you puth him into a dlkh to you can cut in again if you pett a car on a blind curve dont mpd tha fellow coming me other wey lo be temible about it and go off the road artd out irrto the field to let you by net jutt crazy enough to run into you beceute you are on hit tide of the road yet het crazy but you are rude and thats what maket him crazy it doe t nt matter to much if you are walking down the ttreet and you are rude enough to puth someone atide you can elbow your way through a crowd if you are impolite and do no dam age at all but when you elbow your way through traffic with your bad manners stepped up 100 horsepower youre bound to do a lot of demag to a lot of innocent people for every ecctdem caused by high tpeed- ing there are 1 000 cautad by low breading it is to be hopd that m hv xtpiy haste very careful consideration will lx given to all proposals and the p0ect elect ed will be something that can d looted on with pride and a sense of accomplishment through many years after 1967 my boy you think it sissy to be polite but a kiss on a warm cheek is worth two on a cold brow today we put a premium on agility rather than cjvility each year our manner become cruder at our gasoline becomes more refined wide roads won t prevent accidents so long at they continue to fill up with narrow people good brakes on cars rf no protection against bad breaks m behaviour the growing problem of automobile fa talities will not be solved around the draft ing board but around the family table then we can have a mobster under the hood because there will be a gentleman at the wheel affectionately dad itir rr tt ti t rr i iv hm ill tlu nu mints ih- onl mi ii l inn m ihmii si ilt i lihlishnn ni ol i kiiuu i j it t n hs ivm ihimlomu i ik- m i 1 1 l it il is iki ii lllsi in u 1 til hlviilisr id till ik unu i s issapui wins the pi ujuc i ll iliiidh ull i llltksl s1mu in in k 1 isi vnltr t o in 1 2 s k i tl ml il lis ijlklll editorials in brief municipal tax burdens are getting to the point where nctyal hardship is being worked on property owners it is time son ior governments conferred with local of ficialt with a view to a more equitable spread of costs and easing of the local tax burden it is becoming uneconomical to own a home people are like ttamed glass windows they glow and sparkle when it s bright aiui sunny but when the sun goes down their true beauty is revealed only there s a light inside if the moon isnt made of green cheese how come there s such a rat race to see who gets there first ord neb qui living on a small income would not be so bad if you didn t have to work so hard to keep rt a secret the park county news livingston mont the acton free press rsikluhid by the dub priatbaf uul tsiblbhlai co ltd founded in 1b75 and published t thurdav at 59 willow st acton onurio member of the audit bureau ol circulations he cwna and the ontarioouebec trlitpy rilig fin rvnsl 50 years ago takim from the luue of th fr hri thursday fcuy u 114 under intki uwal wvatlwr ctuv diltonw lanlvue camp sons of vol land luld llu- second an iiiul fit- id div of caledonun gatms on mundj ttwr calith innpin prtxtssion inil udtd inounlcd i uli r md j buiusiiiu ol tlu- 20ilt uitjinuiii sundry tid alioils uislumis jnd ijki 11s tin writs of ttu- altir i km in i did pi isvd viimu m hulls iiuliulinu lliyhluid djtunii pi- iii iuyol hji and qudii milili i lu uinuil in llu 1 vituny is ull illillilid missis all ti l 11 w m kiniu janus kiss tlllt ii susls uluih i itll killi tmlui 111 chili ltmthii v1ii1 tlu ivinhik tamp an lo 1 un tlilulilid 011 tin spu mlid lioh tln iu mousli it lull mi janus ujiirn il walli t inn odiiiiiiidii i ind suritji i- ii it stiimvliilr i he addnion 10 llit s hool ihhinds tumy st tin iil hum v ii stdio and son t mult i his mlt t slm lo imli ihit lu muu tlu oiiyinal sur hu lu lot 111 ikw lu hisi mum h m iik t v intiist ll tlu 1 itlllllu iu 111 i in pi lit smi ml as i outii man mill and m 1111 sis hiw ik n oilt d tu llu dust suhdtu d in klllmmjiiukl mi w k nm has mil tt sshllh pissd his muillil tll i iniin ilimis in vi u 1 k i in i uis miimulnl of n dun d diioiation 00 vu ion 1 ii isuallv our uhiits aim lo xull in ihts loiiunulih no hits iisulud limn llu- k u flu wurks s oil llliiiallv luu- 1titiditn pioidljallon of th i pum ih uiytii p11 it itiu nl 111 opposition 11 solution in lav or ol uoiikin siillraui ujs discuss 11i luiiust tlu piwimiunl iikik 1 turn stand iinst lu u 1 in im it suits lolloutd as sitiil ol its suppoi lll s will huid ti loll 1 hi oust i him toininluwi in milttni i 1st i nda hlltd hu- ii tt m a w sturn iiiiiilimn tin prt st nl nu 111 ih 1 u is rrnommttrd pisslt ol llu lush honu r11u hill his ik on lollovod h singular tuu i nit 1 kit is at i inn hoiist iluiuh an missis k loii v nuilv and t p kms the sinn c ol on m it ion look pi 1 1 1 lasi smulan news district mil ton tu w horn in t nholu huih tilncd at binwiin ji0ttl and vu will ih 1 oiimi in ii d tin tin 1id rosan chuiih pmpi rt on mai tin si thminiij in thi spi mp ot ljfs tlu pisiot ki lallui j mnivh his aimoinuid llu in u t tuiiv h will si at ippiovmial l fio wink llu puvni hmklini will si n about vv it is ilniihl 1h1l llu ihw iluiuh will lu uadv loi tin sonn liuu in tin hill of los i ordl town inditn ihon his lui 11 rxpicssfil h inun ullois at an u nl uul ilishi whnh wmkitl tulip bids in rvnn in hiiiui phv lown woikuun disuiuixil tlu damai anil nolotl thai flnxmis hail hi 1 n pulkil oil tlu 11 sums niinv hulhs wirt upiimilitl and sinwn up tlu itiuinl coiiiuitlui j lliklihiamtt said a pi nnikiii naid in llu pnk miht hi tin ansvu 1 to 1 iti down d ilism rramptos hi unpton s mmhui nnnual fistual irf tkasors juiu- is i and 0 will in spuid with luautilul puis patadrs hands iliiuinp puis ut and flowii shows 1 iirvus tml finwtrks the fun hlkul lloial lantasii will liatisloini tin- lown into a loloiful nuni ol pipniii hu ih sr mipiiil dis h unn in otmp brown his sml ihu il woulil hi loohsh 10 shnd loss moiii on hixwoiks this i 11 ovkviiir a ilnm h an oikxilk man that he oitpinaliil the blue ha in whnh appi uul mi 1 hip di sipn fnoixil h pnme miiusui kiimin win tknnd ihis uik lluii raine suhnnlled 1 map design to llalton mp hi llui uaik uhidi lontamed the hlin ha in and ii ii 11 li apt 1 id to submit the dcsipn to i he commons il a flap lommiltei was lonned snui nu uimmilta was established mi r inn s desipn u mannd tn llu pi iue files of pi hare 1 liminiiinp am- jnissibiliu nl mi uinin s desipn ha nip am ifful tin tin ienlual iksijn ippiortl h ihe pi mie minisiei halton county weed control h v i msithur couiit ueed inspei lor subcriptlcms payable in advance j3 00 in canada j 00 bt england and otber commonwealth countries tsoo tit- the united stales and other fgreign countries tingle copies 7d authoriaed as second class mail post office department ottawa tfe bory ftaber rvr thihharj la aetort a a duis edltorirvchict david k djlla mnnaajng fililnr usunlssanded4tor4iuofiilieih 0n -8-5-32-0-1-0- iu ow rocwrt sprinnr this pntiiaiv ntimiuis hiemii il tu shoi 1 hed neienuial weed is sprtadiny quukk thiouphout ontario ii is also known wmtei ciess as this weed re sembles wild mustard frnm a d stance new inftsiiiuns 01 single plants aie 1l ten ignored and allowed to sel seed yellow utuk- 1 1 will nornwik giou on low land hut does eipialk weh on h tlei ktcaiions mustard is am annual and will iinrmalh jtow in iultivaieil ciops onk our piesent heav mlesiations have all lome hum a lew ney lei led plants in a soil aiea itr as an impuiu in seed and such will show up er eail in ihe spruip follow mg spring seeding all new seedmgs should he checked tot tttt prewnce of thike eiiow weeds the ate easiu idem 1 tied up 10 20 rods awa as the grow favter and show above an ordin ate sihj pasture oy la mixiute in mnv aurearl june uke uiutart the flowering arrangenurtt u siinilai lo a mumard plant and m be on a stilus ll simmi stems aie pi dimd the plant in llowei w 11 kuik like a solid ellow ilumn tin iiims ue a daik glos- pieen the lower leaves mi be llai op ihe giounj like a dand lion and have stems with two or iluee pans of opposite lobes ihe leal ending m a single large lobe the sjem leaves ate alter nate anil irregulai in shape be 11 innng smalki and moie ilosek attached lo the stem neat the dowering section the srnoih stem ma show a purplish lint at grnund level thk plant is ollen diflnult to pull as it has a ver fibrous lap root svstem the seed is about the sire and tolor of hulled limothx and un less graded seed u purchased 11 will go unnoticed until the vellow dont know how voo ceel about it but thai duumliv caiiidikn mag with the thre spnidlv maplr etve on it makk me want lo throw up id ilk tu see some bod v 6fek vou lo go ou jnd fight and die tor t wo im not a ttd entign hv the tted hn gn wai a makeshift al beet it it loo confused with colonialism and ilu- meichant maruw am the union juck ever lo b acrpi td if ue must have u vw adian map uhii ft i deny vio k nllv u ihe wav i flunk llw can ad kin legion hai hail some prel iv sluhldv i reu invent from ihe ditih prev ivpcuuce of lt crum sal ol the lnlgn an il 1 lrv ihinenlhustactk ret cp i ion of llu prime mmisti r at llu- win niptg convmhun whjlt wrong wilh an ryarv ition standing up lor some- ilnng it iwlteves in lvcrvbdv list does 11 irotn tvog prodiu champion shearer clips area sheep i ire wilson of r r i genree lown tliksu i loonl sheep in hi slop lu iihink llu m da v limes as lu shears llw in at live rate ol oiu ivirv five lo 10 nuntlles clarvi a champ ik s shtcp shlaring become iwiing no declare clare and lu s luin at il for 44 years lie a pntuiiiiur im ilu fattest shtaiii al lasl years royal wm- it 1 i an and runnerup in llu lust sluarei itimpelilion ths iar lus looking for honors at ninth americas biggest fair in huh intpulis suw sfl clue startid slu-ir- m shup as 1 lad ol 14 that was hu k in 90 on his lathers i ii m ust north ol geoi t m in in 1 i i has pismil tin l he ait lo the thud gi in ration his sons hill and ihiluit hill has taken over his latlui s shup shearing license a 240pound sheep usually car- tus a 10pound lleece clare uid puktd 20 to a hag the fleece an shipped lo the canadian co- ouii1ive wool growers assoc- 1 ition in toronto off uke a coat the arl of shearing sheep con sists in removing the fleece in om piece clare explained start ing at the head he work down llu side around the hip up ihe stomach in a v line down the opposite hip and up the back this me 1 hod is quickest and eav ust i01 the sheep clare said clne barhered 4 000 sheep a lew ears back and his last years moid wis 2000 sheep shorn its a springtime unlv occupation for tlue ear round hes employ ed as a colour maker at pnmn- 111l paper limited rt to folk llftee but the lttfjon wa suddenly md tha butt j u vklouti und lajtfd ittkxk in irlaln dajlw the nun who did the driv work in i wo uurs were u idvn iv catalogued at a group ol re- at i lunar tec or ai one daiv put it a bunch of old uldur trv mg to tell the rest or c uiada what flag it should have thi canard wa clmaved hv a biutul cartoon by tun 1 an macmurumi in ttie torou lo star port raying the leg lonnaire u a bwurv ev ed heerv noud old blimp cling ing 10 l ho past hven uw sijr wa einharraued by th- cai tounutt lack of table hot 1 hi trtt a defenw of the legion it can kok uflrr iiulf ii hai a minoniv of old noojeis w ihu live yatht 1 tub and ttu- nifling ilub and the seivu ilub and live pre chih before i finish hit diyre sion let me ask a qucsiitn whats wrung with liootng tlu frttne minister it mavheim polite ihji ht j heck ol 1 lot twiier than atiassinahnj him and f kivow lu- d railn r h boiud than d teaid in oltue at live came lime let me c prck mv admiral urn for mr pearson ctmirage in attacking thi flag ha no and doing il in front of u imriv opposed to his views none of hs three pudi ceicors had ihe guu to do it but to get hack lo what i originally darted to ay irtit gel everybody wr at m and get it over with th whole thi une sit of flags is a medle val hangover with juvenile ov- eiioius men used 10 rally around flag- in llu- elavs of ruuuj u- hand eomhji becauce thvy wet trying to find some body tlse who was on their side war evolved or dgmrat ed if you like uhld llui ttnriiher luarer btane 3 kit mote heroic than the tlan- daid hearer ii vim want a hu uf gay bunt ing hv all iiuuris go to il ha rig up a iosv apple for the okanag an vallrv or a lohslfr fur similheji mova scotlu or a lampunl oil well for calgarv ami iiio ii hill a cauudan flag is an anachronism in ihe lust plaie and in the second place 1 hi maple leaf to me and manv aiuither canadian u hist a dang uiilsaiue thai itlittfr up ins lawn m x tuber the milv rhle tvmlud dial would n present the whole tit anaita is 4 snow shovel professional directory and travellers guide 13 beef calves enter queen guinea class thiitttn becf calr have ivpen inuml imm ihe malum 4h bcc cill club lor queen s guineat stimpstilton this t an annual iimulttion held at the rusul wiiilei lur in novemher the cahes musl be weifihed iv tseen uiv i and is and re weighed in live months durinu llus psrliul ik- salves mutt make 111 iterate rjte of gain of al liisl 0 ihs 1 das the calves an then stihjes letl to a cilhing loiiinntlec 10 insure hitfh sland- auu ate maintained in the com petition the beef calves arc thin liivcn a final inspection by the kuvaj asrisullural winter tan sullinu committee on ar- 11vit in toronto the schedule this vcar has been changed the calves arrive in toronto on thursday november l anil are shown fndav nov ember 20 this sear the sale of calves will also be held on fn dav alt calves omnelinu must he sold hv am lion the breed champion will be void on salur- dav morning in the regular sale this vears entries irom hal loa include lour shurlhornv ihree llerelords and si ibei- detn angus meet with mp prestdcnisi from hsllons ilx legion branches mel saturday with dr harry hurley mi lo discuss veterans affairs in the counts dr hurley was recently appointed lo the committee handling veterans problems and he called the meeting to discuss local situations with tltt area presidents means a few minutes spent check 1 lowers appear 111 ihe lied a vear later in these cases bai- gain seed becomes expensive yel low rocket is a prlmurv novious weed and is not allowed in anv no i seed but ftve may he pres ent in an ounce nl no 3 timothy or 10 may be present in un ounce of a no 2 seed mixture if the olid seed should gel by in n no ing ihe field will be the best vliead onliol vou can effect control measures involve the db d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river st entrance river st aetna ont phoa i5j0mi dr robcrt d buckner phyilclmn and surgeon 39 wellington st acton oot phone i5jij40 do t b moore do c hutchison physicians and surgeons 2 main strew norlh corner main and mill street acton onlano phone hvjiiu dental 00 h ieib dental surgaon office comer mill and frederick straati office houn by appointment telephone uiumo dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office m church si b office hours 9 a m lo 6 p m closed wednesday afternoon telephone 13ji7so dr ctdric dey dental surgeon tilte no 3 hlnton bide 17a mill si e acton oat far appointments telephone tsjljoo uwul c f ieatherland qc barrister and solicitor notary public office hours 10 a m 12 pra i pin 5 pm saturdays by appointment only phone office hjum res uj1745 acton a braida b barritler solicitor notary public office hours in acton monday friday evenings 6 pan 9 pra saturday i pra s pm 21 paisley st guelph ontario phone ta 42242 office hours in guelph saturday 9 a ra 12 a m dally 9 am 3 p n kaplan i osd barristers and solicitors sidney k m phone hwjm alhf or day bruce e shoemaker mgr e i uchnm od opionwlrul john st s ac lo in acton wednesdays only 2 00 p m e00 pm for appomlmenl phone is3104l if no anvwer phone waterloo 742ua7 arthur a johnson 1 84 main st milton phone tr 72 res tr v967i tuesday afiernoona thursday evenings friday mornings appttauinc and inawauncat aas f i wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario i phone mm720 appraiser and insurance over so year in actoa architect donald e skinncr barch mraic 17a mill street suite 2 acton telephone 15m740 office hour by appointment or 20 slavebank ru port credit 274m2 ttavtuaf otlitti gray coach links coaches leave acton davhght saving time eastbound hi am dairy except sun and llol iu am daily except sal sun hoi exptvacs ii am ii ham 2 mom 0 pm 6 2 pm jj om 10 0t p ni sun and hoi westbound 7 v am daily except sat sun ai llol 1027am 12 57 p in 2 57 p m 1 27 p m 77 pan 912pm lluttm 10 a m sat only canadian national railways davlighl saving time eaalbound cluse group of up lo u djzcn i lot or be spread by any nthct use ol rsfci pi seed if only a few plants show up thev can be pul led tf a heavy infestation con sult ontario department of agri culture bulletin 7s guide lo chemical weed control for a spins program in all caatve the weed should be cut early to drt vent seed set grass silage on a vcteujyail5houidbesv ed john tt ord qc 11a alountainview road s currenl biillrllich-oeorytown- 652 a hi lo toruhlo daily ex- cepl sat andsum 7j a nl to toronto daily except sun the in is now rinrri- 1774930 cwrtkactob bavib w gohn dc 31 young slreet comer e arth youn ste office hours by appolntmeai led daily except sat and sun 740 pm sat only 745 pan sun only 720 pjn weatbound 711 am to straifard dally ex cept sun ts23 pm to stratford dully except sal and sun 70s pan daily except sua 1219 to stratford daily e sat j ategtwsiilli lmtmut1lkvbt w-