m whihimi orange march saturday expect 10000 for parade one section will include anti que cars gerry mcfaddcrt u ar- mining fur them veteran peraxier wvearold rt wor sir knight c k- biownt honorary ft master kuyal after 40 years hal too county cefabrettun of die anniversary of the baltw of the boytw u agin tkoin hosted by acton loyal ofeisge lodge and from the number of lodge indicating theyll be here the 50 member of the acton group i preparing io welcome as many a 10000 for the orange walk this saturday atrrooun- last year ai hespeler the parade for the five counties in the alliance wellington hal- tort waterloo kl and west york brought 67 lodge and 22 bends aclon lodge were there tlariy this week aclon had heard from over 40 lodge some will parade other place such a toronto in the iruuning and then come here some lodge just be yond the outskirts if this alliance are ekpecled to walk here too 4 veer a har the parade goes to each county every fifth year the last e five mile walk in gergeiowrt rm ago the parade ws last aclon in l4 acton will he thionged with orangemen hum guelph call brampton otangcville oakvtllc sandhill arthur trreston port credit wen ion woudbrvdgc tot tenham erindale caledw east cooksvllle heipcler waterloo darlington hornby camphell- wtle freellu bronte milton carlisle georgetown and slrectv vtlle and fnwn nnr place which have not registered in ad vance many more bulge conic than actually signify beforehand mg cay rrd saturday afternoons gala cele- stlon parade to start off f rxm nark at 2 oclock cover two i harlev and coigc ken me e a half mile which rnav he i peeled to sneak k w vcia huek ahortetwd if the day u terribly j land otplt gi und drxx tu o hoi or f it should rain i ceremonies ontario loiu will leading the parade will be the bung grsvhngv the guest iak traditional costumed figure of cr i r win david won en king william ol orange king i giand chaplain ol oniaiio wl billy riding hit white horse o i this pari thats a highlight of the speakers platform will he everv orange walk will be taken the hack ol a specially luxorar bs ifv county marshal william truck which ill he paik milligan of bronte the host mar william henby ot nafjbalj mi ncr or okancb and king of fcncland black piccepiory ontario west will he ltd tug in a while com ci table gather u lrk all ac ionian and visitor are uiluhitc l the program in ihe park billowing the parade thctcs iwi admission charge tlu opening piascr will tic given hy the county chaplain kcv bio mvle pslahrooks il oakville reeve ii ii llinton will welcome cveivonc dr iliinv hatbill carnochan of aclon will be on a white horse too 23 buw the piping flute and stirring drum of the estimated 2 binds will parade with their lodges orange blue ami white canes union jack and lodge hanmrs flutlrrlng a conlravt wilt be ac lon cllinns rami in scarlet wilh the full range of hand insiru- men la- l wluh will he oil in ilw vhade it live day very hoi the pnigram in the park tan be uiiehed intu the community centre in the event of wet weath er wilh overflow crowd in the seals in the arena heaiing the lpecchc hy public addtvss sys tem d4ffrnt lodf sewial categories l the pitno lie lodges will he in ik pantile the loyal oranae lwle the nanvixkrj uwmship jerk dm mcmwon resigms post heu suks 19s8 the resignation of don ii mcmillan ai clerktreasurer ot naaiogawcya township wa ac- j ceptcd bv the council during ai meet ins moikliv mr mcmillans resignation cl- fectlve august 15 will terminate i an association with township afl fair that began with his appoint- ment in july 195 at that lime he succeeded his lather the late u w mcmillan who had wived men pivfaced usually wilh the chaplain carrying the open bible the loyal orange benevolent as sociation ladiet in pure white the loyal true bluet the orange young britons and the junior orange lodges acton has an lol and a jol- meeting ivgularly al crvw- sona corner aiiout 24 acton ladic belong to lavina loba guelph mrs juan mcdonald it the wjj of lavina and also the guardian of live jol mrs gleiv na fryer of acton is recording secretary vt lavina master carry mcl iveads the lol 467k 52 member with this slate pavt master alvey gurdum immediate past muster norman trwi deputy master dennis wilkinson chaplain george holmes tetuiding secre tary colin williams tieasuivr harry gordon list ttc tiuer dan ny i lnus sctond lecluier vic koach marshal mill camociun first litmniilleeinan allan c guvn alvev gtitdoii will k paiule marslial saturday theiv uie pi ics lu ik-si- appearing lodges iksi hands twsl hanncis and lor tlve man and vtoman wilh the longest member ship band judges aie former band master charlie mason ted tyfcr sr and chartc ferry the new wutkwt agent wfex u a talented tnuikun watching for the best- appearing lojl ltjjx and loba- lodge are mr ted tyler j bert wood mr w carnochan mrs george angel of the legion ladies auxiliary and robert algie ol the legion wu swved where will ell the pple eat many will bring lunches the towns restaurants are prepared for the influx refreshments booths in the park will he operated by the scout and guide mothers acton sitfiball association acton clll ens band the tegular booth will he open and a commercial linn i nun pinkerton will set up a chicken barbecue tlu legion ladies auxiliary will have a huoth in the parking lot at live legion hall tlve lium clubs honlh will he ivehind live pieshvleriun church the loi contacted these eitaips nvonihs ago lu provide eivmigh tor lite visitors parking theres plenty f mwtin in live park including the new section tuhirul the arena tikivii also lie tlve lot across lium lite park gates over 1500 continued on page si whats it allaboutf king billy of orange victor at boyne everybody love e peredel on saturday peopu of many racial backgrounds pro- ertta and roman catholic alike will line acton ttrvett io thrill to the onoaayear lilt of m fife and drums to read the slogan on th gay banner and see m vivid oranae and blue of th coi- futtset theyh ee mock kmg billy on murdy white hofte- what doe it all mean tht on july 1 1690 there took place on the banks of the ttiv boyne a battle between th armies of king william iii of cveno end king jem ii the lost at the boyne were tmalt and frh battle self was of lihl tactical importance but it itret- fcgvcel conqtjeno were decisive the jacobite defeat was com- ptetdj janw fled to france end protestantism es the official rvligiort of greet britain was made secure this annual oranoe walk coincide with tlve date of this battle violent religious psuton had seen hundreds ol protest ant burned at the slake for their fetrh narrowminded james ii had been ruling as a despot a group of nobles invited william of orange to corne to england from holland to save the day for protestantism and liberty the moho of the houve of orange was and t i will maintain in 1688 with his motto above him on his banner he took leave of holland pledomg hi life if need be in defense of th protestant re lug ton deputies from every town accompanied the prince to his yacht eivd pfy wr offered for his safety the assembly was moved to tears over 60 noblemen end gentlemen o high landing in greet britain attached themselves to tlve pnrvces standard and at e reception ha held for tlvem in 16b9 the society called orange wat first instituted these nobles signed declaration and the signers included it will be interesting to note m acion the eah of devonshire as william marched on london jmes own general john chufchik later duke of marlborough and ancestor of sir winston churchill even pfenned io hand jeme over to willtem ea e prisoner james however fled to frence and william wee metier of england since jame had thrown me greet seel in th theme in a childish attempt to frustrate the plant of hi opponents parlia ment couldnt be summoned bo e convention parliament in all but name we called and william end mary were chosen owitly a sovereign in 1689 ai the cofonehon most ol m nobles wore orange and blue favors in their buhonholei the bill of right was passed toon- parliament we to be supreme over both the king and people in matters of law lauation in ternel and enternal affairs and no member rvd no one married to e member of the roman catholic church could inherit the crown after this jame returned with french support london derry held out against james supporters james lad seg end it was here the defenders of the chy shouwd wo surrenderr live slogan inscribed on lodge banners william relieved th city after e siege of 105 days williams forces end james met al the famed bertie of live boyne william was backed by proteitam troops of mny coon trie of europe with about half th troops english a vast number of societies were subsequently formed in ireland and england tlve first general meeting of the oange society of irelarvd was held in 1796 th benevolent and loyal orange institution began tn 1825 of course ir spread to the colonies and lodges have existed in ontario west since 1030 ttvere have been several lodocs at acton the first w organized in 1845 with the first matter chris cook in 1870 mo 2 was orqamed at acton with thomas mcmahon the master thm m i83 ttve present lodge no 467 acton crewson corn ers began with duncan mcdonald the master the loyal orange association has become deeply irrvbadded n tlve patriotic life of canada welcome to acton visiting lodges i enioy your day end come again fchr jvttr jtttt fjiftss nmtlell year no 2 acton ontario thursday juiy 9lh 1964 1700 foot weil a hal fan delivers highgrade crude 00 in the position fur yeanu prior to his appointment u the township position mr mcmillan served on the stall ol the iunk if nova scotia in aclon malton and- weston he obtained his education at ss no 7 puhlic vvhool in i he township and liter the guelph and millon mich schools township council has adver tised lor applications tor the number ol position and will seek a rvplacc- i ment lor early in august after eight weeks of drilling officials ol anthony gas and oil hxplorutions ltd have 2000 gal lons of crude oil fiom a well on the hornby aiea arm of mrs victor hall as pikil ol success in lapping an underground sup ply anlhmiv sevnuck actun pivsi- ilenl til the linn wauhed wed- ivesdav as the piikess il acldi- ihy ihu well was undertaken to opvn up iik limesinive rock forma tion al the 1700 loot level and clear the veins feeding the well second wall mr sevmick explaineil the well was ihv sexond drilled on the hall twtu and tlu hot one nlso had oil but had not been deve loped he termed the oil from the most recent well the highest grade there is of crude nil his tirm also holds options on about 2000 acres south ol hiyhwiv 401 for lurther exploratory work he predicted three or lour more wells wthild he diilled in the atva on lands presently under option the company also holds options on lands near piinccinn as wvll as a total ol 9000 acres in haltou the company lonned in iv also has natural gas wells pro ducing mr seynuck teld the 16 well in the speyside field wen delivering gas to united gas and live three gas wells on the horn by field were delivering to con sumers gas co ive been 41 vears looking for oil in halton thats my hobby ive explained as be eved u glass of live newlyfound crude oil at the hornby arva site the welt site is located v 10 sldentad south of milton atd ust west of the eighth line obsk- vilre evangel baptist backs sessions two summertime missionaries will he conducting child evange lism fellowship meeting in eight locations for five days next weejt fium juty to july 17 they have been invited to come and are sponsored hy uvunpw bap tist church but members of other churches have agreed to hold the meetings at their home us well two teeivaged girls are expect ed high school or llible school i sludenls similar classes were held here last year with good re sponse the hourlong sessions ure lor anv public school children there aie ciyht cluhs per ilav four each morning and four each afternoon wilh a leader at each times are v am at ilw home ol mr and mrs w toth 0 nitvek ave 9j0 am home ol mr and mrs l buhner 70 long field rimd ii am home tvt mr md mrs andres 260 mill st ii am mr and mrs stan cripps 9s agnes st 1j0 pm home ol mr and mrs william kwhesier itj churchill roai s lw pm rev and mrs s gam mon 144 tidev ave ij0 pm mr and mrs c mccutcfsedn 69 nelson court m pm mr and mrs- cart hill limehousc ooooli doootf whos got your bone chant the ring of children at she playground pro gram at the park ell hiding their hand behind their backs in the middle kim kressler tries to guess which child has the bone a whistle borrowed from playground leader jomarie marchment sharon creasey had it this is the nx to nine years of age group ixcxfxxm lxrf1rr sole leather pigs ftr lkm mqptes on various days memliers nf acton lions club are taking pari in dillervnt events at ihv big international convention which has brought 40000 to toronto on saluidav and sunday local lions wearing their purple and gold regalia welcomed delegates at malton airport and assisted them in any way ibvy could they aiv attending sessions and special events some have tickets lor maple leaf gardens tonight to add to the profusion of pins and souvenirs on their wivom hats and bright costumes acton lions are giving out pins they have purchased as a souvenir made ivl sole ira i iter and shaped like a sole ibrv read souvenir of acton ontario with a inapte leaf stamped on as well they have little chains attached so they can he pinned on john grieleneder arranged lor them 137 register for playground swimming lessons take 54 ask om hold hearing on township hall plans nassagaweya council monday pointing out thev were concern- catled tor a public hearing be- led with the economy ol the town- fore the ontario municipal board ship and possible tax increases thsulatlno time scout hau is the intention of rotary club rnombers who on tuesday combined work b and pot luck supper at the tcoul hall ron lewi and bon rachlin are stripplrvg off wellboard in properftkon for insulation other repair will be done at the urn tlrneon mvorel regular meeting nights on proposed plan to provide municipal olflce the nussaguwcva womens cen tennial committee headed hy mrs tilva newton is pronvotina the restoration and renovation of no j school al a cost estimated at 7000 council hat revealed plans tor a completely new build ing at brookvlue at a total cost ol 46700 see rutlrtrtert councils architects after sur veying the schoolhouse have re ported the cost of renovations at- closer- to 24joou mrs new- ioncommitlf sum hand pet it ion contatnina 300 nanteai in support of the scjsoothotsvd re storation reeve william coulter reported he had been contacted by aotne who bad signed the petition they rurticularilv wanted to he sure council took a good hard look at the proposals the reeve reported when it was decided to hold a public hearing on the issue monday night mr newton ask ed u it not true that it there is enough diwrfienoe of opinion registered by the ratepayer and the council in a community the omb will ask for a vote on the usuey thats true replied the reeve very good said mrs newton- crhinrll alsn am front u e phillips of acton to paint the township hall agreed lo host the halton county clerks end assessors on july 9 at the caledon town and country club with registrations still coming in tor i ik- summer playground prugiam u7 began sessions at the park and m 7 llenuctt school this week when the christian re formed church bihle school closes this friday even more will come lor live tociwiilon program al the m bennett school leaders jill hurst and john mc- geachie had 54 childivn enrolled the first ot this week at the park m aiv led by donna lirvlv ivinnigh jomarie maichment and david lilkea fionlier town is ihe theme this wivk friday the youngsters will he corning dressed ns cow boys mil settlers the weeks prtv gram ss ill clinuix tlwn with a creation director jim cashurn ililleivni theme ilu- next week a week imm fiidty therell be a tahloiil sports day first cialts piticct tor tlie eager ivovs and yirls was live mak ing of colored name tags 54 swimmer tlwrv weiv 54 regtsterrd in live swimming classes which began monday as well instructor is re whos popular with ihe young sters then are 12 first year swimmers in the tadpole section at i0j0 22 second vear begin ners at ii am and 20 advanced beginners at llw these advanc ed beginners will he working to- wanl their junior award when the weather i had water safety is taught and all tlve swim mers will he making special water safety posters this week- for centennial a proposal thai a new ubrery he officially accepted taa ae- toytirrnlmnui prntclvylllbu ctu to bring to lessons next mon day since res tea t ion dtreclor cav hum is leaving aclon for london during the summer he u putting fc4aaas4s4 ten pagesseven cants parade rout for tuiurdeyi i beglnavbsg at two ocloclu ail highway ihroush ueltle will be retouted along church 84 the parade route k was the patrfc along khoh aw up melt v4 to st albans drive al wil low st to hower svloeig s6wey to mill st assd aevtssa ihe ott tracks eaat dm mill la alio blvd al the mgk chdl to reel st ami tftawu isel tn young down yemg beek to mill si and it cniee tis tracks weal akusg mill sirim through the mutmahs eorsser so rw ave susd along issrk avu back to the park detour si and herrlferlii will he prepared the perwle will have le he brakae pertee tally et main d mill ueea and kisox highway traftsc iraveltfatg east will proceed eoutb cm make to church east om church to eaalern ave assd aloaig eaet era ave over the tauraad tracks back lo oueert 14 e and highway no 7 iratrle coms ing west will tnavel bs the ae poalte ureetton over the tuuaa mule rain or inlenae heal sm tseeeaajtale a cut la the rouse pool supervised the wading pool la open each afternoon from i lo 4 pw supervised now by different members of the playground staff ll will also be open hal- turdays sundays and holidays in the ailensoons when the weather la good t cil at the generel meeting o the eeulcnnlal comenjttee tuse day mrs w u sproslon bob drlnkwaltcr wad roy lorluseee were kutsed to prepare the proposal increasing rtwpnnsihilily vn live sluhildcrs of his lively young leaders who have been to leader ship training camp he says llvy will he able to manage vcrv well by tlveuoxlve alter tie is gone toronto girl drowns sunday at twin lakes fivcvcirold marin jotrnhim iv cicco f w davenport iuud turtiiiti wj ihe arcai mcond ilniwninu vkiim nt tke year mhtn the liiill in iwjvwl in treat ment uflrr hring tjken from th walrr i a kuimming pool at twin ljkrv near speylu on surulay treated at the uene taken to milum oiirkt hikpital and later tramlerred to ihe lloanltal for sick children he failed to r- uind ami wa pronounced dad n arrival al ihe toronto hospl- al maria wai mitued by her m iher at about 415 pm and a learch wat begun uer body waa recovered from the cement bot tomed taucer thaned pool and rfvuwlialton wat begun two week earlier eight year old paul kertuml of brampton wu drowned while kwlmmlng id the lake at the kelu conierva- lion area o tfc w finer do panklwa and lydla malyrwwikyl ro in rhaoool al the ukrainian turnrner camr more picture end alory on p0d3 v- golden age clubbers hold afternoon meet the golden age club met on thursday july in the after noon owing to the holiday end the heat there wain i a urge crowd but ihote there bad aa enjoyable meeting following the builneu game were played priaea going to ckarlee maaou and mr winn the priae for croklaole to mill annie auna erktlacharlat mfefnr having wukly rlv1 l he dlj the tneetu next meeting will be july it at 7j0 pm in ihe y building and a good turnout u hoped tor v mcittjisuoifkl