Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 24, 1964, p. 1

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ht jutm sttt ptiesrs ninetwth veerno 13 acton ontario thutkoay septembk 3th 6 sixuan pao yen cents new car dealers unveil models for public snowing on weekend new car deafen in acton are ruutn out uw red carpel this weekend hd the tfrst of bell mek to sumeil their ims model i thl ck tsaue of the acton tnt prew indoors new car a- 1 nouncctncsus from pete uasson motor lufwho will be display ing the ites bulck kxillacs ac adian and cm c trucks the showroom open to the pub lie today thursday friday ami saturday announcements alto appear for thomron motors ltd with the showing thursday friday and saturday for ford caleons and ford trucks at their shoss rooms little motor announcement features the rambler for ims and the public invited to attend the showing of new models mon dav frank tolh motors associate dealer for maveal motor sales georuetown will feature chrys ler plymouth and valiant cars during the public showing hi day also appearing in this weeks issue is the andrew murray mo tors limited announcement tor the ims chevrolet chew ii and corvalr these cais will he on display in the georgetown show rooms this weekend expect 15329765 project to cost taxpayers 18000 ttajrvidinf hpprovi u received from itv department ol u unlet pttl aluirv aclon tnwmcil will ch tiwitr for the widening of oemvrt d young st reel t in ihe kmr future during ifuxul meeting of cuuncil thurmlav sefhember 17 cwrfcadmlnulralor jack mcgca- thur nfomvod members he lot l col of the project would be about s1m7ft acton charv of ihu u vwsl4i tu run liomt lu u0d0 other cofui urc ex pxled lu be met bv the dcturt- nuu of highuays during the mcetrtjr council fcoprovcxj a bv law lu mjurtt d mi permituon lu proceed ulih oil in tendtr ur ucgcachic told council i he ouecn si widening and pavuitf reretenlcd a urge por- lion of ihe coi and this would be the uj4e burden or live duo cm completion of the work council would then iuimc the ktfctlojt uf highway under a con- noctltu link agreement mr mc- gokm5 also explained the work on the young st job and that tj owen st would be twu diffcr- etit contrcu imtmmmmmmm it tit it ii council warned the breakdown ol coiu ol the rnilic project was j72j17 10 for live cimrurcimg link uxiion mill and yining st utttrt live limn iharv would le 10 per ceni cot of klorm vewer in live arva would be 112 791 of utile h the luwno chare would be so per tent ttdewalkt would ihst 4 4w with the town actum tng the full eul ami live otteen st portion uould w a3 7j0h uhkh is paid for entirely by i he duo the c lei it iilvo stated teiuleis lor the queen st fob could be i j lied at no cum to the town members alu learned tlve engl neer had prumlved a minimum of deiourk white work uj pro ceeding not known at prevent it what portion the town of acton will he uiceced for widening the mill si cnr crottlng and re placing the ljnal lcm no i word ha been received from the department of tranvport re garding this project original budget allowed for iv- i surfacing of young si only do ii called for the enure pni- j kt lo be completed which up- i ped the cot lo the town agree in principle oj3en deer season possible crown nettie tryssenaar queen as over 1500 patrons applaud halion county council may de clare an open deer seawon in the countv thiv ear if went- worth welllngliui ani pc cou- tle agree to totally hold the op- 1 en ubvon navvagaweva reeve j william coulter reported lo coun ty council on tueula that the main concern uhen docidmp on an open eaon uat that a large enough district would be avail able lo bun ien vo that thc would not all converge on one area hunter aivd convervatuin ol flclau in the couniv have been concerned tor eeral ear with the uicrvaved deer populatum in the countv and have repeatedtv tthked tor an open vijmi lu u motion pawed at tucdav meet ing councillors aurevd to an open devr eam being iveld in live vountv pruvidini live ur rounding kxhttitu intituic a miii liar pit ty tain at precent it i believed that j both wellington and wcntuorth i coun ties have rejected tle pri- i uwtil lo have an 0vn seacon in 1m dcxauve l b law re vtruiionn pertaining to jru- di charge iinarmv in ptxl countv it wav uuriithl thai the cvunt on the uhole would not be able to have an open eacon although the tovvnvhipv of cal edtm and chinguavoow hail in duated an fnicmt in the pn poved hunt wins trophy mn- william thtimpvin a it m won thv acton r pi x litphv uhii lu i ine irvt in tu ium iml 11 ttmiiknl at a loo i all lair liviv vai her ttnnt will h tiimnhed in the iittphv along vtiii picvioiiv win tit ix ovr 1 s00 patioiu wlvo croud td inio tlu arena i riday night vat ttnctlv on then ccatv tagir iv awaiting tru announcement ol llu winner of the l4 miss at tun i stir tontit chterv bruki i lie mliiki ulan miw nihu tivsmnaai 17turlil inn townvhip ufttc t jiii uav nanud lu uui l hi ciown and iok a ijuh n stlt plsiiui nuik lillit tlu sin a tath t tnlt iin w n uiu tl ml piiaidttl to tlu lioiit ot tlu llllluikt t lt hit lllt t on tlu liyi appl ujt js wllhlvtld until tlu lim mult st ml h id ikiii iniioduiid and then whtst blood needed ulood u urgntly ivdd aiuj thr u bi 111 tlw lo donate tuiughi f thursday i tha clinic at i la iguwi audllohum opna again at pan uul runa through tu 9 pan ttvc buvud you give may tav a ufr koiivaday it may bf your own u v c hec rv and upplaut broke looce bcardmoix and co olficul u l r parker pnunted each girl with a gilt av vln uached tlie platform attnd4it anttouftcd i irt runrurup jiui oikenv j 1 1 1 nd j nt junu bouvkdl iv vtarou girnig lontevlanl htmight a found til applaucc a iu wa pukitl and lu applause tonliruud for iht htiond nimui up sind atltruljut jjnu ttit f u 6 vsjin tild and litxn i v qiuvlng lloih yii 1 tuiuil a pliqut irom lair ilttaid pit vltu nl cal vln alt kc ii jn will us a tloen pair nl hocurv hum udgirv i a imyt tu liniili nv llin lun s ii blou hair vlvling khiiliw ht ruitvthiv luautv sa ion limulmatlt uatlwr dutth pin tot 1 1 it sv al itn rcinuiv aiul j ii mskktmu it id stn ilitl liii mvling lihh it vv 1 lit t n s lu iuiv silon oun crownad altiaetivi inula lirjjustui list wii s miw a tn ul ltlll11iij her final duty friday evninjj when vlie crowned the new queen attuhed the vavh of office diid wrapped her in the familiar in at it t rojvt pretdnt calvin aitken prefc- tntid tlu new queen with th mavau n dairy trophy and hi mtir luwrd mcrelurv mm c w swackhainer handed iver rmuupu t of heaulilul red rote hie tuwlv i towned queen u i lie daughter of mr and mr laimnv tivtniar sharing irt ntiitt t me it in nt were it tier iht ps tiuij 10 nd joy 9 at wll s hitulur waller is i h iipp tarnilv e lowded ar- ihiiui tlu l age atlei offuial ce rtnuifiu win over aiul watch- til with iiiuttoi as nettie wat tlu tt nt r tif altrai tioi av pic tint wt it lake n uy isuarf among tlu- many mie- pre t ili il to ttu tu w miw aetoil i or mm a pan ot huvh pup- liu s umiti w of salw plaxa sho st ok longplaving vlereo i it old m inning 1 uxltle wool- tmiinuid on page three ymca program in air as committee undecided stilt p hog nut lumpiiii hoise aiul iu it i ills i tttlf wsm miss acton fjum nettie tryivonsr 11 surrounded by her altervdantt and uit yeart queen after h wet crowned friday night left lo right are fnit runner up jane bouilutl uvl year queen lmda ferguson and runner up jamce tojer the new queen n a itudent at erin high vchool arena displays night performance highlight actons two day fall fair over lvk patron- jaimned the en the clarinet kudv sprat t and niontvv were londuclexl bv mies acltin arena tiidiv night not tlu kvhiuiv aiitaeitw penny i at ion fair on v with the j onl for the picinieiv hhtiwing nchou dttiuer and acrobat queen yure tur attendants jan n the new anna moor but to migu iin ron leonard jimmvlce tojrvv janice bouvklllnuy- ho one ol the hcl evening per lmhiov acton aectudion band ur dub prvstovntv calvin ail ormanin iur pusinteil bv tin uul t bin cilitn band before tn md mr don matthew vice at ton pair heuid allogi tint in tlu x iloi nuinu ac ion high ptwidenl jaia maohsill aiul ftlmaletl frchxi pitiiinv atuiuhtl llui n c luh kept the fun enmd inuec tot iu situitliv show live twiwlav lair pt llnuiiul with model ueto- 1 nivc mouritluid ol hianipioii lair vivitotn ueit ovirwiivliikd p s atnhitic muntvl kiii bv llu tramlotmation ot ihe untu tlu lluehlhghls on ihv ktdl j liti s l h orui db mumor uf tlu buld hll dnmond ing as eoninuiciil iltspl ivs and hit tin tain thoppe t ltt the nml tiganialion nmlh- tuigvl tin iiiiuig piovitl to ik ihe one n 1 one end of ttu in n i w hilt 1 t tlu in mi highlights ot the i huge stage was hmui ioi jk i niilil wlun miss at ton i an was kiddies vvm disappointtd all luiimih at the ollui tiowihit aiul pumnltl with small showing ol midwav i rn i lulllicunis pilas ireles bill i if niaid lllelils e i v colorful array t p amed ihe midwav torn tssnnl i blight ehcerv tolors caruiuk saturday prugram u k tiuin u aiu td iich tlispl iv plus eolotiul siturdavs pitgiam stariesii vvn rules pennants strung utoss raid is with the mnn il piride uu hut m lele a pe the t s n mil h ii p it roils m thin haiuls hi hi is elowns t as thev llekktd aeliss the telll uul thtoialetl doll buggies iii i nt moor without trampling viu s aiul bu vi les ihiough dill hkt pasl mjp in iph m hou ius and milton s in his opening ttmaiks mav i tinux tih then hnli or les duhv piaistd tlu rm i sttpping uiius puised ihe tion ommitltv i lluu uphill t in i slt jkii out to halt it to install a x i in tntnt f lotii hom ion cilicii lot iji rouiul utivitv in tlu s h uul uul i new conimunitv tentic tonui tins i u north inland tlx top vaiutv show e met eel hand i mm loionlo u xv suteess in tlu ia populil thll mekav wis a vionlni llomlpremdcnltil vxls hmi k1 numbeis in spin ical tixiwtl pkist i and rounds v pixsuleiit i tlw iv although ot applausi ithtkel iluouhoui ti vn mitlluws todc in state teeeipis have not been eompku tht aiv n t tup stat jm hl tthiu tonvt i libit mivoi tallied vuuliu mis ice nt hsngworlh versatile egni p i j shuet eeiuil uloiv is suukhanui ikluvtsifn f ur has lonilel al the ifce ol t the pel j s n u l li he e ii as siueesslul as utile i eui loniur ihiilkd an auduike ol vt n wivme lo the eiowd over ukv al hamilton ethuh lined l lu m lantastlc rvrfunivcr mtsx in 1 1 h i i v flu skliniund iiiduiu in niulnts h id lop billuv riding dav suw ihe voting p tin nut h ll eats as well as hie sing daiut plav f llu ihhilo umtviv ot tlu i m at ton uul tuunis and pi mo is te ii as t ike dimuet nves nttlt tlu route in ihe pail ol a eoiiiediui at the m nullum ttuuihuu antllltmts eollehlsuin ill eleh iiutllkl llu skills ud h tsd ot gamatioiis laflcrs t uig with applause toi toundeil out the paiade with de i iur mitstio whosi i dents hot eorued hikes and buggies alicaelv hex n u ktwiw ktliiftl bv n pii ut is eotnplele with fd sullivan and luk pari on ut llu umiii elowns and iik tv he has bein elassid bv mm three deixudihlis bill to lot av a svsimd sam hi v divis and hoh loutui and jiek pink were could iii the pile petleetlv oi h uul to plets ihe enmd alsei im the 1 iielav pmiim elui j the parade aiul at the weic the cum mekav trm with pnk pianist dem ceirdon aiul dtum vm the hi st tinu in live s mer jak wilson anel mi mekav veiis til xeon rauopcning eviv- ktvivatiou eoinmitiee memlieis ptilktl bv than man john gov jt a met ling lutsilav felt there was hltlt tluv ttnild do to help the ymca pitgiam il ihe piesml hint nt gohalions hivi luen going in lu iv th oiiimil ttt and as a last minute uu imiu bond llleinbeis eolhaetld oall illlltlliv whobnuighi pun ruks w fowl ei irom oakville who pltoldeel titles amund the pii k with an old 1 oiulon pnglaiul wtliet bus mmi on hand w is an oldtiuu huibane sjuuisoivtl bv i vie t band invl j xv alsi pu detl i ides toi voting aiul old the ymca hoaid in m 11 it to ttmirdin itt tin i r ailivilus so tlu it wotihl tu no tlophtitioii m piogiauiming 011111111110 iiiuiilxr hugh ial lei son reported on tlu prehinin aiv meeting belwexn tfu two rhulits telaved a reciiesl fiom iht y board thai tluv would hkt the recreation dlieeletr lo elueel a program in ihe y lot children under 14 two nights a weik ivvc can i tuiswei until we know whit kliul ot help weve got said committit uu mhe i br i oakts ut te on the spot light now own problem drstussuin of the netialuin dtrvclors ntissihlt nle in a m a piogram prompted various nuiiiluis to eomment on their own laek ol a piogiam at the pitmmt iiiih i at k ot n in niak ei uil a hiov stluduli in fmnl ol in w rtsnilum tliteetor llutis roe left lit tie time for an ll taiigeiiitnt with tht y boaid keep llalaon mi pal it r son asked members l kief tlu liaison open between the two n muis bv trading nu in heis a m nation eommiltee intuitu i sitting tin ihe y boirel anil viet vtisa ken p ihe than mis ohi lu uigetl ihe board tloe s not txpeel the rvereihon ehieelot to pirtuipitt in llu y piogtim hut onlv to imtiale sinu tx ol a piogiam lot two nights in tlu uiek inlvrmedlatc reuueftt 1 d i on n u pit suiting iht intt i uutli lit hoektv eluh apptit td ktoit tlu emiimilltv isking loi ttu suiu sinangt uu nl sis last veal hr woaa btukev guiles in the cotnmunily lenlre lliite was a m40 vplll on ihe gale last seis4n with llu etist ol rel t lee s eotiung olf ihe i tip in tt iv night was tistrvetl tin wo a a games i chiiiitian john ttiv assiuttl mi lootill llu mlt i itudlatt t lull vt oil hi uti ut evtiv i onvidi i at tin ol lluu nquisi lit anlii ipittd no dillu ullli s in ut time tori praetut but it 1 1 stunt 1 1 ranges i mav bt liuule in suiuliv piogiam ming the eurhng tlub has ask j ed lor let- time lor bonspiels on i wo sutulav s and this might nit into pt itlm lime lor ihe hoe kev t luh the ehiirinui also requested mt i tmiiilt urge llu- inlcnned utt luukiv iluh pamlclpjlt itt a fund raising program to wipe ooi llu tie tit on llu new floor settttaiv joe huisl s toilipte lltnslvt reptilt oil llu lie ke t sale hv llu toninulltt dining tall i all wei k tvvealid a pnilll ol j187 m this was lurtlur inereas ed bv 2 wlun ptie moiitv fur i plavgiounil u uli i s lloal in ihe lur parute was donated to the eommitlev tot tlu new moot levur appllealkma opened i out appl u at ions we i opt tu el lor tht position ol lee maker al ihe eoiniuiinitv eeiitn the torn j mil te t eleelded lo inttlvuw the apphtants siltelttl belort torn i ing to tn deeisutn utntal of ihe atelia ihmimi was i it 1 1 in the ii uuls of ihe adnnnis liatitmi eommitlet to be t leal i with the same night as lee maker apphealions j consider rrojeel a long dcseussiini mi mom v making pioet is lor ihe ncw lloor hiought lot ih several suggestions j uu huling an offer irom the ys mens eluh lo shaie receipts i with the tommiilte on a special tvtnmg thev would hold the s men will lu- noltlted when tlu eoimmimtv ecnlif is avail able tpfe eoinmitiee will mves tigite ihf possibility ol having tollti skating in llu arena dur ing tht month of ot lobe r as an aitdiiiond luiul raising effort iht eomiuiltee also deeiiktl tv motion to rcinv hm si jim ralston 2s lor hit wink on the let pi ml dottny in stallation ol tlu new moor olsi tisseel lln ptismhlllly of drawing up a touliaet willi the i ui ling eluh e rtetivttl a letter from cthin- ell endorsing thill thoiee ol cjerd jaitu s is a number o the recre ation eommittee oircetttt the piogram com mit u to meet with recreation il tin tot llu i is roe tu tef up a program e aiithotietl the secttarv to pav atttuiuts amounting lu 471 m e veitlttl to gel an estimate from j 11 lotk to to put the u i making tn lehmerv in con- tlilioii and to pioeied ll ihe eott ts rt asonahle hiirmau jofm nt presided at tlu meeting w tiuh was alvo attndttl hv i i ow 1 1 mrs h ittiitvln h pitttrson d jjmem i oikis beit wood c cook a irwin ittteaiionil director ii rowt and suretaiv j hurst wi displays mr i ini ll lilt i iii i iii pni v klk tllt i nil mil lllsl pill lilt vtotlhms in- mhuu ilispl i this tjr uent it i iimtiotivi vtilh iirilirt mps 1iul orlui itrpliw siiv entered t tliki ailiin duwin bji- imitnl it innik thinii jiul astutt jlmii w i jhn v ill llu ii iv i lliink unn mi ihi llilliml div ihw lollipstllhm 41 si vs tinulun ses nit in ml- villllam i ilinpliv drpisled fltissvv suh rttfiia sarty awjud dottaled by ihe aclon liens club was pte- wntad to ihe m 2 bnnalt public school monday by cov- lable ron rupert ol ihe acton safety council receiving the award is six- year old monica schmidt as principal elmer smith watches proudly the school had an accident- free record lasl year a new elmer the elephant safely flag was also hoisted on the tlagpolo as pupils watched i jj extensive program planned by acton fire department rire litinn is an cpvud plwc in aston as ssvll as inspes sluirc lor aslons vulunuvr lire nun nl sommcrsiu and industn department but aston tire- al business places ytth liretiyht riyhlers teep their lingers irov eis aiul insurance agents sed rire prvsenuon wsll besom- rndas ruial schools ssillbe a dally chore iur eversoise inspsskd and drills conducted oettvber4ll is tire prescntion and satuidas ecrvone is inviied weel and acton liretiiniters are to attend open house t list statins a seek long program lo lire lull visitors ulll sec equlp- jitark the occasion from sundav nuut demonstrations iihns and displays the- xseck lohg procraun llill wind up sundav with a church parade to trinity united church en i ion will be distributed wcduilh representatives uf halion nesday ot the same week school cotmlv firelighters marching to inspection and drill will take tunes by acton cluiciis band t october 4 to sundav october 11 on monday october 4 a door to door canvass will be mude at shlch time literature on lire pre- mil acton fail mir was officially opened saturday by miss acton fair nettie tryssenaar while attendants and officials lined the platform left to noht are master of ceremonies vine mount- ford brampton runnerup in contest janice tozer miss aclon fair mayor les duby jane bousklll runnerup in contest mrs don matthews ladies president viceprosident jack mar shall and fair board president calvin aitken

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