ftw ww tixitiitavnnv rtdnfovt ncw9 m shopping guide renovalionofrockwood academy is possible centennial project fcocfcwood one of h mata of lnrrvat bruughl up in tvulr october mehn of llocfcwood vilur truuee that of rvnuvatto for the rock wood acovtny the merlin wi kfu tfl it iow hail with ll tormbrr pftwi and ken utir tat in k cujr i th onlarid tvratlar of tia cfcer u coruitkrirtf two viuv for lhir ornlnmtel projctt hockwood academy h ihe in i kid advnlac owr lit rivl thr mcwburyh collfye huv of ttw of rdocanort aw uitl jv an added prayer theme ucw meeting uuckwoud pivtr wat tin- him ol ow otuawr merlin of kurrxmindtngh 1 rock unti two rock wood united 1 uith by mr- i nt man wilion in 1 irvaryf of trw piugram thr i all i ujv tuud on an jiluu otirvlv t v and our prjvcr jbhb tf ahaja im ojun our purs urc litt lwpe b to vtvi jtuj loiikllut ol rock wood ftrt wtl irl ilw oui pravci h milo in ort the achkvcmrnu of llu- irfd w it a uiunv hrlr to our pout r of nidurttiwr wtun ui llunk l thing for utmh they propose to rvnovatc and tourist ftttraciuxi thtir choice rwurmtfi tlttf round and build muvi b madv bv the ww vur us to buk it a placv whrne j nd u u ill ovkiwl on which vil children and tcachrrv will come ugr divplivt th rvoi inlcrcvt and wro tome of thv hutorv jiu utllmyiw to iixraie it iv ihr reponvnihl of our t oiuniuitiit to willi to i h f r il ton j nulivulu or j a ynuip and how imi muum in jht vohx m iitlihination nuv iv rtovvj frtini runt mk u piltuinal of riukuukd imimu ubotj or the vilugr w haru otirwn accnlc wood schmm atwiilwr maiitr of inkivvt in all tttdro rate ait touitd trt and alter hi w y ar da itw rot lwiuui lidm in lout tiny late to limiutlu ailitiiuix rv pimalk tlu urut uu a i l ol ladies in tb rock wood and du thci bowliaj laitue cat caller hori citfw i brooch with a w to lake ladles hlvh ingte flat and 4ss for udlet hih triple flat for lb nbjht ai the me lime ihu tave her ll to claim ladle mjfh tjtile with handicap but iw rll cfcw walked awy wtib high triple with handicap or the nlhby rollinj 719 seaaortft high single flat and high ungle with handicap art- held by alice ritchie with 315 and 124 kmpclvclv allv uu chle a1o bold high thple flat with 715 but ivy ritchie look over high thple with handicap with her tola 719 of court lad let high average u kill held by alice ritchie sort of lei keep il in the family affair ai lhl point hi now for the mei ted jetlln upset the work thu week bv rolling a sia game for men high ungle flat and a tola for the night of 740 gae him high triple flat thu now pot ted out id front on all count ewcept of coure high average which w atill held bv fred nightingale with a 344 avenue mens high tingle with handicap for the nighl went to ai hume who roll ed a 2 game and blah triple with handicap wt to art peter- ten who had a good night at 731 beaton high tingle with han dicap and high irtpa with fundi cap are tiill held by jack rvryu- aon with a ms gaane and a total tcore of 75 a viirwv of itw wiur lujltny vituaiuui in llu illjyt will tu lalrti hi tulp itu hdi oinntt kwui in lluir pjn lot lutlti vhhi at duaptr uu kchl wxum hvdm i iuw in a ptimlion might bank cod the day would in uptl iuu wain luatir il llu i fur vat tti t itl arojumiu ld ttu olutwiitti ll1lo hi um panxi in p iv uu i mini v t iww 1 oiniiialit lnx 1 v l7 ihinha ol rwm vpinnh r jl 4vh1 tu ntuii pa nuni lhx ft llttlln i 1 ir v d ill llll hortop miller moved into top place 1hit week with m point and fvarit variety 4re running a close second with 31 point v saunder ken variet shop and hortop duller hare third place with 29 leaving nichols pal all alone in fourth tpot with 34 slration t fivo carney n and humet teuce bold fifth plac with 35 point and rock wood rockett clote in tuthuiih 94 making it anbod game vet seventh potltlon i held vy the fallen archer utlh 32 and wa down the udder we find thr vmtd onet with 16 seventh urn- have 14 and slant sunerte six are at the bottom with h points who tavt it lonely in the vtl ur ladiet over w fat fattermw a13 mav hume f07 getirgina kelto s7fl men over 600 ted jivtin 740 george bruce 721 frxd nightin gale 653 ken dunevan 641 duk dupulft 637 art petersen 6a bert archer 610 ted hamilton 607 ivoi be long enough for e prayer of thanksgiving so often ctuuludcd itw spea ker we make the mistake ol talking loo niuih to xhi in pra er before lisiening to his vnui telling u what is live ri lor us praver hy mis citadvs mann closed ibr talk kakl ntamhprt a nlano duel by jean and mar ion havne wat mudh rnlowd uu helen havne read itu uroup keveral humortmi artules the meeting was held at itu home of mr llarvev bavne aiul in charge u the unit uader miss gladv manna an art ale bastd on kcc i my adventure with god read hv miss ihntta tn ened ibe meeting mrs o ori her gave an interesting isadin on christian education i for ndss 4h club the minutes ind imsmirs report writ read and ulopud and further plans wu mid foi live fall hajaar to tv lu id in thi sundav school room on novrm her 2 following the hcncduiiin i lovetv lunch wa servctl h tht commiiiee of mrs v spcrui md mrs g mcrar the acton fr rywa tnurtttby h stfi 1w4 to rovers scouts guides guests at kmgscote farm dr and mr- kingscote of spir il valley f a tu wcft ikoslesu s i saturdav o st james wolf pack guclph wilh llwir leader mr- j c niliivrll mr and mrs i b my loin uitt in tharge of the wolf t ji k lioiu grmoun vsuhted b mi lt i iw r i ol hte scoots aimj prvvtnl wen intinliet of the svnth gu iph gibson ttov l citw aivd itw ruun mills spirit vallev nl guide urukr mrs icuigstoie the enlire 100 ioiiiiiuiuid llu dav with a irn inonial mag hrtak with itw girl tiudts pioviding the lilor pir iv tlun tluv travelled along lhrtugh woodland trull in ttu uim ol u suluri wilh u vanguard in tin uulv aiul rearguard num iihi- somilintf aiul guiding lech mijik v ii piaiturd til route uiiikd mini ii ditriti torn mismoiur a then taking pu inn s ol ii lotis yioops i n in h w i st i td it l llu- i ii in ilti i win ii i lluiiutri tm j rwt luitit was lulil aiul a impfin towed bv a thnkoffefing bvmn duet bv mr w mclean and the minute and treasurers re mrs r wright a social half porl win read and approved ruujr followed mrs r roy a nporl mi llu projils at tr llianud the ljslcss for her kind in r ur was given and the ladles hospitality uer pleased wilh irwr vrk weekend gueh of mr george lirs of thanks uerr read irom i allllfn wrt mr jmi mrw a till i 1 i th ii ttnaim u7tt total 4 4k7 14 j ttu lollowing ai hints un psu d lor pavmrnl m ids i v0 1 0 mum litfhlimr si2km i rrniuiwratuu lor i l i r m i n 1 itvtfo v i 1 1 a gt m iinu n nut ww 32 total 2 ww si nomination dav has lien t lot sow mtu r 27 in llu town ii ill i ihiuai 7 v md x v pin hold fourth meet cosyumi w1nnit at ttie biowne ifalloaern parly thur day n qii arp hown after w tin nq ir r pi oi soiti 1 front left to right are poial nd tiall thevvml at a th neve cooha and judy n colak as an ace dent vct m back row left to r rjlit are irene li at a eieani k and sutan millt at a mexican gut both second and th rd packs held a combined party al itw seoul hall llu ol the 93rd birthday i iti nut tint s insiutv i4ll luh w it 1 m in i r i mied tuiuh on x i u i ii jm vi p m tin me i in t op rwtl uith itu 411 p1idt wtinh wis followtd with lln toll i ill thr nest mrvting i- to v tu id it the churt ind mis ossorn is to tw present j stella oxmirman and llcnita priest itrmonsiralexl th making i of tomato sain i mrs moffat kd the distusmnii while th gnk look notes a delirious supper a prepared hv all the pils ft bowl for puur bowl for haalih make ii a dt eo open bowling acton bowling lanes 10 main st n memut o b p a 1530170 vrniful dav tlu i un stonis llu i i isinb iniinv itu s vt mli n hi t i n w inlp 1 l ut 111 llk i it i inp uuetintf ol ilerian 1 i w is twist 1 ti ii hi o iph i itl uith lln iht ihnk ll i dwi milk pi v irs aid md w m s wttliusdav din noon hv mis inict uuumyjh mrs wallait 1 ishv opt in j willi a pium tul lite suk mul thank vui notrs lium newlvwtlv stvrnl iniitatutns wtie n id to ju nd haaars at vai unit ihuntuv toll t til w is jiuutml w ilti a thanksgiving it rs aiitl final airunyt nu ni win in uu lor tlw hiaar on noitiiilnr mrs h cdllwrluui optiud tin w m s poii ion with a livmn come ye thankful peopw conu followed hv the first scripture rt ad bv mrs k slevcns4n and piawr mr- wat lace 1 ishv rvd ttu suond s riptim and pi aver ttu ininult arul tieaurrr upiit wilt givni mrdii um w is ullt ml hv mrs lxl- il ti id kin desidtt to yiu lwo lilt uu nitwitnp puis it llu livt iiulint mis m h tiui mix u wnjhl ui llrl loiu od ami mis willi hi mil in pi iilitl i pin and ttililu ilr to mis wiivlm mi hail i ishv pitstnittt in n him in mt u lu till i ulii s wt it i ik n hv mil prise and cspn sm cl i ii i ir lhanks mrs k suitiimin it id i pup ir on giallludt lollnvutl hi a morlh of souttiampion mr and mrs william mtno kit thursday or carnarvon to woit llu it daukhlir and family mi and mrs sid bartws w shout if loud acm0ss this nation with evv 6au0n of oil 6qs our me keputation fumes deadly iwilh ht sold vvi ilhtr tominu on wt must ihinti our h ilnu 1 1 my wilh iht ut ulur iw 11 il j ton tutntv ollitr ol theontan rvpiitnunl or atinultit it i i hki iili i o lhoiotithl tlu t ir insl llu ir u toi id rockwood mrs wilhim tjvkiev4vi of r r i rmkwood j calehralcd her qird birthdn at the borne of her daughter mrs i albert grav cm october a mrs i dlckwuin who mikts her hmu wilh ibe grav t unilv tnivs fairls gihid ht ilth foi her id vanccd age and his a vn v n memrv while their wis no sprsial c lcbration for tlw ui ision mr dkkuson hid mini ills iim nlativss ind friends m tu hm liking ihm on tlu ibtir gcul wishes lor continued hut don t do ihis wirmup beallh and happiness garagt the eshaust turn i s i in h d wll sim vou c in m yf ljl not st l or sim ii i itbin tawcap0v drvwotics mmuk v iluiv itave iht ruckwuud grant mlru rv ihr unr uhrn np in ccivcd his bachelor ill aris de- ls inning gre at the annual autumn con i v os 1 1 ion tuld it witeiloo 1 uth etan inuersits witcrloo on october 24 i mr ms rot is the son of mrs john msrae and tlve ian mr msras ot kohinton ont ik t uuated litun ctuslsv octint high sshthil and stratlotd tt i t slurs coluge alter teaching at ss 2 llskislu twnship and walker ton public sthool h i- ptvsentlv principal ol roskwknl publu school carofme nurseries garden centre and flower shop wl al acton en hiohwty 7 south m how it tha time to plant your evrgrmn nd shrubt farlilixe and sd your lawnt trcsh cut fiowers always availaflle albert maltby stove and fuel oil roundup sale fustic pails reg 98c now 49c tkanilstoh hamo wimd rio tmh spartan radio 395 oul lounour- sale in0s novkmatt 7th shop now and save root hardware main si rockwood 8569551 buy and plant now top s quality bulhi low pr ce all varieties w wire ndwwi ahywltr cetnput floral sorvlc teiehione 5jj00 anytime come in and mowu aroundi oin evnlna til dark ftm dlivry 7 0y wk 3n tax notice 1964 muhicwautv cmp acton foukth instalment now due attention l drawn to tv umvflt of 0fr4 laxm uhlch ik now payable in four nutalaitntt tww are pannhle tu the muaklnil trauurer at tha towt of acton mohdpal office iymcjl tulmlna instalments akb duk as follows rowrm htttaumht hovmuh iftth according to the xvt colkctiou 19y4aw a nnaltv of l ol i per cent par mouth wilt b added on the amount re maining unpaid after the 15th day of may 1su penalty aptkues to each instalment in a tlmllar manner the attention of ratepayerc u directed to the fvnaltiei and other clauaea aa printed and explained in detail on every tax b11l make hwaut now and take trotm tax notice wth yotj when making mymknt j maoaacmk comaetor 4 add up dairy dollars th man uraeneal iatked ei hwluing a high prejutlixi prtl hard it by teuctlen and a planned breading pregranuna eautalad with a planned leading and menagen peagramana that ineludaa formula feeds thi psd shf wttl conwnu wit w rr docs not suphv enouou knetav mimbuus ano htotirni in twt htoktion n0 shi wtu htowjcf oniv kmoimh miik to imc yhc availa1u nuttllntt the nuttunt which k in shofetcst ulrhv with m4hsct to nieos wiu limit proouction feeds are balanced and palatable formula feeds division or robin hood flour mills limited maattnst muton t sisii 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 increase your interest income 5 wo interest on 3 to 5 year guarannutd invatlrrmrht cattrfk 5 for 1 and 2 years litud in evn tw odd amounta from 109 100000 inurml paid riahymtiy by crtoqu jutt and docarnbar 30 investors include many insurance companies municipalities societies churches cemetery trusts estates etc legal investments for trust funds 49 o savings accounts 4 interest paid reckoned on the minimum quarterly balance your 1 paid cheques serve asyecelpts and may be obtained at the of fice each month children account welcomed si item an account atk for free dim uver savc y mail kmtaoamakr invaoptl suphltb convenient office hours monday thursday 9 005 00 fridays til 630 your local trust company halton 6 peel trust 6l savings company 351 main stmct milton tw avm04 mgr tbrahsnkba fublk uriurlee aceounta may fee paid wlthoul charge