Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 5, 1964, p. 9

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a messfe f remembnmce day iff is ttranq pvadox iht wr thl ntott antei bfutiath and wstlul of homrt pwv- ornmi shooed best twou from mn thou qulr ti wfiid moti ditinguttii kim from ikm nerly wtimal for idom iv m lim of wr ci man b induced to forvk hi purtod of purely nnrnl nov wjtfi comfort toconty kiom nd fc4riica ll tkmt wd oven ultimtlely lf itwlf in furthrrte of rt kwsi coofg fortitude ertdufnc compmitort identic iwv t4ww4 vhm ttv rvobwit of kjmn qlulf tltw hhn bfigktnl 4qthr v drk ahumantty of ww futhtrtg ik nlv- iwtvd mtd tka mud tody tk world 6oy pjc o wtvil pane for pc nd vy kv rvttd to ow twih tovimj vy of lif in tkm ully cyntc lime ii it only mlril mag wktck mttvr nd it kt b fkloabu to tppuud uoup of young moci wko dnd every tnt of belief evey quejity of ckcte wd every in mutton of um vd ii4t wktck rave fikiond nd pre terved clwiiiuitan wkoee bnfih we end ikey now ertoy th only eppeeli mede to ut lodey we tkow of tke kucktter we r wqi to vote for ttti to work for tkt to buy oust tunpjy to nkn our own tulirt comfort f peen o wellbeing into tkift etmleu elf teeling uxety tke impect of fternembrence dy end of tke memo- es it evokes fh kke tkundercup fot wken tne bugles sound end mtddleeged men tn multi colored berets stiffen to attention we ee iwepl beck in tp4nt to en ege wken men nd women lived nd died for e purpose beyond self wkn freet kedskips were ckeerfuhy endured end kideous deem bravely confronted for th isle cf n ideel nd wken worth wi metufed in crvrcpr not weeltk for all its korror it gkttly cruallwi nd frtgktful destruction it wet n ge wkn maa wi enebjed to nte ebove hij purely mlertl self ird prove his right 10 rsnk ebove the mmu thr u itestg in remembrance 0y for the generatponi wko have grown to maturity since tke utt war hnd it it a message whick mutt b brought kome to them that metiaq it simply this hovvever long he may live for niifil thingt in the end man will only die for an idea an ideal li it tke curse of tkit age m which we now flounder that no man hat yet come forward with an ideal to capture the tieart and mindt cf men no peaceful purpose to match the telf uvt determination of war it it a challenge which mutt be mat for man cannot turvive avtlter war yet cannot live by bread alone from the orillia daily packet and timet setielef 4uiitl ssdcs twawyiuv 1 t e frw ian letter ahnut kajf of thrm enr inmi tlear sweel tittojlljknt wiur wlw tell tn iwv tvaj thr cxkluinn uilh fully end like 11 about a quarter f tlwm arc frttm mutlortkraiuu unmg- mlrukhl itfilnkuutrd pronw wtu read the cotunin faithful lv and uikaenn with tnv poll tlc lmirujuc and philouphv the okr quaiirr u made up of frantic ttialrmm of the nmgrem oummlllm- fir vjr iou utvlcc tlub wanting to know if ml twak to i heir gruup mi july mlh thr unvwrr in tlu- tavl trnc hlwavn nu i vpttli in a vrvur rka once ami vuorr i d nrcr tin ll afaln i hae nrvcr kud vuch an ignorant audknee afirr ktwndln a week pre paring a ipevcti and driving v tnltev on a winter night after a hard day wwk i uav avkrd anikuivlv hv uk- prvidcnl ll 1 cthitd kcrp it ikiun to ten tnlnulc w m ahitut hall ihr mem her were half oiled and two or three ucnt lo klcep uhile 1 v being intn- duccd thk i biwhii limlurd the president and mxrelarv kepi looking at heir uatttvev llrturc i he ritual thank iri eight or ten member had ttunk nut the president apovogicd ilwv halla go curling tle minuir i he mte l thankv in huh lite nuntr calkxl me mr uilr tlu fain out columnbl ended llw ilub i ante in life vwith tigerlh in tciuliy und 1 tt there listen ing for three quarter 4 an iniur lo them quibbling ah wit v he the r thrv ihnuld tneiul itfly buck un a donation in hov htukev which would gel ttiem a picture and a hair 3 column in tlie local paper or twenty five buxki on a dona i ion to a vcholarhip fund uhith would get litem a para graph gucw uhuli wtm llouocr u oi lue long miuc yiieel thiv cxpenerwe has nothing lo do uilh what im going to talk about what i lartcc out lo jv wa lhal ur ivad a suitch this wiik m vulo got a ian lelur it uas a liclv teller warm kind friendtv inlcllig cnl and ullcily mulakcn in part il reads im turc hi muvl he u vers patient wo man and a cr happ one as i think 1 un icll irom our huv hand s column he lv a happv and tinienlixi man ami this is main lv all a uile need lo he happ lu- rcll pt rhaps hkss ou diar iad tor that piihips tlierv v iiil inipc lor tlu reading niivilit m uile i about as patient as llcnrv tlu i tphth about a hap p as llatnlei she s a c kul basualls but it s u long tune mine 1k uas on base or mil knew uhai innings it uas v we forget tfaijwdotdb 20 years ago taken from the ueue el taw free free tfeundy nov w 144 jutt k the ufct forms wre go ing to prvkt irwr aniwry whittle announced reaching ihe half way in tlu- objective or ac ion aiuj district in tlu ievenlh viclory loan the official lime of reach iny tlu otikclive is 3 09 p m flititsda klovcmhcr 2nd sun tlu war iuws conlinues lo k yood hoi llur onlv kind of ujr neus llut iwhjm be sal i si at loiv to tvtrvoiw is the lift ili ut lli nwss and llur bovs iitil inichinv liuinc tlwn llu rt mav tu an opportunity lor sonu rclaialujn but onlv tlun kockuoitd law alia ukii aidum htai wi viptoria ii ar i ivid hmm on sunday on a tvto ueckk kavt i i nu bouse mis unit u n lull and ilujtlrtn vimlid ml aiul mis 71w rlof in iulii on sunday a wiv t riisatu haluiut n milv us uld il vimhmuv vliool s s 10 i un lasl ilda iwiuny uith a yt ulwiulaiui i mi w mliiiivh i lid jn hali in in lor itu pioiitim tlu nuv c miuk uihich ikjla nunli lun u is uditl bv mis kwi mr iividsn and mi jolly al tlu met liny ol tlu diuilnv in a ion on monday ol llu hal ion union i ii in i mutual lift liimiiiiice oninii iv it was dev ut id to punkas 3s000 ol bonds in llu svliiti vuloi ojn al leas oiuc a uetk slu s so deprciutd vlu va i us let i like jumping oft llu ito k 1 n ply so who s slopping mmi she old pal u nee biums yon d lust love that would n t mhi you d go light mil and gt t inn tuxl to s4me mi nu lliblu nib bet wimi todldn t ktip sou in i line and m un slu thinks slu s sui ii tti tin i ancialk ttian the ptimdint i the 11 j nk ol canada llul oh mver has an shan loi llu milk bollh she claims slu s so muiolu the can i sleep a wink v i i i lake her lo n movie she alls ashep in ciyht minute and il i tali iltc comhiiud tlloiis nil me tlu- tkkil lakir and llu manager to gi i her out of the theatre wtun il closes i i i is unk sju winbd lo go i to alma and ttuh all the kids in the ctuigo how to pla llu i piano with the proper hngii motments nil wvtk sht ii bv bawlinp un out tutuis i havinl nvn htiling ihii tlu kid about sonu thing or oltur j ilappv no patient it is n i laugh intirestinp si atliut te si nulls naturilk and pit haps hat d it lads lm is whs lu r hush nut is as sou put il a happs and miiuntid man himemsamcc day uvk in acton novembt r h wll u- itlii ty llu- oiohmi poppy campaign chairman ol the legion poppy ialt ihii yfii ii cat wal li and he hat the enm paign well urafpr tonlrol reanewing latt minute cklaik llt to niht aio tcrjion president jim cunn mt waldic and lep6n lddfs auxiliary pirsidtmit mi fern shultis burlington boy oakville gir win fire poster competition this ionipitiy has tuen a laigt tlu niselst 50 years ago irene the leave ea tee free rreae tlmmeey me 5ee h14 tke open fall weetkef contuv lie mn robert agnew perk aven ue sent the frre rr rts a half a dciun ajejunder appw which weight four and a half paund mr rnsi crippv lot 2 con iisskon 4 knn brought the free press the ihampumi potatoes of llu ujmhi thrve red ele phants wiiglum eight pounds wlun a toronto expert wat testing nuilor car in uilton atlrr repair ing il by taking a spin 11 a speed of forty tmlcfc an hoi i m mam street there he was fuud j10 and costk i hensive improvement have lutn iwiiutd at die trout fundi llu- prop itv ol mvcsrs virtt- tirook a large new i mo i pond is now uiuh i onsirucllon flu tiiipiliiig lor tlie second iontinyenl was completed on widmsdan orp a w large was liiruitiny itllurr lor acloil jiul his ien nun were sworn in hv ii p moorr j p js lollow coip a w irge uniier w j hhilt john sollivall tenrge hal lard ptiiv krdlord u i hivlwr etiryt uiuod w i rlckrr alex rittrun i nursl muscles a u her fiom i i wright lo ktv j c wilson lells of hie ufe umiiiuv ol hut hoops unii the a l lanl u ami llur recrption al salisbiiiv plain they are looking forward lo inreilng the oermaru ml giving goiul aciounls of us koss ol hiiihnglon and man dkli i a amsimowii it oikvilk lni iivsiu smith luiii pulgiil winiuis o i lie lm till h t 111 lull osi i i o n i l s sponsoud b llu llillon toiinu i tu id tilion hni v m ii ii stuk iii in sol lingloi i msii i vilmi gllil a h nupii i in tlu ii hi ik ik lit al uk mtltu 1 uk s ilss llhll sihmi iii i ihi sunt i il it m m im il iss oktilk lets play bridge ity hill cnala llu huullint ol misiu hands is ntil uliuiihk mil his ii uul has i a used mins p nliu islnps 1 ii woiili i jxtinls plus two k diftuultv win n oti uul sour 1 1 msh liivks ii lu iikmii hid partner iiniwd agiev on a miii i al ihi inst opjotumt hun tin llu inst tu i is to iliup llu but opixuunts miv bid epulis uul ilin pat liu i s who pt i si si in shut him out bidding ilun own mhs in i i t nimiun iuk il w is siilli and oii afcam usii ills slid up vv 1 s di s i his in ik s in itoobk inotlhs hind wm thh ss ind in llo ud no 4 g ii si vi lal mus i si 1 1 pstl d tioiu tlu u pn tiu i ships iitiuhk at i is lu ii souih din s not upx i on itiisdis iviiiui nuviinlur 24 il 7 p in i in i wo winiuis will u pi i s tiud with ii 1 1 ion tulu il in ihmhiihi oinp lll t lihis vshiih ss ill ik ii l mud t lls it lispiltli silllmlls lol th m si m o this villi aut u i ii iiulix nlu il lis ii ds i in stutk nls ii k lu i s pi in ps i i 1 1 i in s s il llu biniiii in mil ihi i hv isixiiition ihn i hi ii is dsn inv ut d ii pti si nt 1 1 lit s ill ill i ollllts tilt ill p lit puiihasci ol lumtls hi taih liuil uik kiiimkl al llu ligulai un in this nui ling ol i he im ltd huiih w ms lasl lhilimlav al litikmhi nurnluis ol llu pies tv it iiiii uul anyluaii missitinaiv sot u ins wn yiusis loi hit ih iisloii llu nu n iiiiutd in pitpaia hon loi hu bridi on valks koiil ixluriud on moiulas atlti hu past wtik s wtirk dsiwluii llallinatad tlu x lolu imil ing ol tlu wms ws lutd al hu honu ol mis ii milts on wid iu sd i ilutiuxm threeyear plan poslmasl i junus matlliewi vilto has ikiii ai inn postmaster hu sitis vi ars will have the honoi ol laklny charge of the spk tuhd qiurlers in hie new itikrd lloildinu in a few dayt mi mat ilu us lells many intrr istmy jtustkilrs n early local hishiiv aiul lu has seen a great main i hany x in al ton during his snh sens is poslnijslrr fitl liaiuis at maiiund sliitt roioiiln on thursday w ktolmi 1114 id i ijmiiw nkklin will ol sas i raru is liumerly til aittui begin road signing program nassuyiwsa council on mmi tin itiitl lo gti aluail with a signing pioiuin loi iiird inti i sit i it ins ihiotiyhool ihs town ship f i r si ph is in a lines iii plan lo mark adsaiut tfiss sundays ckurek calendar tm ommcm of st a1bam tt maktvi amoijcam cormt wlllow bd bowat rector ttst hrv 0 h writ ba lst luleftray ave thout 5wfci sunflav novrmbir jttlv iw4 thr mlh suivdav llrr trinity hthemhraiscc suiscliv 0 00 ja llulv eiwhiris1 1100 am chuixh s4hnul 1100 aw mai ins prculver ihr rev i a suwvrr lurmcr tvttor isl si alhans srrvieeii ulll hrpm lolloainc crnotuph srrsicrn 7j0 sjii i siimui lutliannl youlh lisrvllm christian rfeotmie church arloo ontario res ww van dlik fhoae iuim5 sundiv novimblu 8th 44 mm j cnjllih srice i 1 jo ivtubutch snrslcc j 345 sm sunday schuol tmnltv church i ik lh0td tsurdi ol cwat th rev bsklchl i bat bjl d i ornit u oii fctkmt ua mit slnday november 8th 14c4 thk church school j0 m grade s and hither ims am i wan to grade 4 i divinu services jo and 1100 am 7 jo pm young adults meel- s ins mr those 17 or in grade u or higher till cttaimun tasks llu timmon tisk ji ihiiiiiiiii il xvt hii in tu sy lluir vhinlitii ininitts llu plnmiiiu uiiittu in ilk likitn llu iiiunui vulh hi swill lunlik 1 luiim tlu llikllir soi ktisj silh iiliut ant mui tallhlul lu his pntikiliip uith hki hum iv itc thill vslui slu nut v tlu luiutilul xsilhin tlu iiitiimim lak the minnti inssxi to iiiii ptassix iluil iii uur yisxll wuik ss slu uui kni ls p uilt iiih it a imi llnlt lull ik ili wim 1 ist vw t s iiiiil i itik mnrlli s ii a iii 1 7 1 i o iii 1 4 uul uil s i i iii s o ii o 7 n mi l- ii j t i i j s 2 t k 8 7 smith s kimi ii k 1 h 1 k tj iii i fr 1 sil- il iiiimiii ull mlll 1 ll si iisv 1 is r t ll- t illh i uiiiiui vll 111 llltlsl p i ltd in- upixii tin ills imu ii lniinp i liol iiikiii uul suit p on ii tlu si i pi llu iii ontario ttmtctt l11m114 uiniiis cu h diiiu u llu llu nu i in pits- nliun 111 iii mum i iu 111 1 i in i ll h i in i in is a ivanan tastor alan g silsrstrr r th rhunr i5uw sunday novi mi1lr tills l4 yjslca vttam thr laniilv rihle sslsool classrs lor all aset moo a in uomins worship 7 00 pro eveninc sr ice srsrnth mrntum ironi nrlsc niiah vtsdiumlis nusrmhrr 4 col uicr piasrr mrrllng lssrssmu usrlconsr nnsbytthian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew ii mikeisue ba bit minister mr f a hansen ha organist and choir master mnim novimwr fth l4 9 4s a m iveparimsnl a i it e d ihurvh school 10 00 am mmtstct s teen arc bible class 1115 a ns cssnimunits sersice ol rrnsrtnhrance folltssslni scuotasli serslce srrttson thrnse polhunhsuv lntlu ense six pm adult studs group studs uisd discussion on chapter 2 or acts everjone moit wclcsrao first tartist church axluji 1 ihmuiisi 1 si 1 pastor rrv slanlrv tiamniun krs 144 tulcv ave ph miht minia novi mill r fill lk4 sits am t luiish sshiil uul adult lis- ii tm am mm ning worship distxtnu ditihrs 700 pm lsrninji sersur tlir sii richlsihis siniui ttv1 pm 1 y p i iiksin widticxdjv mismon 11 uul it 4 oskuls tiassi mrs tui- 11 7v0 lrliliv ii ii i at 7 i pliists it 7 w tsst lot tlir vscsk 1 in- is ih rfsotil 1i11i tml ii s t is 41st n 1 1 us rtsniil tits aiul tins lit i- 111 ills son i ji111 i ii i llunk hill noilhs inmi is so ll uilh an ops inns tlit ills suktmls llu 11111 si uul s s is lo 111 llll illllll iii s s lll ulll tjntii s in tlu mills ssul u id 1 vsii oiuu nliun i in s i us kissls nl mill 11 s j vi lunss puhh pom 1 ol millon s llols k i i mil kn 11 i on ut ii is i loss sfliu1 i i issn luil loin lu ills sou i h nils i onus i 1101 10 111 hoss lolls situ suilh ss is 111s ssit 1 ssi nth i palls i u ll 1 s in l llu s in l ll ll uiii iii pill slopiul ll issu iiosiiu ssll ikislu uilllll sls 11 s ss in lossn 111 u issn s i i i i 1 isiiiiuis llll iii otlllllll uillisl h nluk ids ml ht hs u hi i ul liu llu ipixinnis ms tin s luii 10 sldi ills l to yii son tiuk in ioiiipstitinn villi lki i id uk mhi ll v nihil v l i it lit m mill hi llll hh ink lo it in ink i ih ii t p n inn nl t i il hi ol tlu lid villi 11 ml i ltd ll p ii lilt i 1 1 iv 1 hu posit i illlllt s s ml i iniih m ul ol hit hitlhn vs uili pit is d vviih h n stmilli is st mmi is ou t hi mi s mi llu i 4 ionih niton in ihis vvttks tviii in- m th ii ilmn tltimnlait m his i ms i 1 ml iu h ssoil ss si i i s st th mis till ltd son i i nl i moml 1ikt lm ml it plisvvi tlon th hiul is so ihntl mi ml mis j it k i ikii i i iu hiuniiiin nu nls ilk out ii mi i iii matsh ttisct inm tlu priiam this il s oil in mt mix i s ol pi i it t i var niiludi s sljniny ime third iiuni uul llu ionltsi pnlfis iromj ul tlu intitsitttuns thr ivparl llu kiuhiiiii lit pu v iiliin mini ol ttm spoil tint llu puli hint hi lo ititml hh iliniki uul minais miruv and itu imitus ihmtl 70 iu isxvlid i is piovidtil lot in ihi 1m4 hut h hu ioniiil 1st v llim ulinps m a hv i im nainin- tlu l ol lovsiiship titinlinu lit ihiititt itrctl to pritikin th lil j c milntvn itllmimsiii ol im hi k whils aiul llu hid ol ontaito munuipal malioikin ui at lor mv or pimtiitit i7s iopus htc wiler lists uul 2i itr ttwkk was oc iipltd dtii iti dilav on approvals lor a toad cihislnulmmi pro i i in tan ami lu i uir itt 1 livr 1tv tl vk m in nils lor llu work wrn- translirtpd lo a pititrcl in lal 9 con i on llu nassagavvcva i lnnunimiih town line so th win ii ion id lv iomplcltd this vtai i 4 jiiimnys at hallonvilk sot mm hivhvi is loi inlirnn pavmrnt ntnii muitiu f m i dm mills uul liar on nud ixpindilmis ol j45 6i6a1 dv puid u tnnplxllvilli i up lo ihiiiidul siplsmtur vi the acton free press 1 11 1 im at i in 1 rli al tin s in it w n a r 1 huhm i rr 4 nn i tr its a mai 1 ist aa artfi si 1 1 rt tfit i iltathli lasl- iirirlv at i 1 a t 1m1 1 l rrj- will l ai m i ii- ati i n 1 allc 1 aoaala 11 m t all bbsth ihiotipa s- old vrpat1til ii ili4t m1ii it s arivitinnf 1 rmn ssiith trihh ihlr allitstarr m 1 ihr hauii l use at t umiil i hie- rtril l t isgi vrat4 rtt imr frstl rr ns v mh t 1 rll rf nat ts illulfii al hat tat lit rtrnl n ssa ssmirnaal h ik m tniui will um iii he mla1 im at its i aai0l fnavta is id adltutn 1 a h mil t ush it hill mai an 4 1ili 1 c 1 ltw4 bumnlss and idiiopial ohicl pmonl bi3 20to prceaaicwal fairectorii and travellers guide uidhai 11 vtai i i iai dr d a carrot phs milan anil surcmn litnl ut uillos ami risil sis 1 nil uur risri si alton llll pliunr ulnwl its appulnlllu nl or robert d buckntr phssiiijn anil sinpron tl wilhnfsk si a ion lnl alii inmns ss ipvii llusil vstul x sil rstiimss riiunc rsieta acton mnyicostal taurnacu baoc 11 churshill rod rev s m thoman pastor blmpw sov cm11lr jth tvi 1000 am sundav sshool 1 1 0ft am morntnf worship 700 pm fs inclusive srrsiir tuesdas 8 pm praer seme i and bible sludv llhirsilas 8 p in ilu 1st vin bahsadors 1rljji 7 p ju cniiaderi dr t b moore dr c huichkon plissuians anil suisisiiis j main lrsvl vorlh cuitui main aiul mill slucl tun ontuio pliunr itsiriro b ippointmcnt arciittect donald e skinner banh mraic 17a mill sitrevt sintr j aslun telephone sv 740 olltce lloun hv appuintment or 20 stavelunk rd port credit 74 dr a j buchanan denial suninin vi ht sx thursh st p ollue 11 nils a in in t p m closed vsclnesilav allrmnon tclrphnne hvi7mi dr ctdric vvf dental surgeon suite vjn i llinlon lllils i7a mill si i a inn ont i ur appointments telephone 8sviuw ortomhtribta e l buchner o d oplomcttit r jslin si s aston id alton vtidllesliss onv 2 110 p m b uo p m for appoinfncnt phone tvicstl it no unssser phone walsrloo 74j 4187 c i iiaihiriand qc hallislii uul snh llur i not is public ottue llnuis iii a m i pm i m 5pm satuiliss bv appointment only i phone otliis icskvn res 8m17is aitun i a bpaida ba lljrilsjrr suluimr molarv publli ollue llnuis in ail in xlnntas 1 1 id v evciiinui p in s p m sllllrlas i pm t pm paisl s si neinh ununo phone ti 4224 ullue llnurs in dlielph saliudas 9 a m 12 am daily 9 am 5 p tu awhtaisink and insurance j f i wright i 1 20 wilbur si j alior ontario phone hv0720 i appraiser and laauranca ser 51 yean in acteas denney charlts i represeiitmn couprritors n1rancg association sponsisred hv leleration ol ajruulliire auio i ue tamils ami eatm llabilits aisldsnl 4 sickness rhone tr7sih georcetossn untral director arthur a johnson 184 main st mlllin phone tr 8 1972 res tr a 971 tuesday al lei noons i thursdav evcnlnei i eriday moroujjji kapian ord batrtstera and solicitor sidnev kaplap and john d ord oc i in mthintahtview road s carrelal building gtiorgetosvn 8776956 phone votoso night w day bruce e shoemaker tiff travium quibu gray coach umes coaches leave acton standard time i tin live october 2s eutttsnund 61 am i daily eirefst sun and holt m a m dally rpt sim and llol kxpyeat a m 11 u am 204 pnw sni pm in vat and sun let- srpl ill ivi 2t and jan 11 tup lull run ihurs der 24 and tl sns pm 2tpm 811pm 10118 pjii sun and llol i westbound 7 i a m i daslv escept sat sun and llul i 1027 am 1217 pin ml jini 1 27 pan 121 pm 92 pm 1132 pan 103 a m sal onls canadian national railways standard time elleclise october 25 eastbound i so a m in toronto dally mon i to i ri 7 22 p m tu toronto siuv da onls westbound 12 ps am lo stratford dally rtcepl sundas 6j7 p m to strat- lurd daily mon tofrl chango at guclpli fur loudon rtc

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