ll imf camwaiynu reviews mission work in india at wmsthankoffering meeting ri i t i il uwiui i iu-h- rind oamrs for mult of c illisl and mr roj uv rihcl simpwin pirvuicd trrexxiie euchre and fames ihtrhwijllttunlqllrrinnwi lll m of si davids rrebmeuii wonwu k misuonar solmiy on sunday t v ninjf u hen t he blair i nu aumhar joined uiih th above yroup tlw me i hi ujk opened uiih a poem it a lood ihiny to ime llianks lo ihe loid mis jom meltiad aiul mrs william mahon ciuidu ted the d vthwuwl p tiod tlurs j losaxl uiih lb soih amuiiivaia lordx ptawr irom montreal mrs mai shall mclaughlin of k u j mil lun laicued vt ilh piano solos mix at uuott inliudutcd ttw yiuxl wau r mifc uuih lurtilty of i wait cojutfe toronto a ikaconesx ulio spoke ti the mikkionary uoik in liulia iuui nuthiiaurd all to xrtvd mwxion ury literature lo india mwt lul itutd ullh inter- clin elide ol filh 4 r luldrili uiit- tnjowd bv all and mrs sioktv uj viujvu ltd w ith cards and kilts all n memhr uui x ol ihis happv oceavion mam from hcrrr attendee tht ueddinj ol chnsloplu r ram vluu and i u anor lliimll on salurdas in milton syaapauhy wnpalhv ttl hi ujyutiun m is tiuiuud i ltwmr ulm mourn llu iju kt ninth ayiu u of millon ami llu laly stud in ol puxllm h the acion free thuwfcy ooobw 59m 194 tin ma th mi aiul mis an 1 i jimiu of dim yiu sis uiih mi tn i airm un suitilav ahoul v in nils of mr mix david llun y hill multii all surprise d llu m in ueeli ml a llvr ik nu mi mrs xoru mis lil s i it ill inter mrs i dai iml liulia and mix itov lrki r lluikrd mis ibuik lo lwr lit ten it in tommy mix will nd ciecnuxfc and mis william matuui dtduatd llvr ollrnny mis uusm ii mm k n hhhitfhl iitimix uiul lhank fiom lite huir i vming antiluiy uislv utit pnanl itoiii naxxj yauiva pusbvtt nan chuith rrv j hn v hi ul tuxd with piavir aiul a vmial half lujur folluuid vurrlw fftrty tlu fiiinik aiul niaiuuhildu n il mis jamix slikx xuipnad lu t on salinda ivintng ulun so allnvdd a miipnsr hlilhda pntv lor lur at hi honwr pro hoocfv oftltosiasti ro hrd saturday morn ng for th lg on mmoi tlctckey uaqo thr yarold lynn fnhr afcompan ed hr broihrt to rfgttrton rvd wit all tat to play hfcrtfelf llf o right are lynn brothen gary and dale w th gord aaccutcheon who tviilrwd nrcll th boys board calls tender today on second home for aged terfcter an rapes ted to he in the pivtent manor on on had hoped lo begin const nu called toilav on a si 000000 home tano si s milton lion in the spnng o this t ir for the ayed for hullon cminiy j filal u up j after uli piucs ueni up llu the llallon cnlennlal minor several haunts in he culirr arxhitctl thinyttl llu pints to l ii hoiiixj of manautintnl is muhnt uoikiny di luinys and m in um maxoniv mippot tiny u ills cj llrmov6 6fl wilh ntxhitetl don i id c skinner ituc in utl pmrv that foixtd and cfkvl i tonsitki ihlt vaviny ai u taduv to ukiui llu tall for ami a thanyt in sonu maltnal hstv on tou i p u tiw- p wih eri on a ihm muixy iwtvtl hivt dtlivtdilu umli tall lot tcndci tloxe n vtmlur ii and p hair sprav to he p building to be railed adjutni stvtil wiiks i a lur ihe boaitl boaid run to nut i and tl jd mjwc u i intiimi v nr i irvw the huu on thai da ii cxpcxitd llu tonxinu lion will ilc a year lo ii months kiyhl now llu pimnl 220 ik d 1 m in m is filled and iherr is i by m hamv hatlfy m f uji ju t ai a livx cinpu lads in llu there have been thric mcav h tin utm rmnt only of thoe xptti il iaa winy hui llu ui urch dealiny with 1 ibor mailers pmwntts ilktttd sonu fundu nt buildiny is lilltd up sup- make fun safe limits and i iniilv whit iluv u ti iiont 1 j a j h vihilk i 1 xida attach ijirtelkmula v vt ul in in lu i ltd n 1 il ll i luiu ik i tmttd i h it v h tii in 1 llaaai llu nassjj iwi v i pus b it i tan lorn lu tin at j llu b lim pit by it 1 1 oi 1 un u in all 1 1 i wk mis uhil v an i miv j i vans f lajudon urn sund iv iitsls uiih mi and mis ilkti las inyliv and lain tv manv uual ladu s tu takiny pirl in llu hi i h in ki ill r t ilimilolt i i llu lilintl tai vass this uitk mr and mis k uh i osh nul faiiulv of i nlisu and mr ron aid i osli oj hamilton ucii ytusjs willi mr ami mis llouson lush m sauiidav ivcniiij biaar cucal mr and mr j tknllry nd miss rulli brnllev of alt uie dm ui yutsls with mr aiui mrs atm mir on sundav liu ds i russell lurrvn are s n t i luar lu- is villi ludta i v mi a itipltlitd dim in tlu ba k liund j mis dank bill will ik ljmj lo knovb site is t tovtiiuv uittlv loin her opeia it m in j im ih hrant ii spna hniliiijuin u v f hi vim 1 took thaiyt i itu tojumiinujn str v urs in si davids pushvt i un c hull h h solid v mis r n i malum vi hid willi mi s oliit mabon on mondjv in hullal vi r v luiiht of tuiunins kin tin uii k nil willi tut pat is mi nul mis i malum appl itey fueca lli v st mil appu 1j was ti t t uil on saloulav i ii tuls 1 mi s i uiiiia lllaik hi mi hi hmwn will lu sj in ihji ll v ai in milt hi hi nul ho piial w wish llu m weed control essay contest open to grade 7 8 students fnlrv forirt ure ileaed ihit larui in his rtule mr hrad sk i 11 tlv niklli mtkiiiu heat lu is hi h ispil il filuiw ol k will lu sjii i i ii iph lau i il my a h at i allat k lliillutav yirdinyx fiftl n m ihail mis all m m k i i urns i vd in holm hid m id n oollt i uhil lor ile annual weed cn rol rsjv coiiipetiijoii uhwrh 1 is on to grad 7 and right pu pilv in hajtun county hal ion j county hav been divided into nine saclutits for live context and the wnterv of live lop three es i sjy tn tmh mtlhn will recetvt 1 tavji awards tlur yraivd champ uu c way or i lie w ivole t ou n l v w ii lu world 12s the conuxi iiimv oil moyemher v aruj onlv tytr csvav c jn lu suhmitled foi evtiv 2x yiadt 7 and m popds al t oill c ikil i llu- vouiilv will lu divided into llu tolbiwintf auas oi tlu ton u i own ol auun town l h iihnyton east of hi am si town of hui ling i on wevt of hraiil si twp of i xouesing i own of eoielown town of j milton township of niwjgj iwtva town ol oakville east of tlu 16 uiie creek and live town of oikvillc ual ol i lie 16 mile reek ah ptipiu who mibniit essays will iv tliyibk lo n till a tuis hip lo llu ontario ayi ittilltii il illcta in tuelph in join llu toil ills will lu 1 s llu hinlv of ii ill n tod toniiu ti li ut w olivers will tetetve llu if pi it s dm my llu i ooi ol the t un j in a irti way s nt to iu iilv totm yiadt 7 and t ihl sloltiils in llallou cthinlv iwited hoiii loltutal tiptri john lliadsh iw t un nit nit d on llu damayt cans t tl i ith vtar by wmts in on xhaw said a foriv millton dul ijr hank lollhei vtotald refeiye tuadlinis oil ilu rout pate of ivtry mwspaper in live world ontario lamverx are rohhrd of l hat vcrv xanu anuhint vtry wjr b wtidx arid very mile iv said c onlesl i is tan t uws llu lilu of ll i i s av lull il liuivl lu atuuii uuil i lu v jit asked if i ii villi ni i ih in iwo vayes lj i k ll jlil llu iltt ts4ihl lk tk i ul w 11 iv ijiiil tin v us ijo llunwaiu ha i 1 il th di nu t ihlx wax llu iveni lhal stimulated i onset va ii ui in in i i aie is aiul the helve his if t iiisifvalmiii aie appal enl n w pi ill ips tins pi v d i i tin lhal lite tl mii havt a llvt i lllllllj if you ra tired au the time km uj tk i fit t m liil r at j- tvjlwl u uu uu ko- hu uu m 1 il- liu lu mu u i cinlaa kkibhli wib6uw kil uul uuf hliux lauiw iu tj wall iu a lj 41 j i lni harleytohaltonls t amfn lo immal provisions ol llu consul l n s a p ihr merchant seaman compenxa unn muh ls j j k mcmbx rx ol ilu mann iumui lion act to raiu ihc level ol bene fill under he prevent act lo bring them in line with prexent marularxk and to make xome rt i raactive pavtnenti to vcumrn v vjldawa arid children the xec oa4 mailer 4hr ratification of on international liibor conltr erure lo remove dixtriminahon in employment and occupation baud on race color xtx uliyum or nolillct and to promote tqud lly of opportunity thu conven lion hav ulrtadv been idopud bv 45 member eoiin tries of ihe in ternuttoniit uiihm oiyam iiitm both ihcxc measure s passed qulcklv the third millet is llu national labour stindardk code i have ulreoclv dikctivxed and hi v ilr le hide waidtn goidon gal is milt under debate this will t govern nun i and opposition and i i powtrx between it tier a i n h lli ol b11 i nvhsh and i r n m ch unyugcv could ho chn onl by ac icdcrjl parlumcnl u and ll province rn loclh- j h i vli gohn ix setrrtirx and mr allen itlendx all board meelinyx one dav wis tlevoied lo further tlu new manor uould b debate on the redistnbuiion bill piriialk lininted bv i j2vi000 ax i have mentioned prtvmuxlv junfmm iht tedeial pmvmt 1 nnu llallon will ihnovt ceianly u works axvstancc pnyram 1 vvdll brjnthcn u ptcce dividend in some manner as he be designed for a liler iddilion popul iiton ol hilton is now ap- ol s0 mort beds cost is a 000 proximitclv 1000 tht davxde in w 000 per uil biu w is oiu of ilu yutur work the three siorev building would tlivs in ihe house ol commons at eommod he s0 beds on c ith with all pirlies working itlivtk thuir vvilh ekv llors mnmny 1o tu improve llu bill severd im all floens office library board p aaan endmtnts were proposed bv both room lea room luck shop and i csuyici ion ivycii it un ihe papei eostunus arc llmupioof ix tlu hisit advke i ilu siliunal s lie l i e iyiic of i in id i lot halloween xalelv tiny maraudeix ulu trip on iheii eositiliitv oi xulftu hi in an ill inline in isk end up hiviny no lun ind a lol t i p dn tlu c inidian hiyhw iv sibtv cthiniil idds its wtird ol eaulion lo iht u indtiiny spoils el the i ve we ir xomelhiny white to b vein al niyhl to motorists ciisc adds thi wnniny that thej lunloviny shades ol halloween xomilmus ottl motor irallic is he it it x ilu responsibility of the driver on that eerie eve to lake all piec uil ion x a pile ol leaves along the tttkt ol the sine i may hide a liny link or treil artist steer well char ol them ind also be of ft mi or any unusual object drayed onto the street or hiyh w iy hv the mini hurt sprites of llu niyhl affect those employees in ftdenl workti undcrlukingh and husinet sea there art problems to be worked out he re i or example truckers who cross provinu il borders w ill conn unek r this legislation they often work fvo hours ii week and a re due lion to 40 hours a week as tn the pio- posed bill uould mean a icdiu lion in wayes there is i transi tion rurtihl bclou tlu hill ih comes ulettivc and tlu bill mi be amended ut couic to uu these pixvblems be lore passiyc in the house ol commons the recent tcderal provinci it confereiuc unanimously ayret d on a formula to ti paii late the consiitmiun uf canada this formulo whe n li tu comes law will nuun lhal any future amend men l to the constitution will be made in can ad i imic id of b the parliament ul the united kiny dam as u result iur constuu lion vvui have beconu for the first time in the hister of cna ada truly wholly c inadian the formul i tor constitutional ametidmenlk piovidcs that as a yunrul rule proposals tor ehany e in the constitution will be come law if they an passed bv parliament with the ofl retime nt of at lean twothirds of the pro vinces having at luaid sut of the population of canada in mat ten- which are of concern to only a limited number of provinces the two third rule is replaced iwo sitnng moms will be located of plictrirl jkaoai in the front of ihe lower floor p- ulstttci mqbj trie el uninimouslv the eontroversi d el uises dealing wiih an underground navvayaway i prcsbwcmn men of this area llu ippointmcni of thi tommis will connect the new home to the of the presbytery met in icnox sum mil the percentage of toler icxisiing manor laundry thine i church acton monday evening ami ol popul it ion uere among and auditorium facilities present several short talks on the duties llu liw nmiimny clauses to be iv i ulabu will serve bolhl responsibilities and program ol p issitl home 1 halton plowing match scheduled for saturday don t forget to ittend halton county s plowing milch on sit urdav october m al the farm of j h try lor iv appleby line tvcnis will get underway il 10 i m wiih eight plowing classes the it ii moon program feitur- ix ihe 1 urmvv ouet n competit ion doling 1 idus between the iges eit it and 2t will be scored on ituii xpeeeh on plowing ap- h itauc e ind plowing ability a m w conipctiiion his lucn inauy in ited this ye it horseshoe pit thing a speeiil iitruiion this year will h tlu coinpetilion beiwccnl two or our famous hilton rest dents got die tapp and george s atktns the evening binquet will be held at tht misonie hill milton with yuest speaker jack martini ut imperial oil lid toronto mr martin will be showing wild ev and talking about hiw trip lol the woild plowing match in austria this past summer ban quet tickets are available il he agricultural office millon different church groups were very ahly pnpand by members of iht host conriyalion mis lied anderson spoke to the men on the work ol the wms mrs how ird coles on the daughters ot is mix mrs wtlmer davidson on ilu church schtuil lome oob- irihun on the board of ma nag ers tid hinstn on the choir and clarence coles on the session caroline nurseries garden centre and flower shop wul tl am mi hifkwty 7 suh uu now i tb tim lo funl your evrgrnt and shrub fartilii and sd your lawns fresh cut fiowers always available buy and plant now i top size quality bulbs low pnca all variettat w wlr rsww anywlai cawplm hr strata teufhone w110 anytime com in and uowu aiounoi op lvhlhi tu 0tk ft tullvwy 7 dy wmii you may tliink all makes of dryers are alike untn you look at all you get from 51 m product of oeneral motors from manning electric worried about getting those bills paid here are nine different ways to help you stop worrying and start off with a clean slate 1 get cash for furniture no longer used 3 sell discarded clothing 3 rent your spare room 4 cash in on musical instruments no longer used 5 sell the old piano or radio 6 rent your vacant garage 7 theres always a buyer for sporting goods 8 sell your surplus stock 9 sell your services with a want ad everyone who wants results uses r the classified section of the acton free press