13 protest road closing esquesing okays bonds legion notes for ba44ch 197 by w th propbted doting of the original road allowance of no 10 sklcroad through nerval cemetery brought is ratepayer to eauealng council meeting the uracil deputation in yert the by4aw was given firtt reading then the riew avtcd if anyone wished 10 kpeak to it terrene ftaine appealing on behaif of mr and ur g cu- wy told council that tor al iraki 25 year the cacvyi had been liking a unewy front the con celjrt road lo a garage al the batk thi by uu would pre vent thlr aiw cljinied the lawyer slay u u he pointed out that if th ttj were vtopped up it would be undefbtandable if the caw leys asked for totniwnvalum or rearrangement in coiuliihloii he suyfevled lhat the road rrmain the way it 1 at prevent both g smith and j hunter tocaj residents not only oppoted the road closing but complained about water in ihe sprlnu lime er of land in the to see ytw ratepayer and ihejmetu the one item was a bov i actmlv i putini up at iru ii v fur horn iru hnil- cemeury board come to an scout meet in hali which will ltglon the pji tew wetw and uvuj cluiiyi- in vundi agreement be built on the 5ih line in lniur apprwv fcbctur houe nejr the gokarl tratk council pakwd a motion ap- the cwl iw estimated al imoo chiaery blasls 1 1 and s ulll proving the utue of debenture lor tqoouo for an eighteen room addition to the uilion district high xhoo afur the ueve pointed out that both nattaga weva and uilion txuiuils had i he cutmed alivad apprxvd hlawu urnir if the oil n are in favour we nughi av will go along tout menu councillor g turn buildup invpxtor william hulu r muled lu count 1 1 iliat j total of i4i iv in hjilding p r rm t had httn uvued dumo sep trinhrr ixctpt lor one ilrm ii repirs nletl rtviiunlial devt lop- r hick 1ot coiweknn torn plained lo council of llu kevtr kluxk ujvrv iuiii tlu hlatling al awonilcd ouarrus that llw wurc orwc rv rv two uivu he uggckled thai coun ill could ul a limit on llw- m ol iii htavt and stop llw in dm nig iujv men ul uejtlur i lxl lluv ait u publi iuikjiui iw toiuludtd cituiwillor ur tie ruplaliwd thai jnv tinii ui id kharkt darl pliver and pr htlv la it plu daiwerv aje enjoving the facihliev crihbagt plaeis art al liranch iv alton legwxi tutiolay tvtning tlu dart lea th aclon fr preis thurvday october 5rtn 1964 5 sidewalks or barricades sought children in danger at schools onliruud irom pag oru i mint harimudb during llu w r mdirahl ptuod tf tuiu wi ait d i 309 00 am 1 1 jo am lo its n0t too early mitliny tmwn lo a mifs u taid ami lu lai wtt k llw iiim il pi t g ttllll find luuliin iwmj loiuglit wilh 5u 115 pin and v p in 4 jo urn h and fiom tlu p at all llw rwniik uulual dun yut unit inlo lis third night and uni uj n i tljttv weri lowing lor op po j u monk standing lo date i as lot lows riighlv in first vpol with ii poinu capwuuk 9 jeu 8 uiv muv kotkilt and conulv humh td toytltwr with 7 poinlv tath tr fullowed in oihlt with 6 and udcoin hailing will si indilip djiw1 is ait hininiii j in doii tlu 11 suiwla wsl m ikt a dali willi thill tw gl and oin itu ihittil i nd t niglil loi llw im ta ijji i ii is in si ju ll luju royal scarlet chapter hears llw pawl lul cotuwil lias askrd i i ft 1 r chaplain al banquet car club seeks place to met the rurwly formed ounnyidore car club u uvliiui pmlke mmgjbl j dump auto ruwjv itpall jllly prujitt 111iim was nppiuvtd duing the another owner area e zuber hat already pro- lehled the road tlosing in a lei ter ttreve g irvlie a itu red the group that thr thud reading would not be and more conkidrralion would j er rry br given live mailer in live i itu- meeting tmighi thurvd i mean li me lu added id like 1 at the communiiv ceniie ond nuillivg lakl wetl a total of 12 immhrrk hjpri aliin tile iitvt pnmiixrd itu v would te what tiwild iw iloiu a jw ilium fiian a guuip of norval iatrpaver uskrd that a ticl hghl iw invijlktl il ciitlfji and adamson stiets wjiwing tovsnvlup uill luu xm hwik lor a iww mlc loi us alti mpl lo iruh an girtmnt wilh fw mu itwiili ol tlu land pus lit k iimi j given right awas itnndlrd and 11 it ftptsfitjl luith rutt jlu mklderjllon would j er rigisirjliuns will he raltcn at milkmaid is s i liny his land itu- fihiilh hiw nrai llw- 1 nlu jiiik d 1 hiiu il dumping wthild tv possihli ill kiofui ii wrdnrulay niglit tame und sailmis inttrevtrd parlies in the townkhip us will as iu nitwit ol llu nwclc who had ucn uurltd t 11 it tlu town hall ut 9w lo mar mi stone and ctujiuil diuuss the centennial pmitit llw iil mrsoi 0m readers write on monday ottobor at the regular couiuil meeting it was learned that the ontario muni tlpal boa id had wet lie dale for the publn hearing on the kub- jecl of ihe townoilps new ad mlnltrrulie ofikes lor tndav nuuihvr 13th 1964 wluilwr it i lo be a tlav or evening hear i deiui ut rtxcivi tins ofluial ri ing we have vtl o he told i ptvw ntaiivi inim ontario it wak immcdiaiiu pomud out cuiicnnul cominitue whot to countil bv this commiiue pmtion is an honor irv ont mil that this date wok just lwir das hom this wis iru thud bevtmd the deatlline ol novemher meeting 1hai evening wav mr 9 llw final date for ihi appli matjntn iht ckik then wi cation for centennial pixijcttx un mr coul grant the rcte xald he was pixaud our ixputv rivi aware or this and would nun jirmd abkit twmtv mmuii s lion the matter llw- field on lone couihiiuh vm adviser inwn the ontnno centcn m ihon imalls tame al 1040 nial commitlce mr hiil stone i smli lak tr stiurttss and ton who wat due in the tiwnkhip id ration irom nur t itxttd chin fur a meeting on wednevdav ec til tvlltiis on llw whole town nlng octibcr 7 at 9 v pm 1 ship and onl wniv lo undt r we did nol ak al ihi time if line with whot indifferrnct ilu couneil bad invited he ariou virw tlie ubctt of ihe cenun repnntalivt from live ornui trojocl und how sure tlwv ganixatlonh in me tiwnkhlp to are that tht tan ramrtwl ihni b r ief s chrislmak tards twtng sold lo raiwt montv loi the sunshiru vlwkit have ivtn di iwn b tlu sttultnts ihtniktlves ind piinlid ut llu i rtt pit sk putting itu tardk inlo llw iiivelujus loi il will ik a pi u m t lur tin si ud ents km mmn is nim u m r ol d women s wi ir lon in if mm ir os well is ih c nmti shnpp in ailon hi ikmiuctl ihi shorllv ilw r his m 1 nt in ir rtigi and his ivtn vr pl isi d with llu uspons itwn i still works at hixtii i ihs in altis ton lot it ima knkruss is in ippun in al tin kinnlis shikinikii liirui il honu 11 s tlu son ol and mrs al knkruss a vtiv miitessfu baiujiul was u i in id undti llu aukplttk of hal j 1 on rmmtv roval starttl chap tir at st chnsiophrr t hutih juuilinglon vvilliim hall ol oak stilt was maslet ol tetemontex i a lordlal wi lionu was gism tv i i dralf commaiuui ot i the htpltr follow d bv mini diiition ol iw ad lahh v n i i i llnmn riiilv masui ii iji oiangi lamtgi ihc wii viu millkan pv m and mis milligui riv fi i p uowlmd pm l ha ol lomhilu and mi rowlmd ii km mpp loi ii ilton minis p m i rtw v 11 iu huilimlon ind mrs 11 ill ml i miss i uiovsn ol i hui linilon loasl i 1 tin on n vs is pn 1 t bv mi llu njiumi il draiid 1m1i v111 onh hallon mil in llio janus i ills list to ii po t tn s i ti 1 ii tltoti irom a t 11 id lis mrs ii nrv p l mlv ml iii 11 lit ml atu 1 1 1 ii p rijulind i is spu tiouil d in hduim h s i ii t 1 mi s jin d 011 tl 1 ttolli ot k anttuin i was pnh ji i p c m i smi i ts ri kulv i ni ik i hv 1 o i i v is on ailun hlvd t w ihildnn is p iliais in ion i but uliil vsould iw moii uniixl is uu pxdisttains us llu sittils tath and evirs twhtl ilis lluv iraktl niainlv on alon hlvd and mill si l i is do th hildi n us th m sin is li 40 to and from iiini 1 kiiiu schools imii also th n ut hum nistx usiiiy llw s i i ii hlj i hi lluk 10 1 1 th 11 kll til l i s tltmmi li tilt llllllgllllg in 1 1 tuppv hid 11i11 1i11i 1 m 0ii11 ilw 1 iiim 1 id mdesfrulk sooghl t i t iii to sk if i sldl v ik iii t u ml ut 11 llw isi i i ol a ton iud and also 1 th 1 nil s i mill he 1 t 1 in up ttilh llw listing suit is u it pio ik p m i 1ii1 1 puipou wild kp llu ul oil ilw load uul list loi its oil llw ulomolil mlt sluvsn photo 11 s d ing thikilh ri i in n si mi ol in in vtu ii 11 tw hild 1 os 1 luh i mm s t 1 iii n itlu w d hk llu drawing bv llu sidul ltd itius of 1 ours 1 his wthild alsi war 1 ml llu us of pmptili wonksd signs on th ban wad s viih ibis iloiu tlu ivtksttun iiahit as w ii as tlu bwsi i liaffu would use llw tuxth luuitul laiu fic ffiwn uuiimiu jul s flw t in id 1 11 vmiui lu txliual 1 si is to siarau ptl slit ins liom huviks imi tins iwutli hum inn ins idikalkmi vs wild h iloiu hs llu polii sit i ilh 11 tiid llw t uli in ttiage btukurs lui i itu i nub b n t it aftti v pm li nay dn is ji osiialls 111 iking t runs in of llw nisrlu s uiwl 11 auik a haaiil bv nuubng up aiwt d 11 n am on ithxl o s4e wtw is 0111 ing ool of llw high s iumii this ptohlilli will iw ml dossn and p ihaps iltimnalt vihkl liaflii imild iim th south hound laiu j itu slut i wllllh vs mill is haw lo u hi i 1 riul hs tlu signs in i ih tl wmduii rvulrun tr-flu- on mill sji si vshiti in sill llll tills u giviu in dl pu 1 omp hnso haltdit matth al 1 nu l llu 111 lllinn h 11 i 1 tlhm iii ii lion i 1111 i i him hnyftll hiip klolt i ii in n 11 1 lsl ii i u i llu pi ulll 11 lllll l 1 in 1 lynti mil k 11 i l 1 quarries vp resigns post llu 11 il iii ii 1 ii i allrnmllvr ih ii 1 u ik w ik i i ih i f 1 1 mm m ml ll i 11 m ll iii i lp ll i n m 11111 l im uxiil l 1 llu uul i i ii 11 ii a i 11 iikj 1 is i i ii thunuihstoiiu yt i itiirlil grwtvviqa gghcu stetut i national wt stll is 1 on fwld during 1 tliurid 1 sloi m iil n 1 i miii to hold h it th appli b s mud 1 m ilih p 1 lisldllld i ur 101s on u omp in h nil u in lu id with n nts horn 16 lo s i u s im hid lo nt 1 k rt- 111 ol s hi sul iii ill i n iii al loll i mu sun us uu plum in 1 si iw 1 his pi hum in uplitid bv uoi t il i dnnhnd mm s 1 n ilu a ton 1 mu sh ins t is uu 11 uu it d 1 1 in m on 11 i v 1 i is at in ih i 111 i vil 11ul1 1 iii1 i mini i 1 i v lulh i 11 11 mi v is mtllll ii 11 pill in ill iii tla11 sljn i 11 ihx iilylilliu lou lops ul lull 1 tor uul h tlv llllll i 11 s t i lu al v lit s 1 uul si ll lli r convention date hear mr sionc or if ihe tur ihip ok a whole had hern in formed of ihi mmlng vitlt we atkumed incorrecllv a tl iron vpiretl lhat thl had been done tooting trains dtar cdilor with ihe report in last wetks iheir resoluhon lo give all the grant to kelso museum and build ihitr new exirav ipim township offict regaidltss of lluir ntir wjsihes mr sionc had man tbscr i lions to make on the mihtctt of the centtnntnl shuh i im sun wihihl h ne bet n both intt r st ing and mlihtimng o iht town radar inventor set by tories in speed trap 1 mi k 1 m iim i 1 ll si i ps i i ll i llu k uh iii li nu ih i nln free prckk regarding tooling people and 11 is a darn shum traink which in siviral jxhpu s thai tlu wttx not udd bv com opinion is pulling tl rather mild 1 om or tuo fatis shmild iw brought out uhich arc perlincnt lo the problem the first on b ing mot people who are com plaining arc mil annual so much at the tooting at pettu t rutking w hat the ore mm plaining ahtnil is iht ihnilid no le being itvotid m fail w in at ton are in a er fortui itc position as we m hear ihi 11 il of this visitor so that ihovt so mtludtd iiuiltl hai nut and lu ird him siiut th it d hi iht organia lion has ivtelvid an in v nation it pois tlv rum ihi conn 1 1 to vend prtkiniitnc lo the couniil s minting with iht other re pre sent a ii is irom orgamilions wiiiitn ihe township u dismw iht ctnlinni il prokvi on osiobt 1 1 afitr disusiin the miotii the man who ikvi1opd ruin for airtraft dilution sir robert watson wilt was t night spd ing bv hual poll 1 ind p 1 ul 1 112 v lint ih out inn simv ltigut rtporls hi mmimmiir iid thi iuni with a pum nprmluuil lur in pirl j pn sir rtihtrt uttsnnuui slrangi nl ot this 1 1 d 1 1 plot and thus tilh ottuis l in nun lion th vuiim of his own mvintion his mipi il all m int im i n ibu klhid hound pi mts lo nv bui now hv sonu uonu twist j ptttlmt inuioi 1st pi sul 1 1 n aiitr ilisviisston ihe miotii cvlended notcv all thi wiv fmni r r itli thit no us fut purnom wouul guclph 10 georgiiown i would v k i j ka that ihi is komclhing elsi thai no othei town can boast il the nrw alto tomphiining ab- oul ruins killing motionless tooting awa al 1 a m in ihe morning i mention i a m but i know this gotk on alt ihrtnih the night till dawn our town council ha the ptiw er lo pass a law in connection with ihe nnti noise bvlaw in oth er communittts gutlph hak be virvtil b our participitum in this meeting uul wi hut i ihereforc declmeil the inilitiun i coun 1 1 is alnadv gtute aw in of iht lamifitations of our prv ltd ant how strongk u ami our pttiiiomrs led about it tlurrlon it j onlv fair lhat this metimg should be givm uti to 1 in impaitiil iltscuvmon ol thi ixlitivi mriis ul am miggtsiions put lorwaul bv llu oihn uc and bits no dmiht with kg it vklt thi hind thil oni luitui it 1 hallon contervallvei arc looking forward to ihe nest i ed- eral election campaign they met recently in milton and t th date of iriday feb mary 12 ims for their no minating convention to dale there u much peculation on poaalhle candi date lo fill ihe ahoea of former j a ton mp and defeated pc candl qiuntl dale dr sandy beat ivr beat has left ihe riding and u living in toronto and official a don i expect him lo con teat the rid ing for the toriea thla time arm ind several oliver name have been own tinned but none of the pottlblea are aaylng much about their inlentlona the weekend meeting also aet november f for the date of their annual meeting and elec tion of an executive the meet ing will he held in oakvlllc re gion hall ills i mi ton uuii llu loronto 111 pr i 1 vudnisd is uul st toil full tinn lo i uul ci iv i op i till polit in toionto th huh mmtt llu i his n sil m 1 1 uuiii a t n 11 s v ud aihn jhon d h ss 11 k s nun s uul is in m tro lor uu 1 vur vsor ki rs suit nts 111 lovsti ill kn ssll s lu v iv 11 to s in inv 1 is in couiuiloi i 111 johnston nut mrs li hrislm m ntiuil sonu o th ir its in th it shnu it ii million this vti k nd do you have space to rent spice it required for ida annual municipal election on tues december 8 1964 in subdivisions i waio i subdivisions 3 ward 1 and ward 4 rintal fee for the day is 11 s 00 anyon lnrtd in rwnlino tmc le kcafiimacul ih atav mntl6ffd polllfill divitianf puat iupjwn is3o330 j mcgeachie tatumiim owt vs inv il on li mi iriii wuk issiii lint ul ol lu v stvls uul tl sltms tll tills hllsllll is otll i x4 h pi t lv- u on ii ml i h hi hi i blosvs iliiooh llu m i mi iv ordr early avoid duprontmrh oakville and other plncck would prtvcnialukn not tolerate il so vvh sho il i vc have our protect and uc wc i will stand or fall wnh it on the i bctice all over town tlu decision of thi townspeople b a crokvingk hae warning lights s public vtt auction sale sponsored by trinity united church young adults saturday oct 24th 2 pm on united church parking lot donations will u ficked up fuiw call don long ss33sis john wssd is3iss0 jacalsa van dar brink bs3u67 jill hunt 1531044 j r holmes autlanaar tla newton sasayisci vviiniins litiunmat puiicsl lnmniillci fch th horn tooting in iht hrm place anluul that idiu n mh a red flashinij hyht nl i im in ihe morning vhmilcln l he dnni a car in ihe hrm place siin mr l b mcdonald trainmaster road rotvman put it tramv are obliud after the mond i holida to tool at all inisvinu grades tru lihrarv was jammed wetlno unless a ltiunbn lau was opprov t s i ullhllul buut cd bv ihe depl of transport ivause ol the heat muse and what ahoiil ii mr duo arc cruvh there s a bi shan jn tte iioins to have a blau storc f hojvd for cenlen tasnaver nial lihrarv becomes a reality heyi boys and girls mom and dadi yakf advantaoc at out smkial weekend sale of rishlng tackie 50 off bicycle supplies 50 off hcmk youc chamof to layaway ideal christmas mrts nowti a small ttatwau wflll mold any htm acton hobby anil sporting goods 14 mm st acton sul40 wanted auxiliary policemen to work with halton county emergency measures organization in the acton district limited number of applications now being accepted application forms are available from clerk jack mcgeachie town office acton all amicayions must be computed and returned to acton municwal office by tuesday october aoth 300 labels 75 n uuji n ail uiy uw j 1m iwh m ftlfcjtmy i ult mmih uyt ycutllfttktsutawujui 1 lk quwuwii ubiji rukuu bn arttitt supptiat a wlile assortment of ulu brushes cassis ewtvass boards sketch bnsvs till hmo fncravfd business cards spi ciai vai hi y 0- i5aa caixls e5terbrook pens h inn ilil ibs to suil n om v i iiiml esterbrook retractable ball kns only 40 i felt tip markers sfvijjal styles 39c lo 98c grapes by the case at the best possible price we purchased a carload of california muscat and alicante grapes conveniently packed in 36 pound crates phone tr 82460 for pickup or delivery canadian and california grapes 100 guaranteed grape press available for pressing your grapes or ours phone tr 82460 any time in store specials ban 1 lean mealy hamburg 3 lbs 1 sunkist oranges s datu 1 primo salad oil 17 gal primo spaghetti 3 pita- tvamcal bacon 59elb alfonsos fruit market 174 mill st milton tr 82460 ring binders loose leaf fillers exercise books liul j itlh lllh it pencils and pent leather brief cases 4s0 to 995 1jjlimarirtabraia1jbla1ja1jawialavaaaalarbiblamb typewriters h viitllxjrosa anj adltr oualitv product reasonably priced call for demotulratloa typewriter table only cic or tan 895 dills stationery m mill si bsssmm