Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 6, 1964, p. 8

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tha acton ftm prstf tnurictsy august ofh wcu pounding the sports beat fllslal apfloval from council tan week fur a new arena lour at the community centre will be enthusiastically tmdorwd by most spurts fans in this ana a floor opens an entire new role for ihe communily centre as u ur round sport mecca av well at offering nunv avenues for other attractions we had the pleasure of vittlmj in at many of the recreation committee meeting where the project wa planned ovehe pat year the committee left no siunc unturned in efforts to obtain a lour which could be uud for all purposes sugjjcvtion for a moor whuh would serve only u limited number of event weie dismissed uk being khorl iyhlcd when the project wa first unvested there seemed little likcli iwod of itallallon fur umu lime an awurcnew of many ice prob- knik live lack ol a floor created uch u poor cuiliiiy thick ice which reduced the tlllcuncy of the frccing tilanl and a hoi of smaller complauiu prompted the committee to act a qulcklv a poihk financial coniderahon1lwo entered into the pieluie mut member were of the opinion the longer they wall lor a hour live- more it wa going lo cue conuqucnily when tlu reemailon commiitce budgeted this ytjr tluv unildn t rullv no ahead until town council approved ihe estimate including 1000 lr a moor whin crincll budgeted lor that jmounl live signals were gieen all the wjv work has already jailed m live pioieet live thousand ilolljix veil come lnm the town the commiiiii has another jl 1hk on hand and live talr uojrd umiilut active participant in the project ha piumiscd all their lental iicciplk hum ihe i loot until ilk paid lor tola cuw ii 10 174 00 uay w add our boimjual lo tha many th rvcrliaa cotit- mlttm buul hv rctvl tor fca ahd with tha projaet ii will brtimtlt tha port and racraatloa prorjm u town and unprova coadltlotu in i ha cevmthunliy contra imroaaaurably kour of tiif activities which a moor in the ucni can piomoic latiovm aluavs a popular arm luir would ix a maior atliaction lilfiel vvc lauiul wuiil in ilk iipevtiu slux isv llle league hading buela club aie cunstiuting reltjcatuitf here mxi ieavon l wivsiling h ptoving poput ir in ittut niiiu utd the ry must he lols ol yruni and gnwn ian- here holler sk iling is an ilhti pus nihility and huu abmil dancing icihipsthc hour won t ik miitahle ur a mimtel but h ii be ideal lor in old time stjiiiu duue yhtaa ara juat a fw of tha attraction which could be part o tha cotturtutuly canfr program over tha rvaul faw years -a- bkat bits barry hucoa rapped in ihive goals as sttetis vilk celled bur ling ion 7 in senioi u i u msse ulitm momla night poor atitndanca at a nuxtin ealhd bv live exeetitive ol tlu moifceloun rjuur huekev team neve wilattil eanevlhng it le cenik conwcpknilv tlu laie ol the raided hans in b ilanei club prejdent len cou ui dwiiaved ll hard lo know uhal the phpk want or il lu uant intenikdiau huekt lute at all tou vaid tlu ta kiep llw raukrs ahvi then lltev p is up an oppoitumlv lik ihis ut add lo their mippoit about a doen hud cine imkuv upportirn sluiwut up crorgatown bimbjll mid gile uilb mvral alton ptaveit in ur lute up an in third pi ue in trw eight team k ipue the inlcinudiali gi ml il i spoil int veveral aeton plaviiv an miieil in tlu hilton c unt ee ii ir cwkptlltua uarchanis aie in a lannhar spot in the inteniudiite baseball eireuil lirsl plat tailenders polish off softball league leaders now swim instructor for second lessons actons swimming program continues in spite of the absence of a recreation director tuesday the first lesson with the second group of beginners started under the supervision ol anne johnson who li assisted by her sister beverly both o georgetown former recreation director jim casburn who left for a new pos ition at london ontario com pie led tests for children in the first class before waving acton last week the playground pro gram u continuing under tlu guidance of playground leaders until the arrival of the new rc realton director harry rut l kingston hornby tourney al leakt 12 truck boftball turn from around tlve dutitct will eon verge on llornbv park saturday afternoon and evening fur live hornby ball club annual koi ball tournament over 1100 in prue money i being ollcitd to live winning team and tinallsi pubiicim john willmoti repoiu hurllnglon intirnational hai vesicle will ih baek lo ttekrul their crown tlve harvevlcr big otlu r hams intend nuluik ruillngtitn how mis auroia ok n v ilk i hiuk iuk h at ion h ramp tun ctuiksvilk aigvlk uiiloi poll citdil rod sind gun club un all slur gioup i rum tlw georgetown industii il league milton hvvis niwuuikil plaas ind iht rural sol i ha 1 1 u ims liout gkn willi un and hoinbv tourneys exhibitions phillips spins two hitter station upsets firemen eddie philupe spun a smart twomttar under use ussspe last sight wadnoday aa sulloo hotel upaat s placer plre- rtgfaurs j in on at the best games of the current town league softball season phlulp crackling slants sent u of the bucket brigade down d strikes he fanned the entire side three times and walkad only two bat ure ovf the route despite hu herculean afforts his males didn t sew the game up until the tdnth when jan suddall double in ihe hole be tween second and shoe snt bob sheppard home with the winning run after the firvmen tied it up in the bottom of the etjhth on an error at short and harold yownstsy s two4agger down the third base line mulllpe made sure of the win by whiffing the last three bal lera don archibald s nine hit per- formanre on ihe hill wa also a ftne effort for rlreflghters he didn i notch a tlrlkftoul but spread his bits tunly issuing two pess the innkaepere got a run in the second ae ed ptsulipe aid ed bis own cauae with a double and scored on the nest play bob sheppard homered la the third la sessd the winners two up a walk to townsley and a single yielded to del walters scored one for firefighters in ihe fourth and they tied it in the fifth on ut error at third on bob bruce who romped home on the nest play singles from clarence sheppard and cord flicker put the holelere ahead ji in ihe klslh they held on until the bottom of the eighth when the traoke eaters lied ii again ft was a big win for innkeep er coch uel big ml sheppard brother clarence and cord pricker paced the winners at bat fanner wtlh three and flicker with two r h e sin hotel ii ml ml i 4 firefighter frs lit j 2 i allstars prep for oasa playoffs its hkelv ailiii xolibill all slits will mat auroi i in iht lust louiid ol the oasa pi iv of in ttniativt diks 1m tlu lxlol thrvc setlev hav lum set for thursd i august hilt at aunia with llu ntutn lanu in ac lun on saluid i august lih ikilh anus will ivl pi ied uiukr tbe lights viiuu ol llu thud l inn il rutissirs will ik deeukd bv the lo ol coin wlluui of tlu sellis will llktl cilhi r sew m irki i ir maikh un in ihe hi t ntund mt inulutu iht ac ion elub imiui pe ki d i torn i hi low n solthill kagui will play ex hibituins uul in lh ii i nhv i khali 1 1 siliinliv lo surpns- euipns supnvis ttw town vetithall einuil is full id em a utvk t veitlniodav litlh plot rxnilai pinned the sunntl ktas ol i he vaaui on tlw league uawltng ljni innjius who hav ailvej dntpped one in the commit ttt rxntms then lb tailcn 1 i ga ujin m ni in th etltar klli onlv oik v in a wv k t jrl 1 1 i hil lull tit ul vuioiv o i hi wvxk thuisdas bv pulhiia a win out oj iik tijh ha in lau mimp fium uhindcnn station ho el svoi 1412 fwid day tans had a lleld d iv svmpa h i s 1 tlve bkacher bin id h iv a mav li- n wllh the ee ii ir dwel ktx lie dtp tvams draw lluir euppom tnim wins uul wtct fnariv ant tun a caunlkl ot the ill mm mi 1 1 om lbs st in is tii jiu 1 r nukh ol llu abust bavi tx n ttu liitn antt the i in ki ia pi inn iht ik tlu il w h i iht i iuii mju id t pl t lioiinain list mk an ho 1 atl at ibi i ltd t t tin thirl i u n r domlir an ui- irt anil ibiv hunt on jnms t win iljl ut in tit d dn i vuu i run nil iti sitih wikii donilai lai t ill kuk lh bill aurutitl in what tinallv result id in sivin luillt and a pass it ol utuarti id inns ai masak s stai utl on llu mound toi llw lovir and he was the vuiiiu o itiht hits and as manv iwiu jithn salnutn lintsh eil ihhii llw fifth tiling up lout hits and thte iuiis ivih sew minliuikd llu disiaiue loi dtun tar iiklmg ii hits and turning f mil hill sonurvilk s lutmei in the uvctith was llu big hit ol the lame lor tlw wiimns wllh rosa cunpmgham colkxting ihiw hit hi kad it llw plale bunv ward dave cunningham and mike cexirgt eaeh euntnbuleil a pur tur ihe leg um wjvnc miinhall top sluggers six cumpbclkimc vuggop twx milton bixithers and u pair of oakvillc fielders continue to cjom hulc the batting ktanelipjji in the stjtktic released this weok b malton count bawball leuguc statistician nell campbell show ed cumpbelmlte ve tenuis ken moort and carl cairns arc lead ing the pack moore with a 383 average and calms a close sec ond af 375 tern masaks hn hi mccrisfil and terrs witeiluuiss socked two iul apiece commandlnf lead tan smupalhv was itivtikd tin thuisdav whsn ttu alwivs popu lar station 11 tlekrs and i g a mil undir tlw ares tin tnnkecp- its jumped into n e u l kill with a lour run phirji in hi hisi fruik uul b the sixth hid had i n ni man iiiil 2 7 m irvin ttu n the roof lilt in on tlw stitioiiirs is i hi liikiis ihisid si runnels h inn mil kd h 12 ki pi is i mil in ihe ninth whin ig a i wild oil i doubk pi is to kill a promising station r lib si ii lid h i doubk i rum the bal ol j rbnnv dunn gitilk i mm jim c ishum alulid his in iiis i n his ill p i rt ute to other in kk bv rapping i b tseseinptv toiiut in tlw ninth to end the i slolllll 37 safe lie thiils tills houiind olf i flu b us ol iv ih ti mis in llw ctntit n ih llu wiiinns hoklnil i 118 miiljn mil shiutn loi l hi lost is wis wivne shi p pa nl he pokd uui mil slim home run in itw lillh inkhi philhp hu t ir the iinuit with i run on thi swks john dunn uul w i in shippud tl id ihlie milcce hid two luls i ami imin gonl i itckir hanv phillips riv w his ld phillips and jan ruld ill jtm c tsburn s tour hit perform nice highlitshiitl ica s win with niwiiiincr phil u ii o sm ishmg time ivms gibhttns harold de- lorest and img uliek contnbui cd two lpiece winnuil pitebir wis diek du pm lu look over fnnt hnicc caiill who viiiiid fur the pnw er ltulw phillips went in on nlui n doug viekcrv on the sihiou hill uul he was tagged with the loss pik up as much iijkiiiiki as lluv iin before iht impoitinl plavofi dales twilve turns bavi hern entered in the horn bv tournrmnt ind the all stars lined lo make i gixnl impnssion miniger dive minis mil coaelws htiia law son mil owm misalcs ol the allstars il ivi till follouillt pt ivus pilk nl dn tin dim i i ink i iky i d phillips oold iimntkv phil minst ill don archibald finv walvihmsi jim rowkv dm ahiu n misiks jim c isbuin i in iii mpson llnin micitmill jilf irvir w imk m ushdl ml diiks c i lu club alie ul h is in inhiti tn undt r lis bi ii a lon l oik to foiljih ps tun lhi hoh to i li 11 ihi sin i mil tl v r i d iiv inw in uioihci eon tl sl sthjii si vi lllvo i mt d lie i ii lilt all si u will tx llu hie loom i mi h in acton scpl ii 12 sp n sond bv i hi soflbill assosli iliu iwmiv loin teams in ex iwilcd lot ihe tourney willi soiiu ol tin iksi li ims m on tuio eouipiting i irm pni is jkkj saioihi 40 ml llw two thud place ic jins will tuiiu i vaih three learns will tw pi icd tin sept it with llu n m i iruk r sep i 12 ii nr law son is louinumnt ehiiruiin all nuipts fiitm iht toiuni iiuiit like ihe lolketions al i wn k 11 hi e iuiis villi e i lo- w nils iitinug the debt on llix new niiicury v ipoi lights commitlei ehurmiii dm mines hopes the unount out st ind iil il oust the lights can be up ml litis i ii grocers extend bow 93 tues ix a improved sof t bailer 8 elayed even steven with the icgue leading legionnaires for five and a half inmng tuecday night but then dropped a 93 de cwion when they faded for the next throe frames frevh from two upui victor uv ihe grocer looked like they might turn the trick again a they played lo a 2 2 lie over the first five inning dick dupuu their new chukker faced fellow brucedallon john salmon un ihe mound und he two waged a du el over the diuncc i4m hlltr salmon threw a mx hitter al tlw giocer hlriklng out eight and walking one while dupuis ieldcd 13 hits whilkd ihtee and allowed otu imh on balls legionnairtt pulkd uwav in ihe bottom of llw hixlli whtu jack hakly hull ugh put ol their bench klungih grciltd xi puis willi k double tirrv mas uko lilutk 11 salilv l flisl on an uror und danny aibu tlouhl id both runner home he si or iil when salmon btasiid alllpk lo put laglun in ifoul s2 the y atlded anotht t in tlu ve ve nth when wavivc mat shall tripled und pop liu hough laim lhnugti with u eluleli king if thni rnoie iuiis in live ughlh finished off llw vcormg while iga added one in the top hall danny arbic lecd oil fur a round hipper lo olail he elghlh olf a imibble put salmon on llw ticks and jim bui limy h not to iw ouldone by pop helled a lluec bagger lain scoring him self on wayru manh ill s single dupuis scored lor llw gnccrs whin he dihihkd and romped home on uruee cargill s single lilt fanult wine mil shall lopped llu ciinners hit parade with ituec hits two singles and i nipk while jim du hough s triple and single j ick bui ion yh s dthibk ind single dannv arhu s tiorn ei and dimibk sind john silrn on s triple and single dehvitid llw kiv blows only iga batter to notch more than one was pidhn dick dupuis with a d ubk mil single while shoilslop dave m tiles tut a iwobivejct it ii i iga oil 000 010 6 4 legion 010 103 13k 9 13 2 pick halton baseball dream team to face guelph senior goys halton b dream team the cream of ihe current intermediate crop emerged from a smoke filled meeting in the milion le gion monday pur marly ihrtc hours executive from five of tlw ut halton intermediate name cjl and wealed thiougii llw an nual augubl iimjic thai i i picking out a eeoic ur u ol tin kayue inst plavns to make up the all slat wekil it am lhal will fun a senior inlenihinly c lub konw 10 days lie rut what emerged fi m lh m tl ing was a list of 21 plaviis wh vhould give cjoy s a i h lime on tlu diainorul t oiiu aug usl 16 ttle liains will clash ihs vear on llu milton s rid six diamond al milton lairgiourds oik ilk 1111 ilfi i i 111 llmis was named t man igi llu ii d ion stais thi vt if vciiti pin tlis dtui mt ph ul mpu mull s un anhwcs ind mill n s duk k mi ni asiislinu si il i mil inn up i l si n is hki llu h ill ii h ihlt vmi s win with c mpoll vdk s uflhandci j i i ri ikiu oakvillah john mckerule and hamilton cherwaly getting ihe nod managei hyir t4it take his choice of llu mound clalf and siari i lu in in any older wnh each pile in i limited lo throw ing time innings of llw game oakwllt s hill kaiw- iwat out camptwikilk i dm joyce ui a volt fir the alutar ealclwr i ai i taints l cainplwllcilk riceivid a un mini his oti i ir ihe first biv slil and lie s a perennial dl tar j k laiiuyi ol llainil i ii u is tahik 1 lor uiund base aril aiollur c jiii1h hulk iilu in si hi hen kis n was picked t lh r 1 an ihii uiuiillll his i ii i j i i llu ke vst hu slol i sh i isi p mult ri virsatik di k i maishi two frum cumplwllvllla in ilk uiti id will hi km m oi ami al w i g i imp ikiivim i mmr v ii ill from 1 oakv iu file iii lit si ii nt is art h ni n pulh ii wllh lhlt e h ti m dakutl nil ha ml wc have i b- green thumb landscape consulting service induilrisl and domettic order now for fall planting 1 js discoumt on au fveioiunt ocdhed bemmf smimnil 1st professional horticultural services ivrqjn shnaba fruit traaa erin nurseries and greenhouses 111 acten kne33 5io open earlier at mohawk thcvii ruin plivine musu d ehalis with ihe joekes club s i icing d lies with ihe ivsuli ih il loc il h n m ss i iiitil i ins will gil u enjos earlier rices this fill u camplxllvilk s mo ll iwk r ki w iv original dries lor mohawks i ill nuei weti nov i tuber 2 to december ottering duvers mil i ins a ehillv 2mihi imeiing the new garden cilv riccw iv at st cilhanncs wis seheduktl lo ovn lor iiv tirsi 42 nihis of t icing september 7 ibis e ir however aconiricuits sinke de 1 ivvd ihi ojwmnj mil llw jiwkcv club hid to look elsewhele loi their septembel and ocloiwi d lies the jmkiv club hid applud to the onl irio r icine cuinnus sum o switch the gintcii cilv adsodites lu c impbctlvilk mil re ceived permission ilowevel i isl week al a milling of the com mission the 42 night si cithii iiws nwci w is drnppcil tiorn ihi schedule sind mowhiwks f dl meet was moved up i rum sept 7 m october 10 it gives mohiwk crowds ihe same irnount ot i wing but eihl week earlier h s holden orromatkist u cork si last cufjhi fhone ta 2 7im quality ba products save you money geliimi motor oik btael fus fcmi oil sov oil oil kumar knanee man s year h pay small carrying char dependable thompson fuels ltd mtont 533370 acton ani hours ssjm 21920 pr 1 worth 50 0ncfeg6hii play it like bingo win up to ioo en your nu cntat s cu howl a hew neat will banter in mr ad aexli wijmieey ad yew mb 1 wmyi ithi check your circle 5 card against game no 7 winning numbers circle j best lluy save tc i i ancy qtiallty toi tin libbys tomato juice 33c circle s ikst lluy save u dc line ioi pkgs kraft cheese slices 31c circle i best lluy have 17c 2ue tins york beans with pork 6 for 1 circle 3 lies lluy save ic recnnslllutcil eins tin saic0 orange juice 55c circle 5 llest liny save tc layer btyle nltf pillsbury cake mixes 39c circle s best lluy save 14c i k00laid presweetened 5 for 49c circle s best buy have ijc buy i gel i ireel twin pack mir liquid detergent 79c bui ii situ numbers to play 2 i 8 10 16 i 18 i 24 null 1 tun in tsa is ml 261 28 36 38 30 40 42148 52 i 54 50 56 mill lit mill tun is hit iii 58 76 68 78 70 80 82 88 98198 90 100 ma tat isa spcciauy c fruh picnic style choice shoulder cut roast nr fkv ivg i las wl u twmlll i boston stvi l butt chops lb 53c wox stkijelsld mud tlui d davern bacon lb 65c fresh slicld virii tv patk s jfrth pluja lunchmeat 53c iklsii minclo burgi r bi im per lis ground beef chuck 55c save sulcu smoked oysters tin jc solid white y saieo tuna fish 39c save sc catelll a macaroni ur lau spaghetti 2 pkgs 39c save mel whale canned lb llu burns chicken 99c sunshine fresh fruits a vegetables home grown tomatoes calllontui sunklst oranges new no i carrots t quart baakcl 89c 3 dor 98c 3 lbs 25c bartletl no i pears 5 for 35e save 4c kleenex towels aunt mary a sliced bread t subsputt twin pack 45c hai kvsl 22c ice cream brick 27c save lie ide off iswk ettr jar i inlrodtklruj i canada packers 15os slse nestofelnstanf coffee 111 capri oil 59c lemon juice 4 for 49c save tcl trecswect eox tins

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