Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 20, 1964, p. 2

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ljjj the good old days suj ld sptic fturf mwao wcavmo uwm wi on a ih many protects or ihe wnior group at the ball inaf ail summavr vacation school tail svek led to rqhl ate geoq b j gof0e bales pv ley of mlville churchill and btthnafad united churchet who lupetvied and wendy klolt dry rd wi soaked in waler lo make it pliable before live weaving xocen brgan actons trade fair acton will have a tmjll teal trtda fir this yr in conjunction with th all fair the mtddl of splmbf as well at the produce of farm and tka home director ar vxpact rq to uu th new cement floor for th fint tkn for a commercial and indutfnat ditpliy thte booths by local hrrm and bunnei tet atwayi attracted mlereit in patt yean nd the ara wit a i way a haven in event of bad weather the curling rmk wii uved for year for booths and leveral yean ago the dirt floor of the arena wi dvotd to exhibits of acton industries and merchants it proved fascinating few people realized the products that were mad in town and since then there are even more in dustnet which produce a wide variety of fine goods cupboards boots organs lea thr goods pmtici knitwear saws that will undoubtedly amaie the nseny vuftor who come to the fair stores obfttf thow their wares the greenhouse could add beauty the possibiht e are endless and cx citing this is a fine proect undertaken by a new fair committee under calvin ait ken with gordon harding lawrence herroley ftj woynarski cliff mu r and mr c w swacl hamer and their effort wilt benefit the aren m turn proceed from the rental of space on thp new floor wrll ix g ven a a doniiion toward the cost of ihe floor members of the comm ftee are beg nmng now to make contacts they l be selling space around the edges of the arena and down the centre reserving space at one end for the friday even ng program lak ng place on a raited platform this commendable new feature under taken by the energetic fair board will con tmue the btendmq of farm and town as a progressive entity in halton 20 years ago tftktt truot th uu ul ttwtfrw is thurwiay aiigni 17 1u4 on fruuv rveniny august uth it rl and mr i a iului ittclvthi liumkr ui iti pjiuh til at tun and kix k wood ii t lit ktiutin tiom vuiinii uj utii mrs ii kiitf vmill and mrs h pjriii n r at i n jiui mrs j livlir and mis l kilhliiiju itlrkuibmj urn aturi adams ul loionli miss mollis muku missas kuimj kvntrui iriui ktihru r ru uiuson 11 nti it j livvsoi jiuii i n ytli i i ml mauit i la himk issisird tins utl s i nns ui i i l l si jlli ml but it till uu 1 sli i i j liltli dinuj kt mi ruin i my 1 1 1 i h j i nj liltli tlolll wlob i lo m i tti it lull t vllhpllhl ttumii i hllli nwss iuji turn t ik hous hoiti umliiiu s ti jui ikii m ni i tin in s it ud liutl iniai into ai lini is siafin us tii irii is hi i ul ihli wi it tul nut sutul isll h in pkkuhl mi uu mis i iriltl siiiih mil imih alloii mi u ij tomnl vu j hn llnius ul iin ml sji f i- i iuvs ill out hi i i i in m cm i i u uh i is on j in mimu iii i ul mu ii in i is linn on fuiloutli al i ills hi th i all i i uul mis i oikis mi i t tin k h i i hum d h mu il i i i holul l it iiim uu ss iut ti llm mil 1 it in ili musk kj disin i mi uul mis milium otinltu nul son wimh dunlin hi a 1 ilso mi uid mis cxril kniilil ol kik luihhi isitt d on snud i uth mi nul mis mi k hi limns underground wiring coming the current trend toward underground wiring ift being studied presently by acton hydro commissioners who are beginning to visualize a much improved eastern entrance to the town in conjunction with the quten st widening program for which no detail d plans have yet been received they are discussing installing new standards with underground wiring beaut if ication of the towns outskirts and reduction of maintenance costs are two of the uhknoie speed trap installation of new electronic speed checks requiring only two wires ten feet apart end an automatic stop watch is an other step in concerted police efforts to cut down on speeding automatically and immediately register ing speed of the car ihe new system eli minates ell the guesswork and most of the headaches in apprehending speeders it marks a decided improvement over the old system which required a longer distance and sometimes allowed motorists to beat the hoppier than m ost on the whole are you mtlifled with the work you do and with the emount of leiture end free time you get to yourself according to e recent qellup poll of opin ion in canada end aeven other countries many more people than might have been auppoaed -ee-quile- ready to antwer hoth question affirmatively and canadian more to than moit in canada tome 86 per cent answered y to the first question a higher propor- the acton free press isauubed by the duli prlntta and tsibluhlag co ltd founded in i87s and published every thursday at 59 willow st acton ontario member or the audit bureau ol circulations the cwjjx and the ontartoouebec division of tba cwnjl advertising rates on request subscription payable in advance 4 00 in canada 7 00 in all countries other than canada single copies 10c authorised as second class mall post office depart ment ottawa the only patter ever published in acton g a dills edltoruvchief i david r dills managing editor business and editorial office phone 6532010 50 years ago ykii irottt the usutt u th tyc kmt ytitirmiay august 2s uu our tirvt contingent of uljur boys to retpmul to the call tu amii is gufu the following iiwn unr suuu hi on ttu naridc ffouiul ji 114 annum t on sji unlj hv h p moon j p col stryl iljruomi srgl i cotvs oipl 1jrii viyl la pltr v i uu pit- lud vhu pie januv hh pie d liouyliw hu a atyo pu vmiuhvuni pu j wtuhstm pu iuii pit i u pu john unlk pit t p mil pit j smi pu k smuulhi u n v111i mi in i mi i s kiu luviiiv thi uli il in 11 lut tuvi tlifujttd it llll ir hklh vltim ut ml j u i iv nyxlum i lidlil vmtny in in il itiiniiuil 10 muki ihi iii lilt n l umltmhklt sliu w at lint itnil 1 itmliufi lo thr tl ill ll llip llm 1 lie wtmlitlull 1 uu ltnikh touts wjs j4sv w tin intuitu ol tin ijligiuis i i iin i niiu in alton ju mt s smith mis luaiitmou mt uulr i i il li and i lou lur ii huts aimkii iuiu ui1hv on s uiu1jv iii xiniig in hiikt 001 in uu st in s tl 11 inn til ot ihr ai i 1 1 inniny oinpjn uhiih tht luluil to ik llatlhls loi 1 u ml null ii v iilioiis w uk tin ilu patt ol llu rm l1iv is it u is t suinyuisht tl in u ss 1i1 in itn iiiiiuius mr unit mrs fmiiuf roi ii uul miss uoill ulin tuiiill u loi in it inim the nor tlmt st uu mm n mi fort itilv u i tit il in li l in s must on willow siiui tvuatmur news mom amound ytu district i uat badgered into attending- a uiddmg this vajnimer thcy are tvtnts i normally avoid as die futly as i would leper colony but this ws a wparcuj on mv old rvarliwr ifter ughling llve good fight for 40 year uoked upon it mote t hlt- tortc evtnt than a nwre n change of nuptial vout tor wart trty wife and every ollur ttiurrini frniaw h came in coni ott with kail bullied him pttuded with him urged him ntislved eligible young wonteii in front of him in that great and nobu fimlnirw vocation known us don i let u single one get auuv during ilu procci i and the hustiundk of llieve other ha i pie t niaintaiived a dlurrel wilerur our sympathy indual id on1 b live nllinj of eye hall heu ven wards secret v and unanimously we iheered him on to greater heijhu of i oti ray wiublwirness or tnsarv lt diptndini on ikir point ol win anvvfcjs hi finally look the plungt or got out of hit ovplh or iumi thing after lour detadei in liu udihle lortilude but trust him he didn i lust get hi i thud and start ruising a family and fining i h rough all the ivor i or s ih it imolw s nope he mnmed a charm ing widow and when the last vow had ben taken he be t arm an instant husband fa thcr and grandfailu r tlu ust of us go thrihigh 5 year- tit tvting inistiahu lo athkve ih it m u ne height th reasons which offset the increased coit of underground wiring this is an improvement which h obvious advantages m our roqqod c i mate and many town are embarking on the re wiring section by section let s hop acton joins the trend as soon as possible and that the tangle of overhead wirs which scars any modern country will within a few decades be completedly eli rmnated rap if they spotted the radar trap the new system still requires suporvi sion of a couple of policemen and in this respect is not completely automated but some day they ii probably develop a system which photographs ell cars exceed ing the spead limit and provides enough evidence to obtain a conviction in court without any supervision at all pohc would probably welcome such a machine even if motorists wouldn t tion than in any of the others save switzer land 02 per cent and no less than 74 per cent are apparently well satisfied with ihe amount of leisure available to them the maority in both cases is an impres sively emphatic one suggesting as it does a hghclgee 6v contentment on the part of canadians who work for a living given th demands and distractions of the age m which we live this is no small achievement brampton itir finm hultomillr should null dramp ion in nns in iiiulo ioihi u wis k mud uiinlh constitution of tin pipthnv ipptom d in tht oniiiiu w ilir rismiuis oinmission will thin shoiih istunilttl mm will ik jm mul toi tlu will uul piimplmiiv i ons 1 1 iii 1 1 it piniipinp i tjiiipnu nt immisu i uul supplv nuns i nni huttomilu to mil inlilm kd uul ounii st vsisi oakvhi i in st john amhul mu inmnii lois f nni o ik ilk plutd lirm in th miildvmli lnti i n ilion il risnu uul lust ail ktinpt utiun lu ul in mi inn i lorttl i naiitlv ii mkkijn k olmin m ul on and 1 motin pnnid th it oakilli si john anihnliiilt hi i uli is utll pupated lo issist the puhlu is ttuy ikii hid 24 ti mis finm mmi il lountiiis lt uin tht iu it it mil ton thmisinds ol wnufous win sinislud mil the nmf of i farm housi s is ptiiu tuud wultholls when hail sluius as big as eggt tlluk uinltd in nhoyn vejjtn wilkits lint hurlnnitun dunng a ctcpcnl tlciiikil storm vrl im window on the i x f ol ii nitnhoiisi hinldirs owtud y m ulin dimh r uul m irtin tnsthki wiu hioktn h tin hut hul slums tnd il ml ipi wis istiniiud in tin thousinds rorcrtoun thi om lim lnidj1 uliuh cuius a hollli link tor trallu inlttini nut liiving iik tasurn siliioii of dim siillianis mom llw ih i iik will h npliiml with i moditn lwo1 uu mniilun m t i ii it pi ins don l hit i sn iji ii i vi ia tiling jiw s iilhl ilni ilhims should iiim ttuir lonji iwnlid iii w hrulu in liti im hilton touiu niiiiuii ro smith npoiud mirmncton lturlintilun ncopk who m implovid h tlu it ol hamilton m i ih loucd lo niovi wilhin i i h il h imiltun tit totituil uupis a motion lo this tffnt txiny pnsinkd h tonimlkr j nm cainpht it altottlur 240 piopu who wink foi tin t it ol h imiltun iil in lliirliniton dund is ant tsu r ind stoiuv tiul mi c uiiplh ii who itls titv implnvtts should hi in ilu i it h is jicn t notitt of motion to be ih h ikd it h imilton oumil s august nut tinj ospbince three boys sleeping m hut driven out by fire at night tin distrosid a hut it i he ti ir ul the huiiu ol jostph dikin t irl monda mnrmng m which thin hos 12 14 wtie slitpiny out tht hi it wis btlilmd st it i id h in old wood slow whkh hut turn lu tulort ilu hos tin n til in tin bovs hit kil t sc ipi d iiim lulou tin huildinn huist into fl hues the at ton tire brig uk attend td ind wlic unahlt to saw tin slit d but dousx d a bush 1 1 u uhith siarttd to bum the dakin home is on ihe sit ond iiik ust btsidt i hi spttd ruir wedding friday onjitatulaiiuns to mr ind mis alan smith net pattu 1 1 viuil who wtu maniiil on ti id i tttnuii in bui liny ton ln ittd thurth tollowinn a luni moon tht will ht usidin in diiilph tin gioom s part nts mi and mrs russtll smith and i un il and his untlt and aunt mr and mrs ross rtrguson attend td thi wtdding and uitption double bereavement suit i re mpa t h is extendi d to tht sinclair lamik in thur double bfreatmtnt last week mts mimu sinclair passtd awa un iondav jnd the dai of htr fumral thursday htr sun archie paswd away iis creduatea cungrutul itums tu the grade 13 students who were sucesslul in the recent exam sharon built a student at bmi op matdonell guelph who will be entering st josephs hospital in september as a nurse in train- iny saodra mcewan erin district high school who u working in the chemistry lab at the univers ity of guelph virginia snvder erin difitridt high school whowul be enter ing si m ir s hospital kitthtnti is i nurse in training bum robertmin trin district high whost pi ins for the lutuu art intuniplttt is tt to thosi who trud and failed tmur luck ntxt iiiiu a luiinbt i ol cluldi in frum i his tommum i d the local pllslutitl ill suild l sihihil iu attindum d ul vatation bible sthimi it i vtiion cluisiiin chuuh discipks ol christ fireside on suiidas evening members ol ilu llillsburgh hiplim chunh tiioiil i 1 uisidt and slug song it tin home ol mi mil mi- ciurdun snwlii lullowinii tlu u ulin tluiith si i in mi ind mis llirokl mu diiclph mr and mrs km rob- titsoii uul daughltis ol oakxillt un snud i visitois with d g uul mis robe i i son obituahy wim fitzsimmons born at roclcwood mi ind mrs m milne mr and mrs d mcmabb and tamilv and manv oiher tritnds and relatits irom rnckwood district attended the i mural on tuesday of the late w j twim i itzsimmonk who passed uwav er suddenu in niagara talu general hospital w ntzsimmons was born and raited in rotkwood he leave to mourn his loss his wife lottie milne a daughter bv a former marriage a sister xlrs edith proctor of niagara falls and a brother jack fltistmmons of more field on tart 6 the funeral wnt held from har rington and dean a funeral home to falcvlew cemetery in niagara falls oniurio wedding lo me and to most men are just a big pain in ihe arm 1 d rather go to a gcwid fun eral any day but women are differmt they take to wedding uke cali lo kipper there u tome thing ftlmot morbid kbout their fkurinniumi with that production which most men comwier a minor iragiuwiwdv you vjvould hitve seen ke tuwi tense we went through gelling refcdy 1or this one i figured wed get dressed up shine our shoes buv the happv tiuiplr a carving knife and that s all llwu was lo il well thai s all 1 did lo pre pare for it but my old woman started operating al leatt a monih before live ceremon though i kept reminding her that she wasn i live hrlde uu was in and out ol piailualls every dres shop in itw piov inte before shi got tbr right tlresa and hat tlien tlvere was a big thing alvmii her glovts they were jutt a thatle oil ihe off soinrlhing i hade of ihr rest of live rig ttaf dye dye remover mor dve thank goodness i urnt in my hare bandit and liven ilu re was ihr gifl vsi 1 started out to sa camptrlvttl visits holland finds it crowded by mr g inglu mrs b c dcumir of r r 2 c unphellville has returned from a hoida m ulrttht holland when slu fltw from malton to lu r pa re n t s mr and m ru c kotk and her three sisters al zaindvoort holland near the north sea it is 12 vears since she last visited her borne land and she found they had not progressed as much as canada has ii is very crowded in hoi land and thev gel along with the nre necessities of life it was a wonderful experience to come back to her husband and children and new home in our beautiful and spacious country ul canada t g hall and c forde of hoi uwood florida spent a few days with mr and mrs lrnnard an drews and family this week visit t crinmfey mrs allan moore mrs frank wheelihan and margaret whtell- han visited with mr and mr stolkes at grimsby on saturday miss anna mcphdrn of wood- slock and mr brt huchon ttf avr were sunday gumth ol mils katharine mcphedran t i could have bought something useful and suitable bk n ironing hoard in kbout 20 mln- ulet but she dragged me jn and oot of stores until i frit more like dropping than vhop- puij and the puces oy howtvi r ut made it and i foiillv uahyid why u on ven like weddings w muth tusi of all it guts tlvtm a ihance for a good tt without some tallous kid saving hiv dad ululs mom bjvsling ahoot now s tond it affords tlvem the opivoiiiitiu f wiaring some i uv h u t hi v haen i enough nri to wrir to church nor malls and which item will be taufiilt slnred awiv in a ha i imk unlit ii u ihrowu away by lluir yraruld nighii r some dav and fin ills i hi rr is that de liaedu ujlcimalh alien u t all uin uln i ilu don l have to vot f i ik hii ma k nip anv more wtuii uu thors i nine oil and the bur nifihv down und thev cfcrt tit ul ilu rral business of ihtt wedding irariny o lallert the losiumrs rn inner and reput lions all tin other unnirn at tht ui dtlii professional directory and travellers guide ukdlcal ortometust tdim miils holiday visitors in district news mr ind mis i wimhlhihist nhmi i utik ii lllltrson mists ill mr mil mrs s wixxllmus mi mil mrs ii lluinks unit dmithui lui rilurntil huini ilur ii trip to iit rrljums mr anil mis w mino lilt sun il i lu visit thur djuulilrr and until mr and mrs sid rirnes it corn irvon mr and mrs w miu in jr ind two datiuhlirs have vwrin on hohiliss lor the pist week thi stcvinson famil arc al cohilin iviunjt grandparents and sistir dr and mrs janus llcnrv lor ihi nst of thi holldas mr mil mrs ttd uardm and f unils spin sunilas in tusvsat i r mrs gioriji aitken will tn al 11 ilitnirton lor thi nixt urek uilh hi r sistir and lamilv mrs i nnston miss joinni wright spenl a fiw tlavs in acton b of linda liuson m irlv ind paul francis of lon don mi holulaviny al their grand points mr and mrs milxan si mrs bob cilbertson has been timovid lo toronto grniril hospital lor furthir inalminl mr and mrs m inset lowric anil son steven mr anil mrs j 0 lowrlo have rtjurned home alter o weekend al red stone liki guisls ol mr and mrs lem mar mr and mm h giihiruon ind mr and mm w gilherlson altindid the pioneer stiam cn- gini reunion al petrolla on sat urilav miis biltv lemon of red stone laki is holldaving with her itiindp uenls mr and mrs j d lowrii little pilir martin is al pns ent lontimd 10 lluspital dr d a garrett on vocation aug 1st to auj 50 ii phone is10wi or call 15 iw dr robert d buckne8 physician and surgron on v nation from aug u lo 24 dr t b moore dr c hutchison phvsuiani and surgeons 3 main si reel north comer main and mill street acton ontario phone isvjito by appointment pent ax dr h leib dental surgeon office corner mill and fredanck si reals office hours by appointment telephone i5kv4i0 dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office 90 church st e office hours 9am loapm closed wednesday afternoon telephone 5j1750 e i buchnek o d optometrist john st s aeioa in acton wednesdays orjty 200 pm tuo pm for appointment phone 11 j- 1 ml if no answer phone waterloo 742ua7 arthur a johnson iw mam st milton phone tr w72 res tr ihtj tuesday afternoons thursday evenings friday alorturv atrhuhinc and insuauncs 1 i f i wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone ua0720 appraiser and insurance l ver so years ta acta dr cedric dey dental surgeon suite no 3 llinton bldg 17a mill st e acton ont for appointments telephone 853100 legal c f leatheriand q c barrister and solicitor notary public office hours 10 a m 12pm i pm 5 pm saturdays by appointment only phone office ss31jj0 res i5h745 acton a braida bjv banister solicitor notary public office hours in acton monday friday evenings 6pm 9pm saturday 1pm 5 pm 21 paisley st guelph ontario phone ta 422i2 office hours in guelph saturday 9 a ra 12 am- dally 9 m s pja kaplan a odd barrister and sullcllora sidney kaplan and john d ord qc iii mouatalnvuw road s carretal building georgetown tr49je iruneatal duubctoat phbtw umrue bum or dtqr bruce b shoemaker mgf- dennev charles rftp resenting cooper ators insurance association sponsored bv federation of agriculture auto fire family and farm nihility accident ti sickness phone tr 7 mm georgetown architect donald e skinner uarxh mrjiic 17a mill street suite 2 acton telephone 532740 office hours by appointment or 20 suvebank rd port credit 274342s travtulltu aubw gray coach lines coaches leave acton daylight saving time castbound 6 v am datlv excettt sun and hul 134 a m dally ex- vfspt sun and hoi ejpres u am 1111 am 2m run soi pm frl sat sun and hoi except aug 2 and sept 61 toi pm 623 p m ej3 p m 10 08 pm sun and hul westbound 737 am dally except sat sun and hoi 1027 am 1157 p m 2 il p m 527 pju 727 pm 912 pm 11 j2 ban liu am sot only canadian national railways daylight saving tine eatlbound 6 j a m to toronto dally ex cept sat and sun 7j1 am to toronto dally except sun the 952 am train it now cancel led dally except sat and son 7 40 p m sat only 7 15 pan sun only 7 jo- p m wetlbound 738 a hi to stratford dally cent sun 6jb pan to stratford dairy except sat and sun 7di pan dairy except sun 114 am to slratfoid dally sat a4- l l 4s4lavl4 uv e s svs fcvjirllii a wwabsjo

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