Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 24, 1964, p. 7

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classified advertising rates brrths deaths marriag es engcements no km sale k rent etc lie toiniwuta cisrge tot 15 words- se per od thereafter subsequent buentoot no copy ctsaiiaje tc minimum charps- or is words sc per worq rtmrss jse discount alloesied or cash coming evemts card of thankstl for first five lm- 4 10c for ucfc adetiilonai lbs in uemoriau si plui 10c per hm of xerw classified wshjiy tteal estate iijo pr col inch ox kmsfber to this office 25c addition deadlines ctehlfled advertising 13 noon wednesday cucsslrled dupuy 4i teal estate s pan tucday phon 8532010 yrs aelon fr press thursday spt 24th l64 born uzatt mr and mrs raymond lisatt are pleased to announic the wrth o trulrion jiry on september 10 194 at cuclpn general hospital maltflv george and gail nee dobble are pleased to an bounce the birth of ihcir son gregory paul mondav scpum ber 14 1944 at st joseph hospital guclph in memoriam txjby in loving memory of our dear father joseph duby who packed away september 22 1963 jesus must have a beautiful gar den lor he only ibooses the best he chow a very special one when he called our dad to rest sadly missed bv daughter lucv son in law leo and grand children a im15 hrpihjrn in loiincj imniory im a dear lallier james hep- huin who passed awav sepl i miser 26 l13 hi is gone inil not lot got tin and us dawns another mar in our loiurlv hour ol thinking thoughu of him are always near tvir umetnherxd bv daughter june and mallon and von in lau until a i1w0 kmvsofa- in loving memory of a diar husband lallur and gtandlallur robert a john un who passid away sept iiiihtr 37 i960 thovt ui love wc ruvir lose lot alujvs this will be loved rinirmhiicd ticasurrd alwavs in our memory lur icuumhcrcd hv wife ii ik laimly and urandihildic n a 1918 coming events engagements mr nd mrs albert i wilson atfinounce the engagement ut ihcir daughter mildred tlorencc to mr ralph alesandcr sine loll on of mrs archibald sinclair and the late archibald ssinclilr at ft 3 ac i on ont widdlng lo lake place friday october 9 it 7j0 psn in knox rvesbvicnan church otpringe on i died deforest at the gurlph genera hospital on tucsd i september 12 1464 harold amoa deforest of acton beluv d huiband of marv hlcn krentl and dear father ot harold donald hartley mrs gerald lai ma re he juanital un garland meectutti fl aine mr kenneth thompson anne all of action carl vl georgetown and mr lrik sorensen mane of new tor onto alto survived bv 14 grandchildren utlinj at the rumlcv shoe nuker funeral hume a e t o n where funeral service will be held on thurvdav at 2 pm in terment fulrvicw ccmcicrv b pearen suddcnlv at his laic residence 109 lakeshnrc di new toronto on friday sept ember i 1464 or p w pen en veteran ol both world wars formeilv ol acton dearly beloved husband ol florence hethenngton loving father of robert new toron lo dear grandtathcr ot irv brother of the late wilhut rested at the ridley funeral home ltd new toronto set vice in the chapel on mondav at i tun interment park lawn ce metery cards of thanks we would like lo thank our neighbor and friends for their kind wishes and gifts when ue celebrated our silver wedding anniversary blj927 lent anetdoug maion the duke of devonshire chap ter ij3jvb wishes to express ap preciation to the citizens of ac ton for their support of our fall fabtag day the money collect ed goes to our education work in the acton schools u13908 mitlon i an niiiht dinee in junior lariiuiv hall lair grounds saluidav seplemlvcr 26 l pin jell lkn oiehcslra bl252l4 iihiuii dniud cluireh etle bnlcs hs 142nd anniversary ser sues sumla sepltmlxr 27 at ii i in nul 7 vo pin letrsont in im uleome b 1912 1 he seoul nul tinde mothers ate holding a euchre at the seoul ii ill on llldas october i6i at 80 pin lunch screed and hicks di ic on t hlinkcl 1926 lollliliocc i i id i scplcllllxr 2s kiwi chinch heather clun atuulal uummage ind hake s lie will be lu id in van gils store tum lo loiclls meal mirkel 21 p in 5 p in a 13917 animctsus siiiccc i26lh in imeisirs screicis ol clnirehill iniled chlllell eill he observed on sum i scplenioer 27 ham indhoopm mi t lurviall gconii inun will ik yuesl spe i ker loi inoniui service rev t j rccs in the iscnlnc shclil music all ccc iconic a 1922 the kiul sen id chiptcr ol ii illoii nuns ue holelltil i hitlcuict il si cliristophei s hutch cine ipli 1 inc hutlirillon on s pic mi i 26 1964 il 60 p m giiisl speaker w ill be rev p p rovcluul mil i liter un mem tickets 12 00 per plilc is ill ihlc u ihc clthir or call l d cji lit wot cciiiini phone 64- 4971 a w the one lluiulteil and thud allllliclsu seivtccs of lime li iusc pic she un in church clll be observed suiul i sepunilvct 27 it i m and 70 p in rev c c coehl uk da lit ol mel sille prcshwcrian church mont teil will be ihe prcieher lot bolh sets ices special music mond iv sepicmher 28 i tuikcs supper will lee selvcd 111 the ehutch tvasciium lioni s pin lo 8 pin adults j vi clnlclicn 71c and pic school liec all are veel eomc b 13849 for sale itr sm i i iso u ctilion vi ij hi rnihi miles 811 7is4 a 12 806 lor sm i 1910 the violet eat ucst ollci ilioile hsv2ir5 al3i97 i or sm t 190 v null ill in toeul eondllioii phone 81t 1817 i iv904 i or sllmclnlosh apples also pc us and li ipi s hi lucl iiicti cunt urn is win houslield tr 8 6t11 b 19 1216 tor slr1 veuinti soecs due in 1 week k k inillltlle i lemsk llom spcvsidc keluhtl phone 8did8 b13928 for sale ii irdwood beech and miple ocorgelown tr 72031 alj2499 tor sll used udsjtmg ma elunes like new from 19 95 goodlct s hardware george town 877 2511 b13 919 ixr sale 17 6 cylinder foul good condition 275 mil ton tr g658 a 139168 for salen56plvmoulh sedun eiulomallc asking 100 phone 85304a5 u13498 for sale lm falrune 6 automatic mechanically a i 1600 call 15323t after 6 alm25 for sale refrigerator all in a i condition sealed unitt some recent models 39 h up goodlet hardware george town i77j55i b1391 for sale town nupi and halion counly mips 2sc avail able at dius stationery se mill st b iltfmi i or salf con ail nation coal and i p gas range like new s9 95 goodie is hardware george low n 877 2551 b- 1 3 921 for sa1 l 3 sloim windows wooden about 64 in by 32 in and 1 12 in by 24 in alsu screens phone roekwood tli- 9943 a 13 929 i or sa1 i 191 ponllae 2 door slruto chief standard 6 eicellent eondllioii private kale beit offer rttslm after tjm and saturdays b205227 for sall rieclric novo heavy dutv and rangrltee all in a i condition guaranteed good lets hardware georgetown 877 2111 bl920 ior sai i new honrv in vout containers 21c lb in new containers 2 1b 60c 4lb i 15 8 lb 12 21 ruekhaven apiaries ii k dodds no 25 suk ronl phone 8534266 a 13445 tor salr 1961 rambler 2 door standaid nicclunlcallv new with new tlics non rust hods window waslvers new car condition throughout 1295 prl s he phone 853476 a 13451 for sale large glossy prints of acton i ree pretl staff photoc 5x7 size 1 t x 10 site 15 plus lax cash mutt accom pany order i nquire now at i ree press office or dhis stat sonery 56 mih si e a 503191 tor salf surge milking equipment stainless steel dairy palls strainers barn fans and farm hardware horace tomlln- son r r 1 inglewood no 10 highwuy at victoria telephone 8382264 3151 if tor 1ai l new and used tractor tires kcllv springfield all sues low prices lxample ft x 24 36 plus 5 changed on vour lurtn mrilon tire ind rad lalor service 191 mill st mil ton 8782711 a5092olf tor sali gcncssce seed win it c in id i no i germinal ion 99 price 221 bus at barn graded treated bags included ii r how ml on lliehcc n 24 at ospiinec phone lnn 8312869 i 1 3848 for freezer owners 24 i0e lee crcim uars 199 masales dairy bar 243 mam n wanted wantl i click 11 biology text hook phone 8134904 alv90 watld 4lcmki used clcitllc 4 bin lie i lange phone 8530116 a iv9i0 wantld lidv lo do clean iiil i die per week phone 81v 0249 ille i 1 a 1390 wanti 0 2 nclcis going to jollti i ross collcgl lie diilv and reluming appieiv 1 p m phone 8110249 alti i 110 pm al390 wanted anvonc interested in bowling on i i id i night mix cd league 7 9 or thursday at lintuon lailiis liiltu 21 pie ise contact howling man igement ot call 8sj4jm0 a ij92 wantld vchhic slorm windows 2 ippixixiniatelv 64 x 44 6 approx i in a i e i v 51 x v6 phone aeton 851610 a 1071111 the credit valley conservation authority arc calling tenders lor one four door station wagon lquippcel vllh v 8 motor stuiielarel transmission hejvy duly suspension windshield wa shers and mtui hells for the front seat tender lo be in the authority office at terra colla not later than 12 00 oclock noon on octo ber oth 1964 lowest or anv tender not nec essarily accepted all help wanted female ex persencrd looper top wages good vvxmking conditions phone georgetown 77 3032 bljmo help wanted truck dri ver chauffeur s licence required steady employment phone j b mackenzie 12 church st ac ion iiljwj help wantfd part linn secretary required for ac ion y m cjs interested applicants contact g w mckciule aelon 8534614 a 13924 bjuctc block stone and ce ment work john pries r r 2 roekwood phone cajnc4ellvihe ts427j a4729 lightning rods installed and repaired john vandermeer rjr i limehouse phone george town 177 9503 all iiome maintenance car pentry cement and block cwsrk odd jobs jim gibson 120 mill si w phone 531524 s477l4tf rl liahlf radio and tv s i vice anlciina inslaliali niv ik hllp wantld ri sponsible oty f gill or woman lo care loi j television 1531057 ivenlngsanel hlldren in live chlldirns honii weckmds a 1071111 from oetober 2 lo oelobe 7 kittllenir upholstery fx phone 853 1639 bl90 upicuiitering reflniihlng iii i p wanti i cash in un d repairing of all kind of fur nllure lor tree estimates call ben s groceteria 1531130 axlon a if live big i all and christinas sell lug season ripnscnl avon in your nciuhbothood wilte miss zlcglcr isox 141 guelpll 1iixp wantld needed a rawlelgh dealer for peel coun iv over 1100 families wheie products have wen sold lor many years real opporlunitv tor peimaiiciit profitable wotk stall promptly wilts rawlclyh dcpl i iii 212 4001 richelieu si si llelliv montleal a 13846 m4 floor rl finishing we u j now have a modrin sander and edger we will refinlsh your flours or lenl ou ihc equlpmrni lo do ihe job yourself j h frank phone lv2040 47 free crick st s acton au employment wanted impioymint wan1id young man wints pait tunc work afternoons anil weekends phone 853 2324 a 12 828 oo vou want a slave lur a dav saturdiv sepletntscr 26 conl let aeton land ringers phone 853 1884 or 8130904 aller 1 pioeeeds lo further rangcilng in aeton a 13 902 rl 1mfr upiiolsti ry kllchener specialists in rrupholslenng heal quality materials fine work manshlp promp service furnl tore refinlshlng and rug cleaning phone 8530310 marks grocery for rent lor rl nt 4room house applv trank s grocers 142 pop lar ave a 13907 room and board available lor 2 people phone 1530574 a 13496 typlwri11r rem ils under yvood standard and pen table models available foi rent al dills slalionci phone 81v20v0 a 2 if s42 j ior rl nt vbcdiootn home all conveniences including elec trie he iting loc itcd it cnvc sons corni rs li veils old rent il 110 pel month phone 813 2690 or 813 1181 a 12 829 wanted to rent wanti d to rent 1 or 6 room house 1st ol october phone alter 6 8534641 i 11911 want i d to rlnt in ac ion or are i room or sm ill ip irtment furnished or unlurn ished with or without bond m ixiinum us igc mum iv lo tliursd i phone m u hcv in aelon district llifch school 811 2920 ai1911 lost lost blick part spinlcl iloc while lllsh on chest re w ltd phone 853125 i iv914 tenders wanted county ol halton tender stoker coal domestic fuel oil light industrial fuel oil siatid lendirs properly marked addressed in mr gu held brawn counlv clerk mil ton ontario will be received up to 5 00 o clock pm widnlsdav octonir 7 194 lor live supplying ol approxini alelv 200 tons of southern do mestic stoker coal tu the court house approximately 5 000 gal of domestic fuel oil lo the health unit bldg and 5 000 gals domestic fuel oil and 3 000 gals ol light industrial fuel oil no or no a lo the ccnfcnmal ma nor further information mav be obtained from the counly engi nccr the lowest or any lender not necessarily accepted roy f semlth p eng b13 county engineer poodles dullud 1 1 iiiiiiuil l imhjimd iuppu s iioia a il ihlt- tiffans kennels rl ylstc lie 81 pnnee i holes lr geoi k u 877606s i 12 oil painting registration for classes wl dm sday si pti mill r 30 7 8pm i lee plcss iiiiil willow si upstairs i weeks 8 00 we dm sd ivs 8 10 p in comuicllcllll octotler 14 building blind it inn buildtiil produil it w hok ili prin s dim t hum m mill iiluu i 11 oti wllulims ikxms h irdbo nils puwikkis triiti ind mouklins aihonk countii tips 1 ui lut tint lnlorni itiun call bob huising 8774253 real estate rockwcod modem 2 rnrdiij4jtn iiuiijjiov complils uilh atliuilivi lit i tu ii uiis living itmtiti tutli imm di it uiid suiimwjin lull iijhiiii nt uilti til lujtliiy mi lultd on ljiy lands jpd i l uiduiid it ufloo low diuti puvniiiil i asy ui ills 1 nujfl wee oil eel john l kingshott iijiiu sltcet kockwenkl 856 4361 8kcxim home willi ljiic o i lice i l el iwtil mil olle reel lor quick au it jiu 100 willi 2 000 down i iii imooms on i ii j iii hi c i ii luit w lie i he ite d hllllit w oil lille c illlel i i this it i lnller ih en avcriyc value it 12610 kk kwool 1 iseeliooiu i shiny in le k iih ileet nil 11 iclc tried loi on main slice i litis is one eil the fe w modem homes willi i lull sie eliiuiili rexilll pllccd to sell it iii 100 willi i ijsv 6 lllintli isvi si ml nt w luce soiui iliejlee piomitlcs is illallle 111 acinus flllutc ceilllille le i il ii e i i oil dc i ills on ille se 111 iv ih ohl lined at the ollicc wm j mcleod iirohl r dead stock 1000 down only 7 bruit honurt left uxinlry or loi n lutjliofii 10000 full price mi silceluii ol acreages and lal ills ill at 11 e lllee 84 huicll si i licit h leteplijlle building john r holmes rl al i sfaii office 853 1650 i r i kask simiosi at 8m27h4 vl ii ael ii i ol s pi 18 t i a ii homes business farms 122 mill st i aclun 8112610 represented by roy goodwin or phone jack mcmullcn 8112161 dennis lawlcr 852011 choose your new home where the selection is the largest beef farm osi dl ii 1 ii il 1 1 1 mi in iwp le ii 1 1 h k sr 1 x iii 1 iii clal laic 111 ej 1 h ill ee iii iii ill vie 1 llmu 1 i id ml ii is ll iii nice l ih 1alik hi ii llll m 1 1 i c ellllcj id leie 1 llll lint i ks e ml i e ille ii in ice slahle llll ii ii i dull 1 well ml i build u s mil 1 ee painted 11 loll nets ill l 1 lilcelv ln 1111 1 1 1 else ipce le pi le e ii ill is 1 ille hill ilmc tlllkm aii ii mal iiv etc i lu pule ii seel ii ele leel willi r el ml 111 k t 1 n h ii v will i il m i i i 111 tllllll 111 tllp l i i j i ii lltlom lil t il iv t if ii ici i 111 plcitl i 111 hid v ii ill pi i llll j mh st t in f ii mil un ihli ici i n v i i in mil i iiiki itis i t ii op ii 1 i t llll asklllli jtsmwo i t units i i k it s t un ii ii t vaith il tuin ut lu i m lit i intl hath haidvmmhj i iihii s i ml til ihi myh nit in mi iii it t utmiili m tml rv j dm 17 hint tu s jiitiiuts ill in dt inidsi ixd ji0so0 tu nis roy mcconnell he ill ir ph 519 855 4411 paconi dead stock removal limited lligheil cash prices for dead or disabled cows and horses old horses 4c lb licence no m1c64 19644 phone zentth 97950 a if baynes deadstock service lligliesl prices paid for frsrsb dead or disabled cows 4 horsei old healthy horses bought lhone gui i ph ta 24w1 ueensed deaier 154ca2 alf walnut ranch ltd crippled and disabled cow and llors 24 hour servlc uc not 133rp 2oicu waterdown mu 910441 stf hillsburgh on e icie j 000 j2 000 loi 44 month 1 loom i i stui lot 1 ull pile cloun c irrics lllclllelinc- t ic s i 7iehim 2siotc 1 hlnk i rum lown ccnlic lull pnee 8 xvo 2 000 down tirius loi 70 month iniluduil t ixcs cars for sale c v motors mult uuiiorii i volkswagen iimiin hriia huiii ilo on kii th lull piici 11 mx i mx dmvn cuius lot jl niunth inshiding t iis j s itkini hi tik huitl un ut ii hid l ii it full pi in jll mk si 600 iliuui c irriis lui 103 nioiilli iiiiludtn t ixis s ioiiit hriik buiik ilov iium lo slujppmii nut ihiut lull i pint siioo0 jukth tlomi c ii tits loi jiu inunth intludnil i lts s ithmii bi iik huiil iliiw v- r i ll pi iii vlyirle listimc seivlce down payment reduced for quick sale it 1000 auction sales auction sale ol boats ii ihuliiilj dink immi iihlnn l4ial rtinarw ml nt w and uwd huh s ihain vjw wright puw rr du salt hi id lam or hlik at arkell road marine aikell road nrir llwv no 6 1 miles south ol guclph 6 miles north ol 401 sailkday si pti mdlr 2lh i 30 p in b13 auction sale of modern and antique funsl- lim duchu ele 1 lu ptopc rlv ot m kjtrson lot 14 1st concession wcsl c liincju icousv on no 10 llicjh wav li milis north of junction ol no 7 and vo 10 on saturday swtljubljt u al i 10 sharp a full inn of household furnl tun gas and ilielric ipphanees unique ftunittirc ilass china mini clinks etc a c le in lot ol ueiod tuiniluru must lie seild tlrms cash 1 rank pitch auctioneer bll gcorncluwn 877 2864 iii idle el j 12 210 leu 84 kiiiii s 1 i dlallr 4 211 down l inoiilh iiicluduic tic llemtll bllck blllll llow illllsllid lee rchim lull ptlce 121x10 i 2 400 down irilcs ten jm miinth iiicluduic i ixcs is le tullc llow willi c ii luce 1 sh ipe livllli hi mc kilchcii 4 i piece eel illllc ille b llll lllell ellllcld b iselllelll oil llll ii i i lac lot 188 ii deep itlslltlcll lei spun led llll sales i00 lu ir mlif on all umi1 xolksuuviii r mlmhl r no down rmlnt it uur i lull i t ikki slls dlpxrtment open i rum 9am tu 4 p m monday thru friday saturday 9am iu6pm c v motors 189guelphst 8776531 georgetown an isllip willi spun led elll pollil 71xx lull pnee willi 1 100 a crt 1 lihilll buck buns itow with c u clown w ocrvltl ptm prkt ilecio jsejv ilown cairns for 76 month lkllkln wn loionlo line iii i 78 6lihiiu brick buns ilow on insi ticeel loi hull puce ji41hv 4 200 down cirrics lor jl munlh including liiionlo t ill 8d 1010 1 i m lo ii pin oi donna kripek 81v0668 see dill i llve set scellle lots some treed sumc eleai i g alec johnson realtor i i mill si t aelon phone ilu2j0m commercial inilusina resldenual partus represented by crnie t marks muuio claude w brinklowti532s28 hudson t wallace 8782508 a 13 leeion oi mo sydney k lamb rlaltor and insurance i mill st p acton ontario corner of llilhwass 25 and 7 phone m3i03o member oniario canadian or jngcvillc gic bruce real estale beuids a 13 want ad lxtensivu auaion sale of 112 head of beef cows heifers and calves includinii 2 durham cuws liesh 4 hciclorcl cows pasluie lucd 1 lal cows i hereford 2 c ii eilels w llcteloid i year ulels 4 ileielord veal calves 2 h ihv c i lies will be held ii lot is con 1 1 miles c ist til molfat on 13 sielcioid township of nassacja un on wldnisday rtoblr 7 al i v ocloek si le sc lie ti rms cash with clclk day ill lie 1 uncli iv ill ible mrs rnhtholin pie pile tress ili iorr ti iiolmus aue llollcc is h78i21 milton dime clclk b2v2 illahing aucton sale of modern linn msvcmiwry dairy equipment fead furniture etc tin propiriv of elmer carney lot 20 4lb line wesl citing- tlieoilsv 4 miles west or siu1 vixivc 1 miles cast ol georjie lowti on monday september 24h al i ocloek lull line of power farm equipment including 2 john deere tractors forage harvester lime spreader etc 30can craft stainless steel bulk milk cooler milking machine hay brain straw siime furniture farm sold terms cash prank petch auctioneer s phone ceoraelown 877284 bu auction sale ccssunuad on i e

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