Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 2, 1964, p. 10

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ffa acton fro nm thursday jufy faaj 164 soviet french representatives field questions from un seminar delegates y uaj well i wi hippiml to fcvpurl o ibu bwpar a hulmi m tiur k man dofctiutf uumuilavtf ol civ while uacid u0nk taml suackhamer tommy uc keowit dmjm lung ami ajwi mi- ver4 ttiumd iron lk unlv-r- wii of waidrloa no hrtv we arrived tlwtv tut suiwuv juiw l arid lk imoit ww xyuterej tttul wktmwn lo lhu mo4h nj w4dertcv we own utleikitfd a rcmiutt givn tkv liu st lid ills cehllycll uwy tvw ou umulav aud tuooiay wt heaid viweu various tvopte canton f problem and milleet by mr thihjult from ih5 department f pxlemal af lain at ottawa and on monday night a tlch tie iui the u and abu of i n peace ing forces the active pariieinani wre a kansov filst mx ft 1 ii svv ic 1 rmbakav oitjwa and mon p mo 1 uot i ix mli inf and danced and ut en kiu much lun was had by v erone on thurmuv we had a grand ball which ended at w then had an hour to walk our date if ws had onajafcraii v feel to their rwldeftcwc it seem li was 1 tradition thai evvrvons was to y tap ad nihl w th lut bight so aiay up we did we had a fat hand ai lanu as uw did no danum iu u would then have lo pay for ii netdlc to 4y no w wai dotvd i 14 consul i among the various twiegaiei 1 1 he it we had mven indludk d anv i lour blind deleyate one arrterl and wim to our firm general avwmhlv and uuimiuie nutt ingn the umirtiiie meetlnu lavud till thurulav ui whiin time ur had i he final mrsamn of ihe iwral asumhlv there t he re uilu i ion were d bathl once again and cither ojkwedor in a cabfcbulkwt wtvtfe al st alban church diana ytuh i aivd doaoc leonard wurvion wr marnad th rxpt on wat n ihe leqon hall malhesonshultis wedding solemnized by caixjielight whiu ilinunilumiimn tkvor- the het man was jitk coll ated si allun anyluan chunh man ol akion al iht runmg laiulultghl r for bc p hcl jk lr ihr wedding ol daw hj brijc s mohcr c i uijux l ncvrd her guru wearing a nurd ujinrson ihropccr jackei dres of cu the brute the dmijjhu r of low boucle uith uhiie accessor mr and mia chailes shultis o us and a bronze orchid the alton and the groom is trw son grooms mother wore a malt of mr and mn joseph ma the- shantung dress uith beige and lon of at 1 on the double ring mill amssorus and wore a cor cerxmm wa performed b the sjh of white roses rc d ii sisi or a wctminp to n coven in minun b her ti tails and points south the bride thtr the bride won a pros inci il donned a matching coal and wedding gown with shirred bod ures 0 flamingo pink wilh ice of mik pcau de soie the white accesuire and a corsigc back had a penlum of trench 0 white carnations late and tulle nd the jewelled neckline wis trimmed in i rent h late and tulle ifu gown was full lenplh with lull lent i h leescs her it ara of seed pearls ind rhincvton es ht id u buiillant illusion shou dirunth veil and shi ctrrud u whili llihle with red rovs and while sirtarmiv the bridesmiid miss deanna west of at ion wore vcllow ni on owr fifftlt wilh a yellow pillbox ini and malching acic- soi us she carrud a bouquet of broni ihiss mtlu mums honored guests at the wed ding wen the brides grandpir imts mr and mrs george i rv ir of alton and mr and mrs a kshullis ol rock wood i t sbawirw pi ior to her marriage ihc hnde was guest of honor ai three nhowcrs given by mrs george fryer mr robert can nons mrs hcnrv wedge and mrs alvv gordon also one by mrs norman frver a thprd b miss deanna west and miss di inc maiheson september october dates set for 441 county plow matches the directors of the hal ton plow miiis association met in the agiuulluril oiiki milton phns wcri made tir the junior plowing maich lor 4h md jun ior tit nut numbers to n httd on siturdi vptrmber 12 tht kk il di is shidultd for sittird i cxtolxr m in hurling ion this t ir no one undir tht nge of 12 uill lx rknniiletf to i lumpttc in the plowing mikh this rule was pisstd in nn nl tempt to prcuni luiiknls a ounn ol ihi furrow ctmpt 1 1 hon will bt londiu leil tip tin this eir nriik r ihc utm nittire ol id stswurih mrs ipenctr wilson mrs j um s c rtid and jaik ii tiku momi nti must b bitwevn thi ijis of 1ft and 2s in ton noimui i lwm what crop will ihu ov prow btsi is a question that thoe en tering the uatlon counts land judging competition will he u k ng ihemseivei this competition lo be hi id on wednesday july it opt n to ill funi rtsidcnls of union couniy under 26 vcas old it is pomorcd by the llalion rt pion cunsenalon aulhurit ind 1 he credit vallcv conseatiou aulhint in coopera tlur with tlve ontario department ot agii culture i rum 1000 to 1200 am tin contestants will be ljivcn a talk on soil profiles ind then be tak en on a tour around the hilion aiia this area has many dii lirxnt soil tvpes and profiis and five different profiles will h ex imined in the afternoon the contestants will moe lo 1 lac il i arm here they will look it four ireas and examine v pie hle in each area from ihis ie will be able lo judge as to what is the best crop for each ana contestants will score the phs itll fciturcs deciding the land class and place the area as to which crop grows best there after this they will a t their itasons oralis to a judge the 411 forestry club results will be announced al the end of ihc land judging competition h the zone rorctc jack drown defcautl among ihr various tcftoluliont ductkssrd urrr on praiing the usa for pssmg their civil rights bill one regarding the cvpru problem one dkcuvking the poftibllv of the peoples kcpoblu of china whkh bv the was was defeated hv a narrow margin of ik or seven votes i oiu dealing utlh ihe atliiutk of icmrjl torero flus d the kebtihlk of south afuta to- tujs genihimn answend waiui all explored people jnj piatll a qiustionnui tjn and several deugales from tuj otulkt tjieie were ahoqi 140 dlliyates then representing some 7 eounlrus llv ihc wav it lasted fttm june 21 lo june 26 on the whole we had a very 1 xi 1 ting and init resting week we it 1 rued a lot ahoui the world m which we live why ihr un set ins io move xo slowly al hmrs and lust how the fate of thi woild it determined wi will he reporting to our s x sponsors but 1 don t know when 1 xatllv the tponoaors are ik ndinoie and co legion hi uult 107 the iwo 1 kaplers uf hu kjui ilu riiiary club d ilu students council of the llith vhwl i ifel and i am xure my fel i tw d legates ktl thai ihu has k 11 oiu ol the mokt fruitful wi tdtitln- livet and hopa tltal we jit 1 tan gel the ehamc to t t on nrxi year dialing with th problems to tlum tllt vniet deleyau was mulii aiul hitateral imde agre cvpeualls hus and euuimis menu among live nations ol the m iuidig ilu que iioiu io un one dealing with the pal esiintan refugee problem and one dealing wilh lite indonesian mlulayslan pnhu m then 1m two utlieis of lessei poitance debau un among ilu highlights f week weit an addiww on gt iu ral as tern 11 v and its him we also heard in addievss 011 prohlc nis of tti link al assist anci hv mi 7 santi iyo a uia ill in who now woi ls i n ilu out iu 1 lijitti uiiiii minis on vwdmsdas nlyhl inu 1 nation il nielli wh gate s torn dille ie ml e vi t hid v dele hint l le s 4h junior farmers enter land judging competition you in your world homemaking club tkome you l your world wu the thafim a ihc 441 homcnuktnn club girls conlmiks l tended by thru dcisle from luhan couniy thy wen brverly huey ot hornby houlh club lliulu linhsm uf bwlnutkbuni ami warv uotfoj of the duhliit club marv cled couniilkir for itu girl from rvi ami mjllim the conferrtrue uji hiljal llw fdvrjud colltki gurlnh toiii juiw 2j lo u tao huiulnd n ior club yiiu dtliiidid ji upn uiiuiivm ol each cxmh jndlluv j jnlr iiumbcncm oj dmritl in ilu rimiiui tlu giil i ii t aiul family uf were ufatw by ibelr i ununiul un lh bu ai uwe kc4lve parucliulloa hi chulwot commujutv ttnd vfhuol htlm the prinun femured vmamy of vllmukulim udk u wfi u opnorluoiliei foe lbs ftik ta fl ihroiwlve on uw ub- kil of ihelr rule in baene vi1 llub iommuniy and ooumry il u hoped ihjl all of the gbu rtluiiud rrom the coolerence uuli a broju r view of the 4h club piogrjin nd the part that can you afford not to hav your party cotton dry ckartad h col too much lo wash i n c colton tjxil and bav ii look db nd i ulf wban our sduuv clamna and preit ng w ii k llw look fo custom cuanbb l bay urvlm saaaa jahijy i by i a-w- ublu camh and ca1wv main 11 n mom t5jiim robert e hamilton octomtthkt office lloura dally mnoday friday cvenlnta by appointment hton o 1773971 iu mautthinvlaw id s corohes flower tardea shop compute line of mummy stock t cakdkmino needs smtavs insecticides kftjiuzitts fresh cut fiqwers always available rowers wired anywwere phone 8s3 2980 anytime open 7 day a week 8 00 a m til dark vitit ui todayl 3 mua waal ml acta south sid al highway wakm am awl hoy watek heating modhn humiuno pump and war syatoma frank carney ano sons ltd rrooovood hma uavvsol tax notice 1964 muntcicauty op acton second instalment now due attention i drawn to the pavnwnt of 104 taxes which are nou naable in four instalments taxes are payable to the municipal treasurer at the town of acton municipal office ymca buttdtaaj instalments are due as tollows second imsa1ment juiy isrfi thwi im0a1ment seftemkt is foubth insyaiment novsambt urh ccordins to the tax collection bylaw a penalty of 23 of i per cent per month will be added oa the amount re maining tinnairl after the 15th dav of uay thbrpetolty ipplies lo each tnsswnr tn- manner the attention of ratepayers is directed to the penalties and other clauses at printed and explained in detail on every tax bill make aymtent now and take you tax notice with you when making myment j- mcotachu coludor new hospital insurance premiums wmvm people in ontario rocelvor birhqy and hnore costly hospital ear than 6v4h bfora on the average day some fi 000 patient enough people to populjtc a city are under care mjiospitals of all types in ontario these patients arc receiving skilled trcatnieiu which hai never been equalled in the history of the province i urthcrmore the cost of medically necessary hospital care is no longer a problem for over 98 t of ontarios residents who participate in their government sponsored hospital plan the plan that ended hospitalexpense worries in ontario bbttmn canhhiomkh cost tor tinny vein the cost of hospital care has been soing up iteadily not only in onlino hut iko in the rest of c inada and in oihcr countries though cosil ihc advanced scientific ficilities ind specnl skilk avail ihle in hwpilal are etncnti il in trc iting ihc snk the quality of necessary hospital enre cannot he nacnticc since lsj the ixcragc cost to the comnuuion foe one day of patient tore his incrcised h ippronmatcly 50 why costs continuh to misu lo necessary care so more people ohtiin the cire they need without heing burdened bv the cos also there are increasing numbers of elderly citicns imnv of whom require prolonged treatment in hospital hospitik hie ccrone else are paving more for sjl iries ind w ils food drus equipment sup plies and crvks about 70 of cen 1 00 in hospitil costs is used to pas honpit il employees hospilils tinl i hive mi rt md bt tier itu i cmploecs to serve more pitimts ind provide csscntnl round llic iloilcarc hovhtalt ark usbo momi drcater use is bcin nude of hospilils is medicil science now provides m inv new- costlv tvpes ot tr ilmtnt which require idmission to hospit il i htsc prtvcitures require more skilled st itt nuro i lulihcs dnir and other expensive supplies 1 urilurmori there is no hinder a tinineiil barrier monk bid ava1ua9lh inlm7 ontario h id onl 17 47t ictive treatment throntl ind conv descent hmptl il licds in iss there were 1 000 lodjv there ire over 40 0h such beds jviibblc lo insured persons ind by 1970 it i anticipated there will le 47000 more leds mean more patients more cost in iddilion insured patients ire cntiiled to cire without chirge in provinci il ment il hospit ds 2000 bait and tubcrtulisis s in hon i i ks beds additiomal outpathwy sbiivicks hegtnninj julj ht i m ihc follow m services will he included a out pjltent iwncfils hospital visits to complete treatment of fncture whivh were originally treated on an hi patient bisih previously this tcnelit n onl fur frac ture originally trc i ted on an outpatient basil widun 24 noun of an accident 2 radiotherapy hospital mcet for the treatment of cancer in clinics of ihc ontario c inter 1 ound i tion and hospii ils approved by the comoimion for these servues 3 when prescribed by a licensed phvsicnn is i medic illy necessary course of treatment and pro vided by hospitals upproved by the commission li use of ptivslolherapy and occupational thcr npy facilities where avail iblc nate conn i rriium ir hrtng rirn to approal of tthrr phiothertip j time nl nn ruwt tfote a further announcctm tit ill he m i le b speech therapy where av nl ihle and provided hv qiuli lied therapists for the txculmcnt of an organic illncts or injury te t7 e ahoe rtimmart u fir nur rnmrn encr onh ror 1rttte t tnfnrmaii n pirate refer i il t i 0 it t it unj i jtil 4iiajjti hriuuiuntu mpi j i tin nhw pmkimium nayis slflaitvd wrj cusf new nise of continued rtsinp costs the provinci d gov ernment his announced inereiscd premium rates for o u irio hespit d insurance hep inn in n with the regular ulv incc pijmcnl to cover the benefit month ot oc tober 19m in j9m lh2 and 13 the provincial lovemment prevented b tubsidv a rive in pre mium in those ears the government contributed s12s h million to the plan from general revenue it also paid an additional s7 ft million for the care of palientk in mental hospitals and tuberculosa sanaton i lv en w ith ihe higher premiums the provinci d iov emment must continue to subsidise the cost of hospii i care and the federal government contribution to t he plan vi ill atwj increase as hc cost rites ihe cost of the plan does not include the government grants vvhiwh are paid to assist communities build their hospital slatle b ellfiiwe aepehjihis 37j mmttuy family one or more eutie tjeufat stvjftl uobtkly ontakxohospitaisjkhkicie ailth vonok avmhltvy vfimomvo v onyanio y

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