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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 27, 1964, p. 1

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hi jkciew jfrtt bft nlnattmti yaw no 9 acton ontaftto thursday august 27ih 1964 tart paoai tart canft 340 tons cement poured at arena about mo ions of ccirktii wa poured e the arena wedneialav s ftteady flow til eemcnl tmcjui lined up al the rear of the txdldin walling lo he un toeifcirt a the new t0 174 am nl floor wu ink tilled a dew of over 20 boyt fiom town wheeled cement iitru aero plywood thread over ihv pipe while workmen from the metal tftcrct company levelled the ce tbcnl li wan dumped tran gile company re pre tentative estimated a toial ol 17v yard of cement ami imp rock muture wa used the depab ot the cement it about four and a half inche white the trap ruck mi mure fur the cur iae was three eighth of an inch special triadlng machine were tiaed un the trap rock urn after grindtnf wa completed the en- sni depth of the floor i ithir and a half inche irt depth the trap rexk wm whipped in from have lock iwtr peter borough rained at georgetown and trucked to the arena in ce ment t tucks mr giles mated ihc i rap rock from rave lock u con eidered trw heal for ltd puntow mi company recently completed an atcna floor in uiitiwh colum bu and i ik nap rock w whip- ped wtkl from havcloek before the cement ua pour id workmen spent a couple of u levelling the dlit hour and laving plastic pipe on meel sup ports the floor will probably ba ueed for the liri time bv the publu deuuvg the- ac ion tail i air installation of the new flout will allow almost continuous use of the arvna all war round at lacrosse wrestling roller wkatlng can he among the added at i i act ion for the arena now the floor it installed four classrooms ready for fall jowf room at the bib acfaool addtusu will w ready for occupancy by mthwata id ftvpi aluwekt all work in lour room will kso t0 out pfafadl onwlructltmi fcuparlw i iul jack coniori told itw rva rvvaa thu wk lhl cuaa- aa wuuld b kwid during ib4 t- gular acbool pahod and palat ing and othsr tulalta ccwvipuud altar fwkr and cm wvvkanda ii bad bwal lapd lu haw iba four ujttlalr roonu raady for tha atari of acbool to thai caaatructlon work could cott- tbkua- oil tba lowar floor l ordar io cul tkkwh lb athounl of nul lo tftutract aludanu at bwiihl plaalarvra art buy urtao itoora ar bftiu laid waadtrootrt flmtura and drink irtf fountain inalallad and window being fclafcad aamooo tha bait stamp of approval given to quarry by top expert acton umtffclon ouartic vlc president john regan received klh prklte monday for tuving dm of the lop rated xtone quar rioa kl north america rtertrv j schwellenhach ice- prvkldcnl of operation for new york trap riw k corpora t ion maov a vhdf io the acton ouar- ica io view tha modern iper tiori bod obtain idea for future quarri u lha united slate mr fickwelkmbach rated the ac ton ouarrv aa one of the mo i mod rn plant of ilk iw in north america and one of the few to have a c lowed tv cirxuil to keip cluae lab on all operations america for lli ijttkt innovutumn fur kafity for uorkmtn he wak quite imprtkved ulth the entire operation and morwl led al ihc upccd with which mat crial can be hhipped lo the to ronto murkc t f ruin llic spec ul railroad hiding inktallet in com par ion ulth the four i sitting plant opera led bv the nt w york trap roe k corpora lion uhiih arv spread 70 miles apail ahmg the lludum uiir tmlv lle tuk jialated at poeiyh keeple hav a larycr volume per undarv liiulur uul liettiny pbnt it mill pimuk up to light million tiwi v of miiiuj rui mji thu uill m iki tlu a ion ouji ris the largest in tlu umld th us opeialions vhip n t 1h per cint ol m hen ils h hjigcs along tru rmr uhik tlu nniaitt ing is per cent t sluppid hv i nick the him lllllion ol ilosatl tv eiteuits inihlix oiikiiu lo keep a ciom tab on ihc ciosrut pi tills al all limes jnil oiu mm ik ltnl in live eontiol limir utlihts wja star li piwentlv pixulikes a total three tv sets const mtlv hv ihis special praise was flven bv th vj vullor to nc ufelv device btk tailed he wld the local quarry wai far ahead of most in north aiiawniafcnaabtiairiiraiaiiiiijmf oji closing program held in community centre j the clotlny program ol the playground lu miner event w a acbedoiod to be a parade and aubatsqufnl program in thtpark cm friday evening but becuuet caf the rain the parade had to he cancelled however not even the rain could dampen the en thuuum lhal the children had for the comumek they had plav toed evervone gathervd in thi com munuv centre and the actliik wrtf planned a thev ucnt alcng the children uing vons ami vrhen a marching record uus puyod thev aw marched a i mind he arena to luc ihcir pi vis their comuinch uhieh vecte to ftfprekcnt diflennl planets nrtiwm of tba hanau karen mane dreksed in a frllfv drcu uau oueen ol the haneu and baibaiu ixm nd janke drew were her tveu at ntw of lour million ton of material per year on a round live clock kasifc the oliver three piudocc approximately one million toni per yaar i 1 1 1 i pur ntuhon yotta the actw ouamc at prewenl has a producing eapaeitv of four million tons per year but with planned expansion of the mm mctlvod minor hrxakdtncn blockades ol m itc 1 1 lis c in tx delected immediately and inii made intanilv obler rctdcnis ot atln nrvtl district can haitllv blicc the omc smalltime qvi irrv opcradoii vshlch ixlstcil lhci manv n n ago has lrmvn into one of the uoild i u ii si i r tl ii beardmore hong kong agent welcomed on first visit to plant wong kwuk hmg known lu his businevs associates as jimmv wong isited the beard more plant monday for the lirst time and look a tour of the plant mr wong who is beard moa s agent fur sole leather in hong kohl i tin a business tup to north america and made ac ton his lirst official mop the hong kong representative succeeded his laic la liver us agent for be ardnvorc follow ing hi de a t it und a i toy c t he t ihc wong lamil hac been agents lor be a id nunc s toi almust 0 vcur live tale wong hiwwan passed tiujv in 1941 during i lie jupaiuse ocxupatiun of hung kong neither iik late father or son had eer made a isit tu tlw western woild be lore mr wont d in t ronlo iluiiug hi wcckcml and although he vsasn t acquainted eilh the m n k oi i ong fannlv he uas a spec il luesl it ihc wed ding ivl bcii font ol acton tint jon we mark in toronto sun das ik a lie tide il uith mi uul mis ci ire nee ronaukun cho entetlatiud the visitor on he hill ol be ltdmott lllcl ettnipinv dot ing the dav he returned with them in ihc evening and slaved al the comp uiy owned yot k house he will leltlin lo his ti it ix e land titer visiting 1 oiutou puis amsti i dam runic and otlu i places in furope sehool cure lake rs aix buss preparing lor i ik mail ol ihc tall term mtummumi ij i h l gfc1 a ki2i li vuivuuuta i v il l rvj wawj and at11ndamts retgnod over rk friday nfoht proejram or the community centre pi ataood by vounqthtrs from ths summer puyarouna rxograrn left to rlfjht are brenda denny keren manet and janke drew a laroje crovad of parerits attended and watched the children 0 pley oamei a heavy rainstorm cancelled the parade and outdoor program which had beep plenned syttvfn o0y wt one of the many local boy who carted cloie lo 340 tone ol convent from the roar of th communiiy centre to the inside of the building at the arena floor was rxiured wed net day a flock of cement truck t kept the boy buty ihrooqrtout the morning as load after load arrived at the arena in tpire ol he 18 dfjree temperature of live p ii carrying bruil for th artificial ice plant the worker preipired frrely logging ihc ivedvy cortt j goy fills will name mcmtxts ol the acton uecrca lion committee at their regular meeting thursday appointed john goy to ill the post ol chuirmin lor the balance of 1964 i ul tow ing the reel gnat ion ol chairmun jack i ul lough mr goy lejlutnk to the ihur after an ahsuicc ul seven months he was the original chairman ol ihc committee when it wak lormed in lv3 the viceeh ilrm in s post held hv mi goy was awarded lu len lovdl ptvat to be filled mr hullough s tcsignalion left a v ie inc which members hope to lill irom one ul several pros pects approached bt individuals on the committee the secrclarv was asked to vejul a letter tu mr bui lough accepting his resigua lion with regie t and thinking him lor his siiviccs while a member ot the iceication cum mittce the sectel u v tntoimcd the committee he h ul sent a tcttn to h irtv roe ol kingston con lummy his appointment as ar cut minigei ie creation dirxetor at a s il irv il 14 210 per annum mi roe will sun his duties in acton the lirst week in septem ber one ol his lirsl proeels will be to ottanic a xpecial night to mjik the oxnlng vl the new moot in ihc community centre chairmans vacancy new member soon the eummiltee de haled the pros and cons of asking ac ion urvice clubs to urguiuc j sp elal evening proceeds ol which uduld a towards the new llooi but decided au dump llu pn jeel in ihc lap ol the new iec nation director piohahle dilc ol the event would he in late september or early octoixi mrs helen oturbcin said m inv people think the aiminun 11 v centre has never been otlic lallv opened she advocated a comhincd olliciil opening ilong sith the open the moor night tlve see i e i u r joe 11 u rs t c 1 1 a d inec and euchre would m ike a line project as well as being i good source ol revenue considerable discussion levolv cd antund the question ol vein thcr service clubs should tx ask ed lor a donation tor llu neve lloor or encouraged to make lis ol it when completed lor i und l using events proceeds to go to wards retiring ihc debt all ac ton service clubs will ik con lac led lor then views on llu 111 liter building ell in m in 1 1 luelc look pointed out llvclc wele nunv maintenance piuhlcim in the building he advised hit ing a man lo look alter mmiunincc and cleaning up hetoix am ev cuts ate field 111 the cumimiiutv cclltlx the cumin 1 1 lee decided to in form tile piiks bout t tic wife nol in i position to coiihmn op- ii ilmv llu w idiiil ptkil ilar llu plivljehind icaeleis were limshed i the committee dso lllsllllcled llu seeuluv o p iv i2wki in ucountt e agieetl to return i swim mine ciunst icgistr ition lee ik j c uise tlu child was un ink to illt nil ins sessions elut lit ill ties- e inst me u d llu vuutm to con t ul ittv i tisi is in the com mumln cintic inhuming them signs i on id be iciuwccl lot s0 i ve ir anv tu w or iluixd signs will cost w so i seat tlu eh m i m in pointed oul lluu ire still v ic nuus ivail ihlc lor prosxei lk lilve rlisi i s i e asked lllc sulci irv li ul veins iir an ice in ike r and e ill le lulel n loi llu le tiesllliu 111 bhilh in tlu eommunits euitie i e aeleid to meet twice 111 i v pie mix i llu lust uueliiil on seplelllbcl lel mi mix is u pilteisuil 1 10v ill a hum ook mis ii olletlxin uul eliiitmin john o itteiulcd tlu nuctint as well is sulci us j huist best front page free press wins awards in national competition to ungilwn a long list of coseicjj awards the acton rre piess liuljv w is awarded u first place plaque and a wcoad plac einfieale at the canadian weekly newspapers convention in tor mho tlve awanls an cmbuinalir of ekeellence in the weekly iwwft pjx i tu id right ae loss canada llu oilier icirur irophv for tlu ixst fioni page in circulation iax 1001 lo n00 wis awarded lo llu i iee press al i he luncheon nuiimy al the luimnlioii al itu uoval york hotel toetav thuriday in kind plaee uj llu ailegji h sh ws and third the ladtver ik t opitnust usi un llu i in lu s- i ud for second place with itu 1oitaet la plain mamiohal 1 ul i alsit piestlllid vea llu vttond plm eelllfieale or hat all- hhiiki ucwspapti in llu jiw iiim plm ei in to ttve fortage la ilaiiir uatkr ant ttnul lo llu imihjiu man i lines and star acton won fuel plm ijsl ur no otlxt dixiiui inwvpik ininil ivejrda tlu milton maitian t hampion puhhshrd by ditt pnniing a writ i in luylw i euiulahon e lassil u ill m competing against paptt which uiu iiiuih laigti eomuiminlu s llu i ue piis inxtt page lvftuu win li i x d the compel li his aii ii irmallv planned l iu w s ed lor lon mvdtl jnd arrlrd oti i i iiiiikisoi the pi ml inj stall uiuh r i m man murray scoyn all i hi ul ruwspapei pidging iiulodis iuw content ad vert it- iiil i i is miu d sie lion e dllot lal pagi pi lulu make up arui typoa i ipln an i pubwoik aim si iveivon it ttx plant i involved in oiu n in 1 1 ol l he s e all g n ie s as wi ii as joh pi lilting llu i ne pie ss his tuin a eonsieunt wintur in the canadian eoiiifu imions ihil in nhii li v iuwspipis aeioss the country in mint ve us llu p ip i his won about s awants including the cimiiiniiniiv sisiii iw ml in i muilion with raising fund for itu eonimiimlv 1 1 nln i is i vi n i ik i n ss pn ss won permanent poa s ssion ol ih m a joins iioptw loi lust hum page thu rophv whuh hid ihsi n in tiieulitlon lot some viiis wan rellted and iwanhd to itu p ix i whuh hut won ii m s nflm mi tnd mis dive dills mi uul mis jim dills an tn toronto it llu cnmciilioii one dills is i iiu nit i l llu tvitard of director ind c li in ni tu ol utilising e tnnmlln ol llu c in idian weekly niwspipcis assntiihon jim dills is i nhtiimm of the convention committee uul both mis dills in iiu mlv is of the ladirx com- miltii pnuues tike turns hisling llu 4m uu mix is and f mllib lliehhghls of l ik i nmntion iiu hide idlnsses hv itcinier hobart john lislvei on tlu iviiteiinnl kev a lomsi ot iiu united luiuh ohvrui hntxeiu suppe i andlouisal plonee r vllugv tour i okeele leiitie hie ikfast nut meeting ii m iss v i crguum farm ituinoon and evening it llu c ni many busnuss eeskion and inloimitlvc loieims displays and lor those in inv milts inun large cities isils lo suppliers acinls and michimrv salesmen for one lull dn lluie is i nui to niayua i ills and through ihc general ing si 1 1 ions toionto is pulieulirly populir lor e nvcntton with w e klv ne wsp tpt i me n coming i loin co ist lo e o tsl d artcgilloway catches big fish without pole glee xi t ii etc nt lisluiman e cepnpnunt and plenty ol iiu tiuu on tus h mils and he couldn t i in whether he lands i lish or i ul give a imuvtiiold lid i picct ot tishmg line no pole a sm ill hout lukik uul i hnv worm md lu ii e itch i lvnuh ounh pike thai s whil dinnv mefil low is didsiluttliv it i ulv 1 ike hinii who onlv hes i sii ne s llltow iw iv inmi tlu loot ol vie ion i ai while lu e lliejll the fish was li nulling llu hiu hv hind wlun he sn iclcel onio llu i piki thiec othel little tiun is his hn tlu i bilh rukv wilkin son md slum me inlvn win i si inditil tu libv uul i in 1 lu ip i hi inc the tish lo shoir llu onlv ie ison tlu vouncstus i gc lor i liidllll ihc pike w is llu i ul llus ill 1 ihlxd llu line did 111 ide i txeline lip vli lloni avi unlit tlu tish eiash ed il hlisl tlu si itu ivtlllllltl boliska to judge fall fair queen al boliska popular dive lockrv with radio st it ion ckby and miss 1 lame cole who is xocn on lkcotv tn kilcherver will be iwo of the midges loi the miss aeton pall fair contest tlm war tluy will be joined by a third person nol known at present the two celebrities ure ex peeled lo spark keen interest in the contest and a i read v several nimes have yxxn submitted to committee ollicials need appllcanli anvotk wishing to enter tlve contcm i asked to contact anv ol the mlowing committee mem- 1 hers mac sprawl jack holmes jack marshall marn hunter i h h htnlon mrs bill sproston miss liml i krgtistm lasi ears winner and die manes i girls 15 and over are eligible lo enter the contest thia year i applications are being reoetvccl fiom cramova urin tztanuebine and navsagaweva townuitps us well s the town of acton amplications nuikt be in the hands ol committee members by vednvsduv september 9 at 12 noon and judsms will take place ut acton district high scjvool on saturday september 12 at 2 pm conteatants attire dres for the judaing contest will cuiuprlbc streca icafith ikav ts ami high luvls as well as miss acton fall i air iheic will tx two i he ml mis tin sc n ionian ovei tlve two dav fair crowning of the new queen will lake place during the triday evening performance ut ac ion arena un irtdiy scpumhci 18 railway excursion one of the last double header engine i an rips lo be run on the not th american continent is in leave union station toronto on 1 1 id iv september ii it it am this trip will he uitluuil cam dim nit ion ilx ntd northern tvpe 6167 and the nculv rebuill 6218 therefore tlu uppct can id i rail vv a soc ie tv will be sponsor ing one of the most htntonc trains- in canadian hulorv tlu upper can ada r ulwav wu iv is not a small club it is one of the most rapidly developing clubs in can ada this particular trip will leave toronto and travel through north bay and oltuuu before returning lo toronto this might be of inle- rest to eevxral or our local people who are avtd railroad fans and in particular interesting fun trips some may like tu follow the trip in order to tulu pluurt hv this tiuu the tish had been knocked out and alt i he fight had kit il d inny liguns if he had ken dotu lu might have had a inc tide up the like behind the i ist sw immine fish jtu t titled youngsters trudged up lulls vutoili ave lo ihc ml gil love tv itomc with live lish loiind i luige washtuh itlled it with water and dumped in the piki aflir itu isuiing it the bov went uptown to a utotc lo have il wi iltud llu pnhi t vnung hshrrman u itu n in ol mi and mrs i ddic migillow ty md his pn hides t mmuni ol ins summit vacation is tx iiil sh in d with his five hioiluis md sistiis late ul ihe i iteh is not nit un frying pan ot in mnti d on tlu w ill its h u k to school sep i cm lu i m uul m inv pupils urr readv loi icliiiigt it le t i wing around in llu sjmnmc i holid ivs four younqstffts landed this 35inch lp pound plre at fairy lake saturday efter danny aacgillowey weond from left caught the flak on hit line left to rloht are ricky whkltnon danny steven mclntyre and billy mcgllloway

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