Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 20, 1964, p. 1

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ht jvciim sttt ft nkwfiath ywno 8 acton ontario thursday august 20th 1961 twejve ptqet tan canh timed ky fin over 43 pigs 190 bale of hay iso bale of straw and a quantity of frain as well ft a farm trac tor svere burned when the barn on the anlhosy van dan leased prupciiy al r r 2 acton went up in flames at noon wednesday ac too td erin firefighters combined forced to pump water on i he smouldering ruin and lo protect nearby building- by the time alton firefighter arrived the barn was burned lo the foun datlon and the structure had col lapsed air van dam wu in the house with her mother inlaw who is visiting from holland when their youngfttcr ran into the house yelling barn fir she ran out id and tnto the barn wltere he saw a bale of it raw burning and flames leaping lo nearby bale 4jnabl- to throw the burning bale out a window she ran to th house and called the fire department meanwhile both the van dam women assisted by neighbor fearing the houc might catch on fin began carrying clothing and bed cloth ing out onto the lawn ironically apart from the blazing barn uncled on the clothing burning unatl hole mr chief mick holme believe the fire was caused by children playing inside llu turn total amount of damage is no i known lo date w i i rot jm at a special meeting of inun ell tuesday evening nwrnhtr re cwtved l ht rvwlgnulion of chair man jack bui lough from the ac tun recreation committee acting clerk j t hurst v ho also serves as secretary of llu committee tuld rmmhen a re commendation for a rertlu4cmtnl would probably lc deal i with ui the thursday meeting ol tin com knit lee final approval was given a by law to incorporate clcrkadmini atrator jack mogaachle and own auperinltndcul all dubv in the town pension plan in cooperation with the hydro commission these two men were former em ployec or the now dishundcil public utilities commission und in order to include them in the lown plan permission w is re ceived from the hvdm weeds parking during the enquiries hv mem hers it was learned the weed wire slill unattended of property at the corner or mill and m nn streets councillor alc johnson reported that garbage had been dumped in this area and wu crv unsightly and dangerous number two committer wen uuked lo investigate possibilities of having businessmen in the downtown urea park their ve hicles off tlu main thoroughfare this uelion followed a complaint from une businessman who was of the opinion if nurch ints pnl ed off the in nn slixxi then wetuld he more space for cus turner narking kwtn tanmand posed at dr ben casey when h hung out hit shingle during th ballina- fad summer vacation bible school above are members of th kindergarten clatt during on of their play periods left to right are shelley w lion as the nurse john thompion the pattant receiving a naadle from the doctor nest vt ent vicky w llfami and the doctor the children entoyed garnet and crafts as well at b ble leuons dur nq the week one scholarship university oac teachers college ahead for 10 grade 13 graduates reeve hinton meets us president family acliui reeve ii ii million returned sunday ironi tlu n it lomil assucialion ett count lev lonvc ntion in washinuiim u c us hallon count re pre suit u ivx and oiu ol 12 dclcgitcs ol the association ol ontuno coun ties while at the convention th acton reeve acted us u geiod will umhussudor lot the cotum during u iwopliun ut tlu white house formalh greeed pre id ent lyndon b johnson and chit ted with their daughter lnela bird on the tnp ti washington mr hinlon curried a small sk red ensign uuu a quantity ol b ii point pens inscribed ceuintv of hallon tlu red cnsign and one ul the pens were presented to lvnda bird john urn us u per sonal gift a tatul ol 2 ww utlendcel the conventum und all were quests at the white house to hear tlu pre widen t and other cabinet mm wters speak basically like prob lem which exist in the us counties ux similar to those here in ontario presidential candidal ram goldwoter spoke at the cum en tlon due lo the coming lection and following his vpeech several other senators spoke mr hinton found the u s con vetttkui delegates quite frtendlv and the sessions informative during his visit to the new york worlds fair many of the helton county pens were handed i out at boolru sponsored by ar- 1 fous countries when the pens are taken home by the foreign l a aeton high school lus the most grade 13 graduates ever this vcat ten receive eeitlfieules there were eight graduates last ycai md si tlu vcat ivtorx according to pnncipil ted han sen ihcrx wilt in all likelihood he even more next veur as a swell ol iiunwimd enrolment has now passed trade 12 lo loim the larg esi itrudci 13 class ever thit com ing letm the le n traehf ite s al c joan cihik who topped her class with h subjects listed in hei eci li lie he gun m is ilts susm heard m in bethltliotl norman smith taut lumutt manun i rimtn don i nuk n td v in hockcleu md john willnms 4 wrote alloeiher at hih miukii iluie weiv f4 uieins vh i wuile cjadi h i iniin ilions uieludint adoll pi is lie students sonic ealc i t tilt m stiheit ehu situuin in i ides ii and 12 gem ml i v hoi in oetlogv h instill x tlleti vvlic m sikii students liexn guuu ii md w i mm gi ulc 12 venting with i wide i mgu ol sulci ss md i uluii mis clillnul ashle is one ol the idults who wniti niuli h pijurs and she p isstd the lout stetsons for fair shcwroti with uk m ii ls smii ol llu oltui idults sttulmm on their own wne n t mimsslul nuintxi writing hil iimpd in m liom 44 1 isi i it ol itusv 4s passed ill oi some ol the pip ers untten pelectlt ilcs uul lol il iiumhe i ol pipers wtitun in i piss4il i tu not vet txm edculiteil b th pnncipil uh is bus in inj hil ilteinilivi luihl ihks inr am evi nlll ill ill e mice lion with the new addition tlu re is mill nnuh work lo he doia ilthuulli it h i been st itcil tlu school would be tc ul lor stpilinhxr openine there wvi 428 studtnts it the hilh sehueil list i ir with un ci idiiiiiml m un tu id il sm s whi h el i n l l ul lo li ulc m certit icites won seholarshlp aolnn s top student juan cihik learned monday slic has been awarded un entrance scholarship of w for ork unlveraliy site will be living in residence studying science in the faculty of art and science it it a four year course joan i lie daughter r mr and mrs walter cook peel st mill ed by five marks a j4od ontario scholarship she had a total if ii5 marks on eight subjacls a percentage of 7 a just ahort of the required u par cmt she already had written botany and 7 oology and thla year svrot it subjects to receive eeveei firsts she wrote problems aa well but results haven i beea an nounced yet sus in mi ird iluilhtcr ol mr hi i mis chuks he ml chuich st h ifvs to lu lo medonald hill diulph or v ittrloo uni iisil slu wule 10 subject in lu r lirst vai in gi ide 13 and i ht uiuel tivi lirsts u- misiks lc inud siturxlav lu i is kin kieptvd in honors applml iiumls on ihc cetpcrp tit pi in il wiiitliki univcisitv ik ve ill lot in result nee there in his lust m ir m prult m he wi u 11 ii it plptis with lusts in m hit fhunntrv aiul tri loiihiuirv lit ilso wioit pris hi ins in i his not tt lc irneel his in tk he uul joan cewik wu th onl tee t il aiis to wult pumtins ik hid zoology pitviuislv ik is llu simi etl mr ml mis ow n misdts qutxn si m tiv it ih i th it uln will lu j hil i i iktsh hv te libels col c oiiiinottl on page bight commercial displays in arena raise money for arena floor the directors of tlu acton ag iiculluial suclclv held a meeting at the communiu ce nlrx on wedtvesdav aeigust 12 when 27 directors were present to coin plelc plans for this vears lair un september 1810 prie lists aix compleled and t will tu mailed to exhibitors this week lxtra copies will be avail iblc lor anvone wishing to mike entries tree ol charge irom the sceixtarv mrs c w suuckha nur u r 2 elon the acton tree pi ess or ui ious stores throughout lown arena lhaplay a spcxid attraction this var will lu comineaiul and nulum rial displuxs in the arena the net proceeds from the sale of this display space will be given as u donaitoa from the agricul tural society to the cost of the cenuiuvijour recently laid on the arena ici surf are this space will be available at s3 00 per foot frontagirfor booths or 10 or 20 foot frontage bv ap proximately 15 feet depth space will be sold as requested but it is hoped that local industry and merchants will take adv tnt iyc ol this oppol limits t adveltlse the products ol the town ol ac on und district requests- jur ipacc m lu made bv ealjiril mis suae kha nur phoiu a5v0348 i permission was liuii to the duke of devonshire chapter io db tu hold then spteial lac tl i tor educational putpeists duuiil tlu two davs ol the lalt stetson hat a ac tun i an bumper stukt is and stetsuu hats will soon ht j making tluir appe nance to ad vtrtisi tlu elates ol this iars excise on radio cjoy guetph snot announexnunts will begin soon the lorne scots mihturv band and the acton citizens band a variety program featuring tv artists an old tunc tiddlers com petition and the crowning ol miss alton fair uill be some ol the features of this years enter tainment the first otlicial dut or the newlycrovvned queen will be to open the fair un the urrtxul of the one o clock parade to the liirlllels cmmui pnes ire again being of elect lor lloals decorated doll biil1 ic s hie v c lc s md i rtc c les the miss acton tair contestants and officiils will ride in cunvxf libit s in this oruninl attraction v nut mountloid the popular m c lot inv entertainment will be in chue ol tlu siturdav af tttn hmi show uhieh will lea tint tlu lonu stols band the at ton citizens bind and othel tnttriainuuni lauger nnlriea liuie st tl pi ie moius is ex petted to di vv larger entries in the livestock classes requests lor advance lists ol the home eritt ind domestic science class es indicate manv new exhibitors will he making emttes in the lad lev section tjie a don lions club and directors irom the lnn agricul tural society will be in charge of the gales and cur parking the directors hope that any one interested in the promotion ur acton fair will cooperate with them in making this years air a continued success form new development commission first chore to acquire 72 acres land tuesday evening at a e pedal meeting council accepted tlu ie comnvcudjlion ol the luwlylurm ed acton cexmomic development commission to proceed with acquisition of uppiosimalt lv 72 hit of laiin land on main st n for future itulutliial espan skwi uesv h ii hull in mted in tlu tugatlve stveiul months ig e until niadt an ojlti to puitliavt on i ilw anihonv huiml1 inn in i had cngiiumrh take soil itsls and i doasurvev in imui lo de te i mint the possibility ol aeeiutnng tutuie i induvtnat land nrw cortinjakui i tlu foitiur at ton indutiul ceiniinission i hut vtar ttim o plrxd and ruw uppoininunis made bv ethiiiell tht ntvelv i namcet laotiomie uevi i pnu nl coipiniesuin repaeis iht loniui comniueioii and turnprists num hers ol no i eommillet of t mim ell aw well as j hu h al 1 biaida and neil bowhs a rmnih member mtv lu named laid befote final action taken lo wan acquiring this i uul appiov il fnrmi the onlarlo munleip it bond must be cthtaincd foi tuuiulny ptirpeises mcmtday meeting momlav evening the new t un mission held a tive and a hull hour mceling to etiveiiss tlu pi- posed plan of puixh iv and ie view action lo d te at this linu mavor lei dubv was n until churman tlu name ol the group selcxlcd und ae rex nun l to pro- eeed with sequuing llu land mult rexve hiulon w is llu unlv disstnling nu mix i at this time at council tucsdav while num lurs wtix ui committee ul the wholt rttt hinlon ixqucsttd ul oppoi umis ii explun whs ire had tipposed i he 1 1 comille ndeel ixsulull n reeve objects after txviahng his own c il ctilaled ligtitxs on estimated costs 4 the project the ivevc was ol the opinion the cxn1 would bouel i he present town debetuix debt out of all reason chincillor i nc johnston re- niinded mr hinlon thit fin il costs had not been received i dite and thought thit when llu public learned the ficls the j would be or the opinion th corn mission h ul acted proptrly council lot mis george frtr i isked if council wis uilhuncd to spout moiuv on the proccl without tht cxnistnt ol the people mavor dubv inloiuud her th it second bridge now underway demolition of the old wtwidcn brulgt on broek street bclin list rutin and exe iv it ion foi tht iitw teliunt brulgt is wtll liiutci wa truck louls of t irth from the silt irt ixi ni dump h the point ol ilu patk in onkr to ttvel this ux i for pleuu sites work is still progressing tin linil stages of the new cement 1 ndgt pouted on chut eh st w cunstnulurs lor kith hndc are invtieigh constiuetlon council could take uctiwi without a pit instill wt ftct wt sliould uoik in the dlleeti ul to optli up iuw imlustiv in town in tlu p ist t uiiuil has bttn in tlu pou n u i i litit n lo inquiries but nu liulustiijl land was availahlt nu tl mitl wt will ik sublet t lo en lltisiu ft v urn but ihtn wt ilu is will ik stated llu may i c in il teas told tht pn povttl n lusiit il in i t ml t n jt ik dc tl k i tullit lv it lit lllitt ii vtas pit mii 1 i have ippioxim iltk moi i us av nluhu lor salt in t nut l tu s was s ld lui thu tlcvclopmenls would he m i i lie luu iiytied hat tit t lop num it llu ait i wool i uititast llu tltlunliini dtht of llu town liv ttttliands foi wiul and vtveti st ii ite s as vt is s h m i a i li i is t uisttl t i tin llu ol pti pit ixpoiv iu j iifiwniia i s pu n t i llu it it s s itt iiunt uul s u u j 1v 1s iuw uutiislin ii n ilu limn w is ilw is kul tt nli mien uul wat el reqiilic nu ills is well is llyhls sthkils md toids in ih tltut i lousing pitigiam luyiti mi v mi si uttl ilk pitstnl m iv ijf dlshls p mil w is ll ie i iv vt il j nit t nut ih it toon til h ul lotetikl laigt e undl lutes toi st w iyt piving ami stllmil id litions toilet usllly a m ie i i tiltnis thpuivuxvi uul t ittd athns pn suit d lun tui tuht w ul tu ilijstu 1 1 1 v ii dottd hv 1w9 mpp writes the ckpulyfveve also expressed his alarm al i he possibility of losing home existing industry at wt ii as not acquit ing some of the lecent enquiiiri we have lu look foiwuid and nit go backward at present we haven i any industrial land in town on whkh to row empha- slud mr wood councillor j ohm ton laid about 21 r cent of local raaldantd weie commuting to job out ol continued on laa sevan c 6- wt a r wt rotary receives 400 circus oneday stand almost 1400 was raised bv pn laiiansth siuinsoiid the sells uul diav clieus oneday ktand in ac ion visitiday wttlncsdav ad nt salt ul titkets in a lure tuning bit if hioughl 721 of wh t li ilu hi i a nans it tciicd hull ttui ut ivetl 10 h i tint ol gate uit pis vtsititlay lo hung thr 1 il il up lui tlu i cluh me minis weie peihap rn in h ippv ih in tht e lit lis it ijiu wilh nt uly 100 persons w iking l pltidike tlu show it lun llu lug ttnl ie is unlv alvrit i lit lull eath p r i inanct ac ion hid lutn sttttlttt is a plaex ti ill in an unstludultd tl iv in the district very lloae llowtvti the emiomtis wen deliglllid li u so elusc to the els wilh a spltiulld aiul est it ing i ilw of llu pttfutmjng ele ph nits ae riallsls d y and hois acts eluwils and conlut lionists two sideshows lounmlr and fooel luuiihs came with the clreui housed in brightly painted truck cw laft at night the nrw floodlights wrj left on ul the park all night tela ia and ii wasn i till after mid niylu iht ituck began rumbling in al ilu break of dawn the first lent eneied wat the staff dinlruj ma the trained elephant anna may helped raise the tents by noon evtrvthing was ready yoiingsiim weie hired to help during the evening performance tlu vihing men with the com pany weie dismantling apparatus undid lot each act ulter iyi turn nmeupled seats weie luted out shortly alter ihc entertalnjnjf show lugan cunsidt i ing tlu- eiwil weather ind thr size ol the lown alien d uue of sevetal hundred al each ilnw wis fuiie good this cir- eus gt in tally plays much larger cmtiis millmain accident may reopen consideration of traffic lights playground program ends with parade dm to vacationing families uul the cool weather attend uue it he plav ground program has hexn lower over the last two weeks however the children are beginning to regain interest now that the weather is warm ing up swimming lessons have been stilt in progress between i v and 230 every altcnvoon during tlu week except saturday and sunday tlu playground supervisors who arc al ilw park david ud keu donna lindshoroujh oncl ju mane march men t and at the m z bennett sehool jill hurst and john mcgeachie are busy making plans for their closing program which is to be juki to- nioirow friday i outer space i their theme is space and thev are dividing all the children i from both locations into groups i each group representing a plan ct the children are to dress themsckcs in a costume which they think would tit the planet they are representing the lead ers themselves arc building a rocket especially tor the day tlu- re will be a parade of all the children who have taken part in the playground program during the summer on friday starting at 630 pmi at the stat ion and will progress down to the park where the leaders will build a campfire and everyone will enjoy a lunch a vomits accident il tht mill main street intel section salur dav august 8 involving fmmyeur old jamie wulawskt prompted aclon council to request mpp gtoryt keir lu sttk ti ill it lights hum iht dtpirtnunt of trans poil it this husv cornci an editonil ippcired in list wvek s issue of llu ac lun iue piess uul mr he 1 1 h id bten m idt ivv ut i tlu e intel s utl dent uul tht intuit next lot imf fit lights at i itinii luuthton mi heir il ul m idt i vi i h il ix ques to hivt aclon council support his st uul lot in itlur survev it this i tin nt i in his ipprouh to deputy mmisiti of ti mspoii a cameron maenih htinstlf i f firmer ac torn in tutsdiy evening ctiuneil willingly ugixed lo wild u sup porting letter wednesday morning a copy of a letter kubmilled to the deputy minister of transport was re- cxivid by llu aclun free press a topy was also sent to minister of trinsnori llu hop w i haskett the following is the mpp s let ler dear mr mun ih as ou know ituu is i liafllc pit hkm in tlu luuii of acton whuh your depiitmcnt has been concerned wilh i t some time this pnihltm is it iht corner of mill ind main sheets which are in fid connecting links for rit- initial hlghwavs stvcn ind 2s this iht re lore is the main inter sit i ion in the town and tialfic is quite he ivv pututilirlv al peak hours and weekends this problem has only beeri brought to my attention rcanlly und frankly 1 fael that thit u quile a convenllonal t rattle ftltu- ation at a full interaactloit i would think therefore that th remedy woulel he normal ttopao lights at each corner properly fcvnthmnixcd and including ped estrian control i am tne losing a copy of an vdllorial mm the acton fnm press dealing with this mat bar uul it would seem tu be quite ac curate i woulel lu obliged therefore it vou would have someone in your department again appraise this problem and i hope tufljfcmt a more adequate solution with kind person it regards i remain your erv truly george a kerr mpt starting young lo be elephant trainer its a ticklish chore for these two rather reluctant girls they visited the perk wednesday lo tee the circus tenia go up end were coaxed to pet betty one of the two elephants which performed at the circus left is jeannete yatemen enf right susan mcgi noway i

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