Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 2, 1964, p. 9

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where to go i ftairf iwhii j the good old days suyvt utd sfuce tkotu by u iiny tal r uompost at mcw poekwrood coniervahon bark indicate icciioni in llio atlraclivo arei th area w4i officially opened but wock hne consuming procedure 50 years ago tkkcit frwrt th uaua of ttw fr fr u thursday july 2 114 hit exeilerncnt ul the general i ice lion almou put dominion d iv ti i i mind i lu ol mcimcli ol lli distilel wi i ulchi il it milton ihb iai a hand ol ivilrv nut eamptd on th shore t of ciiirvoijtion i nd t isi wuk lluv did conic h km tiaihuy uhiih in uli the nun lluv li ultd wni vnr 1 lu iilw i alliums m the main siittt hildi hi in nit ml in mihsi inii il tiiiunl and stunt foundations mi john hi ul ui iid jitn il i miui hung in i h hut wll i sp ml iii iv l n u lit ii lilt i inn lul s lutin luu i laiiiohj dul t in in ii i i iin on m hi ila o i ii n ik w in mvn t it u i s toiiiiiiilui i miiii ulu ii il w umul ih il mi i wis i i 1 vvll ui i in inn til s w ii 1 1 in t lu i u ui i in ii i inil i xpmd i up mv s r i m i h mi in in i luni ui 2 1 in i imp n ii tn imin hi m lb mows hill uliuh v is 1 mi n 1 t liii ulu u lln s i xi in in imimi ii ii ikv ii itsl il iii i will h it kind on i ii i i i unit ul in nix i tin in uilui ih hal i m u is iluu i n ii a in hi l iw i i ish i ol lloiu mi willi mis al col ut itispti it iiilii kiui aik i i i on vdn s iv jiiiu 17 iyi4 lo mi and mis aiihii m wi ii on i 1 nlih i m iiiutl johnston i iv at itu ii suit ih t ol i in himli s p ii nils inn on w iinslit jinn m imj t v k i m ailhin ii il i s ii ul th i he l ik i i j illusion u k uk d ilijl lu i 1 i all ol ltlil hair splitting procedure on minor loch nkahlics can watte more tuna at a mod ing ol municipal authorities than any oihor single faclor al th most recent mooting ol hal ton county council where procedure is detail ed in i multi page booklet ducemion on altering talanei lor one group wat de bated for 90 minute the problem wn nol to much whether or not the salaries liould or should not be aduiied the pro blem wai whether ihe matter should or should nol be referred to tle cornmitiee for a recommendation a month later whe ther lle council could adjourn for a few mm- ulai lo permit a committee meeting and re convene to hear a report or whether the council could deal with the problem immcdi taly near the end of the discussion as the warden was valiantly trying to untangle procedure and three or four resolutions that had been tabled to straighten the problem out csquosing s reeve georgr leslie belted out a common sense opinio that in effect the celluloid issue like most canadians wr re led up lo htr eari with mr pearson tnd the flag dcbitc that ims been the latest spectacle in our dearly loved house of commons il seems almost mircdthlo thai th n should lie talk ol another genoril election because house business evil get around these two stumbling blcxks and is stym ed by day after weary day ol endless and point iest debate everyone is shooting oil alvjut the mm mr prarson and the number that h ivr teen il is restricted to a few k gallery reporters and some top p i iy brass un doublodly the tolftici ijis involved wish lu film had never yen made but the cftc witti its frequent foot m mouth diplomacy hat contributed to what is now a celluloid is toe the cc in its refusal to screen the film at the urging ol lie pnnvo minister and leader of the opposition is supposedly protecting itself from political interference in choosing what will be televised well bully for them in lle meantime the publicity the film havtoctvod cannot even be compared with tbar given another recent cbc creation the open grave at we recall it the leader of the opposition was biting at it without ii were joint to imj so wrapind u in io cedure that we can t use sciitnj common senst it s tune wi all went bomi no one would argue that procedure is not important it it essential to the of ficlent conduct of business but sometmu in trying to spell out procedure to the ult male there is no room kit for common sense and tiemendous amounts ol time ate watted interpreting the rules and apply ng thtm county council is on ol lht vt ry f ficicnl municipal organialiom in ftt w wonder at limes if itt efficiency is not lo great that members are hardpresscd lo find itemi to take issue with and thus rev rt to matters of procedure it would be difficult to put a price tag on the 90 minutes of debate that occup ed the county councillors and their staff at the last meeting there were however 14 members of council present at 0 each for a mi rt mg of some three hours duration half ol it wa devoted to the one subject while the halancc of reports by laws and corresixjn dence w i h milled in the rem i n nq t j tic having cm h in an fort to wind up im politic d support then there s the matter o the c m i i in flag despite assurances from ne uly dl di m clions that the canadi in flag of thn e m lple leafs ind two blue bars is accept ible among a maionty of members of the house discus sion drones on then to confound rntlttrs further we re to have another vote on ac ceptancc of the union jack symbolic of out commonwealth connection on both fhe pi irson government has staked its poit t il hie ovir only hope is th it th iimihihi i i i ho qivi rnment and opposition paitn s will coi u ttly qaikje the ifh ln ol c in i ii hi on thi ii shenanigans at 18 000 kr yt ir sun iy there ate ways to get the n it ion ihim ness on the road and keep the wluels of government rolling progressively at th s writing meetings aro tveing atrmqed to it tempt a rationing of time towards this ac complishment but should they fail all parties will find a very reluctant electorate the electorate may bo so reluctant tli it the result in party standing will t hinge littli and accomplish little it must be evident it those who are in a position to govern that progress had better be made if they arc to be welcome on the hustings acton free press isibluhed by the wiu prlxtlns utd rvihllthlnc co i id rounded m 1875 and puvhslwd eerv thursdav at w wlllou st acton ontario member of the audit bureau of circulations the cwnjl and the ontarioquebec division of the cwnjl advertising rates on request subxcrtptlobspaviburlnaaviiiwrtj oftlrrcjnwfcrrw-oo- in encland and other commonwealth countries j5 00 in the united states and other ferelpi countries single copies vc authorized as second class mail post office department ottawa tfa only paper ew published lit actoo g a dills edltorinchier david r dllli manaoinb editor business and editorial offjce phone 8s32010 20 years ago tfckca fruai use umm of th frx rw of thclray jlum 22 1m4 the invasion brought ju lad ncsi lu luu liomib in acton when the neu canie lah week thai guntur john peter svwevney hail kin killed in action un june vili and ritleinan svdtuv i aids was ievm ted uihinded in action on june lulli tilt news ul lht dialh o dir svmtmv vv is ie enved on julie lul h his vilt ihi foniui noia sndii j luclpli uliu livis un main st aetoil vmlh linn luo lillk ilnlil un lhi ui jful uiatia iik d iv lulluunilf the news of jaiki ikatll his slslt1 mu pissid aw iv d linn huiiu in loionto jack i ittu lu ac ion is a i ul mil uulml ills llllklll iii ii alt hi putihi nut continu tiiuii stli mils i ik s mil d iy won i on i mi ind mis loiyi i it kb uivn si hi il ituu son ktlum mi s i tu v i l ids was iki illv ut uli i wiundi d i di i woi 1 1 ii is eoiiit ill il ins nelit hunt wis iiuittl un ii uiud itiipul in hi ik low llu wiim lh wis uhii m ailoii nd has hwd luu ill ills lib iti lort inlisliiiy in wis iiiplitd willi ih iithlioit and co hi wm n is is in august islm paiink and illiiiis in jiu is id to u un that llu hmmi mi 1 inlile iiualvsu ne mil i an i llu k illlls in ilia killer s 1 1 s i n v piotmlss ill iiiiulllo llosjiit i wlun llu i ists vmii upoilid h hliliil al i an i ik w is t i hid km ind i ii lul hi ihihon ol ill i it mi pt u s wis iii ult ol c nihil s ivs lilt it is ui t ills tin ilailll lii paixnls shnuld i iki all pni union ii v nu isiin s n il lllmiih hill till lids l till i i il llu llonu ot mis j hh mis on llu iki imoii ol lu i mllli linih d iv i ul ihim nlid iki with a luaiitilul tudspiead kvuasmney news mom asouno ma district hlkllmiom lull hllllmlltoll lumi lolllllhs luu ms1 i ih d lh ii llu mr2 ollsiiiuk ikiinv owiud hv oik o tlu hum in iv lu wnlh mkx holh join molln and ills hioltur ron ild aspdi ii iillii loins uul ihuul t mm ilo mi aspekn pu knl up in iki i looking lkiinv in thnil1 ih md ml moll it eiimpniil il with illuis ui dun tolkiiixis and deiulixl il iniht n ilmtl km t lh itu s iinii in j mi spdni s xnnv with in oil slnu k r tiny snd lo lu wimhi sskk and lluv wile alikt in iuiv iktill llokdl lls iiltlown will lnvt llu most mhuin si siiii svsliin iii im i i i insl illtd il tlu downtown iimii ioim us mi amiisi l 1 ilu silh lis division i i w hliss insolki ul im inl ill ilion and llu s n its will bv instatkd and in mil mud il mo ehnst lo lliv town ii is lulls auloinilu slop and iro lists iilulalid hv ti illu i low llu iih il linn will use the syslini is a showp ti i nul llu 1 1 isc ii will del iv e tn idikd tuiulll willi v kits to ilu limn lioiii tivu ollui ds from nllui mimuip dillcs iwamimos ii tomdv s buidkks hm been tonikmnud to di uli in ittl cuiinlv loiiiudlois ii wis dimikd h brand llu pl ml i ihii nu vwnl ind uld us nanu to tlu list ol host whuh inns i k sliovid ilu di i sum w is hv no nu ins un millions us tiw l ilu i louiuillois dil ndid llu hnidikk loi lis wnuin nul isih lu mid pi ulu il dm hi imptoti dipulv uivt a m wilson luld llnl llu hiiidnks n iihs itt hnulitid in llu soil mus mi wilson sul ihdluii pliviiil in i mild wilhuul buns in llu ii sw ii i s insl u ii i lil n ih ii it hi il mm ids 1 1 hooiutd in tint hieli oil im ilint ahm it k ol 111 mdlon ivplimud iiviiillv is hi lold how i lichtmitie holi stlluk i lit ii uillut uk s llolllts luu md sit im to llu huk p ii h ol his w ilki i s luu llmlipcuin honu ii mm i ii nu i toll lu sod i pl lining din his i bur wis- insl i uw us l 1 1 mil wlute ih hi hlum mm v tlu hoiis hi i uul oiiisuk md s iw tl inu s lu k me il lh piivh itkil mi lu ipiiekh ei ihlud i jinlill host md put oii 111 iii speyside public school lists class promotions you re a uy bum bill smiley thul a recurrent theme around our place the min ute lht lunif ikol day of julv be kin and it un i me talking to mywlf 1 might add the bible tilb uw thai u pro- phel u not wilhoul fvunor save in his own country ttursc days a philosoplurr t nut with out heimir taivc m hi own back vard when summer comes and hi d look pretty mlly edllini out there meditating in jan uaty i know the ludyi iucd trim tiling und live lawn needs mowing and i hi llowtiluds nttd wtedlng uul llu huk porih duds paint iriy and ihe kid tuid a clip on tin t ir i don t havi to br told ovi t and ovir ay un hki a ie i mini ehilil hut tlu ie an a lol i ollu i iiimiljs that in id duiny a whuli lul iniiii so i wish my wik woulil us shut up alwhil ihusi h itv nu n ml i tun i s ami it i uic lit on with sunk hilly woilh wink knox picnic kelso park knm i hun h iiinyii yatioii d punu wis lu id on salindav al i i ikmhi it k bo uilse rvaltim an i hun wis a husln ul md i vi i d li oops wi nt in i ii s i in it wi it i iii s ind l iiiii s and llu votincsli i s plavul in the w idiny hhii tunning uutei i ivi mil limit i yii is hhu kosi ihvt i i v v imv sli vii mikniylit i nt johnston si uul si vi n yit is stis in mi pb ill mailnii i dyt 1to s hi i im mtihiiison jk v si huls i ichl and hint ynls jndilli lliown k ilhv ashlt v lo s dm mi kt nii i in is v hills un mil ii i ihe lot lus mi i i rissliitu tvoys ri in si huts divid hiklyson iwilve and m ynls muslii mi kinu amu w ilson i oiiiln n inil ovii ynls ni i lu ti vsstu i ii i iii ph im s imvs all in mikmttt lime i iv it mul st i nnhli hvi ind un d i fids miiihiv kupeit 1kb hi kusu hovs nillee mclllill jolm wilson im kluiux on luu litis 6 and 7 muluk i iila i inily hmly mh1 ihihhh yum taer hovs 6 and 7 paul hansen jixv vhuls siuh siiamhli yirls ft mil luiv maxwell kalhy ashky illuw ihe hallimiin ims 8 and 9 rikidv mel ichein john han sin blow ihe ikil lirk 10 allu ii j mi witson kaun ashkv wluilhittow i uc hovs 10 and ii tuiv unset thus sc huts kiiknil llu siuk wonun ki tin asliuv nitlie trvsseniar lilt o w ii nun wdmi i lh vidson s uu how ml coks ti un pmniotiin lists hivi bun pie puidhv still iiumhiis at sjxv sidi piihlu sthool md n mu s ul pupils muiisslul in pissiiit ale puhhstud ik low to ha1i 2 r dph luv in mills iish n l t nul i uivis iini i islut roh im i i im mu ion i i ink ik h m ninth i h in lh n ns kn llutilt imuis i his n lh n km p ii m nth i i one svlvu m h tin rukv mil ii inn ronald b is it sushi mtphnl vnd i mi it sh ihvn oviilmd hi kiv kihbk unix 1 1 rohinson iltn sthupp liutis sluiherl ivnald slmbtit leiieiui slav en lune st mltv k ithv sink i s itu tt iltnn til ilxth t in mis mi lohn vi ihnk nancv w i til is to crao uuv hioun i ihn folk rtnn hi idli v npps knlvit cihhs m ulitu ihmii vbnt th llur utt mutt jansin shirley luipu vakru ann mitchell ivnuthv nivvtun ketlh portv 1 vnd i s ivers susan seluipp in si shtibti t j in stailnia ik it tiu mi iviuirih wilson to cradi 4 sh uon p irber ilcike hoi let t piul nrotiylt ton hub bioun di ini chatcite pitercnpps joce dcnm shorn ivmclas giry 1 isiher ftordort rank gordon gibbs susan lluryett ruth kirkwood joajme koks andrea kramer neil o margar et lloblnson utchard slacryra tim sjanlov shiricv stokes ivy nn stull janice swackhamer rubse tavlor valene ttndale lilian venema jennie verbeck judy verbeck geoffrey wilfcitt- sdti susan wood paul crtpps sylvia ilvflatiek gail doula marian ditdge 0 di iistui 1 nn i rum hum j nisi it i a on nd kiilpin rus sill i unn george mi phuil hi vid ovtilind susan rihhh u nut roec oivid sluilvil re luce a slunk v dm la tai laiu lllk v 111 all iloil to radi m inhn ii ulu i v ik i h ih nn lls 111 iv k it tn hioii miiv nil lleiikt tiiiv mkhiiuili n huililt mi km i inst n 1 nula tsiikwiwul ltklv kuine im john m ul einl k i inide m uon i iiiuiu reimiik mityirit si iv i n sh ii nn stokes john til sti i slurb no tnpp s mi wat li rs linda wood to grade 7 r ivmund donnv willi i m ouiili muhiel i rami puk kuinerii netite larson iliviru mnnn kathleen ormukc stt phen portv drin rub it son shirk v sasers rae swaekhun i r glenn tuillefcr maryarel v in arragon grace venema fiknn sutton to grade i riehird ilroun larry doug i is william dougl is iirn dredge rnan tishcr di id tsher david hurgctl johanni jansen grace kammtngi thel ina ktrkwood donald meclure john newell james suwn ir cne stokes mary tavlor nor man tdlor to grade 9 re ppleard daxtd brown er butl r bu joe csganek dora d rasge mart trank edna goodridee char- icne- gough sharon hume bnt ta uarsen edward long john oliver susan perry edward ribble marsha robertson john stokes ravmond stull susan taillefer john von arragon martin van dcr veen linda wood there bird watching done who is going lo enjoy the three robin had flicker slrul ling under the sprinkler jutl like three dow tigers tend a gigolo if i in not there whoi going to ihoul back hv lulls lu the uarlingfc warn tlie kparruwt lhat the cat u vtulk ing und u4p off the gull av 1hv fcwoop tloser mul cuwr lo ihe barbecue if 1 m not on hand therch rummaiing to he done siiniftwhare tn this erav tonim tut i her hat to be one man ill ling 4u wily thinking seriumly if youll bire with me atwrit ihe pvycikoiogical and moral ef bet ul the tuplesk hwim iuil theres planning lo be dom how can a chap plan a golf game und a lulling jaunt ard a lamping trip and u lumnur course und a column mid a speech und how lo avoid doing any of them il he s muddling uiuhit with a paint brush or a pair of shears thui s a lol ol mguring to be dom who else around iieie it yomy lo liyure out how to get ilu inoiiyayi eiundcd meet the note at llu bank und tluy oul r w wtttttlltkimi fct iimeho0se visits illness in weeks news mi md mis rtn athtm i 1 1 slu i ion visittd ml and mis j is nohlt iiittitlv mi md mis onion booth wilt lllislsut ilu oslxitlll puk ml wetldnil in wilton mi mini il i mud hunh bniilt on jiiiu 2d uul ilu itiiplion lollowiny al tlu ih ml inn we iicli l ih it hllk giorym i roliis liis iki ii hospit ihtd in hiiili tow n loi tlu p isl wt t k with si isonil iiluunts and ml i 1 ml jon ihiiinyioii hid llu t nd ol i im i itall uhiil i isl w k ill 1 l i i i in dlv l hthlik ii oil w lloh lh il llu op l w is slklssllll wt hop ihu mis a gium is soon will il tin slu is itiox t i lilt llhll 111 mil i suila hi llospil ll 111 noilllowll ommunion stivms il 1 mu house pirsbvuiliil chunh wen wi ii ilteiukd on june 21 mis a hall md mi md mis mialpuu of toiuiilo in present is st iv my at their mil iyi lure mis he lh andiisin spent i hi wtektnil with hti miii vaiiit 1 niljilt vide and dmyhlir print to having on huhdins with rel i lives in coihnewimhl nova sen tia tlu o midlers visited hh j is njobles on mondav prior to mrs mtildu rritins and philfip lenv my loi holutivs with her mother in england mt wttkend of debtor prison when our outgo eieceeds our income by an indecent row of digits tlu re re cold drinks lo drink any tiniplelon can jam up the fridge with il and have it there taking up valuable tpace it lakes a touch of ihe artis to ktsdp it moving at just the light tpeed so lhat you re nev rr httick if vou feel like a cold one but are juvl fresh oul when u gang of thirsty visitors ar rives tture air hooks in he read elihuh lo lie counted squirrel tights to rtlerce who going to listen to itu licet making love ihe aioins iliopping the hex dronmy il sweating unhjnd hehlnd tin i oar ol the lawnmow er so nut lime yoi drive pail mu place and you see u re cuinhatil liyure nn a lawn chair inert und vour wile tayt thit dill simky it u uy bum isn t ht lon i ayrit like the cow ard ou are juvl retort null id s a philouiplur williout boo- or in hu own back yard professional directory and travellers guide mpdicai ciiihomtactoit did a garrett rhyician antl surgfon corner of willow and blvrr sl 1ntrunce river si aclon ont hant tslomi dp robert d buckner thvilun and surqron ill wrlhnulon si atlon ont rilom isi1240 dh i b moore dr c hutchison imhnivuiis ind surjiions 3 m nn slivtm norlh coiinr m nn ml mill sliil aloit onuilo ihni mvjmo lly aprwtnlment dental dr h leib dental surgeon ollice corntr mill and i rcdcrnk street umilc llouri hy appointment trlrphonc jskv10 dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office 90 church st v omuellourft 9am to 6 p tn closed wcdncdav afternoon telephone i1ji7w church change combined service for the prc hyterun and united concreeations becan on sundav to the confuv mon of a feu people the 10 ocloc services for the month of julv are in kno wilh kev at h mckenne in charse and aue- uai at the united church ulth rev duleht engel in charge rerhaps the fact it uas still june caused the difficulties sunday some went to- the united church to find it locked others arriv ed at knox at 11 for the regular service dr cedric dey dental surgeon suite no 1 llinlun hldg 17a mill si b acton ont i or appointment tclcphune ssj1300 legal c e ieatherland q c barrwier and solicitor notary tsibhc otitic hour 10 a m 12 pm i pm 5pm satuuuvs hv appointment only phone oilkc 8suu ue 8sj1745 acton a braida ba barrister solicitor notary tublic office hours tn aclon monday friday evenings 6 p m 9 p m saturday i pm 5 pm 2 paisley si cuelph ontario phone ta 42342 oitue hours in ouelph saturday 9 a no 12 ajtt dally 9 ajn 5 pjtt kaplan ord rarnsten and soliciton sidney kaplan and john d otnd oc ha mountainview road s carretal building georgetoud 177956 funeral director rv david w gohn dc 31 young street corner of arthur it young sti olfice hours by appolotraeat ortomhtstlffti e l buchner o d optometrist john st s actoa in avion wednesdays only 200 pm 6 00 pm i or tippointmcnt phone i5j104l ii nu anvvver phone waterloo 74207 arihur a johnson im main si mlllon plionc tr vw72 re tr t97l tuewlav aflenvoon ihtinxlay i venlnga i rlday mornings appraising and insurancb f i wricht 20 wilbur st ai ion ontario rhonc k5v0720 appraiser urvd inturanea over v year in acto dinnty charles ri pri st nttnp toopi kaiors insiirancu asvtia7hn svtiniurl bv i rtlt iilioti ol aatiriilturr aulo i ul i iniilv and i arm i lability aivkuiii ti slcknc pliin tr 7 20w moiuvtoun architect donald e skinner llarvh mr atc i7a mill street suite 2 actoo telephone hv2740 ofhvc hour by appointment or 20 suvebanl riport credit 274 m2 ttavttluv ouipt gray coach lines loaciiis iijvf acton lilitit saving tmve rauthound ft ii am dailv rxcerrt sun and hot ml am dally rs tpt sun and llol ftpres am ii u am iih pm m pin tn sal sun uul llol esient aug 2 and sepl 6 sob pm ft 21 pm ill pm 1008 pm sun and hoi wrvlbound 7 17 a m dailv except sal sun and llol iiu7 am 1257 p ni 257 p m sit pm 727 pm 9 12 pm i1ji pm 10 am sal only canadian national railways daliht saving time eastbound ft 52 a m to toronto daily ex cept sat and sun 7 il am to toronto dairy except sun una 952 a m train is now cjlncel- led daily ex sa mnd sun 740 pm sal only iv p jit phone i534u50 tdght of day bmcfa shoeinaver mgr sun only 7 20 p m wesrbouod 7j8 a m to stratford daily ex cept sun 62j pm to stratford daily except sat and sun 70i pan dally except sun 1249 am to stratford daily execs sat i

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