Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 20, 1964, p. 8

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tha aeaan n kau thursday august 30h 1964 legion notes for branch 197 the slack put of u legion year u closing fast and its not far off lo the beginning of the iriboaga league darti and ail jh regular legion emtta matt uf the members nave pen their holidays resting fish- lag and travelling and will soon be back at the old rind for another year so with the cuming of ibis sea son we will begin again lo iry and keep our members up to dale on the happenings in the branch and beyond u aone di- airfct etc bill lnj two rtvslou wu hi llw bvih tri 1ruuy ewrtlrt tutv tiiftwti jjooj crosvsu nj r- aaemtiiu kav wsi mav tx ku rvtuin u frttuy swmbtr 19 sjvj frituv klowmurf 21 w think th tww fclr cortdi- tioiwr ka- twlfwj the vmsvtw at tlww diiwv- and lu thr sal unuy 114m yiihip loo twn i fiwyct to uvp in mhul that th hot stuay saturiuv daiuv uiv no hwmv oinr ivsnrts rviwhlnj ik say that rvn 1 il vtaott ssud ci at tett ikciv is tu itvui vmuii- hanjimt in thr auditorium ecn though llw iksvrn1 roeel in aiv ialuxl ulf lor llw wm ntcr ihc csrcuiuc must lvvi trw bratwh tunning and thev have held huhv nvvtut n the jvisi two mm i hi dealing ulth the air txmvdiiuuwr gvtwi at huinev u the twit caciume nwvllnjj t staled for uivtuuv august il with the item tfvwiil nwvtiwjj un sept- vmher 7 ul months imrwvr spurts w tt death umtwr was hill cunnino- tum ul nurwl ttsul lor this mouths diwt atv rwivs tut ttale in the ianuxii and iiuih the tv vuur velleiv tlw- lolutu tntf nwmrwrs aiv vkted un ihv kt list aivd will iluau uvlwv isitrs in their ivsjvxttsc lo at ion uf confine- cord wajixr st josephs hoaptui cuclph john muurr sunnybruuk toronto a 1 c c mitchell home rl i geore- town john lambert hamilton general all femitl sunntbrook toronto the newuetter khould be in the mail bv the end of the ttutnlh rkpuutng in luh all the coming event uf the fall wa-ott- some of ihew cvvjils lo he held in the near lulutc aiv seu- ember i wotm war i wlt dlniwr in biamptott at v vi tainment lo be puvued sept ember 34 the red crow- buiod clink keep thl tuve in mind septehtber 2 iuw hv corn hiuvt in huttiuuilu pail aiul septeinlxr 4 hiaiuh uhii hkt with ar toll art luvhewtm in tillcmuiwe tkwe eenl will iw evplaiiust imtrx lullv in hi lulunin duitnu the turning ueek uiul ul in the new teller the hlatuuul tilm buajd i- ie of canada at war lilm ha been ofetvd lo k- vlutvwn at tlu- braneh in the iuar lutuir vxw- uivu by the dow hrueiy there aiv ij halfhour film kiutwing tlu whole pktuiv ttf live lflohs1 war as canadian eiwount civd it irxhin day to dav turn the beginning when canada acxepied the challenge of war lo he ftnal uj i render ul llw j a rune w iu sepuniilvr 2 1445 we lihiw the nwniher will hi looking forward to ihee film and a oon a the date and anangemenu atv made i hey will appear in thlw column member will ik- happ to lmiw thai l he final arruugcnvenl ate in ptigrev ru eiwting 4 a flag pole at the biaiwh the ac ton braiwh although u v the ted envign at the ceivolapi ha been in need of a flag pou for many veam and it i good to uv we will finally get one 5 million expansion for osd interest gjvwi in the ml- augtuta grvy weather acton fair con lei t enlrie are it brighlened bv the fact wnm- being accepted now leave arc turning color already holidayvn from acton in j penny italt uf ctarlwon va mucloka note that in brace- amtmg the winner in scoitinh bridge where a pot oil tee jut dancing at the highland games like acton nal deserted on a j in fergus on live wvekend main corner tome uw ha been found for the building an ani- tlw open air church service iqoc dealer ha taken over the at the park held by hvanpsl ground floor for the summer baptivi church continued sun- with a tew ol the old articles j this weeks will be ihc last even oul on the street gmorv kmrr wl pp for hlon today annooocd that ontario public works mtnitf ray cortrwll u calling hwdr today thursday for th socond sto of construction ctstimaivd t about 5 million for rh nw ontario school for rh deaf milton th sis is on highway 25 on miltons aa boundary mr oywll ld h poct will consist of sanuy cadomic school vocational school wnw boys and snior qlru rsldsncs and doobl oymnastom with a connctlng twimmind pool first stoai of construction comoriiino th onior school staff rvskianof hospital adminiit ration laundry and boilarplant buildtnos wai complhd a yar aoo at a coniract price of t38 17000 to accommodate 46 ths woki mtnisjar said that whn tha sftcond iiq is compujd it will bring its schools total accommodation up to 540 cor initfuction of pup 1 1 brwmn 12 and ib yart old th academic school will contain an auditorium and 30 classrooms in two- 1 lor 4 y building the vocational school will consul of 10 shop for tvachitsq of automotive trades woodwork hvq uphojitery metal work mo wvldmo k tn a sinolilorey hiqh ceilina structure th two residervcet which will loote 190 senior boys and 140 senior njrlt respectively are lhr norey hutldirvq kkilmjihj partial qround level basements in addition to the usual reiuiervc facilities live a is buitdirvrj will also feature a snack bar and a social room which will be used by tha qirls to entertain queitt mavum ctooc yowm a feature of live schema wilt be a distinctive covered walk way whtch will run from live dormitories to ttu academic and vocational whvos of lv school nd lo lh sports buildma atirac- liv landscaped courts and rock gardens paved walks fountamt and terraces will effectively lu the buildings loqether a tlotk tower between trva classrooms and live administration wing of tlve sclvool will serve as focal point of th building group all live buildings will be of brick avd precesl courele exposed aoo0e parvel construction a rgulation football field and e quartermil cinder running track will be provided a base ball diamond three softbell diamonds and a soccer field at in future plant an unusual aspect of live i and tea ping will be the provision of a pond for naturestudy end en ertlfvclel hill prepared from tfve excavation around th ere lo b used by th unlor school for tobogannlnq in th wlnkf parking tots will provid spec for b0 staff end visitors car otaadfj 10 lfvtt os0 supwlnlnownl d e ttennady euplalnwi the snlor khool classooms irvcorporal both lnlarmdlal mnd snior oi coursvt students normally lake ihre yeera to complt rh lnlr- mediale course end about f ivy years for the senior uve at graduation the iiudett will have th ouivalenl of a cwde 10 academic education and grede 1 vocational ducalion it wei hoped th stage two of construction would be com putvd by september 106s 35 of th print 710 lunior uhool studenls will be graduating from lunior school at that time it was also pctd that 130 lunior scrvoo 0edult from th os 0 at belleville would b transfrrd her at th start of th lvosoo uhool year ovwau st am soo wlven th sclvool for th daf is compleled it is expected e staff of 300 will be required lo oprel tlv compt stag on of construction was first planned about s years ago wlven th provirvcei first sclvool for deaf students at twiievill teiart to vt filled vt th iotnw ktngiion farm on highway 35 wet chosen ai live til for tlv provinces second sclvool and m tlv tunimer of 1961 construction was startaj os i mlllon first nneiird for uuice caxs sarcm us atatlatics emphasbe the fairly obvious fact that large car are saier than mmall cars in the event of a crash the number of deaths of oc wr idjooo regis tared cars under 2j00 pound wa 6j while that for larger cars wst j j clavws on apiil 21 iwi ulun lit- lirsl 84 itmiiit siluwil ktiuuitts weu- ilinsfeimtt lni isellevllu- to mlllon in iii t classen in live iwji4 sclvool vear 9ilaimh we iv upeiullng with iftl student 29 claaafvoima appiosinialelv 40 of tlu staff menhei live un ilu- pnifkrly the pr esen t luiiulings at os i imlude tlw 24 lavmumn lunior sluud wveti dmiuiiimlcft tuhuing v siucunls cuili a stuff residence housing 40 thiw honves tir wn- ior olflcialfe live latyc otlmlnislru- lion imlullnvj a jmwd lviicpkal tlu- laundiy and iwillci plant slage tttivc at usd is a pio- uitrd klndeigarlen coinplei thai has vet to u uppnivcil hy live iknatlnunl 1uhllc works the kiiuuiyarun would lif a selfcon tained unit with it own ilintng rimiin inliiinurv doitniiiuu mid classmioms in oive building and would seise studenls from three and orw lull lo five vcju of age at pixsent deaf students cannot tvcjln scluhil until llvrv arc five veai and three month ol uge sximom cths two unusual forma tiotu of turn were repotted tvear ash grove last week while picking sweet turn al lit 7th line farm of ins parents jamie nurse dicovered tlw t opus- 1 ike grnvllt oiw cob ha u definite tear fused together wlihin orw huk another ha eiylil ear ih s uell tiiiud with flatteiwd end which fe s4mble toe lightning dangerous summer lightning can took quite alt rise tlv at distance but if worm looks to be conv ine your way dont wait for the rain lo drive you out of th wield sine the greatest rtingnr is fti1 before th storm break dont ever allosv youraelf so be caught in an open field with a tractor combine or olher farm equipment m damacc two aciimi molorisl car re- icivcd a lolal of 11 damage sunday morning in a collulun on 17 side road east of he first line it mjiw viiij milion o p f said llw dnver were webb kam i miiitfa if k 4 aiumi and gordo johnort rk i ailon there wcic iuj injuries in the accident we keep yhi spots and wrinkles voum clothif kim- that immacocat iocm to umf vou iookiwo voua vtv iidi custom cleaners day l by iljtm mm wl cjuh amd camiv maw it n hiom uutiim i 3357 it croats for conservation immirge a kerr mpp this week unnminccd thai pioviiw ial granis to the hal ion keion con seiaation aulluniiv have iven ap proved hv tlw uepaitmenl of tiwryv and kcmhiiws manmc ment totalling ims700 these yiants aiv lor capital im- pruvemenis to be undertaken in llw rattlesnake point conwrva- lion arva camphelkilte com munity pond gmiwi valion aiea sis teen valles ctmservallon aiea iivrest conseivaiioii atva and mount nemu conservation aiea which aiv all undvi the juiisclic- tion til tlw malum auituitilv iirca field olhcer have mm lav vsptaiiiixl llw kattloiiake work includes iiiipiiivemenls in the dunking water system and installation of a ihiul mono wall un tlw point at live siuilh pirt of the pai at camplwllxille mount nemo and 10 other forest areas the munev will go toward viwinu at the sixteen valley i pivijcvl near omih slonevvoik will tw laid for eioion contntl splinters on the ladder of cess aie much sharper on way down llw- 1 graduates continued from fagc one lege will have ii subtests cm her groste li certificate she wrote nine subtexts this year for two firsts vctote botanv last war and has music she is the daughter r mr and mrs harold llhott church st pul bennett son of mrs mike bennett giwlph st ruvws to take arts al trent llnlxersity peter- hiuxhigh he wixite nine papers this year he work my at the tamwiv lor tlw summer don lindsav who completed his grade d this year has been xvuiking at mod hem vuvtne bramalea he is mauled and lises with hix tttlc and babv on civseni si he will either go to tcachciv college vi lake an accounting couissv nuniun smith expects to lake th science nmnie at ojkc guelph he wiote mtw surwsts this year na had one horn last vear the mi of mr tni mrs tlnwr smith he has been lann- iny at itw lamily larut past erin for the uimnwr ed van ihwkekn alst expects to go iii oac to take animal husbandry piomiiwnt in 411 wxvrk he has many trxvphies the uvn cvl mr and mrs e van lltwk- en gcxuxctown he has been liv ing with mr and mix mel mo culkuigh while attending acton high whtuvl he was in grade two yvun maitlvn iaiiuvii daughter vf mr ami mrv f leiuoit john st ami jcdin williams son ol mr and mix w williams mowhrav riocc are both seeking pevxitiottv mae and andys restaurant formerly known as the aaayfair restaurant opens sat aug 22nd specializing in italian spaghetti and canadian dishes full course meals lunches fish and chips on fridays only okn wttk days mom 1 am to t sundavlmom 1100 am in legionary the august issue of the le yiimarv cjrvkni a iviciurc uf in- tcrcsi kkally il utou- ihc res- lieut allen neelcn fonur mliv isler of balltiufail united church at the unveiling of a pan presi dents plaque l sussex new brunswick legion branch mr neelen lolned the salvatkui army in toronto and was posted to new brunswick be sure your lawn u cleared of atones wires slicks toys etc before you use the power mow er almost a third of osower in juries result fromoylns objects b boys and girls com lo hm big tent coftner churchill kb and queen st every night 78 pjvl mon to fri august 24 to 28 see lionel hunts singavision hear all children welcome free ides mom the ymca leaving at 645 m these aaeelincjs sponsored by evangel baptist church telephotm 8532595 you can still win up to 100 play it like bingo lit naxt wsjssjoyi tsd nml al oil rid s whiyr syoris nw ssm atu wlr for jo wjrt thousands of shoppers have won cash prizes in our lcs 3i 50000 get your free circle 5 game today i 1 lt3 check your circle 5 card against game no 9 winning numbers specially selected value checkd branded blade s 39 lb ill ii 1111 nuv1eis to play 4 10 6 16 8 18 hii iii tisii in mi 24 34 26 36 32 38 44 50 46 48 uiii iii tut 56 58 hit a in clltl 6062 66176 64 78 84186 188 90 1 96 98 hit him uheciauv uuctto uah wfu tmmmio 45 shout rib roast skcialty selected sv the weci bologna 29t ideal fot 1ui0ers fresh mimceo ground beef 279 for meals in a jifey lean tender mef steakenes 59 circle s mst buyi regular 3 for sid coloured 1u fkos c mox tins c 4roz tins rose margarine 483 circle s 1est ruyi regular 3 for 49l joojf til libbys beans 489 circle s west uyi regular 37tl assorted 4soz til allens fruit drinks 3t cwcie s rest ruyi regular 3l fiauscomelmac rowl offer ltoz hos shredded wheat 33 cutcu s rest buvi regular 37d red t white homogenized 14oz jars peanut buher 31 cutcu s mst wjvi regular tl 3roz size lestoil liquid clean er 79 sunshine fresh fruits vegetables frssh oai no 1 peaches ol rail 95c csrdm fresh tomatoes 6qt basket 85c cucumbers 2 for 25c sweat omm peppers 3 for 19c lata slock celery 2 for 29c e eoz jar instant coffee 99 mesesvtno raturs granulated 504jl rao sugar 549 odflm every monday til 6 pm v thurs s fri night til 9 pm ample parking facilities phone orders taken 8534990 free town delivery on orders over 5 kiuillir 27 clioke red pilleil l una culverhouse cherries 5 for 99c regular 26e fvoaicil ijrs 2 for 34c frenchs mustard 16oz jar 23c retsiilar 79c gr h griinsbv cluilins 4a jar supreme sweet mixed pickles 69c regular 2 for mc pacul pack 9iu pkjs robin hood cake mixes 4 for 69c regular 84c while 160oisue heinz white vinegar jug 83c biter the miss acton fa cemtest new to

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