wwnt9 adon ruwtc schoolboard report district high school reprt msgjpned at tactics calwl the ojylfc rrl ewbi oowr impilcfttlom would 90tm to midkau the tnabttlcv was cou t handle matter above kiaderganen level or wfeftc are brought out into tlw oh tor u to irutravtj of howhif modicum of drlr to work for the people ovootiuw and politicking wem to he the order of the day the impact of the denial of the right to voar fawpfi it by ihc om b who we called in bv our five good men and true thould hot be tot on the residents of i hit townthlp it invllei tnter ing thinking aml to refill on council h pprrt fear of the free unfmcrat vote md cow cil dcrty a rigfci for fear of the outcome if thev were w ur the majority would be thtrk why were they to an x tout to evade the democralic nyht of preiiion the fuhctlon of the oud member 1 not l dwldc uim ther one tld u riyht oi uiony but rather whether or rvoi u townwhlp taal afford a proposed expenditure siruc count 1 1 kruw ihu and knwu ue have fund- and cmn aflord fo uv them uiih out fear of hunlrupuv the owi loll handed doun imtt luxe been a foregone conclusion li being not a mailer of uh4her we could have our right to vote but whether the tovvrthtn and the taxpayer arc gtnid fvr the mo ney the pub ik mreiing could therefore he regarded at con acience uwng window dnw ing it fchould he of inkrem thnt at no time did council unveil their iplfln in detail or the ren ovation of ss n 3 rvvulling in proctor and redfern evtimulc or 130000 for which 600 vvn bald by council for o prlte dil terence of 10000 no one uai j forded the courtetv of com pa i ing applet with applet tfui then it hat been obvloui from the oultet that rejection of the committee t propotal uat all that matured so much for the prom i set of di ciution no different from el ectlon promlei many local re iden it have commented on coun cilt indifference to people opinion i and that it whv so much regional apathy hat been evident in the patt but when deep local interest all the bet ter for being controversial ritet to the top it it to flagrantly ig ho red a firm believer in democracy i lefl the meeting thoroughly dit eutled that wjch tactlct uch jbbving a haa beevt going on would exkt in other than a total itarian ttate that an elected luppobedlv representative bodv can divorce itielf from itt people ukhet is deplorable so if vou failed to vote at last election it ou want capable demo cratically minded repretentativ c if vou are interested in vour axe get out and vol for vour right for the representative of vour choice to the norvlcemm who died defending freedom your free dom to kpcatt to vote vou can a i will not forget and vote to thotc who tit on the fence feeling their vote won t make an difference vole if the proper running of local affair wlwh concerns u jll ooc not interest vou laic the plunge and vole it v no yood complaining afterward at rvemler kohjrtt recrnuv stated in a prct rrlcw mat the abolitton of a tmall township ad- minutrative bodies u being stud ied rather than run live nvk of making a very foolish invrtt rmnl would it noi vrem prudent to agree to shelve live whole pro- wt until posiiivt information is available y yurrlv on indication uf future t tends can and should be made live objetl of i mine it s radeavours during ihe iwil leu wel meh a step would shou nvrv repxnsrniliv ituu lus bevti evident of laic your ver trulv k robirtmon usiawav- fehymk five little council fehivt alwv crying uorp one tlepl himself awav then there were i uir tour utile couruil hov on a building spree porgot to check the unhllect thin there were thrr three ittlle count il rivt ujhitng vmn thing iwu oiu bin in his old himim iuiun then theie vsitc tun two utile council livt in a rush to get ilunys dmt one thoked on his hig cigar tiun tlu it was one one lillle cminul bv cng i have won the vnttrs cunt and put him out tlun there vscu ntme mjtiiut i new ion long at ic fjrm cimpbellvllle to you don t crv to me in i monih time of taet roads and such don t hed vour tears on me mv friend or use me for a crutch don t oh the schools aren i big enough nr the bridge is falling down don t shout the st hool board s idiots or the council men are clowns don t tell me what we ought to do ntxt time we get the vote don t call me on the telephone or mail a liitle note don t wait for spring but do it now it a your durv so remember get up gtt out and cast vour vote this seventh of december w a jahrkon r ft 2 rock worn ontario mjinninic association robert serena planning dir ectnr of burlington spoke to a joint meeting or nassagaweva township council and planning hoard tuesdav evening of last week on the merits of the pre posed hal ion county platwirtg association there was no coun cil business meeting last week people hv the free press to rrid and tend the frxe press to huv vote as you like tuesday december 8th 1964 but vote ikjnsokbo kv voum acton chaamih of commhki miittttm s ahout ytlir it a i inupanct birthday kttp imsumdf wu you rch your 19th birthday you at no lomaee toverad by your paraftn wrtweat reulsftw wpiwuiry wmoit thirry days k utarstdl ifomm br ovsababu bi hospital banks hftd cn oikcm changing jobs kmt mtushax m ytf dag bw fsaw tlouy th uorueuam wack l tka rrtneaa l rvytmal for 10 fm tyu u iailmd to iv yl setting marriedt fotfy pram mutt fee i fetid wla cmj kiu yw n cm sf y ontakia hotraaisctmntomminiom mm votm stluttt mtotilto n osstyamo the following is the puhlm uhool board ixport submit led ui ilw ritteptivt n meeting bv liuslee kov gjwujwiii on hrhalf if our viihlu wlwuil boa id i am pltimil to sulkimt jul vou luvi j jv iuiimicrt iuais iwrd woiking iwmid of tiustnv tins v a ll hin vfsrf of m full lime uaihcrs and hrti nan mm uattuis mix dolhilhun itpla4ed wn laiiow t ihc hoiik itonomus lkpnl uitnt mrs i na gibson iv ujlur lor ciadt s astivling pniwipat mtkinu iluu days pti we l xi- olya micau i viatt wuh us uanini liildt i at tt n half time l lake tai ol itu ouiliuil l kr iok mis hiik dav ptr uttk u at tuny yi mu 8 al l he m ihniull publu s hiiot ciad 7 and k sluthnis from sat- sagawtvj ut being laught home fconoinits and sivop in our mohert uille publa sthool nas sagaweva area hiard mm buies us 300000 for this lti vice we havt had tint tooperjiion fmm tw wn in having danyri his tie at i ms rrmovetl antl wttik thai otir iwn mi n umltl hot h antl le we have a plan liny pniyt tin lo rtplatv ihe tnes whitti liavt l i he rtnuived t uh eu oor hoard mrmhets wm puastd lo ttntplv with nniruil ii qtusl tor itininihlalmn uiru lor th ctntiniutl lroet i of a i t w iuhlu 1 ihi ii v our mre hr mr mikul piikitud i pioval itoni tlu ikpiilinrnl i i tutatlnr we air imlthud lo pnvm point consmhl umi uuwfi t i his ipkndid saftlv pi n un m iv ut iiuv niir p lrful th ink it tiuiniit tor tuinplving whole heaitedlv with the safttv com rrltltt and providing tht saftlv uatk on alton hhd and on mill t i ast i in imhappv io n u i hit ui luul to irplaie w p tiu ol glavo in 11m sumr simmii dor iry septcmhtr and oior tal tf ihe hiyytr window w rt hiolun aiul hae ruin n pi u id we liuiu u ho uuj ilu rulajum antl authoiitv lu ikhi ivtn lo l iki itu luuwm nil s 111 llllllll 11 usmin l pinu till oui hvik ouiliniii lo in on tn tlu hiyh vljmtjul whuh ix m toitlitu ndahlt thir m iu i k uluiv l ih iii t u i ho si i m lull piilisoull hll llwu ll tillk 1iioi1 pio turn is ifung to ik tiihiiu il in tlu mini ii nl itu canjilian climlui miikii u h will k dtliw ltd i iilv in itu sit yeur nu ti ku kk out ooi luihn iduiiuwd io iu ipli ii check on phvsu d i diu itiim guipfiunl and wn m isl in ihusljktu dwhll itu oi i it oi vlimlvri whuh will i 11 hi k lo tlu wall w iu ii fum 111 tisl ll mill tv inslilud in iru nulitoimni tioslee lloiuvftu h iv siymlud i inunlion h loiyo i uuling lot it nomination lh hatl in idi a 1 1 iii i on 1 1 1 vol urn n on i m hikik li ting his t tut ol of in i ii is aniuipilid itial n hivt the following is a report of th ailiui divliul high stluuit opera hoiw iv pitm nltd tluiisdav inlil ol ljl uil in vuttliair in in liuivlil i iitl dining tlu an nual ntinnn itions and iitipavtrs nut liny i curriculum dining thi p ivt m ir vtt havi toniiiuud thti tnltodut lutn ol di uimiu iiiii uioidoiy lu whit his h i inu i noun jwpulailv as ilk u hi ts il m ihis nuans nt 1 1 ii i ji uip with ii y ltd to linn i ill o lunipnu nl oul tn t wis itu imiukiiu lion of itu hi hi viiianis and levtu is in ut vossihli as itu vtlumtl pofv ul oi n nun ivi s on i puvint siwhii is 4vu this itu mis ih it ui art ptimilttd to lti tlu s md 4 veai levels in thi ails md vuiki sdrain ami lh 4 it i si i hi tlu itnsiru s ii il ii unnio stiiaiu u an ii iu pill i t ihj iiiiikulum mil u lu n possthu st sh ill olu id did nppoi lumtu s lo disliui vln tunis luiiiu itn vi o u liavi liu i is out i moils to u lp ilu 1 i li iiu nt ii st hool s sit nis n null m i hi ii si mot slutlrnts lo in iki th lu s possibly iutunn ol sin on si ih loiuiliveil in amhilioos pliiuni iu si i ir 1 ih 1 u 1 th 0 i oni ms tuil u horu i i k inihtid to si d 1 vh in uppoiluniu 1 ins 111 ilu sliiiu sih n 1 1 iiv t npivid lu i ii 1 1 t i 1 il ihl i nil u i lit supposi j o lu to our th idun in oil is iiuuimi ihr totiisrs iry i pohlu s hool iiiimm md ol ilu dlst i pa n to mil sludiiiu al t ii n ol ilu- oilu i luiaid n iniin ih hi h 1 i in an ih it it is mssihu it 1 li n h 1 null d sciiooi oays 1 i pxn t un il s ihionh no mother was uninul uhi n 1 in i ol th ii own oi ilu i ik nu t uiihti t lold in i ilu ii ii ht i u iii taiiy tlu in i soup dvotil ilu cross tvtd beat slu tilhd ilu ttather intl iskid whi wis yo ing on in llttl siumi tin it i ther t xpl tint d slu l myhl ilu in 2 old u ii wi 1 1 1 will ih 1 ii oipti it k on ihli lo nil i oiu st lot those i hi 11 it vi 1 v slow ll it iu ts in u ihu lo si i nu tlie hvmn dk mv c mss 1 d heir i stait i during ihe tame period of en tmslvi ihanrcs in cttiriculj we litve had ihire aia of uuurm in eonrsetlwvn with our stiff we havt be rt c4ncerned atwwl i tlu pjoporl to4i tf uu stpei t tiutd uatlwis we an puased lo itfuni i h ii ilus war our pio- juirihin of inexperienced leathers is ninth ux r tk irvil ut quillficatlon of ilu stall wt lit again puastd 10 n wmt lhal willi several ait diiions iu tlu siaff and the sua usslol siudus ij ktenil other siat nuinbers tuir level ui 1411a iluatuto is using rapid i v the pnhltm of high lurnov ti wi liavi ivtrv iivdlcaluut that ilu h 1 tiring ij the situation last vtar will improve again this veur i otir it a tier pupil rul io is nkiyhlv i 21 if udmlnisirative ii spimsihihlies air removed from this talttilalun the talio is high 11 tlu dipt is quite slitmtg in inditaling lhat the inavlinuin is i i i otir ratio will remain luuu is limy a we oiler live nouitu 1 lif opliuis lhat wi pttsrntlv ilo l ttulldlng i al ilu samr thru thai we havt lutn tit aliiig wiih the tspatuliny and drianylng iiinulilum tlu siodeni pnpnlalitn has also h n tvpatuling and ttvanging seveta i ns iyo itimding in ihr high si into i math h tuxessarv to sr k mv 11 1 niiintodaiion oor muuil u s it itu l oil 10 tru reave the tie- luntuit di hi al lhal time so a itastiiiihlt 11 1 any 1 men w is th aden trsssf rt thursday docanvbnr 3rd 1o j made with tlu p u b i i t school board that gave us the old stone school for n annual rent of 14000 this was not tm tinlv salisfattoia from an ad mluisiralive and teaching mnt ol view but rased a serkms il ualumi ftkt th liowevtr ihe new building is now im use aiul tlu lollouing nu be ol inlet esi 1 the capital coti of the ad tlliun on a so ft basis u mm h ilu sairu as ilu old r portion ol tlu siliool tuspitt ilu fail lhat tlu 1 oiu 1 pi and tit lad ol tlu iu w is vupt ritir io the old r 2 ihe ops rating roi of ihe new pari khuuld not be nvote and may even he less ihan ft tost to lease ihe tlowe vhotd this would indicate that no additional lew kliould be ncccaary tot vthool tiuinttiuiiue 3 tlk budding is tlttl iuj oimu pittth flnishid but when li ii an 0vn house will be lie id 4 tlu present unkhtfe hould lw atlituale until im when the u hool pofvoutumi sliould be lirar- mg llw fcud mark al thai timw t k wtl i ngam d w csi rwululrt will likelv iwseeuitl anollur addituin wt are pliastd lhal a iwurt lu r ol uisiiit i ni amat uuis luve hiali list of dillwtllt slwwd rt tin it v sjihsttpunl lo ilu haa id dtxisiui o uljw ilu us of silwmil pmuflv and t quipnuiil lo irspjimtsfttu aiut wiuihsvliile flistr i i tmp- ui srut iiuiu suiiiiiiind ihwiyhi i nyil bill hoey for reeve whose full concern is nassagaweya fiouesino heevr geoiice leslie accumatlort youb vote to reelect doug manning roi trustee acton public school board tuesday december 8 194 will ti sincemiv apmeciated at hintons basement store be sure to visit santas toyland evarythlng theyve put on that long lid to santa is here for all you santa to come in and tee what youre going to put under the tree lots ol stocking fillers too books games mechanical toys educational toys sleighs dolls doll carriages toy dishes sewing machines table and chair sets wagons tricycles cars electric or mechanical trains and accessories dump trucks drums and many many other brand new toys that santa has just made you will be able to find in our base ment store complete assortment of decorations for the home the christ mas tree and the christmas table glass ornaments tinsels roping electrical tree sets tree tops etc garlands wreaths bells corsages table favours and decorations candles tablecloth and napkins etc tlu un that ftivm yeu bhr thel bmfer quality lwr pric hintons 5c to 1 store wialt with a modern automatic gas clothes dryer four brand name topquality gas dryers to choose from t rr t as low as mm win a new weslinghous stereo set from now until december 31 you can buy timesaving work saving gas clothes dryer for as little as 199 00 this is your chance to take advantage of the dependability and economy of natural gas clothes drying at a tremen dous saving and youll find that a modern automatic gas dryer does the ob so quickly youll waltz through washday every washdayl whats more if you buy your gas dryer during this special promotion you may win one of eight new 1965 westinghouse solid state alltransistor stereo sets of scandinavian design equipped whh amfm tuner fm stereo and garrard changer in addition every purchasei will receive free an attractive lova ble gas genie doll that will delight the children better visit your gas appliance dealer department store or qm company soon and enter the fabulous waltz through washday contest contest expires dec 31 1964 united gas limited k